MST3k 313 - Earth vs the Spider

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/analogkid01 📅︎︎ May 21 2011 🗫︎ replies
hey in the not too distant future next Sunday ad there was a guy named Joel not too different from you or me is Moloch institute just another face in Red Jumpsuit we did a good job cleaning up the place bunju - I'm innocent we can sit and watch this monitor is mine now keep in mind Joel can't control in Moorhead because he used those special parts don't ever see Tom servo eats and breathes and other science facts it's just the show bumbum oh and welcome the inside the road watch mine don't throw my guess today is a very wonderful - very lovely or electrical fun servo for Mystery Science Theater 3000 Oh Tom oh hello everybody hello crawlin thank you for having me on the show oh not at all thank you for being here it's my pleasure thank you Oh No thank you thank you I know a few minutes tonight in 15 seconds so thank you could you please get out of it Oh my guest today is Tom servo Tom tell me about that time that you and Morty Gunter mercifully no but see brother we'll be right back I think that went rather well don't you alligator bit him crocodiie to bit him that's why he's so mean hahaha we're back whoo oh I wish you could have been here during the break Tom told one of his famous showbiz story so I'll give this not a certain none Watson open our sub well sure what do you think nothing nothing nothing Matt lights been flashing from the mats for a long time you have to do everything or good morning deep 13 how may I direct your call please hold good morning deep 13 Oh Jerry and silver not at their desk right now me I wrote your call thank you good morning deep 13 please hold good morning deep 13 Oh call on line one year's SuperDuper evilness I've got Joe in the box holding on line two it's long distance I get me Joe I'm sending through that call on line two Frank I'm right here put it on the speakerphone doing it your Trump kiss oh hello Buble Buble our invention exchange this week is going to revolutionize the telephone industry right we've taken an ordinary telephone and combined it with the great taste and wholesomeness of cheese see we're talking on it right now the sound is clear and Static free and it's a great source of protein yes and we're also working on the curd list Vaughan okay well what do you think hockey puck to the face oh great that's great not only have you stolen one of my ideas and I know because I'm looking at my computer right now and it says cheese phone dated March 78 but you have reached an all new high of stupidity and evil thank you well sirs my invention this week is this handy-dandy CD player blow dryer it combines the high-powered fashion ability of this blow dryer with the stereophonic sound of the CD player you never again will you have to bother with the old in salon eight-track model like this or that old portable cassette model like this see check it out I'm blowing my hair while I'm blowing my mind listening to new-age artists and hair specialist John Tesh why huh what what do you think sirs whoa Frank this is the stupidest experiment you've ever come up I talk anyway Julie your experiment this week is another Bert I Gordon classic as well earth vs. the spider - first excuse me we have a special short feature which you enjoy and thank you for using t13 telephone network just send him the movie Frank I think I eat the whole thing I'll do it she's phone girl stupid Oh easy Bueller must be his day off now if you check out their self-confidence if someone's done for typos you're coming in adequate income for life that is provided you don't fire for the policy girls now what's the citation chef I don't quite understand well certainly you see it's very very simple it's all verbal on here what's not betrayers the day no it's time you're completely covered for life no that's it well it sounds reasonable it's a deal now go ahead Smith makes a sale well no the proposition sounds interesting but it's you I don't like lick it over for a few days thanks for coming over well oh come come bit all right thanks love sure and stay away from my daughter hmm that's funny sort of handing me what I did wrong guess I shouldn't have spit in his right eye sorry it seemed like a nice guy at first talking about hey angel mention that every day someone loses a sale or an arm or creates a misunderstanding just because he does not speak intelligible a few minutes Sandy's Godfather is a good and bad speech and show you the main false of most speakers will show you some things to do and some things not to do oh you're over there no you should do is to learn the three basic games of public speaking lie lie and lie and check your zipper you must be heard John Hurt - you must be understood oh sorry you must be pleased II do I please you do you find me pleasing I remember these three points huh you must be heard you must be understood and you must be pleasing oh and you must have a wire rest fall short in at least one of these three points for instance well the fact is we spent many nights in the panties jungle seat trying for headhunters yeah one night just as the tap plant sun's going down we heard a noise in the bushes as something was a dance belt happen all of a sudden it it attacked us yeah yeah that's it it it's intact it scattered about an ostrich oh this awesome what a pathetic loser many of us clutter up our speech with laws and urged yeah and in this way we create vocal static yeah we can be heard yes uh-huh and we can be understood yes but we're a dull and boring Oh now here's another typical example this man's wearing a push-up bra now he is pleasing student government is something we've all worked for now that we have it we make it work for us we have all given our time and our ideas not completes don't hit me please cherish it Mary shouldn't make it poor child most of her audience can't make out what she is saying and what a wire we have not heard she's not understood and she's not very pleasing now let's look once more funny thing happen to brand the station see all sitting there waiting for the fellas Willard I was under the bleachers in the wall game in and that's when the couch and me I'd asked me what I was doing we must Satan I said mister also dissing this injure see you see I've been sitting here a whole lot longer than you seem to think I have I think Todd Garrison Keillor he's got it all wrong he's the dummy and the ventriloquist it's not hard to find father oh don't worry we've had him put down many of his listeners won't be able to understand him and those who do will wish you were dead his sloppy speech do you know that I have little bunnies painted on my knees most I know speakers we have heard can be traced to one thing tight under things practically all of us would be better speakers if it were not for this one big fault if it Carter this huh yes careful look at the videos of poor speech huh here this speaker would concentrate if on overcoming his speech fault of saying oh and ER he could be an interesting and effective speaker does carelessness make you this type of speaker think about it won't you thank you now this girl is marked by carelessness and the devil she speeds over the words of her speech just to get them said and she drops her voice at the end of sentences - or drops to the floor rolls her eyes into the background you heard his carelessness making you this type of speaker think about it won't you thank you or is your carelessness the same as that of the man who runs his words together mumbles drops his g's drops as you hands and rounds convenience stores have you found yourself yet do you know what you're careless speech habits are the important thing is to recognize the trouble and then take steps to correct it and then crush it like a cog who can help you further don't open beer bottles with your cheap practice opening the mouth wider than usual as he or she speaks I'm fresh from in any way the words can flow out and