S12 Rifle Training | Myrtle Beach - SC

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[Music] [Music] the first thing I want to do is give you a couple tips on positioning our rifle slings stock I notice how some of you may or may not adjust your stock and why a good way to adjustable stock is to measure the distance between the bending your elbow and your hand on the master grip or the grip and you want this distance to be equal so there's enough pressure that's how we usually measure the distance from here to here okay also slings I see some of you have two points single point your transition becomes miserable off of rifle to hand gun if you've got this long dangling skint and sling and it's hit me in the nuts a core somewhere on your your legs but also impossible to move so you want to keep these fairly tight on your body you guys all look pretty good alright so today we're gonna work out in the rain a few things we're gonna work on we're gonna work on first determining where our point of aim point of impact is at seven yards how many people know there's zero on their rifles okay give me what's your zero okay we got twenty-five and fifty probably right anyone at fifty okay so the new standard for law enforcement we used to be 25 we're now at 50 the reason being a logic behind it we're one inch low at 25 almost negligible based on human error on a one to one optic or iron sight right I can't see what one inch difference is that way so at seven yards or at five yards or at cqv ranges or you know distance point of aim point of impact should become a subconscious action so what that means just to clarify you probably already know I need to aim here to hit here so we need to figure out where that margin is Mickey's gonna bring me out a couple more of these little paste it's I'm gonna put one up here where I think you should be point of aim and we'll put one here and that's where the bullets going to go so we don't have that much distance so we're gonna probably stay at close distances we're going to work trigger press with an element of accuracy we're gonna work at port arms we're gonna work out a low ready and we may work some other positions coming up onto target we will work on how we are positioning that rifle on our bodies we're also going to work on safety manipulation how many people use the safety as a component of their trigger press do you understand what I mean by that okay so a couple different ways to operate the safety and this is what becomes very critical especially when transitioning or setting our rifle down or dealing with circumstances is if we leave our safety off even with this bolt lock back this is a condition with a magazine I never leave my rifle okay the main reason I don't leave my rifle with a full magazine in this condition this is why I bump that I closed now this is dangling triggers are good I mean we're talking about eliminating the variables of a negligent discharge and arguably this is not accidental this is negligence because of your failure to put the rifle in the condition that prevented it from discharging you know it seems like an accident it's not so we got wet slippery conditions weapon should work fine all right so uh what's aim at the bottom of the paper wherever that is and let's see where our point of aim point of impact is eyes and ears on the line so we're gonna load a full magazine we're gonna charge around one shot to this zone here so let's just aim for this no nothing below this line you want to shoot your handgun in through here out in the rain eyes and ears so here's what we're going to do on the command of up you'll shoot one round and you'll assess where your point of aim point of impact is all right eyes and ears ring just hot all right started a little ready position shooters ready on the line let it up all right standby everyone we're coming over cowboy cover your weapons to the holster or lower your weapon safeties on go up and check your point of aim point of impact okay I'm good good yep high I ain't I ain't on the paper I want to be just below it so I held my point of aim point of impact a little high all right everyone somewhere on the cardboard it's the bullets not going where you're aiming right so do we have our you guys understand the principle of holdover I want to make sure everyone understands the principle hold over anyone confused about your hold over on point of aim point of impact last time if you zero your rifle in at 50 or 25 yards at close range you could be as much as four inches above your sight picture which is your red dot or your iron sights you need to aim about four inches plus depending on where you're at above where your point of impact is so your point of aim is high your point of impact is lower we've got that all right so for this next drill we're going to we're going to run different positions of this rifle so the first one we're going to start at a low ready position okay so I want everyone to make sure you start your position with this weapon already saddled up into your high pocket so what I see is people on a low ready down here then they have to position the rifle into their pocket on the way up so we're going to stage this rifle in this pocket already correct and we're simply going to come up onto the target by raising the weapon so it'll be in this position on the command of up we'll raise it up fire a one-round I'm going to watch your manipulation and we're going to do this probably five or six times on the command of up all right one round aim at the rim point of point of aim is gonna be the rim of the bottom rim of the paper all right shooter stamp I get those weapons up high in a position where you have minimal amount of movement right standby ready standby ready standby ready all right