Sweet Revenge: A Hannah Swensen Mystery | Full Hallmark Movie | Hallmark Movies Now

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[Music] lately I've just been feeling open to infinite possibilities believe in the power of hope you're you seem different maybe I am Lucas doesn't remember anything I think there's more to the story is it asking too much to want love again the all new season of When Calls the Heart no it's written in the stars new episode streaming Mondays on Hallmark movies now add today for $5.99 a month [Music] [Music] as a baker I've always found something magical about the mornings you have the world to yourself and I love being in my little Sanctuary when no one else is [Music] around as the aroma of Breads and sweets begin to fill the air there's a little time left for me and this is the time time I love the most it's a time that allows me to take risks to try something new because I know the key to any successful dessert is consistency simply follow a Time tested recipe and you know what you're going to get introduce a new ingredient at your own risk the end result could be something new and [Music] wonderful or it could be a complete disaster [Music] howdy stranger oh come on it hasn't been that once he just saw me has it I'm sorry Hannah it's just a so crazy the station's still short staff I get it I do ships in the night long hours I know what I signed up for is this wait is it straight do you like it like that is that too much it looks really good I'm going to make it up to you though how about dinner tonight at Raven I have a better idea why don't you come over eight I'll make us something special yeah do you need me to bring anything just you yeah yeah just got to I gotta go I gotta go yeah yeah I'll see you tonight though okay yes absolutely okay [Music] okay see you tonight see you later good morning ladies good morning Dolores oh Hannah I think I shall treat myself to lemon tart today please okay I can't wait to hear all about your interview interview well the lake Eden Journal is doing a feature on my Deb novel a match for Anna when am I getting a copy well I will autograph you one right away the launch part is this weekend it is a Regency themed Gayla oh I will dust off my Bonnet oh that's perfect oh Hannah have you made any progress on the menu well I was thinking thank you about making miniature cream pie well the menu must be true to the time period I want my guest to feel transported back to 1820 okay I could make flamy it's an oatmeal that's been boiled to a jelly-like consistency that's disgusting that's the 1820s just so you know I have invited Norman to the party father you've invited half the town as well he's accepted despite the fact that you broke his heart I didn't break his heart mother did he say that to you he didn't need to I'm a writer Hannah I am very intuitive Norman and I are friends so were you inviting him to your wedding oh and speaking of which I brought you a few magazines for research and I've made just a few notes Mike and I haven't even said a date yet sweetheart a beautiful wedding doesn't just materialize overnight it takes months of planning guest lists caterers seasonal considerations will it be a spring wedding will it be a winter wedding Lanna I suggest you avoid a summer Affair your hair will never hold up against that kind of humidity we just got engaged 6 months ago what are you waiting for hey Jacqueline I haven't seen you at the gym lately how can you treat people like this don't you have any shame I don't know what you're talking about you know exactly what I'm talking about okay let's all just take a deep M are you okay ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave I'm so sorry it's okay Karma it's coming for you oh my goodness I I'm sorry oh no oh Hannah are you all right just py oh [Music] I opened this morning as usual and everything seemed fine but then I came back here and I found this how much did they get nearly 2,000 in cash from the fundraiser last week right anything else any merchandise or anything I I'm still taking inventories um it's a city manager she's at a conference in St Paul I haven't told her yet so yeah go ahead thanks hello and were you on patrol last night I'm overnights all this week okay did you see anything no what about that still waiting for the city manager to release the security footage what we should have the next couple days what about the feed from the parking lot no cameras there we've been after the city forever about that well this will help our case now the security guard did say something interesting that the the thief seemed to know his routine because he was patrolling the other side of the rec center when it happened Hannah I haven't seen you in class hi Telly oh I was helping Andrea with her move oh how's she liking Seattle she loves her new job but not so fond of the weather well let her know that we missed her already hey I haven't seen your mom at the bakery lately yeah she's just feeling a bit down I hope everything's okay she's been having a tough go think she's feeling a bit lonely you wouldn't happen to be hiring just a few hours a week no um but I can ask around if be great oh thank you hold on [Music] [Music] yeah hey Marco oh afternoon Hannah thanks for squeezing me into the 5:00 session bikes go fast but anything for my favorite member why am I your favorite member oh your candy bar cookies single-handedly keep me in business hey Deli yeah who is that I saw her at the Bak grade this morning that's Ronnie Ward she moved to Lake Eden a few months ago and she has made quite an inversion since then so where is Brett you didn't hear he got fired what happened all right welcome back to spin class I'll tell you later enough chitchat grab your bikes and let's get started here we go let's have some fun woo that's right to go right all right everybody you're doing great that's right now let's kick