Easy Apple Pie Recipe | Salted Caramel Apple Pie

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in this episode all american classic apple pie but not just no regular ordinary one no it's not got a salted caramel mixed in there with it two kinds of apples and the best buttery flaky pie crust you're ever gonna see this is how you top off dessert at every meal with a homemade apple pie [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by camp jimmy christmas it's nearly christmas but it's thanksgiving and what are we still talking about this week because last week you might have missed it what our three perfect sides for the thanksgiving dinner but we are carrying on that tradition too and what are we talking about a salted caramel apple pie what's more american than apple pie baseball and cowboy kent rollins that's what i'm talking about folks let's make some apple pie pie crust now i'm not talking the ones that come in the little box that you find in the aisle at the grocery store sure i have used a bunch of them i have but we're talking about making something that's buttery that's flaky that oh so goodness and i'm gonna tell you what the ice box is your pie crust best friend now to start this off about an hour before you even get ready i need you to get you some of that crisco that's in one of them little deals and just toss it in the freezer part it's got to chill really good and the butter got to be so so cold even helps what if your flour is cold it even makes a difference because you're going to get all that flakiness and that butter is going to stay in there it's going to be really good so to start out with we're going to add some all-purpose flour so we're going to add that flour the least amount that we can put in there which is about two and a half cups a good shaking of cinnamon and if you don't like cinnamon you don't have to put it in there but i sort of like what it does to the crust and some salt we're going to mix all that in there really well and your baking powder oh yes and the baking powder thank you shan you know i want you folks to know none of this would be possible without this beautiful lady behind the camera and her good camp security dogs so it's all mixed in there well you can see that there is some i will show you some breeze blowing today so we'll have to be a little careful now chilled butter is hard to really maintain out here in mother nature's kitchen sometime unless it's freezing but i like to cut it to where it's pretty thin or if you've got it really cold or you want to drag it out of the freezer to use it use a cheese grater it will work really well as well so my butter is not as chilled as it once was because here it is nearly 80 degrees on this day and the crisco same way i like to keep it as cold as i can and we're going to cut it in slices similar to the butter and you know what comes next either two forks a fork and a knife or a pastry cutter and let's cut all this little fat into that little flour cracker crumb consistency it is okay just sort of like crackers that's that butter and that crisco lowered and that's what's gonna make all this flakiness and get this to pop here in a minute so we're gonna go ahead and you gotta have ice water yes thank goodness to ice i have some ice water and we're gonna add a fourth of a cup but we're just gonna do it in increments to where we ain't over saturating the whole market at one time so i like to just get it all the way around here a little go ahead and go to folding that in as you go and you can see it start to balling up just a little in different places we're going to add a little more keep stirring it around folding it in the rest of the water goes in for the time being they may be a little more herefore through but y'all never heard of vodka in your pie crust now i have heard of it never used it but the alcohol in there is would help sort of do away with some of this i ain't going to rise stuff and make it pop a little bit more the same thing applies to if you use wash hand apple cider vinegar and since we're making apple pie what would be more appropriate than apple cider vinegar it's going to help that crust puff up it's so flaky like flaky flaky so pour your little of that in there keep stirring when you get ready to where you can put your hands on this you want it to be wet but you don't want it to really stick to you so you can see as we pull that up it's sort of all still together and that's what we're after because we're not going to need this dough we just want to make sure that it stays together really well so out of there it comes oh excuse me shan that's just the way it happened today the wind is out of the southwest if y'all are guessing so i need you just to make sure that it sort of gets coated with flour and if channel zoom in here i want you to be able to see these little flecks of butter that are still left in here and that is what we would call some of that good now i need you to sort of i love to do it this way i love to make it into a brick and then we're going to cut it in half get this pie dough made because it needs to chill at least two hours in the icebox now you can let it go 24 but it's got to chill folks that's what's going to make things right cut our smooth in half go ahead and ball this up on this side and we have two little discs of dough here and they're going to get wrapped and set in the icebox well apple peeling time it was i used to be a championship apple peeler with a wooden stick my grandpa would give me one of them he'd say get after it didn't work well but i learned a lot about peeling apples now you can see we have combined apples yes we have because i think that brings out the most flavor in an apple pie get them all peeled cored up good sliced pretty well uniform in size so everybody's going to have the same bite and then what comes next we talking about some sugar about that much uh-huh which is the right amount and we're going to put some brown sugar in it too because i like the flavor that it brings to some apples and then some flour not all of it i want you to go to tossing them apples in there to give them a really good coating then we're going to add a little cinnamon give it a little mixing what is next a little more of that flour and something that i really think is going to help set this up and make it more caramelly and more goodness a little bit of cornstarch about a tablespoon full give it one more really good mixing and something that we gotta have in there that's gonna protect these apples and give them a little tartness too to make them sit there and pay attention it's a little bit of lemon juice don't take much well two hours it has been and our dough is chilled up and set well and i think you can see them little chunks of that good kerrygold butter sitting in there thinking i want to make a pie crust so just flatten it a little with your hand and then just take that rolling pin and let's try to make it round look at all that butter in there oh my gosh that butter is good a circle right off the bat i got pretty close now you could cook this in a regular pie pan you could at 375 degrees in the oven probably 50 to 55 minutes but guess what today we're using the ever popular 10 