MST3k 310 - Fugitive Alien

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If anyone has any requests, let me know...I've got every episode for the most part - many of my copies are from the original VHS tapes I made when the shows originally aired. I'm posting (non-Rhino/Shout) episodes in full since my YouTube account was recently beknighted for some reason.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/analogkid01 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 14 2011 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I just got a new Blu-Ray player that streams Youtube, so I have to thank you for linking these! Keep 'em coming.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ May 14 2011 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey chicken chicken yeah hi everybody welcome to the satellite of love you've caught us in the middle of one of cheol's our life simulation exercises Joel's pretending to be a dairy farmer from southern Wisconsin help us oh well what happened to you well anyway hi there folks you know I'd been having trouble with velvetleaf cutworm and foxtail and well that's when the representative from Monsanto came out to my farm he recommended a pre-emergent in furel mixture of lowers bandwidth atrazine and a tank mix and I told him to get off my land here chicken chicken of your choice which is in 15 seconds yes'm oh yeah real life simulation call this what you may the fact is Joel's dressing up robots as farm animals come on it's milking time come on listen yep just as I thought these hens to start produce and I'm gonna have to spray all with insecticide see ya yeah really work she cut off a chicken's head and it'll still run all over the place another fun thing to do on the farm is cow tipping gee there's a lot of time to kill on a farm in there yeah what's your mind reuniting my head with my body please Joel Bob look at that old Joel Robinson had a farm e-i-e-i-o think so well never before has the term bubi been more appropriate to tell them about the invention exchange Frank well when you're an on-the-go kind of a guy like myself sometimes you need ear drops sometimes you need eye drops sometimes you need nose drops sometimes you need throat drops sometimes when you touch the honesty's too much I'm always shocked Rob Frank look carrying all those medications around granted is in convenience that's why I say combine them that's why we invented the orbital auto Rhino laryngeal logical dropper very conveniently combines all the ear nose and throat medications you need into a convenient package how do you think farm boy well this is perfect because after your invention makes people feel better they can enjoy their good health by going to the park and enjoying this new invention it's called the musical chair get it okay yeah what better way to sin with your favorite musicians huh hey sit in with the it's a chair what do you think sirs uh I thought it had no texture say what's the letter for well Frank we've got a very special guest today to tell Joel and the bots about today's experiment it's someone we all know and love I think you're going to be excited ladies and gentlemen mr. Jack Perkins Jack Perkins Wow hello today's experiment is called fugitive alien a wonderful film from Japan not to be confused with the fugitive the classic television series which can be seen weekdays right here on A&E this is actually a strung together series of Japanese shows which when put together in this way make for what I think is some of the best TV has to offer thanks jack not only Joyce Carol Oates will be out to read from her wondrous new work of fiction her first novel in well over a month then Peter Paul and Mary will be out to give us a wondrous rendition from one of their songs off their scintillating new album then Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy will be out to tell us some poignant stories of the joys and sorrows of being really really horribly old and then Topol will be a okay that's good you guys hey it's the name of the rose no it's a smiling face gone horribly wrong sandy Frank presents her own personal hell Coriana Scott see oh man cool this is just like episode 38 of Star Trek the first season but it doesn't have that no no no no it's like the star Raiders of the Daleks head in the in the fifth generation of the doctor in the back there who when they had the three doctors together and they had the one that look like slow and Klingon knows starring David Jensen of Mars searching for the one-armed daily traffic on the outbound orbital planets heavy little branch - folks wanna might try taking on all - on the grandest morning hey quit passing on the right it's not fair Teta Yama and shove it don't do this originally produced for the stage by the Royal Shakespeare Company watch out for that just Park it anywhere boys oh no oh this is super cool like that first episode Battlestar Galactica when they all go Atlantis like invasion or maybe like solar babies limited and space stations community ah Madame Butterfly attack ah we've started already sir banana peel I'll catch up destroy the earth and its inhabitants its heck razor its rolling stone until L row can't think it looks like Morton thigh in the early days why do they need so many writers oh they need a one guy for the verbs one get for the nouns the additives you know effort whoa Oh looks like the floor of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Black Monday doesn't it OOP ah they've broken into Carol Channing's house gymkata in Provence Wiggly pool do the wiggling pool I've been killed by an action figure well robe more credits roll hey no cutting in line you're not happy but I can't honestly I've never seen anyone so strong certainly not a redhead I'm twice as strong back home unbalanced are you don't throw it you hear that can I'll check it out oh how humiliating earth taken over by Judy Garland impersonator do is bring a cool job to do big man you're not gonna make it cool yeah yeah bless you he'll for not treating mix of genocide and modern dance hey you're starting to sound like Jack okay has one when Josie and the Pussycats go bad good well you have split ends Ken little boys with guns grow up to be big enemies better kill him while he's still young well hey do you want to play yeah hey is everybody named Ken what yes planning to the Ken planet where oh what a perfect apocalyptic jumpsuit she's well in cards blue moons green Japanese boy but this damn Kirshner's rock concert all of a sudden these obsession ads are weird between Ken and Ken lies obsession shoot can kill them all which can the closer Ken gets the better ken looks what are you waiting Oh buck fever holy Ken's Ken dresser knows for sure Ken to health can Juan we have such a global Mohini his mama is a saint if I have one life to live let me live it as I can yo bad I don't kill women and children and step back and I need I said you're a disgrace to all Ken's was that you good boy you'll portray it off shiraito the names damn call me and you won't get away with it can run got room good do come get him he killed one of his own men I didn't mean to it was an accident 10:33 go left ken 16 and 18 flank and Ken's ember on the back m4 I mean 10-4 there you go there you the traitor don't let me away just like that episode where it was like that the Nazi world on starchy the woman topic was the doctor things the fifth doctor and he was trying to save me live in the Cloyd mess because I started a I know I saw I saw the Moon Festival there 12 hours he hurt his little pants after he's been in in the pants little pants you have betrayed us you will never set eyes on town a star again today oh I flopped and I didn't even have to I just love to do it's just for fun what hmm smells like my wig in our I'll get home sell out yo yo ethical faster you will not reach home all traitors die don't smoke Elliott that steering column fix I'll get there if it's the last thing I do