the audience can easily hear you speak with life and animation yet speak deliberately use plenty of lip and tongue action ourselves clearly so you will be understood and don't forget the wire and low full tones so that what you say will be pleasing and appealing to the ear and potent don't let your voice be high shrill and unpleasant just because you're a little excited keep it low and please II I like it that way here's young George Patton a patriot and in hi Glade we already cleanse doesn't sound just like the other then David or something like that he's able to take all the time today matter of speaking must be pleasant and interesting do I please you let your voice and speaking manner reflect your own personality let it be sincere and typical of you rather than stilted in staging for it me ladies I'm so glad to see you all here and see you looking so well it's an air be convinced this afternoon is flowers don't you just adore flowers she is one hat man see what I mean now what you really meant to say was this my life is a hot mess right you've come out today ladies glad to see you looking so well the subject of our discussion is flowers one of which I'm particularly fond happy I know that many of you to share my great enthusiasm for this subject the idea is to be interesting interesting but real firm yet you live with the touch professor Bueller yes will people think I'm peculiar if I start speaking differently than I ever had before people think that already it's a don't point but I don't think you need worry about it you see you're speaking going to become more adequate render Vacarro rules a good sticky and your friends won't think it's your peculiar on the other hand they're more likely to admire you for having the courage to come out in public a manner of speaking speak audibly so you may be heard john heard speak distinctly so you may be understood and speak with life and enthusiasm so you may be pleasing and get yourself a good water rock and remember that good speech will be a great asset to you always is the mark of a cultured person and a well-developed personality and a good friend take pride in your voice and your speaking manner take pride in the way you sound put out some chips or something in your mother teach you anything be careful how you use it Picon look there's hammer a cichlid that I be we're coming speech speech speech lip interaction Comedy Central say this fills a capital idea the fear of the world well good night everybody gotta go home hello hey Charlotte it spills out of words earth versus by won't with a fellow no I put my money on a spider hey this sounds something us I'm Nikki rather we put the Finn hey you bet that Jack Webb's in this huh Oh spider keeps eating the credits surely Falls and it's not my fault Thoreau Belford yeah rolling stone gathers no Marty moss both map just a credit line hey Paul my curse Michael's father Paul that's blazer plays oh oh assistant technical effects honey hand me that Tonka truck what up Gore a great screenplay oh no spiders were squished stepped on flushed or made to suffer any emotional distress during the making of this film one spider did die of old age we have two letters from doctors confirming this scared yet shaking from shaking people they're not very proud of these people would be our spider seems to be shorting out sir walk in the Union Seas get into clothes come into my parlor said the spider to the titles ah spider by Spencer's kids any town USA good place hey you're driving on the sidewalk hey I'm liquid metal let me tell you a little bit about myself I Drive a truck I'm but ugly and I hate spiders Calypso big that head of mine he's so thoughtful and a nightgown - hey wait till the light Roman I'm guessing the film is not about him we're sorry that had to happen no let's get back to our story in clean town USA why don't I feel fresh hey Carol wait are you Guney to hear about your dad hey wake up this is Mike remember what were the goals in the heart in the memory of an elephant and the teeth of a chipmunk look I remember see something to remember your dad by birthday Carol hey sarn't you can open it I'll have to return it first what's wrong it's dad he didn't come home last night so what you know it doesn't mean a thing but ain't got that sweater you know how he is yeah he's a boozy drunkard Oh what do you mean I know how he is slam him nothing my girl I'm sorry excuse me oh you're right Mike where he's got her swelled well he went to Springdale yesterday to buy me a present he said he'd be back before dinner last night but he still hadn't come back what doesn't mean a thing Carol I mean it isn't the first time oh you're me Mike that's why I love you once you're still a present either here Dobie Dobie Dobie I'll teacher no I'm sorry I talked in class Oh okay who's next electrons jump from one electrode to the other because of the difference in the electrical potential between the two poles this one is the negative pole from which electricity flows to the positive pole we call the positive pole what let well I'm Sun correct the negative pole now what don't I know my butt from holy girl these electrodes is increased to a greater amplitude I'm sorry miss 7:39 away the larger the art becomes the more dangerous it is to anything that may be placed in its path a one thing to remember is that the flow of electrons is always from the negative to the positive the reason for this is that the positive pole has higher electrical potential around a simple voltaic cell the positive electrode is made of copper the neg god don't write this down I'm just making it up a similar experiment to the one we've conducted here was recently carried out at Wisconsin Tech using a voltage many thousands of times greater which produce the smart closely simulating actual it--my halo leash that creates the hazard it's the amount of current flow if a man were to come in contact with a high voltage without a direct path to ground it's probable that he wouldn't be harmed however if the circuit okay you can borrow my car one Muslim to be electrocuted now for our next experiment if Mike Carroll and Joe have finished their business Oh Oh it's shame High School hey it looks like Jones the kooky old Munsters car looks like a hearse I can't blame people for what they think they're driving in a hot tub haulin into some of his old cronies and stayed in town he had his paycheck with him I know it isn't true not this time are you talking to me I'm sorry I wasn't listening I know something's happened to him sure it did maybe he ran out of gas he'd never meet anybody on this road mm-hmm well everything what do you call that oh that's just a dead your dad's a tree stuff I don't get it here stuck in a tree up there and stretched across the highway and it's between two trees would you a thing like that I don't know I don't even know what this stuff is no big spider maybe both hands on the bat-rope kids here's something it's a giant dreadlock Marley must be here last night it's this thing stretched across the highway he knows backs it up hmm it cracks me up your eyes hooks me out no that's dad's glass too good for Joe's tires would it oh yeah do you have any moist towelettes you know maybe that's what happened your old man nice really no I wouldn't worry about that Carol he's probably hanging around some garage waiting for a bus offender to get fixed girls is on the side of the road his head caved in like a ripe melon facedown in a pool of it hey what did I say it's black jokes over huh Carol good luck dad hmm dear Carol I'm dead enjoy when the accident happened what of it if he was all right he wouldn't leave it lay here heavy was in a garage he called mother and let her know no who said he was all right put that down there there's no pickup truck that's what Dan was driving okay you're right he's dead why can't I ever win an argument okay so let's go down there and see okay okay so maybe maybe your dad just parked the truck down there and like vandal