Fenix A320 FULL FS2CREW TUTORIAL and Flight

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all right welcome back to flight Sim 2020 and in today's video finally we have the long-awaited FS2 crew tutorial for the Phoenix A320 so ever since I put out my first tutorial for the flyby wire people have been asking for the pmdg and the Phoenix I did the PMD g737 video a couple of months ago I'll put a link to that up at the top for you now and now it's finally time to cover the Phoenix A320 if you don't know what FS2 crew is FS2 crew is a third-party piece of software for Microsoft flight simulator that gives you a virtual first officer and cabin crew using voice recognition you can give instructions to the first officer and the crew and the first officer will run through checklists with you and you will need to respond with voice appropriately to your first officer if you do not want to use the voice recognition features there is also the option for button control where you use specific key fees that you've assigned to trigger certain events throughout the flight I find that having FST crew just makes flying complex airliners a little bit more immersive and possibly realistic because obviously in reality something like the A320 is not designed to be flown single pilot and you don't fly them on your own they are always operated by crew so as always this video will be focusing on how to use FS2 crew for the Phoenix A320 it won't be so much focused on how to actually use the aircraft and fly the aircraft and just like the other FS2 crew tutorials that I've done this video will be kind of split up into two sections so to start off with I'm going to go through and explain the new interface again the new interface has been around for a while now but if you came from FSX or p3d it's very different to what the interface looked like in those Sims so the first section of the video will be dedicated to explaining the new interface then once we've been through the interface I will take take you from start to finish through a flight here from Port Elizabeth in South Africa over to Johannesburg or Tambo right so that's the plan for what we'll be covering in this tutorial and let's Jump Right In and start with the first thing which a viewer pointed out to me that I didn't explain in the other videos and that's how to actually open FS2 crew so it's really simple there's two methods you can use number one you can just run the program from the exe file or using the shortcut it creates on the desktop the method which I think most people are probably going to use is if you have the FSA crew Command Center running you can always come up to the flights and menu and the command center exists over here open that up and then it will list all the efforts to crew products so obviously we want the Phoenix A320 and we can hit launch and that will then open up the FS2 crew interface okay so once the interface is opened you will get something that looks like this and again we're going to go through each of the features now we're going to start with the toolbar at the top but before we do that I actually want to jump quickly into the settings and point out one particular setting and this is enable tooltips by default this might actually be turned off but I highly recommend when you are first learning FS2 crew to come and turn this on because what it means is if we close this and we can actually do it with any of the settings in here as well we'll look at that next with the tooltips on if you want to know what anything does in FSA crew all you have to do is mouse over it and it will tell you exactly what it does so no longer do we have to read through a huge manual all of the information is actually built into the interface itself so with that turned on let's go through each of the options in our toolbar so the first one is just going to expand and shrink the FSU crew menu so you can just collapse that down and make it smaller the next little Cog is the config panel so that's going to open up this guy with all of our settings but we're going to come back to and go through in more detail then we have the checklist panel if we click on this it opens up the checklist for the aircraft in a browser one thing that's never works for me is it also opens up this second window which uh I believe is supposed to load the checklist but that's never worked for me but I've never really worried about it because I use the checklist in the aircraft rather than in F is the crew itself right the next two options are going to be very important for you when you are learning FS2 crew so the first one is the assist panels that's these assists that you see underneath here that just turns them on and off you're definitely going to want to have them there particularly when you first start with FS2 crew because what these assists do is they help to prompt you and guide you through the sequence that you follow in a normal flight so under the checklist assist it will give you a prompt at the correct stage of flight to say this is the checklist you should be running now so for example if it pops up here with before star checklist you know that you can call for the before star checklist and that is probably the right time to do so okay underneath that is the voice command assist and this is going to give you a list of available voice commands once you've called for the checklist any valid responses that you might use to respond to the first officers challenge will also appear in this box so when the first officer calls out something from the checklist you can use one of the responses in that checklist assist box to respond to his challenge so if you are wondering what the correct phrases are to use in response to the first officer the checklist assist section is where you are going to look right then the voice command assist likewise gives you a list of available voice commands for that stage of the flight but these are commands that don't necessarily belong to a specific checklist so it's normally commands like getting the first officer to set autopilot modes or turn lights on and off raise the gear