MSFS PMDG 737 Full Flight Tutorial | Cold'n'Dark Start, Realistic Loading, simBrief Integration, ATC

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hi there and welcome to another full flight aircraft tutorial with the pmdg 737 NG series covering the Boeing 77 600 700 and 800 so the variants that we have for now in Autumn 2022 and as you can see we are going to fly the stubby 600 version but this tutorial can also be fully applied to all the other variants that are available and as usual we are going to cover all the phases of flight during this video so we are going to do a full startup from code and dark state over the pre-flight the loading of the aircraft which is quite a bit different in the pmdg version right here if you want to do it all manually and realistically then it will take some more time so that's what we are going to cover as well and of course we are going to do a nice little hop in Italy today from Rome International Airport Lima India Romeo foxtrot up north to Milan malpensa I think it's called Lima India Mike Charlie and I hope you are going to enjoy the trip all right we are parking at gate 409 at Rome International Airport this is beautiful period scenery by the way by MK Studios and the aircraft in the configuration that you can see is the default code and dark stage so in the FMC you can set up the default stage to load the aircraft and it is cold and dark you have the wheel shock set and everything is powered down of course and we have the stairs connected the front left door is open and that is pretty much it let's get into the cockpit and here we are having a little look around all in all I'm really quite impressed and happy with the PMD g737 in msfs the visuals are quite gorgeous and also the flag characteristics the autopilot operation and F in vnf all that is quite a high standard and I'm starting right here by toggling off some switches that are on in the default position but I don't really like that so the daily power comes off and the transponder comes to standby as well and further I'm toggling on the vhf1 and 2 radios for the initial setup of the aircraft and also the loading and all that stuff I'm using the right FMC so we are clicking and holding the menu button to bring up or to power up this unit first let's check in the PMG setup Options under aircraft and displays and toggling one page back to have the last page the page nine of nine if the units are correctly set so it's either a kilos or a pounds of course and today we are using kilos and now in the fs actions menu we are going to the field page first because we have to subtract many of the view that is initially loaded at least I like to do so because of the realistic loading that we are doing today next up let us check out the payload page in the FMC and I'm also going to bring up the simp brief paperwork for the weights so you can see what we have to load and initially I'm using this page to check out if we can or how much cargo especially we have to load to achieve the zero fuel weight that we need so simpreef gave us 100 passengers and 48.3 for the zero fuel weight so now we have to see how to distribute our cargo to get to that zero fuel weight by the way on the website you can download proper Sim brief profiles for the Boeing 737 lineup by pmdg and I'm providing a link in the video description so that all the values match now you can see that we have our weights correctly such this is the setup that I'm using for today's flight and as we are doing the realistic loading procedures today so we are using all the ground equipment we are going to click set empty so the plane is initially empty as it's standing on the gauge cold and dark and we are then going to load it via the garage Services menu first of all we are choosing the correct ground power type and after requesting our external power on the next page we are going to set our Target value for the amount of fuel that we need today and that is 6.7 tons of fuel and we are going to request the fuel truck as well and for the passenger Services we are going to select jetway instead of stairs because we are once again at a gate also we are going to enter our Target value for the passengers on board today which is 100. and on the baggage handling page we are setting the target values for the forward and aft cargo compartments as we found out on the payload page just some minutes ago and also you can request our Afghani truck for filling up the food and drinks before the flight so this is pretty much the configuration that I'm initially using when the aircraft is still cold and dark and also the catering truck did arrive and the fuel truck is there as well so that's the initial configuration that I like and this is quite a realistic setup initially I think because when fuel is getting loaded there should be as little people around as possible and we have to manually open the front left doors so when connecting the jetway the output will not automatically open the door we have to do that ourselves and as the fuel truck is also connected we can start loading our fuel so we hit that button and this is now working as well so now let's power up the aircraft by clicking on the battery switch and connecting the external power arming the emergency exit lights and window Heats come on I'm selecting the passenger cabin temperature for the display right there for the air conditioning and setting the temperatures a little bit lower today we are cruising at flight level 300 and Landing altitude will be around 770 feet so I'm setting up 800 right there you can see the indicators for the doors that are currently opened and now to the IRS alignment first knob to Nev waiting for the on DC light to go out and then the second one and now both are aligning we have 8 minutes until IRS alignment is complete canceling the caution right there and uh in a short moment the displays will come to life so let's