Flight Planning Made Easy: Step-by-Step Tutorial for PMDG 737 on MSFS2020 Xbox | Without Simbrief

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foreign [Music] [Music] what's up everybody pile 83 here a lot of y'all requested that I do a video of how to set up a flight plan in the PMD g737 on the Xbox console as you all know or maybe you don't know yet the Sim brief option is not available yet on the console it's supposed to be coming in a update um thing that's probably gonna be when they come out with a tablet but then we should be able to upload our sembury flat plans so I'm also do this in two videos I'm gonna do my next video which will be the video right for this on setting up the flight plan realistically with simbrief in this video we're going to set up a flight plan using just the tools that we have available for us in the simulator now this will be close to how you would do it realistically but some of it is going to be made up but this is a good stepping stone for those who are not used to it to get used to putting in your flight plans manually setting them up so when we do the same brief video it'll make a lot more sense so let's go ahead this hop into it so first thing we're going to do is guys is just go ahead and pick your airport that you're going to depart from so I'm just going to choose Pensacola choose your gate and I'm just making this up as I go this doesn't really matter and pick where you're going so I'm going to do say kettle which is Atlanta I did this in a video this week with the ATR showing the same technique planes more extensive so we're going to be doing a little more you then go down here we're gonna go from VFR we can do either low or high altitude Airways all right set that up check your SIDS just down there our arrival Our Stars so we have Gandalf that is that is good we can just leave that there um when you choose a Runway so [Music] do one here that makes sense [Music] okay so we'll do ils-09 left now you'll see up here we have all these waypoints we're gonna be keying all these in okay so let's go and get in the Sim I'm gonna go ahead and start the plane real fast get it to the point where we would do this and I'll show you how to put this in so I can get y'all flying this plane and doing some uh IFR so here we go okay everybody I am back I just started the plane up if y'all want a tutorial by the way by me I'm starting the plane I can do one for y'all but uh there are a bunch of great ones out there on YouTube just let me know I'll be happy doing for y'all but okay let's get to this so let's go ahead and set up that flight plan so real quick when you come up here go to our Naval wrong button go up here to Naval click on that we'll have all the waypoints right here just like I showed you on the ATR video we have what we're taking out from where we are going okay we're going to key all this in manually okay and we're gonna do this the best we can from what we the tools we have in the SIM so if we go to FMC and then go to position in it we need to set the IRS position so we're gonna use our last known position and when you do this we'll go see some things happen up here click that go up here down here then click here said IRS okay got that in there okay that is good okay now uh after that guys we can go to menu sorry equate to FMC what am I doing here oh there we go okay click on Route Okay click on Route and then in route I was about to jump ahead uh click on route we're gonna put where we are at so we are at kpns so click okp and S it's gonna be our origin our destination where we were going we're going to kila Alpha Tango Lima flight number that's not important for what we're doing in this we will get one when we do this every video still you can make it up either way it's not going to change anything in this click that there all right now go to do departures and arrivals go to the departure okay so we have no sets we we don't worry about that we overtake it for roadway 26 we'll click that go back to departure and Rivals go to cattle go to all rivals Okay so Gandalf here I need to put in so let's go to next page you'll have a two that's how we see our Stars here so I know it's a star it'll have a number after it normally so we'll go click Gandalf okay and uh put our runways so I love zero nine left okay trans I already know the transient is for this but if you didn't technically you could leave that blank for what we're doing here and it's not going to make a difference okay so Ryan then go to route activate then execute okay let's click on legs okay we see all this here okay we need to fill in some some waypoints Okay so route next page okay so via it's got to be like our Stars narcissists and like transition through those would be keyed in there um here where two so we're gonna put in these waypoints so come back up here we're gonna start with our first report here and uh we're gonna keep all these in manually so sh y why are e that is Shire we're gonna click here we're gonna go down the list if bar DD oh all the way till we get to small which before Gandalf if you mess up on any of these guys you can just re type the correct one and click it on the spot where it's supposed to go and it'll go over the other one so you can fix it as well okay that's right before it gundt off go ahead and execute that in there go to legs okay we now need to look over our flight plan here let's go to