you guys are I'm not gonna watch you guys don't have a right one all right now we're gonna work off a port arms position so why would we choose what would be the reason we would elect to go support arms is up here okay why wouldn't we want to be in this position okay so crowds what's give me some other implications and reasons why we'd be at port arms a component of position somebody be lower in front of you okay I like it so the vehicle so let's talk about CQB where we're looking at negligence as a component of weapon handling so typically we devise tactics because we're Suvi negligence is going to occur so if we're in the second storey building we want to probably stay in a port arms position because we've assumed that some knucklehead is going to discharge around and we don't know where it's gonna go below us so that's one reason number two I think you can I borrow you if I'm in a low ready position with Mickey hi Mickey if I'm in this position I can't and unstaged in this position what how am I going to support him in this position I've got to walk all the way around him to come up on target right so in this position here as Mickey moves forward right I'm able to come up here and support him all right so that's another reason why we may want to stay in a port arms position a lot of departments don't like that but it's nice to explore that so once again port arms positions gonna be starting in this ready position my position is already supporting my rifle and I'm just going to simply bring that light flip and brought into that pocket there all right any questions all right we're gonna shoot two rounds ready break stand by Ford arms ready Hey [Applause] and remember two rounds stand by ready hey good all right let's go back to the subject of manipulating our safety downrange downrange as a component of trigger press so what dictates when is a time to put the safety on and off through this process so the problem we have is it can't be has to be part of a process versus a well I'm gonna put it on what I remember to put it on so why I reinforce safety on off as a component of trigger plant press anyone run in 1911 platform okay so at what point do you engage the safety okay so you turn the safety off on the draw okay so when do you put it back on Lance's okay so what I have found over the many years is that I get especially on the reloads let's say on the transitions people are leaving their safeties off because it's not a component of the trigger press they reload the primary's drill is over rifle is is set that back and you walk over and oh you know your Safety's off remember we talked about this if it's going to happen it's going to happen so what justifies me turning my safety on and off is when I am off target so when I'm coming off that sight picture I'm no longer doing anymore no I'm I'm gonna flip my safety off so I use this method of swooping this way I don't care how you do it use your thumb if it's somewhere further up in the line of priority it's always going to go on and if you teach people here's the other big one if you're not used to manipulating that safety as a component of trigger press what happens when I start rushing people up a cup oh [ __ ] come up to a they come up to a dead rifle because the safety manipulation wasn't part of that trigger press so safety off trigger press so I want as one move just something to explore see if it works so that safety comes off as that trigger is being pressed that's how quick I want an execute remember things are slippery things are not you know we got we got to account for the conditions all right we're gonna do one round real quick once you come off that once you come off that rifle safety back on now we're gonna lower it anywhere I'm in this position even if I have to lower for someone here or I have to come to port arms I'm in a position where I'm just gonna saddle that rifle right away and I'm right on to site picture make sense so let's try a little bit solid ready position where all I'm doing is picking that rifle up anyone having control of the IMP having problems controlling the impulse with their weapon anyone y'all look pretty self you see me shirtless dude don't ready we're going to talk about one of the single most important I guess competencies working with a primary and secondary weapon is the ability to transition off that weapon effectively so why would why wouldn't we reload our primaries here some of us have a pretty fast primary reload what would be some of the disadvantages in a close quarter environment reloading your primary so we got closing target what's what some other reasons okay it's not as quick as a transition and one other thing I haven't heard it's not as much of a sure thing and what I mean by that is we don't know the condition of our rifles yeah I kind of felt the bolt lock back I think some of us realized when our bolt locks back but there could be other complications with that rifle and we have an immediate problem we need to address let's get a weapon system up and running that we know is ready to work so the distance cover opportunity our reasons to justify reloading your primary because by garlic give me a rifle any day in a firefight over my handgun that's why it's a secondary what we're trying to accomplish on our transition is transition to our secondary as quickly as possible as smoothly as possible so we can engage the target correct so a couple of different ways to do it I'm gonna give you my method and I'm gonna give you the reason why I do this and why it's effective so what I'm trying to accomplish is I'm trying to do two things at the same time you probably already know what I'm gonna say because you've probably watched some of my content but we really we really have the ability to strip