set the flaps that kind of thing they don't actually belong to a checklist but they're still voice commands that you need to give again not all of these are essential some of them might be optional but the voice command assist panel will prompt you throughout the flight on commands that you may want to issue then the third and final assist panel is the captain flows assist panel this is really useful because it tells you what tasks and flows you should be performing at that stage of the flight so obviously your first officer is going to go through his flows and setting up the aircraft based on the functions that the first officer performs but you as the captain obviously need to play your role as well and the captain flows assist will tell you what you should performing at that stage okay the next button on the toolbar is also going to be be very useful when you first start learning FSA crew this is the info sensor panel so if we click on that it opens up the info sensor underneath as the name kind of implies the info sensor gives us a bit of information about the stage or flight that we're at and we have access to a lot of other information with these little panels at the bottom so we can go through to the checklist it'll give you some general voice commands that you can use during the checklist it also gives you a list of the checklists that you need to perform throughout the flight and this is important because now with the FSX and p3d versions of FST crew the checklist would only be triggered in a specific sequence however now checklists can be called for at any time of the flight which now mentions over there so if you happen to forget which checklist is coming up next and you've missed the the prompts in the assist panels you can quickly reference here to see which checklist is the one that you need to call for next there's also other information on voice commands that you can give to the first officer voice commands that you can use to get the first officer to set the autopilot and commands that you can give to the person underneath we have some information on the flows that the first officer will be performing so if you want to check under a specific phase of flight what tasks the first officer will perform you can do that by looking through the first officer flows over here then underneath we've got some more technical stuff overview just gives you some information about the software itself for example the fact that we are captain and Pilot Flying and the simulated pilot is the first officer we have some logs for what the software is doing speech stats with some help if you are struggling to set up your voice recognition because remember if it's the crew uses Microsoft's built-in voice recognition so if you are having issues with that come in here for some help with how to set that up some links to the FSC crew socials and some more information about the software and the version that we are running okay so let's close the information center and we will continue through the toolbar the next one is our button for pushback Express if you have FS to cruise pushback Express you can launch it right here when you're ready to set up your pushback same thing with the next button if you have a Rice Pro you can trigger that from here within the software the next one is our briefing panel so if we open that up it allows us to set information for in this case our departure brief once we're up at cruise this will change over to our arrival brief and this is very important you'll see as we go through the stage of flying that we set this up correctly because the first officer takes certain information from this so for example the fact that we've set config 2 as our takeoff flaps the first officer knows once we started up the engines he is going to set the flaps to the position based on our departure breed similar thing with the runway when we do the lineup check he is going to call Out The Runway that we've assigned here so it is important that when you go through the brief even if you don't run the briefing and have the virtual Captain read through it make sure you set up this information correctly so that the first officer sets things up prop okay let's close the briefing panel the next is our pre-filed events button so this starts the whole sequence where the first officer will will begin the sequence of a flight from the beginning so for example when we click this now he's going to start with establishing power to the aircraft and then go through his pre-flight flows go out and do the walk around and so on so on through all the stages of the flight once you've clicked it you will see a little timer that appears over there that tells you how much free flight time we have left so when that timer reaches zero we should have done everything and be ready to push and start and also the timer triggers certain things to happen at certain points like the fuel slip being brought the passengers boarding Etc if you feel like you are ahead of the time and you're just waiting for the time to tick down you can click on the little timer to speed it up in one minute increments if you are gonna do that I suggest that you do it slowly so that you don't end up skipping very quickly past important parts and you miss the prompts and end up leaving our checklists and things like that that so skip through it nice and slowly because it is going to prompt certain things to happen based on the timing which you may or may not need to respond to the other thing you may notice with the timer is that when the first officer is busy doing something the timer will be highlighted red and you cannot Advance the time and that's just to avoid having issues with maybe he's busy with a checklist and you try and fast forward through the time and it triggers another event that the first officer needs to deal with and now there's a conflict because he's already busy with something so if the first officer is busy with a flow or busy with a checklist that will be highlighted red and you can click it but it won't do anything okay then we have the option to restart the speech recognition