it up a level push yourself get up over the pedals you got this hey stop right there push yourself I know you can do it [Music] 3 two one nice work it's not over yet we're going to go again [Music] oh yeah I guess class is over we should call the police I just want to go home Ronnie after everything that's happened these past few weeks a follow report in the morning I'm just worried about you I know [Music] you stay here e [Music] [Music] oh hi sis Michelle it's BR well thank you for understanding Mike yeah no problem tell Michelle I say hi now I do expect a rain check though okay Absolutely I'll talk to you tomorrow sorry I torpedoed your plans I just didn't know you were coming I thought you were in Cairo no Cairo was last month I was supposed to be in Milan shooting O Fashion but it got cancelled so I hopped on the red eyee and and then broke into my house well the key was under Matt hey was this dat supposed to have wine or it's in the fridge excellent how long are you staying just a couple of days you have room for a house guest you want to stay here I can't stay with Mom again last spring I was home for literally two days before she tried to set me up with the mailman yeah but two days is actually a lot of restraint from mother that was new she liked you best please of course you can stay thank you hey congratulations by the way did Mike pick this out yeah oh he has good taste are you wearing my bunny slippers [Music] [Music] [Music] slow down a little bit everything okay yes I'm fine I just I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going okay all right well just slow down a little bit good night thanks good night [Music] if you'd like to leave your business card we have a weekly cupcake raffle you know I think you should get married some more tropical that way you can get hitched and I can get a tan it's a win-win I was pictured a small ceremony few friends and family something maybe in the backyard you want to have a backyard wedding mom would lose her mind I love it good morning hey do you think if I sit really still she won't notice that I'm here she's our mother not a velociraptor well oh there she is my baby girl come here hi Mom [Music] oh oh my goodness let me look at you oh you need just a little right there it has been so long tell me what is new you mean besides all the tattoos that's just a joke see you still have your father's sense of humor so what brings you to town Michelle wouldn't miss your big debut mother not in a million years oh Michelle well it is going to be the social event of the year you could take pictures did you bring your camera I did it's with my luggage at Hannah's oh well then we will just go and grab your things I've already got fresh sling in the guest room and we will get you all settled in come on you know I would love to but Hannah actually insisted that I stay with her sisterly bonding right but I have to do inventory tonight late so you can have Michelle all to yourself all day that's wonderful there are so many people who are going to want to see you come on grab your coat so tell me is there anyone special in your [Music] life hi really sorry to be bothering you miss there's a uh possible breaking at the flower shop talking to nearby businesses to see if they've seen or heard anything suspicious nearby business businesses that flower shop is blocks away from here yeah just being [Music] thorough thank you want some coffee always Mike another Breakin yeah they tripped the alarm didn't donti to saving stolen so it could be nothing do you think that I should get better security for the bakery I think that's a very good idea yeah all right Mike shall I heat up a cinnamon bun for you or I don't know something else I got to go I still have some people I got to talk to people who actually live near the flower shop people who actually live near the flower shop yeah exactly bye thanks for this [Music] [Music] up and at him what why why are you waking me up yeah it's 4:00 4 in the morning time to get up time for some sisterly bonding no come on no yeah no I'm just going to wait in the car how can you work out is early I'm on Baker's hours where's everyone in bed no there's usually someone at the desk hello Marco he obviously just stepped away well yeah so what do you want to do first treadmill hot tub Michelle hot tub is this way oh um sorry uh we Michelle call 911 you okay [Music] tell you what hey are you okay are you hurt I'm fine you sure mhm what happened it was Ronnie Ward the spin instructor she was just floating there dead I didn't know anyone was here I I didn't see your car in the parking lot okay what did you do next we just went and found the security guard he was doing his rounds and he called it in okay Tad yeah yeah good well I'm glad you're okay you going to be all right getting home yeah um my sister's here with me Michelle oh hey hey good to see you yeah wish it was under better circumstances you ready to go home yeah okay see you see you later detective yo Ronnie's car was vandalized last night she wouldn't called the police but I kept this just in case excellent all right take me through everything that you saw you oh thank you oh Hannah you're ringed okay whoa whoo Hanah he can't go back in there it's an act of crime scene but Sheriff I left my watch in my engagement ring in the locker room I'll grab him for you oh thank you we'll just we'll just wait right here then uh drop by the station I'll have them for you there okay Sheriff do you mind not saying anything to Mike about this I don't want to worry him and he's got a lot on his plate right now great thank you I owe you blueberry crunch cookies you bet I'll will bring them by the station awesome see [Music] we're just trying to establish a timeline for the day to see who she might have interacted with so I can't believe you knew her I mean that she was your neighbor do you have any idea who could have sent