our primary hand off and access this gun with not doing anything with the support hand the sport in does nothing to assist this effort the support hands only responsibility is getting rid of this rifle some of the common things I see is we just set the rifle down where's my support hand in relation to this rifle underneath it right so now if there's any complication or I'm moving I've got to come I'm already drawing this weapon I got to come all the way around that primary weapon to draw my secondary so what we're gonna practice and we can keep I'm going to come back up range what we're gonna practice is this simple transition of setting the rifle down in this position while we're drawing our fire to this position so I'm laying the rifle magazine out and I'm simply laying it over my body doing two things at the same time so our draw stroke is effectively the same as it would be you know with a handgun I'm presenting it and I will tell you that part of this course when we spend more time is not even letting go of the rifle at all we're just simply going to draw this weapon and fire from here less complicated we're not gonna do that today well if we have a time we will so any questions on how to do this I'm gonna come watch you this is an on fire drill we're just gonna work the manipulation you're gonna you're gonna shoulder the rifle you're gonna lay the rifle down you're gonna draw your handgun the only caveat I'm going to reinforce so you can think about it is before that rifle comes down the safety has to be engaged okay so even though we got bolt lock back that safety comes on because we're going to go through a primary reload through the next evolution and how we accomplish that and we're also going to cover a tactical reload all right any questions which I yeah we're gonna we're gonna do a mag change right now so are you gonna just put your empty magazine in you got a round in the chamber so put your empty magazines in put your full magazine where you can access it alright since we don't have a lot to shoot at if you have any kind of round thing on your number shoot that if you have a one shoot one of the ones just anything that looks like a circle aim for that circle that'll be your point of aim point of that are your point of impact so it'll be a one shoot one rifle transition shoot one handgun and then we're going to recover and we'll go through the next evolution we're gonna do this a few times before we get to the next stage all right any questions alright so empty magazine one in the chamber shoot one round with your primary transition to your secondary one round with your secondary recover all right starting at the low ready we're gonna start at low ready yeah by eyes and ears ready [Music] all right go ahead and reload your primary we're going to go to that however you do it right now we're going to talk about that in a second all right I saw some people laying the rifle over with their hand underneath okay downrange all right one more time stripping off stripping off his hand as I'm accessing my secondary I'm laying the rifle across my body so notice my hand is on top of it nothing to get caught up okay so we don't want to lay it under you want to lay it over magazine facing out got it is that is that contrary to something that is that something new for people here are pretty much most of you I noticed some of you had a different method all right stand by all right so we got you got an empty Meghan you got empty okay good deal alright one more time one-on-one empty magazine is in the rifle one in the chamber transition to your secondary standby ready [Music] [Applause] alright how's everyone do okay yeah we just it's I'm just giving you the mechanics you can practice them alright let's let's take the next step of the evolution downrange all right all right so let's talk about the next stage of the evolution of this which is the proper recovery and what I want to stress is we see a lot of drills that are mechanics only I want to incorporate some sense of tactical prudence in the overall equation because we're not recovering up to our primary until it's safe to do so so couple elements to justify transition back to primary number one I've got support I got another guy up here on rifle I can step back I can step behind them I got an element of cover I can deal with the problem and focus on resolving the problem because not all rifle problems are as simple as bolt lock back we've all had you know a boat if you guys had a had an override before where the bullet is stuck you know I mean that's not an easy fix how about how about where you had a failure to eject and that you've got to bang that rifle on the ground to get that I mean that rifle is effectively out of the fight now you have the time to deal with so part of the recovery process coming back to primary is paying attention to your environment we didn't do a lot of scan work I just want you guys to consider this whether you want to demonstrate it or not I don't care so after we try we transition in this position when we take the shots I am in no rush now to really recover this primary until I'm done fighting because it's I don't want to say this is an administrative because it's really not I want to get the system back up and running but I have opportunity to do it so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take a quick glance at it you can bring it up to your sight picture if you want and look or just take a quick glance and what condition is my rifle in by the bolt forward do I have time to address this problem right now maybe I don't maybe I got there's my my buddies are still in the fight or I'm still in the fight I could risk tap rack right but it depends if the exigency dictates the tactic does that make