MST3k 817 - Horror of Party Beach

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hi everyone Mike Nelson here from the satellite of love as is often the case we've been sucked through a wormhole and now we're sort of drifting through time and spied on now it's a bunch of y'all if you have to do that right now yes okay well then two things could you tell me what you're doing and why you're dressed like the guy in the Primo beer label if you must know Mike I'm practicing the traditional tantric chant of the Guto monks of Tibet with proper intonation I can harmonize my overtones with the fundamental creating a chorus of transcendent music of pure bliss five bucks as you can you're on well servo fails here I'll just tell you that we seem to be hovering over ancient Rome or something and now we're hey oh listen to that I think you're onto something there hey pretty doggone transcendent a Mike Bell namaste by the I'm gonna grab me a sports shake Wow we'll be right back Oh ja ja t lark a huge distracting thing whoa what's up with you mother-of-pearl oh hi Mike let me bring you up to speed brain guy can you roll that clip Oh certainly I haven't cued up with my mind welcome to Roman time guards seize them well there you have it and that was just a few seconds ago I said seize them I am bid the guards leave for the day what why I didn't think we'd need them with the festival and all them seize them yourself right oh wait wait wait wait wait wait well god yes guys cuz yes I am a pearl Oh Apollo he is brain Gaius they're brain guy yes right God's magnitude among us they are not gods where is your proof you won't handle this bleating not a problem holy o beam behold from nothing I produce this hotel way better behold from nothing I produce this [ __ ] spoon to bring something impressing on like watch you know like a freezer or something but they wouldn't know what it is how about a JVC turns table an elephant Oh Mike what can we conjure for these Egyptian guys the action tournament of course no it's too big boned on the opponent okay what about pony I think a gas grill would do it then you're a pony pony will us a pony yeah I can make a nice Shetland Turin do you speak oh that's just my can is it ear regards his idiot gods you communicate with the gods and the stars oh yeah you don't I mean your cookie I know of this average-looking man God but what if the golden spider duck in the squat crimson big golden spider duck hey lady try a proud printing reindeer or rotting stag or something ah Mike just all via Crimson big yeah how you think wait a minute she thinks I'm average looking dude why truly they are gods and we must prepare a feast for these gods our fighters grappa hey don't skimp I'll have a read Cena in a Collins glass your movie today Mike is a little toxic spill called horror of party beach.the got any anti pay still around here or something a Pirlo's gonna starve to that here Gold's so wheat golden spider duck how about lean and beer I'll Bowl on are slender love machine Wow the typewriter was drunk when it did that huh yeah or yeah the horrid party beaches Cindy's cheese dip Oh another African or beach movie you can't beat him Oh muster edited the crap out of this thing new driving a new fad among the teens whoa turn gray Sturgess a city on the move oh and now it's white again yeah will he shift will the wheel move jacques brel coming up behind him on the bike we're just fronting to the Tom Thumb honey you would really need the honor guard this man does not wear a watch damn you original soundtrack not available you'll thank us so what is additional dialogue Oh things like hey you get off that and why not they unlock yeah those are dog miles it's not that fast landscape the median strip pretty knives now for at public beach crappy movie parking here I love chugging Cointreau on the beach today Keenen alcohol are gonna have a great cop my plastic hair is furious whoa is it all you want but you better lay off me you better stand on your feet because if you fall on your face I'm not gonna pick you up you understand when did you ever have to carry me home I've always been able to stay on my own two feet I never needed you and I never will they wrote their own vows what happened the campus big shot I'd do anything for kids Sammis big shots growing up times have changed here we're not a bunch of kids Seymour you live you all that partying you once she's finished out of my way stop preaching I know that's your path your experiments in that laboratory let me tell you something I have a few experiments of my own I'm just itching to try and they don't have one thing to do with test tubes in Eisenberg okay Tina if that's what you want mmm did you Jeff Oh Hank what's happening to us when little hardware Hank what do you do to get it through your head that life isn't just all fun and games okay okay no more lectures we're not even talking the same language anymore I speak Esperanto these days already that's the way you want it can you just go on your way and I'll go mine we'll see who gets the most out of life oh where are you ain't seen you in until you seen Tina sweat huh well I'm gonna live too fear of intimacy exciting and new sail away Spandau Ballet goes on a fishing trip oh it's an exxon training film shouldn't we dump this in a poor black neighborhood or an Indian Reservation hope that's Paula Cole in there Wow really booking to the bottom jokes immediately I'm sure we don't do this kind of thing these days huh 200 million flushes Oh like this is gonna hurt the precious ocean okay you know you know come to think of it the ocean really sucks hey Marie just another day at Love Canal he died gargling and that's [ __ ] legs right in the back oh like tooth like can you see that great I'm dead and I'm breaking out I told him not to pick at it boy on behalf of fish everywhere I hope they're enjoying the picture just turning it to Oliver Reed's liver oh great what am I now a fried wonton well ok movie we got it we got it block fish is a whole ocean if you could swim somewhere else when I'm transmogrifying sure most radiation is harmful eventually but ours does massive damage in a matter of seconds ooh I bet you that would be good with drawn butter of course I need my own head with drawn butter you know I've seen so much horror at