engine again most of the time you're not going to use this unless you run into issues with the voice recognition where it gets stuck on a certain command or freezes for whatever reason if you find that you just need to restart the voice engine rather than closing the software and opening it up again you restart the voice engine by clicking on that button there okay the next one is the little headset icon that very simply toggles between the speaker and headset audio outputs so when we jump back to the settings you'll see you can configure separate audio devices for headset and speaker mode and this is where you change between them right the next one in the toolbar is the manual flow command selector if we click on that it actually gives us a drop down of all of the flows that the first officer performs throughout the flight and if you want to you can select one and you can click on the button to manually run that flow again this is something that most of the time you probably aren't going to use because all of these flows will trigger automatically at certain points throughout the flight but if you find a situation where you need to run a specific flow at a specific time you can go and Trigger that manually okay the next button is very simple it just hides the toolbar at the top so again saves a little bit of space if you just want to have the assist panels visible people you can hide the entire toolbar and save a little bit of screen space then the next one is pretty cool this pops up a QR code which you can scan with a smart device and then you can actually control this panel from your smartphone or tablet but very important to note is both devices must be on the same local network for that to work and if you're having problems setting that up you can always open up the setup guide here from the bottom okay then we have the kill switch if f is the crew completely freaks out or something gets stuck or a sound keeps looping over and over again any weird anomalies like that you can kill any active operation by clicking on the kill switch again not something you're going to use very often only that's basically your in case of emergency you can terminate whatever FS the crew is trying to do if it appears to have hung or be stuck on something then the next one is the PIN button and what this does if it's highlighted in Orange like mine is it means that this window will always stay on top of any other windows so if you deselect this you might run into the issue where when we click on flight Sim the panel now disappears in the background okay it's still there we just have to tab to it but having it pinned means it will always stay on top of any Windows regardless of where weekly and then the last one is just to close the software so when you're done with your flight done with f is the crew you can go ahead and click the X to close it right now we're going to go all the way back to the config and we're going to have a look at some of the settings here now quick disclaimer I'm not going to go through every single thing in detail because once again you have the tool tips and a lot of them particularly here in the flight options are just personal choice you know whether you choose one or the other is not going to be a case of FSA crew works or doesn't it's just going to slightly change how things happen throughout the flight but we are going to go through some of the more important things that are going to completely change your experience so first things first here on the devices this is where like I mentioned before you can set up separate speaker and headphone devices you can choose where to root those and then you can also see that we're currently set to speakers we can change that here just like we could in the toolbar as well if you want to check that that's working audio test complete click on the audio test make sure you can hear it and make sure it's playing out of the output that you want it to come out of if we flip this tab over here with the volume sliders we can change the volumes of things like PA announcements and the environmental sounds like the passengers boarding and things like that versus the voices of the actual crew okay then next part that's very important is our interface method so this is where we choose how we interact with FS2 crew voice control means we're using the speech recognition button control means you use two buttons on your keyboard or controller or joystick to trigger different events auto respond is one that I haven't really played with that's something I plan to have a look at a bit more detail later on in this tutorial I'm going to be covering voice control because I think that's how most people use FS recruit and that's the one that I I find the most immersive and the most rewarding so that's what we're going to be covering today if we are using voice control we get another setting underneath which is open microphone mode if you're used to FSX and p3d open microphone mode was how those always worked that means your microphone is always listening um and if you don't want it to listen you can mute it by using some of the options underneath which we'll go through next if Open Mic mode is deselected we get another push to talk button that we can assign and you have to hold down that push to talk key in order to give commands to the first officer or to respond to checklist items so this is kind of the same way that you talk to ATC I prefer to use open microphone mode because I don't want to have to hold the key down every time I speak to the person who is essentially sitting next to me in the same cockpit the only issue with open microphone mode is the fact that the software is always listening so it means if you're talking like I'm talking to you guys now FSA crew might be picking up some of the words and triggering erroneous commands and so to get around that we have the mute options and you'll see that there's two of them we get hard mute and soft mute the difference is very simple hard mute is a toggle so I've set my hard mute to X which means if I press X my mic will be muted if I want to unmute it I press