Hailey Dean Mysteries: Murder, With Love | Free Full Hallmark Movie | Hallmark Movies Now

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[Music] lately I've just been feeling open to infinite possibilities believe in the power of hope you're you seem different maybe I am Lucas doesn't remember anything I think there's more to the story is it asking too much to want love again the all new season of When Calls the Heart no it's written in the stars new episode streaming Mondays on Hallmark movies now add today for $5.99 a month [Music] [Music] hello oh hey yep no I just got home uhhuh yeah no I know no no I'm just saying I might be a little bit late yeah I have to change but my mom's car is in the driveway so I got to talk to her okay I will see you soon as I can bye mom mom mom [Music] so I am a brand new assistant district attorney trying my very first murder case with Darnell and I have a witness on the stand I call for my piece of evidence and he can't find it he's looking everywhere and his files on his lap under his rump and finally the judge says isn't that it by your foot Mr Johnston and Darnell looks down and sure enough he says yes it is your honor and the judge says you're welcome Mr Johnston and Darnell is completely flustered he looks at the judge and blurts out even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then and the judge you guys know who I'm talking about he's Furious and he locks Darnell up for contempt best night's sleep I had that year here is to Darnell Fulton County's beloved outgoing Chief assistant district attorney my mentor our comedian we love you d man but no one more than me cheers everyone cheers go you are going to be missed me you Fincher here are the ones that made me look good all these years a now I'm the last one standing out of the three of us well Fincher can't retire the da won't let him he's the best investigator they've got stop you're going to make me blush hey oh incoming hey oh no I can't talk to her about my love life could you I got you I got you thank you you always have my back I so appreciate it I am so sorry no gosh no no no I've completely drenched you I'd hardly call it drenched my name's Haley sorry what Haley my name is Haley my name is Jonas hi would you like another drink should we go somewhere quieter sure I'm sorry and I'm showing these photographs in court I just I can't look at them anymore so I left the DA's office and I went back to school I got my psych degree became licensed and now I'm a therapist wow that seems like a pretty big jump from putting killers in prison well not really I'm I still Council Crime Victims in their families I'm sorry I I hate it when people just talk about themselves I haven't asked it all about you no I was enjoying your story don't worry about it so what brings you to Atlanta I really wanted to move back so you're from here yeah Decor born and raised I went to uh pen for college best cheese steaks in Philly and then med school at Columbia oh so you're a doctor of the medical right indeed oh wait let me guess okay you're here for Darnell's retirement party and he's weirdly obsessed with having Perfect Skin So you're a dermatologist no but skin is one of the many organs I examine I'm I'm sorry could you turn that up uh what what is it breaking news involving Dr Laura Stone chief of cardiac surgery at Atlanta Memorial police were called to the Buckhead home behind me that Dr Stone shares with her husband Trucking magnet dewy stone that was a little over an hour ago now we don't know much yet but a police Source says that Dr Stone was found by a family member just after 9 tonight back to you in the studio I'm sorry I really do want to hear about you but I'm very close with that woman's daughter I totally understand another time I'd like that okay bye sorry ma' Street's closed closed officer I'm a family friend of the stones I just heard what happened I can't let you through rookies you have no earthly idea who this young lady is do you oh go easy on him Gina that's Haley Dean you're talking to she was in the DA's office she's one of us I was just following your orders well here's another one let her in Amanda haly I'm so so sorry you I heard on the news bless you for being here we're going to get you through this okay she was in the bathtub and she wasn't breathing and I tried to give her CPR but her lungs are filled with water okay take a breath just leave look look I'm our husband okay this is your son let us through dad sweetheart I tried to say R ride hey Danny I didn't expect to see you here oh you know me just pop up when you least expect it how are your mom and dad they're good they're asking about you how well do you know the stones I can't tell you that so Amanda is a patient you said it not me what happened to lur Stone drowning it's like she OD on sleep meds and slid underwater found a bottle of zul put him in the bathroom I'm guessing that's how she so what's the medical examiner saying nothing yet and you leaning toward accidental but can't Rel out in intentional I mean her own intention which doesn't make sense it never does Miss Ste oh please call me Haley Mr Stone do we I want to thank you for being here for Amanda of course I'm I'm so sorry about what happened to your wife she's so beautiful strong I just don't I don't understand I um this is detective Danny Morgan he is like family and he will take good care of you she was engaged to my brother will so and I'm here if you need anything at all any of you is there anything that you can tell us anything how or why this I promise we're going to tell you as soon as we get some answers right now I need you to come down to the precinct so I can get your statements hang tight you're not staying alone at your condo tonight are you no I was having my kitchen redone and staying here that's why I found her I'll check on you tomorrow [Music] [Music] please you you broke [Music] you bring me to place for you grown old you [Music] sacrifice you keep showing up late for work they're going to fire you yeah well if you don't answer your phone at night or call back you're going to give me a heart attack I had a work thing by the time it was over you would have been out cold you could have texted you know I thought Mom was bad she's got nothing on you well you going to invite me in Dad please won't you come in thank you that's something we need to change nothing needs to change except maybe your clothes for work and perhaps your attitude I have a routine and my attitude which is not likely to change was no doubt inherited from my Father which I guarantee you he kicks himself for every day how do you want your eggs um scrambled and fried up by me sorry that's not on the menu you have patience waiting just AAR yeah well you don't want to be late so get going when will you stop sending me to my room love you love you more nah not [Music] possible guys the