Party Beach I'm just a nerd to it at this point monster immediately gets up and puts on his Metal Machine music all right so John hurt gasps incredible horrible mr. limpet yeah let's talk about swimming with the sharks well I do it every day pal and your radiation based makeover is complete and we're looking at what is there anyone who likes pickles as much as I do whoa ding sleeps with the fishes original soundtrack by nigel Tufnell yeah and the miles was immediately pinned down by law you fish go on ahead you mustn't risk your life for me well I know how it is though first thing in the morning I like to move a big log to all right men raise the mainsail it oh my god what's happening me monster stars in the one-man version of Pirates of Penzance honey I'm very model of a modern major-general life information animal whoa Oh men should not have bikini area so tops Holton Oh it reminds me to bring my hot dog buns that's a female buttocks Gary I don't see the connection and children grandmas everyone loves to watch Suzie's but it's the Suzie's but Festival ow ow dancing hurts house pick in the back there drew Carey save your money guys the band bites alright man bark respectful distance away pressive row of port-o-potties in the back there the Velvet Underground hadn't really found its address how's it going car well into the you store it men see hey why is that girl topless oh no that's sick thank you jean-paul sartre motorcycle gang I believe in the existential outlaws hero that is why I traveled with these men white people attempting Vic and it made sense to surrender the Germans were very very mean I gonna be a damn Johnny Mathis and the Conan O'Brien's hey don't bogey that metric gal man I direct your hi best point I think she likes us she could use a few inhibitions or do it good blinding him with the glare from her midriff arts the belly of the great white the gang led by Deepak Chopra hey zipper but easy access fresh misstated we lip-sync real bad it's true we suck our girls here that's upsetting of Oh goodbye friendly thinman I think she's overcoming her shyness Dandi is quite the stud yeah right yeah those hot Polish immigrant girl Oh Johnny I never let anyone kiss me like this before my name is not Johnny what is it Irving Irving huh what's in the name Vani Bryson Scott Hamilton makeout oh no it's the silky children they're attacking man takes his first tentative steps out of the water hey guys look up there it's all rock Oh a creature whose face is 80% I bag so radiation has a sense of humor don't hit blame they took me up there you always go around sneaking up on people yep love it well I saw you just staring out at the ocean so I thought I'd come down and talk to you uh-huh he is doing something we didn't I rehearsed and it is funny yeah come on an agency let's go home pick the nose and children chewing it Jones quite a bit of you you know thinks you have a great future as a white man working with dr. Gavin has been just about the greatest thing that's ever happened to me Ling happy but I still have this problem with bird wedding yeah it's always on my mind oh I'm sure Tina will come around to your way of thinking she's bound to realize what she has a year um Hank well maybe she won't realize where we'll see dirt oh I think there's a tiny string of sinew on you we haven't seen yet music by the my three sons look at me I am so Twyla Tharp I'm sure there's perfectly nice tiger sharks just offshore who'd be willing to eat these people Oh they lava oh she pulls a groin muscle swing your partner dope dido now Romani well I think what they're really trying to say is whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa but you're missing the underlying message which is wiggle wiggle wobble wobble do the Bruce Springsteen anyway story out of here it's called fun let's go see ain't no cutting in rerun come on right here in front of everyone come on let's do it rather see Rosemarie and Morey Amsterdam do the Lambada little kids adored a lovable town stripper hey I can't get this it's can't stuck it can't get this button off to James Franciscus is not pleased I am shaking what my mother gave me thank you very much how can I star on long street if I have a girlfriend like you Shh is what I go with you sir I don't think that's into your business cats is all that I'll kick your scrawny ass Bernardo No I just had radial keratotomy today daddy give me an airplane ride me another let's follow the combo let's go over here going you soiled my cigarette pants buster so basically this crowd of people will stand around and watch anything hey I don't think this is a good idea guys let's but think about this no don't do the Oh ow my neck is broken I don't know it just seems to me lillian gish could take this game hang on let me talk to gay man at you there you go batch man I'm Marisa Tomei and I'm concerned I'm Joan Kennedy and I am concerned yeah this is not in keeping with the spirit of Pride Week all right back off of my gang will Ram me into your stomach again meanwhile some sea turtles are trying to get by to lay their eggs hit fight direction by William Shatner I think this is ready to pop what William Bendix to the rescue you have defeated me sir you and your noble band of choreographers I'm gonna bounce back I think that we should so do you want me to keep taking my shirt off for that moment kind of over come on Mike come on Mike let's get up no no what are we gonna do what are we gonna watch now I ready to go home yet well I'm gonna strip for someone jiggers Oh Santa - you can't get this beer open uses the art garfunkel haircare system she swims like Louie teon she's actually going backwards our Carmen I'm drunk my skull lower the camera lower the camera I had a generally positive impression of white people before this movie starting to agree with the Taliban militia dancing should not be allowed leopard-skin pillbox bra bikini and a babushka that's a nice miss could you clear the shot please miss right six miles out and I still hear that awful music coolest the rosetta stone Wow Europe is smaller than I thought a sexy blonde Yulin girl I can't touch you you're a lady doing it going mental dance say Mike you're ready for our manly Beach tats manly beach dance time Mike oh yeah well these trunks you made me seem kind of