probably will be the Rangers boo boo it surrenders so they think they can blow me out of the sky yep slavery's stop now so is the lover but these are this mom I can't get another control I'm a crappy special effect yes yes I want to die in the thong section of Victoria's Secret oh boy now he's in more trouble than Hudson Hawk at the box office that's an alien saucer an enemy signal or a garbage truck backing up I think they can kill me so easily now they're in for a little surprise I'm a ranger - I'm a star of course you are can just keep saying that you saw Sir monks in space I'm gonna have to bail out wait a minute is there Ken hey it's not kin it's Ken or you been kissing him with Ken oh I was thinking a cat no and Ken kennel now let's see triple-a roadman flashlight bark bark I'm set I know some people will do anything to get the mass on Holy Thursday I gotta tell you hey he should have had those big improvements fed him Ruben I told you to watch the speed bumps what do you suppose that was not sounded like Ken what come here easy Tammy uh-huh that was no meteorite that was my wife the groom turn on the radiation deflector that trick never works operating soon that explosion sent out powerful magnetic fields and sort of our spacecraft if we're not careful so stay on the alert yes sir left all the Ken's everywhere this is a sneeze magnified a hundred times do you smell aliens looks like we're out of danger now uh-huh captain what's that out there it's a Zenith chroma color it could be all yours of you pick what's behind door number walls of space right it's a man with little pants it's pretty cool he must have bailed out of that ship before it exploded looks like he's still breathing good eye rocky yes sir we're going to rescue him I don't think that's a very good idea why don't we just leave well enough alone don't say that he isn't even wearing a spacesuit Oh way he could have survived out there he could have dad what is our mission if not to save lies you know she's right Oh okay let's go for it rocky take your foot off the clutch that's not the wolf attacker who could it be oh I remember this this is just like in maroon when David Janssen goes to save Gene Hackman and James Franciscus and derelict spaceship before the Soviet the a spring car he noticed a light comes open up it is I've had it space mines in color dirt I got monkey bars gimme a hug you big galoot he's alive I got dibs I don't get it nobody goes to like that explosion throwing on on the human being would have been blown to piss boo he's coming to terms with himself oh my god I've been captured by Wayne Newton jakka shame hello friend ow welcome to the Earth's oldest spaceship back is three model air my name is Joe hello Joe what do you know got back from Kokomo do I survive that crash watch it Ken this might be a trap you sure took your chances out there without a spacesuit or did your spacesuit explode as well yeah good one sir no I just don't get it can't a guy get a cup of coffee around here I'll answer that soon this is back as three over this is space control the wolf Raiders from Falmouth star have been attacking the earth they seem zero zero be on the alert strong reaction simply the photo to me cut out you guys pound won't you shine can't afford to lose control yeah well what do you call that then oh you can see the zipper I thought so my best flat lair a couple of questions you like Peter Allen who are you what's the capital of South Dakota and why did you react that way when you heard the word wolf huh hmm and where did you get all your strength you'd better tell us the truth fella come on come on I'm an astronomer I was doing scientific work huh you're hitting me let's go I heard about the wolf Raiders on my radio that is why every I could why did I tell you I also believe in fairies I don't want to get killed captain UFOs on our radar screen I'm busy get to see check it yes sir let's go right wait nice cufflinks your car dog hmm see now I'm gonna spank me big-time I don't want you to move from this spot unless of course you feel like leaving this ship and floating in space you can get up now what is comfortable but huh they're trusted at the Utah you keep your eyes on the screen yes all instruments operational and how we're approaching route and then their 600 sir and my heart is racing look how fast they're going who can generate that kind of velocity all freighters for sure your sir I don't think we're any match for them got my nose Oh judge Clarkson you can't take them on in this beat-up old crate change course someone put a gag in his mouth oh my god he's talking sense for once they have great a firing power the ship is much too old to take guns superior forces like bull freighters it's too late to turn around now I think they've spotted our position there Batman we listen to yellow captain Lee the drapery hooks mm-hmm are you a good witch or a bad witch this is it let's go yeah I got an idea let's get that back sigh hats out of the back oh I know where that is I get it after PHA what are you two yard monkeys doing now uh well seeing the stupid wolf Raider hair helmets in the experiment reminded me of all this stuff from the last had party we had a put that one on yeah oh no I don't want I'd feel silly I remember that one that one was the grandest of all yeah yeah I thought we could take some of these and have fun with them and maybe make up even more stupider hats you know for the next party okay put that one on me I got an idea here okay now you see this is a helmet for astronauts who are losing their hair bottom coming up okay all right I'm in doing now look at this one okay this goes back to 1981 I'm a punk from space get it whoo I am one nah nah keys get it well that's cool hey this big one over here put this one out you try no I got I got it I got it this is what Patti LaBelle would look like on the space shuttle oh that's cool I'd read them on there okay oh wait out oh oh watch it here yeah oh wow look at it's a Ted Koppel satellite of hair or you can even pull down the curl in front of it would look just like Frank's hair helmet oh I think those things are wonderful push the button Frank yeah burn dr. F you better come have a look at this Joel the bots are making fun of my hair my hair now Frank let them have their little fun experiments not quite over and they'll soon live to regret it oh wait hey guys look at this one Hey uh-oh this one looks like dr. Forrester if his head got sucked into the vacuum of space through a keyhole well you cut that out remember what I said about hat parties you get your little hydras back into that theater and you watch the film I'm not amused by your antics in the least I thought it was a sheer delight I think that's about as grand as a hat party can get ah I was about as painful as a cattle prod of the shoulder could get ah send him commercial Frank I'll send them commercial side but later on in the program Linda Ellerbee will be on I hate to say it but Jack Perkins had that coming report right that party never ended like that I'm exhausted I wish someone would turn off the courageous cat music yeah chilly [ __ ] break my gun coq10 raft oh boy very ethical space be at fun I presume Weaver didn't the face you see here well we can't fight him but we can confuse the heck out of him fries are up yep whoa whoa that was us jeepers somebody hang up the phone huh watch out for that well never mind up cease fire it back us three you haven't seen the last of me Jim back cookies are done sir kula yeah looks like we made it loved each other all the way through nothing that's been knocking out my officer look alive you guys there's work to do laughter I'm sorry honey okay rocky are you okay yo Adrian Oh cut me cut me good we did it we got away from them I did yeah did mm-hmm who is this guy all I know is he's ten times as strong as we are ran off him and he got us through the wolf Raiders single snappy dresser and a good friend hey bookmobile