squirrels came in and ripped the door off and broke the windshield and stuff could happen maybe that's what it is dad dad dad oh look the spider stripped the truck for par smart spider I think he got out of it yeah good thing he was thrown through the windshield yeah good lad - whoopee Trudy could still be around somewhere that's right he could be oh hey need I just put my foot into a pile of goo that was once ooh dad's face now I know what to do he went in the cave oh he wouldn't go in there I never believed those stories about the cave maybe he doesn't either you know it got pretty cold last night suppose he couldn't walk for I wonder well keep warm until help came well it maybe got in there and found a bag of groceries in a mattress and maybe there's a lamp and fall and stuff maybe probably met some really nice little couple of cooking breakfast and make sure they do wait I'm gonna go through this again I'm not getting this uh well okay well the deal the deal is when we get back to earth I want to make a bazillion dollars writing screenplays you know like Road house and next akin and stuff so you two wouldn't mind help me out we could do sort of reader's theater you know and we'd read my latest screenplay and then do kind of note session afterwards as okay you don't curl we're friends and everything but whenever I perform I got to get some kind of compensation you understand oh sure how about eight bucks great super it's all I mean okay you can invoice me I'll shoot you out a check fine all right we get going on this you guys oh sure okay it's called earth versus soup okay-y soup what soup oh yeah I'm capturing that Cold War flavor you know giant ants giant spiders giant soup I was gonna call it earth vs. the giant when do Williams or earth vs. a muffin or earth Berta versus Peter Hammill and coli soup oh well we didn't see okay let's go okay here we go earth vs. soup by crow T robot true okay scene opens at the local greasy spoon called Bennigan's teat puppy ranchers then Sweetland the town goat washer orders his breakfast from sweet Marie oh I'm been Sweetland I see okay uh-huh Oh you know Marie southern accent okay uh yeah it's right I got a big day coming up why don't you give me the Wyatt Earp Six Gun wagon wheel skillet scramble got hundra where the side of Dookie links and I'll see what's the soup today sweet Marie my little sock puppet you why Ben you watch yourself your little cider press you I don't think you want the soup today you see scabby was mixing up a batch of uranium-235 in the same pot as today's soup which by the way is our California counter PO cornucopia vegetable Jubilee well that don't make no nevermind to me bring me a bowl of that my little corn fritter okay but it's your funeral dad oh oh nothing nothing just go on okay all this is quick write this goodbye okay okay hey scabby I need a willy wonka on a school cap with a side of rat tails oh and give me a bucket of slop scabby scabby oh no no dear Lord no no it just goes on like that yeah come on Reda mom okay oh no no no my heavens no no God oh poor G oh my dear heavens no no no no no no no come on come on read them all there's six pages of nose here crawl well you think that's enough to convey the raw terror she must feel as a giant ball of California cornucopia vegetable Jubilee slithers towards around all fours its hellish model even solving wars on all soup on all fours of course what do you think soup is a bi peg well look crow you know although I thought the sweet Marie was your most richly drawn female character yet I felt there were flaws in her motivation as she moved through the plot do you think so yeah and what day was this anyway ah well my backstory says Monday well you know remember these two they can have more fun alone than anybody else I know enjoy laugh ever did anything for you no I'm sorry I thought it had no texture well I planned that well you don't grow them as danger week plot ahead this means you hey we found the Batcave be careful I'm right there no it's the dead dad cave next to a four o'clock buddy ebsen's been here find anything Mike not no no I didn't find your dad's hat could be in there III don't know wait a minute maybe I better go in you you wait here we will be careful you won't go very far with you people have gone in there and never come out again no no that was Joe's cave here remember uh mr. Carroll's dad mr. Carroll's died I'm doing it I told you to stay outside don't send your phone ah I forgot I'm here to be alone Oh aren't we all do you think any side of it wouldn't be right here near the opening if you wanted to keep warm hmm let go a little further in I'm going with oh brother he'll carry me um yeah it's Carol's dad's cavern they walk to Arizona this looks like the hideout of mr. freeze no yeah I wouldn't seem to be in here either oh let's not give up yet please mom who said anything about giving up we're just getting started no one give up in a minute it's cave is supposed to go wait back under that mountain forever dad dad mmm Batman loves Robin penguin fights I can't read the rest of it yeah boy your dad sure picked a great cave to die in mm-hmm didn't know they piled at that high ooh ooh how we ever find him in place this big did it map there in somebody's tonsils mmm Mike let's go this way Oh suddenly you're Magellan dad dad for my next number I'll sing mom mom whoa little otter it looks like dad had it in for its a popsicle kind of day did you did look like this Carol yep it's a big pork link sausage Jimmy Dean tried to kill you how do they make that pure for obsess well they take some dark ask you ah go ahead I'll be back here oh oh you might want to stop shrieking for your dad nice backup mm-hmm this is really neat date we're having an adventure just like Goonies yeah what oh sorry just kidding Carol hi Tara did you get my present they're in Michael Jackson's basement I think you're right but I I can't go without checking to see if there's any meat left on him hmm might as well look a little further I guess hey you guys got a sandwich or something I'll serviced you know what I always say you can never be too rich or too thin that's one of my favorites the anxious edge now can't see oh how come we can see that you can't oh this is the Cave of the Flying Wallendas okay Carol I think so yeah it's a sealer posturepedic I just ripped up the tango I don't know please sticky though I'm gonna get loose Oh have a little wine maybe it's just like blue oh great I can finish my chlorine shellac our model cool oh wow that looks nice tough lead we found up on the road what's that noise I don't know maybe something unspeakably horrible oh that's just a theremin don't worry it's a regular Network on you know that I've compared to what an irregular net visible wholesale there it is again sounds like someone or something has asthma or give a primitive myth now come on it's only a processed shot honey don't worry it's nowhere near us but well see you Carol I gotta go Hey time and plate for that house not the tone okay wait a sec Ramiz are gonna get a mic and care over here okay let's go hey come back I'm actually beneficial I eat harmful household pasts Jim Morrison drank my venom household pets great effect he's climbing on a postcard Oh does your dad like bran I can't say for sure without having an analyzed but does look like a large piece of natural silk what did we tell you but that doesn't necessarily prove there's a giant spider that part's pretty hard to swallow what was the law and you swallowed a spider my son is not in the habit of lying mrs. Kidman that isn't what Helen men are March wouldn't be believe their story or not the man to see about it is the sheriff but we didn't see the deputy sheriff sure we did he didn't believe them that's it I'm calling pants world now hey Alan Hale and Stuart pankin al rock stupid cops oh yes with Kingman what can I do for you I don't know yet only high school don't you one more game well you know these teenagers as well as I do