mTracker 3D Tutorial - Freeze Frame Clone Trail Effect in FCPX - MotionVFX

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oh yeah oh oh that was a bad idea ah hello everyone my name is george edmondson with and today i'm going to show you how to do this jump into yourself using m tracker 3d and final cut pro 10 we're also going to use a little m puppet and puppet is fun yeah i had to practice my karate kicks for this video all right here we go oh man uh that was take six okay so here we are in final cut pro 10 and you can see i have the clip that we need to track loaded here in our timeline uh we're going to be using a couple different plug-ins from motion vfx today first we're going to be using the m puppet plug-in and then we are also going to be using m tracker 3d you are able to achieve this effect without the m puppet but i definitely think m puppet brings it to life and makes it a bit more fun so really quickly we used a black magic pocket cinema camera shooting in 24 frames per second in 4k pro res we shot this at a 90 degree shutter angle we did this so that there wouldn't be a ton of motion blur and we'd really be able to get out some still images we also shot this at around f14 so that a lot would be in focus and that really helps us sell this effect okay so the first thing that we want to do is we want to select frames that are going to be used for our still images so you can see here i've got my playhead over my clip and this is where i want my first still image to be i'm going to use command shortcut option f and i'm going to create a freeze frame and this will be image number one that we will use to mask out that part of the image so we're going to go ahead and skip a little bit forward and we're going to do the same thing on my next spot option f to create that freeze frame and we will continue to do this until we get all of the spots that we want cut at the exact frame using command shortcut option f next we are going to drag those images down below our primary timeline so that they stay in place and they are connected in the exact spot of the frame you'll see why we're doing this later next i want my timeline clip to be a single clip again so i'm going to press t and just go ahead and drag over until i get rid of all of those blade cuts and we're left again with a single clip and we will press a to go back to our selection tool now we need to make sure that all of our still images our freeze frames are the same duration as our primary clip so using a we're just going to go ahead and drag those out and make sure that they match the duration of our primary clip okay so we don't need to track our clip quite yet as we're still prepping all of our images so let's press a v and that's going to disable that clip we're going to go into our first image and we're going to go over into our masks we want to pick draw mask what we're doing is we're going to cut out the part of the image that has me doing my super awesome karate kick in midair by the way yes that did hurt but anything for the video so here we are in our draw masks let's go into our canvas and you'll see our bezier let's scoot this up a bit so we can really see what we're doing and we are just going to start selecting all around and we're going to begin cutting out the image so that we have just uh essentially a png something with a transparent background that we can use in m puppet i am going to speed through this as well as all of the other images and we will see you in just a second [Music] so okay now that we have cut this image out we're going to feather it off just a bit mess with our fall off a bit as well just so we can soften those edges we don't want them to be too sharp and too harsh press shortcut v again to re-enable your primary clip and let's go ahead and drag that image up above so that we can see now that we have that transparent background image cut out and we're going to be able to match perfectly with our playhead on that frame and for speed and the purposes of this video i have went ahead and made those cuts with our draw mask to all of the other frames as we spoke about and i went ahead and placed them above my primary clip in my timeline so that everything is ready to go you'll also notice that i have renamed each of these clips numerically just to make things a little bit easier to stay organized so we have our generators open and we're going to go ahead and pick m puppet up and we're going to place that generator right below our first image that we're going to want to use let's go ahead and make sure that that is all the way starting at the beginning of our timeline and we are going to drag to make sure our duration matches when using m puppet you're going to be using a drop zone so you can see here in our inspector that we have a drop zone option so select your drop zone and we are going to our first image that we cut out start at the beginning of the playhead and place that image in the drop zone and click apply clip i want to go ahead and set my playhead at the exact moment that i know we're going to cut out that clip to make it essentially disappear as if i've jumped in so we're going to put our playhead at that exact frame and click to set it in place then we're gonna want to add handles to our image so let's go ahead and click right here and let's click on my knee you'll basically want to click any sort of joints click on our other knee here at my neck and my elbow and i believe that'll be enough for what we're gonna do in our inspector we want to open our handles and we're gonna set keyframes for each of these we want to make sure that these keyframes are set perfectly on the frame that we are jumping into and then we're going to move backwards to the beginning of our timeline make some adjustments but essentially the idea here is we have me or whatever image you're using is going to land in the position that it needs to be in when you're at that important frame so since we have those keyframes set on that most important frame we can just play around here at the beginning of our playhead and it's going to be animated in a very smooth keyframed way to look almost like i'm in slow motion there in 3d space once we've applied amp tracker 3d okay and now that we have those set let's go ahead into our timeline and scrub through and see what that animation is starting to look like the workflow is exactly the same for each image so we're gonna go ahead and cut and we'll be right back once i've made all of those changes okay so you can now see that i have made those adjustments and added very subtle slow motion animation to each of those frames and this is what it looks like when you place it over your primary timeline of course now is where m tracker 3d is going to be the savior to make this look awesome let's go ahead and disable each of our m puppet clips and now we need to track our primary footage so