Mount Hideaway Mysteries: Heartache and Homecoming | New Mystery Drama Starring Stacey Bradshaw

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(suspenseful music) (beeping) (explosion) (tires squealing) (wind blowing) (solemn music) - I never thought I'd have to live without my husband and now my daughter, but I know You have a plan and a purpose. God, I really need you right now. - Tina, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were gonna be here. - No, it's so good to see you. I just got finished dropping Joy off in Lancaster with my brother and his family. She needed to get away. How are you? I haven't seen you at church or you haven't come by. - I'm okay. - Yeah. - Yeah, I'm not okay. It's just, losing my mom and then Rose, and now, just all the horrible things that keep happening, the explosion at the shipping company and all the crime. It just feels like too much. - I understand. You know, if you ever need anyone to talk to or pray with you, you know I'm here for you. - Tina, I should be saying that to you, but I just. - No. - I'm sorry, I should go. - No no, Amy, please stay. I need to get home to Angie. (mournful music) (crickets chirping) (traffic passing) (birds chirping) - Why? I don't understand. Why her? I know you promised that you'll always be with us, but I feel so alone, and it still hurts so much. And you, what were you thinking? You were always the leader, the strong one. You always knew what to do and what to say. How could you let this happen? We were supposed to be each others' maids of honor. We were supposed to run a homeschool co-op like our parents did for us. We were supposed to become cranky old ladies and sit on the porch, drinking iced tea together. I know you're in a better place. And I know we'll see each other again. And I know God will get me through this somehow. But I'm stuck here without my best friend. And I don't know what to do. I just feel so lost without you. (sobbing) (pensive piano music) - What is this stuff? - That's the girls' old homeschooling curriculum. Have you ever thought about maybe going back to school or college or even a trade school? - I was supposed to get a scholarship in computer science, but then my parents died and things kind of fell apart. Besides, I've been on the street for so long that I wouldn't even know where to start. - There's lots of ways you can get back on track, if you want to. - I'm over 18, what am I supposed to do, go back to 11th grade? - I homeschooled both girls, and you'd be surprised how colleges and universities and trade schools, they actively recruit homeschoolers. You could go anywhere from there. (dogs barking) (pensive piano music) (phone ringing) - Hi honey, how you doing? - I'm fine, dad. - Hey, I heard the Sheriff's department got the budget for that new mass spectrometer. Have you had a chance to play with it yet? - No, I haven't been down there in a while. You know, things have been slow there and. - What honey? - Well, I've been thinking about giving up my crime scene investigator job, and just focusing on my veterinary practice. - I understand, honey, whatever you need to do. You know, I'm always here for you, right? - I know dad. (beeping) Sorry dad, I gotta go. Chelsea? Chelsea? - Show me your hands. Police! Drop the gun. - Show me your badge. - You got some explaining to do. - Excuse me? I'm Doctor Amy Bradford. I'm the town crime scene investigator, animal control officer, and the local veterinarian. This is my office, and just who are you, exactly? - I'm Detective Caleb Rodgers. Just transferred into the town last week. Look, I'm sorry about that, but well, what the heck. - Is, is everything okay? - Yes, everything's fine Chelsea. Did you lock the front door earlier? - Yeah, of course. I'm sorry, I was cleaning the back with my headphones on. - So you didn't hear anybody in here a few minutes ago? - No, no. Did did someone break in? - Yeah, that's what we're trying to figure out. - How's Oscar today? - He's good. - Aw, hi, buddy. Hi. Chelsea's gonna take you back and give you a nice little snack and put you under your warm little lamp. Thanks Chelsea. - Absolutely. - So, a reptile fan, huh? - Yeah, I'm sure it gives you a great big hug right before it eats you. - Well, unless you feel the need for extra protection, can I have my gun back now? - Walter PPK 380. The James Bond pistol. - Yep. Lightweight, good close range. My dad gave it to me as a present. It's a kind of a family inside joke. - Yeah, he must be a Bond fan, into all that spy stuff. - Oh, you have no idea. - So what happened here? - Well, I have an app that alerts me if somebody's lingering outside. The alert went off and there was somebody in a black hoodie hanging outside the front door. - You didn't think to call the police? - Well, sometimes people are dropping off stray animals or pets they can't take care of anymore. I don't want somebody like that getting lights and sirens. And besides if somebody breaks in, y'all get alerted anyway, obviously. - Yeah, I'm not much on snakes, but anybody doesn't treat their dog like family? Well, they ought to be arrested. - Rogers, on your six! We got here as fast as we could. - I was just talking to Miss, I mean, Doctor Bradford. - Amy. - Elena. - Yeah, this room's pretty secure I think. Gonna go outside and double check the perimeter. - Copy that. - Thank you, Warren. - 10-4, doc. - Dispatch, there's nothing going on here. Everything's code four. - So, Doctor Bradford here was telling me what's going on. You were saying? - Yeah, so when I got here earlier, the front door was a jar when it should have been locked, but nothing seems to be missing. - So I assume you keep medications here for the animals, tranquilizers, painkillers, and such. You check those? - That was the first thing I thought of. I have a separate alarm for the medicine cabinet, and it hasn't been touched, so all the drugs are secure. - What's that? - Don't touch that. That is not mine, which means somebody had to have placed it here. So it's evidence and I don't want it contaminated. - Excuse me? - No, no, she's right. This is now a crime scene and she's the crime scene investigator. - Well, ordinarily, I'd say I'll take this back to my lab, but. - We'll finish securing the place, and we'll have a car on standby. - Thank you, I'll let you know when I have something. - Let's go. (soft music) - They found what? Well, how did it get there? Well, it sounds like we have a problem. You're just gonna have to fix it. All right, what's our status? - The project is moving according to plan. Their firewall is still holding but I'll take care of it. - All right. That's my girl. Keep me posted. - All right. (tense music) (phone ringing) - Yeah, Lance. - Sorry to bother you at home Martin, but we have a situation. We need you back up on the mountain, ASAP. - Okay, I'll be right there. (phone ringing) - Amy, what's going on? I heard the police got called to your office. - I'm fine, dad. Apparently somebody broke in, but, but all the animals are fine. - Okay, glad to hear it. So it looks like they sent that new detective. What's he like? - He's fine. Yeah. A little quick to reach for his gun, and he didn't like Oscar, but other than that, he's okay. - So anything juicy and exciting going on? - Seriously, dad, I just met the guy. I mean, okay. Yes, he is attractive, but I don't know anything about him. Look, you know, I love you, but you need to back off this whole trying to marry me off thing, okay? Grandma is bad enough, and that's the last thing I need right now. - Honey. I was asking about the crime scene. - Oh, right, yeah. So they didn't take anything. Apparently they just left something, a burnt metal box? I'm just getting ready to analyze it now. - A burnt metal box? Well, it sounds like you've got a mystery to solve. - Yeah, we'll see. - Okay. I just got a call from Lance, and they need me up on the mountain right away. - Okay. Well, I will talk to you later. I love you, Dad. - Love you too. - Martin, you need to see this. - Whoa. - Hackers are constantly trying to breach our system, but somebody's throwing something at us we've never seen before. - How so? - Well they're using a sophisticated mix of botnet armies that are constantly hunting for vulnerabilities, while also sending through large scale packets to install root kits. - Wow, that's a fresh one. Are we in trouble? - No, the team is all over it. The problem is we can't seem to find their center of command and control. On the one hand, it's like it's coming from everywhere all at once. But. - But? - Well, while this attack is decentralized, we