sense so it's always exigency dictates tactics so I'm gonna take a quick look let me take a quick look at the condition of my rifle and I'll go ahead and store my handgun and now I'm going to flip it over to this side and I got the empty in right and I have a couple choices here right what are my choices my choices are get rid of this piece of plastic or simply perform a tactical reload a couple different methods on performing the tactical reload so I will talk about that we don't want to throw our mags in the dirt there's a good reason not to throw our bags in the dirt okay so why don't we just practice a tactical reload we're gonna take the magazine I separate the fingers here and I leave one as a buffer okay so however you grab the magazine I leave one as a buffer and that buffer is in between this magazine and the other and I'm making this tea or this cross and I'm simply exchanging them and I now I'm going to close my bolt before I do anything with this magazine priority's get my weapon system up and running close the bolt you're already there now well I need I just close the bolt so any any question on the implications of recovery back to the primary you understand the mode of operation is I'm going to recover when it's safe to do so anyone practice a tactical reload at all attack reload on okay how often do you guys execute tactical reloads on your rifles we're supplier okay you don't honestly after 30 like maybe shot five or six maybe I'd rather have a baby okay so you know I guess again we talked about exigency dictates tactics if I'm fighting and I have an emergency reload on my primary and behind cover I'm a hundred yards away 50 yards away I am worried about putting this magazine away unless I'm in country somewhere where I don't have resources that I can get anymore so environment dictates tactic as well right exigency explain to them what that means so exigency is simply a term that means it's an immediate action that requires that I address it so for instance if I got a guy that shooting someone over there and I need to address that and I got a handgun and I can't shoot it a hundred yards exigency is me not doing this I'm gonna run as fast as I can to gain some sort of position to deal with the issue so exigency simply means the time in which we execute a choice a method or decision based on the totality of the circumstance right so exigency dictates tactic environment dictates tactic environment may dictate manipulation right so all of those things are things to consider and I'm not giving you a method to tell you to do it you've got to figure out what works right I'm just giving you some tools to try alright so this drill one round of the target with the primary transition to the secondary one round don't be in a rush to cover recover don't flag people pick the rifle up check the condition with the weapon out what's my choice okay I'm going to reload my primary whip it over to the support hand and execute that tactical reload closing the bolt I'm done with the drill but I'm here and I want to put my magazine back in let's just be efficient at it so I'm putting the empty back in we're all right okay transistor one transition one reload primary and safety on on this one ready [Applause] all right if you drop the magazine pick it up alright anyone had trouble with the relook so you guys want to use your method try it if you want to try that method with the criss cross that's fine the reason we want our finger in there is because if you connect to magazines this is a great day to demonstrate it it's wet its slippery if I connect these two down rates if I connect these two magazines together and hold them you can be done but it's slippery so this is why we use this buffer this finger in between okay so I'm cupping and this buffer right here is sticky and it gives me a little bit more force and I'm right back to this magazine and I'll just simply execute it again so we can practice this all day long if we want just one method alright the only thing I'm changing on this drill is I want two shots of your primary after the reload so one round primary transition to secondary don't be in a rush to recover it this is not a speed drill get your rifle back working up on target two rounds with the rifle one transition one reload primary two rounds to the target got it alright shooter stand by stand by so finish the drill finish the drill meet you around there you go let's talk about what happened to you yeah this is good good training point yeah all right all right downrange all right so tell me what happened to you all kind of [ __ ] came up on target would you end up came up came up lost the dog totally so he started to move anyways but then click nothing why'd you lose a dot so you had a failure to fire so what was your you made a decision right what was your decision after tank lost the boat back then proceeded to reload fire the sea shot okay so what is the best course of action on a failure to fire because that's essentially what we're dealing with the other side they're gone to your secondary so you may come up on your rifle anytime that rifle goes click that is what's initiating the transition nothing else not not on my knowledge that I have one round what initiates transition that's perfect I'm glad that happened to you because we covered it you stop but the reality is you still resolved it so I add the only thing I had a prompt to you is stay in the fight finish control I don't care I don't care how it looks what you do just fire something just do something so failure to fire is initiating this drill because I will tell you when we are mowing down four or five rounds and I put a dummy round in there what do I want your reaction to be at this distance I don't want you necessarily tap