summer reading program third planet from the Sun will be known as earth burger oh no let the circle LaGuardia for an hour I'm bettin you can see the Great Wall it's okay they're going to the Dells that Jimmy left his Legos in the driveway again kid well I tell you that ship is burping out a lot of chlorofluorocarbons they're honking a holy ozone the bank will be closing in five minutes station 14 here is the latest report on the attack of the bell the Raiders due to heavy damage aerospace port number six has been closed to all traffic until further notice her that's all port what do we do I just talked to headquarters they said all streets leaving the base have been destroyed check that out sugar out hey attention please take charge of the prisoner coming flights are kindly requested to proceed immediately to Space Command promoted for debriefing that's Lee repeat we must senior officers of all incoming flights proceed at once to Space Command headquarters watch the steno pool go wild for his vinyl whoo-hoo you me how can I contact spaceport 6 right up there sir thank you I just want to check out my car loan care it's got my way Noah's Ark hey and there's Moses's Jeep did he tell you how he got that wound I gave it to him he refused to answer any of our questions he started shouting and acting crazy so I gave him a tranquilizer to quiet him is he likely to get violent he's highly unpredictable please maintain him here under heavy guard thanks for the warning right now come on everybody's doing their banking in this movie looks like Ken's driving the Malibu Barbie Beach gee I just have to get up some money for the weekend oh dang their clothes boy I would love to be a banker so uh dinner Thursday great on my way Peter hi say dinner Friday great okay no I a dinner Sunday so we do oh you're free ladies and gentlemen this is Elvis why do you like everyone genetic welcome to the audience has left the arena what Oh Oh baby dolls and ballet slippers the geometric nucleus I'm not you toy well just rifle the dead stuff here so dinner Sunday go what I can Mary Ann ginger skipper Bobby professor thank you hi everyone she told hmm opera does he say whopper Rumble mcwhopper said yeah well darling with Mary Ann uh dead a dusting downstairs where she Oh Mary Ann's resting in peace Jesus oh thank goodness was the worried something had happened to her in that terrible attack I couldn't find her anywhere and I passed out woke up here what do you think what a view you got a great Li room together again well that does take the pressure off hey Ken's got a problem Japan wasn't careful Ken's going to get candy hmm oh no you don't sir you but oh yes I do physician heal myself I know just what to do I'll sneak out of here disguised as Chad Everett that always works hey hey McGarrett's up here Oh toxins in Huskies women regular Ken's out cross-training just do it ken was safe in the moment where could he go what could he do an outcast on his own planet a fugitive alien on earth no you would have to make a start somewhere in the robot hologram where and how could he get there and what a bummer for Chad oh sorry that was me refuse me a spacecraft - I have to hijack one Hulu builder were not no slacks Wow now I queue myself jump back and hop jumping running and spinning this is good for the glutes you gotta want to the burn burn mm-hmm he's at a ski lodge now yeah uh-huh tell me where can I check the spaceship anybody never one mmm anybody they ship meet the hijacker hey nobody around how do I get a board going through the lumberyard that's how you get a board an epic if it's Susan Walker Oh Oh stranger hi sailor did you just drop by for coffee or were you planning to stay on for the cocktail hour whoo I'll have that cocktail now well friends another very gracious guest I brought his record courteous to point a gun it's not curious to point your fingers you're the runaway from a nice clean infirmary now don't giving me the gun that's enough hmm turn around and face the wall whoa go on don't you think it'd be a good idea to check if it's loaded right Oh routine 35 what don't work Sara shot what us Joe this thing I ever did was to save the life of a Val narrator you people have no respect for life you don't even kill your own families if it brought you some advantage the world will never be safe with people like you around let's kiss look you'd even destroy the universe barian the minute I saw you I knew you were one of those savage bound the wolves what are you to view the body can express well you know something that was my last flight I wanted to devote the rest of my life to my wife and kid my wife just died in my arms do I make Norway over by the window huh honestly where is the pride in killing defenseless women and children you call that heroism I call it fun don't you have any hobbies when we saved you a little swatch of cloth got torn off your uniform hmm I found one exactly like it next to the body of my little daughter Oh what have you got to say um oops sorry I'm listening no one can beat me it snaps it was I was in time of the ADA there's no point trying to hide it I was on a mission but I killed one of my comrades in an accident I ran away look how the other wolves are hunting the traitor you're lying through your teeth expect me to buy that it's a truth I swear it now listen to the rest of the story page two we attacked earth oh my bloody or would it be to kill a child he never explained the blond wigs I don't get that I couldn't it was then that he turned his rifle on the child then light saw him raise his gun to fire no Brooke I just wanted to get him to put the rifle down suddenly I looked down and saw that glassy look in his eyes that sly come hither stare I'd forgotten how strong I was can you did the right thing know turn off the way in that you know I never keep any bullets him again like Barney Fife killing anyone is too horrible I didn't feel that way when I was about your age I was like you wild and reckless that's me to a tee whoa till today you're killed for kicks hey like the wild rebels hmm you were just like I used to be thrilled killer I wasn't I was a soldier carrying out orders there's no dishonor in that what is dishonor then killing for a corrupt power bunkichi drinks juice and rayna traitor see that's why you're a scummy traitor cigar why are your photos Roger I've been thinking things over appointing retiring no with no wife or family to go home to you'll do for now I'm going to need some new men in the crew slim hipped and willowy pink lips young fellow has become a fugitive was being hunted all over the universe severe you could do a lot worse throwing in his lot with the crew of Bacchus 3 hmm we might even get to be friends he asked me he asked I don't understand what have I done to deserve this we don't deserve half the things we get yeah listen mood swings or exactly what I tell you you have a good chance of turning into a man not just a wolf Raider and don't you ever forget I know exactly who you are and where you came from one false move and I'll set you adrift to fend for yourself brethren now let's have some fun now then whether you like it or not she's yours looks like you just signed on welcome to Herbalife cats and joke I gotta think I like it yeah whatever what you're singing gang everything's fine in the land of Dairy Queen we treat you right while hen was being welcomed aboard back as three and starting his life was an Earthling back on val no stark ends former home the wolf Raiders were returning from their unsuccessful restore earth their leader the notorious Lord halcรณn was determined to punish Ken mercilessly for his supposed betrayal meanwhile I went to war voiceover auditions say speak upon assuring mercilessly whoa wearing a bit cuz I just ate tragedy tomorrow kabuki tonight I take it you have already heard that your brother has lost his life yes he was killed by ken ken D don't bastards why that can't be true I know it must