mTracker 3D Tutorial - Creating a 3D event title tracked to the footage in Final Cut Pro - MotionVFX

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hello my name is george edmondson with welcome to the final cut pro 10 global creative summit we've got a lot of really interesting things to show you from motion vfx so let's get started [Music] all right so in this session we're going to be looking at m tracker 3d and final cut pro 10. now what exactly is m tracker 3d m tracker 3d is an effect that lets you precisely recreate the movement of your physical camera with a virtual camera in three-dimensional space all right so what exactly does that mean well let me show you [Music] up [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's pretty incredible right so we're gonna look at some compositions that have already been set up and then we're gonna dissect them so you can see what all is going on then what we're gonna do is make one from scratch so first let's look at these compositions that we already have made here we are in final cut pro 10.5 on big sur we're going to be looking at three different compositions really really quickly and then we will be making one from scratch so let's go to our first compound clip you can see here we only have two text layers we've got our always dream big title number 13 and we fly right in through that over the vehicle really really nice and then we also have a fog layer just to add a little bit of atmosphere next you can see we have our hard rock drummer which of course i love i am a drummer and it's really really simple it is simply one text layer in here our title 3d number two and then we made that one compound clip and we added m movie light to add a bit of atmosphere as well as m film look to give it just the overall look and then our final composition we're gonna look at before we build one from scratch is our summer and you can see we've got a lot more going on here many drop zones uh this is in our built-in content that comes with em tracker 3d our drop zone picture you can see here that we've just placed a bunch of different gizmos down here uh that we tracked onto the ground and then we just moved our images up in y and z space and then rotated just a bit to give it that look you'll also notice that our summer caption 32 is placed below our first four drop zone pictures and that of course is because in z space it's behind so we work with uh layers just like anything else we walk down this alleyway here we make a turn and then we've got a few more pictures just floating there as we walk through and those are our three compositions so now why don't we build one from scratch so we've opened up a new timeline here and we've got this single clip that we want to track i've already added some color and sharpening and such so that is what we are going to track we are essentially just recreating the intro that you saw here at the beginning of this video a few things to mention really quickly this clip is a 4k 23.98 clip and you can see here we are 4k 23.98 timeline make sure that your clip always matches your project information your project timeline frame rate etc the tracker obviously does work best if we were in say a 60 frames per second clip we would want to select our retime tool and click automatic speed and that is going to readjust all of those frames to sit perfectly in that timeline in that frame rate then you would apply m tracker 3d i just want to make sure that that's understood we're over here in our effects let's pick up m tracker 3d we are going to drag that onto our clip and you will notice we have the track button right here in the viewer on our canvas and then we also have a track button over here in the inspector obviously both buttons do the same thing let's click to track our footage [Music] notice i didn't have to set any points to do this track i clicked a single button and when we're done i won't have to mess with any points on our canvas at all i don't have to go in and delete bad tracks nothing like that it is really really simple as a matter of fact it's almost too simple it's a single button it's crazy all right so now that we are finished tracking our next step is going to be to copy our track okay and then we're going to come over to m tracker 3d now on this one we are not going to use the m tracker 3d expansions we are actually going to use the pre-built m tracker 3d titles in this lesson we are using title 3d number one so let's just pick that up drag it onto our clip we need to make sure that that clip matches the duration of our source clip as a matter of fact i'm gonna turn snapping on so we can make sure all right there we go that looks good so we've already copied that track so now we just need to paste the track so you see here it is processing and then it should take just a second all right and that was real time you see done tracking data saved successfully so the next step is going to be to select our target icon so that we can place that track where we want it i think i'm gonna put it right over here now notice the 3d gizmo responds to everything in our scene but if you hold shift down you can actually just ignore that point orientation and it's going to always have your text vertical so i think i'm going to put my text right back here okay and you can see now that that track is perfect alright so you can see now we have a perfect track the next thing i want to do is actually go ahead and i'm going to turn our show hints animation in and out i'm going to turn all of those off so let's go in and i know that i want to turn my rotation a bit on my y-axis so that it is now along the edge here and i'm gonna rotate on x just to push it forward a bit now let's move forward okay so you can see here that our reflection is on and our shadows are behind our text we're going to come down to our reflection and we're going to turn reflection off now let's come back up to our shadows and we are actually going to go to our light here let's go to rotation and we're going to rotate that and better match the shadow here on the ground as you can see we've got that shadow there for reference on me and let's do our light angle because the shadows are pretty long so something about like that okay i like that a lot our ambient light could come up a bit as well but not too much because we are on the shadow side of that light now something else that we can do you see title lighting style diagonal left that is accurate but this is pretty dramatic it was a very hard light out there so why don't we change that to drama top left okay and we can bring our ambient light up just a little bit more alright great let's go back to our shadows shadow opacity definitely needs to be darker as you can see on me on my shadow it is