BeyondATC Preview - Full Flight! (CYVR - KSEA)

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In sim ATC nope nope nope. FSHud was ok - no voice. Voice2ATC, overly complicated to add additional voices, have to read back in one of three phrases for each phrase 100% properly or it doesn't recognize what you are saying, doesn't follow "slang-TC" which we are all accustom to at this point and use.

If this thing will work properly.....without me needing to sit at my computer and voice train it to recognize me for hours, will figure out what I mean when speaking short hand etc. I'm all in......maybe this will be the ATC experience I've looked for, for years without the need to use Vatsim, IVAO etc.

*Edit how does this get a downvote. Reddit is weird.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/qazme πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s going to be a remarkable experience when this is available to everyone. Revolutionary, modern, sleek and simple. This is no doubt a must have addon once it’s out. I fully expect this addon to be a game changer for the MSFS community and one that possibly could get the WT treatment from Asobo going into MSFS2024 if they want to incorporate this level of fidelity into the sims ATC.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ugatz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Looks phenomenal, especially for an early beta version. Love the little touches like the Microsoft Sam ATIS and the differences in phraseology for Canadian and US airspace.

There’s definitely a few things to nitpick on some of the procedures, but it seems like the devs are really open and communicative on Discord, so I’m sure they’ll iron things out a bit before release.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mikey_MiG πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

This looks so freakin cool!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TZZZZZY πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Really can't wait to give this a go

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snakepit92 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 05 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello and welcome to Beyond ATC today we're going to be doing a little demo of the program taking a quick flight from Vancouver to Seattle and showing off a couple of the features of the program so a couple disclaimers before we get started uh this program is still very much in development and what you're going to see today might include some bugs some weird stuff but we'll hopefully have all that ironed out by time we launch the second thing is that I am not a pilot so I will not be doing the correct procedures I'm sure everyone will tell me exactly what I'm doing wrong but the intention today is show off Beyond ATC and not my piloting skills so with that let's get started so here's the UI for Beyond ATC we're going for a very modern slick look that's very easy to use and this is the most important thing out of all of our core tenants about this program that you should press one button and it's just work no config files no messing around with a bunch of folders and moving things around you just install it and it just sets up and it just works so here we have the options menu we're going to add a lot more features to the options menu as we continue development um but you can see you can customize it how you like but it's not 20 Pages full of a bunch of customization settings most of the stuff should be done for you automatically which goes along with the easy thing that we're talking about we also have some cool stuff where you can have radio degradation which uh has there's traffic in the distance it simulates the degradation of the radio signal if there's terrain or atmospheric conditions a lot of really cool stuff that we're gonna have in the program and of course all this is optional so you can change and do whatever you want with it all right with that let's get started and download our Sim PreFlight plan Beyond ATC connected so we have a couple of options here we have the autorespond which will automatically respond to any requests or actions that we get it's basically the co-pilot talking for you we're not going to use that today because I'm going to be doing all the talking and then we have the auto-tune radio which is when we get handed off to another frequency it'll automatically change it for you so you don't have to go down to the radio stack and do it yourself since I find that so handy I'm going to go ahead and turn that on all right and the first thing we're going to do is grab the 8 is today now I'm really excited to share this because this was uh not announced so far and I'm this is a brand new thing we got working so the tool that they use at real airports to generate their Adis is some text-to-speech program from the 1980s it's very