MSFS | PMDG 737 Tutorial Episode 1: Cold & Dark to Engine Start - including Route Input!

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[Music] hello again everybody and a very warm welcome back to the channel today we're continuing our pmtg 737 700 series within microsoft flight simulator as we begin to prepare our flight to ski athos from prague in the smart wings livery this is going to be episode one if you like cold and dark through to engine start so share your thoughts your tips tricks in the comments below and of course hit subscribe and drop a like as well while you're here too there are a number of state saving options inside the airplane so if you want to skip the cold and dark section and load straight into an airplane which has already got some power generating to it then you can change the settings quite easily within the fmc so i'll show you guys that very briefly just in case that is you and you're watching thinking i'd like to skip this little section but in any case let's dive straight in looks great doesn't it so we're here we're cold and dark at the moment we've got no power to the airplane whatsoever um but we have got a gpu connected down below and that's the state saving option that i've selected within the fmc the fms and there's a load of configurable options in here so a really nicely personalized experience you can try all the way through many of the pages within here and you can select states and all the different equipment that you would like to see including honeywell or collins well i'll leave that up to you guys to decide what you'd like to see so first things first we need to get battery power on we can see we've got ground power available at the moment but in any case what we want to do is turn the battery on the airplane is now alive so to speak and we can close the guard like so battery's discharging as well we don't want to let it run dry of course we're empty so we need to think about adding ground power in but first let's arm the emergency exit lights and we can close the guard there now we can turn ground power on and you can hear now we've got some fans we've got both fmc's alive and uh shortly should get system power too while it's doing that i'll take the opportunity to show you guys some of the options so when i was mentioning the cold and dark state saving you can go to pmdg's setup and you can click cold and dark startup state initially might be blank for you if you're loading in for the first time click there and you can quite simply pick whichever one you prefer the most so you can go completely cold and dark if you want to you'll then have to make sure you connect the gpu within the settings um or you can choose one of the other functions including sort of apron or something like that for a bit of a turnaround setup anyway systems are alive and it's looking good so far the displays are wonderful from here have a little look in the overhead panel right at the top and you'll see the irs left and right click them both to nav like so and we can flick that color across heading status and it looks like we've got it set to instant align um but it will effectively give us an idea of how long it will take to for the irs to actually align itself go to init ref in the fms fmc click that top button there us in it and you can just use the last position and the irs will begin to work itself into alignment there we go it's quick you can have it set to realistic of course as well and further away from the equator it'll take even longer and you can add in some data like our starting airport today prague that looks very good and the gate number 15 there we go at this stage if we're thinking about especially um activating the apu or anything like that then we might want to do the fire tests but let's just take a minute to look how fantastic those switches look it's incredible i go the tests so we could do some other tests as well the discharge and we can just reset our view for the time being from here break make sure that is on and you get a little red led that is active there just to let you know too and you could hear the clunks the noises with it activating and of course as well at this stage i want to see that position lights are unsteady there already are which is good if you're flying at night then the logo lights on as well and also there's a couple of other tests that you can do at the top here over speed warning stall warning tests that sort of thing and as well you can pop lights on to test and everything here will illuminate and flash around you can see that it's all working look how good that looks oh god this is exactly the sort of aeroplane microsoft simulator needed it's incredibly good look at this and in effect you're looking for things that might not be working properly or a light that might not be illuminated we can leave that set to bright and it will reset oh it appear then make sure that's set that's actually fine as it is we can turn the old damper on too make sure that all of these guards are down they already are by default just in case especially if you're using a different state saving function starting at the top work down each column make sure all of these are in normal source for displays is on auto and uh all the pumps are off start the ap shortly we'll turn after your pump on the aft but turn the ap on shortly what we'll then do is we'll turn the after pump to the on position then we work up here make sure your guards are down galley power is on you might have a secondary switch here as well make sure