9 Tips for FCPX That Feel Like MAGIC! | Final Cut Pro X Tutorial

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hey everyone its Matthew here from Midland pictures today we're gonna take another look at Final Cut Pro 10 and we're gonna look at nine helpful tips that are gonna feel like a magic trick these are things that when I found out about them I was like oh oh my gosh you can do that I'm sure all of us in the software that we use to do what we do there are key commands shortcuts checkboxes menu items things that we find where we go how did I not know about this before so I want to go through nine things in Final Cut Pro 10 that gave me that reaction that feeling like oh how did I not know about this so let's do it all right so one of the tips is about retiming Clips this came up in a message board and the Final Cut Pro user group that I'm in and when I told the person how to do this they said that they had been working in Final Cut for like four years and never knew you could do this so let's check out the screen recording I've got a clip here and it's at a hundred percent and to access the retime menu the custom retime menu just click on this down arrow and choose custom so let's say that you want to change the speed of this clip that you don't actually want the duration to change we can see that this clip is five seconds and nine frames long so we want to keep that length but we want to double the speed of the clip so let's go ahead and hit 200% and look at that the speed changes but the duration of the clip doesn't change so how does that happen it's this right here see this little checkbox here called ripple it could be something that you have overlooked in all the years that you've been editing a final cut let's go ahead and undo this and then when Ripple's checked you'll see a difference when we change the percentage of the clip check it out now it's shorter this is what gets a lot of people frustrated especially with the magnetic timeline they want to retain Clips change the percentage but they don't want the clip duration to change because they've got they're added exactly where they want it so that's one of the tricks where when I first found out about it I was like oh that is awesome how did I not know about that before because most of the time what people do is they'll hit ripple they'll change it to 200% and then they gotta go down here hit ctrl d 5:09 to get it back and now it's back to where you started a bunch of extra steps we don't need to mess with that so that's the first one pretty awesome all right so this is one that I considered putting in my previous video about how to master the magnetic timeline and this really applies to Clips anywhere in the timeline whether its primary storyline or a secondary storyline or Clips above the timeline and so when I'm going through my videos and I'm editing down what I'm saying to you to the camera I need to cut out a lot of little stuff sometimes cut out big chunks and there's a key command that really helps with doing that very quickly so let's say that this chunk right here where I've got a little gap and I don't really want that there and this is a bunch of stuff that I'm saying that just doesn't really need to be there so what I want to do to quickly shorten this clip from the end here to this cut point that I'm going to make I don't want to have to do it this way where I'm like I hit blade and then I delete it which is you know it's fine but it's a couple of steps what I can do because I know I have a cut point here is I can actually just click here and then hit option right bracket and it pulls it down to where it needs to be so I saved myself a couple of steps there it's a really kind of simple edit but something that I really like to use especially with the magnetic timeline now let's say we don't want all of this part but we want to keep this one move your playhead here and then hit option left bracket and it pulls everything in I do this a lot actually and I'm gonna just pop out here real quick and throw something down here at the end of the timeline and pull up my multicam so let's say you're working on an edit and this is just this is just like the raw footage from a vlog that you did if you zoom in a little bit you know we don't have any of those edit points like we did further down my timeline this is just one huge clip so you want to start cutting this down you can see there's some dead air here so what I'll do is I'll hit blade move the playhead over here hit option left bracket just pull it in let's say I want this one pulled in I want to keep all of this part but I want to lose this so I'll hit command B bring this over and then hit over like there to get that to get that pulled out so I use this to really fly through like I can see like these are multiple takes let's say just based on the waveform is what I'm judging so let's say oh there's me like scratching my face don't do that core virus so I'm gonna hit command B and then I want all of this gone so they had option left bracket and just bring it all in I just think that it's a really quick way to fly through a big piece like this where you're you know you got a big fifteen minute long multicam and you want to really just hammer through cutting out chunks of it when I first read through like all the keyboard shortcuts for Final Cut and I saw that when I was like yes that's something I have like heavy instinct to want to do but I didn't know how to do it and now that I know the key command I'm so much faster so the next one that I have is another one that I actually learned fairly recently within the last few months whenever you want to get a title tool you always have to go up to titles and then look you know click on the top one find basic title and then hit Q to drop it on your timeline I almost always use basic title and then customize it from there what I didn't realize is you can do a very simple key command to put a basic title by default on your primary storyline so if you hit ctrl T it just drops a basic title right in look how much time and how many steps I just saved with one simple key command so that is just no-brainer one you have to use especially if you do a lot of titling on your videos and you can see from my videos that you know I really like to throw titles in especially like all these key commands and stuff that I want you all to know it's just a great one to use got to learn it it feels like magic when you've been doing like five or six steps to get it to get a title in there in the past and