wait a second and now all the displays are on I did compress the time a bit there because it takes a bit longer in real time and now we can go to our Pilots FMC and start with the real FMC operations on the ident page you can see our current nav data cycle and the version of the aircraft which is 3042 most current update that we are running and now we are filling in our departure airport which is Lima India Romeo foxtrot and we are going to the second page grab our GPS position and paste it into the set iOS position boxes right there now to the root filling in our departure airport once again and our destination will be Lima India Mike Charlie and we are using the fly plan request function of the PMG aircraft so we have our flight plan saved in the correct directory the pmdg aircraft can then recall that flight plan and load it into the FMC and as I'm dialing up the panel brightnesses a bit I might give you some more information on the screen right now where to put the flight plan files in which directory and also the WX file for The Descent wind forecast that we can also load into the FMC and when the root Uplink is ready we can just hit launch and it will load in all the waypoints of the flight plan and the last step is to activate it and execute and now we can type in our flag number which is fictional because this Airline doesn't exist anymore in real life so it's Alpha Echo Yankee 2022 and we can have a first glance at the root so the first root wave point will be Nimbo we have our total fuel on board 6.7 tons and now on the ground Services page we can double check that it's finished and we can release our fuel truck and the Getty truck as well and now let's have a listen to atus and also I'm going to prepare the clearance frequency already ability tree Sky condition clear temperature 2-2 .10 qnh3002 ILS Runway 25 landing and departing Runway two five dfr aircraft see direction of flight all aircraft read back hold short instructions advise controller on initial contact you have kilo so for the switch for the departure we are going to plan for Runway 25 and now this is a very special seat out of Rome because there's no direct departure towards Nimbo it is split across the xeno5 alpha sit initially and then comes the namp or the nem 7 Alpha transition so I had to find that out first now the departure is flange correctly and we can already punch in our expected arrival as well via ILS Yankee Runway 35 right and the mobile 3 x-ray star via an up key transition and that's all in there the route is now finished so now let's have a first look at the performance initialization and we have to adjust our transition altitude for Italy 6 000 feet and on The Descent forecast page as well we can already adjust the transition level right there the fuel truck and the galley truck have gone so we can now call in our loaders and baggage cards for the cargo and once again it takes some time until they all arrive so the cargo doors are now opened as you can see and irs's are already aligned now let us finally start boarding the people the jetway is connected and the door is open so that is working and also the 4 watt baggage is already prepped and set to load in the cargo and we are just waiting for the AFT cards to arrive and that's done now all the cargo and passengers are boarding at a realistic rage so once again that takes some time let us use that or our flight route on the plan page for the navigation display and the next page on the FMC we can now step through the waypoints and see that everything is correctly set right there in the at the end of the star and the start of the ILS transition we have a little a little break that I'm going to fix right quick because there's one extra Waypoint that shouldn't be there so that one gets deleted and the one that comes afterwards gets inserted and that's it now it's fixed and now we have a fully working flight plan that is looking good all right as the passengers are boarding right now and we might think about air conditioning we are going to turn on the Apu by switching on the left of fuel pump and flicking the Apu studs which to the on and the start detach and it will fire up in a second you can see the EGT gauge for the Apu rise right there it goes as the AP was starting I'm using the time to set up our mcpich setting up the runway heading which is 247. and we're going to switch on the Fly directors left and right and all the other values come a bit later so the speed and the altitude we don't know yet and as you can see loading of the baggage has completed so I'm going to send away all the loaders and the baggage cards and the ipu is running of course so we are going to connect the generator of the APU and also turn on the Apu bleach while sedation valve is open and now we can turn on the pegs for some air conditioning because it's it's quite hot in the cabin because the sun is shining if you make clearance delivery hourly 2022 ready to copy IFR clearance to malpenza [Music] at the airport foreign okay we have our altitude and I'm also going to prepare the departure frequency in com2 as a reminder so we can set it up before takeoff 2022 clear to airport is for decimal Niners block zero one six three character correct contact ground a one to one decimal igniter good day Roger Iberia tree two tree tree okay all the values that have been given to us by ATC have been entered now and now you can see that boarding is also completed so now the aircraft is completely loaded with fuel passengers and Chicago as well the baggage and we don't need any ground Services anymore until pushback time of course all right the passengers are stripped in so let's turn on the fares and seat belt signs and also the electric hydraulic pumps so that we have some brake pressure and we can set our parking brake before releasing the shocks also before releasing the shocks you have to release the jet way otherwise it will not