racking that that gun so what we're trying to reinforce is practices that are prudent for the distance in the environment that you're in right so let's run that one more time and we'll watch the mechanics you guys still got rifle ammo left you're running low all right so we're in this position right well actually we'd be in this position so I'm simply gonna sweep my magazine notice that I probably have a different method on my magazines I'm probably office of everyone right but do I not end up in the same position so I'm probably the minority on my mag changes cuz if bullets facing forward everything on my face is forward nothing wrong with it oppositely it doesn't matter because we still end up here regardless of how we grab so once again I'm creating the buffer with one finger sweeping up like that normally sweep it buffer with one finger clamping it around here so I'm making a sandwich with a single index finger as the buffer and I'm simply transitioning these two I come up a bolt close the bolt because I'm already there and now I'm done with the drill but since we have another drill I'm already there I'm just I'm not reinforcing the training scars because that's effectively I just reloaded it I've closed the bolt whoo I'm done but we're just going to take it another step okay so it's just you're doing it back and forth do the one you're actually just putting the magazine and closing the bolt taking the magazine out putting the empty back in all right so this is one transition one reloj primary two shots to the target so we're looking for mechanics here manipulations one transition one transition back to primary reload two rounds shooter step by ready all right so I know some people let me some people actually make the right choice because if I'm reloading in my primary I got an empty magazine in that's technically emergency reload why am i storing that magazine in it seems like a waste of time I notice you did it so that's actually a prudent way to handle it I'm back in the fight again I don't need this piece of plastic just gonna get back in the fight so let's just call it for this intensive purposes we're initiating that primary reload we're gonna store the magazines I don't want you putting your magazines in the dirt right now and then we're simply gonna start that process over with peel out make sense as a note no reason messing our equipment up right now all right one more time all right this is one transition one transition back to primary - they're by ready [Applause] [Music] good this is gonna fit this isn't gonna fit right all right recover recover so let's talk about why I asked you to do something complex this is the whole purpose of it why I had a process to this because it's changing the way that you are engaging because you're transitioning from subconscious action to conscious action right so what's on the top of our mind in this engagement may be a little bit aiming but it's all about this weapon manipulation we have to deal with so the cognitive process is what delays our execution speed so that's part of the reason why I had this weird one was anyone get your mags dirty too it forces you to have to think cognitively about what you were doing so now we're gonna let's see we don't have enough people to do one shooter one coach actually we have some now keep it up it is so I don't want you guys to do is I want to do one exercise of a tap rack on this primary at this distance I don't want to get into that slippery mud so what we're going to do is we're going to put our weapons remove the magazine put our weapons in condition for we're going to put a full magazine in empty chamber okay so I want you to come up and target I want you to fire around which you won't and I want you to engage the target with the transition on the secondary so you got a click that's going to initiate the transition fire two rounds of your handgun recover to your primary and fix a problem okay so what condition is you are safety going to be in is going to be on or off it's gonna be off why would your safety be off exactly so hammer down the safety won't work so that tells you number one because you may not have heard the round this is another value of manipulating safety on or off because if you ask people in a firefight that haven't been in one they don't even know that they shot around so we're teaching another layer it sounds stupid but another layer of something's not right with my rifle so I know that for a later date because my safety doesn't work I know I have a closed bolt because the feedback from the weapon is telling me to do that without looking just because I went to sweep that safety it's not working but my priority is getting my secondary up but I had knowledge for later that I have to address a more critical problem with my rifle does that make sense you guys may not see the value in the the nuances but everything that we do sends a message to us subconsciously about what we have to think about later so I'm not trying to discover picking my rifle back up and trying to pull the trigger again I already know I got a problem that I got to resolve so what are we going to do with our rifle when it comes back up how do we what's our immediate action - failure to fire on the rifle you got two choices but one's probably better than the other cap rack so why tap ok so we're tapping to see if the mag and maybe it's redundant because it didn't come out but what does it waste it's a simple process of eliminating variables right so I'm eliminating this variable I'm tapping it I'm racking it and now I'm bringing it back up and I'm hitting the target so we're gonna do failure to fire transition one to two rounds with the handgun get your rifle back up running two rounds with your rifle do this two or