seem impossible you loved each other and here her brother's friend I trusted him too how sad it is to put your trust in a traitor hmm that's not the worst part he killed your brother in an attempt to defend an Earthling never forget my records back then he escaped into the unknown in a stolen spaceship that'll happen as a coward the traitor is disgraced as all I forbid you to see him or Fateh of the right to live must he die yes and you must be his executioner it is an old Bown allure that murders must be avenged by the victims next of kin oh not that I don't trust you a wise one but can I see the book of that rule it's it rat patrol in color and it looks like they were shooting this out of the windshield of a Vista Cruiser station wagon to Pomona Rita Ken must die by your hand you are not to return here without his head without his head oh I gotta lay off the shrooms ken did someone say ken ken you will pay dearly for what you did I know mama love oh that was easy I can go Oh dan I was supposed to bring back his head where aren't you miserable she gonna meet a ride out there supposed to walk to I know you've heard of the stalker arrow it's in the center of the seventh constellations inhabited by a strong and independent nation to Cherokee Nation we have been allied with Corrado for centuries and now they are threatened their mortal enemies have developed a super weapon super weapon well a really good one anyway of all the details but we have an intelligent support apparently this weapon can destroy a whole continent if we do nothing to prevent it then I'm afraid Carrero is doomed to extinction and that is the reason that they got in touch with us we're alone after giving it careful consideration I've decided that you are the only man capable of doing the job so we're going to get you a new Dickey but they've always handled their own defenses this time they've got more than one enemy in cool people it looks like the Val no Raiders are going to attack Varla Star is one of the strongest forces of evil in our universe see what'd I tell you cool anyway well I'm sorry I was just playing a video game in my head I understand there's no way that they can handle this alone yes the currents are a valiant people luckily blue they are no match for the Valerie days well what you're talking to me I'm sorry I was thinking of the 8th hole of Torrey Pines sorry let's cut the crap I love you accept the mission ok good excellent I knew you wouldn't gossip lightest yeah I always look forward to the crew Jake especially with such a fine crew as the one in the back is 3 that's rocky a flying squirrel the best space pilot in the business and a good friend you remember Dan my navigator indeed I do oh oh and this little darling is your morale officer another I get a pure then the town knows my back smells when the two of us put together you don't say doesn't sound half bad Oh young Billy he's going to make a fine officer someday it's a good crew Joe not quite now I've got some shots of the picnic here now who's the boss boy face he looks like he could handle himself in a fight hmm always rough and ready all right but that's just what I need on this mission real bruiser after all the down the Raiders aren't what rendom to sweet and gentle either sir listen Joe we're asking you to set out on a dangerous assignment we can't afford any unknown properties out there do you know anything about this man's background I just want to recruit this guy in the worst way I wasn't planning to adopt him Joe I like you owari if you think he's alright then he's all yours huh well I'm in China I'm in chat oh oh no it's just funny red ball jets help you run faster jump higher Oh oh I thought I was gonna nuts tea commercial hmm I see a bunny and a cloud and a blonde wig and a satin tap pant matching camisole you do it right Oh another royalty check for her valper coming up slow calf muscle sad I want your wig now it's been 26 years it's only fun if I catch you wait up some come on it's my turn to wear that night gotta go folks let's run hmm people try to understand I did what I had to find you to be kin and come I want you to be kin Joel I feel ridiculous I'm dressed like Evel Knievel only not so tasteful yeah Joel I want to cast aspersions on your little play acting IDI I don't want to be a dead squirrel under the floorboards your hunting Shack but this is the stupidest thing you've ever had a through yeah yeah Joel you've been nipping at the testers gluer what here come on I just thought it would be fun to play the handsome captain of the space ship okay it's a lark ass blue run with me on this one I promise I'll never make you do it again oh yeah right well give it a week I'll have a 6-foot foam scorpion stinger hanging off my mom let's just get this over with okay just come on you guys it'll be a guess okay cambot help me out on this one you chill drive off engines to full all right cap no cigar Ken yeah you know no sense in me returning back home what with my wife and child gone oh that's right they took a laser bolt didn't make too bad cigar Ken you know a young fellow I could use a few of them on my ship a young fellow could do a lot worse than throwing with a lot of Bacchus three we might even become friends I don't understand what did I do to deserve this we don't deserve half the things we get he's stuck here gee Joel don't vapor lock on us it's just a little skit for cryin out well so I have brought the engines to neutral yeah you do exactly as I say and maybe you'll find out what it means to be a real man rather than just a wolf rider Yeah right and you've got a good chance to end up at the Frances Farmer motel Oh Jim Joe get a hold of yourself think you broke my jaw sorry buck - are you now out of control how symbolic are you on surveillance duty sorry I scared you you're not too angry I was afraid I was gonna get strangled no there's no time for that who's Rita your wife or your girlfriend yes okay I got you ten we're shut up sorry tired you know ken I'm beginning to think you're not an Earthling hmm you haven't got the slightest idea how to talk to a girl honestly I just wanted to say hello you didn't have to bite my head off so what'd I do I don't feel like talking and I don't like people meddling in my affairs oh you don't we'll have it your way at Burger King hmm this crew had better start learning to get along it's going to be a difficult mission our next mission will take us to the holy in the thirty silver constellation however before reaching a final destination we all get hats big wall on raro which is a scramble ready to see for our assistance as you may have heard Carraro and be holier at war and recently the wolf Raiders have joined forces with the holy in other words this will be no picnic more like a small dinner harder you say do we accept sir I'd rather go and fight I'd sit down here bored out of my mind captain I think this is one mission where you're not going to need whiskey for excitement I'll need a stiff felt when I get back yeah you'll need a big belt mmm couple more arms not gonna take him along cool it Danny mmm but captain who is he I may go to jail hmm take it or leave it captain I'm sorry I'm sure you know what you're doing hmm captain we accepted okay welcome aboard are you sure you've got what it takes for the job you bet we have don't prefer a walk Joe and charge no mission is impossible well time will tell Monty Python's Flying Circus a crew got free tanning sessions right now right down please right down please right down please right down here not bite me basically chef in the color schools what a line pot kettle going on this mission or something hey there's Dan not yeah I've had a rebuilt stand to stern meat huh you would stand the extreme velocities out there I don't want to have another encounter like I had with the wolf Raiders yeah I thought I was going to explode like a balloon shouldn't have had those Rumble away I never liked that again captain