MSFS | PMDG 737 Tutorial - ILS Approach in the Boeing 737-700

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[Music] hello again everybody and a very warm welcome back to the channel if you're new perhaps tuning in for the first time the very warm welcome on board to you please do click the subscribe button down below and don't forget to give these videos a like as well today we're continuing our mtg 737 tutorial series for microsoft flight simulator we're keeping it simple and hopefully it's going to help quite a few of you get started as i did at zero hours with this fantastic aeroplane level for msfs today takes us into brussels echo bravo bravo romeo and we're going to be doing the ils approach to runway one line i'm going to go through some of the tips tricks and i'm going to share what i've learned so far with you guys so you too can replicate the same approach if you do have any tips yourself and you're a bit of a 737 pro then do share them in the comments below and help us all out as we try and learn this fantastic aeroplane across the community okay so using navigraft charts then which you guys should be able to see on your screens you can see that we're going to be flying to woody our speed limit point max 250 knots and we're aiming to then get down towards kirky which is down here on the woody three bravo arrival at kirky if we then look at the ils charts runway one nine of course if you're on vatsim and you've got controllers online you could be vectored at any point throughout any of this but we're gonna follow the charts today so kirky is just here we're then going to continue past the affluent vor 114 decimal nine overfly the airport and the brussels vol 114 decimal six before heading outbound zero four zero degrees away from the bub vr to 10 miles before then committing to a left turn round to effectively intercept the localizer and the glide slope for the ils approach so most of it's going to be done on l nav we're not going to be vectored we might do a little bit of vectoring towards the end here to get ourselves onto a nice little intercept 20 30 degrees to the ils and we're going to make use of this 10 mile victory around bub because that is effectively going to be about nine and a half miles to the threshold roughly looking further down on the charts uh you can see a cross section of the approach and from here 9.1 dme from the threshold which is where the 10 ml fixed ring from brussels comes in handy we're going to want to make sure we're at a mandatory 3000 feet or a 3 degree glide slope down to runway 1.9 minimums for today 305 feet or our decision altitude or barrow as it's known uh in the airbus and all that sort of stuff on the mcdu you might be familiar with that and rad which is our rad out decision height 200 feet above the ground we're going to tune that in and we're going to go through the steps that we need to take to tune our ils frequency in a treble 1 decimal 1 5 ils runway one nine into brussels and our corsair you can see on the charts 193 degrees so we've got to get all of that set up before we commit into our descent and it is coming soon actually very soon so from here then we're looking at our nav one and our nav2 you can see in our standby frequency box i've already tuned in trouble one decimal one five into the standby boxes for both nav one and nav two that's the ils frequency i'm going to change nav2 to athlete again 114 decimal nine and i'll put that back in the active box so before we intercept the ils we need to transfer both of these standby boxes into the active frequencies for both nav1 and nav2 that's important we know the course for the ils as well so with that in mind we also need to set both nav1 and nav2 courses 193 greece like so minimums they go in the box as well three zero five so click the collar if you want the rad out but we're going to be using barrow and in the pfd we're going to scroll up to 305 and we're going to check on the charts the airport elevation threshold is 105 feet airport elevation is 175 so in the landing altitude box i've gone for 150 kind of almost in the middle but do your best depends on what airfield you're at and as always brief for the missed approach as well because you never know you might have to uh commit to one already then so i've just triggered the cent now we're going to make sure that we've got our arrival and weather data obtained and set in the fms we're going to make sure that we've got our approach and our arrival input so in the departure and arrivals tab we're going to select arrivals you're going to find the runway that you want in this instance we've selected ils runway one line and then the appropriate standard arrival routes the star that you will want to fly as well and in this instance we've activated wood e3 bravo so if we were doing that fresh for example like so it would ask a few transitions and in this instance we've chosen kirky you could choose adverb as well should you wish if you choose it you'll see it gets selected like so make sure you exec any changes and it will make sure that it's input the approach for you and you want to work through the legs page just to check for any discontinuities that might have appeared throughout this just to make sure that you're monitoring everything properly we're going to descend with flight detents because there's a lot to explain on this very short hop that i'm doing from amsterdam so we need to basically help the airplane lose a bit of energy and if you wish you can use vertical speed mode to assist in your descent as well so using the checklist that i've since devised creating episode one two and three i've then created free checklist which you can download for free on pmdg hyphen 737 we've got our arrival and weather data set the local q h is one zero three zero we get we could make sure that we've got that set in the standby box like so if you're in inches of mercury in the states you could just flick the collar across like so as well landing altitude check radios are set of course if we were using vatsim we might need to get the next frequency in depending on if we're going to be speaking to an approach controller or a tower controller next for example we know we've got nav one and have two standby frequencies for the ils and we've tuned the relevant courses as well in that one and nav two so we'll just go through and double check those in the overhead