her the cookies that we found in her locker who could have bought them well I know it wasn't Ronnie she didn't buy them herself a box of chocolate chip I mean it's the most popular order I figured it was a bit of a long shot yeah where's your ring um I take it off when I'm baking I don't want it to end up in a pie so how do you feel about the Fairmont for the wedding the country club mhm that a little outside our price range we can make it work it's so beautiful I mean the views are so spectacular it holds 300 people 300 yeah I mean more if we hold it out in the gardens and I talked to the owner and I got us a tour next week great yeah wow okay yeah well I'll let you get back to work okay no don't mind me just pretend I'm not here okay bye by don't you have something to [Music] frost yeah the coron's preliminary report estimates the time of death between 2: and 3: in the morning were they able to get any physical evidence off the body yeah the enemy confirmed that the ligature marks on her neck did match the resistance ban that they found in the hot tub but the chlorine in the hot tub removed any touch DNA completely maybe the per put her body in the water on purpose what about the spray paint can clean as a whistle Mike I called in the bureau what until those budget increases are approved we're working on Skeleton Crew it'll be good to have a partner on it what are you talking about the last thing that I need is to have some pencil Pusher from the CBA looking over my shoulder every 5 Seconds Mike I'd like to introduce it to Stella Parks hey um Miss Parks agent Parks it's a pleasure to meet you detective I look forward to working together see there already off to a great [Music] start can I get you some sugar mhm that'd be nice cream too or [Music] yeah the sheriff still hasn't gotten back to me about my ring how much longer on the Pon sandies 3 minutes great what are you reading your mother's book have you read it yet no not yet it's a real page Turner well you know my mother she definitely has a flare for the dramatic oh how could you mother didn't I wish you better than that better than what mother you know exactly what I mean you found another body and just tased before my book launch I'm so sorry mother it must be terrible for you yes but have no choice but to persevere oh l so what do you think and don't hold back I'm going to hear it all the good and the bad oh it's fun carnivals are fun dear this is literature oh well uh I really like the romance I'm team Nathaniel aren't we all oh I'm having an epiphany right now on the dessert menu what would you think about miniature cream puffs great idea mother thank you they suddenly Urt to me hey Lisa what are these oh I pulled the receipt to ask for chocolate chip cookie boxes oh great thank you perfect you Fields you got a sec got a couple questions about Ronnie Ward how long had she been working at Heavenly Bodies uh almost 4 months and was she well-liked uh depends on who you ask Ronnie could be divisive yeah I mean I asked that because your car was vandalized recently and I know she didn't file a police report do you have any idea why no I don't know I encouraged her to but I think maybe she might have been embarrassed what was your relationship with Miss Ward she was a an employee a friend so strictly professional yeah and where were you last night I was visiting my sister in Maple Grove for the whole night yeah yeah I just got back to town this morning okay that's all we got for now if we have more questions we'll be in touch I have one more question was it usual to have a single staff member on an overnight shift uh no no usually we have two one on the desk and one on the floor and who was scheduled for that night I was I couldn't get coverage but Ronnie assured me that she he could handle it all by herself so the trip to visit your sister was a last minute decision yeah okay thanks for your time we'll be in touch I'll call the sister and see if his story checks out okay when it comes to a family member in trouble memories tend to get fuzzy we'll need footage on the tolls he would go through at least two before he hit Maple Grove and we'll need employee files background checks customer complaints I'm on it great while you do that I'm going to grab some lych you don't need me looking over your [Music] shoulder okay so this is a list of all the people who bought chocolate chip cookie boxes in the last 3 days with a credit card the were dozen more with cash okay we can't worry about that right now Margot Ross bought some for her mother Trina copelan was for a birthday party I think and then well Mark Shields he bu it doesen every Monday so that's seven unaccounted for so how do you figure out who bought the box for Ronnie I have an idea [Music] [Applause] congratulations sir you have won our weekly cupcake raffle but to claim your prize you're going to need to participate in a short survey about your past purchases [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well there's only one name left good thing too because we are out of cupcakes [Music] may I help you hi I'm not sure I really have the right house I'm looking for Steven Grant Steven went out of town and you are Jacqueline his wife right when did he leave this morning what is this in regards to um your husband won our weekly cupcake drawing we're not interested but I just need to speak to him for a minute if you don't mind sharing where he is or how I could reach [Music] him oh hey little cut well where are you off to hi sweetie what did you make a jailbreak scooter hey here boy oh my gosh Norman thank you so much hi stopped the tie my shoe he saw his opportunity and boom um there he is when did you get a dog uh a couple weeks ago uh Margaret Bean her dog had a litter of puppies and I got scooter here a couple weeks ago I I uh I hadn't realized it had been that long since we talked yeah well well I mean you've been