work and now we can remove them finally we are selecting the tuck and also the standard L procedure for the pushback and we have to turn the nose to the left the distance of 90 meters should approximately be fine for this uh for this gate right here and now on the overhead we're going to turn on the yard Emperor all the remaining fuel pumps we are leaving the center fuel pumps off because they don't contain any fuel and we are turning on the beacon everything else is set so far unfortunately now doing this tutorial flight I forgot to set the remaining pages in The FMC so that performs image the N1 limits and the takeoff ref but we are going to do that during push back right and after releasing the brakes we are turning off the picks to have sufficient bleed air for engine start and now I'm quickly going to fill out the curve in a page with our zero fuel weight that is auto fill out the Razer fuel which is always more than two two tons we are making up a cost index and also the cruise altitude can be entered right here now before dealing with the wind information let's click on the right engine to ground waiting for 20 or more and two and then adding fuel via this lever and the engine will come to life now I did quickly look up the cruise winch in the FM in the assembly flash plan in the paperwork and we're going to exec derating the engine quite a bit because the runway is very long flaps 5 as usual is standard flaps for takeoff and the right engine is running and we can start the left one foreign again waiting for twenty percent and two and adding fewer Brothers further I'm adding the current wind information for takeoff on the second takeoff ref page and we have our center of gravity filled out and all the speeds so V2 is 128 so I'm setting up V2 plus 20 in the mCP 148 and we are arming LNF for this departure the speed I'm going to manage manually further on The Descent forecast page we can now request or descend wins as I mentioned earlier we have also exported a file via Sim Reef with The Descent wind information and that can be loaded into the FMC as well so when the Uplink is ready we can load it and there it is exec and the aircraft will have the proper wind information for all the vnf calculations all right now the after start flow we are turning on the engine's generators and the pro pleats AP bleed off isolation path Auto and pegs on and the Apu can come off now Auto brakes to RTO for the rejected takeoff setting and flaps 5. all right further we have to set the trim so trim is 5.9 for our current center of gravity so we are trimming up quite a bit and now let's request our Taxi foundly 2022 with kids already so that I'm doing a quick flight control check on the systems page for the lower display unit right there and I'm preparing the tower frequency everything is good we are going to click on the engine ignitions to continuous and also the taxi lights on so finally everything is such we are ready to go let's text it to Runway 25. also on the screen now you can see a little charge image that shows our taxi route in case you are interested we are not going to use the complete Runway because it's super long and the aircraft is quite small and light so we are taking an earlier entry right there that's also what they do in real life it's all fine when ready and here we are at trading short Point Runway 25. let's tune in to tower frequency and further Let's uh engage t-a-r-a for the transponder right there the traffic advisory system and also hitting the TFC buttons on the display control panels right there to activate it and auto throttle gets arms Charming the passengers that we are ready for takeoff fight India and Landing lights on there is no taxi light on the gear stretch on the front gear stretch so where we can turn it off and the strobes get enabled and the wing light as well and everything else should be such so we are ready for takeoff my friends you may Tower elderly 2022 ready for departure Runway 255fr to Mel Pensa apparently two zero two two holds short Runway two five traffic is old short Runway 2-5 Vera delete 2022 line up and wait Arrow to lead two zero two two all right we have been cleared for the lineup and weights and we can engage our elapsed timer pilot and co-pilot side no traffic inside all good once again this is a full rnf departure out of Rome so we don't need any view our tuning for takeoff Runway 2-5 Vera delete two zero two and we are clear for takeoff my friends let's go spooling up the engines to around 50 everything is stable and hitting toga as mentioned before the runway is very long we don't need to spool up the engines very high for takeoff only 84. 3 percent and it will be sufficient at VR we are gently pulling back on the yoke and we are off the ground and Europe now at one thousand feet we can increase the speed reload to overflips up speed and following our Stitch our own approach flying by hand for now trimming it out Now setting flaps one here comes off and auto break off as well [Music] now climb thrust did engage and we are coming up on flips up speech so that's it v-neff and race the best [Music] engine ignitions come off Wing light comes off [Music] looking good so far we had one speed restriction in The Siege 230 knots but that's passed us now and the aircraft will accelerate to 250. the standard speed below 10 000 feet our transition altitude will be 6 000 feet so that's just some more way to go and now we are tuning in to departure frequency is passing 3 600 feet climbing six thousand feet and we are very nicely centered on the flight director trimming it out further and now let's engage the autopilot now coming up on our initial climb altitude and we're expecting further climb instructions for ATC and before the aircraft levels off let's start up the altitude and hit the alt intervention button so the aircraft keeps on climbing in venath mode all right 6000 feet have been passed so