that the passenger power supplies like the seat power is on as well if you do have that option and then open the guard check that's in auto close the guard and try not to touch that again make sure these are both down too working down we've got ground power on at the moment uh the gens are off and the light settings here are all off as well we don't need the bolts at the moment and the wiper is dark and from what i've learned don't turn them on unless the windscreen is wet apparently left and right both parked looking up set your lights as you wish well and make sure your equipment calling supply and exhaust both on norm once the exit lights we did this to begin with but make sure it's in that central arm position and close the guards and we can then turn the seatbelt signs onto auto you can set this one how you wish a little notification for the crew please make sure it works and then you can kind of hear what it sounds like too heading to the next panel probably bring the view across a little bit so you guys can see a little bit easier and we want the wind heat the windshield heat to be set to on next one down pro peaks make sure they're off we'll turn them on when the engine's switched on similar to the anti-icing as well hydraulics you can turn elect to an elect one for a and b the on positions board entry door warning light is open because we've got the doors one left open at the moment and the cockpit voice recorder the cvr we could see there we test hold five seconds the little led turned on there too this is where our cabin pressurization comes into play as well we can see the cabin pressure using these dials and whether it's uh climbing so you know pressurizing or depressurizing and then up here air temperature we can flick across to the passenger cabin and we can leave them both on auto we can set them however we wish continuing down recirc fan when it comes to engine start we want the research fan to the off position we can leave it on auto for now and then we make sure the packs are off as well left and right they're both off and isolation valve is open ready for engine start looking a little bit further down leads are both on for the engines apu bleed is off at the moment so we'll turn it on and then we're looking at our pressurization and things like that basically so we're going to set our cruise altitude for today's flight to ski athos at 370 and the landing altitude at the airfield as well it is pretty much 50 feet actually um airport elevation at skiathos leave it on auto for alternate with that on auto the airplane will be able to regulate pressurization and then the subsequent depressurization of the aeroplane as well throughout the flight now we're going to start the apu and get things fired up from the captain's chair then look up back to the overhead we'll turn the aft fuel pump on low pressure warning light has extinguished and then we want to view around click that to the start position and we can hear it in the background ever so slightly ap will fire up it will go high initially it will settle down a little bit as well but that is effectively all we want to do to monitor it there we go and ap gen off bus has now illuminated showing that it's generating some power but we're on ground power we can't just tick that off gotta flick both of those to the on position so that's the two sort of bus ties the apu providing power then we can turn ground power off we've still got a power supply to the aircraft as you can see we've still got everything gone so today for our flight plan from prague to skiathos and we've got an air time of 1 hour 56 and it's telling us block fuel required 7206 kilograms so we go to the fmc a new page fs actions fuel and you can see that we've got our fuel set at the moment this impounds and we're using kilograms on sim brief the on sim brief you can just hit edit flight and you can change the units to pounce you just do some quick maths um as well 15 884 though we're good at 16 000 pounds of fuel required and we can just add it in like so then we need to think about payloads as well you can click set empty if you wish or you can just configure for the aircraft setup that you want you can also set mac so you can fill it right up as well we're going to go with this it's showing our gross weight maximum takeoff weight with emits there as well it's about 20 tons uh short of that it gives us our zero fuel weight and i take off center of gravity as well taking a look at our simbri flight plan as your refuel weight should be uh eleven thousand hundred and twelve thousand one hundred and seventy nine pounds so we can what we can do is we can round it to one one two decimal two and we can update that accordingly and it will change our payload settings as well within the airplane and that way it matches our flight plan on sim brief 2 now now we need to set our route so hit in at ref click menu fmc we want to go to index press ref hit index we start with the ident page we've already done that with the position report with lining the irs and you can see all the data in there and we can flick over to root now so origin l k p r which is code for prague and we're going to head to lgsk which is skiathos light number tvs2238 and a flight plan request you can add it into files within the sim to get it to load in this instance we're going to use runway06 and we can go to partial rivals archer there are six on the oz3 echo departure there it is we can select that no transitions in relation to it go back to the root activate from here then we've