small oh I'm sure they're fine yeah well they seem really small hold on let me show you come on just get comfortable with your body oh whoa well well well well there what do you think this these are kind of smaller Mike you're new all nude yeah no no I got them on I just think they're really small especially when I do Oh Mike no no Mike Mike Mike are you sure you put them on no there honored she's so nude it's the tags and back and everything oh that's probably it hold on Nuala Hey Oh yep their legs and back but I don't know maybe it's a dance oh no no no I don't just go a size up we've got some right here yeah oh okay let me try these on maybe that's the bomb ha ha ha yeah I think those are gonna be better those are gonna go go go I think the dancing no no no go asides up next will feel a lot more comfortable Mike okay well I'll slip into these and I'll show you these and we'll be able to keep down our lunch I guess take it easy crow we'll be right back everybody artemiy he'll never be back a part of me is gone forever I don't see what the problem is it fit rather well Lloyd Bridges is not aged well Andreas really long songs go Romulan babe can you guys make a loop of this and show it for about 30 hours it's a diaper it's fun to have fun yeah I don't care what they say I feel good about myself and all the flesh lifts off my skull ladies and gentlemen Scott scrawny and the hardgainers I'm wearing pull-ups mommy all hail to Ron the Sun God my can we being punished for something sniper well say what you want about her at least she's not doing the zombie stone oh hi grandma ma'am I'd like to report some illegal waste dumping are you a federal agency by any chance that's it I'm gonna make some big changes this year after all I've got a long full life ahead of me hey it's fun to get a tiny portion of my hair wet I'm on Iraq I'm on an island cookie get your hot dogs relax ma'am my license doctor of chiropractic do you think a lot of guys who make movies have issues with women could be this one suit by the Mike Douglas show do you believe it kissing is unhealthy I don't know I've never been you've never been kissed no I've never been sick but I just want to tell you I was recently diagnosed as having ever mine well I better get my laps in you know a monstrous can dog had a little horrifying rate offshore the Normandy invasion force waits patiently it's amazing they can get such rich sound without plugging in their instrument even there a union rule that says they have to take a break narrow side Foam side if he's thin Naza brew whoo-whoo-whoo-whoo I want my Peter Allen albums back hey Charlie do you like bathing beauty no yeah it's Chris Farley in a thong look out Ted Kennedy's driving home grandpa's off to suit in the water again Oh someone went in the ocean I hope that's a clerk book boy that siren got us through some pretty rough traffic thanks for coming out to help me my pipe stuck in my mouth hi do you have any spare pork we're hungry morning welding nice morning oh it isn't looks like a clear day no it doesn't are just looking at that little cloud up there by the Sun and thinking it might rain I guess everybody interprets the world according to his own mood well no weather's good for a funeral my business I try to avoid them Jim yeah he's an under King Lee Lane it's 9:30 Mother Angelica is on I guess she'd be abnormal if she were on time how's she taking it not easy for any of us a lot of families have been affected by this helped her to know she's not alone here's the sample that you asked for could you we'll put it in something I'm gonna run some carbon 14 tests on this tissue there's been some recent discoveries in the field of genetics that may give us a clue to its structure good luck doc Thanks right yeah this is going straight up my nose well hit the siren Shakey's lunch buffet awaits we're gonna have to get a door from a junkyard oh you're ready where's the car in the living room you don't understand why I'm not going don't you dare of course daddy everybody knows how hard you've been working gonna pick up Hank on the way why am i dubbed daddy I'm so upset about Hank Hardware Hank Here I am going to Tina's funeral and I have such feelings about him what kind of feelings I don't know lay off is it because he's free now we don't have to work you over yes I suppose so you go ahead dear I'll just know your forehead goodbye car has a 12 cigarette lighters it's a human thing docked together you wouldn't understand human evil thing learning and creeping and crawling around out there in the night I know it I feeling mother please you mustn't talk like that a great deal of the ocean is still a mystery to us there are undoubtedly forms of life that we know nothing about like knees that food that's what it is now that's ridiculous you labelled I want you to get this idea bundu out of your head try snake handling instead no doubt we'll find a perfectly reasonable explanation for the girl's death like giant squirrels maybe you're right but the police have been looking in am found anything they've been running around here like headless chickens and you've been looking and reading and what have you found nothing is solved in a few hours this will require a lot of research and while you were researching there's something creeping and crawling and lurking around out there that's enough you're scaring me I understand I have my things packed by the morning voodoo that's what it is are you non-caucasians you'd better go to bed you labelled but I just got up did you lock up lock double up and triple up ain't no monsters gonna get in here tonight well why did I fire hazel alright alright I'll strangle a chicken it'll make you happy snack that's see here how to kill that spark of life chapter one joy who needs it no maybe now here we are getting girls through hypnosis yes yeah yes oh hi Daddy hello dear you betrayed me Fredo I thought you were doing up tonight oh I was but it's just another slumber party they're all the same so I'm not really missing anything did you let him know you weren't coming no don't you think you should Oh daddy I just don't see how you can even think of such a thing after what happened to Tina roast in hell dad Tina's death has affected a great many people but it doesn't give you or anyone else the right to be