now you can do it with just one key command amazing all right so this is another one that when I found out about oh this is like such a huge time-saver this is another key command based tip and let's say that you're working with some b-roll and this clip here you're like I don't really want to do my screen recording I want to actually show a clip of the thing I'm talking about and you want to preserve this duration so we know this clip at control D we know it's three seconds nine frames so we want to preserve that duration and without having to like go into this clip and hit it in and then hit it out and then bring it down and then shorten it okay everyone up there and then we got to drop it down that's a lot of steps what if we just want to replace this clip with something up in the event browser without having to worry about getting the exact selection right down to the down to the exact frame so we've got this clip here it's at our playhead I'm going to select it and then up here I'm in the marking in I don't even care what the out point is as long as I know I have more than three seconds nine frames if you hit option R it's just gonna automatically replace that clip with the duration of your selection that matches the duration of the clip you're trying to replace it's perfect super quick super easy this one to me is just I love this one this next woman is another key command shortcut it's a really quick and simple one it's not necessarily for editing but it's more for like finding stuff in the event browser so let's say you're working and you really want to find this clip in the event browser instead of going up to your different events and going through all your bins or keyword collections it's just easier to hit a quick key command and locate this clip in the event browser so if you hit shift F it pulls it right up you can see we've got the in-and-out marked for that part of the clip if you want to change the duration of it just so that you can see it a little bit easier you can see it's here in yellow it's a really quick and easy way to go right to that clip and start looking at other parts of it that maybe you need to access there is a pop-up menu that you can get to do that where you pull reveal and browser and it of course shows the key command shift F there a lot of you that might rely on the menus the right-click menus in the top left menus you might just be doing that already with that but for me someone who likes key commands shift F is a great way to locate that clip in your event browser that's one that I learned very early on and using Final Cut and I've always used it and loved it feels like magic every time I do it just can't help it another one that I learned was I think actually probably within the last year so when you're working in your timeline and you're zoomed in a little bit sometimes you want to pop out and see the whole timeline well I would always just hit command - a bunch of times until it you know was wide enough for me to see everything but what I didn't realize is there's actually a trackpad gesture if you're a trackpad editor like me that lets you immediately put the timeline into the exact size of your viewer window if you use two fingers and tap twice on your trackpad so double tap with two fingers it immediately pops the timeline out to fit your window I have been using this for the last year all the time to me it feels like magic you're zoomed in you just need to quick pop out you don't want to hit command - a bunch of times so again double tap with two fingers but you're out you got your whole timeline in your viewer you can see everything and then navigate to the next portion of the video that you need to go to it's amazing love it another key command that I use a lot and this really helps with the magnetic timeline is when I need to copy a clip to another part of the timeline so let's say that this screen recording I need later on in my edit so I'm going to hit select it hit command C and then let's say I need it down here but I'm gonna do like a kind of a split screen compositing thing and I need it to be above the primary storyline well if I just hit command V it'll plop it right into the main primary storyline and mess up my edit so the other way that you can paste it is by hitting option V and it puts it above your primary storyline that's a really nice way sometimes - if you're like well I don't know exactly where want to put this in my primary storyline but I know I want it down in this area that's another really nice way to be able to just get it down there get it up above the primary storyline so you can start working with it in your edit and then figure out exactly where you want to put it once it's in the area where you want to use it oh my kid is up so I need to go see what she wants hang tight okay yeah so the heat turned on which it wasn't supposed to so my four-year-old just woke up and she was hungry so it's 10:15 at night and she goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 so she wanted a little snack and I'm gonna go check on her after I'm done filming this but I've got a couple more tips for you guys to go over so you may have noticed in my event browser that you see a lot of these orange bars here across the clips and you might be saying I don't have that on my event browser what's that mean well this is one of my favorite things one of my favorite magic tricks for final cut 10 and what it's doing is it's showing you what portions of clips in your event library have been used in your edit but it will show you every clip that's in here it shows an orange bar for what duration of this clip is represented at the event browser which is awesome so the way that you can toggle on these orange bars on and off on your clips in the event browser is to go up to view and then you're going to choose browser and then down here you can see all these options that you have for what to show look you can show used media ranges you see that they go away and then if you click view browser used media ranges you see that they come back I love this feature being able to see what portions of Clips you've used it already if you're skimming through b-roll especially being able to see that orange bar represents something that's already in your timeline so that you're only looking at portions of clips that you haven't used yet especially if you're really struggling to find some b-roll for a big edit that you're doing it's just an amazing feature that focuses you into what you're looking for it helps keep you in