mO2 Tutorial - Instancer Overview - Apple Motion & FCPX Plugin

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[Music] my name is stanislav robert libertà and welcome to instant sirs in mo - MO - offers several different instances we have our linear a grid radial and object in addition to a replicator mo - offers a modifier for instance errs this lets us animate our 3d replications very quickly and easily let's take a look at each one of these instances and how they work the first instance ER in mo - is the linear instance err like the name suggests it's an instance ER that will replicate 3d items along a line we have several different features that we can access within the linear instance ER in my scene content I have a linear instance ER comprised of three different objects a pyramid a cube and a sphere if I click on my instance ER I have my controls for that specific instance ER these work just like every other object control or no group I'll collapse the basic for right now so we can access the instance or setting we can change the shape of the in sensor to our different modes or change our instance order increase or decrease the count of instances in offset for our instance er the amount and several other fields let's take a look on how to create this linear instance err I have a scene in which I've set up three different 3d objects to replicate an object using an instance ER I'll select add instance er and choose the type of instance I would like in this case we'll pick linear notice that our instance er isn't displaying anything and that's because we need to add items to it let's turn on our pyramid and I'll drag and drop it onto our instance er by clicking on my instance er and using the frame to button we can see this a little better in my instance or control currently I only have one item in my instance er and that's my pyramid to add another item let's drag this cube and drop it below our pyramid notice that there is an empty space between our pyramids the instance er has added that cube but currently that cube is not activated I'll activate it now if I rotate around my seam I can see that they are laid out in a straight line let's go ahead and add one more object I'll add the sphere underneath this cube and again well activate it I'll just frame it up again and we can see the order in which they're being displayed we have our pyramid our cube and our sphere if we rearrange these items they'll rearrange in our instance er let's take a deeper look at that by clicking on my instance er and moving to my instance er settings we have our distribution shape as linear since that's the kind of instance we're working with currently in the instance order currently we have iterate that means that they will iterate in the order in which they're placed underneath the instance er to change that we can choose random when choosing random we have a random seed activated this will randomize the values of the different items in our instance err by increasing the count we add several more items to our instance err let's go ahead and add 25 I'll change my instance order from random back to iterate we have two ways that we can modify the position of our items the amount slider controls the overall strength of the position rotation and scale offsets for all instances for example setting it to zero will call as all of our instances to be in the same position of the instance err without any additional rotations or scaling our end position rotation and scale determines the position offset of the last instance from the instances position rotation or scale all instances will be distributed evenly between the instances position rotation or scale at this point we are spreading out each instance from each other I'll set it to negative 35 and let's frame that up again we can change the position of the Y and the X as well as the Z in addition to position we have our rotation by changing our end rotation in the X rotation to 45 you'll notice that our last instance will be turned at 45 degrees each instance previous to that to the beginning will be interpolated appropriately additionally we can change our end scale by changing our scale value to zero all of our items will scale appropriately until the last item is at a scale of 0 within our linear instance here we have line twisting available our line twisting will let us twist our line on the X the y and the z axes additionally we can change this line by altering the position of the x y and z coordinates this gives us many different ways in which we can be modifying our instance err we can set specific values per instance for our rotation here you can see by changing the rotation X we're not twisting the line but we're twisting each individual instance along its path at any time any of our objects can be removed or replaced to change our instance ur here I've turned off my pyramid sphere and only using my cube I can change the scale down to zero and I can see as my instance er is being replicated they are getting smaller from the edge and let's move on to our grid I currently have a sphere and cube in a grid instance er let's take a look at some of these features in my scene content I'll click on instance er notice that my instance er looks different you'll have a different icon depending on which kind of instance er you are using in this case I convinced see I'm using a grid instance sir let's move down to the instance sir settings just like previously we have our instance order and I can change this to random that'll randomize the objects that I have in my instance err I'll change that back to iterate for right now in our instance count we have x y and z to specify the number of instances per plane in this case I'll set it to 3 underneath our instance count we have our grid size this will specify just how far away each of those planes are from each other we have two other shapes we can use a sphere which doesn't look like much so let's increase that to see this in action let's up this to 8 as you can see my grid is very tightly packed so let's give that a little space as well let's change this grid shape to a cylinder like before