Antiquated I'm sure if you've ever listened to a real latest it sounds pretty old um so we managed to emulate that program almost identically because it's so old and we got it into the tool here so what you hear here will sound almost identical to what they use in the real airport which is I'm so excited about that so I know our tagline is that we don't sound like robots but of course in this single instance we absolutely sound like a robot because that's what it sounds like in the real world so let's go ahead and grab the atis and I'll let you listen in on that information [Applause] 55 000 broken temperatures left temporary flight restrictions here how cool is that I'm so excited we got that working all right so the next thing we're going to do is get our IFR clearance and we get that on one two one point four all right let's start off with the radio check make sure everything's working Air Canada 8172 radio check Air Canada 8172 five by five all right so go ahead and call this in and uh we'll get a couple things wrong here there just to show you how it handles if you read back something incorrectly but the most important thing here is that you can talk to it like a pilot you can use radio shorthand so 125.3 is 25 3. you can speak to it fluently or change things around or move the structure however you want and it will still understand you so that's the power of AI gone is the days of having to say the exact thing in the exact right order and if it doesn't understand a single word it completely fails the whole thing all right so let's go ahead and grab that IFR Air Canada 8172 request IFR clearance to Seattle with information Sierra [Music] radar Victor's Roche then as filed maintain six thousand expect flight level 21010 minutes after departure squawk 4761 all right so I'll read back everything correct except for the squawk cleared to Seattle Tacoma radar vectors Roche then is filed maintain 6 000 X by flight level two one zero one zero minutes after departure squawk five four two six Air Canada 8172 negative Squad code 4761 correction squawking 4761 Air Canada 8172 [Music] 1 decimal seven when ready for pushback and engine start one two one decimal seven when ready for pushback take care [Music] and now I went ahead and switched us automatically so let's go ahead and get ready for pushback and get going WestJet 1723 request taxi to the gate WestJet 1723 taxi to ramp 134 via Bravo Echo Hotel Delta alpha 1 2 Fox Drive m134 via Bravo Echo Hotel Delta Alpha One Two foxtrot WestJet 1723 now the cool thing is we look outside the window we'll actually see that WestJet doing that exact Taxi so the really cool thing is that all the traffic here is real this is really happening and all the callouts you hear are not just stock audio or anything like that it's actually here in the SIM all right so we're going to push back probably facing Southeast to head down to two six left right here you can take Echo and Delta or head back down to golf so go ahead and connect that tug and guess ready to go WestJet 3327 request taxi to the gate WestJet 3327 taxi to ramp nine or six via mic two Mike Juliet Charlie golf nine or six via mic two Mike Juliet Charlie golf WestJet 3327 Vancouver ground Air Canada 8172 request pushback and engine start [Music] Southeast pushback approved face Southeast 81-72 keep in mind you can always turn that little ding sound off if you don't like it it's just there to acknowledge that I understood what you said give a little feedback when you're done speaking but it's purely optional all right starting engine two yes I'm starting engine two first the battle rages on United 608 request taxi to the gate United 608 taxi to ramp 136 via Bravo Echo Hotel Delta Alpha One Two foxtrot United 608 all right we're facing Southeast 614 contact Tower one two five decimal two have a good flight WestJet 614 good day starting engine one Air Canada two two zero request taxi to two six left Air Canada 220 taxi to 2 6 left vehicle Delta Delta knighter taxi to 2-6 left Vie Echo Delta Delta Niner Air Canada 220. all right engine one good engine start going flaps three today get the Apu off Max auto brake don't get that turned on all right let's do a quick flight control check we'll get out here for left full right full down full up left full right and neutral looks good accumulator pressure is looking good the reservoir is good so let's go ahead and call for our Taxi Air Canada 8172 request taxi Runway two six left Air Canada 8172 Runway two six left taxi via golf Bravo Echo Delta Delta knighter Runway 2-6 left Taxi by a golf Bravo echo echo Delta Delta Niner Air Canada 8172 [Music] we're on 125 decimal two Alaska 2314 Air Canada 8972 contact Tower 125 decimal two have a good one tower on 125 decimal two Air Canada 8972 all right so we're in golf now we'll come down golf go to Bravo Echo that uh right hand left hand turn onto Delta and then