mr. Kingman yeah what will they popped uncle Paul you know spiders I told him to bring me one and I'd believe it I can't say I blame you Sheriff naturally I didn't call you up to get you to investigate abnormal insect life but Flynn is still mad not for him youngsters found traces of him out the head of area you may be doing yourself a favor if you looked into that well you took the words right out of my mouth mr. Kingman man you took a doughnut out of my mother one more around here's a search party right now yeah it does spencer Haskell maybe old Jake anyone else isn't busy biscuits coleslaw just get the meal maker see when I'll need those two kids with us to point things out and you want to come on - that's fine you know I think that's Gary boss he's dead don't you worry you will bring rifles and maybe - Gary bus run into that spider speaking of spiders are you sure rifles are just the thing insects have a pretty simple nervous system Sheriff you could plug holes in one all day and never hit a vital spot oh it's fun I want to be in the steps that I call the pest control people in Springdale haven't send out all the DDT they can find good what next it's our sitting by myself and I said spider backpack me up ah you smell like chicken what the hell is that I'll bring you bug juice and let's go what are we using it out does it make any difference well I've got to mix the DDT according to what you want killed well I tell em professor uh spiders ah to the back come again as the usual dose make it 50 I'll have to charge extra hey they were a double golden slasher time guys he's at 50 let's do it six two one seven four nine six let's slip down a little on your dad there I'll have to throw my shoe in the grave yeah I suppose you're gonna tell me this is your dad's truck and the spider did wrong okay buddy help everybody let's make this fun I got a squeeze through here watch out for your dad's in Everybody venerate the truck as you go it's a hoot come on pokey now I suppose you're gonna tell me this is a cave uh I broke my heel carry me which way kid now why did they invite the milkman Oh something new was coming to town and Ella different for their hats off that looks like and this room done an early Paleolithic here hey this music wasn't here before hmm al Glasser on the seat some place make a nice Elks hall you know that where would the brewmeister in the poll tabs go you'll find that girl's pond you're alive hell no oh sorry exciters have a habit of studying their prey with venom and storing them to soak back to the ready to feed on like an ant climbs owes not quite they drain the liquid from the bodies leaving only the skin and bones so we're looking for a jump spider and you cut all right let's look for Flint and don't lose sight of the man next to you no sense in anyone getting lost look for a dried guy in a soap bag pass it down buddy up and enjoy the scenery no sense in wasting that freedom and it says Arne saknussemm his voice time you know something I am the same as spider yet and I don't think we will you will if he's still there but just our line could be moved into the next County I don't think something in here alright you naturally expect to find a certain amount of wildlife in a cave rats mice bats and so on the occasional Japanese soldier don't be frightened out ah I bet man I live a Kingman not anymore that's about as big as they come I'd say I wouldn't handle the five of you it might have rabies or girl germs I know that theremins around here somewhere very happy now I buried it there it's buried want to say a few words over sheriff not sure da whole year with all the snaps in the front you dummy as your father oh it's wrong Hannity looking good hey is that Statler or Waldorf February get back to town make out a coroner's report just put down Jack Flynn as the name dries the gaze of death the trip is the spider drained all the liquid out of his body just put down call an unknown and let the coroner worry about the rest what some lotion on Amir something he looks like hell that's trouble with you eggheads you jump to conclusions I know what I see and I see a dead man but I don't see any spider we pretend to know why what I know what I like where was the web right through there wait a minute you don't know what you're doing you you can't just walk in there why not you think I'm gonna die a horrible death like her old man I'm kidding were you close to him nah nonsense some circus act from out of town to that hmm yeah Oh big hope no Kuni finding giant spider surf now shut up get that DDT in here quick PDQ ASAP we're Sophie here you better put these on I suggest you spray that whole cavern sort of get it when it comes back me ordered the Hunan beef they look like spy versus spy now McCarter you'll jump in the river first you know this is great it's really quite comfortable it's nice get down here you have got to be kidding me pile you know those guys are pretty much toaster and light snack at least sounds like Jim Morrison I love it when my food is delivered Oh no dr. Earhart no so that's what happened - Wow enjoy Oh Oh get up giant paper towel and smooches I am he died as he lived with jelly all over his face never be able to let them hmm oh it's been a big day I'm tired mm-hmm Carol hey hey I've got her she's mine you think it'd be better if I talk to your mother first no thanks I can do it are we to believe you can mm-hmm the box for the bracelet are you sure you had it better go back was in the pocket maybe I dropped it in there you can't go back there now the place is full of gas that was me I'm sorry welcome back some other time together nice shooting mr. Carson Haskell when you get back to town tell Warren to get right out here and board this entrance up right sure okay do I suggest you put a big wide door in it the whole world is gonna want to come here and take a look at that thing down there hmm what's your idea that one slide babe listen that isn't what I was thinking of you know what we eggheads are like sheriff we want to know why this how come that what about the other grant firm it's a matter of scientific interest to find out what made that creature today you got some deputies to light now it's dead spider is but not the principal that caused it to grow that's still for us to discover well why bother we have to put an end to it otherwise there may be more giant spiders coming into the world they may even be hatching from their eggs in some remote spot right now you realize how easy it would be for them to overcome us humans and instead of being the hunters we've become the hunted heavy our masters they'd live on us what would you suggest the Sheriff's Office of River Falls do about it mr. Kingman close the beaches ring it's higher up on the daylight I'm gonna go study palpable if you want to do it go ahead leave me out look Jake John I don't want any part of it okay sure we are spiders scum really cool on the count of four let's weigh 100 gypsy this isn't some frivolous stupid bubblegum music we're trying to play this is an ambitious rock opera I kind of like what kiss would play yes yeah Jojo I got news for you kiss we're never cool hmm well everybody back in Ashwaubenon high school used to love kids great you spend your adolescence with a bunch of geeky losers and now it's our cross to bear nobody calls / woman Jaguars a bunch of geeky loser Joel we were thinking our rock opera would be more along the lines of 70's progressive rock bands like yes gentle giant King Crimson Emerson Lake & Palmer Oh easy that's okay honey don't ever mention Emerson Lake & Palmer chips II take it easy that's okay okay let's well you got my door we are five one two three yeah give me rocket number nine the Hector Alonso is going on what's all that racket down there well it's just us we're getting ready to play our rock off run you don't have a permit for electronic instruments I'm sorry nobody said anything about that hey who are you anyway pops I'm from the planet Zippo loading we