mTracker 3D Tutorial - Creating a building fire effect from still pictures and videos - MotionVFX

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hi everyone for motionbfx this tutorial will teach you how to create 3ds effects with pictures and stock footage using amtraker3d but first let's see the final project here i'm in motion with my 4k footage first i need to extract the motion of the camera from this scene and analyze the 3d depth of this shot to do so i will use amtrak 3d you can find it in the filters library in the motion vfx category i will drag and drop it on my clip and i will click on the track button i will accelerate the analysis but for information the total length of the analysis is around four minutes so the analysis is done i can see that a new target icon is now available i can click on it in order to select where i want to add my elements as you can see the axis is aware of the 3d environment of the scene i will add it in the center of the front of the building i can check if the axis is following the building perfect all the data extracted by amtrak 3d are placed into fiverrites library where you can find the 3d camera and the 3d group i will open the project pane and see that we've got the video and the amtrakkur3d filter apply on it i will rename the group as video background it is really important to name your various elements to keep it clear as you will see we will get many layers in this project i will add the 3d group and the camera from amtrak 3d to my project i can switch to the perspective view to check the camera animation the 3d group contains the positions keyframe animations so any elements inside the group will stick on the building let's add a picture to demonstrate it i will click on the import button and select my images folder inside i've got some picture of damage buildings i will import the first one i will name the group or and as you can see i will need to rotate the x-axis to get the right position so i will enter -90 i will need to adjust the size and we can see that the picture followed perfectly the building i will adjust the position let's do some color correction to match with a video background i will use the color balance filter and the levels filter to get it right the lower right part doesn't fit with the building so i need to remove it i will simply use a mask tool but before adding the mask one important tip as you can see we are not at the frame one and during this project i will add many elements on various timing be sure that in the motion preferences in the project tab the create layer at option is set to start of project otherwise you will have to modify the endpoint of the various element each time so now i can draw a mask i will adjust the shape to create a nice all effect i will need to serve the edges here another tip the overlay of the mask can hide the part where you are working on so to be able to adjust the toughness and see the final result don't hesitate to use the key command plus slash to hide the overlays [Music] so i will adjust the edges and the levels okay let's add the second picture this one will help me to give some perspective effect on the right side i will copy the colors filters and adjust them i will add a hue saturation filter to remove some saturation [Music] i will also mask this picture okay so now we have our gap inside the building but it is flat the effect doesn't work we need to add some depth and parallax effect so i will group my two pictures and name it master to create the depth effect i will draw a shape in order to create a hole inside the gap like this i will need to reset the position and the rotation of the shape and adjust the size and the position i will select my master group and do a right click i will add a mask image and use the shape as a source for the mask i need to invert the result as i want to extract this part so i will switch to the subtract mode now i will duplicate the group and call it inner i will switch the blend mode to add and the final result looks the same as before but this time i will be able to push away the center to create some depth because we have used amp tracker 3d we have the 3d depth of the scene and the 3d camera so it will be very easy to do it without adding any keyframe so i will push away the center we can see that we have a parallax effect due to the depth of course we don't want to see the building inside the effect so i will adjust the size of the mask don't hesitate to test the various size position to get the best parallax effect let's have a look at the effect to accentuate the parallax effect we will need to bring back some parts of the building to do so i will use a color solid layer and add it to the group i will adjust the size and the position in order to cover the building to show you how to bring back some part of the building i will create a circular mask and like we did before i will use an image mask on the group i will use a color solid layer as a source of the mask and switch the blending mode to subtract so now you can see that my circular mask reveals the building so let's remove the circle and use the bezier mask i can reduce the opacity of the color solid layer to see the damages effect [Music] so now if i draw a mask it will reveal the building i will do it many times to get some elements back and accentuate the parallax effect when i'm done i can add some blur effect to the mask to smooth the edges [Music] i will add some damages on the building so i will drag a second 3d group to my project i will name it building damages i will import this picture and place it on the lower part of the building i will need to adjust the mask to have a better view on what you are working on don't hesitate to use a solo mode by clicking on the white square it is so much easier to focus on your layer with a solo mode [Music] i will copy this layer and use it for the horizontal lines to get the perfect match between your video background and your pictures or videos with amtrak 3d you have to be sure that the anchor point of your layer is at the same position or nearby the 3d group axis otherwise your layer can shift and won't match perfectly with the video background but in some case you will need to move your layer so here an example and how to manage a problem i will add a new layer [Music] i will adjust the rotation and the size i just need a little part of this picture so i will solo it and draw a busy mask if i move my layer the anchor point of the layer will move and may add some shift so in order to move your element without changing the position of the occurred point i will modify the position on x and y from the anchor point it means that i will not move the anchor point but the content of the layer will move around the anchor point with this technique you will be sure that all your picture or video will match perfectly with your video background [Music] okay let's add some fire now i'll create a new group fire and add it to the effect group i'll reset the position and the rotation of the group so now i will import some fire video elements the selection i've done is coming from the motion vfx stock footage 4k collection pack that you can buy on the motion vfx website like before i will need to rotate the x-axis as i will add several elements to optimize my process i will modify the x-rotation axis directly at the group level so all the element i will import inside will be rotated automatically so here i will accelerate the process as it is the same as we've done before with the pictures the only difference is that we will use the add blending mode to integrate the fire elements [Music] [Music] so [Music] for the third one i would like to add it on the building facade so i need to add a new 3d group and i will call it fire over i will also need to trim the content in order to get a large fire at the beginning i will remove some parts by using a mask and adjust the position [Music] next inside the gap i would like to add some fire atmosphere to do so i will use the empire blaze footage and add it inside the inner group i will adjust the position and i will blur it with a gaussian blur filter because it is a video file it will add some animation and create some live atmosphere over it i will add some fog footage to add more texture i will change the color to red to match with a fire [Music] and i will adjust the mask around the [Music] gap [Music] to create a light glow effect around the fire elements i will simply duplicate them and blow the copy i will use the add blending mode and adjust the opacity to give some life inside the gap i will add a spark footage to the inner group [Music] i will draw a mask on the right to remove the bouncing part then i will adjust the size the rotation and the position i don't want to see it at the beginning so i will use the mini timeline and trim the in point in the middle of the project [Music] next let's add some smoke again i will use a new 3d group and call it smoke i will add a clip i will adjust the size and the rotation [Music] to get a nice integration and more controls i will use the keyer filter to composite the smoke elements i will use a levels filter to darken the smoke i will use multiple copy of the same footage and i will trim some to add some [Music] randomness [Music] ok let's render it to polish the effect i will do some color corrections i will use the mvm look filter by default it will add a look that i can fully customize i will test some presets and see if there is one look i like the most [Music] i will keep the bulva preset but i will need to customize it i will remove the letterbox effect and the off-screen lens flare i will increase the grain and the exposure [Music] to create a strong contrast between the inside and outside of the building i will increase the saturation and the vibrance parameter [Music] to conclude a light vignette effect and it's done to get more tips and tricks on amtrak 3d don't forget to subscribe to the motionvfx youtube channel thanks for watching ciao bye
Channel: motionvfx
Views: 7,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fcpx, final cut pro x, final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial, video editing, effects, editing software, editing, final cut, apple, fcp x, final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro x effects, final cut pro x effects plugins free, final cut pro x transitions, MotionVFX, fcpx plugin, apple motion, motion templates, motion graphics, final cut pro x plugins, design, graphics, motion, fcpx effects, mTracker, mTracker 3D, mO2, fcpx tracking, fcpx track
Id: usfbvpUiiPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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