discourteous Oh Ram it bozo oh all right I'll go telephone well let's start mopping the ceiling that's nobody makes Sun tea okay I'm happy I was invited anything battle stations he knows Bert levy levy they just filmed an actual slumber party yeah bummer are you the actual summit of k2 why Oh Elaine you're gonna miss all the fun Oh Elaine you got secret from that the boys in a car crash over the door you see a way to see you Ricky over just because of the door and guess it's filled yeah oh please come it'll be so much fun anyway you don't have to call me a [ __ ] okay all right goodbye Libby I don't like slumber parties now that I'm in my 40s glad I called daddy it was the right thing to do this better be a strip folk song stop it I've only been together a couple of hours but they're all already on the same cycle never invite Jana see into your slumber party I sit in I brought my baritone horn I forgot my nighty you're a cute couple suddenly I feel like gossiping and eating popcorn all night so they put the second sex to music there's no reason to leaf see I find doing that use poison ivy for toilet paper believe me we are trying to spawn the Ipswich Women's Club hers and Shirley Jackson's the lottery come on I think we're gonna get cute neat what are they doing I smell something awful smells like dead fish oh I hope they don't throw fish again like they did last year quiet girls concentrate on sticking your Fannie's out everybody keep quiet I'll turn off oh hi we're the lobsters you selected true to her word she turns off the light Wow hi Jehova's monsters please take a watch monster okay boys the door is open ha ha ha you gals got something planned don't you Carnival of coeds boss through the floor I monster in the floor don't even know what panties are yet they feel compelled to raid every nail of any species as the biological urge to panty raid oh great party Janice thanks I really wanted to be dead huh I forgot my train case I'm heavy right sorry I picked out in hog and uh there's more ships if anyone was rumors of an invasion from the sea took on a new dimension last night when over 20 teenage girls were brutally attacked and murdered during a slumber party I greet the kids should love this survivor described these monsters differently from those which terrorized the beach only a few days ago but dr. Gavin special consultant for the police suggested that these beings probably have different form beans in the same way that human beings vary in size and shape and pants meanwhile specialists from all over the United States converged on our cities in an attempt to piece together the scattered reports of attacks archibald offensive effort to find out the identity of these strange creatures from the sea extract fifties extended indefinitely oh my goodness is Abby running please God I'm only 17 again this scene alone is better than the whole movie Newsies thank you but not you president orders monsters back to work are considered smelly and dangerous listen we better skip this town this is the place where they're having all the trouble cops monsters killing people and drinking their blood it gives me the creeps imagine being that thirsty huh oh very funny miss school and you read all about it in the papers this town's too hot gecko well you know what I mean listen girls I need some gas we better stop and we'll get some directions to City Service Pacific canals to zoom-zoom-zoom tip go zone it's too much TV big hunka inbred love yes ma'am can I help you it's cute isn't he no no fill me up huh sure yes an entire tank of gas Gor well go away can you tell these are support house yeah thoughts of sex distracted me and I will have to immolate myself to subdue the buzzing in my head well that's great but come along you know that Saturn is a different kind of God Oh more wine that's good good it's rum gone you know you might say it's from concord grapes we invented the pun you know the goddess of pearl oh um from what part of the empyrion do you dwell generally huh the suburbs Wow I believe Pliny speaks of the suburbs and all your godly gifts earthquake fire from the sky muse yes music oh yeah if you do favor us with the song liar what did you just call me oh I'm brain guy yes why don't you take the boat over here and I will take the gourd with a stick help me I can't play I wish just smile and play along I'll save your bacon again oh right then what shall we start with today maybe a bit of bitter dregs ah we're just jam and see what happens okay bad okay then here we go we're going bye Joe haha truly this is the music of the gods wahoo come let us dance no callipygian love it it's the gods it's too demigods join us beef it's what's the movie side hey what's this I'm here about all these murders you've been having around here oh yeah it's a big deal that they got a big investigation going on earth they got guys come up here from Washington and everything hey we better get out of here girls you aren't kidding handsome what's the fastest way to get to New York rocket car well I guess the best way is to go down here to wire Mill Road and you turn left and go two blocks over and you're in Manhattan then you turn right you go past the quarry and you'll see the Thruway right on the other side you can't miss it Thanks how much I owe ya that's four dollars please hand a peek at your bra hmm thanks honey you're welcome you want your dick butkus collectible mug okay so uh you girls ever wanna make good on your innuendo please feel free to stop by turned lamb look at this fruit I can look stupid I'm driving gonna crack us up take a ride on monster killing girls Road you just fast-forward to the death Wow Herald Square huh you know what that tires favorite opera is deflate a mouse weight great a flat tire weight in the middle of rush hour extra footage supplied by Zapruder now what do we do this is New York we should be able to hail a cab I hope you see Woody Allen power here in New York I think we need to rebuild the engine I just saw rent hey where you been Flo needs help with the wheel down by that quarry something must have died in there it smells like the Fulton fish market in the middle of July hey I put on a bunch of patchouli oil I smell just fine how's it going hon well I got it off but I can't see nothing how about some help okay they're