what are the specs on this job well those are bugs they'll wash off we've added a power unit that can take us up to speeds of Mach five six and over yeah pretty much any more speed with tear us apart yeah you know security guard really looking forward to flying sorry Jess mine Joe hi Harry Hart team game you're really gonna take on that mission sure thing you leave the milk runs to us ma'am you always were a daredevil huh yeah by the way is there any truth to that rumor they say rocky wants out of this mission again if he feels like a change I could sure use him hmm sounds like someone's overactive imagination Rocky's accounted for I wouldn't go anywhere without him right uh yeah you salty did I were they this is a strange development wheels everywhere using my superior strength to fight my own people what is this the wonder year sure I'd love to liberate bonused at the time without what the air out of the tire cool families up there then does she know I killed her brother baby will I ever be able to explain to her what really happened and what about Naomi will she love again trades neat cool big ones screamer's that guy rocky hates me can captain Joe control it or not will Joe admit that sue loves Mary killed over with Clint Walker no eat fork buddy he thinks I'm a palace yeah well fortunately for me i hate's more spinach hey come on dim your Brides I can't see uh you should know by now pal when you push a wolf's Raider he pushes back this must be one of those Russian forklifts I've earned so much about lately this is the song written for the train chase this is the chase Rocky Joe Mannix mad at that to do Rocky again well that answers my question what was the question I thought you were a wolf Raider they planted you on a flight to sabotage our mission yeah well you're a wuss Raider what are you doing are you hi IVA straight to 20 men this is the song right after is a strange haze this is the fine Rocky and can he what's going on oh nothing sir uh chapter teasing the freshmen I told you no grab-ass in the shower I know who he is now he's my mother he's my sister he he's my mother and my sister he tried to kill me with a forklift wait rocky how often do I have to tell you you should stop reading those science fiction novels they're comic books to tell them I know Ken's a lot stronger than we are there's a reasonable scientific explanation for that you spent a lot of time in another constellation hmm that increases strength mm-hmm you're a liar I don't believe you just like you know don't expect any gratitude from me okay I won't ah now you listen to this pull my finger what I expect from you is total obedience if that's okay with you you know you'll only continue to live as long as I shut up I read from the counter Shanna wise great it's only a model Horrocks pit up sunflower seeds aliens space adventurers prepare to embark on a perilous and exciting mission the ship owns the building with you miss Charlie counsel Steve Frank and your people the theme while on valo stars the colors are being made remember reader it is no you may not return until the iron shines huh tell me spirit of these shadows of things which must be your which might be unite their true names Dean I look twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph from the back of each one why am I thinking of the cast party now oh I like that one mary has fifty three bucks from the photo opera what sound is that I can be Barbara my baby my wife whatever I don't care anymore what happens to me out beyond the stars I don't survive and we can be together again that much sooner I would says turn the fryer light office you so rest peacefully until then it won't be long now what a Sam what oh oh I got the wrong grave I'm sorry Olga uh that is a clear sink I gotta go paint a house now sorry well I just about hey they're having a jumpsuit party as always you're like greatest of all Thanks you're a great crew ready to levitate the table into the mission Cheers yes hmm rocky aren't you going to drink with us gonna fly now sir I want you in the worst way ordered me to go on this mission sure will rocky i order you to pilot back as three yes sir I guess you're stuck with me at the controls let's go for it then you old space aha you pile of space crab this is yours it has your initials on it I made it a chop plasters for you it's the song of the space mob will drink hello a drinker yes captain it's for you fisher-price phone sir oh hello what I'll read a guy cheeks you why departure wait they're having cocktail nine eight seven Mouseketeer sign in coin for right Jimmy huh not wide zero it looks like is anything can happen dancer remember that the Musketeers and Mickey Mouse are registered trademark of Disney incorporated with amidst a television tough shown picture any unlicensed distribution of any of these images that are not remotely as resembling anyone to be image across the ribbon by Disney twin of us don't touch don't hand a Michael Eisner sorry went out for the tower so the rebound Rebecca's three blasted off for her next encounter with destiny this mission would be the most demanding the ship and her crew had ever been asked to endure oppressor Kevin presser like an Arab David Captain Joe immediately tested the newly installed speed acceleration equipment before I gonna need all this meeting and he had to know early on if the crew could take the pressure I can't my face goes all funny sir that's quite a tick you got there son close enough with some butter good morning I really gotta run I can't stop I don't know works goodbye folks Tibet International the white zone is for loading and unloading only dune off engine Oh handing off doesn't it feel great to be back on the ground again Oh a trouser came hi there he sent someone to meet us can release the gangway um call me Ken okay Ken nice gangway is that the gangway how much does it gain 180 Beatty Beatty Beatty welcome [ __ ] no it's the planet of Twinkies no boy night what could be worse mm-hmm it's a planet of Gallagher's that smell and crazy well captain Joe moving kind of slows to know you captain Joe and one officer follow me yes sir the rest wait here till you receive further orders doesn't sound too friendly Gannet rocky again canning it sir I'm going to establish contact meanwhile you wait here at good idea keep her cool I'm gonna be involved in very delicate negotiations now there's coal cuts in the fridge and some armor all in the glove box and keep out of the liquor cabinet right here later Tatom teen gang I'm taking in the gangway I'm taking in my little ones has anybody here got a deck of cards they're supposed to be our allies I was never welcomed anywhere like this before hmm so nine black mountain hills out in the middle of summer failing planet two hits it hey guy let's do it see my boss well this is nice comfortable nice right oh now they're big in there in Mexico hmm Mon you guys wait here I got to go cash a check tap the kidney nice pecs ding ding ding ding ding welcome to the dance of incontinence hmm I mean seven continents Oh kind of a jerk captain Dennett while zakka raj doors all of a sudden things he exits No what is this strange feeling inside me it's a voiceover called blow out there somewhere and I want to be part of it yes sir that's my baby I think I'll do a little reconnaissance party here you can't leave the ship can and go after Ken hey Billy let's join him out there right stop or I'll shoot hey everybody run Tami's got a good you're still wait here in this spacecraft and that's exactly what we're going to do she is management material we have to stick together come on guys now I want to do what I want to do Oh Imperial margarine presents can keister da in keys - wha - give me with the foreplay aside polar when I was fighting with the wolf Raiders upon a crack break your mother's back if there's room your mother was a saint by the way top of the world bar looks like he got his prescription filled through by