then wing and engine anti-ice as required and mcp reset altitude which we've done because we're now fitting into our descent like so altimeter is set we've done that in the little box below standard there one zero one three transition here today is about four thousand feet and approach is briefed so we know from having had a look at the charts a moment ago we're going to overfly brussels airport from there we're going to continue to descend down to about 3000 feet on the local qnh1013 to intercept the ils approach remote one nine course of 193 degrees and we've got the frequencies triple one decimal one five set in both nav1 and f2 missed approach so if we do have to declare a missed approach go around for any reason we need to climb on a track 193 degrees at 1100 feet turn left the max speed of 185 knots on a heading of zero four five degrees climbing to three thousand and then as directed nice long runway we're going to select whichever auto break is uh the most suitable for what you need so in this instance we're going to select auto break one for today you could choose auto break two if it was a short runway like we did in ski athos you might choose water break three and we're approaching our ten thousand feet point now so below ten thousand feet landing lights go on runway turn off lights go on and a cabin lights as required seat belt signs as required and at this stage if we were on vatsim we would confirm our 80s information as well there is the airport so we've what we've done through the initial part of the descent the aeroplane told us uh we was unable to achieve 250 knots by woody which was the speed limit point without using drag and it said it gave us a warning on the scratch pad of the fms drag required so i've clicked speed intervention mode and i've then selected an air speed for the aeroplane to achieve through the descent on vnav what i've then done you could go back to vnav now if we wanted to and you can see it's respecting 250 now anyway because we've passed that speed limit point i've then gone into a flight detent with the speed brake to add drag to the airplane to help slow it down and some of the approaches you might need to do that others you won't there's 10 flight level 100 landing lights on runway turn lights soft the seat belt signs are on automatic and turn them on at this point and also give the crew a double ding should you wish my cabin lighting is in the fms settings panel here in the uh the aircraft and it's set to automatic so i know that will be taken care of for me you can see we've got six miles to afi and we've got 19 miles to bob and bob is the voi over the airfield we've got about 20 track miles to go to get to about four five thousand feet roughly so we'll keep the altitude coming down to 4000 which is our transition for today below that we will go to our local pressure which we've already got pre-tuned q h one zero one uh one zero three winds in brussels at the moment zero five zero degrees at six knots uh variable do a two zero two zero nine a zero ceiling visibility okay 11 degrees celsius for the temperature and the dew point plus 3 degrees celsius qh1013 and no significant changes expected in the next two hours okie doke so we're about to pass the afi vor as you can see and we don't need vol 2 2 to be tuned to that anymore we've got the ils frequency tuned into the standby box for nav 2. we'll transfer that across so it's now active we know we've got the course of 193 degrees tuned in over by the first officer there so we'll tune that in and we can get rid of the vor because it's not going to give us anything useful and you can see now we've got the runway display and we've also got the dashed white line as well the blue dashed line is our missed approach path which el nav can help us with once we do declare a missed approach uh we'll have to go around for whatever reason it might be basically we follow the blue line and as per the charts too we're following the magenta over bub outbound and then back upon ourselves as we go at this stage now we're going to be a little bit slower we can turn the collar if you have turned it to the higher altitudes to 10 degrees we can turn it back to 30 degrees when we go into heading mode shortly and we don't need drag anymore so let's get rid of the speed brake and i'm now going to place that into the arm position as well saved me a job in a little while so all we've got left to do now set our altimeter turn over the brussels vor and make our way in for an ils approach this isn't going to be an auto land as well just in case you are wondering we will hand fly the last little part the latter part of the approach because it's always good to do a bit of hand flying it's always quite immersive quite fun but the airplane is capable of doing an auto lance so if you find yourself on an ils approach which is capable of it then of course give it a go see if you can work it out so overflying the airfield ever so slightly we now need to think about continuing continuing our descent to about 3000 we're going to bring our speed down as well we're going to want to achieve about 180 knots we know from the charts this section was an outbound track of zero four zero if we wanted to do a fixed ring as we did talk about a little while in it ref approach gonna go flaps 30 don't forget this as well folks if you wanted a fixed ring we could do bub like so slash one zero and then you get a green fixed ring there to assist us too below transition let's change to the local pressure and look at it we're in a really high pressure atmosphere at the moment q h of one zero three zero hectopascals is added a thousand foot to our altitude almost about 700 feet which is pretty pretty big for a jump there's our altitude c chord once more okay now on to our approach checks then before top of descent what you wanted to do is go into the index go to approach make sure the ils frequency in the course is correct here you can see the runway length and then select at top of descent the speeds that you want so don't forget that i know i've omitted it it can get a little bit busy on these short flights so when i'm trying to record things we're within our speed limits for flaps to be extended at the moment so we're going to go flaps five there in transit at the moment and our speed is slowly coming away okay so last little bit then speeds of flat 30 132 at five 137 knots we're