busy right uh planning your wedding and everything else so right but uh I do believe you are due for a cleaning so you will have to pencil me in at some point okay absolutely all right put it on the calendar okay this little monster home oh yeah oh we'll see you Norman you should come by the bakery my mom's book reading is tonight and we're selling pup cones now and I bet scooter would love one in fact the first one is on me all right I'll keep that of Mind see you all right bye bye [Music] Scooter Tom oh sheriff oh blueberry crunch cookies as promised oh yeah help yourself oh got your watch here oh great sorry we haven't found your ring yet but we'll keep looking uh is Mike in office right thank you you are not going to believe what I found out about the Ronnie Ward case hi I was looking for Mike uh um detective Kingston he stepped out for a moment ah uh well I'm Hannah his fiance Stella Parks Minnesota Bureau of Criminal apprehension wow how do you fit all that on a business card hey hi it seems that your fiance has made a break in the ward case oh well I just found out who bought the cookies for Ronnie Ward it's a guy named Steven Grant he works at Sunset realy off of ban you didn't talk to him did you no of course not I talk to his wife the day before Ronnie's Murder She and Jacqueline Grant got in a big dust up at the bakery oh yeah about what well I don't know for sure but I would think it had something to do with the fact that her husband was buying Ronnie gifts do you do this often involve yourself in his criminal investigations I wouldn't say often no and just what is your area of expertise I'm a baker right I can't believe it the murder bump my interview right off the front page what is this world coming to oh it's buried under the classified Hannah nobody reads past the crossword your dresses just came in this morning they're absolutely absolutely lovely I can't wait to see them on you dressing rooms are right over there thank you yes so bring up the shoulders like this and then the fabric is just bunching just a little bit here at the same well I'm happy to make all those alterations but you'll have to purchase the dress I'm planning on it mother what are you going to do with the Regency dress fashion is cyclical wait long enough and everything comes back in style it's been 200 years Hannah oh a rental is fine for me thanks are you sure honey yes yes I'm sure uh Carol what do you have that will work for Michelle oh no no no I I do not need a dress sweetheart everyone will be in costume you'll stick out like a sore thumb I may have something in the racks Oh goodie so let's see here everyone is just so excited about your mother's novel must be especially exciting for you Hannah why is that Carol what are your suggestions for accessories oh excuse me what do you think that was about have you read mom's new book I'm surprised that you have I read it on the plane it's surprisingly not bad a bit overwritten in Parts but mhm so what does that have to do with Hannah look at this honey what do you think uh it's a bit much sweethart at your wedding day there is no such thing as too much would you like to try it on I don't think that yes well I would love to see that maybe some other time well when you're ready to start your search we're here when is your wedding date yes Anna when is your wedding date yes Ronnie and I had wordss the bakery I felt she had crossed a line what did she do exactly my husband and I both got memberships to Heavenly Bodies we wanted to make a positive change in the New Year suddenly Steven was going multiple times a week I hardly saw him and then I found out he'd been giving Ronnie Ward rides to work and money clearly she was using him were you aware that her car was recently vandalized I was not what are these I restore old jewelry it's a hobby they're beautiful I mostly do it for friends and family I feel most things can be saved with a little effort I know I lost my tempered detective but I only said to Ronnie would half the women in this town wish they had the guts to say Tores I'll do my best to have those alterations done by Friday I'm show lol's fashion Lounge I'm sorry the soonest opening I have is next Sunday I'm afraid it's the best I can do okay all right I'll see you then okay seems like you could use a hand I've really been stretched in with the party why do you know anyone who might be interested sue plotnik my friend deli's mom she's looking for a reason to get out of the house and to be around people well that's certainly in the job description perfect I used to have a help wanted sign up but it wasn't attracting the right candidates the last one asked if she could be paid under the table who is the applicant Ronnie Ward she was very KY about her past wouldn't give me references or agree to a background check I got the impression she was hiding something just came in take a look who's Veronica hman our Vic apparently Ward was her maiden name she was married she lived next door to you she ever mention a husband no no our conversations were usually just small talk in the mail room but never came up in any interviews either think she may have been hiding it for a reason [Music] [Music] find anything uh 77 cents and a bunch of hair ties let's keep looking I just don't understand it I mean where could my ring be I hate to be the wet blanket here but maybe it was stolen you did say that Mike's been dealing with thefts in town no I I I can't even think like [Music] that um we will you just stand on guard for a second there's nothing here why would you bring me in a filing cabinet no I'm looking for Ronnie's employment file but there's nothing I mean it just doesn't make sense no background check no tax forms so Ronnie was working off the books maybe Marco was more accomodating than the dress shop but why was it so important to her not to leave a paper trail maybe she wasn't looking for anything