mTracker 3D Tutorial - How to create a scene with embedded 3D text with shadow in FCPX - MotionVFX

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hi everyone for motion vfx this video is dedicated to amtrak 3d and amtrak's 3d titles pack let's have a look at the final project here we are back in final cut pro 10 with the original footage in order to integrate the 3d titles in my scene i will need to extract the motion of the camera and of course i will use amp tracker 3d directly inside final cut pro 10 amp tracker 3d is available in the filters library and to use it you just have to drag and drop it on your clip like this [Music] inside the viewer over your footage there is a track button available now you can also find it in the inspector i can launch the track directly but before it is better to check if there is some element which can disturb the motion analysis in this case i've got two kits running inside the shot when you have elements moving inside the shot like this depending of the size it can slow down the process and add wrong informations to entrance 3d to prevent this i will add the two kits from the analysis so i will draw a mask around the two kits i will not forget the shadows on the floor like this in the inspector i can see the six control points i've created i will add a global keyframe in order to animate the mask [Music] then i will invert the mask and check it once again perfect last detail but very important is the fact that the mask filters have to be placed before the entrance 3d so i will drag the mask before the amp tracker filters in the inspector i will select amtrakka 3d filter and i will click on the track button the duration of the analysis will depend on the length and the resolution of your clip for this shot the analysis will be around 1 minute and 50 seconds the analysis is done i don't need anymore my mask so i can deactivate it in the mtrackers 3d parameter you can see that we have a copy track blue button available i will click on it right now as it will be very useful later let's add the 3d title i will open the titles library i will go down to the list until amtrak is ready as you can see by default amp tracker 3d contains 16 titles but just below you can see that i've got a new pack called amp tracker 3d titles pack this pack contains 50 3d titles all these 3d titles are animated with various texture and lights effect as i'm recording this tutorial amtrak's 3d title spack is still under development so you might find some minor differences with a release version i will take the title 18 and drag it over my shot i will adjust the duration as always with motion vfx you can deeply customize the title in the inspector you can see all the various parameters we can adjust first i will remove the animation in and out ok so my text is visible at frame 1 now a paste track blue button is available as we already copied the track in the m tracker 3d filter so i will click on the paste track button and a pop-up window will indicate me that the tracking data has been saved it means that my 3d title is aware of the 3d space of the scene now so i will be able to place the title inside the scene to do so you just have to click on the target icon then you will be able to see and move the 3d gizmo with a 3 axis and you will be able to choose the right position where you want to place your 3d title i will pick this position on the left as a kid will run in the middle but if i would like to put it on the right it's not a problem at all and you can see that the title can detect vertical object we can check if the 3d title sticks to the floor like this we will need to adjust the rotation so you can modify the position the rotation and the scale content here i will adjust the rotation to get a better preview and result i will modify the text with the right one this title contains two lines so now it will be easier for me to adjust the position [Music] you can see that there is some reflection which is not great with a matte floor so i can go down in the inspector and deactivate the reflection feature i will change the font and the size so i will adjust the position of the subtitle and modify some parameter concerning the 3d parameters you will have a direct access to all the basic features like the title front and back edge but what is really important for the integration with the video background is the lightning with the lighting style parameter you will be able to mimic the light of the video background in this case i will ask to get a light from the diagonal left i will adjust the intensity of the light and the softness of the shadows [Music] you can also modify the environment map to affect the lightning of the title and get a better match with the video background in this case i would keep the parking lot map as they are sharing the same color values i will apply the same values to the subtitle element now let's play with the global lighting values by modifying the light position i will modify the position of the shadows i will need to invert the position of the shadows like this i will also need to reduce the light intensity and the shadow's opacity my title is also too sharp i will add a light blur effect on my 3d title to smooth the edges you have many parameters directly inside the 3d title but you can have access to advanced settings if you go to the text tab in the inspector for example you can change the texture of your 3d titles in this case i will keep the basic texture but switch to a matte render as the most of the elements in the background are met also you have access to the color correction tools for the environment map which is very useful in some cases to match with a video background here i will reduce the contrast and add some saturation to get some light tints of colors and not a perfect white the shadows are great but i miss the shadows below the 3d text the contact zone between the floor and the 3d text to add it i will cheat with a copy of the 3d title by pressing the alt key i will duplicate the title layer i will deactivate the top one and select the second one in the inspector i will use a y scale axis in order to get a flat title like this now i will change the color value to black and i will switch off the environment map i will activate the top layer to check the result ok now i need to blur it in the filters library i can add a gaussian blur if i apply it directly on my title it will also blur the background as the title works like an adjustment layer so to get the right result you just have to create a coupon clip of the title i will name it shadows you will see that it may looks wrong but if you switch the blending mode to multiply you will come back to the initial result now i can apply the gaussian blur on the component clip and we have our shadows you can adjust the amount of the blur to get more or less density now we'll add the second 3d titles and i'll repeat the same operations [Music] okay now i've got my two 3d titles i will select all my elements and create a new carbon clip to give the final look i will add a mvm lock filter i will create my own look so i will start by adding a 3d lut by selecting one available in my library then i will add a lens blur effect i will adjust the aspect of the shape and the intensity of the blur and to conclude i will add a vignette effect let's check the result to get more tutorials on amtrak 3d go to the motionvfx youtube channel and don't forget to subscribe thanks for watching ciao bye
Channel: motionvfx
Views: 13,621
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Keywords: fcpx, final cut pro x, final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial, video editing, effects, editing software, editing, final cut, apple, fcp x, final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro x effects, final cut pro x effects plugins free, final cut pro x transitions, MotionVFX, fcpx plugin, apple motion, motion templates, motion graphics, final cut pro x plugins, design, graphics, motion, fcpx effects, mTracker, mTracker 3D, mO2, fcpx tracking, fcpx track
Id: zO6dX5vOqB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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