at 3000 feet so we're a good altitude to incept the vor the ils sorry we're going to turn vol 1 off and we're now going to flick nav one into the active the ils as well we've got one niner three tuned two now if we move the heading bug around just before we turn 193 could be a good intercept heading 20 30 degrees for the ils intercepts we could round it up if we want to 215 degrees but i think in this instance we'll go for two two zero now at this point atc might tell you if the ils approach runway one nine send two thousand five hundred feet and report established when established descend with a glide or something like that so what they're telling you is you can descend a little bit further below the glide slope as we're about to do now and it will assist us capturing it from a blow below because you don't want to capture from above okay so speed brake is armed approach mode we're going to arm it in a second we're gonna go heading select mode now to go to two two zero degrees and at this stage let's arm approach we want to turn cmdb on and we're going to continue to decelerate the aeroplane down we're going to do 160 until 4 dme go to the approach page and we can select uh 193 which is our runway course now we know we want to climb to 3 000 and with that in mind we once we capture the glide slope and begin our descent we want to make sure we reset the mcp altitude to 3000 feet we'll go flaps 10 and you can see now on the map we're 10 miles from the threshold the airplane has decelerated itself quite nicely it's captured the ils quite nicely and we're on our way in on the top of the pfd see ils dme 8.5 and the glide slope is armed so we're on the localizer that's captured it's green so we're established now we're just waiting for the diamond to move down to intercept that vertical line the aeroplane will then follow the glide slope three degrees and the gs in white below out hold will then become active it will capture and it will go green as has the localizer seven miles let's go gear down glide slopes now alive we're gonna go flaps 15. now we want to set 137 and reset our mcp altitude for the missed approach lapse 25 speeds goods we've got one stage of flap left which we want to have in in the next sort of one and a half miles then it is confirmed down three green and if you have uh auto ignition switched off it will say off up here instead of automatic in which case you want to move the engine ignition mode start switches to the cont position okay there's our approach speed we're gonna go flaps 30 we'll let the airplane stabilize and we're going to monitor everything and be prepared to go around and here we are flying an ils approach one thousand the cast has gone to ta only we're going to make sure our view is reset and when we're happy we can at any point whenever you guys feel comfortable turn the autopilot off reset the alarm and if you want to as well turn the auto throttle off too you get the alert warning we can disable that too we are flying all of a sudden actually a slight tail wind of about six knots but it is in limits still and it's becoming a little bit more of a six knot crosswind now variable so it's quite an interesting bit of weather for us here at brussels today here's our minimums we are stable we are playing with the cross window minimums 100 50 30 20 10. and let the gear gently come down speed brakes deployed reverse screen and auto brake is decelerating us as well we've taken over breaking a little bit quick there but just vacate when it's appropriate and once you get past the hole points we can move clear the runway report vacated and we can go into our after landing checks and whatever else is required so boss lights onto steady after fuel pump is confirmed on we can do it go apu starts flaps up spoiler retract tcas set as required some airports like you to keep it on some like like to put it on standby so just go with whatever is the local requirements landing runway turn lights off we can work through here one two three four taxi lights on anti-ice as required water break off repeats up in the overhead panel they can come off vacate left here then we'll go right onto the inners here at brussels aerosoft brussels airport by the way folks it's beautiful apu's on you can see we've got the gen powering as well and after about a minute we can ap bleed on and then perhaps turn the power change the power setting across and then as before just before we pick a stand and turn onto it we can pop the taxi lights off we've got the apu bleed now switched on because it is unstable it's been on for about a minute as well we can turn all of those to the on position and we can move apu bus gens on as well for one and two and we'll turn into stand here if you have the airsoft's vdgs module then of course you could activate it prior to departing from whatever airport you're heading out of so that it's all up and running for when you arrive into brussels too and then parking brake on and we'll work through our shutdown checks so there we have it folks ils approaches in the pmdg 737 700 for microsoft flight simulator i hope you found it useful hope you found it enjoyable as well to watch share your tips tricks any thoughts and comments in the comments section down below don't forget to hit like and subscribe as well while you're here just make sure before top of descent you've got all your approach data sets make sure you set both nav1 and nav2 for the course and the frequencies for your ils approach and if you find that you're flying in towards the approach a little bit too quick then take the speed off extend the flaps a little earlier and give yourselves some more time as well as you try and learn this wonderful aeroplane thank you very much for watching and i hope to see you join me in a live stream in the very near future take care [Music] you
Channel: British Avgeek
Views: 46,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs pmdg 737 tutorial, msfs 737 tutorial, fs2020 737 tutorial, pmdg 737 fmc tutorial, pmdg 737 fms tutorial, pmdg 737 tutorial fs2020, pmdg 737 take off, pmdg 737 takeoff tutorial, pmdg 737 takeoff, fs2020 pmdg 737 tutorial, pmdg 737 landing tutorial, pmdg 737 tutorial, pmdg 737 descent, pmdg 737 vor tutorial, pmdg 737 ils, pmdg 737 ils tutorial, msfs 737 ils
Id: Lweb-e2FbRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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