have been able to locate the original source. - And? - It appears to be coming from Stevens Mill. - Okay, let me make a call. (phone ringing) - What's going on dad? - Hi, honey. I need to ask you a question. - Okay. - So I know you haven't been to visit your friend Hector in a while, but is there any chance that he might have gotten involved in something sketchy? - Not that I know of. Why? - Well, somebody's trying to hack the facility. Now, that happens all the time, but this time the attacks are getting stronger and more frequent. - So, why are you asking about Hector? - Well, the people that are doing this are covering their tracks really well, but we've been able to pinpoint the source of the attacks and coming from Stevens Mill, and his nickname is Hector the Hacker. - Dad. - Honey, I know he is your friend, that's why I'm calling you. If I launch an investigation from here, it becomes official and I don't want get him in trouble. Is there any chance you could just drop by his office and see what he's up to? - Okay, I'll see what I can do. (soft, tense music) - Angie? - What? - What are you doing? - I'm playing my game, and I almost cracked to level 56, and now I have to start all over again. - You've been spending a lot of time on that game. - Yeah, well, back when my parents died, me and my foster brother would play it together all the time. It relaxes me. (sighing) Ugh. - Well, I could really use your help around here. - And I could really use some fresh air. I'm gonna take Jethro for a walk. (gentle music) (Jethro whimpering) (sighing) (dramatic music) - Amy? Hey. Hey. It's good to see you again. - You too. Look, I'm sorry it's been so long. I just. - It's okay. I get it. - Thanks. Hmm. I like what you've done with the place. It's very you. - Thanks. After having Karl Corsault walk in and almost shoot me, I decided it was time to move and beef up security. - Still no word on his whereabouts? - Karl? Nada. Over six months since he killed Rex, and tried to kill us, and there's been no activity on his credit card, no ping on any of the license plates he's used. Not even anything on facial recognition. It's like the earth just opened up and swallowed him. Wait, do you think he could be the guy that broke into your office? - And left a clue without disturbing anything? That doesn't make sense. And how much does these days? - Well, I've run every online check on Carl that I can, and everything seems completely legit. If he does have some sort of, you know, secret connections that we don't know about, he's hidden 'em pretty well. - What about his connection to the Omni Millennium Company? We know that he killed Rex McNear right after they talked about some warehouse he thought Omni might wanna buy. - Yeah, I thought about that, but they're squeaky clean, at least as far as I can tell. - Yeah, but I had this feeling about them. The explosion at Stevens Mill Shipping Company conveniently gave them an excuse to buy out the whole company for next to nothing from Rose and Jamie's dad, and force him into retirement. - How are they doing, by the way? - I talked to Jamie last week, he and Allie are settled in South Carolina with his parents. It seems like they're all moving on. - Yeah, lot of that going around right now. Seems like more and more businesses are closing up shop and moving out, now that the jobs are drying up. Omni continues to rake in money from offshore imports. - There's gotta be something we're missing. - Probably. But to be honest, I'm struggling to stay afloat myself. Those businesses that are closing up were my clients. To be completely honest, I kind of need a little bit more help around here, but that's not really something I can afford right now. - So you're not doing anything, gray hat these days, are you? - No more than usual. Why? - Well, my dad said that somebody from town keeps trying to hack into the Mount Hideaway mainframe. - And naturally he assumed it was me. Typical government mentality. I'm sure it's probably only gonna be a minute before the storm troopers are here, busting down my door, hauling me off to a black site. Well, let 'em come, bring him on, I prefer a straight fight. - No, it's just the opposite. He asked me to check with you privately to avoid getting you in trouble. - Oh. Well that was very civilized of him. - So if it's not you. - Then the only people left in the town with the resources to do something like that would be. - Omni Millennium. - So what are we gonna do about it? - What do you mean? - I mean, you, and me, investigating, solving crimes, just like how we did with- - Look, I'm sorry. I need to go. It was good to see you again. - What have you got for me? - I've increased the intensity of the attack by 38%. We are hitting resistance, but we expected that. Nothing you and I can't handle. - Awesome, all right. Keep at it. Ugh. As soon as we breach their security and steal a few critical files, the Joint Chiefs will have no choice but to shut them down and give us the contract instead. - So in addition to buying the building for pennies on the dollar? - You will have all the bandwidth you need for our dark web activities. They'll get transferred from our town. (pensive music) (tense music) - Well, this explains why we haven't been able to find Karl all this time. - You sure that's Karl Corsault? - Oh yeah. I'm sure all right. I mean, I haven't had time to run his prints, but I've seen him myself wearing these clothes. - And who found the body? - Angie Darvishi, the girl that's staying with Tina Shanholtz. She was out walking the dog and he dug this up. - You have a time of death. - Nothing conclusive, but it looks like he's been in the ground for several months. - So about the same time he was last seen at Hector Tech Computer Repair? He tried to kill Hector Diaz and Bethany Shanholtz. - Yeah, probably not long after that. - So you're saying that he was murdered right after threatening Bethany Shanholtz? And now he's found buried in her backyard. Nothing suspicious about that. - You just wait a second, Elena. - Now, we're not jumping to any conclusions. What's the cause of death? - Well, nothing conclusive, but, well, this is just preliminary, but it looks like three gunshots to the chest and one to the forehead. - So he was executed, like by some kind of an assassin or a spy? - Did you really think if Bethany assassinated Carl, that should be dumb enough to bury him in our own orchard? Look, are you gonna investigate this case or just let your sidekick here make up stupid theories? - Oh, excuse me. - Will you excuse me? I would not presume that a town vet would know more- (talking over each other) - All right quiet, both of you. (sinister music) - Let go of me. I live here, I know my rights. - Angie, why were you hiding? - I wanna see what was going on. And I don't like cops. - So you're the one who found the body. - Yeah, it's just like Amy said. I was walking Jethro and he dug up mister creepy over there. - Angie, you shouldn't be here. I'm taking you back to Tina. Y'all can take the body back to the morgue. We'll talk more about this later. - Young lady, I'm gonna have some more questions for you later. - Torture me all you want, Andy Griffith, I'll never talk. - Come on. (dark music) Come on. - I'm not a little kid anymore. I can help. - You have helped enough. - What's going on? - I went up to the orchard where she found Karl and I was trying to talk to the new detective. - Who's totally hot by the way. - Hm. - And his sidekick, Elena Krazinska. - Oh. - Yeah. Elena was trying to imply that Bethany killed Karl. - She did what? - And I was trying to explain to the detective what a stupid idea that was, when he heard a noise and found Angie sneaking around and eavesdropping on us. - Angie. - What? I was the one that Karl tried to kill first. I was the one that found his body. If Amy can do it, so can I. - There's a difference. I'm a trained investigator, and I actually work for the police. - Okay girls, look, we've all been through a lot, so we need to stick together. So let's just take a deep breath and calm down, and let's go to the table and ask for help. (soft music) Heavenly Father, we just ask that you would give us strength. We don't always understand why things happen the way that they do. And we know that in this life we're gonna have difficulties, but you've promised us that you will never leave us or abandon us, and we just pray right now that you would help us to get along and make good decisions, so that we can bring honor and glory to you, and also honor the ones that we love. Amen. - Amen. You know, I had an idea while