man and he's reverting to childhood mang hey I'm sorry about Ken they've had a hard time with him adjusting to school he says gifted though Marty no thanks I've had it cut how much longer now his Excellency will be with you shortly I don't I believe you said that two hours ago I don't need this crap no from Chongqing oh great a floor show ooh is the great TE Lawrence going to join us now we don't know if we should stand cuz we don't know if you're a man or a woman yet hey I'm captain Joe this is rocky alright first officer well then Joe Lord of kurai rule it's a door he's a guy we can sit down God we ask you to leave your planet and come and help us because of hostilities with the stars' SR Romero understand why have they declared war on you they want what we have we have mineral resources say sorry send yourself rather than pay for them like everyone else they think they could obtain them by force and violence we used to laugh at say sir now tell me some story dangerously stronger they've acquired a super weapon which could destroy our planet or possibly our whole constellation sounds like Jack Benny plane of Ireland bindis my friend indeed Trumpy your stinky scoob's now can honey don't touch anything and stay close to mom I'll just blend in with the crowd here a nun's habit for me no thanks but you're sweet I love the rent pissed well then let's tape it I close out on taffeta look at those guys hmm kids proposed one once whoa what's this looks like I'm in a little something in the deal it's upon gives me an idea I made one killer must be Mardi Gras carnival hey our hey Chris walkins playing Russia wrote that totally new concept it's a church bar hello say brandy Beck another round I'm sort of Philistia Juan those Midori it's really good boy I don't like your face no I'm not a big fan either sir getting out a nice personality I guess you're not from here otherwise you'd know it's good manners to drink with friends yeah I'd rather share a needle with Keith Rick told you to drink Oh mom's gonna smell this on me doesn't he know I can kill him with one blow soompi go buddy strangers aren't welcome gonna be a fight all right okay five dooda dooda me what are you doing to get a band-aid ow my toes yeah that's a foul my private school yeah yeah we get this oh thank you sir may I have another mmm yeah I like you guys one more well looks like we've got three separate beams of well America gotta get a get a brunch BAM [ __ ] bill happy lay down the booty and play that monkey music till you die next on taxi or Barney Miller oh it killed him with a curling iron be good just a gigolo yeah get him it's his turn to buy the picture so the Renaissance Festival you looked at my bag off the killers it's Marian Oh suddenly it is your tower here you know hey that's a dressing room where is he I saw him going there somewhere indeed oh it's a woman's restroom we can't go in this is getting ridiculous sorry I think you're losing nothing don't joke or juggle or something just a second I'll be right back what did you say something to him while I was sleeping what gives hmm hey look it's the all Kanna network look who's in trouble what did he do kill the man just restorin too loud who's ready for quitting on the spacecraft during our negotiations hmm that man was arrested in a storehouse for precious stone hafted what was he doing in there your excellency if he left the ship it was in direct violation of my orders you ordered him to steal the stones no thanks for bidding I thought it was new one through pain I'm afraid he doesn't take orders seriously I order him to stay aboard then you don't mind if I cut off his head that's why we brought him not at all suit yourself huh i tire of putting bring me something salty and crunchy and sweet where were we goofy land we yeah we're discussing the fee that's right yes let me give you your down payment my little bag one little two little Three Little Indians I love that onesie it's Jimmy Carl black the Indian in the girl from the mothers Oh snacks block we'll collect the rest on completion of the Brooklyn Bridge hey Sonny rules is out there my helmets chafing Steve you eagle quit playing that sure it's quiet too quiet that elbow is coming from that room of spring Stravinsky they let him have a chamber group in his soul I know a chamber pot oh that's it musical time thanks for little Prelude guys hmm I've got a crazy Star Wolf idea that just might work his Mickey Mouse Club give them incredible power that's a trademark hmm spider-man yeah but not the new spider-man the old spider-man when he has a costume and when oh oh great first day on a job I lose a guy come on down this is our monkey cage this is no disco to say no fooling around okay I was just checking out the layout here the cool moldings I kept cardiac medicine stuff I can't find one I'll make one cut the funny stuff you've just been ordered executed there ought to take the smile of your face not I could do it right by the way don't waste your energy you can't get out of here no earthling can earthly not even a wolf freighter could break out of this place is that so we'll see about that meanwhile back at the cool sure captain anyone can make a mistake just as long as you don't keep on repeating it I think we should get rid of Ken Wigwam I disagree have you already forgotten Ken saved our lives I think he deserves another chance don't you agree we're okay man a firm conviction I guess you're right I'll take him back on one condition you stop drinking and start going to meetings as a say sir officer in that jail mmm-hmm you think Ken can help him break out of there let's go to it establish contact with Ken's secret radio on the double now you guys go ahead SiC how to stay here I wish I had our Monica hmm Cleveland you're on the air can you hear me it's me yeah I really missed you did we haven't talked since high school what's going on about this cute little gadget you don't have to know everything what's romantic don't leave abroad double-cross us and I guess I've passed her examination heaven I now what do you want me to do listen carefully turn your head and Carlos again there's a seesaw officer in your jail we need him as camouflage when we move on to say sir they won't suspect anything if we show up with when they're all the tree Hey we want you to contact that officer it get him in yourself I pick prison why don't you just ask the Kuran authorities to release us well if you're so smart why are you in jail five minutes and they got suspicious if they I want to take him to say sir chances are they'll think I've joined forces with their mortal enemies are you sure I can find him and get him out of this prison sure can I have complete confidence you can bring it off course on your own and I'm sure the other inmates haven't heard a word of this Oh works every time he's God now meet listen sir Arctic are are unlikely to suspect you if I break out of here currents can suspect anything they want as long as I can get off this planet with Danny's got the fenders cheeks only how am I supposed to get out of this prison cell those bars are strongest tree trunks here's our Y escape mm-hmm Oh Star Wolf suddenly going soft just give me my orders soft wolf you'll find you got some clever little items with you go on okay I want you to listen carefully all right I'm using a smoke screen can you see me now it's the Patty Duke show take a good look your fire right shoulder button top made delorca equipped it with a miniature nuclear device finally I had none only that works a little like a grenade me whatever you want to blow up attach it to it hmm are any more of these buttons grenades check your lapel now you see how much I trust you genuine mother-of-pearl there now then what happens if I don't find this say sir officer yeah we blow your neck auger will because you have to let blow are you don't the way abandoning you here look don't you think this is an awfully tall order hmm 10 I know you can