let's engage standard pressure standard Barrel readout also for the standby instrument and that was quite a nice departure we can now enjoy our first views out of the window I am at Yankee Runway one and now we passed 10 000 feet so let us turn off the landing lights and the seatbelt signs as well when increasing the range of the navigation display you can already see the green top of climb point that is coming up in around 40 nautical miles so this is the calculated points in the flat plane where the plane will reach the cruise flight level and we have been cleared up to our cruise flight level three zero zero the flight plan has to be loaded in the menus of msrs by the way so you have to load the flight plan file that can be exported via Sim Reef so you get ATC to work there is no sim brief Flight Plan download and sync with ATC function like in the flyby wire a32 and X for example unfortunately maybe that will come at a later point with with the integration of the electronic flyback the tablet and now we did reach our cruise light level as you can see flat level three zero zero we have negative 10 degrees Celsius outside but that is no problem we don't have any clouds at our altitude but would you need anti-icing then you are just flicking on the engine start switches to continuous ignition and then you can engage engine entails and Wing Enterprise as well if needed and the screen readout right there on the navigation display the TD that is the top of the center which is the calculated top of this endpoint when we are searching our descent into Milan right here we can have a quick glance at the progress page of the FMC which gives us plenty of useful information like the Waypoint we are coming from and we are flying to with uh Zulu time and field predictions and also the distance to the arrival Airport and the distance to the top of descent Point as well all right we only have 20 normals to go to our top of this endpoint so let's have a look at The Descent page gives us plenty of information about the upcoming descent and on The Descent forecast page we know that page by now we have our transition flat that we set and also our descent winds have been uploaded that's all good and now we are waiting for our descent call and there it is we can now descend to 1600 feet luckily ATC complies with our calculated dnf path and as we still have some more miles to go to the green top of this endpoint I'm going to engage descent now on the design page and that will start and initiate a shallow 1000 feet distance until the aircraft is then catching the the rear vnf to send parts so that's quite a nice way to do it I think that also provides more Comfort to our digital passengers right here and there you can see what I mean the iPod Touches down to around 1000 feet per minute and the real winner to send out is now a bit above us but not much it will come down very soon you can see it at the right side of the navigation display and there it's coming down Now The Descent starts for you and you should also pull back your Hardware throttles because in the arm mulch of the auto throttle system it is still possible to manipulate the throttles manually also we are going to set our minimums which is in this case 200 feet radio altitude and now on the FMC let us hit the inner draft button for the approach ref where we can see our ILS frequency for the approach 109.9 and we can set up the course of three four six as well and we can do the same thing for the co-pilot side in navradio 2 and course 2 as well so that was the setting up for the ILS Runway 35 Rush and we can also set up our v-rev speed 4 Flex 30. so Fabs 30 is standard for landing with the Boeing 737 Ng and that will give us a v-ref speed of 125 approximately when Landing right now another nice feature in the PMD g737 is a working terrain radar the weather radar is not yet working but the terrain radar is functional and looks quite nice operates realistically you can see the drawing of the terrain even better when zooming in more that is quite nice we have some mountains below us but nothing dangerous of course and we also have this little very condensed checklist on the yolk and we can use it to very quickly check the most important steps now during a descent as well and the aircraft is doing The Descent very nicely we are holding our speech of 290 knots and shortly we are going to reach 10 000 feet when we have to do some more steps and there we are the aircraft is now slowing down to around 240 to 245 knots we can turn on the test and detail signs and also the landing lights straight I have about you can see the green detail point which is the deceleration point and that's where the icon will slow down to flaps up speech and then you can extend your flaps on schedule climb and maintain why not transition to send and maintain four thousand feet expect ILS Yankee Runway 35 Freight approach and be enough transition cleared to knock error delete two zero two two and there we are close to 6 000 feet the transition altitude so let's go into local pressure for the for the altimeter which should be 10 16. HPA and now we are past the deceleration point you can see the speech marker on the primary flight display is coming down further and soon we can extend Flex one and now flaps one is coming down also you can see that the descent is very shallow now that might be because of a recent v-nav update to the aircraft I like it there's no no over speeding no no trouble keeping the speed down for using speed brakes it's quite nice now let's go flips five and right there we can already see the airport we are coming close and back in the distance we can see the house very nice scenery right here definitely [Applause] six when inbound on the approach tower on one two three decimal six error delete two zero two two and there we have the final very slight right turn I'm going to approach mode for the navigation