provide maintenance and janitorial services for the universe I'm the custodian of the seventh galaxy whoa custodian from the seventh galaxies from the planets of fluorine he's perfect for a rock opera you have got to be kidding me a rock opera is it Femi like kiss or is it boring and pretentious like Emerson Lake and Palmer Oh brain surgery hey don't blame me I didn't do it don't worry I'll beam some sawdust over to here just let me get it out of my locker check the keys here oh I gotta go there's a pep rally I'm Tralfamadore I got to get a good seat yeah beat it quiet for God's sake keep it down ray now we've got to clean up gypsies mess geez those high school janitors are always so weird and creepy yeah we should chip in and buy him something for Christmas you know yeah actually that stuff would go really good with our new spiders oh I know what that janitor has to do with you just about to wail mic thanks how those things chafe usually if nature produces a freak it dies immediately because it can adapt itself to life kind of like Hudson Hawk so we ordinarily call a bird spider yeah this one's called a big flippin girl spider her crazy perfect in every detail what's the matter with spider on a floor four eyes Rachel yeah all right come on Joey you're gonna take that from him he's just a big dumb spider come on sure it's dead how come it kicked me it's just a muscular contraction Galvani's reaction it's called it often happens not to me it doesn't if you can do that when it's dead I sure hate to meet it somewhere alive you know you are funny friend I don't think he's funny daddy's dead and everyone's making jokes this musics making me retch mom ding-dong Oh still upset about dad that guttersnipe would have traded you for a case of German beer any old day I can't help it mother I know hmm I loved him too sometimes like the day he was so buried digging it with my fault oh crap how could it be never would have happened to be hadn't gone to get me that present good point I've lost him you mustn't think of it that way Carol I'm called broke down I wanted so much to keep it mother forget about it now do you you have your homework to get ready for tomorrow I don't want you getting bad grades just cuz dad's worm food oh and I forgot Mike called you twice before you got home from school and said he would be at his father's theater this father dial 1 900 boring boyfriend he'd love to talk to you about his uncle from Milwaukee right now hello mr. Simpson can I talk to Mike hey what kind of sin must a man commit in a single night very cool Mike hmm you want it on the phone and I get my shirts from the Andriy oh boy I could toll walk past that poster again cool everywhere Oh bud hi Mike this is Carol you said you take me out to the cave to find the bracelet I love right now do you if you can get away please Mike Oh Carol not today my dad just got in a new picture and I haven't even seen it yet something about puppet people it sounds pretty wild hmm please shame on you Bert I Gordon okay Carol I think I can borrow Joe's car again only don't come by the house for me I don't want mother to know I'm going out there all right I'll be I'll be down at the corner in 15 minutes I'll be waiting I'll see you dad I got a date now why will you be I said where would you be if I want wait aren't you gonna watch that wonderful Bert I Gordon movie it looks like an ad for Dockers oh honey ja hey where you going to that gun under home hye-young you remember that five bucks I loaned you sure was last Christmas and I paid it back well all I mean is I'm your friend you know that go to floor 500 no no Caroline I use your wagon for a couple of hours again hmm what's the big deal what do I have sucker stamped to my head but we're friends Joe just remember why don't you come to the rehearsal with my mom is getting tired are we friends aren't we okay okay the cars in the driveway you'll find the keys a glove compartment where else what are Y so many friends thank you he's a kite oh no oh it's a cat Laurie an older friend look we gonna get in dance is tomorrow night well the cat's little blast because we saw yeah what he said let's get the janitor janitor janitor that's it like Phyllis air can't hang us behind can't they first card oh you know there is something throughout got some sorry gonna develop our talents I didn't have to use the auditorium father all these pretzels orders you can do the drama classes I can't help that Kingman a dish here check it up told me particular not to let nobody in particular need us II meant squared we're the coolest Lu ologist and half no siree the moving people are coming here tonight to move that thing to the University help me find my chin in the dead of night you were going little kids what are you talking about you're 42 well alright you've monsters rubbish Nega Harbor now I want you to behave yourself don't talk to me that way did that the first guy who steps on daddy longlegs is gonna hear from yoga yeah I got to go play with my Pig Arnold Hey imagine if they had the budget to show at all look spider all of us got together and voted you out it's made alright hey maybe the drama climb through the auditorium let's load this place it gives me the creeps what is it Superman chickening out well certainly not let's stop goofing up huh that's a nice process okay we'll open with right of spring and then kick into blue suede shoes baby you'll need don't go to sleep on it play with everything of God especially the instrument sorry Leigh don't love more rock bands could use conductors it's the new Christy Minstrels you hey what goes on here the drama class what else alrighty to your commit or get out goes down there in scream where our theater freaks do oh four and a half miss Penelope they walk right through us what is doing this Charlie Callas I think this guy peaked in high school come on everybody come on oh now they're folding no strike hey I hate this music don't you know any spider John Koerner come on hey swing it cats whoo man all did you really get that guy a stool I kept your hands now hike hike hey I'm gonna see your knees I got eight legs I wanna dance whoa girl catching gettin me Miller runs wrong I'm somebody rich cha cha come on everybody do the dirty old white guy got a dance legs diamond sorry Oh bluey come on oh yeah play melancholy baby quick Oh someone musta puke big-time I'll get extra sawdust whoa I'm gonna lock them kids in there not the wrestling trophies wait oh beep wait for to be nobody's on the count is up five 325 dollars hello Frank Sinatra jr. residence can I help you no not a cringe shot no not the crane Oh mammy mammy Oh little boy mister oh my god crunch crunch look spit out whatever you're chewing and start over hmm anyone comes from me I'll be at Sanders you know I'll get a phone talking Sanders was you guys a little hot Gramps Sheriff's Office cable speed Helen Hale jr. I said you look like Ellen Hale jr. right mr. Kingman I'll meet you at the school you stay here and answer the phone Helen hey where'd that come from idea if you stayed inside the house for a while well I was just going to take the baby for his checkup and do some shopping for dinner stay in the house Helen no matter what I'll be back as soon as I can oh and I'll need the baby for bait dad seems pretty mad he's not my real father is he haiman stop driving so fast Wow it's a soap box derby racer but they had their dad helped build it well that was a pivotal scene in the film a Botwin hey bucko nice car that baby really gets good mileage hmm some kids supposed to be scared or something yeah Rize oh say does anyone know where the plant is for the mattress company this is a good place to hide I hide here a lot I'll just be going then I I gotta get that the groceries and uh start come on baby you know sorry I can't give you a ride but I've got a thing that with my doing and Oh hands ever crying out loud come on get in dummy get it don't worry you won't catch fit get past the tree that for the shot