you were praying. Angie, I might have a way for you to help and stay out of trouble, but I need to talk to somebody about it first. (soft orchestral music) - About yesterday. I'm so sorry. - You didn't, it's fine I just, I can't go there right now. - Okay. I totally get it. So, what can I do for you right now? - Well, you know how you said you needed some help. - Yes. - What about Angie? - No, no way. She is trouble. - She's super smart, and she was taking advanced computer classes when she was still in school. - Yeah. Yeah. And she also has a tendency of stealing things and running off. Sorry. I have way too much on my plate right now than also having to babysit little miss sticky fingers. - But she could ease your workload and, you wouldn't have to pay her much. - Okay. Okay, fine. Fine, I'll give it a try. As long as she doesn't get me into any more trouble than I'm already in. - I'm sure it'll be fine. I think she's learned her lesson. (mumbling) (doorbell ringing) - Miss Shanholtz? - I'm Tina Shanholtz. You must be Detective Rogers. - Yes, ma'am. I need to speak with Angie here, about how she discovered the body. - Come in. - Can we use this room? - I would like to be present when you're questioning her. - Are you her parent or guardian? - Not officially, but she does live here with me. - Well, I'm sorry, I'll have to ask you- - Or you can wait till our attorney is present. - All right, fine. I'm gonna have some more questions for you anyway. So Angie, why don't we start by you telling me what you were doing in that section of the orchard you haven't been in for weeks. - I needed some fresh air, so I was out walking Jethro. It's 300 acres. I mean, you could walk on different days and not see the same space for weeks. - And did you know Karl Corsault? - Know him? I mean, I knew that he was some guy that worked for the mayor up until he tried to kill me. But then Bethany saved me. - That's Bethany Shanholtz? - Yes, my daughter. - Yes ma'am, sorry for your loss. I do understand that there was some conflict between your daughter and Mister Corsault? - If by conflict, you mean that he murdered two people and then went after my daughter? Yes, I would say there was conflict. - And you cops never found him. So of course Bethany had to go after him. - So you're saying she did go after him? - That's not what she meant. - Yes, it is. - Miss Shanholtz, did your daughter have any official authority to investigate anything? - She worked for the federal government. That's all I can say. - But if Bethany had killed Karl they'd never have found the body. Duh, she was awesome. - Angie. - So how do you think the body ended up in your orchard? - It's a large area without a fence around it. It wouldn't have been difficult for anyone to drive onto the property and dump the body there. - Okay. Well thank you for your time, and I'm sure I'll be in touch later with more questions. - What was that? - What? That guy was an idiot. Okay, hot idiot, but he was implying that Bethany was both crooked and stupid. Somebody had to say something. - I know, I didn't like it either, but the way that you answered him, didn't really help the situation. - I'm not like you, okay? I don't have a Bible quote for everything, and all the prayers and stuff. Everything's just getting worse. - I know this is hard and God never said that life would be easy, but he did promise that we would not go through this alone. - Well, maybe I wanna go through it alone. I always end up like that, anyway. (sentimental orchestral music) (phone ringing) - Hi, Amy. - Tina, hey. So, about Angie. - Now what? - Tina. - I'm sorry. She has gotten on my last nerve and I love her so much, but we really need a break. - Well, that's actually why I was calling. I talked to Hector and he agreed to let Angie come and help at his computer shop. So that gives her something to do, and you can have a little peace and quiet. - You know, that would be wonderful. Thank you, I will send her right over. - Okay, well, I guess I will talk to you later. - Amy? One more thing. - Yeah? - The detectives are implying that Bethany had something to do with Carl's death. - Yeah, I know. - Well, you work with them, I mean, you need to convince them what a crazy idea this is. - Look, I don't even know the new detective, and you know Elena's always had it out for Bethany. - Yes, but I mean, you can still convince them. I mean, this is Bethany's memory we're talking about. - I'm sorry, Tina, I really gotta go. - Amy? - Well, I guess that explains why we haven't seen Karl in a while. - Yeah, but it opens up so many more questions. - Yeah, it sure does. - What about the cyber attack at Mount Hideaway? Do you think that's related? - It'd be hard to imagine that it's a coincidence. - I like it. - I'm so glad. - Did you say that the Mountain was getting hacked? - You weren't supposed to hear that? - Everybody always asks me why I sneak around. How else am I supposed to know anything? If the Mountain's under attack that definitely has to do with what we're dealing with. - Definitely. - Omni Millennium is taking over the town. It's pushing out all the farmers, and all of the small businesses. Do you really think that they want some military intelligence looking over their shoulder? - She's actually got a point. - Okay. But if that is the case, what are we gonna do about it? - I think it's time for you and "Big Brother" to team up against a common enemy. - No, no way. The government already has enough control over our lives as is. Plus, if they knew half of the stuff that I do, they'd be hauling me off to a black site in less than a minute, and I am allergic to waterboarding. - Plus Hector doesn't have clearance to know what's going on at Mount Hideaway. - Okay, let's talk about Detective Sundance. - What about him? - Oh, he showed up around the same time Karl went missing. Don't you think that's suspicious or convenient or something? - Well, with all the unsolved crimes that happened, the last sheriff got voted out pretty hard. This new guy, he said that he wants to clean house and provide a new perspective. - Exactly. So they bring in this guy, and then hire Barbie Fife to be his sidekick. - [Hector] Who? - Elena Krazinska. - Oh man, I remember this story. - What? Spill the tea. - Well, Elena was Bethany's arch rival growing up. She went to the fancy private school, and she and Bethany both did track and martial arts in the county leagues. Bethany was always better. One day during a karate tournament, Elena had tried an illegal low kick on Bethany, and Bethany blocked her with her elbow, and Elena was limping around for weeks. Sorry. Anyway, when Jamie and Bethany broke up, Elena came to college at Tech where Jamie and I were going. And that's when it really got ugly. - What happened? - Jamie was on the rebound from Bethany, and Elena swooped in on her broom and sorry, Jamie and Elena dated, and she used him and broke his heart. I've always thought it was just another way to get it Bethany. - So what if they're both dirty? What if they're just Omni shills trying to cover up by framing the good guys? - Yeah. Okay. I'll look into it, but some of those records are gonna be tough to crack, even for me. - It really would be helpful if you and my dad's people could work together on this. - I'm sorry, Amy. That's not gonna happen. - Okay, well you guys can figure something out. I've gotta get back to my clinic. (soft piano music) - Come on. (light orchestral music) - Oh, it's okay, little guy. Nobody's gonna hurt you. I'm here to take care of you. Yeah, that's a joke. I can't take care of anybody. - [Tina] Amy? Hi. - Tina? Hey, what's going on? Are your animals okay? - Oh yes, they're fine. But there is something else that I could use your help with. - What's that? - I know that it's been really hard since Bethany's accident, but Amy, that detective and Elena are trying to blame Karl's murder on Bethany. I need your help. Bethany and I still need your help. - I'm sorry. I can't. - Why? - You don't understand. - Well then help me understand. Talk to me. - I, I should have been there. I wasn't there when she needed me the most. - Oh sweetie. It was an accident. There is nothing that you could have. - I was supposed to be with her, and I wasn't. If I had been then, maybe she'd still be alive. - We don't know that. We don't even know what happened. We could have lost both of you. You can't blame yourself, but there is something that you can do for her now. - What can I do? - What you love to do. You can find the clues and solve the mystery. Somebody killed Karl. We have to figure out who did it, so