head over to Delta 9 right there all right let's get going Canada 848 request taxi to Runway 2-6 right Canada 8848 taxi to 26 right via six Sierra Tango Mike Mike seven taxi to two six right via six Sierra tengo Mike Mike 7 Air Canada 8848 two two zero hold short of two six left position of Runway 2-6 left Air Canada two two zero Air Canada 220 contact Tower one two five decimal two Air Canada two two zero take care thank you Air Canada 8172 ready to go Runway two six left [Music] five turn to 180 Runway two seats left clear red for takeoff turn to heading one six zero or my two six left cleared for takeoff 81.72 [Music] all right here we go take off stabilize takeoff power set [Music] manflex SRS Auto throttle blue and a bunch of vehicles on the runway sorry y'all see you later [Music] 100 knots [Music] if you want rotate House of Rick you're up all right let's go and get that turn to one six zero [Music] there's our lever climb s disable the spoilers decimal zero seven have a good fight Vancouver departure one two eight decimal zero seven air can 8172 [Music] Vancouver departure Air Canada 8172 climbing three thousand four six thousand Air Canada 8172 Vancouver departure radar contact cleared direct Roche climb and maintain eleven thousand clear direct broche climbed maintain 11 000 Air Canada 8172 Air Canada 8172 contact Vancouver Center at 124 decimal zero seven have a good day Vancouver Center at 124 decimal zero seven for Air Canada e172 good day [Music] Vancouver Center Air Canada 8172 10 000 for 11 000. Air Canada 8172 radar contact climb and maintain flight level 210. maintain flight level 210 near candidate 172. [Music] 2 so it's worth noting here that you have a lot of different ways you can interact with a tool you can press on these as buttons to have it say for you that way it always has the proper phraseology you can have an autorespond as we talked about earlier where the copilot respond for you that way you can make the calls directly but then it can respond so if you don't know what to say you can use that um and of course you can just talk to it like I'm doing so we have lots of different ways to interact with it what we want to do is really make this accessible to people that are new to fight simming people that are new to ATC uh people that are too scared to go on bat Sim which look man I understand I was one of those for a long long time or Hell of just fat Sims offline in the area that you want to fly you got options so we're just really looking to make it very accessible to everyone so that anyone of any experience level can use the tool and uh really get some enjoyment out of it so our thing is the top of the Descent here we can call for descent whenever we want just like the real world but I know a lot of people in Flight Sim want to be told contact Seattle Center at 125.1 take care Seattle Center at 125.1 for Air Canada 8172 take care [Music] Seattle Center Air Canada 8172 flight level 180 for flight level 210. Air Canada 8172 radar contact so we can request dissent whenever we want or it will tell us when to send because I know a lot of people in Flight Sim don't know when to descend and they want the ATC to tell them so if you wait long enough it will just say that we'll go ahead and do that today so in a few miles here it should just give us our descent clearance and tell us what star to expect as well as the landing Runway and a couple other things Air Canada 8172 expect marinar 7 with the rose transition call when ready for descent expect the Mariners 7 with the rose transition will call we're ready for descent Air Canada 81.72 all right let's figure out where we're heading down to so we're here coming off Roche going down to Mariner and we are going to head down to ships at 7 000 is the lowest restriction on the star so we'll do a managed descent down to seven thousand Air Canada 8172 ready for descent altimeter 30.04 descent by a mariner 7 with the rose transition Seattle International Landing Runway three four left altimeter 30.04 Air Canada 8172 [Music] now another cool thing you might notice is that the phraseology will change so you'll start hearing points so decimal as we get handed off to different radio frequencies that means as we take off from New York you'll hear FAA phraseology and as you land in Heathrow you'll hear I call phraseology and that will happen automatically no going to settings and setting your inches of mercury your hectopascals or any of that anymore it just does it automatically so that goes back to the core tenant of the program everything is simple everything just works and we're really trying to adhere to that as closely as possible throughout this entire development process okay and yes that is the sound of the toilet uh thank you FS realistic it's a great tool but I guess we're serving burritos on this flight so and as we head down to vegan we should be slowing