stop seat it's the special effect siren everybody run no one long wail means giant spider warning or is it a watch I keep forgetting conditions are right for advancement you know life is simple here Grover's corner Joe Dokes he wasn't a very good driver you've nursing a sick friend it's crazy daysand downtown Buffalo everything must go everything is your handle honey open the door handle everybody's afraid of these crane shots oh just a spider inside come on you'll catch your death of cold I mean it yeah that's a share of cable speaking how's that call to the Capitol coming well hurry it up we want action here I mean it you're gonna get it hello sure okay who's that case of beer sir hello Joe bear bear save the town pretty much all by myself hello it's a liquor store operator I've been cut off by the bartender more times than you can count okay sister there was Mother Teresa that's that the long distance lines are down I got my motorcycle out back he owns a winery ha spring Darrin maybe an hour maybe less longer if I die hmm get the Governor on the phone no we've got to have troops for Fort Brown also flamethrowers on artillery Helen we need DDT feel-good stuff just stunned it all right Dave on your way wait is a good friend hey the spiders going to get his mail oh we want it well you know you know that spiders really need but there's something really interesting on that wall over there hmm are they looking at that's what anything okay I'll just go there now he's a deputy sickle Spyder did take the mail on now they'll never get the swimsuit issues oh man they couldn't wait until I got to the hotel tonight's episode we are gathered here today to die oh we don't need to see this Oh gay marriage aliens you just hear a kid crying Lucy I don't you assume for the troops to be here I know I thought they might fly a few men in with whirlybirds I'll give him time we birds hey doesn't that Jake aren't you the fat man wait a minute Jake hey Jake where to Jay I'm evacuating that darn monster run me out of house and home which way was it heading toward Maple Street I've had it you know if Jake's had it it really is bad man huh makes you think yep Friday October 6th at a pier near you when out here on Grover's corner we just love the folks on Maple Street right now the clams Casino was overcooked again he's stressed out a bit look how graze god no I love this dingdong Avon calling doesn't pay too bad a little like a man hey hey get off my lawn I just laid sod there well I guess I'm bachelor again that's not very smart well I guess I can play the field again what if Betty's whole spider March boy it's tough getting around town without a car the spiders made of liquid metal spoon just your line magic you've done it again hey I think I lost them boom I just pull out a rock for Ghanim thus far there is enough either they're coming to town that's good thinking get out of your car and crouch wait for the marching band it's on its way I'll have to remember this spot for camping it's really nice water good drainage Hey look at some monsters how 1313 Mockingbird Lane Bhoomi jeepers what time is it oh no I got a hurry I'm gonna miss she's the sheriff now for crying out when I come home from working like a clean house is that too much to ask got bugs you alright God gone away how could you be here soon I take it easy boy I can't take its squalling baby squalling women it's cannery row hello Charles swab put everything in DDT Terra I didn't just think is not a word out Sun's up over the yardarm I've started drinking demon says the spiders headed south along the old Higgins Road hey they brought in snap crackle and pop he's my congressman Spyder is either missing or he's dead well you gotta admire his workmanship you know Mike will you help me look for it yeah okay Mike hey my nice legs Karen oh he's been giving us anywhere can I buy you another bracelet yeah why don't I buy you a new dad besides I'm broke yeah it was - a dad if you're broke when was the last time you remember having it well it was just before I found the web I was up there then I stumbled if I dropped it then it it should be around here somewhere you see it's all part of the second flat point that should be coming up any minute now what page of the script are we on Mike find it no but there's an opening down here oh cool we'll fill out an application do you think it could have fallen - you're asking him to think hey looks like there's another cave down there maybe we can get into through this opening over here come on it's all part of the super keen adventure we're having just like The Goonies oh there must be hundreds of these kids down here just like the Carlsbad Caverns you can buy this shot in the gift shop hey here's an idea let's break our legs to get hopelessly lost look like I am maybe the bracelets that Donnell landed by scary thing so how long are they supposed to stand here so here it is I just ran out kidding good then I guess we can go home let's see which way that okay oh no this time let me keep this thing for you till we get out okay you know every couple should go through this before Mary I kind of like Marriage Encounter Oh 30 minutes or less huh I don't think so Oh anybody anybody buddy hasn't you fella most people put their mattress in the fan you know so I love for Frisco with my bug in a pound high-grade weed doc all right doc come on tell us where it is does this hurt yeah this is what your friend into my friend wait wait I made a deal with the DA dog you - Spyder I called the deed or it's got a different and a bud it sure does I'll help all be here soon now snap crackle check on it we need more hats Sheriff Kegel against sister I'll assume before those long distance lines to Springdale are going to get fixed another two hours maybe that's surprising with a bunch of nuns working on it okay sister keep working on it the nuns are working on the phone line Kofi open the door with its absence whoever you are who is he I want to deposit on this old guy Mortimer Snerd oh no today he looked better where did you find them it's a corner maple in Horton he never got the Springdale for help that bus is right back where we started all we've got to do is sit right here and wait for that thing to come back and finish us all off nice repo in favor of sealing off that cave some time ago oil a monster is still in it wasn't I Kingman you can do it right now someone who can help you it went back to the cave well there's red in it the thing to do is to get lumber out there and board that entrance up toy who are you any better ideas you're the road for man aren't you mr. Haskell I am do you have enough dynamite to blow up the cave entrance I can blow up half that Hill if you want me to it's okay he can't do any other stuff we'll meet you at your place right Simpson you've been sworn in take care of the office for me till I get back alright call the coroner the rest of you boys come with us snap crackle we're going to hell happy hour I love a parade um who do I say I am uh fun Sheriff's Office Simpson speaking oh I thought that was mrs. Haines this is Joe Mike's friend remember me oh yes Joe what's the trouble I'm reading Redbook and uh oh I better tell the sheriff well he's not here now maybe you better tell me what is it Joe well it's about my heap somebody mooch that off me today to go for a go your mom and it isn't back yet put it good what after what that spotter did this afternoon what well I was just wondering if the well it's a good idea to check now what's the boy's name well it was Mike and Carol Flynn take it back god that's a strange name for a boys I haven't seen them they say wait it might be Eddie listen thank you Joe I'll look into it thank you you have provided us with the second plot point and the third act Oh said I get Bert I Gordon on the phone get those crappy special-effects ready hello mrs. Ben this is Mike sent off see the big trick is to not get any on the edges they don't want our creep old people all Creepo people are