handle it y'all doggonit this film hath me bamboozled ya think about it we've got this guy who used to wear wig but doesn't anymore who was joined up with Captain gerbil in the leatherette squad and everybody's having more flashbacks and Bruce Dern in the trip yeah and now he's held captive by Don Ho and the kid who drinks rania and who is fighting who and why and why are all these alien transvestites attacking earth anyway and what about this Japanese preoccupation with the name cat okay okay you guys take it easy I knew you were gonna have a problem with this movie but that's what I'm here for okay the real problem with this film is it's not really a movie at all it's just a bunch of Japanese TV show strung together to look like a movie so that's what's going so what's like Bergman scenes from a marriage and set or a Schwartz is a very Brady Christmas just listen up you two you just might learn something this is the screenplay model developed by Syd field in his runaway bestseller book screenplay here's how it works cambot help me out here the first act establishes setting and the major characters will get to know and then the first plot point comes along and sends it all up zigging everywhere and into another direction so can anybody give me an example of what that would be in today's movie oh I'm the credit no crow oh I know I know it's when Mephisto and the blonde chick with the oh I'm just grabbing at straws here Joel everybody it's when Ken joins Star Force and goes up against his old allies which can well the one with the wig right all right now in act 2 we reveal the conflict in the film does anybody know what that is take a leap crow oh let's see it's either that credits or well it's when Ken in the wig fights his own inner struggle which is punctuated with his conflict with the other crew members and his shaky alliance with Captain cheeky who drinks a lot by the way and oh that's the subplot we're very good croquet that's act 2 now given these pieces of the puzzle does anybody know how plot point two will turn out oh well that's easy scouts easy Atticus Finch shoot the dog in the street which shows that he has a capacity oh no that's to kill a mockingbird cute I'll jump in here okay let's just imagine that the blonde assassin comes in and and shows her love for Ken our undying love for Ken instead of serving two masters they died in a Harry Caray love pack what do you know come on Joel this is Sandi Frank not Kurosawa well my guess is that it goes on like the mess it is with no resolution and we're all left feeling empty and unfulfilled like fast binders tragic here when Berlin Alexanderplatz see you my friend get around check all right what do you think sirs uh well uh William gold Joel we we have a theory uh you know Tony Morrison best known for her literary tour-de-force beloved may well be one of the fastest roads no time up Frank where do I take it we're gonna burn him here boy back to the spaceship signal us when you're clear over and out shoulder going off when I talk to can I touch myself hmm what's that meet I heard a noise if you tell it's coming mmm horses 12 13 maybe the coast is clear but the tide is out open channel D blooming ground flower light then get away with loud report hot nice you butter I see tha Peter Jose he chose Peter chose Peter Jose here Jose merry xmas in a joke now this little is something just for moi the Ken's making a little too much out of this oh just Christmas lights for crying out loud something to do well Oh decamped alright the finger dude a wonderful coulda sworn up kissing monster kissing monster these guys so much for those life streams yeah why please look like bars mm-hmm it's a busboy hey can you clear my table hey it's ho not hey a lot of people get confused you this HR officer I've heard so yes do you like me do you find me pleasing and I gather you're the earthling who was captured earlier today I've heard so them talk about it you get out here so just a little good luck you escaped no I'm still here what do you come on listen do you want to know a secret got no time to lose okay okay do you want some fries with that then sir oh it's not a Kovarian officer he's an Arby's trainee Karen's must have anesthetized me before they put me myself me I have no idea where I am in here can you guide me if I get you out yes I've been locked up in this miserable place for the last two months all on my way to the Courtyard for exercise I've memorized every card all right that's great you look great afraid are you can I trust you you can just get me out of here I will move away someplace nice like the Hamptons see it's a tight time pill what manner of men are you who can summon claim without Flint or hinder some call me Ken well it's me you can buy these things in North Dakota and Wisconsin by buy them by the brick Metagross not like black castles do that well some some locks are newbomb locks hey I just tried again huh not like that you got to put it on two bars oh yeah I suddenly you're the explosive button expert Brian Alexander Salkin presents stupid boy yeah in color there's a helices am hmm yeah rubbermaid bars neat it I've never seen anyone as strong as you are except she did agree come on let's get out of here where - to the top Peru there's only one way out listen the door is locked on the outside hmm what's on the other side - Quran guides paradise heavily-armed hmm okay here's what we do hey that's dirty what they're coming in as a muscle but somebody housing what's going on what hmm good luck let's go no it's please North Bootsy Collins my he'll die we'll have to fight it out what do you think we're doing yeah I say let's go to Bolivia let's go not me you idiot bloody bull come we go into the armor over its ok friend right the back removal spring breaking rhubarb come on give me one of those no not one of those oh thank you you really picked those two off easily I'm not a bad shot what's this oh that was a thrill kill no doctor one wrong way we got an extra point wait a minute it tastes salty it's greywater delicious all they're only shooting flares I think they're talcum bomb yep Oh die Joe Haeg Wow those things really work yeah you gotta remember to take them off before you take your clothes the laundry oh yeah blow up a dry cleaner this was a good plan wasn't it all right come on in bring it down what little rights all right up there you go watch your space cushion suitum try thing chill to bring down keep going come on come on no I'm sorry you failed your test let's come back in two weeks happens most of the guys this is Joe hello Joe what do you know just got back from Kokomo in your position can can hear me Kim please come in really I love cannon a guy named cannon it is love with a guy named candidate with a guy named palliative hurts me Moses rt2 Meachem hade where would I be without you I'm seeing things no you're seeing me is that what I am to us be names nation with that hair it must be mm-hmm Rita be done what are you doing here I've been trying to track you down for days we got a radio message that you'd broken out of a corrado Jail hmm they said you were a traitor and here you are in an earth Space Command uniform treating I was forced to wear this uniform they said they'd kill me otherwise mmm-hmm a likely story I don't know what's come over you Ken I want my tapes back you've turned traitor abandoned me and killed my brother it was an accident oh it was getting ready to shoot a little boy whose name also happened to be Ken I was just trying to stop him we'll just run the clip don't you hmm come on we're intimate with this scene for crying out loud yeah that's what really happened Rita I swear I'm telling you the truth I'm not a traitor to our country you know that I simply refuse to kill an innocent child and I didn't want to fight with your brother so I killed I believe you you can't betray a country you never belong to hmm can you once told me your father came to valor as a mission oh