permanent maybe someone was looking for her let's [Music] go good evening oh I'm just so thrilled to have you all here thank you everyone for coming tonight I am so excited to share with you just a few passages from my debut novel a match for [Applause] Anna shall we as the carriage approached the Reed the state Anna was nervous Nathaniel Reeds was a man of reasonable character and pleasant demeanor a more than suitable match for young Anna but Anna's head had been turned by the rogish Mr kingstone much to her mother's great disappointment poor Anna's brow furrowed who to choose her mother or the Rogue that would ruin her life forever well we shall find out shant [Music] we thank you I know my wife isn't it dreamy your mother gave me an advanced coffee wow I loved it yeah yeah you too yeah wow ready to get going Brett I I took your Friday night's spin class right right uh Hannah yeah I'm sorry I don't see you at the gym anymore yeah I'd uh rather not get into it oh um he's offering private if you're interested yeah I I would be thank you oh yeah okay great thanks okay see you at the gym Katie huh well I for one am looking forward to reading the rest Norman I had no idea I know I know I know it's your father she's uh there are no words okay well I got to go I'm uh I'm double parked don't want to get towed wait really no no but that is a lie I told your mother and I'm sticking to it you know she was asking me to pose for pictures with the book bye bye Hannah and Aaron means picking up a gallon of milk not skulling around a yyard Mike said that Ronnie's car was towed the morning of the murder that means if the car is still in this impound lot she had to get a ride to the gy that night so there's a potential witness out there who hasn't come forward well they're closed looks like you'll just have to come back tomorrow huh we can fit through there hold up hold up let me get this straight you were going to sneak into a junkyard illegally in the middle of the night on a hunch that you might find a dead woman's vehicle yes oh I am so in well I most certainly am not in suit yourself mother we'll be right back I got yeah I am not going in there oh Hannah you make my Saturday Bridge Club so difficult Christine Khan is Ling me a gorgeous home for the Gayla but she started asking awkward questions about this Dreadful business business so I had to artfully change the topic so what are we looking for here a silver car with purple graffiti oh really oh honestly Hannah was it something that I did did I give you too much affection as a child did I simply care too much you would tell me wouldn't you how could you write a book about my love life that is absurd two men fighting for the affections of a flax and haired be Beauty my my don't we think highly of ourselves you named the main character Anna Swanson any resemblance to person's living or dead is purely coincidental you're just hey hey this is it are you sure pretty sure look so do you like do this a lot no yes maybe I should come home more often you know that is not even purple Hannah it is deep oine I had the patio furniture spruced up with that same color yeah of course the office is this way okay okay we can go okay got to go stop it my shoes sorry back's just get out of here okay want to go home do you have any idea how I love these shoes oh mother okay [Music] [Music] surprisingly roomy in here although those walls could really use a little color oh oh sir guys know the routine sir oh please uh what time of the police notes getting delivered to the paper mother you are handling this very well well honey all publicity is good publicity Mike hi trespassing [Music] huh thank you anytime not that there should be other time I just don't understand how ENT Parks got there so fast I wasn't responding to a call yeah we were following up on Ronnie's car oh H you're very lucky Miss swon we're up to me you be spending the night in a jail cell Mike I am so sorry I didn't mean to cause trouble I just got this idea in my head and I had to see it for myself you got good instincts you should follow them well did pick you did I say good instincts cuz I meant great instin good night mhm [Music] what no what what what's wrong with it there a little dry dry trash him trash trash don't look at me like that you are genius hold down the fort I'll be right back okay Norman hi hey you just picking up some flowers for the bakery or uh did you know Ronnie Ward no I mean not personally no but I heard what happened that's so sad the night that she died there was a bouquet of roses in the trash oh okay you're here to figure out where the from it might be nothing but it might be something though right right special occasion oh yeah first date I'm not sure if oh her name is Maisy she's the new librarian that's great that's yeah that's good um can I help you absolutely oh who's first um well no no no go ahead please I insist okay thanks for sure I was wondering if I describe a bouquet to you could you tell me who purchased it I'm sorry I can't disclose that store policy but if you're interested in flowers we are running a special on a number of arrangements and all purchases come with a complimentary bed oh did you get a lot of repeat business with those oh quite a bit huh wow I was thinking about getting magnets from my shop I own the cookie jar the bakery down the road well pen always come in handy right totally so about that purchase I'm sorry I wish I could help but my hands are tied right yeah no you know I'm getting married soon and I'm going to be placing a big order I mean massive order of flowers um but where's your ring oh oh we're uh we're having it resized um it was my grandmother's s right oh yeah can I be honest with you Craig see the thing is is Hannah's dear mother has a secret admirer and we are just desperate to find out his identity so we might make a a little love connection between the two of them