headed to the Laverne DeFazio convention hey hold it you two what's with you I heard something sounds like the opening percussion to the Olympics theme Oh money rustling tonight worth here and me well did I hear something too monstrous pronating badly sounds like somebody somebody big walking in mud Joe Don Baker do put your wigs uh sir it's a wig lit so this is the touring company have come back to the five-and-dime Jimmy Dean Jimmy Dean hello monster want to exchange innuendos just the famous Mexican walking catfish put a D bait Winkle man I'm in my constricting skirt and high heel so I should be perfect monster bait oh isn't it just like de nice to meet a guy please stop eating me when I'm a size eight okay I uh they're slightly less attractive than our regular boyfriends tonight on roar come on we'll ditch my girlfriends yeah and it sounds like a solenoids we'll take a look at okay watch the body don't watch the head yeah go all right I got her a day the mudskippers fought back the movies unflinching look at women from new york is its best feature I could pay my own way into the drive-in oh oh I'll pop the trunk without the tank out filmed inside a Deacons act and sadly a gas attendant screen goes unfulfilled next morning at the monsters home look at all the toenails how many toenail it doesn't even have this many toes nails everywhere move your feet you load I'll hit my share of misery to miss Elaine and I know what it is three brothers and two sisters all dead and go but you don't see me going around moaning and groaning all day I have my work and the Lord has his and he takes care wherever we are yawn why what's this you labelled oh that's mine give it so dubbed it's a voodoo doll isn't it you really believe in it mm-hmm now don't you go teasing miss Elaine I know a lot more things than I say you labelled there's no such thing as voodoo ask any Haitian who is it anyway it's my Oscar gamble doll one of them zombies Al Gore dr. Gavin was so worried I thought I could help she's got Dilbert's boss's hair well somebody's got to do something Oh I'm black I'll get it hello mister hey just rode in from Richmond is that nice young boy hi did it take you out take you right out of the picture I quit your moaning and groaning and go up a castle huh probably need massage me laying well I thought that maybe you'd like to go for a drive or something what do you think magic bear oh I don't know Hank not go on upstairs and change you wait just smile at the stupid white people look I don't mind waiting you go ahead and shame all right meanwhile the monster gang pulled into their safe house in Columbus Ohio I'd like to take a drive down Long Street why did you come back to the beach Hank I don't know Elaine stop I guess I had a funny feeling about this place I get it at my ads place - come on let's go huh wonder where he went Oh now if you made a dress out of a table runner Oh for cute so who's that bald pipe-smoking idiot it was always wandering around your house oh I'm sorry that your dad hey ma'am what's happenin are you doing gang pretty dead tonight I'll run yeah ever since Tina got killed like no action around here yeah well it'll pick up that's so wise there gets easier all right here we go hmm but dingga dingga dingga da boom bap Ruby baby ba ba ba Ron what are you gonna play would you like to hear Elaine how about Bob you're not a summer love just for you baby hmm you're that just for me huh hiren cutouts first you deny the grief then party Margaret chase Smith running for Senate I like your vote who stepfather but I watch myself hey Mars exploded you are a summer sausage and then I almost didn't call about not attending the slumber party hey wait come back okay go for your gun I'd say something but the guy who dubs me is on break you like cheese I'll beat you I am comprised of a series of ones and zeroes like a blank tape never even crack the seal Oh hardware my never touched a woman we make the same crowd or I'll kill you Oh I say forever yes the sweeping majesty of young white Republican love like the sand sea how are we dead Dana not touching that's enough there must be five car lengths between couples come on I want to take you over to the buffet they have this German potato salad so parents were boring when they were young I was at the slumber party I have a lot of survivor mm-hmm-hmm sue I'll never kiss again like it's I never have really thanks for the free fun yawns good night girls now you go straight home my brother's coming to pick us up good night now good night Johnny anytime you close down a drugstore it's a wild night hey you're from the Ladies volunteer inventory taking gild hey lady lady would you buy me some beer I don't have ID look polish not coming anything look polish oh maybe it's look polish look using their Flintstone voices anyway typically of others evident so why are they speaking in tongues baby bops a prowler you got like your - shut up it's Steve Allen don't get in Debbie why don't you sit in back Oh Jeff Rossen stupid stupid stupid what was I thinking that you'd ever go out with me Donna Linda of only I wore size 6 I can't see the price where's the price after the king verdict monsters looted boutiques just take the glove off he's got a delicious blue cheese filling it still I want to make some notes yes sir this proves it worms play Pinochle on your snail Monty Hall and Bruno Hoffman stopped by a hotel 7:00 p.m. note some possible malignant organism overall configuration that of a human arm severed just below the elbow joint muscle tissue seems to be a sea anemone species of protozoa these organs are easily like humanoid successful they've been replaced by the protozoans of course I'm high this creature needs the ordinary necessities of human life proteins fats sugars and so forth none for me thanks but since his organs are so decomposed that they can either produce no retain the oxygen necessary for survival it needs the only food which can keep it alive oh you mean me right blood human blood I got some in the fridge if a human body a drowned person were attacked by tiny sea plants which became parasites and completely infiltrated that human body before it had a chance to decomposed would the body be considered dead or alive the Beatles had no it's still alive but it's changed into a dip