got two pages click across to the next page you can see we've got vods three echo to vos we're gonna go direct to linux now l a n u x followed by director passat director babbitt here you want to make sure you've got the correct one selected so if you're using sim brief or something like that you can find the waypoint and we want babbitt which is just below 46 degrees north so therefore it's not going to be the bottom one usually the one at the top is the closest as well there we go direct babbitt then we want delete director lotter next page directing mac head and then for an airway uniform lima 617 we put into the left entry all the way to through to thessaloniki which is the uh what tsl voir and then from there we're going to arrive expecting runway zero one into scathos we can add that in now if we want to so select zero one and it's finally the thessaloniki one charlie arrival into ski athos there we go we've got a bit of a discontinuity there because from skopje loss it's a bit of a vor approach and for that in the arrivals page want to select ndm01 approach their transition via scopy loss like so so we've got the arrival into scathos we've got the approach selected and the transition to and hit execute now sometimes discontinuities are intentional and that is because they're a plane basically telling us from scorpio loss it's down to us to make sure that we get the vor approach flown accurately so in some instances you want to leave a discontinuity in in others you don't but i'll leave it up to you guys depending on what routine you choose in your perfinate page then if you've got your flight plan loaded up you can just hit perfect request it'll pull in all the data that it can from your flight plan and then when it's ready it'll give you that popup you can click load and there you go and load it all in i've switched it from pounds to kilos hence the different values here set your transition altitude for departure depending on wherever you are in the world so here in prague it would be six thousand the reserves if you don't getting new there it's basically finres plus alternate fuel and then you'd stick that in there as a value if it was pounds it'd be 4.6 kilos it'd be 2.4 tons and then of course don't forget to hit execute two and that's then committed that to the perf init page bruce wins inside sim brief what you can do if you want to is just find your top of climb wins and in this instance it's shown as zero zero five degrees 33 knots and you can add that in there like so and if you modify anything so we just change the cos index it will say that it's modified at the top and the execute button there will illuminate so make sure you exec any changes before you move on from here we can go to the m1 limit and depending on the departure we're using for example here at prague nadp2 departures noise abatement what you want to do is select climb profile two and then depending on what performance calculators you guys have all got you'll be able to find the sort of outdoor air temperatures and work out your d rates but in effect we can choose one for example and we can choose the nadb2 like so and then we can just leave that as it is on the take off page we can fill out all the data we'll go flaps 5 departure we can pick the button there to get the center of gravity and at that stage because we've given the aircraft all the data that it needs and we've got qrh on it's calculated our v speeds for us so in this instance we can just go ahead and select them in there of course if we change any of the other values in relation to weight payload central gravity balance anything like that we might need to come back in here and recalculate the speed so do bear that in mind and you would select whether or not it's wet dry skid risk and you'd add in a the runway slope too if you had the data for it and at this stage too you'd add in your acceleration height and your thrust reduction altitudes as well and your engine off acceleration height above the ground too for the sake of this today we'll keep it easy we'll put it we'll leave it on 1500 we can execute the changes and that is everything up to take off beats what you want to do is make sure you've set any vors and things as well depending on what departures you're using so in our instance we're going to be tracking towards the vesice vor in which case we'll want to tune in one one six decimal niner five in the box and we will have that active so we can track a distance towards it as well as perhaps nav two we could track a vor from prague one one two six as well we'll use more of this when we go towards ski athos and we fly that voir approach make sure we're on the active frequency for atc as well depending on where you are and if there's any atc if you're on bat sim unicom for example 1228 and of course making sure you've got any relevant squawk codes placed in as well and we can pop that onto ta only transpod is ready any ndps by the way we'll go in here you can transfer the box on we can turn the tone on and of course similar to usual boeings that we might be already kind of used to we can add increase the range as we wish to but for the departure we're going to want a closer range than and we want to of course make sure we've got our arrows set as well so at the moment the qh is one zero one one click color across to get a hex pascals instead of inches of mercury or vice versa depending on where where you are flying in the world same here we can click the standby instruments and we make sure they match one's house and rain