X again soft mute is kind of just the opposite of our push to talk key as long as you're holding the key down then it's muted when you let go it's now unmuted so soft key works nicely if you quickly just want to hold it down and and actually verbalize your briefings or another one that could work quite nicely is if you fly on vatsum you could set your push to talk key for vatim and your soft mute key to be the same key so that when you hold down to speak to a vatsum controller f is the crew is automatically soft muted at the same time so that it doesn't pick up any triggers based on what you are saying to ATC on Batson then on the right hand side here we have our main key and secondary key if you're using button controls you need to map both of those and then finally going all the way back to the top left is we have toggle main panel this guy here is the main panel you can have a button just to toggle that on and off if you don't have it pinned and you want it to disappear behind flight Sim you can use a button to bring it back rather than having to tab every time okay the last thing we're going to look at for our keys here is how to assign them very very simple all we have to do is click on assignment and this is just telling you that you need to have FSA crew or flight Sim in Focus you can't go click on a YouTube video or something else because then it's not going to detect the key but because we're here in FSA crew this will work fine and this might be a little bit confusing because most people are going to want to just click here and type it in but we actually have to hit start scan and it is now basically listening to all of our keys and we can hit the one that we want to assign it will then display the key that it's detected and last step don't forget to save that and it's now updated that NX will be our hard mute button right if you are having issues with the voice recognition you can go through the speech training over here particularly the first time you use an airfs to crew product it doesn't really matter which one it is because they all obviously use the same speech recognition but I highly recommend you going through the speech training for your first FST crew module because it's going to improve the accuracy of the voice commands by a lot then next to that we have awesome brief pilot ID and what this does is you plug in your sim brief pilot ID obviously and that allows FS to crew to pull some information from your sim brief Flight Plan already so that gets loaded into the briefing area things like the runway that we're using for departure and arrival can automatically be pulled from simbrief and saves us a little bit of work when we're setting up briefings okay and then at the bottom of this panel we have the main panel opacity so you can see this one the opacity is always 100 but if you look at my main panel here I've reduced the opacity a bit just so it it Blends in a little bit better with the background but that's completely up to you and you set that with a slider the other thing is the panel size I've cranked this up quite big for the purpose of this tutorial it makes things easier to read when we actually jump into the flight I'll scale this all the way down but very simple you scale the size of the panel and changes the size coming all the way down to the bottom a fantastic Quality of Life Update with a previous update they introduced this feature where when you use the hard mute key it actually gives you a b and I particularly and a lot of people who commented on my videos found that quite annoying we now have the option to turn it off I was never stressed I said right from the first video that I did where it was beeping I'm pretty sure if it's the crew will add in a button to turn that off and we now have that I suggest leaving that off unless you particularly want to beep so that you know that it's muted of course you can always tell that it's muted because your little microphone lights up yellow which we'll see just now as well okay then another one I recommend having on is launch the command center when you start Windows the command center needs to be running in order for you to be able to launch FS2 crew from your flight Sim in-game menu if the command center isn't running you won't be able to launch it that way you would actually have to go out of lights him and launch the software separately so I recommend having that on to make sure the command center is running as soon as your computer is on and then once you're into your flight you can launch FSD crew from that menu okay then you can change the delay this is the amount of time that the first officer Waits before reading the qnh again not something I've ever really worried about leaving it on 10 seconds seems more than enough if you're finding issues where he's reading it too soon you can maybe come and change that or if you want it to be longer you can adjust that personally for now I've just left it on the default and I haven't already found a reason to go and change that right heading over to the top right hand side language options these are essentially the accents for your captain which is you now in voice control the only time we hear the captain's voice is when we play the briefings if you're using button control you will hear this Captain's voice during the checklist as well of course we hear the first officer all the time when he responds to our commands and when he reads out checklists and the cabin crew when they give us information about the passengers starting and finishing boarding Etc so you can go ahead and you'll see there's a list of synthesized voices and actual recorded human voices and you can go ahead and choose the one that works for you based on your preference okay again I'm not going to go through every single one of the options that we have now but I am going to point out some that are important the first one is enable the first officer flows if you turn this off the first officer doesn't perform any of their flows I haven't really found a situation where I've wanted to turn that off because that's kind of the whole point of FS2 