of some sort well is it a plant or an animal animal it's both it's a giant protozoa Oh dr. Gavin what's the best foot cream can they be killed or at least made I don't know they are the Living Dead if there's zombies even dubbed genetically more like a Chilean and kill her by shooting that we're cutting them up then how can you kill them I want to make sure the kids are down here something he's coming look Polish everyone director bravely mixes tedium with unscary mom can we stay up later something out there I know there is your D these knives they're all yeah they won't help either clean over that corner you need a timeout when I say lights turn along I'll take care of this one see I did it I didn't need any help should we do it again doctor this being appropriate time to wet them huh mother Teresa obi-wan Kenobi Leon Spinks nice URL Oh what all have you doing speed and peaking in the dots Bridget gave us quite a scare oh I'm sorry dr. Gavin is a little baby gonna crowd so quiet up there house yeah I get scared by myself all alone at night in them zombies they coming at me today you look I just know they will Oh bah you dope now go get us another monster arm at a old barbecue whoo Brooke is burning up your well you kill it oh god Eric I'm sorry I didn't mean don't be sorry this is wonderful you've discovered a way to destroy these creatures and you're fired look completely dehydrated frutas owns are almost all water this is all we have left well there's more in the car but what makes all the smoke and steam daddy sodium playing also Liam thank you remember your chemistry sodium is a very unstable metal that reacts violently with water right then they can be killed with sodium Oh Shannon if we can find him monster search goes way off track same to you fella what about that guy huh I just thought all-nude was a dress code this is the reality of Northwest Airlines mechanical problem we are unwanted odd casts earthen of the storm what storm the storm of my soul he likes liquor is what he means right well we'd better get back to the Senate this is really fun this is exactly what I wanted to do today so we gonna raise the specter or wife-swapping where are we go now we'll drive OH are you capable of driving of course I'm capable bow are you capable of course I am where's the car don't hurt vidi permittee I'll get my car you AAA I got my car we can listen to our foster Brooks books on tape can we drink our cars well the intervention did not go off his plan these the kind of guys who wake up in coolers of various things odd that mad would invest in this movie ok joke coming in on runway 7 joke you have been cleared for landing and good you got Chrysler on my Chevrolet do you got Chevrolet on my Chrysler alright I guess we were the Masters kill these guys three or four times some people get giggly when they drink other people get hateful and psychotic who's screaming where are the demons Beelzebub let's go over to Michael Irvin's place Ted Kennedy and Bishop John Roach hey what's that sound yeah I'm urinating that's you know as you and you're over on let's hear you walk notice of Maybury had a quiet dignity compared to these guys oh I set you now you walk now walk off the screen and into obscurity that's not you eat it Vladimir and Estragon the sitcom do farts have lumps this sounds like somebody in in rubbers filled with water you wearing rubbers leans toward forbidden to even say the word rubber as probably probably somebody the swimming pool where the French would love these two guys genius that's not funny ice probably some old drunk track I'm glad we were able to remain friends after our breakup tiblet delight sir must be tombow dead well yes save his battery for heaven's sake AAA and triple-a hey Stan is a guy in here and he looks polish okay next a dead man breathing hey buddy can I use your liver yeah you think it's funny to sleep huh uh-huh ha couldn't get his contact out miss guy with all the fairies got no hue create vodkas in the I better call nine one what's the other number ba doo ba doo ba doo ha serpentine I love liquor so much I care too much about you I've gotta get to the detox what happens if the monsters are recovering alcoholic because of this recent discovery the police now feel certain in a very short time we found a local right the birth of a media empire rusty murder flex time a sticking point in contract monsters teased cats car monsters win the pennant the monsters win the pennant the monsters win the pennant wow I could just run out and get some sodium but I'm really P monster interest with cabana boy war would solve this problem more highway ramp meters meanwhile the police are working around the clock to get little Suzy Johnson's bike back we offer this shot of a guy leaving a building as proof of how hard they're working monsters wreak illing previous victims authorities don't know shinola from that other stuff it says this letter is gonna need to stamps so why aren't they using sodium sodium number 15 sodium sorry I'm water from that arm is radioactive that means the cells themselves are ready but how um voodoo sir no floating pig for what Oh the floating pig that's what we call the garbage scow that leaves the harbor every week you see it's been dumping waste material from the reactor at the university do you know where they dump there's a loo on the ship I imagine a friend of mine says he saw him once out it at western island I'd leave western islands western island it's over here in the east right earnest look at these currents hang if one of those containers from the leak the waste would be drawn right by our shore and that's where teen was killed at first night Western island is also where that fishing boat went down just a few weeks ago I've dumped there off these creatures are human bodies to lie by radioactive decay only wherever they go they leave radioactive watch rise so Diavel we have to do just want to know where they've been great but we can't tell where they are so do this minute where's your plot point a small harmless radioactive return to monster our Geiger counters will cast 5000 he we I was just him the immediate area and if they're in one of those lakes well we'll get a steel reading from the counter rhodium I'll call the police we'll organize and get all the people in the