we can clear Bethany's name. - Well, we always did that together. I can't do that by myself, Tina. I don't even know where to start. - Well, there has to be a clue, or something that's out of place. Amy, you can do this. You've trained your whole life for this, and you won't be alone. You'll have me and your dad and Hector. Will you at least promise me that you'll pray about it. Thank you. I almost forgot. I brought you this. It was Bethany's. She always loved to play with her dad's compass, and he bought that for right before his last deployment. She said that when she was feeling lost, that it would remind her to look to the only One that can truly show us the way. Amy? Let Him guide you. - Well, I promised I'd pray about it so I guess I have to. I want to help Tina and Bethany, but, I don't know how. I feel so lost and, and helpless. Well, there is a clue out there. You're just gonna have to put it right in front of me because otherwise I'm. Right in front of me. (pensive music) (upbeat music) (phone ringing) - Detective Rogers. - Detective, it's Amy Bradford. I've got some news about the box that was left in my office. - What do you got? - The box was part of a very tiny IED. - A bomb? - Exactly. - Why would anybody break into your office, leave fragments of an exploded bomb? Unless, unless it was some kind of warning. - Well, if so, I don't feel very warned. No, I think there's something else going on. - Well, I'll keep digging. - Oh, one more thing. In addition to the explosive residue that I found on it, there was also traces of brake fluid, motor oil and asphalt. - Yeah, so it was planted on a car. It was too small to blow a car up. Any ideas on that? - I just analyze the evidence, you're the detective. And besides, oh my brain's so tired, I can hardly even think straight right now. - All right, well that's understandable. We'll touch base tomorrow. - Okay, goodnight. (dramatic music) - Huh? Wowsers. - What's up? - I just got an official notice from Amy's dad at Mount Hideaway. They're offering me full immunity and a sweet paid consultant package if I work for them off the books. - Wow. - Yeah. Okay. - What's up? Hector Diaz just offered us his services, and sent over an electronically signed non-disclosure agreement. (soft music) (moaning) (dramatic music) (phone ringing) - Hey Amy, I was just about to call you. - Hey, I need you to maybe the police impound lot. - I beat you to it. - What? - Well, apparently we woke up with the same idea. I got to thinking, why would anybody wanna blow up just one part of a car? And then it hit me. So I came down here and it turns out the impound lot was broken into the same day as your office. Just no one noticed at the time, because almost nothing was taken or disturbed except. - Bethany's car. - Yeah, or what's left of it. So I looked it over and a small bomb was used to blow out her brake line as she was headed for the cliff. - What? - She was murdered. - It wasn't an accident. (dramatic music) - Amy? - Hey, I need to go. I'll talk to you later. Oh, thanks for looking into that. Bye. (pensive music) (phone ringing) - Hey Amy, what's going on? - It wasn't an accident. - What wasn't? - Bethany's death. She was, she was murdered. That box, it was, it was part of a bomb and it was on her car, and I should have found it. I knew she was tired that day and I just, I assumed that she fell asleep or she swerved to miss an animal, but somebody killed her and, and the evidence was right there for a month, and I didn't do anything about it. - Amy stop, take a deep breath. Honey, none of this was your fault. - I should have been doing my job. I let her down. - You haven't let her down. And you know Bethany wouldn't want you blaming yourself for any of this. If Bethany was murdered, we're gonna have to investigate. I'll call Lance and we'll put a plan together. I'll let you know as much as we can. - Okay. I'll let you know what I find out as well. - Amy? - Dad. - Okay, just promise me you'll be careful. Watch your back and keep me posted. - I will. - Honey, I've got another call coming in. Are you gonna be okay? - Yeah, I'll be okay. Bye, dad. (dark music) I'm gonna find whoever did this, Bethany. I promise. - Hey Hector. So you're sure you're okay with the terms of our agreement? - Heck yeah, this is great, let's do it. - Okay, well there may be some things that you can do because you're outside of our system. Maybe breach their air gap. - Sure. I got some other ideas too. - We're encountering some resistance? - Nothing we can't handle. - You got this. Let me know if we can do anything for you. - Okay. - So, you're telling me someone planted a bomb on Bethany's front axle and blew it when she was heading for a cliff? - Yeah. Probably remote controlled. It looks like they also weakened the guardrail. so it would give way when she hit it. I had a nice talk with Caleb. I'm starting to think maybe he's not such a bad guy. What? - Well, given the fact that everyone is moving out of town, I tend to get a little suspicious when someone moves in. So I did a little digging into Detective Roy Rogers. - What? - Turns out he left his last cop job under questionable circumstances, and get this, the town he's from also has a big Omni Millennium warehouse, and also has a large number of unsolved fires, explosions and murders. - Oh, maybe there's another explanation. - I don't know. I wouldn't get too close to him if I were you. For all we know, he's the one who planted the bomb, and the only reason why he's being honest with you right now is to cover his tracks. I don't know what would happen if you got too close. - That's ridiculous. - I would've said the same thing if I hadn't seen his military record. - Now what? - He served in the Army, as a bomb expert. - But that doesn't make any sense. Why would he lead me to Bethany's murder if he was the killer? - I don't know. Maybe he knew that you would figure it out when you found the car residue on the bomb, and wanted to get ahead of you. - I don't think so. But at this point I'm not taking any chances. Well, if I can't go to Caleb for help, then I guess I'm just gonna have to go to Omni and start digging on my own. - How? - Sometimes the trucks that come through Omni shipping port carry livestock. I could use my position as a vet and animal control officer to make up an excuse to poke around. - Are you sure you want to do that? - Well, I don't really see any other choice. - Hey Angie, how was your day at Hector Tech? - It was fine. - Are you hungry? I made some of those bacon biscuits you like. - Ugh. (ominous music) (horse neighing) (cow mooing) (dark orchestral music) (phone ringing) - She is? All right, thanks for letting me know. Yeah, we've got a problem with the veterinarian woman. Yeah, do it. And this time, I want you to really leave a message. (ominous orchestral music) - Oh, I didn't hear you come in. - You're assistant let me in. - We've gotta stop meeting like this. (laughing) What's up? - I wanted to talk to you a little more about what you said about a possible connection between the death of Karl Corsault and your friend Bethany. - Okay, go ahead. - So if Bethany was murdered, chances are whoever killed her, killed Karl and wanted it to look like she killed Karl. - You know, I've been thinking that this whole time. So I decided to do some digging on my own. I went up to Omni yesterday to ask some questions. And what I think is that- - You did what? - Yeah, so Hector found evidence that Karl received several phone calls from inside their offices, so I went up there. - Amy, you shouldn't have gone there. You should have come to me. I'm the detective, remember? - Well, then you should have figured this out before I had to. Why are you getting so upset? - Well, I figured that after what happened to Bethany, you and your friends would've learned to stay away from things you don't understand. - Excuse me? - Stay away from the people at Omni Millennium. - Why? Are you working for them? - No, but I'm warning you, don't go there again. - Oh, so now you're threatening me. - I need you to trust me. - How can I trust you when you won't tell me anything? Like why you left your last job in a town that Omni was taking over? How do I know you're not one of them, come to spy on us and do their dirty work? (door closing) (solemn orchestral music) (tense music) - Hey, Ames. I really like your house. It's really, it's you, and I love your little kitty. What's its name? - Rose? - Yeah. - What are you? How are, are you? - Alive? - Well, yeah. - It's a long story. Do you got any of that herbal iced tea? (cattle mooing) (acoustic