crew so I would leave that on enable tooltips we've already been through then another one that I would probably leave on is disable first officer commands during checklists that means while he's actually busy running a checklist it stops searching for other commands so that you don't kind of trigger him to start something over or do something else in the middle of a checklist hey then another very important one disable gear flap and spoiler control if this is ticked the first officer will not set the flaps or the gear or the spoilers himself you will have to do it manually even if you call for something like gear up the first officer will respond but won't actually do anything this feature is here if you have a hardware controller with discrete positions for gear flaps and spoilers because that can cause a clash between the software and the hardware if for example the first officer raises the gear in Flight Sim but gear lever on your Hardware is still down that creates a clash which is going to cause problems so if you have a setup like that you are going to need to select this so the first officer actually doesn't perform any of those functions and you will simply need to move them on your Hardware controller yourself at the appropriate time if you don't have a controller with discrete positions for example on my hotel I have incremental switches which allow me to bump the gear and flaps up and down and they reset to a neutral position afterwards so it doesn't cause any conflicts I can leave that and let the first officer do that okay all of these underneath are going to be personal preference depending on how you want to fly or possibly depending on the airline that you're replicating so for example something like this start sequence the Airbus default start sequence is two then one but like it says in the tooltip a lot of companies use one than two if you want one then two then ticket if you want to then one then deselect it similar concept with a single engine taxi after landing if you want a single engine taxi selected if you don't then don't so I'm not going to spend time reading through all of these if you want to know exactly what it does turn on your tooltips mouse over it and it will give you that information underneath the boarding sounds if you want the sounds of passengers getting on and off the plane you can select that if you select cabin boarding music this has actually changed it used to just be cabin sounds they've now relabeled it to mean music so I probably don't need to explain that that means music anymore something you need to be aware of though is you cannot have both you can either have the sounds of the passengers or you can have the music I have that deselected because I use pack X and that gives us the passenger boarding sounds right if we go over here to our call sign this ties into the feature where you can ask your first off to communicate with ATC but this does not interface with flight Sims built-in ATC and it does not interface with vatsum as well it's purely an aesthetic thing if you do want to use that you can choose the airline that you're flying for and give it a flight number and that is then the call sign that the first officer will use when speaking to ATC then underneath we have the pre-filed advanced ground services this allows you to select when you start pre-flight events which vehicles will actually be called up to the aircraft again personal preference I recommend turning off the fuel truck because if the fuel truck is cold it will pop up with the flights and weights and balance menu just so that I don't have to close that every time I start pre-flat events right then underneath is all of our server options again again for most users you are not going to have to touch anything there I've never had to change any of them I've left them as is but if you do have a specific setup that requires you to change some of these options you know where to find them okay so that pretty much covers everything that we need to know about the interface for now so what I'm going to do now is quickly prep my flight and then we're going to run through a full flight from cold and dark all the way to shutdown using FSC crew and I will point out and explain a couple of important things along the way all right so I've got my Sunbury flight plan all set up we've reloaded the flight and um it's time to get going so just to show you guys I have my microphone hard muted it lights up in yellow to let you know that it is muted and I also mentioned before that to run the pre-flight events we click over here but we can actually now do it with a voice command as well which is let's start setting up so that's what we're going to do let's start setting up Roger right so that's going to get a few things happening we'll see the the door will open and if we jump into the cockpit the first officer will now have started setting up or doing his cockpit preparation so we've got batteries on external power he's going to start powering up the aircraft we've got a couple of things to do as well so the first thing I'm going to do is come across here so it says we need to do our overhead prep we need to prep the mcdu and the FCU and the sensor console but what I'm going to do first is load up our flight and then go ahead and uh do the weight and balance so we should pull our fight directly from Sunbury cool we'll go across to the metal for PE right the wind has actually changed significantly so we're probably going to change our departure Runway but let's get things loading up so long so it should have taken this from assembly which it has that's all good and we'll just do a quick load for this one so we don't have to spend a lot of time waiting for our passengers and fuel to load right that's done let's go and complete our overhead prep which we need to turn this guy on and that that's already set he's doing those fuel pumps will do once the fuel is loaded we need to turn on the nav lights seat belts no smoking and arm just go and then we can come down here and start getting into our mcdu so let's pull the flight from simbrief and once the