that bag atop that cleared that up you're only an Earthling go on go on murder me in cold blood if you want to you deserve worse to die a slow death then what are you waiting for I know Valhalla as well as you do I caused your brother's death and now you've been set out to kill me well I'm all ready to die Rita Ken oh you'll be doing me a favor I can't live in dishonor go ahead shoot but first swallow my lapel button as the symbol of our love hmm shoot him down shoot to kill stinker [ __ ] fever oh it's made out of electricians tape cryo I bought it over with what's the point of living if the girl I love more than life itself thinks that I'm a traitor um Oh Rina Wow hey you know this is just like Richard the third and Sheroes won't do it took me seven days to get this gun now I can't use it let's see those a damn in the pic that peasant blouse is all wrong ah Nita I can't do it I can't kill the man I love then kill the one you're with hmm oh my foot why I'm having such a crappy day Rita Meeta maid listen here again my darling kid I'm gonna have to remember that line for the bars it works um you're you're crying on my bomb ooh ouch Rita oh oh look over it now as grants to us now how we both just fugitives in space hmm no matter what you and I say I do they'll never let us go home Valda I'd love to see it again what do we need valour for we've got each other we can start a new life somewhere else kind of slagheap it won't work they'll never leave it in peace you know that how can you say that if we keep loving each other we'll find a way for you are no longer not love last you know what you'll see every morning when you wake up you'll be staring straight at the man who killed your brother will you be there too Ken it won't work Frida too much has already happened to us hmm soon we'd start hating each other like what did you talk like that it just won't work why didn't you kill me before do you heard kill me and get it over with come on chicken your chicken can I kill me come out chicken ha ha I wonder what he's thinking we are going to I'm going to kill you kill the tree Rita meter maid Rita are you all right I killed your other brothers by the way traitor hmm it was you fired that shot it was you yeah wait let me explain Rita darn the most important part of me just died too well if he gets to keep that swell Star Trek stuff oh honey looks like I'm gonna have to gut you no that's it make it look like a robbery gunfire you all right have you find the others are dead hmm Lucy what happened to her Acker errand girl got caught in the crossfire hmm bummer it's late you better get going there's nothing we can do here but I'm thirsty again what you get going goodbye Rita goodbye from back I'm not dead you didn't check for a pulse next time on Twin Peaks yeah is the hell Ken I've got you hey come here you come on let him go drop um would you pick those rocks out of your pockets Rock lemming Joe Rock lemming hmm Cesar Romero Edmund Hillary well they're down there jump for it no from the Franklin Mint oh you sending him a message he's saying hey my emblem came off canada's friend afraid afraid can Canada's from the free they're gonna be showing me I'm flying that blind help me take a picture of us proposing last longer nice teeth Captain Kidd made it captain Ken made what about the safe sir officer he's there too I knew he'd pull it off let's break out the liquor oh I drank it off can you didn't throw good work son oh the back carried about you Oh kid hmm let me introduce myself I'm a man of welcome to Berlin sir welcome colonel I'm captain Joe welcome aboard this is my fleet of Elvis impersonator come on me for Apple all night Seymour [ __ ] is free will be back in sweet sweetback's badass song movie are I wet them we tossed our tricks for and it's out of focus in my pocket it will snake this one over here dispatches a special aquatic version of green pieces Rainbow Warriors to go out and do battle against the man happy rayvon joel hyping up bunny whoa right well this one over here will heaven forbid the robot that may try to touch this button or even brush against it for that robot would become my personal slave no I mean robot can venture too far out of the ship especially if such a robot we're to disguise his true identity from me in the form of feather and heaven help that poor robot that may try that really lemme try nowhere okay no no no that would be an abomination all robots everywhere well what's another one dude this is portion control next question how about that one this does any number of phantasmagorical and wondrous things the most benign being the Tommy Jefferies who lives in bullies and dad works on an oil derrick gets a tasty pudding snack what a rush that Joel Robinson is one bad nut your mom's talking about Joel that's alright anyway we've got a letter here from David ad Cordoba way to go kill Mike mr. Crowley feeling rides in to answer to the question of what is the cool thing that we did a while back and he writes let's put this up on still store he writes dear gentleman and gypsy concerning the cool thing my guess is that you saw a time portal floating in space taking into account that overall the cruise against imperialism jingoism church-state is one fascism exploitation racism in short all those ideals you're held dear by our world leaders here on earth I'd venture to say this time portal showed mankind living in peace well we're sorry David a DeCordova from Seattle Washington but this was the cool Mexican stoplight candy oh what a burn what do you think sirs now this to me is good TV being genetically altered on cable television and Dillard will be out to discuss her new book and then later on Topol that robust star of Fiddler on the Roof will be out right why are we off the air I thought it was time push the button besides don't you want to get started genetically altering Jack Perkins look we don't go off until I say we go off now run down to the storeroom and get that spare head I've got a mad posh to give Jack Perkins the head of Vivian Vance sorry Sarge Vivian Vance you're stuck here haagen-dazs you just found out which three letters have another life is full of moments for enjoying the world's finest ice cream bars haagen-dazs it's just perfect another day is done the night's still young the show is about to begin we got everything here I'm telling you we're gonna spend the night out in all right make it a blockbuster night blockbuster has more copies than ever so you can see the movies you want to see tonight tonight make it a blockbuster night do you need more foreplay that Dern the company set those fourth of July foreplay marathon all your favorite shows play not once not twice not thrice but four times in a row watch the fourth of July foreplay marathon starting today at 2:00 Comedy Central we switch you now live to Cape Canaveral part of our quest to discover the best comedy not only on this planet but in the entire universe so I'm now proud to introduce our two boys who have the right stuff Lane and the other guy what makes you guys qualified to go to Mars uh Mars we were told Vegas yeah hey well I didn't tell them there any further questions not from you yet well some of them are very nice and of course there are different ones so you just take it as it comes so now what we've done with Hercules as minimizes large forehead with this flower ring and accentuate his massive chest oh wait not yeah I said leave me do I never get tired of that oh no one ever dared give an order in my presence no one else is to hurt my swell it's only the first time it's nine-thirty honey but were they doing he's Hercules we'll help - Joel you have a strange power
Channel: analogkid01
Views: 513,979
Rating: 4.850503 out of 5
Keywords: MST3k, 310, Fugitive, Alien
Id: 9-CV1Raacs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 6sec (6006 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2011
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