inch cast iron oven we are now it is the perfect size to make pie in but if you ain't got one of them and you have a 12 inch oven a pie plate will fit right inside that so you're pretty good to go now cold dough so nice i need you just to take it i like to bring mine right back up here like this move our little oven over here try to put that in the center and then just go to lifting the dough up to where you can get the bottom in here without a crease now it's a little harder in a dutch oven than it is a pie pan but you can see as we roll that up there really how thick that crust is and that is what i like like a good really thick good crust on the bottom pie dough is ready it is in the pan what them apples and look see how them sort of just made their own little juice and liquid here another jumper get back in there so just go ahead and let's get them laid up in there now you'll be thinking hey that's a lot of apples you it's sort of like y'all seen me cook with me don't you you ain't got to look for an apple in an apple pie i want there to be an apple in there we're going to pack them and sort of put them in there in the right accordance let's get that caramel sauce over here and get it in the apples the caramel sauce we call it easy caramel sauce sweet is because really all it is butter cream corn starch white sugar brown sugar little vanilla give it a little stir and let it come up there till it gets good and thick and we gonna want add us a little salt because remember we said salted caramel now if you're using this kosher sauce and this is really coarse i would say probably maybe a half a teaspoon a teaspoon half a tablespoon to start with we're going to give it a stir and we're going to taste it because i want to get that sweet but i want to get that salt also so let me have a little hmm [Music] that stuff right there should be at the state fair i'm telling you now let's go ahead and drizzle us a half a cup on here you want to and we're just going to eyeball it folks you tell me when you think it is a half of a cup we're going to put us a pie crust on top we're going to break out a little cowboy craftsmanship here and do us a latticed weave cross all the way across through there now latticework ain't real pretty but oh it sure is tasty and i'll give you all the tips and tricks i know on it anyway so let me get that dough rolled out and on the top [Music] well we got her on a trivet and what are we using a five inch trivet now you don't know the wind is blowing pretty hard out here today you've seen the flyer leaving so cold placement is pretty light and not directly ever under a pie when you're baking but on the outside edge and we'll have to do plenty of rotation on this the way the wind's blowing we may even have to pull some heat back every once in a while but you want to start out pretty slow let everything gradually warm because when you're pre-heating a oven at home it ain't the same out here we cannot preheat that cast iron and then put a pie crust in it we have to start from just room temperature and go from there so everything's got to warm up a little then things will go to bacon and we'll show you a little trick that's really always worked for me on how does that crust feel around the edges to know that the bottom is done [Music] now you can see i got them coals raked right to the edge of that dutch oven why is that major why may just i do not know what dad's going to tell you major you can see how that is browning in the middle and we need it to brown around the outside edge now while we got that off i remember i showed you it told you i was going to show you a tip and a trick to know when that pie crust is near done on the bottom put your finger over here and see how much give that crust got in it going down it needs to be to where it's pretty well set and it don't have no i really want to mash down to it we like a little we're going to try to brown that top up evenly we'll get that bottom done and then we're going to let it cool [Music] folks i want you to look in here and see the layers in this pie crust that's what we're calling flaky goodness of pie crust now my helpers really don't like apples but they like pie crust they do so big i need you to tell me is this worthy of setting on the table at thanksgiving he says yeah dad it'll be good how about you duker and where is little mage mate says i've never had apple pie crust napping sadie is napping everybody got a bite folks ain't that pretty and look at this edge right here see that this i mean look at this pie crust on the bottom oh that's professional i mean that is what you call i got lucky uh-huh in the wind i did i had a fork one time now folks i'm gonna tell you something you need to know right off the bat with this pie when you cook it if you're going to have it that night cook it that morning this pie needs to set at least four hours to set up congeal and everybody be just right we rushed ours a little today because you can see sunlight is fading but let it set four hours keep everybody out of it don't even let them touch it i am gonna have me a piece of this get me some of that pie crust with them apples and you seen us drizzle that caramel sauce right on the top of it oh my goodness gracious praise the lord pass the biscuits but first pass the pie with the salted caramel um one more bite i had to kick started in i'm gonna do that apple picking off the treat get over there i love me some of them apples apples apples [Music] apple time but remember be thankful be giving be sharing that's what it's all about bring in a crowd feed them a bunch pass them the apple pie and then charge them 12 and say see you next week no i'm just kidding as always i tip my hat to all the service men and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag of flying over camp up there it is a great thing we never take that for granted as for the rest of you go ahead and lift your glass and lift it high we're gonna have a toast it is thanksgiving and i think we need one there are good ships and there's wood ships and there are ships that sell the sea but the best ships are friendships and may they always be because y'all are not only mine and shan's friends y'all are our family we love you each and every one we are so glad to have you and come on in here close because guess what god bless you one and all and i'll see you down the buttery flaky pie crust apple pie trail ready ready whenever you're ready oh thank give me after you i'm age league you're gonna have to move buddy mom [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 236,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apple Pie, apple pie recipe, how to make apple pie, homemade apple pie, dutch oven, apple pie filling, apple pie filling from scratch, apple pie with lattice crust, how to make pie crust, pie crust recipe, best pie crust recipe, pie crust, how to make pie, how to make pie dough, thanksgiving deserts, dessert, flaky pie dough, flaky pie crust, outdoor cooking, baking, Salted Caramel, salted caramel sauce, dutch oven pie, dutch oven cooking, Holiday recipe, Christmas dessert
Id: 2gyTqVQVVIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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