the fuel is done we can turn on the fuel pumps I might as well set this while we're waiting for that we are flying for Lyft today and our call sign is 13 24. cost index is 11. we're going up to three five zero right this we're gonna have to set up our CG after the um loading is but from some brief I can't get a zero fuel weight of 62. and our block view is eight tons right then departing from PE we planned on two six but now the wind has changed so we're actually going to do eight no star sorry no said but now we'll come in here and set up we're arriving into two one left and we do have a star which is the standerton one Delta we can insert that right we'll wait for all of this to finish and then we can do performance calculations okay while this is going on our first officer is busy doing his cockpit prep and then shortly he will step out to do the walk around I'm going to dial this up to 35 and we can turn on constraints not Waypoint constraint the other thing I want to do is set this guy to Auto I'm out for the walk around right there he goes for his walk around we'll put in 1324 also also also and cool right so we've been through that nice and quickly we're kind of just waiting for our boarding to finish but all you can do is go and check out our charts so long okay so we'll pull up PE and we want the ground chart which is this one so nice and simple for us today so we're going to push and start to face Le which is Southwest and then we'll taxi very simple Alpha all the way over one yeah so that's nice and easy let's go back and just see how our boarding is going we've still got quite a few passengers to board but fuel is done so we can switch on the fuel pumps okay so he's back from his walk around now so the next thing we can do is the departure briefing but before we do that we need all of this to be done so we can get our performance calculations because we need to fill that information into the briefing first okay so boarding is complete so let's finish off our performance calculations so we need to put 31.2 in down here so that's sorted and then we need to go here right so we're taking off from where eight surface is dry let's do config 2. let's go let's sync that sync that okay and we'll do our calculation hi the security and safety checks are all done are we good to start boarding okay so she's now asked us a question and you'll see under the assist we get the responses obviously the departure brief is a separate thing but underneath that we get affirmative yes please go for it okay we can choose any one of those and they'll be valid go for it okay all right so nice and simple when you're learning the interface you just keep an eye on the assists here and it'll let you know exactly what you can say and when you need to say it right we are doing toga so we don't have a flex temperature 129 and then 41 41 and 2 slash down one so 129 141 to slash down I said down one it's 0.1 actually and then no flex temp because we're doing toga right now that we've done all of that we can go ahead and run the briefing okay so that's fine config 2 this needs to change because we're doing zero eight and this is one 1.9 41 41 now I have realized one thing even if I delete this it actually comes back so I'm not sure how you're supposed to tell it that it's a Toca takeoff because we can't get rid of that Flex temp 29 1 is correct transition altitude 5500 I don't think that's right I think it's 8 000. okay so because we don't actually have a suit I'm not sure but I think we'll do ten thousand that's fine that's all set so you'll see he's gonna say Flex what if I say zero let's try that if I close and open does it no it goes back to 55 there okay so I'm not sure at the stage how to tell it that it's a toga takeoff can we put in toga no so yeah that's I'm not 100 sure right let's run the Spree are you ready for the departure brief go ahead okay the newest weather show good conditions we'll plan to push and start for our two engine taxi there are no hot spots along our taxi route it will be a left side ticker and no need for either today you'll plan on a normal trust takeoff prior to Iran for any Master warning engine fire or failure that will prevent the aircraft from flying safely will abort and stop on the runway after we won we'll take trying and deal with it in the air and plan to come back here any questions no questions okay that completes the brief right he's going to carry on with some cockpit prep and I think what we're going to do so long is prep our push back so we need to face left right so I'm just going to launch what's better right so I have pushback Express from FST crew so I'm going to launch it through the toolbar here okay so let's just get this sorted that's pretty much bang on that's perfect and we can hide that okay let's do it on cockpit prep checklist bucket preparation checklist give heads or covers removed fuel quantity 8020 kilograms seat belts on ideas now Barrow rest one zero one two set one zero one two set cockpit preparation checklist completed yeah so that checklist is done and now that we're simply waiting for FS to crew this is when I would go ahead and speed up the time but you'll see I'm going to do it nice and slowly because at some point it's going to trigger something like that which we need to respond to so we don't want to fly through that and miss things thank you no problem have a safe flight right now we need to do the before star checklist but before we do that we need to do things like beacons uh arm the slides and all of that and we can only do that once the passengers are finished boarding so I'm going to slowly go through this again ladies and gentlemen and then wait for them to let us know that boarding is complete all packs were on board are we cleared to close please let me know if you need anything okay so now we're going to go through what we're supposed to be doing which is things like looking lights so let's turn that ones windows and everything should be closed let's come down here and double check right and they're actually going through the slides so let's let them know that they can portable