it is pretty dark there we go okay that looks really good let's just skim through and check it out all right great all right now that we've set the position why don't we change this to the actual word that we wanted to say which was creative summit creative summit all right so something i'm sure that you have all noticed our text is obviously way way off here and that's quite okay some of the titles that come installed are set to have that orientation at the bottom this one however doesn't so i want to show you if you're using one of these how to fix that so let's go over into our title by selecting it and we're going to bring first off we're going to use our title line spacing and we're going to bring that much closer about right there then we're going to use our baseline and we're going to drag up so that we're setting that at the bottom where our shadows meet there we go all right cool and now of course our shadows seem a bit too harsh we can fix that though all right um i also know that we used the poppins font and i believe that that was extra bold there we go all right great okay yeah that's looking really really good let's go back over and adjust our shadows real quick so let's go down to shadows and i believe it's gonna be our angle is a bit too long now so maybe something along those lines okay all right cool yeah that does seem to match much better cool all right i'm gonna select my text let's go back into our text options and i'm going to change my depth just a bit i think it needs to be a little bit deeper there a little bit fatter text we're going to change our front edge to round all right great okay so now why don't we go back over to our titles and we are going to use drop zone we're going to use our drop zone basic so let's pick that up we're going to do the same thing going to bring that in and we are going to make sure that that duration matches we have already copied that information so it should still hold and it does we're pasting that track okay that was real time done saved successfully let's go ahead and select our new location which i'm going to hold shift down and it should be right about there why don't we bring our content scale down just a bit so we can really see what we're doing all right that is perfect i'm going to go into rotation let's rotate our drop zone so it matches our text there and on position we're going to bring that up so that it's kind of floating we can rotate that a bit more i believe actually yeah that way that looks much better great okay so now we need to go and we need to get a source for our drop zone well and that is going to be the final cut pro summit icon there so in our title drop zone and let's go ahead and select that apply the clip and we now need to go in drop zone scale so that we can get that back so let's bring that down there we go we can bring our content scale up just a bit y position can now come down just a bit all right great cool okay that looks really good pro 10 global creative summit we've got a lot of really interesting things to show you from motion vfx so let's get started cool all right i like that a lot so the next thing i would like to do is go back into my text and i want to better match the branding of the summit so we're going to go in and we're going to change the color on our material so let's deselect our front and front edge so that we're only going to be working on the side back edge and back we're going to change substance surface to gradient and you can see now what we have going on here so i have our colors over in a screenshot that work with the branding so why don't we go in and we can go into our gradient and we're going to select this bit on the top here and use our color picker you see that nice purple color there up top and then we can go in and let's select our bottom and why don't we do this nice teal color here there we go okay nice and that shows you really quickly how to get that look there cool all right i like that a lot so while i have my creative title selected i'm gonna go back in here and let's look really quickly at the light wrap option and basically all it's going to do is soften everything up a little bit on that text makes it not quite so sharp makes it look a lot better i'm gonna bring that amount down just a bit okay cool now something else there is a lens flare over my shadow that's giving it that bit of blue that does go away after we move forward so i just wanted you to see that and something else you'll notice i have got the shadows over my legs there's a really really easy way to fix that so i'm going to hold option click and drag up to duplicate my clip let's mute that here i'm going to bring both my drop zone basic and my creative title down we're going to set a luma key on my jeans and then just simply mask that out so let's set our luma key here and go in let's invert that and you can let's get a little closer and we can already see luma key is working but let's go in and fine tune that so that only my jeans are being affected there there we go because we want that shadow behind my legs great now of course it is affecting our text no problem the final bit for that is to go in and simply keyframe the trim option so we are only trimming over my pants with that luma key so let's go and select that there over my jeans we will set a keyframe at the beginning move forward just a bit and just start moving that over it's really really simple and it does a great job at making that text shadow appear as though it is behind me and that is one key point in uh selling this there we go we want to sell it to our audience that the shadows are behind me we've got this keyframe set let's keep moving keep adjusting very quickly and there we go i think we're done let's check that one more time great that looks good so we'll hit done hello my name is george edmondson with welcome to the final cut pro 10 global creative summit we've got a lot of really interesting things to show you from motion vfx so let's get started all right and that was our very quick basic tutorial on how to use m tracker 3d in final cut pro 10.5 on big server
Channel: motionvfx
Views: 14,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fcpx, final cut pro x, final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial, video editing, effects, editing software, editing, final cut, apple, fcp x, final cut pro tutorial, final cut pro x effects, final cut pro x effects plugins free, final cut pro x transitions, MotionVFX, fcpx plugin, apple motion, motion templates, motion graphics, final cut pro x plugins, design, graphics, motion, fcpx effects, mTracker, mTracker 3D, mO2, fcpx tracking, fcpx track
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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