down to 250 knots at it below 15 000 heading over to unit at 230 knots at or above 10 000. Air Canada 8172 contact Seattle approach 133.65 take care foreign Seattle Approach at 133.65 Air Canada 8172 [Music] Seattle approached Air Canada 8172 descending by a mariner 7 7000. [Music] two Seattle Tacoma International altimeter 30.04 expect the ils-34 left altimeter 30.04 expect the ils-34 left Air Canada 8172 [Music] and we just got an ILS approach but sometimes will be assigned a visual approach most of the time in the USC will be if you're in Europe of course we won't get a visual approach almost ever and all that's determined automatically based on where you are in the world and you don't have to set anything in settings to make that happen it will just do it automatically and we're coming down to ships at 7 000 which will pass through that at I think 210 knots and then we are going to go to a manual leg where we should get vectored over to the initial approach fix of the ILS approach Air Canada 8172 turn right heading 180. turn right heading 180 air candidate you 172. so this is going to send us out over here and then straight into sandor so we can turn around and capture that localizer give us a nice white Arc to do that with Air Canada 8172 turn left heading 150 descend and maintain six thousand turn left heading 150 descent to maintain six thousand Air Canada 8172 Air Canada 8172 turn left heading one three zero turn left heading one three zero Air Canada 8172. [Music] all right we're coming up on the iaf no we're already down to Green Dot speed so I'll get us on the approach and hopefully we should just be clear direct to sondor so we can make that left-hand turn capture the localizer and head on and on the white slope Air Canada 8172 cleared direct Saunder cross Saunder at or above 6000 cleared ILS 3-4 left clear direct Saunder cross Sundar at or above 6 000 cleared ILS 3-4 left Air Canada e172 all right let's get the ls on we should already be loaded in for the three four left iOS and once we get around this turn I'll go ahead and pop out a notch of flaps all right there's the localizer speed check lapse two and we grabbed it by itself we'll wait to go below our go around altitude and then set that in the autopilot in the meantime we'll get ready for landing it's worth mentioning that we have all sorts of go around procedures already working so we have go around procedures if there's terrain if there's no terrain if you're on the left hand Runway right hand Runway all that's all working so we're pretty proud of all that took a lot to figure out all the different procedures there sure is a hell of a lot of them but it should be true to life and uh in the Sim and working and ready to go all right let's go fast through nine miles to the runway two thousand five hundred Air Canada 8172 contact Seattle Tower 119 or Point Niner take care Seattle Tower 119.9 or for Air Canada 81.72 see you later Seattle Tower Air Canada 8172 ILS 3-4 left Air Canada 8172 Seattle Tower Runway 3-4 left continue Runway three four left continue all right there's five miles to go and drop the gear down Air Canada 8172 Runway 3-4 left queen zero two zero at zero eight clear to land Runway three four left clear to land 81.72 we're looking for stabilized at around a thousand feet we're pretty stabilized right now so I think we're all set one thousand stabilized 500. 100 above minimum 100 50 . 20 five well that's spoilers and reverse your screen Air Canada 8172 vacate ride at Juliet right at Julia Air Canada 172. Air Canada 8172 contact ground 121.7 have a good one ground on one to 1.7 Air Canada 8172 have a good day foreign Juliet we're gonna be taxing down to the terminal over here so I'm expecting to go Juliet hold a short 1 6 Center and then cross over 1 6 left through hotel and then down on Bravo Seattle ground Air Canada 8172 request taxi to the gate [Music] 10 go November whole short Runway 3-4 sender gate Bravo 10 Taxi by uh Juliet tanko November hold short Runway 3-4 Center Air Canada 8172. [Music] all right so we're gonna make our right hand turn here down on Tango make a left-hand turn on November hold short this Runway crossover November and head down to the terminal at gate Bravo 10. and with that I'm going to end it here we hope you enjoyed that little sneak preview of Beyond ATC we'll have lots more videos coming down the line showing off the VFR side of the project currently under development as well as a bunch of other cool things we have planned so thanks so much for watching if you'd like to keep up with the progress of Beyond ATC the best place to do that is in the Discord Link in the description and until next time thanks so much [Applause]
Channel: BeyondATC
Views: 86,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BH_pN0xK3rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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