electron equipment Kevin crew on slides and crosstalk processing equipment may interfere with the aircraft systems right thrusters take off speeds and thrust toga v1129 vr141 v2141 flextem five five degrees windows closed beacon on before start checklist completed okay so you see he read back the 55 degree Flex because even though I removed it I'm not sure it's still picking that up so we need to figure out how to tell it that we're doing a toga take on okay the other thing I'm going to do now is Stitch the external power and come here and get rid of the GPU and we can also get rid of the chalks and cones and then we'll let pushback Express know that we're almost ready flat Hector ground go ahead black egg we will be ready shortly Roger okay so that's going to connect the tug and then it's just a case of starting Engine 2 and then starting engine one okay so as soon as we're connected we'll call for our pushback and then we'll wait for them to let us know that we can start the engines and then we'll fire those up flat takes a ground go ahead Flight Deck we are ready for pushback and engine start Roger release the parking brakes please brakes released pushing back well we could start engines one and two we were click behind and you start your engines at your discretion starting engine 2. okay pushback complete set to parking brakes please break set Roger okay the two bar is disconnected and the equipment is clear we will see you on the right with the pin it's a disconnect thanks have a good flight see you later starting engine one okay okay so you'll see pushback Express automatically closes once it's done and now we're just waiting for engine one to finish stabilizing and then you can see next up is the after takeoff checklist but when we set the engine mode to normal that's actually going to trigger the first officer to go through his afterstart flow and we'll get some instructions for our after style flow to go and shut down the Apu and things like that once we've completed both flows we'll go through the checklist yeah so we're just waiting to see available over there which we have cool engine one stable let's flip that switch and you'll see the first officer has now gone into his flow and he's setting things like flaps and spoilers we need to do engine mode selector normal which we've done Apu bleed off antiox is not required Apu Master off the cam status checked and you can see now that the first officer is done because the the flow has disappeared from over there so let's call for the checklist after start checklist anti-ice off ecam status check pitch trim set and checked Rudder trim neutral after start checklist completed clear left side clear right side okay now we can go ahead and start our taxi out okay we do need to perform the brake check brake check pressure zero flight controls check ready full up fall down neutral full left full right neutral full left full right neutral [Music] taxi checklist flight controls checked checked flap setting config 2. config 2. radar and predictive windshield system on an auto engine mode selector normal ecab memo take off no glue take off no Blue Taxi checklist completed portable electronic equipment we are now going to take you through our safety procedures and equipment as this information is for your benefits we ask you to watch and listen carefully the safety card in your seats area shows details of Escape Routes option jackets it also shows the bracing position which you must adopt in an emergency landing on the main deck there are two exits at the rear of the First cast cabin and two are the front and rear of each other cabin on the upper deck there is an emergency exit on each side in the middle of the cabin in the unlikely events of having to use the Escape slides leave all hand packaged behind and remove high-heeled shoes as they may tabs slide please now ensure that your table is folded away your seat back is upright with the armrest down and your seat belt fastened the seat belt is fastened and adjusted like this and unfastened like this when the fastened seat belt signs are on you must go back to your seats and fasten your seatbelt securely your own comfort and safety we recommend you keep your seatbelt fastened at all times and visible to avoid being disturbed in flight if the cabin air supplies fail oxygen will be provided a mask like this will appear automatically stay in your seats and pull a mask towards you this will open your oxygen supply The Mask over your mouth and nose like this and breathe normally adjusting the band to secure it do make sure your own mask is fitted before helping anyone else your life jacket is underneath or beside your seats in the events of landing on water remove the life jacket from its container and pull it over your head pass the tapes around your waist and tie them securely in a double bow at the side to inflate pull the red toggle as shown okay so now that we're coming up to the runway the mouthpiece do not inflate until you are outside the aircraft movies clearer traffic finally ladies and Gentlemen please flooded a safety card and take notice of the fast seat belt sign may we remind you that electrical portable items such as games Computing and word processing equipments May interfere with the aircraft systems during takeoff and Landing sport telephones must be switched off while the aircraft engines are running lineup checklist service the duration of the flight smoking is on board Runway t-a-r-a packs one and two four lineup checklist completed take off check man toga SRS Runway Auto thrust blue checked thrust set 100 knots V1 rotate positive climb Gear Up Gear Up [Applause] autopilot one on foreign [Applause] speed checked flaps one [Music] foreign speed checked flap zero okay so there we go we've got the first officer to sort out the gear and flaps and stuff for us all right there is our oh I didn't actually change it in the mcdu to 10 000 so that's why it's doing that so that's just pull standard and now it's pretty much just a case of climbing up to our cruise altitude and cruising all the way onto joburg so the first officer will set the