three times okay so empty magazine or remove your magazines empty chamber full mag in so rifle is in condition three with an empty chamber you should not hear a round go off with your rifle so what we're teaching is that impulse on failure to fire to initiate the transition alright shooter standby ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I saw some delays on momentary delays on failure to fire like right even though we knew it thank you very much so I want to run this one more time so I know it's hard to play this because you know what's happening I really want you to nice trigger press site on target press it I'm off and transition empty mag one of the chamber one transition one to the head shooter standby ready [Applause] yeah I would like to have him in a line you just walk up but it's kind of slippery can everyone see that target from where you're at or are you while you preclude it do I need to lower a couple more of these targets for the you got it you got both these targets from where you're at so we're going to go one at a time on this drill this drill is going to be three rounds we're going to do two to the far target transition one shot to the smaller target and the rule of this is you are going to the next person in line is going to be staged and ready as soon as that person shoots his last round that's your cue to come up on target and shoot your two in one so we're just going to go down the line your initiation for this drill this is the part that I really want you to work as a team it's his weapons coming down yours is coming up so it should be pretty seamless when he's done with this third round you'll follow up with the two rounds to the one so one at a time yep a rolling wave of death I like it alright we start with you Z all right all right no you do it alright ready two and one all right so get your rifles prepped safety should be on until you engage all right at the beep shooter standby one at a time here comes it's a small one you're not done yeah no you're not transitioning not transitioning when to the small alright next one that's you on you too to the far one to the close good [Applause] all right start from the beginning one more time let's let's start reverse order [Applause] there you go sorry all right here's the next drill this is this is teamwork I'm gonna have you transition off your full rifle so what's the justification for transitioning off a rifle let's talk about the what would be some of the reasons like we first need them tactically a couple of reasons you transition off primary you shoot a couple rounds you've decided to transition to secondary environment I'm in a small confined space weapons too big I want a clear cabinet I don't want the rifle there so we're gonna what I really want to demonstrate here and this is more mechanics drill is an element of teamwork along with with transition so the way that this drill is going to run you're gonna shoot two rounds with your primary you're going to transition to your secondary upon transition to your secondary you are gonna yell we're gonna call it red green okay so while you transition to your secondary you're gonna call red saying you are out and as immediately you hear red you're engaging that far target and immediately when you transition you're calling red hitting that single round with your handgun right and you come up same drill you guys understand the drill two shots on the far transition do shots bad bad red transition and shoot on your red he's already engaging that far target for you while you're engaging the close one with your one round of a handgun okay so why are we doing you guys understand the drill okay the reason I always tell you guys why I think it's important the reason we're doing this is we're creating cognitive complexity to the drill that forces you to disrupt your aim with cognitive process right because this is the kind of critical [ __ ] we're gonna have to deal with in the field all right so that's the purpose why we run these all right to safety on transition with the word red and the only thing I might want you to do is let your partner know your rifles back up and running that you've you've recovered your handgun and maybe just say green you don't have to do it if you don't want to you got to yeah so basically what he's transitioning you're supporting the target he's not taking and he's shooting his handgun round on the closer target all right to transition one standby ready standby ready work some of these guys in that don't have a rifle somehow okay yeah I just you guys just blew over and shoot this shoot some steel all right they're started I'm gonna give you a time on this drill we're going to create a base time model do it a little bit of performance here the way this drill is going to work is it's going to be to to the fire target one to this target to the right and then one headshot at about 25 yards to that well I want to see some sort of are we shooting the head or the swing the head was in the head this winner well I mean like are you shooting that hostage okay yeah so we're gonna see move it so it'll be two one and one so we've got a bunch of different elements to efficiency here right so in order to make the time you're gonna have to basically do a quick follow-up shot on the first one transition over to the second one and then that precision headshot will hostage shot will start on you guys want to run this for pistol - all right so for pistol we're just about you want to just do one one and one alright what do the same thing nice 4:45 time to be good shooting Jordan stand by running that radiant [Music] alright good shoot [Music] [Applause] alright for example ones I'm up yep I feel like slow down inside emeritus school all nice even trigger press