guitar music) - What the heck? - I'm working and you're sitting there playing this game. I told you I needed your help. - And I told you that I would help after this level. Why are you always harassing me? You are such a pain. If you're gonna live here, you're gonna help out, and show some respect. - You know what, Tina? You're not my mom. And you never will be. And you know what else? I'm tired of all these prayers and these chores. I'm outta here. - So you already know that my family used to own Steven's Mill Shipping, and then Omni Millennium came in, wanting to invest in our company and help the town grow. - Okay. - They had an assistant, named Dax. We were close. - Okay. - And you know Omni tried to frame my dad for the explosion, but you and Jamie and Bethany stopped them. - Yeah, and we almost got killed. - What nobody knows is that Dax found out what they were doing and told me. We were coming to tell you guys when they ran us off the road. Dax died in the crash. I just ran. I let everybody believe that I was dead so that Omni wouldn't kill me too. - Rose, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. - I know. Then Omni bought the business for nothing. Since then, they've been buying up the town, driving everybody out, and eliminating anyone that gets in their way. I know it sounds crazy, but I really believe that they have some big plan to take over this whole area. I also think they're trying to shut down Mount Hideaway, where your dad works. It's hard trying to figure stuff out when I can't show my face. That's why I've been leaving you guys the clues. - What clues? - Like the box I left at your office, duh. By the way, can I have that little gray chinchilla? He was so cute, and I could really use the company. And then there was burying Karl's nasty old carcass in Bethany's orchard, but that did not go how I planned. - Wait, you did that? - Well, yeah. I thought Bethany would find his body, and that would lead you guys to Omni, but no. (knocking on door) - What are you doing here? - Amy, we really need to talk. - Now is really not a good time. - Yeah well, I'm afraid I have to insist. Please don't make this harder than it needs to be. - What is that? - Last I checked, they looked like flowers. - I mean, what? Why? - I came to say, I'm sorry, for the way I've been acting toward you. You have to understand, when I came into town, I didn't know who I could trust. I'm from a beautiful little town in Missouri. A lot like this one, just like this one. Omni Millennium moved in and soon after bad things started happening. - What kind of bad things? - At first I couldn't put my finger on it. There was more accidents and suspicious fires and weird unsolved crimes than ever before, and businesses started getting vandalized, burned down. - And you think Omni's behind it? - I had my suspicions, then I found out some of the other cops were getting paid off to look the other way when certain crimes were taking place. They asked me to join. I refused, and then they set me up. - Well, how'd you get out? - Still had a few friends. One of 'em tipped me off. Really, the only choice I had was to get out while I still could, but I hate running from a fight. So I came here. From what I can tell, at least most of the Sheriff's department's still clean. I want to take down Omni, before they wreck another little town like they did mine. - Well, if we're on the same side, then, then why do you keep pushing me away? - I haven't been discouraging you because I don't believe in you. I've been pushing you away because I do believe you, but you have to understand these people are dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt. - I can take care of myself. - Look, I didn't come to start a fight with you, all right? So please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm sure Bethany thought the exact same thing. Whoever planted that shape charge and Bethany's car knew a lot about how to kill somebody and get away with it. If somebody hadn't put that box in your office, we'd have never figured it out. We are talking about the murder of somebody who, from what I hear, was a highly capable agent. When I heard you walked right into their office and started asking questions. I'm sorry I freaked out. - I guess I did kind of stick my head in the lion's mouth. - Yeah, you kind of did. You made it really hard for me to do the digging that I need to do. - I can't just sit around. Bethany was my friend and this is my hometown. You should understand that. - Think about it. But for right now, I promise I'll keep you updated on anything I find out. You do the same. All right? Please be careful. Watch your back. You can never tell when somebody might be spying on you. I would hate it if anything bad happened to you? - Bethany was always the leader. She always knew what to do. It's been hard being the strong one by myself. It feels nice to know that somebody has my back. - You don't have to carry this by yourself anymore. All right? (crashing) What was that? - Oh, that was just my cat, you know, probably knocking something over like cats do. - Well, I should just go. Yeah. - Thanks for the flowers. - [Caleb] Yeah. (door closing) - Meow. - So I guess you heard all that. - I sure did. - So what do you think? - I think that guy's a keeper. Are you going after him? - No, I'm not going after him. - Then can I have him? - No! I mean, besides you're supposed to be dead. - Oh yeah, right. - Okay, so you were just about to tell me why you put Karl's body in Bethany's orchard. - So I've been tracking Omni, pretty much how Caleb has. And Karl was their fixer. He used his position in the mayor's office to steer local political decisions in Omni's favor. But when you guys found that video of him murdering Rex McNear, Carl became a liability. - So did you see him get killed? - No. I saw him get in the van, and I saw a flash. When the killers got out of the van, I stole it and Karl and took him to Bethany's orchard where I thought she would find him, but no. - Okay well, I'll talk to Hector and my dad, and Tina will be so happy. - No, Amy, if Omni finds out I'm alive, then I won't be for long. - Okay, so I won't tell my dad, because then he'd have to tell the government people, but we can trust Hector. - Okay. I'll contact you in a day or two. It's best that you don't know where I am. - I've been living on my own for years, and now I just feel like a caged animal. And now I'm living on a farm, and there's all this mud and this dirt and stuff. And the cows, the cows are terrifying. And it's, it's just like, it's like, oh, hey Amy. It's like, they watch you wherever you go. - Angie, I need to talk to Hector for a minute. - Give me a second. (creepy music) And Tina, I know that she means well, but she has all these rules and all these chores. And she has me reading these devotionals. And there's this one about this girl named Ruth and her mother-in-law, like why would I wanna read that? - Hey Angie, I've got an idea. Why don't you go get us some Chinese food. - On my bike? Why can't we just order pizza? - I really don't feel like pizza. I'll tell you what, you can take my convertible. Here's some money. Just keep the change for making the trip. - Really, you're convertible? - Yeah. But the thing is you have to go right now because I am starving. Right Hector? Aren't you hungry? - Yeah, yeah, sure. - Yeah, just get us the usual. - Great. And by the way, I know that this is just ploy to get me a leave, so that you and Hector can talk about grown up stuff, but I'm just rolling with it. See ya. - Ugh. - Wow, the poor kid. - I know, but listen. Okay, so I have some news about the case and well, everything and you are not gonna believe it. (click, beeping) So I went home a little while ago and my front door was open. So I went in. (phone ringing) Oh, now what? Hi Angie, are you having trouble getting the car started? Sometimes you just need to jiggle the gear shift and turn the, what? - What, wait, hey, hey, what? Wait. - I sat down and I heard a click. - Okay Angie, I need you to listen to me very carefully, okay? I need you to stay calm and don't lean forward at all. It's gonna be okay, we're gonna get help. - From who? - Well, I only know of one bomb expert. - Do you think we can trust him? - Yes I do. And besides what choice do we have? You go call him, I'm gonna stay here. It's gonna be okay, all right? We're gonna get help. (dark music) (phone ringing) - Hey, Ange. Okay, hang on. And I'm gonna be right there. (siren blaring) - Hey Angie, how you doing? - I've been better. - It's like you ended up in that hot seat after all, huh? Let's take a look. - You do know how to disarm this, right? - I'm the best bomb expert around, so. - You're the only bomb expert around. But I guess you haven't been blown up yet, so that's a good thing. - Hey sweetie. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - I'm getting in. - Now get in easy. - What are you doing? - Remember when I told you, that when bad things happen, you never have to be alone. - Why are you doing this? - Because this is exactly what God did for me, and you and I are gonna get through this together. And if not, I'm ready. I'm ready to see my husband and Bethany, and be with you. - Can I help? - You can help me by getting to a safe distance. I've already got both of their lives hanging on the edge with just a few minutes on the clock, and I don't need to be worried about you right now. - I'm not worried, I believe in you. - That is not the point. - I'm not leaving. - Amy. - The clock's ticking detective. (tense music) - Hey, you got this. - Amy, I've never seen a bomb like this before. Lord, please my hands right now. We've got a lot of work left here to do. And the devil wants to end us right now. I know the victory is already Yours, but if it's our time to go, then I guess we'll be with You shortly. But in all things, Thy will be... Done! (clipping) (gasping) - Oh Angie, I'm so sorry. - Next time you want pizza, let's get it delivered, okay? - Okay. - I can't thank you enough. - God gets all the glory, ma'am. My training never taught me what to do with a bomb like that. Thank you for your prayers. - I'm gonna keep praying until we find out who did this. And by the way, I used to be an intelligence analyst at Mount Hideaway. If you need anything, you let me know. - Yes, ma'am. - Detective? Take care of her. - Yeah, I'm gonna go check the security footage. - I've never prayed so hard in my life. - Me neither. That bomb. - You said you've never seen one like it before? - No. - So this bomb and the one under Bethany's car had the exact same signature, but they were different. The one under Bethany's car was surgical and stealthy. This one was deliberately overbuilt. They wanted you to sit against the pressure plate, spend your last minutes hearing that timer tick. They wanted him to make you suffer. Amy, this was personal. All right, you have to be careful. - Well, God made sure you were here today to keep us safe so, I guess He's not done with me yet. And I promise I'll be careful. - Hey, so I checked the security footage, and whoever planted the bomb wore a hat and kept their hood up, so I can't tell what their face looked like. And it's impossible to tell if it's a man or a woman. Oh wait, it gets better. I think they parked around the corner away from any cameras because I don't have any video of a car to pull the plates. - Gimme a copy of whatever footage you have. - Yeah, yeah. - Thanks man. - Yeah. You did a good job today, Tex. Looks like you're pretty useful to have around here, actually. - Okay, I can take you home, so I can make sure your house is clean, huh? - Yeah. I'll get your stuff. - Wait, Amy, wasn't there something you were supposed to tell me? - Oh yes, oh my goodness. Hector, Rose is alive. - What? - She came to my house. She said she wants to help. I'll call and tell you all the details later. - You're just gonna drop a bomb on me like that, ooh, that was a poor choice of words, and then you're just gonna leave me hanging? - I'll call you. - Amy, I really don't like leaving you here by yourself. - I have state of the art security system and plenty of ammo, I'll be fine. - Well, if you feel the least bit uncomfortable, you call me, okay? (phone notification) - Yeah. Yeah. I will, I promise. So. - Yeah, I should, I should go. - Thanks again. Bye. (dog barking) - Hector, I said I would call you. Okay, here's the deal. (uplifting orchestral music) (doorbell ringing) (knocking on door) Hey grandma. - Hi sweetie, how are you? - I'm good. - Good, good. I heard what happened and I just had to come and make sure that you're okay. - I'm fine. - Oh, good. Well, why don't you make us some tea and tell me all about it. Amy, your jobs involve animals and dead bodies. Why would someone plant a bomb in your car? - Grandma, you know I can't talk about my cases. Well, I just had no idea it was so dangerous. I think it's high time you settled down and got married. - I'll get married when God brings the right guy into my life. - Of course you will. But tell me about this new detective fellow. He's the town hero now. He sounds like a really special young man. - He's nice, but I barely know him. - Barely know him? He saved your life today, and I hear he's quite handsome. - I'll fix us some more tea. (faint singing) ♪ Everything sounds better with you and me together ♪ ♪ Girl don't you understand, don't walk away ♪ ♪ Just give me a chance ♪ ♪ Girl don't you walk away I know you really wanna stay ♪ ♪ Just wait until you see me dance ♪ - What are you doing? - Did it sound that bad? - No. Why are you on my porch? - Well, I've assigned myself as your personal security detail. - Well, that's really sweet, but this is a terrible time. - Oh, I'm so sorry. Do you have a gentleman friend over? You can tell him I'm here solely in my professional capacity. - No, no. It's it's my grandma, I'll be fine. Please leave. - I wanna meet your grandma. - No, no, that's a terrible idea. You don't understand. I need you to leave now, please. - Amy? Is there someone else in there? - What? No. Ow. Please go away. (light instrumental music) (coughing) - Amy, are you okay? - Yes, I'm fine. I'm just tired of these big flies that keep getting in my house. - Amy. I wish you didn't have to be in this big house all by yourself. Why don't you come stay with me for a while? - I'll be all right. Dad made sure I had the best security system, and I have plenty of friends that will check on me. And besides I'm so busy with work, I'll barely be here, anyway. - Amy. - These scones are really good, grandma. I didn't realize how hungry I was. - Another reason you need to come stay with me. You don't eat enough. Look how skinny you are. - I do eat, I promise. I just was really busy today and. ♪ You be my baby ♪ ♪ Baby I'll be your cowboy ♪ ♪ You be my lady ♪ - Oh my. ♪ Man sweet man ♪ - Amy, who is that? ♪ Girl don't you understand ♪ ♪ Please don't walk away ♪ - That is Detective Rogers. ♪ Girl don't you walk away ♪ ♪ I know you really wanna stay ♪ ♪ Just wait until you see me dance ♪ - He is very handsome. And how romantic! Don't just sit there. Invite him in and I'll get us another cup and saucer. - No no, I'm sure he doesn't want. - Yes yes yes. Scoot scoot scoot. You have such a lovely voice, Detective Rogers. Are you a professional singer? - No, thank you ma'am. Call me Caleb though. No, I just, I just sing for fun. - Amy has a lovely voice too. Well, you should sing a duet together sometime. She plays the piano too. She's always loved music. She's very talented. - I bet she is. - Well, do you have a girlfriend, Caleb? - [Caleb] No, ma'am. - Oh, that's fine. Here, have another scone or two. - Oh, thanks you, ma'am. (phone ringing) - Oh, it's dad. Excuse me. - Hey honey, I was just checking to see how you doing? (sighing) What's wrong now? - Oh, nothing. Just Caleb and grandma having a cozy little chat over tea and scones. - Oh boy. Has she pulled out your baby pictures yet? - Oh no, she'd better not. She's already embarrassing me to no end, and she's gonna start planning my wedding any second. - Oh, I'm sure it's not that bad. Hey, I had our people sweep your car and it's all clean and safe. I'm gonna have the team drop it by your house tonight, and check your neighborhood. So if you're not too busy picking out silverware patterns tomorrow, can you get all the troops together at eight o'clock for a meeting at Hector Tech? - Yeah, sure. - And bring Caleb along. If he's gonna marry my daughter, I've gotta show him my gun collection first. - Dad. - Sorry, I couldn't resist. But anyway, bring him along. - If I don't kill him first. Now you take good care of her. - Yes, ma'am. Your grandma's nice. - I will never hear the end of this. (acoustic guitar music) ♪ I saw you walking down through the city ♪ ♪ You sure looked pretty and sassy ♪ ♪ Now I'm just a cowboy raised in the country ♪ ♪ Trying to make a living in LA ♪ ♪ But I have never seen ♪ ♪ A girl like you ♪ ♪ It's true ♪ ♪ Never seen one like you ♪ (birds chirping) - Come on, rise and shine, cowboy. Time to go. - Go where? - A meeting at Hector Tech. Let's go. - What's going on? - You'll find out. - You still mad about