before our special day you know I know it's against our policy the small favor would mean so much it would mean a lot what was the order a dozen red roses purchased sometime on Wednesday okay that was such a quick thing right St yeah anytime of course you know I mean it Hanah I know things have changed between us but um you're very important to me and uh if you ever need anything you know anything at all just say the word I'm here we did have an order for a dozen roses place that day um they paid in cash when was the last time you saw your wife Mr Hoffman the night she left and when was that um day after Christmas I got her set a high in luggage and she decided to use it she gave you any reason for leaving Ronnie was always impetuous she often did things with little forethought or consideration of others and you never made any attempt to contact her she said she wanted space I was trying to honor her request I had hoped for reconciliation can I see her we can make arrangements I just I I can't believe this is happening sorry where were you the night of the 10th I hope you're not suggesting I had any involvement that's a very simple question I'd like an answer where were you the night of the 10th I was home in my bed can anyone confirm this I think that's the last question I'll be answering without a lawyer [Music] sorry Hannah no ring but I just got the okay from the police to reopen so I'm bringing in a cleaning crew before I do I'll let you know if they find anything thanks for keeping an eye out heavenly bodies no comment press has been hounding me non-stop looking for some mle on Ronnie's murder huh do you have an idea of who you think did it well it would be irresponsible to accuse someone without trof right of course I'm sure you must have someone in mind Brett Stevenson the fitness instructor he was harassing her at work when Ronnie told me I fired him on the spot harassing her how he was constantly asking her out at one point Ronnie thought he might even be following her Brett has a girlfriend though right isn't she a manager here yeah Katie she Works Administration downstairs she's a sweet girl but when Ronnie's car got tagged she was the first person I thought of Ronnie had her boyfriend fired so yeah he was Furious Tad had to escort him out of the building sorry Hannah um I promise I will let you know the minute your ring turns on okay yeah thank you okay [Music] thought I told you not to call me on this phone you'll get your money [Music] [Music] any word on locating Steven Grant his travel plans check out so we'll interview him when he gets back what you got there oh it's a burglary from earlier in the week somebody stole the money from the heavenly bodies Rec Center fundraiser you need another set of eyes on it no I got it under control thanks now why did I know you were going to say that I know you're type solo act you would rather carry the whole load than ask for help it's just um it's just a little bit easier when I handle things myself is it okay um this is from four nights ago here I just got the tape you thinking they're connected not sure what's he doing [Music] he's punching in the code well obviously it didn't work if he had to resort to a crowbar yeah but he thought it would which means he had inside information so if the thief worked there could Ronnie Ward have seen something that she wasn't supposed [Music] to all right all right ladies give me five more five four three more three two one more ladies okay good job some water I really felt those last 10 yeah me too you know in the first 20 if you two have any friends with some fitness goals tell them I'm their guy oh thanks great have you been get a lot of business not as much as I'd like I can't believe the gym let you go that makes two of us is it true that Ronnie had you fired you're there huh small town so is it true I was fired yes the reason you probably heard why no so you didn't make a pass at her look maybe I was a little friendly but I'm a friendly guy what she wanted my classes she was constantly begging Marco for more hours and I had the best time slots she wanted me gone so she lied worked didn't it must to made you angry okay I see what you're trying to do here trying to bait me into a confession do you have something to confess no the last day I saw Ronnie Ward was my last day at Heavenly Bodies I was happy to keep it that way and now every night she talks Non-Stop about the dress shop it's really brightened her spirits Hannah thank you oh I'm so glad that I could help half a dozen pistachio Winks thank you thanks Lisa what do you have here oh a few of us from Ronnie's spin class are collecting money for a donation in her memory would you like to contribute of course um wow that's really thoughtful and look at that it looks like you've gotten a great response yeah it's really been wonderful her class helped a lot of us she could be tough but uh she got results yeah I guess reputations aren't always Fair Ronnie was a very private person when you keep certain things to yourself others start filling in the blanks on their own some looked at Ronnie and saw what they wanted to see you know yeah yeah let me get this out of your way oh thanks oh your earring is a little loose thank you I got it from my aunt I had them refurbished well it's a really lovely color oh thank you uh it's called a deep oine oh if you have any old jewelry you just need to give her a few dollars for the solvent and spray paint sorry who did you say did the refurbishment [Music] [Music] fine it was me I spray painted her car I wanted to send her a message women like Ronnie think they can have anything they want but there's consequences like losing her life I didn't hurt her I just wanted to scare her and I would do it again are you a bridezilla take the quiz to find out let's do it oh don't you have somewhere else to be no so Mike told me that he wants to have a big wedding