next page got any discontinuity there next page no bypass okay so we have a discontinuity here I have a hard time saying that word so this is normally where ATC would give us instructions of what to do next for this we don't want that so we want to uh get rid of this right here so if we click on that then click there we can move that up okay execute that let's go back over this again okay now come up here go ahead and change our range all right and look at our VFR see that looks correct for us these waypoints all the way down okay yeah that looks correct okay um let's go back to this let's go back to next page quivet okay and uh run away zero none left okay so we now have those in okay so now what we need to do is we need to go back to init reference we need to key in some information here so zero fuel weight we could just click here it'll appear down there click it again it'll appear also give us the total gross weight now for Reserves um I believe earlier when I put like 50 feel I believe it was 7.4 that's a good number you can go by put that in for this like I said when we do Sim brief we will key in all the correct things some of this we're going to just kind of make up as we go it's going to make a big difference calls index a good cause index for this plane guys is 65. that's a good just stand across it makes for this plane so just do that okay um cruising altitude so for this we can make this up for this I'm gonna put 32 000 feet or just something that would feel correct for this flight there we go um okay our wins now for this here guys um I always I'm not playing with live weather so if I'm doing it this way like so I'm gonna do the Sim replay I'll show you we got the information what I'm doing this way I normally just make up a heading when I do it this way and then I just do 15 knots away for what we're doing in this video this is not going to affect anything really we're just gonna make the computer happy so our off how that functions okay we now need to go to rn1 okay this page here guys we're not going to worry about this um we don't have the tablet we're not worried about that okay so here flaps as far as I know in this plane they're always at five degrees for takeoff center of gravity you click that it'll appear down there got that there okay so our V1 speed VR2 or VR speeds in our V2 what we're going to take off engine we just click here and they're going to appear for us okay we go ahead this here to our V2 speed I'm gonna say 155 yeah okay so we got that and let me see um we need to set our trim so our trim here is 5.11 um so we're going to get this as close as possible this thing is very finicky so set our elevator trim to that close enough all right we go set our barometer by pressing B on the keyboard um if you want to set the altimeter by not pressing B you can come over here and uh set it uh over there to our uh our left okay so we have that going so that is good um go back to this execute so active and we said that that's good we got a quick execute on that okay um back to Lex okay no uh we're gonna set our heading to our Runway direction we're taking off which would be uh 26 so 260. this is in case you have to click on your autopilot for some reason right away oh gosh got that got an army Auto throttle flight director for your captain on flight director for your first officer on these are cruising altitude we said 32 000 feet okay got that so at this moment guys if you don't have it turned on you want to turn all your yellow damper if you don't already have that on uh make sure your emergency lights set you want to make sure you have your IRS wanted to left and right set to nav all right and let me just double check make sure I didn't miss anything uh yeah everything oh yeah we did miss something cabin altitude so we pressurized our cabin right we need to set this to a cruise altitude as well boom and there we go and from that point there guys we could take off uh get in the air turn on our autopilot turn on our lnav and uh we will start to follow this flight planned all right hope this video has been helpful helpful for y'all let me know in the comments if it is as always guys I am pilot83 my next video will be going through simbrief and doing this the realistic way of how you do this in real life and we will go through that so hopefully this video here will help get you ready for that video alright until next time guys enjoy fun this amazing beautiful plane come join the Discord it's in the description below go follow me on Instagram as well as my name pilot2083 thank you all guys so much for your love and support you made it this far thank you so much if you like this video and you feel like I earned your subscription please hit that subscribe button and that like button so you don't miss out until next time guys see you in the air
Channel: Pilot / 0083
Views: 17,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msfs2020, microsoft flight simulator 2020, xbox series x/s, pc, asobo studios, how to, beginner, beginners guide, ifr, vfr, flying, landing, tutorials, gameplay, pmdg 737, pmdg 737 xbox, pmdg, 737, msfs 737, simbrief, flight plan, flight, plan, easy, made, planning, pmdg 737 800, pmdg 737 700, pmdg 737 flight plan tutorial, pmdg 737 tutorial, msfs pmdg 737 xbox, pmdg 737 fms
Id: pfkUjpktQgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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