we can adjust the position scale and rotation of our items I'm just going to change this back to cube for right now and let's frame that back up we'll make our cube a little bit bigger although we can rotate our items through the instance err we can also add transformations to our base objects as well as an example in my cube I've created an animation of a rotation so all my cubes are rotating in addition I've added an object behavior of them shrinking to better see that I'll turn off our spheres at any time you can have the instance err ignore the basic transformations of those objects as an example even though I have a rotation and a behavior apply to my cubes I'll select my instance sir and move down to the instance er settings and I'll disable the source transformations now the only transformations that will happen with my cube will be dictated by my instance er settings let's move on to our radial instance er our radio instance er like the name suggests we'll place our instances on a ring this radio in sensor has a different shape icon and is comprised of our pyramid cube and sphere again let's click on the radio instance er and move to the instance er settings to review the radial specific instance er properties just like before we have our instance order we have our count and disable source transformation something specific to the radial and sensor is the align rotation button currently I have that clicked I'll uncheck that as you can see by selecting our align rotation it'll point our objects outward without the align rotation they will all face the same direction as their original source transformation we have a radius for our circle which that it is being replicated I'll turn on that aligned rotation right now we can change or alter the plane in which it is being replicated let's set that back to x4 right now underneath our circle settings we have our circle filling settings our circle filling can set the start and end angle for our radial instance ur I'll leave that at 0 and 360 for now underneath we have an offset angle as you can see in my example I currently have that animated to travel from 0 to 360 degrees giving me a full rotation I'll disable that animation for right now and here you can see we can dial in specific rotations for that offset angle we have our transformation which will transform each of our objects again these are available just like our other instances let's move on to the object instance ur our object instance here we'll use the vertices of another 3d object to replicate along those vertices let's take a look at this in my instance ur I currently have a single pyramid that's being replicated by clicking on my instance ur and moving to my instance or settings I can see that I have a drop well for my object I'll remove that for right now to use a 3d object as an instance or source I'll collapse my basics property and I'll drag my spades into this well it's replicating along the vertice points be aware when using different models you will be presented with the number of vertices for that individual object as an example clicking on this football I can see that there's 46,000 699 vertices that means that I'll replicate on each one of those points creating instances at this kind of volume may impact performance let's close that for right now to add an object to our instance er I'll grab the sphere and place it in our instance er now both the pyramids and the spheres are replicating let's zoom in so we can take a closer look as you can see each sphere and pyramid is being replicated on each of those instance or points we may want to adjust the size of the pyramid and the sphere to better suit our animation I'll click on my sphere I'll change my scale to 0.5 and I'll do the same with my pyramids now framing up my instance sir that looks a little better to replace the source mesh of that instance er and in this case I have a mustache that I want to replace this with I'll click on my instance er move to my instance or settings collapse my basics and drag and drop my mustache instantly that change has been made in addition to in sensors we have modifiers for each of our different instances let's review my scene content I currently have three different modifiers that I've placed inside of an instance er we'll take a look at each one of these my instance sir is a grid instance er set with a count of 1 in the Y 30 in the X and 30 in the Z to give me a bit of this cube floor let's start with a simple modifier I'll click on my simple modifier and I'll activate it I've animated this so we can see how this is modifying our instance sir across time let's take a deeper look at the simple instance err and create one of our own I'll just right-click this and delete it and I'll move to my instance err and we'll select add instance er modifier and in this case I'll choose simple I'm just going to double click that for now and rename it simple just so I remember what it is immediately you can see that something is happening in my screen if I use my OSC controls I can see that this modifier is adjusting something in my instance sir so let's take a deeper look I'll select my simple modifier and I can see that that is active by being highlighted in my instance sir and let's move down to the modifier settings our modifier strength controls the overall intensity of the modifier currently by changing this I can see that this is modifying the scale I'll just change that back to 1 I can modify the position rotation or my scale and I can see I have a global scale set to 1 I'll just change that to 0 and now nothing is being modified let's change the modify position in the Y and increase that in my case I'll change this to 5 anything that's within this modifier sphere will be moved in the Y position until it leaves the sphere and returns to its normal state let's take a closer look at this by moving across I can see that it's affecting some more than others and that is the range in which our modifier is set to that can be changed using our OSC controls or our shape settings I can increase the range in the X the Y and the Z let's zoom that out so we can see that