display and tuning in the Torah frequency that was a little trees and the camera glitch right there sorry and now we are in approach mode so hitting the app button on the mCP approach and we are already on localizer track and catching the Glide scope as well and now let's also deploy the gear below 4000 feet [Applause] so here's down three greens let's chant the people that we are shortly going to land clicking on the lights and the engine ignitions as well to continuous currently we are at flaps 15. and now let's also double check our V approach speed which is 125 plus five not win correction we have very low winds at our destination airport so five knots correction our sufficient so our landing speed will be 130 knots one last glance at this York checklist and everything is set except the speed breaks that I have to arm as well so now the speed brakes are armed Auto brakes two flaps are set to 30 now and gear is down three greens mCP as such the goal around L2 is 4000 feet so I'm going to adjust it and that's all fine and we are clear to land that's awesome what you can hear this beeping is the outer marker of the ILS on the runway and it's gone now and now we are flying the rest of the approach manually so Autos level off via this button at the side The Click spot is quite hard to reach and also autopilot off via the button on the yoke you have to hit it twice otherwise the the alarm will not go off and now we are going to fly manually and I hope you will enjoy the approach and the learning approaching minimums minimums that short beeping was the middle marker Off The Runway 100. 50 30. 20. 10. and that was okay reverse us speed is coming down 18 knots now manual braking and reversals off and we are switching off the auto brake and waiting for the next exit and here we can exit the runway spoilers come in flaps up as well and here we are welcome to Milan my friends I hope you enjoyed the flight Landing the PMD g737 is really quite nice you only need very little back pressure on the Yoke cut the throttles at 20 feet and the aircraft will pretty much land itself now before texting let us adjust the displays turning off the traffic overlays and the flight directors dialing down this V2100 flips up and transponder four kids off starting the APU ignitions of Strokes off and ring lights off as well slurred on Landing lights off clearly power off as well and we are pausing the ellipse timer not sure not clearing it yet but only pausing it the 55 minute flight and now we are tuning in our ground frequency and requesting taxi to the gate apparently taking 506 using taxiway echo echo like charlie delta right cross Runway 178 Delta bottle Romeo taxi to Gates 506 via taxiway echoico Mike charlie delta Mike cross Runway one seven right Delta Bravo Romeo Yankee Air Italy 2022 and the taxi route us Church looks like this on the airport charge so the red line once again just like when we did our see in Rome and I'm going to show you a little bit of the taxi portion as well and then we are going to do the full shutdown procedure and also unloading the aircraft so stay tuned and here we have a skate 506 so we are turning off the taxi lights now to not blind anyone and coming up on our parking spot there we are parking brake such confirmed set yes okay the Apu gen is providing power so let's engage it have Eugen is taking over seat belt signs off isolation valve open and Apu bleed on engine bleeds off okay now we can shut off the engines let's find our standby now we can reset the timers and before we can call in our jetway we have to set the wheel chocks first so after sections once again ground services and next we have to request our shocks and now the jetway can come in and ground power can also be established already Beacon comes off and also switch off the hydraulic pumps toward damper off or the fuel pumps off except the one for the APU and there we have ground power available already so let's flick it on IRS is off and there we have the jetway coming in now to properly debut the aircraft we have to set a target for the passenger and cargo of zero so completely empty then we can request our baggage loaders as well open the left forward door for the passengers to leave the aircraft and that should be it for now okay as most of the people have by now deported the aircraft we can switch off the packs and the ipu as well and the last fuel pump and we can start by unloading the forward cargo compartment and shortly we can do the same for the AFT one and there we can hit start now everything gets unloaded passengers are the boarding and also the cover is getting removed from the PMG 737 awesome now to show you the full power down procedures let's not wait until everything is unloaded let us switch off the window Heats and also the battery comes later first we are going to disarm the emergency exit lights now the battery and ground power off and now the aircraft is without any juice any longer so that was it for this flight all right my friends in case you stayed this long until now then thank you so much for watching thank you for being on the channel still and I hope you enjoyed the flight once again and maybe this tutorial could help you a bit with understanding and managing the pmdg 737 NG series and yeah have a good day stay healthy and I will see you next time happy Landings everybody see ya bye bye
Channel: Simulation Channel Deluxe
Views: 9,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Gameplay, Flight Simulator, Flight Simulation, Realistic, Realism, Tutorial, Mods, Freeware, atc, addon aircraft, addon scenery, must-have, fs 2020, msfs 2020, microsoft flight simulator, fs2020, english, ils, landing, simbrief, pmdg, pmdg 737, pmdg 737-600, pmdg 737-700, pmdg 737-800, pmdg 737-900, simbrief flightplan, boeing, b737, 737ng
Id: dn6rVUPzcCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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