really doesn't really seem like his style I know I was surprised too it's just that we feel like we're on different wavelengths lately a normal are so in sync it's been hard to get even a minute alone together well you know what they say when things get hectic you just have to get creative all right good night we'll see you later hey you are a sight for Sor eyes I wondered if I might be able to take you up up on that rain check what that's perfect here here here sorry it's not like more romantic in here you were [Music] saying so you think that the theft and the murder might be connected maybe H the murder definitely feels more personal well that takes us back to Jacqueline Grant right she tagged Ronnie's car okay no more shop talk now we got to get into something really important first have an Ola and secondly the Quest for the perfect cream puff how's it going not great I've tried four different recipes and I just can't get it right really you're going to have a breakthrough I can feel it I hope so hey have you picked out an outfit yet for my mother's Regency Gala yeah last week you did you didn't tell me what did you pick out a costume I mean I hope it's tail coat I'm not going to tell you you got to wait and see it and it's awesome and you're going to love it a yeah I can't wait hey Hannah mhm when were you going to tell me you lost your rooming how detective I didn't lose it I really didn't lose it I know exactly where I left it just happens to be in the middle of a crime scene that crime scene Mike yeah you said that there was a box of chocolate chip cookies in Ronnie's Locker yeah those those aren't chocolate chip cookies those are chocolate chip Mega cookies and that's somehow different yes yes it's a completely different cookie can I can I borrow your phone yeah sure cuz they look pretty similar they don't look similar at all what are you talking about those are chunks chocolate chunks okay Lisa I'm going to need you to pull up a whole bunch more receipts great class today everyone see you next week hey Brett you got a sec really the cops well you told me that you hadn't talked to Ronnie in weeks what was I supposed to say I saw her the night she was murdered how's that look bad yeah so why were you there it it's been tough all right since I lost my job my bills are overdue my landlord threatened to evict me I thought maybe if I pled my case I could convince Ronnie to get my job back cookie seemed like a good way to butter her up and did she agree no she took the cookies and told me to get lost what time was that I don't know maybe nine Marco said that she thought that you'd been following her no I wasn't the one following following her who was some guy hanging around the gym know asking all sorts of things well what did he want he wanted to know where she spent her time who with did you tell him no that guy gave me the creeps and you're sure this is the guy that was following Ronnie yeah I saw him run a red light just to standard tail what' he look like average height not a lot of hair wore hat drove black car look am I free to go yeah thanks for your time you know I saw a guy that looked like that driving a black car in the parking lot at Heavenly Bodies the night that Ronnie was killed I think I may know who it belongs to two vehicles registered to Wade Hoffman we've got a red Mercedes and a silver Lexus no black car could have been a rental he were trying to be discreet Brett mentioned that he ran a red light to stick with Ronnie maybe one of your officers had an earlier encounter with her mystery man on a traffic violation I'm going to check the last two month citations thanks Roman Campbell pulled over for speeding 10 days ago you sure this is our guy private investigator a Wade Hoffman hired him been tailing Ronnie Ward for 3 weeks trying to get something incriminating for the divorce proceedings and he told you all of this without a subpoena Hoffman stiff him on his bill that'll do it yeah you find anything is that Marco Fields so much for strictly professional that's not all there's more take a look at the time stamp from the night of the [Music] murder I already told you everything I know did you it's not what you think what do I think we were involved yes but we were trying to keep it discreet I was her boss and Ronnie still had to get through her divorce you told us you were in Maple Grove these photos put you in Lake Eden 30 minutes before the murder I stopped into the gym to say goodbye then what then I left I drove to my sisters just like I said I [Music] swear Ronnie and Marco mhm and you think Marco did it well he lied never a good barometer for innocence these are fantastic yeah thank you I finally cracked it yeah you did I knew you would mhm there's something about Brett story that so bothers me he was desperate to get his job back and then he just takes no for an answer well I'm sure he Dam played his reaction a little doesn't mean it ended in Murder still he's a super slime ball for hitting on one woman while he's dating another you seeing someone yeah the manager the center Katie that's her where you going I got checked out some what Mike my mother's party is in a couple hours yeah I will be there I promise does Brett Stevenson ever visit you here at work Brett what does he have to do with this I believe that BR is the one that robbed the administration office what he lost his job he got into serious money trouble and yeah I know Brett he would never do anything like that that's that's insane can I show you something okay all right honestly I I can't see much okay just come in a little closer and right there you see the suspect punching in the code to the safe we changed the safe code every two weeks so only my boss and I know it okay but has Brett ever been here in the office while you've opened the safe yeah oh my gosh [Music] [Music] oh welcome thank you so much for coming welcome oh lovely to have [Music] you have you noticed that we're the only ones dressed like we took a wrong turn at the Jane Austin Convention I'm trying not to think about it actually hello hello oh hey Norman oh you look fantastic so do you oh thank you thank you I played uh Bob crash it in last year's production of a Christmas carol which is technically Victorian I know this is Regency but well you're a lot closer than the rest of the guests right yeah that's funny cuz a lot of them are asking me to sign their books as well which um oh I wonder why that could be would you like to dance I would love to [Music] how was your date oh uh it was nice yeah she was um she was nice did you invite her tonight uh no I don't think there's going to be a second date why not my heart just wasn't in it Norman we never talked after the engagement and I Hannah let me ask you something are you happy yeah man it's all that [Music] matters truly may I cut in oh you made it of course I promised I would right well thank you for the dance oh thank you K Norman Michael nice Ascot oh I believe they call this a creant ah well it just you right we good so I love your hair like [Laughter] [Music] this and though even though my book is said in the Regency Era I really think that it says a lot about modern romance too oh Michelle have you met Mr Jacobs he owns a funeral home over on Western Avenue nope oh she's just a little shy [Music] sometimes oh darling thank you our cream puffs are a hit oh I'm so glad mother great here you go hello we found your ring you have you want to come get it yes I'll be here yes I I'm on my way right now thank you will you let Mike know that I'll be right back everything okay they found my ring oh well you'll never be able to get your car from the valet oh she's right she such a crush you better take my car oh darling they're keeping it close by for my grand exit thank you mother Tada where was it cleaning crew found out other lockers must have gotten kicked around thank you so much of course I'm just glad I could deliver a little piece of mind oh I just need you to sign the release form it's policy yeah yeah of course do you have a pen here you go yeah [Music] here you go thanks again so that or the [Music] hello oh Mike I needed hey where' you sneak off to Mike you need to get down to Heavenly Bodies right away because I don't think Hannah Hannah can you hear me Hannah yeah I need a backup unit to Heavenly Bodies Rec Center get it there as as soon as you can I will be there ASAP yeah Heavenly Bodies B this car out now hey hey hey hey okay you have to understand I I I I didn't mean for any of this to happen Okay I didn't even mean to hurt her I'm a I'm a good guy okay I am a good guy you were in love with her and you tried to tell her didn't you he brought her flowers she turned you down didn't she she said she needed me I did everything for her including giving her a ride to the gym that night she told me she didn't want a relationship that it wasn't a good time start something new what happened you you saw her with Marco then you threw her flowers in the trash so you waited until you knew she was alone and you followed her into the spa where you knew there were no cameras it wasn't like that I loved her okay I didn't mean to harm her it just happened once you realized what you had done you you put her in the hot tub to try to erase the evidence enough no sh [Music] [Music] stopad stop let me go stop it Tad let me go come on let me [Music] go me out right now dad no what are you doing Dad Dad can't do this Dad please Dad don't do [Music] [Music] this help help Dad I'm looking for him Hannah have you seen her no no I haven't really why something wrong I'm going to look inside I want you to help me come on you know what you look inside I'll go check the north side of the building Hannah Hannah Help help help is there anybody out there please help me yeah find the security guard and detain him Hannah [Music] you have the right to remain silent anything you say can [Applause] [Music] come come here I got you I got you hey you're okay you're okay [Music] oh mik yeah this dress was a rental [Music] hey how are you going to find Tad we got him thanks to Mike's good instincts Tad didn't get out of the parking lot listen I got to head to the station I got to process him okay yeah of course I can handle it it looks like you're needed elsewhere thank you for all your help it's my pleasure thank you take care Hannah let's get you home come on oh no I have to go back to my mother's party Hannah you were almost killed if I miss my mother's party she'll finish the [Music] job oh Hannah mother you know what I'm not even going to ask Come Dance With [Music] Me we should talk okay me first okay okay I need to apologize to you for what I thought it wouldn't change anything anything me taking on all all the new responsibilities at work and putting them on the old responsibilities I thought that I could make it happen I told you that I understood I'm just so used to doing everything me alone and it's not just me anymore not anymore okay your turn hey is it that bad I don't want to big wedding like fancy caters or an overpriced Country Club and I don't even know 300 people well I only suggested all of that because I thought it was exactly what you wanted why from the magazines the fancy bridal magazine with the little tabs on the end all the pictures and the people and the things that was from my mother theorence would you care to dance Mike I just want to take our time and enjoy being engaged is that okay yeah yeah that's okay no rush we do this at your pace okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: @HallmarkMoviesNow
Views: 130,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dg3MnM8vKQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 30sec (5070 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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