highlight your clip go over to your effects and drag m tracker 3d onto your clip you'll be presented with one button on the screen that simply says track you also have that same button over in your inspector they both do the same thing it is simply one click to track your footage [Music] okay and now that we are done tracking you can see on the screen that we have a notification copy tracking data paste it to the m tracker 3d elements placed above this clip so before we copy our tracking data why don't we go ahead and select the element that we are going to be using which will be our drop zone basic located over in your titles in em tracker 3d so let's place that title right above our primary clip and we're going of course to drag that out to match the duration of our tracked clip so remember we need to paste our tracked data into this title so let's go ahead and highlight our clip and you'll see here we have copy track over in the inspector click that button to copy that tracked information now that we have copied our track go and highlight your title and simply go to paste track in the inspector to let you know that your paste is complete you will get a notification saying done tracking data saved successfully go ahead and click ok so now let's scrub ahead in our timeline and let's find that first frame that we know we have cut out and placed m puppet in about right there to check this let's re-enable by using command shortcut v and let's make sure that we're dead on the money and of course yes we are because we placed the playhead in the spot that we need to be since we have our playhead in our position let's highlight our title and go to your target icon this is how you select the position in z space with m tracker 3d now of course we could place this on me so that we feel like we get an accurate spot but we're actually going to use the ground here because we know that we can later adjust our y position in our drop zone and we're going to be a lot closer in z space using the ground go ahead and select the target icon again to turn that position tool off now normally you would go to your drop zone well and you would select at the beginning of your generator however for m puppet to work in our drop zone in our title it's actually going to need to be a compound clip before we do that i can go ahead and show you that the scale of the drop zone is defaulted to 25 so you can see that i'm really small here we're going to want to actually bring that up of course you can see our track is perfect it looks really great but we need to rescale and reposition me so that i will match our frame i'm gonna speed through this process it's pretty simple just using our content scale and position here so i will be right back like i said this process is very simple of course we're just gonna go and adjust our scale and drop zone position to match that up and you can see that we have it matched but our m puppet like i mentioned earlier is not animated that is because this clip needs to be a compound clip press a v to re-enable your clip and then we will have it highlighted and use command shortcut option g to make a compound clip and you can see now as we scrub through we have our animation so go ahead and highlight your title again go into your drop zone go to the front of the playhead on your compound clip select it and hit apply and then again using v we need to disable our top compound clip and we should have that animation now in that title you can see now our tracked title is moving with our animation so our next step is to cut the title at the exact position so it appears as though i have jumped into myself let's highlight our title and again we need a compound clip do not shorten the duration because it will actually speed up the tracking so let's use option g again on our title to make a compound clip here press b for our blade tool make a blade cut on our frame then let's go back to a and we will highlight our clip press v [Music] to disable and then you can see here that that title is now disabled let's go ahead and play through we have our animation we jump right into our frame and then it disappears and i've jumped into myself this process is exactly the same for all of the rest of our clips remember we are using drop zones in our titles that need to be compound clips to hold our animation in the m puppet generator and then we need to make sure that our title is also a compound clip when we make that blade cut so of course our next step is to repeat the process by going into our titles drop zone basic bring that in right above our other title here drag that duration out to match and repeat our process since we've established that m puppet does need to be a compound clip let's just go to our second and puppet press v to re-enable option g to make a compound clip and again we repeat the process go back to our title you can see our animation is working great here uh we will go back to our title we will paste our tracked information we will set our point on the ground and then we will apply our drop zone change our content scale and position to match our next frame and so on and so forth once you sort of understand the concept here the process is pretty painless it does take time you really want to make sure that your contents position and scale is all perfectly matched but again this is a process you will get it and once you start going it doesn't take too terribly long all in all i would say to create this video it took me right around an hour to an hour and 15 minutes and i was done and ready to show you all the final effect so thank you for watching this is george edmondson again with for the final little bit we will go ahead and make one final compound clip on everything i will apply m film look to make it all look nice and pretty and cohesive for our final clip okay see you on the next one oh yeah oh oh that was a bad idea ah hello everyone my name is george edmondson with and today i'm going to show you how to do this jump into yourself using m tracker 3d and final cut pro 10 we're also going to use a little m puppet and puppet is fun yeah i had to practice my karate kicks for this video all right here we go oh man oh that was take six
Channel: motionvfx
Views: 11,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fcpx, final cut pro x, final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial, video editing, effects, editing software, editing, final cut, apple, fcp x, final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro x effects, final cut pro x effects plugins free, final cut pro x transitions, MotionVFX, fcpx plugin, apple motion, motion templates, motion graphics, final cut pro x plugins, design, graphics, motion, fcpx effects, mTracker, mTracker 3D, mO2, fcpx tracking, fcpx track
Id: itFGemckkSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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