yesterday? - Come on. - I saved your life. What is going on? - Welcome to the posse, Tex. - Angie. - Angie. Angie? Angie, honey. Detective. - Miss Shanholtz. - Well, I've seen your file. You're supposed to be dead. - Yeah, I get that a lot. - All right folks, up here for a minute. So up until now, we've all had a piece of the puzzle, but we've been keeping our cards to ourselves. - You just mixed metaphors. Thought I should point that out, you know. - Okay dad, why don't you get us started? - Thanks Amy. For those of you who don't know me, I am Deputy Director, Doctor Martin Bradford, the Chief of Staff of the Mount Hideaway facility. This is Colonel Lance Piper, who runs the facility. Lance, why don't you get the ball rolling? - Thanks, Martin. We've had our eyes on Omni Millennium for a long time. We've suspected them of everything from arms dealing to human trafficking, but we've never been able to make a case. - Their tactic is to move into small communities like ours and take over. It's always a town in a rural location with a major shipping hub. - In addition to a litany of arson, murder, and other crimes, they've been working the political trail on Capitol Hill for years, trying to get the Mount Hideaway facility shut down. - If you guys moved out, they'd have access to a high bandwidth computer facility, and a ready-made server farm. They'd be just as dangerous in the cyber world as they already are IRL. - Over the years, we've worked with a number of folks doing all kinds of different things, but we haven't been able to give anybody the big picture about what was going on for security purposes. The situation has become critical. With the loss of Agent Shanholtz, Bethany, and the cyber attacks on the facility, Martin and I thought it best to bring everybody together. - Okay, let's start at the beginning. I'm going to ask Rose to go first, because you've been investigating this case longer than any of us, haven't you, Rose? - Wait, what? You already knew I was alive? - You popped up on our surveillance photos about three years ago, and I've been doing my best to support you, without blowing your cover, or mine. - Dad, what the heck? You knew she was alive this whole time? You are the one that's been helping her and you didn't tell me? - Honey, you and I both know that if I'd read you in on this, you would have insisted on going directly after them, and it wasn't time yet. - All right, fine. But when we get home, we're having a long talk. Go ahead, Rose, sorry guys. - Eight years ago, Omni bought our family business after blowing up our warehouse, and framing my dad for it. - That was the explosion that killed my parents, Rose's uncle, and countless others. - They killed my boyfriend, Dax, and almost killed me. So I faked my death. I've been working undercover ever since, mostly in other towns, trying to gather evidence against them. - They've had a number of managers over the years, but a few weeks ago, Errol Gunderson, the head of the whole Omni operation, moved into town. It looks like he's here to oversee something big. We may have a unique opportunity to take them down. - Look, excuse me, sir. I know I'm the new guy, but I have to ask, is what we're doing here even legal? - I appreciate the question. The agency in charge of the operations at the Mount Hideaway facility, doesn't operate on US soil. Instead, we've been working in cooperation with. - Other three-letter agencies. - Other three letter agencies to make sure what we're doing is legal and above the board. - Why don't you tell us your story, son? - Yes, sir. Well, like I told Amy here, I'm from a small town in Missouri, where pretty much the same thing went on. I was a homicide detective, and I basically got run out of town, because I wouldn't get on Omni's payroll and look the other way when they started killing people and running businesses out of the county. - We were picking up chatter that they were onto something pretty big. Bethany Shanholtz was undercover in the investigation, but she got too close. She was killed by an explosive that made her car run off the road. - Yeah, well most bombers have a signature, and I'd be willing to bet that whoever made that device also made the one we found in Amy's car. - Which is why we're here, to come up with a plan and take back our town. Dad, Colonel Piper, and Hector, are working on counter measures to the hack. Tina used to be an intelligence officer at Mount Hideaway, and Dad's reinstated her security clearance, so she'll be coordinating all the information, anything we find goes to her. Caleb, Rose, and I, will figure out a way to get into Omni and find the evidence we need to take them down. - I'm sorry y'all, I can't do that without a search warrant. - If the police force is compromised, they'll know you're coming. - I understand that, sir. But if we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it by the book. - All right, son. Fair enough. But let me go directly to the judge for the warrant. - All right, get to work. (dramatic orchestral music) - All right, well, it seems like they're utilizing a ton of computing power, but it's way more than they have in that building, so. - Oh, there's something we're missing. I need a break. - Angie, stop playing the game. - What? Not you, too. - Just stop for a second. When you started to play the game, there was an infinitesimal increase in the intensity of the hack. The difference was tiny, but it was definitely there. - Wait so, how many people are actually playing this game at any given time? - Well, a couple of days ago, they changed their paid subscription plan to being all free. I mean, it was a big thing even in the video game world. So, the amount of active users at any given time is like tens of millions? - It's the game. They built a back door into the game, and people are unknowingly lending their device's computing power to fuel the attack. I mean, millions of people's phones and tablets are all powering the attack on Mount Hideaway from all over the world. (chuckling) - Miss Shanholtz, call the gang back in. I think we have a plan. - All right, listen up everybody. It's time to take back our town. Tina walk us through it. - Okay, so with some help from our three-letter agencies, we have determined that Gunderson is gonna set up his headquarters at Steven's Mill. - But why here? - Because of the Mount Hideaway complex. If they're able to get the government to shut it down, they can swoop in and buy the building with all of its high speed network infrastructure for next to nothing. - They'd be as dangerous on the dark web as they are now with smuggling and arms trafficking. - We can't just assault the building, because we don't have enough evidence, but we do have warrants to go in quietly. Ordinarily we'd use government operatives, but we don't know who's on Omni's payroll. Right now, the only people we can trust are in this meeting. - The cyber team at Mount Hideaway, they already have their hands full trying to fend off this attack. So Amy, Caleb, and Rose, you're gonna break into the Omni building, and try to ward off the attack from the inside, and hopefully find some evidence that can shut Omni down. Angie and Hector, you gotta get people to stop playing that game. (tense music) - Drop the device. - No problem. You're too late, anyway. The hack's almost complete. Besides, you're not leaving. - Why not? - Did you really think that you could just sneak in here without us noticing? - Elena? - Howdy, partner. - Oh, I might have known. - Kick 'em to us please. - Well, I guess while you were trespassing, you're gonna have a little accident. Whoops. - Yeah, we've got a warrant. All right, the government's on to you. - Well, in 20 minutes we're gonna break through Mount Hideaways firewall and plunder all of their data. So the leaders are gonna get discredited. The local police are in my back pocket. So I'm pretty sure that no one's gonna know that you're gone. - All right. All of you in the storage room, cell phones on a table, please. Great. - I'll be back for each and every one of you, once this cyber attack is complete. Oh, you too, sweetie. You see your job here is done, and now you're just a loose end. - No, tell her, Errol. - Actually Elena's right. Sorry, you're kind of a loose end right now. Oops. - No, I did all of this for you. - Oh, and I really, really, really appreciate it. Like seriously. Make sure you clean up the mess. - Sure boss. Sorry, love story's over. Everyone in the storage room, now. Move, move. (tense music) - All right, they have our cell phones and our guns. Is there any other way we can