that's all right good nice all right ready yeah you're just just laughing just rushing a little bit super good oh we moved it are you running nine it's all hit then ready I've watched these you your boy shooters like that must be booty nice house it good job all right so 397 it's time to be alright so I notice some things weapon insulation white downrange just to mention downrange any manipulation we do with the primary should be support hand we don't really want to come off our master grip for manipulations anyone told something contrary to that so we want we don't want to take our primary hand off to rack everything is done with our support hand so just something to remember all right thank you I want to add one thing yeah at a super super simple guys I keep saying this to you stepping out we're all having fun a being aware is what's required to like save your skin we talked about this earlier you got to be aware of something start to become aware you could you just hear the dude's safety click off to you or on if not look over and be like hey [ __ ] good point you know just start to pay attention and it's not like you're trying to be like a any they should be doing the same to you look and see the guy if got you get as you get tired but we just talked about this are you keeping positive contact of the rifle these swings are not meant for you to walk around with it dangling like you people keep a good hold on and pay attention to what each other are doing alright so we're gonna run this one more time base time to beat is 397 and then I'm going to change one thing about this drill and then we're going to look at the impact that has on performance whoever does this fastest to completion wins a custom Colonel blade that there's only one up in the world all right so whoever whoever does it whoever does it cleanest win that one of them I'm sorry I'm sorry yeah if you fire a hundred shots but your overall time it's got it done that with the required hits can we see that for the next one just let them in this okay never mind next thing we got another one next one is going to be the contest because I'm gonna change it and the stress is gonna be different so this is the same drill time to be it was you three 979 sevens the time to beat the next one do we do is that is for the blade guys you understand a second no offense you cannot let this metrosexual take this which one's the metric all right eyes and ears raises heart the one with the bubble but over here that I can't keep my eyes off all right here they're starting shooter stand by wherever you want you could just just off the sights but you go too high ready looking over the top of the site so let's save you some time right there just off the site so you know so essentially you're looking over the site at the target now you're just coming up into sight picture all right stand by at the hit five seven six guys you can't outshoot been bad mechanics stand by pull the gun in nice hit at six thirteen stand by [Applause] man you were rocket 611 let me give you your time before the last shot it was 505 Oh actually that's not fair can you just show you I have to go back three all right you stand by Matt damn I know already stand by he needs to get in position okay stand by sorry all right stand by oopsie he okay it's gonna go it's gonna go all right now you're you're good 296 time to meet Benjamin can you please smoke this homo 296 time to beat stand by you only have one glove on it doesn't count get up two gloves on well no that's it 12:54 did you just shoot that compressed semi keeps running i'm purpose night 7:30 all right stand by Cherie I think you know of one I only have got one shot on the far one do you guys concur what was the overall time 325 Stan bite finger off the trigger ready so come up and look over the top of your site don't so let the beats gonna go off let's talk about high ready because we're having trouble try ready high ready I want everyone to pick the rifle up look at the target but look over the top of your sight both eyes open that's your this is your high ready position and all you're doing is just simply lifting it up to your sight picture can you tell them why we do that okay so high ready is opening up your peripheral vision you're focusing on the big picture even though we're both eyes open some of you have optics you're going to close one eye right so you're going to limit your peripheral vision so everything we're traveling at the high reading looking over the top of our gun when we engage it simply comes up to a position of fire we're in a position to fire because you don't even need your freaking sight picture if you've got that natural point aim it's just up and press turn press [Music] there you got Sam bite oh and by dent chamber Oh what happened all right stand by good all right you got you run all right stand by [Applause] [Applause] right you're right yep still right all right okay whoever does this fastest to completion wins of custom kernel blade that there's only one up in the world pick it up
Channel: undefined
Views: 44,565
Rating: 4.9261365 out of 5
Keywords: rifle training, rifle training class, rifle training course, rifle training drills, rifle training video, rifle shooting, rifle shooting drills, rifle shooting techniques, rifle shooting tips, rifle tips, rifle transition drills, rifle transition to pistol, ar 15 rifle, m16 rifle, modern sporting rifle, radian rifle, swat training, tactical rifle, carry trainer, carry trainer s12, firearm education, knockoutlights, knockoutlights mike, mike levy, shooting fundamentals
Id: DLIG1cqDe7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 29sec (3209 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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