building anonymous then all we have to do is find them and sodium will kill oh all right see doctor got a doll we don't know how many there are we might need tons of it you get on the phone and call every chemical supply company in the area someone was Terry so do you want to do one of these I'll call her telling Wells and get this thing started now if only you meant which means all these monsters before another night of killing right artists yes free extra read all about it hey what's up Tom well Mike I was so impressed by that plucky newsboy in the movie you know out there every day during the monster crisis getting people the information they need to avoid being eaten and as headlines were always so darn up-to-date yeah that's true yeah so so what what why Oh Oh see I've gone into the newspaper cuz it's catching all the pertinent news our satellite community needs updated whenever a story breaks hey you want to buy the latest edition sure yeah yes three Oh Mike buys paper from servo is extremely current I'd say old news already you got to get the next edition out yeah me see next three mike buys another newspaper from servo oh that's cute so it's a new headline every couple extra extra might chuckles at speed of news update yeah yeah I guess I did I mean the extra extra servo senses Mike's growing impatience with newspaper gang Dickie nailed that story the extra attorney Mike getting really annoyed now I'd say that's true to some extent agree zero about the guy burn marks attention to make a run for it you buy all these papers just like I'm in ideas it's a giraffe with a head of Larry heaven what we're white where's the giraffe with a head of larry heck joe he fooled me we'll uh you know neither's good I really like me right vegetables aren't so good but I destroyed I have here a list of meats I'd like to rate these are instructions I'm alcoholics and meat recipes and break out into separate teams he seems organized search a specific area it would be a meat break sir another Geiger counter so share more who brought up in New York so don't worry about it you'll have them by the end of the afternoon now only two of you will actually get to meet McGraw to find every single value of water in your area my bathtub sir I'm sure it's tested you've got to be sure those things have been that Mikael and waters dirty Mikael stupid lake Lake is pregnant these frosted lips are radioactive or any comment ad polls on the current crisis while the monsters Caprice wagon no sir I never knew the monster that well but I'll do what I can to help you for the budget honeymooner try frank's discount fall let's see monster busters monsters begone screaming mad at monsters how's it going mister Hey oh it's no use Shu labelled nobody has any sodium they all get the supply on special order from New York City did you try everybody in the telephone book yeah almost over - come on what are you trying to couple hmm you've got the try mister hey well blonde all right you labelled I'll call New York City they try throwing campbell soup that's got a lot of sodium in hello operator would you please get the Manhattan chemical supply company in New York City you won't that's right the place without sodium hello listen you carry any sodium do you have it overload that's right the metal you do well listen listen Jan a lot of it can i supersize it but will you hang on to it for me you won't hey green yeah that's right all right I'll be there in about an hour Olivia class is ready - well I gotta buy a window fan and do my tabs and I should swing by and do that other thing pick out the life-saving sodium maybe before they close yeah gotta bring that one guy that's saying to you get up there ah the ancient sodium Empire exhibit at the Met he's in luck hey where's the Wonder Bra ad and down to Greenwich Village for no reason 30 lakhs how many more will die if I do a little sightseeing four or five at most right New York closed for the day wipe out I pull them all I also run a chemical supply warehouse well I'd like to help but I've had this dentist's appointment for six months so you coming so I brought you some coffee oh good thank you any sodium with that any luck with your water testing dr. Guinea absolutely no luck I must have tested at least 10 places and didn't find a thing well mr. Hank found that chemical what you calling it oh good and he's gone off to New York to get it but he won't get back before dark and Elena where's Elena well yes he's going off to dr. Gary I think she mentioned Fingal's quarry Fingal's quarry yes sir take it back good god why didn't I think of that before that's the deepest body of water around here and it's right where those three girls were killed and thought it was the most obvious place we haven't yet checked it when I kiss your tell them I'm going to Phoenix Gloria yes sir and call the police and tell them to meet me there yes and the war with slums counter not that great don't bother ok where my galoshes galoshes galoshes hmm catch me some lightning bugs while I'm out there resusci annie drives to our next demonstration English quarry hmm ah there's stinkles pulley Pringles folly stinkles pink hole Ringo's fiddle Henckels stink wider Gingles mud fiddle Seward's folly Finnegan's rainbow studs Lonnegan might be a little firmer I'm just gonna imagine the music that would have added a lot so to get the sodium I have to take their old oil first he may be getting too much sodium ha ha time to get to my match with my chick Bigfoot big perch she's wearing her Eddie Bauer rugged IV skirt fully lined does look quite Fingal around here okay lake you can disrobe and hop up on the table now meeting the lady of the lake for brunch visited the UN had a nice lunch with futons pick up Hank green is coming East on route 104 in gray MJ and proceed to finkles quarry over will do immediately did did it it did did did did did did it do okay could you have one of your walleyes fill this for me please oh no Oh point for misters per hour that's down there needs be now real bad Raijin no phone well better mosey on out of here gonna scream too soon I guess what's his best feature mmm humming none suppose it'll give me the red cactus just follow me why should i pig all right sodium clear the roads we got sodium well I'm not gonna get away from here tonight