these really wacky creepy people that use pencils and stuff to make their bodies and then you bring it to school it's pretty neat oh hi everybody I was just teaching the bots how to make creepy crawlers I found my old set and this batch is just about ready to smell crow check it out mmm that's good goop here I'll be the judge of that let's see move over Oh kind of smells like hot blast us all with traces of calcium zinc the FDA approved stabilizer now how is this different than say incredible edibles uh well incredible edibles who are the ones you could eat so I would probably say they were both non toxic non not happy yeah non-toxic was what they call things when they're toys but you can eat him in a won't hurt you there was Crayola crayons and plastic goop and play-doh and just about all of the breakfast cereals now they think about it but anyway the real thing that was dangerous about this toy was the aluminum plates that would heat up into access of 300 degrees well didn't you little kids back on Earth gets burned yeah I'll say we got burped we got burnt all the time it was just part of what went with the territory when you got to make your own cool plastic toys we had a saying when I grew up learn with a creepy-crawler maker burn with a creepy-crawler maker well what happened I mean why can't kids today play with the thing maker are all the neat accessories here like the creepy crawlers or the fun flowers of the fright factory or the pick.i dolls or the fright men of the mini dragons of the geeks I'll tell you why because some little kids wrecked it for everybody they get burnt and go screaming upstairs to no mammies the moms would call the FDA the FDA would call a manufacturer and before you could say it's Mattel it's well the great goop factories of Taiwan were shut down forever you know I was just reading something about that the other day there were lots of really fun toys hauled off the market in the 60s because kids were careless I'll say the Suzy homemaker oven and the way air blaster wander lawn darts and creepy crawlers and the vertibird it goes on before more dumb kids they never even knew well I don't know if we can really blame the kids crow you see I really think that this society is basically just still crawling out of the slime or goop as we should say I think the real responsibility lies with the toy designer of tomorrow how's that Joel well the toy designer of tomorrow's responsibilities is to design action-packed intensely interesting and affordable toys that are safe soft and colorful good night I'm like God blue at Comedy Central look no we're coming out of the game thing that was neat yeah certainly was a neat game thing we use Oh booth boy I tell you there have been people through your Jack Weston or orange Weston loss hello I'm George Wesley it's dark down hmm I'm getting awfully worried Mike me too Carol why did I ever have to bring you down here dawn mom oh you do is bring me down babe don't let it bring you down it's only castles burning oh she's mother's thinking well they wouldn't tell her she's in the hospital having a baby what about you dad well dad we're still trying to find out who he is you Joe I I think he can take it my mother can't mmm not after what happened to my father don't make yourself feel bad Carol I can do that for you don't you wait a bit you know the sudden I feel hungry me too spider I just remembered I've got a candy bar with you what are you gonna have the Clark bar now I must have gotten warm in your pocket it is good food hey you just make a yummy noise now this always happens at dinner have your little friend go home now yeah convoy with risker Solverson and Ali MacGraw up next is Kenny Rogers in 6-pack good movie we are the man of Texaco the star alright you men like a snappy let's get that gear off this truck break out the little cocktail weenies now then stay out here a couple interest badass orders good keep it coming come on come on come on oh come on pops is that all you can carry take two next time yeah Casey Shabbas good boy good boy that's me know when she isn't coming home always but today I don't know she just wasn't herself she attached too much importance to that bracelet well I heard she and Mike haven't gone back again I'm gonna shut up Carol do you see this is the place where we got lost I know the weights through there but the fighter Mike we stay here look Linus come on let's go let's find this place where we're safe from these processed shots there's the hole we felt her we haven't got far to go now I'll climb through the web hey I saw this in Beastmaster about 60 times I cable right after ruled out oh good movie I'm stock Miriam heimo mum stuck it sounds like my grandma in the morning out of here extry well that'll be the end of our spider's nest a kinguin yeah baby but you said last time now this time is for sure Scott a died no living organism can survive for long once its food supply is cut off ready to war up in a couple seconds leather bar when you're ready well surely they'll see our car at the entrance thank you therefore the kids in the cave see can't you carry more than a hammer and then when carol was three will shout posit did you shut up isn't that Joe's car over there yes it is why just trampling kids you know just dawns on me and wonder if anyone is in that cave man we should have chaste seal them up you're going to have to open that cave and get them out don't get excited we're going to do everything for them we can how do we go about it Haskell open up the cave again hmm that's easy to say sure but it's gonna take some doing well we blew up tons of roofing lock over that opening but half the hillside down there are only waters not clearing all right nephew were safe days there isn't that much time the spider doesn't get them the bad air will well then we better get going the sooner the better you've got a car go into town and get them to send out a bulldozer princely sandwiches wherever you are see that flat shelf a little higher up the mountain suppose we dug straight down from there how about it Haskell looks good to me let's get those ropes picks and shovels all that truck here's what we go to work who is that guy he stinks like mummy meat first they want us to close the cave dandy one is to open the king what's your problem you don't want to look at it like that Mrs Flynn you've got to remember that cave is a big place and those kids have a lot of sense they'll find places where the spider can't get up I'm here to dig our way in what's to keep it from getting at us I don't know what do you say King we gotta have some kind of effective weapon I guess that that's obvious my power line across the hills which one that one we can bring a cable over from there what for get better see that we can electrocute the Beast big sweaty men working wrong hours to get the job done desperately in need of Aqua Velva quarter-mile of insulated copper cable this side of Springdale checking my traunitz Buster seems to me I saw a lot of that stuff in there you want to go for it the truck Simpsons you know tertiary my stuff or another good ones back how's it coming not bad we have plenty to go ski off the mousse hey what that hey did the earth move for you honey that was great we love rocky this morning I really got stoned last night I could feel some dirty yeah where is it looks like the wall concert got out of hand let's go can you make it I'll be honest wait you got your bracelet would you forget the darn bracelet my Brisbane yeah got this dynamite from the coyote hope it doesn't roll back up on me now watch the old walrus now is the place we came in I'm sure what anymore look the opening what do we do panic Oh some blasted thing that's blasting if they know we're in how fit they're trying to get us out I can't hear us maybe if we get closer where there would mark gee we got one deer leg we're gonna use it everywhere you have to be heard understood and pleasing you Clippy flippin tongue action Chad I hear someone