the editing flow so that you're not disrupted popped out trying to figure out what you have used and what you haven't used so definitely use that one so the next one I'm going to show you is kind of a like a secret menu item I feel like with Final Cut Pro this is something that I discovered almost by accident and it came along when I was having a lot of b-roll that I was importing through finder and this sometimes is a byproduct of the importing style that I use which is I don't use the import menu and Final Cut I click and drag everything from finder for some reason I like the control of it I really like interfacing with finder a lot more because of the column view that I'd like to use whereas in the Final Cut importing menu it's all those like little drop-down arrows and because I have such a detailed folder structure I don't like having to tunnel down to my items so I'd rather have it pulled up and find her and then just click and drag it over so let's say here I've got all these be role clip and I'm like man I could have sworn there were a couple more clips that I shot then I see here down at the bottom that I've got 70 items but then when I switch to finer I see that in the same folder that corresponds with that b-roll that I have 72 items well instead of sitting here and going okay well I have you know and cross-checking which ones you've got and figuring out which ones are missing if I don't cut does this amazing thing where if you select all the clips and just drag them over it only adds the two clips that you are missing it doesn't double up all the clips so that you have now a hundred and forty two clips or whatever in there it just adds the two that we're missing you can see I've got 72 Clips in here now 72 clips in finder the two clips that were missing or added in now I do have to kind of go find them and be like okay which ones were they and a little trick that you can do I'm going to undo it oh so these two bottom ones obviously but a little trick you could do is you could favorite all these so select them all and then hit F and then when you bring these two clips in through the that kind of bulk import trick whatever those clips were they happen to not be an order like mine are they would be unfavorite it'd be able to quickly see which they are and then if you want to unfavorite all these clips you can just hit the U key and it'll take the favoriting off so that's like a little kind of work around each trick that you can use as my heat kicks back on and messes up my audio so that's great [Music] and now I've got a bonus one I wanted to give you guys a little treat something that I want to do an entire video on but I thought I would give you just a quick preview of that future video by showing you one cool thing about this feature and this is the timeline index now I'm not going to go over the whole timeline index but I'm going to show you a quick thing that you can do with something like a transition let's say in your timeline you have a bunch of transitions and they're all let's say Kross dissolves alright so if you type in cross dissolve the timeline index again is an index of your entire timeline so you can search for stuff in your timeline through the timeline index it's kind of like a mini event browser for your timeline it's amazing again I got to go in a much more detail in another video but I just want to touch on this one thing so let's say that you forgot to change the type of cross dissolve you did so instead of having to go in and select each one of your cross dissolves to change the type of cross dissolve it is all at once you can actually do that through the timeline index you can see that as I'd make these selections these get turned gray well you don't have to select it in the timeline you can actually select them all here and then they all get selected in the timeline when that happens you in your inspector have the ability to change the type of cross dissolve it is the ease amount the type it is etc so I'm like the film style transition so I can change all of them all at once to film now let's say I decide to go back the film 1 looks funny whatever instead of again going through and selecting each cross dissolve or going to each cross dissolve and one by one changing the type okay well I got to go to this one and then I got to switch it to video and then I got to go to this one and I got to switch it to video who wants to spend all that time doing that use your timeline index search for cross dissolve select them all go up here and then choose fill and now they're all changed guess what else you can do now that they're all selected you can hit control D and you can change the duration of them if you want them to be ten seconds long you can make them all ten seconds as long as there's enough footage on either side of them to do so I mean come on the timeline index total magic amazing that's a little bonus tip I wanted to give you if you stuck through the whole video so I really appreciate everyone watching if you're new to the channel give us a like on this video hit the subscribe button and click the bell so you get notifications every time we upload you can also follow me on Instagram I'm at Matthew T O'Brien and for Midland pictures were at Midland pictures if you have any comments thoughts opinions tips that you have for me to consider I would love to hear from you in the comments definitely drop us a line we love hearing from you I think that's gonna do it for this video everyone it's 10:30 at night and I think my four year old is finishing up her snack and needing a little bit of help getting back to sleep so I'm gonna go upstairs take care of that and start thinking about what I can do next for another final cut video thanks again everyone for watching and until the next video I will see you soon [Applause] [Music] save it because the station
Channel: Midland Pictures
Views: 115,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midland pictures, final cut pro x, fcpx, final cut pro, Final Cut Pro x tutorial, fcpx tutorial, Slow motion fcpx, How to replace a clip FCPX, How to zoom timeline FCPX, Used media ranges fcpx, Ripple delete FCPX, Ripple delete final cut, Final Cut Pro tips and tricks, FCPX tips, Final cut tips, final cut pro tutorial, fcpx tips and tricks, final cut pro tutorial 2020, final cut pro tutorial for beginners 2021, magnetic timeline, learn final cut pro x, fcp x, final cut
Id: Rz5le2uh-A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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