a little bit better to use the OSC controls I'll just click and drag in these different axes we can also invert the shape and this will have the opposite effect because as you can see instances located outside our modifier shape have been moved five meters upward while the ones in the middle of it weren't moved at all I'll undo that for right now in addition to the sphere we also have a cube notice when that shape leaves the area the influence has been lost let's take a look from the side as I move my modifier it's affecting my instance err and then losing that influence in addition to position let's change a rotation I'll change the X rotation to 45 degrees and I'll change the Y direction to 45 degrees as well next I'll make our shape just a bit smaller let's frame that up so we can see this a little bit better in our shape settings we have a fall-off control think of this as creating a smoothness for how the modifier works by increasing the fall-off it becomes more gradual by increasing it to 1 we create a very subtle natural-looking effect by reducing it to zero items will pop on and off let's change this to 0.2 a very rigid modification I'll turn off that simple and let's turn on our random in our random we're adding random values in which our items are modified currently I just have some keyframes set to the position of our modifier let's take a deeper look at how this is working I'll click on my random in here I can see I have a modified strength of 16 let's take that down to 2 and I'll play that same animation again here halfway through my animation I'll increase this and the further I increase it here you can see the strength of that randomness has been increased creating a very dramatic effect let's create our own random modifier so we can explore the rest of the items I'll just remove this one an ad instance err modifier random I'll rename this to random again just so I know what I'm working with and by default I'm left with the same settings I had originally I'll turn off the scale but I'll increase the position in the x-coordinates to four and in the y-coordinates to six values set inside the position rotation and scale will determine ranges from which the instance is final transformation values will be randomly picked in this example I have my X set to four and have my Y set to six in a random modifier will cause the affected instances to be moved a random amount between negative four to four and negative six to six by increasing this to ten and ten you will pick random values between negative 10 and positive 10 to effect each one of our instances we've looked at the cube and we looked at the sphere we have one more shape option which is infinite by setting infinite it places the modifier in the entirety of the scene notice with changing my osc for my random modifier nothing is changing this is due to the fact that it is affecting everything in my scene uniformly this is where modified strength can come in handy I've now set a modified strength to zero and by changing this to 0.2 I've now affected all my items within the instance err this is a very quick easy way to create complex scenes of instances I'll change that back from infinite to cube for right now to animate any of these instance modifiers we can add a behavior to them well collapse our modifier settings and open our basics notice from here we can set our position and a rotation just like in our other basics category by opening up our animation we can apply an animation to just the modifier I'll select object behaviors to open up our object behavior library I'll pick animate in I'll open up the drop down and I'll choose position X I'll choose this knock axe in for something very dramatic and I'll hit okay by playing that back I can see that that's affecting those items we have one more modifier that might make this animation a little easier I'll turn off our random and let's activate our noise our noise behavior currently is set to a cube I'll just move this over to the side so we can see it a little bit better and let's frame this up as you can see I have a cube set for my modifier shape and inside that cube all of my instances are being modified automatically I'll click on my noise and let's open up the modifier settings I can see that I have a position and a rotation set let's take this position and make it a little bit more subtle I'll change this to 2 under my modify rotation I'll change this to 10 the noise modifier works very similar to the random but it changes the rant lead generated values over time and is really meant for animating the affected instances organically over time just like other modifiers we have our position a rotation scale and shape settings in our behavior under noise we have a separate noise setting category let's open that up here I have a speed scale and seed speed controls how fast the transitions in the instances position rotation and scale will take place let's change this to a value of 2 as you can see now it's moving very very quickly that's a little too fast for me so I'll change this back to 0.5 our scale will determine the size of the animated noise pattern driving the instances by setting it to a small value it'll cause them to change their transformation very rapidly making a more chaotic behavior increasing this value will cause the instances to form a wave-like pattern for further information on mo2 please visit motion V effects at wwm ocean vom dot-com [Music]
Channel: motionvfx
Views: 7,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FCPX, Final Cut Pro X, Apple Motion, Motion 5, Video Editing, Video Production, 3D, Rendering, VFX, MakeMotionGreatAgain, PostChat, Video, Editing, YouTube, VLOG, MoGraph, Graphics, Apple, final cut pro x tutorial, mObject, final cut, mO2, apple, editing, post production, vr video, 3d video, vr, vr 3d, fcpx plugins, vfx, mobject, motionvfx, motion 5 3d text, motion templates, motion, rendering, final cut pro x plugins, real 3d, motion graphics, fcpx effects, animation, tutorial, FCPX Tutorial
Id: 9iJSM2LA5uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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