call for help? - Really? Is now the best time you're playing that stupid game? - My game is connected to the building's wireless network and it has a chat feature. I just need to figure out who can help us out. - Here. Give it to me. - Come on, come on, come on. - Hey. - Huh? - It's our people at Omni, they've been captured. - I'm gonna call Martin. Get 'em to send in the troops. - That'll take too long. - The person you're texting. Do they know anything about computers? - Yes, why? - Give me back the controller. I can tell them how to shut down the game and stop the hack. That'll at least distract Elena and Errol. - I'm getting a message from someone at Omni Millennium named Jade. They're sending us instructions on how to access a back door in the game and shut down the cyber attack. - Redirecting this to Mount Hideaway. (dramatic orchestral music) - Well, that's disappointing. Someone at Mount Hideaway has shut down our attacks. I think I underestimated Jade. Well, no matter, I think it's time to cut bait. Yep. Blow all of it. - What's she doing? - They must have figured out the hack's been stopped. Gonna blow up this building and us with it. - What are we gonna do? - Hey, look at this. Watch this. - It's set for 30 minutes. That should give us plenty of time to clear the building. - Well, it's gonna give me plenty of time. I'm sorry. Your time's up. - That's it. You guys get to safety, I'll disarm the bomb. - Come on. - Wait. Where is Rose? - What are you doing, are you crazy? - She already died once, I'm not losing her again. Go, run. - Step away from the bomb, partner. I said, step away from the bomb. - And I thought you'd be long gone by now. - I thought I told you to run to safety. - Well, clearly you don't know me very well yet. You disarm the bomb, I'll take care of Elena. Give it up Elena, it's over. - Let's finish this, Bradford. - Put it down. You and this company of yours killed my boyfriend and destroyed my family. Give me one good reason I shouldn't empty this gun into your face. - You and Bethany and all of your little Christian friends with your perfect little families and your little homeschool projects. You have no idea what my life was like. - Look, you can kill me, but you can't kill a company. It's too big, there's too many pieces, but you know what they say? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. - You've gotta be kidding. - No, I'm not. Look, haven't you always wanted to own your family's company ever since you were a little girl? Not only can I give you this company, but I can also give you a piece of a global empire. It's changing the world. - Yeah, that sounds like a lot of work. I think I'll go with instant gratification. - Can I, can I, can I show you? - You think our lives were perfect? My mom died when I was seven. Bethany's dad died serving our country. All these years, we thought Rose was dead. And then my best friend was murdered. You did that, didn't you? - I made a lot of money from killing Karl and all the others, but Bethany, I did that one for free. (yelling) - Amy! Amy! (sighing) - If only Bethany could see you now, she'd be so disappointed. Oh Amy. You're not gonna shoot me. You don't have it in you. - Don't test me. - All right, come on then, pull the trigger if you've got the guts. Or better yet, how about you come and get me a hug and forgive me. Isn't that what your Jesus said that you should do? - How could you? - Poor little Amy. You're so weak. So pathetic. Without Bethany here to tell you what to do. - Billions of dollars. Government officials, business leaders, all who do whatever we say, whatever you say. You can have it all. - You don't have it in you to make the hard decisions, Amy. So I dare you. I dare you to prove me wrong, right now. Do it! - Amy, Amy don't. She's taken enough from you, don't let her win. - [Elena] Do it, Amy. Come on. - Okay. I'll take it. - You'll take my offer? - No, I'm gonna take it all away. Right, Martin? - Yep, we got it all. All of those accounts are now frozen. We've got tactical teams headed to every location. FBI and Interpol have been alerted, and they are issuing indictments for everyone in the organization within 24 hours. Great work, Rose and Hector. - The tracker that Rose put in Omni's system, streamed everything right to us. Boom. - Feel better? - Can I do the honors? Yeah. You wanna talk about Jesus so much? I lead a Bible study, at the women's correctional facility, every second Tuesday. Get her outta my sight. - All right, let's go. Hey. How you doing? - Not good. - Wanna talk about it? (soft music) - I wanted to shoot her. - But you didn't. - It terrifies me how close I came. - Yeah, but you made the right choice. - But if you hadn't been there, I don't know. - Look at me. I know exactly what you're going through. I know what it's like to feel so much rage, it feels like it's gonna consume you, like you can't even think straight. But you didn't pull that trigger. And I know that even if I hadn't been there, you wouldn't have. - How do you know? - 'Cause I know you. Amy you're, you're gentle and kind and full of God's mercy. You and Elena have been through some bad stuff. She chose to take her pain and use it as an excuse to hurt people. You help people. All those furry little critters of yours. - Don't forget the snakes. - You had to bring it up, didn't you? Yeah, I'm gonna have to side with Indiana Jones on that one. - Thank you. - For what? - Having my back. - Always. - Hector, I gotta say it was a real surprise to see you send me over that non-disclosure agreement. - What non-disclose agreement? I was responding to your offer, for full amnesty and a consulting job. - Angie? (chuckling) - So, I've been thinking, we've both lost people that we love very much, and we both well are. - Incomplete? - Yeah. - So what are you saying? - I'm saying that I would like to legally adopt you as my daughter. You can keep your last name of course, but we could be a real family. Joy loves the idea. She's so excited. And I think Bethany would love it too. - I want to do this right. Ruth chapter one, verse 16. But Ruth said, do not tell me to leave you, or just turn back from following you. For where you go, I will go. And where you stay, I will stay. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. I love you. - I love you too. (light instrumental music) - [Amy] Isn't it great to see how the town is coming back to life again? Omni Millennium is getting shut down all over the world. Rose took over her family's business and started hiring locals. Hector is busier than ever between being Rose's Chief Technical Officer and his consulting work for Mount Hideaway. Other businesses are starting to open up again. Angie's adoption is almost finalized, and my dad is helping her get a scholarship. She's not sure if she wants to be a professional gamer, or a cyber warrior. Knowing her it'll likely be a little of both. Caleb and I are getting to know each other. You know, we couldn't have done this without you, right? You and I have so many precious memories that I will always treasure. I don't know where my journey's gonna take me next, but I have a few ideas. I love you, Beth. - Hey. - Hey. - You ready to go? - Yep. - Kind of looking forward to dinner with your dad. - Yeah, so I do have to warn you, whenever I bring a guy over, he usually starts by showing off his gun collection. - Yeah? - It's a dad thing. - Sounds like my kind of guy. - Yeah? (romantic orchestral music) (acoustic guitar music) ♪ You be my baby ♪ ♪ Baby, I'll be your cowboy ♪ ♪ You be my lady ♪ ♪ Lady, I'll be your man, sweet man ♪ ♪ Everything sounds better with you and me together ♪ ♪ Girl don't you understand ♪ ♪ So please don't walk away just give me chance ♪ ♪ Girl don't you walk away, I know you really wanna stay ♪ ♪ Just wait until you see me dance ♪ ♪ Girl don't you walk away, just give me chance ♪ (banjo music)
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 618,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Mount Hideaway Mysteries Heartache and Homecoming movie, Mount Hideaway Mysteries Heartache and Homecoming full movie, Mount Hideaway Mysteries Heartache and Homecoming 2022 movie, 2022 new movies, Mount Hideaway Mysteries movies, Mount Hideaway Mysteries full movie, Mount Hideaway Mysteries 2022 movie, Stacey Bradshaw movie, Caleb Martin movie, Suzanne R. Neff movie, Mount Hideaway Mysteries sequel, Mount Hideaway Mysteries
Id: BfgsaotUgjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 16sec (7516 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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