as well in the vicinity of the airfield at the moment with live weather if by the way you do want to change everything in two kilograms all you need to do is go to the aircraft settings go to displays pick previous page once it will go toward page nine and you can just click the button there and it will change everything across towards kilos so depending on what measurement unit of measurement you would like you just select the relevant ones like so one thing you might want to change you don't really need to fill it with climb crews or descent too much unless you are going to change any of these values but if you click onto descent and then click forecast if you're in the states that's great shows flight level 180 but actually for example into skiathos we might want to make sure that we've got the correct transition level um for our descent most of the time it is given by atc but let's say it is gonna be flat level six zero we can add that in like so and it will appear there and that's right descent forecast if you want to put a fixed ring in for a departure um you can put in the reference for it similar to the other aircraft in the sim here you can just add the fixed rings in it which we might do that nearer towards ski athos 2 to assist us let's go back to the menu fs actions ground services we want to release the ground power that's going to disconnect go back go to the doors we're going to close that door by clicking the button we can then see the animation there that's closed and we can also clear the chops and the other ground equipment using the same menu and then we're ready for push and start so from here now uh as i've been recording this rain has come in we're going to at this stage turn all of the pumps on your pumps in the center if you look at your display here center tanks there are zero so we've got fuel on on the left and the right or the ford and the afts not in the center so we can turn those on like so then the anti-collision warning light on as well and we'll make sure that we've got all of the packs off too and they are off there as well and that isolation valve is open with the apu on so we know with our star that we're using today we're going to be uh partying with an initial climb clearance of 5000 feet so we've got that set in the mcp and we also need to make sure that we've got our runway heading selected as well 061 and we've also selected our v2 speed of 135 as well so that's all set up ready to go to depending on what checklist you've got you want to go through the flow and make sure that everything else is set and uh enabled or disabled as required actually altitudes are all set to will turn the flight directors on we will arm el nav brad departure and we also want to set the break to rto as well with the checklist that i'm using today we'll start checklists then we want to arm the auto throttle turn the pumps on already commencing push back you can start the engine okay push back time yeah we'll start in the sequence using toolbar push backs it's going to do it itself and push the prescribed track route that i've selected missions on both we've stick that to ground and we're going to watch the n2 start valves open then two's rising that gets to about 25 i'm going to add fuel in by activating that little lever where the cursor is now like so and then we're gonna watch the engine come to life we'll repeat the same steps using engine number one as well to join the push back that complete we can turn gen 2 to the on position select engine one to ground okay push back completed please set your parking brake parking brake set parking brake set lowering aircraft values now 25 for the n2 okay sir holding position waiting for the visual thank you and goodbye away we go once this is stable as well we'll turn generator 1 on that's the starter valve that's closed switches reset itself that's generator one on now and if we want to at this stage we can turn the left and right packs back on towards though further up here ropey both on and wing anti-ice as required engine anti-ice as required isolation valve can adobe flicked one switch to the auto position and ap bleed can be switched off too like so apu can then be switched off and it will slowly turn itself off and engine start switches can go to one click to the right continuous laps as required we're going to select flaps five an elevator trim is set for takeoff we've done that using the trim of 5.49 there and we've made sure that's set like so and it's we've been limits to for takeoff and there we are cold and dark all the way through to the inputting of the flight plan adding all the data that the airplane needs push back and engine start with the new pmdg 737-700 for microsoft flight simulator i hope you've enjoyed this first tutorial make sure you hit like and subscribe down below share your thoughts any tips and tricks as i mentioned at the beginning in the comments section below and i hope so you join me for a live stream in the very near future thanks for watching take care [Music] you
Channel: British Avgeek
Views: 102,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pmdg 737 tutorial, msfs pmdg 737 tutorial, pmdg 737 engine start tutorial, pmdg 737 cold and dark, pmdg 737 cold and dark tutorial, msfs 737 tutorial, fs2020 737 tutorial, pmdg 737 fmc tutorial, pmdg 737 fms tutorial, pmdg 737 tutorial fs2020, PMDG 737 msfs 2020, PMDG 737 FS2020, PMDG 737 FS 2020
Id: CO5RNDDe1vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 25 2022
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