I'm better established base camp here I'm falling I'm tall you get it again again again oh my gosh I've placed my leg against a rock the British royal family Oh of care of a better man out of a banana mommy mommy where tiles were getting cold uh-oh has her foot caught in daughter awk how did she new delete itself so bad you get a little mouse down there jabbing at her with a toothpick now you're sure you can't see my head kind of protruding no no you'll be fine all right catch and release program backfired horribly damn monsters are tailing me yes Pinto oh I could have lifted it out of there the whole time I wonder why I stayed in so long Gettysburg the seat alley fingers pouring oh great and I've got that ass-kicking contest today - yeah checked out - tada - joke me Wow the Sun burned out between cranes she's not a woman she's differently sexed what are we looking at and why are we looking at it turns out I had some sodium in my sock drawer oh hang on I gotta get the phone could he used Hormel chili or some Dinty Moore has a lot of sodium in that okay me want cookie hey hey hey it's for my drink buddy huh meanwhile later yesterday afternoon hell are we dan I want to go to Vassar what they must have gone the speed of light because they can see themselves arriving quick set of doubles anyone oh no we got driveway blacktop by mistake a herd of salamanders Bosco puts hustle in your muscle Bosco puts me in your knee also puts a dash in your eyelash oh hi dad's getting killed they didn't get to MoMA now they must have tried those last couple places in the phone book and then they Georgia New York we trade damn you you Laval you made them do it that's being smothered by youth loaf of pepperoni studded brown bread you brought beer it sit out Gummer is that down will you get your sodium oh the itching a horrible burning just at that moment a geyser goes off wait I come in peace I am the good oh wait a minute I dance fun give me another one ah my Richard Pryor impression guest appearance by Commissioner Gordon when a fever of killing they throw sodium at some passing Girl Scouts what's our cap doing get out of here oh I just get out of here dying say I got the receipt for the sodium can you pay me back now and we could split it five ways or suspend million gasps - didn't I now they got cute Oh monks great no sorry and oh how they danced the little children of stemming well at least they got compost the last a few years anyway the Battle of tickers belly where Shelby Foote when you need him Oh servo okay go alright okay Oh No well 914 Long Street this is the place never paid me for the sodium take it right out of her we interrupt to bring to this oh hello you're Nevada just arrived on River balsa miss Elaine receiving today I think she's asleep let's check alright any news from the northern wall aggression you labelled she's dressed like Colonel Sanders we interrupt this program of burning melodies she's dead late last night our place for us with the assistance of dr. Richard Gavin just jump right in with her the monsters from the so look he's nude already that the invasion of this how are you my darling I'm back from Bull Run now good morning milord Hank hello darling how's the leg oh it's much better I just saw your father and he's been burned badly but he'll be fine and he'll be back from the hospital with you wait Oh Oh like God oh sure just make yourself at home as far as you're concerned I'm wearing a female condom pants several Kevlar undergarments tiny pit bulls motion detectors okay I'm engaged to the del Aires now the Eric Roberts voodoo doll the music's coming from inside the radio you don't have your face fillers later successfully broke up and went to Junior College if I don't we all just got off their shift at rats not here wait there was a Tina in this movie let's watch it again I love Tina what good with a star who they stole this music from black people well black people we're gonna throw it away anyway love me Buddy Holly will soon in the middle better finish quickly here's a beating to get to don't do that oh yeah we'll end more it's not ending enough hey everyone you know Tom and crow and I were talking about how the kids today don't know squat about Saudi yeah I couldn't have put it better myself Mike why the shocking lack of sodium taught the school today is shocking that's right crow so we asked ourselves how how do we reach kids today about sodium out through the rock and roll music that the kids seem to like hidden oh so there sodium Val if you don't know anything about sodium now I don't know what else we can do for ya you kids with your big pants on your color chalk and your neck Campbell no to you Manny won't choose your Nerf ball nobody better see what's going on Pearl mm huh pong and your Volkswagen Golf Elise's and your notebooks and the kids with the pierced I don't know what the roller skates in the 23 skidoo Zin the listening to the facts mmm-hmm now that was a glorious piece ha ha satiated brain dice oh yes indeed well then puke yo no thank you I'm really quite full no I mean to the voluntary I'm sorry oh oh my god he writes back huh be right back you know I think I'm really gonna like it here si be a dear and have one of your fellow servants bring up more lamb sure you know I find it so refreshing that a woman your age can still get blemishes it's cute your plainness must afford you a peaceful and anima T you're lucky tell me is that pile of straw in your head easier to care for them real hair you you are so brave to wear that even with all those black goat hair sticking out out of all the moles of you back tell me it's your husband so pale because you suck the lifeblood out of his hand my husband oh then you're barren no just selected must be fun to be a song though not nearly as much fun as being a boozed up old chairs it you're gonna want your [ __ ] skanks gag Oh Maivia the gods have gained to stay with us indefinitely isn't it wonderful ha ha ha ha produced in association with the sci-fi channel
Channel: analogkid01
Views: 522,817
Rating: 4.8065338 out of 5
Keywords: MST3k, 817, Horror, of, Party, Beach
Id: TF8MIZwb8ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 51sec (5391 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2011
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