lights at 10 000 feet automatically but we have to give him the instruction to do these seat belts so here we come up to 10 000 feet and that's what we're gonna do okay so that's him turning off the landing lights and there we have the voice commands to clear red nerve turn the seatbelts off and set standard clear radnorth okay seat belts all set standard standard crosstracked passing flight level one one four is going to confirm now right so that's done okay so now it's just a case of cruising on to joburg and uh I will join you guys again when it is time to start prepping for our descent all right so we're coming up to our top of descent shortly so we need to start prepping you have control I have control okay so I'm going to hand over control to the first officer so that we can look at our tablet and stuff and do some calculations so Runway is dry doing two one left arm Landing weights I guess we can overestimate by taking our weights at the moment I suppose 65 900. okay so we'll do auto brake low reverse that's all cool all right so we can set that guy and we can also just come up here and check okay transition altitude is 8 000 and our intercept altitude is 8 000 as well so we'll dial this down to eight thousand right it's then we can come across here where does good Runway is dry it's an ILS not an auto land transition level is 8 000 and then our decision height or 200 feet and that's checked so let's run that briefing are you ready for the arrival group go ahead foreign planning to get down to the airport it'll be on a less approach the runway is dry and we take the first available turn and taxi to the gate for ATC instructions One Security we can plan to start the Apu for taxi any questions no questions prove complete okay then the other thing that we need to do is just go back here okay qnh1020 temperature is 17. and then it is 2 40 at 70. and 200 feet and that's correct live control you have control right so we've got a little bit more time to go and once we reach our top of descent we will engage or manage descent what I do want to do is turn up these lights because it is starting to get a bit dark all right so we're pretty much at our top of the center if we go down here uh it'll tell us we're actually two miles away so let's start I'll manage descent into joburg okay so we're just passing through 10 000 feet and uh now we need to start getting configured for our approach and Landing glass one speed checked flaps one arm approach gear down gear down one zero one eight set passing seven thousand five hundred 500 perhaps two speed checked radio altimeter alive flaps two now flaps three speed checked flaps three approach checklist Barrow breath one zero two zero set one zero two zero set s full set and check minimum set inject auto brake um engine mode selector normal approach checklist completed Labs full speed checked flaps full Landing checklist ecam memo Landing node blue Landing checklist completed been through all of our procedures to get configured you know it's just a case of putting it down on the runway and taxiing into the Charlie Gates 500. 100 above 100 above minimum minimum checked 100 50. 30 20 five spoilers no reverse engine 1 and engine two D cell 70 knots okay now that we've exited the runway here all we have to do is disarm the spoilers and that triggers the first officers after landing flow ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the captain and the entire crew we'd like to welcome you yeah until the seat belt signs have been switched off before you leave the aircraft please ensure you have all your personal items and hand luggage with you please be careful when opening overhead lockers as items may fall out causing injury off after Landings this will lead you on to your departure terminal and please check your gate number in the departure Lounge to avoid missing your onward flights we strongly recommend that you go straight to your departure terminal for those of you who do not have a boarding card please go directly to the flight connections desk once again ladies and gentlemen on behalf of the entire Airline thank you very much for choosing to fly with us today and we hope to see you again in the near future thank you yeah so coming up to the gate now Taxi ladoff oh cool we actually have a martial which is awesome okay parking brake is set and now we can go ahead and shut down the engines and we will flip over to the Apu because our first officer has already started that okay let's come down here and go to the door page cool they're disarming and we can turn off the Beacon Light and the seat belt signs all right and they can start d-boarding right and then we just do the parking and secure it as cabin crew just on slides and cross check parking checklist parking brake or chocks set engines off Wing lights off fuel pumps off parking checklist completed securing the aircraft checklist oxygen off are you sure about that emergency exit lights off efbs off batteries off securing the aircraft chip is completed all right I'm not sure why it hasn't actually Switched At All quite interesting but anyway that is the full process so you'll see we now get the trigger again to start setting up from scratch so everything should have switched off at the Apu is still running that's probably why even though I've shut it down if we go here now if you're still on interesting anyway that's a problem for another video all right but that's going to bring us to the end of this tutorial video on FSA crew for the Phoenix A320 if you found it useful you know what to do down below and I will see you in the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: SaltGrater
Views: 18,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, flight, flight sim, sim, simulator, simulation, flying, aircraft, weather, storm, south africa, passenger, gauteng, africa, african, pilot, virtual pilot, plane, captain, computer, realistic, serious, crew, addons, payware
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 46sec (4366 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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