Calvin Klein Jeans fight shall we hear you but we don't care it's Kingman may Curtis and it's not one thing it's another in his crazy cave whoo now look I got a walleye a couple of northerns no big lunker's here this is my informant caiman you gonna help us from the cable gets here I thought you'd be the one to brief him on how handsome but I won't break my ideas a tie into that power line take a couple of electrodes into the cave get the spider between them and turn on the juice we want to create an electric arc you see so it jumps through its body like a bowl of light is there gonna work we could how about electrode Simpsons bringing them have you got tools and rubber gloves in my Jeep oh it is the cable not ready to go that could be Simpson now I think the restrooms are over here yeah it's a wonderland of Enchantment and amusement ledge we can get out far enough on it the spider camp follows oh come on it's his house I'm sure he knows his way around who is scared seeing a lot kind of a tenuous place to walk I'm Tripp Tripp Noonan good a new leader Noonan don't trip Oh Biff doing in Noonan Noonan tickle-tickle-tickle cool don't drop drip hmm they're way up there it's either an ice cream castle to the biggest pipe organ ever scenic pipe organ rock we get there wait a while a save it not the time where are they no well he's gonna need a new language club jacket Mike no way there's nothing to walk on over here I knew that we can't get back give me that thing now go do that Don Henley video and get out of here that's 100 am I crazy yes and yes we broke through send down the old man all night long plaque works on your teeth press press thank you Yukon kornelius how are they doing down there is Carol longer going down after now Mrs Flynn magical a while before we find them it will send up news as fast as we can so shut up did I get down there pass along the cable and electrodes keep it coming see that are plenty of slack no telling how much I'll need what some alone means something on that way for the equipment awaiting equipment see you below its bio teacher on the go wearing his Farah action slacks rest of you men follow that equipment come on em okay mr. Douglas you didn't clean up your rooms like your mother's ask you to you too hey Carol it's them not them not the big ants coming first would I tell you hey we're here help they're asking for seal it up all right you men stay here Europe better go armed yeah let's have my rifle I'll take Lucille come on honey we got some dancing to do I'm Neptune god of the ocean fine kill look mind if I hang out at spire German you got a candelabra there thank God for long extension Kumbi shape is fun your existential sound the precipice man that's right you read me know what there's a rubber glove put it on we're gonna make it do dishes we go oh hey professor does this count as a lab early tanning beds Oh this'll cure his depression is he give it all you got more juice got a cigarette Carol let's get the kids off the ledge I left Dave up there to seal the entrance Oh No Oh where's Carl where is she she's all right mrs. Flint we had a little trouble getting the kid off a narrow ledge they were trying to use her excuse me Melvin send down a body bag make sure there's room for a bracelet I'm awfully sorry I didn't mean to scare you this way honestly I couldn't help okay Mike you're alright I'm okay just I was a lot of trouble to you wasn't I dad come on son I've enlisted you in the army it's like more yay gonna let's alright everything's out of the cavern I checked oh yeah you checked last time - dickweed don't you remember that's nice Jake kind of fat man tonight sir tonight ask oh thanks for everything sure took you long enough down there I was checking up anything left behind nothing but a dead spider well this time he's going to stay dead dead and buried let's say at least until some egghead comes along with weddings whatever we ever care of mom she's so bad that whoa oh no oops too late for her when in New Mexico visit carlsbad caves no bombs we promise I love stuff like that or is it okay my little clackety-clack pals you ready to do your homework sister sister can I go first please please it's okay I hear you buddy any any objections crow not nothing I think oh sure servo Iommi take your time yeah give it a shot Tom okay thank you my assignment was to trace the major themes apparent in the films of Helmer Bert I Gordon Gordon's films have a number of dominant themes first he tends to glue dinosaur spines on poor unsuspecting iguanas and chameleons as demonstrated here by the per ton plucky gypsy gypsy all right very good girl nice job thank you gypsy nice idea using the vision listening to me thank you another theme in mr. Gordon's films is the scientist who create something lets it get out of control and then won't have anything to do with this hideous perversion until it's too late Gordon also enjoyed using veteran character actor Ross fender and the lilting music of Albert Glasser the end very good job and I get a delicious fleshy ranch a man gypsy Viennese assistant okay Carl you ready what yeah yes okay we should give it a shot you're on the floor okay um my topic was the autobiography of a bird i Quran where I Gore Don worden what Bert I Gordon with a D Nora I said that um okay um hey shut up serve up some cake um Bert I Gordon was born September 24 1922 in Kenosha Wisconsin not surprisingly Orson Welles was born in Kenosha only eight years before which explains the stark similarities between their films well take for example the Magnificent Ambersons and its stylistic carbon-copy the attack of the puppet people and of course it's no secret that there was a giant spider in the first reel of attack of the Citizen Kane the original title of the film which was shamelessly cut by the studio while Welles vacationed in Malta with his friend guess who Bert I Gordon the compare touch of evil with empire of the ant compare the trial to Akaka as Peter graves in beginning of the end compare compare Tom servo who did his lesson to crow gets a black spot on its my head for not doing his homework and deconstructing the directors guide and making the rest of now we got to read a letter here oh no no Tom's gonna read it ok we'll hook this up on still store right put it down here I can I'm shot this is cool beer honesty 3000 my brother and I think your show is very funny thank you we wish your show it lasts longer thank you it's long enough oh look at these pictures here it says Kroll sorry I drew you like Big Bird Tom sorry I drew you like Frosty the Snowman fragile I'm sorry I drew you like Ernie oh that's oh that's from Nicky and Alexi and as a PS don't you wish you had some women don't you wish we had some women huh what are those well yeah sure don't we all yeah anyway ah now it's time to read the address I can do that and I'll read that I can do that and you know who's gonna do it is Jim Schuster all right Dean you don't have to come on be kidding me on the second all dizzy tough luck bro mystery mystery mystery mystery yeah that's every girl when of course it kiss ups oh sorry clam dog you'll have to excuse me Frank's eaten all the buttons off the cheese phone including some of the parts that weren't edible he's got enough salt and enzymes in him right now to kill a mule deer Gary mule deer a Frank do you think you can hit the console I've prepared a little injection for you Frank you're not on the console oh my god oh jeez oh I guess I'm going to need some sawdust now I said mister I said this ain't this in your seat you see I've been sitting here a whole lot longer and you just seem to think I have is I think this has been a presentation from Comedy Central
Channel: analogkid01
Views: 514,913
Rating: 4.7318225 out of 5
Keywords: MST3k, 313, Earth, vs, the, Spider
Id: 46nS8HdWVsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 2sec (7202 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2011
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