first rule of coup's therapy is you don't pay your therapist to stare at you you two do talk to each other right like about the weather your day at work what you're having for dinner of course we do good let's start there what do you want to do for dinner what would you like to do stop did I say something wrong no why you flinched I didn't Flinch you did when I tried to stop you sue do you talk that way to Joe sometimes like when I tried to stop him I guess I I do sometimes more than sometimes well sometimes that's what it takes to get an answer out of you why do you even need an answer every time you ask me what I want for dinner I tell you and we wind up having what you want anyway that is not true well believe me it is true or I wouldn't say it okay now we're getting somewhere how does that make you feel Joe like what I say or want doesn't matter to her he's never said that to you has he no he hasn't then what do you think about that I don't want him to feel that way Joe you're uncomfortable I just want her to be happy and I want you to be happy but you have to tell me if you're feeling that way Joe I'm thinking that you don't tell Sue things like this because you don't want to upset the apple cart yeah something like that your parents argued a lot didn't they how'd you know that because that's where we learn about relationships from and you're trying not to be them which I understand but when you're married you have to feel free to tell your partner how you feel okay so I want to see you guys back here at the end of the week and your homework is to listen to each other okay and just say what you feel not what you think the other person is doing wrong got it yeah okay thanks thanks another satisfied customer I hope so it's like that line from that movie what we have here is a failure to communicate I really thought that this marital stuff would be easier than counseling Crime Victims trust me there is nothing easy about being married at least you have experience and it's people like those two who will teach you what not to do when it's your turn if and when that day comes oh it's coming I can feel it oh now you can predict the future if you've been a therapist as long as I have Amanda said you might stop by I don't want to intrude no no she'll be glad to see you come on in are you all staying here well we were going to go to my house after we uh after we cleaned up but my dad wanted to stay so we're going to hang with him how's he doing as you'd expect your mom had a lot to be proud of you you don't know the half of it neither did she my wife is pregnant we were going to tell my folks this week tell your folks what nothing important you're a saint for coming here Amanda BR me full service shrink did you get any sleep hardly we didn't get back from the police station until almost 4:00 in the morning how are the guys doing oh you know trying to be all Macho and stoic I cry in front of them and they run out of the room when they have to come on coffee's on and we're about to go down memory lane your wife was beautiful in many ways she helped a lot of people especially me which is why all of this is so impossible to understand dad this isn't the time and we need to make it the time she was too smart for this to be an accident the idea that she would do this to herself is did she seem troubled in any way not to me which is why it doesn't jive if something were bugging us you she covered it up well she couldn't sleep since when since a week ago she was sleeping every night because she got the pills did she say what was keeping her up she said she had a patient that was going south but I knew it was something more I'm going to give you guys your space you know I remember when Amanda was so distraught when the idiot Lance broke up with her dad and I didn't want you to go see a therapist but you went to Haley and she helped you I was wrong so thank you for then and now dad I'm sorry I'm sorry my dad's not himself none of us are thinking straight please don't apologize just let me know if there's anything I can do the uh autopsy's today and we should get her back by tomorrow there is one thing that you could do anything come to her funeral for when I fall apart of course when Aaron was born I told Laura that she didn't have to go back to work if she didn't want to well she gave me that Laura look and if you knew her you all know what I'm talking about and said that staying home was out of the question continuing to practice medicine was going to be her way of showing the kids that the only time that money really matters is when you make a difference she's the reason our daughter Amanda is a nurse with her eyes set on med school she's the reason our son Aaron sits on the board of three Charities and donates both personally and on behalf of her company to many more of course with Laura being family didn't stop with us if you were a friend a patient a coworker then you were [Music] family I think she chose to go into heart surgery because she had the biggest heart of anyone I've ever known and she had enough to give to everyone she was the best person I've ever known and probably ever will and she loved me so [Music] much and I so loved her [Music] and I can only aspire to be the person she was Haley you're an angel it was a privilege to honor her and you your words were very moving she knows she was loved dad maybe we should get you a chair no I'm fine we'll get through this we will get through this thank you for being here it was a Beautiful Eulogy well let us give our Eternal thanks to Aunt Haley for whipping up lunch though late as it is at the last second and thereby saving me from myself I know a desperate woman when I hear one I was desperate they had me come into the office yesterday even though they know Sam's in Baltimore is that where Daddy went yeah honey he'll be back in just a few days what's a eulogy it's a speech you give at someone's funeral you mean like what you did when snowball died no that's right honey you eat some green beans I don't want to eat green beans listen to your mother I got to go please stay and sit with us I mean I got to go excuse me she's inscrutable that's what makes him so precious a little bit too much of her anting her you say that like it's a bad thing how long has Sam gone for uh however long it takes to find out how they poured bad concrete foundations for 18 houses and figures out how to deal with it sounds like those missing Windows Sam had a few years back in fact Dewey Stone helped him out of that mess is that true mhm yeah a truck was carrying Sam's Windows when it was hijacked Dewey called Sam immediately asked how much the windows cost 2 hours later a messenger shows up in Sam's office with a check from Dewey for the full amount got a people you want to do business with I just hope they make it through all this okay well they will if they're anything like us H Danny I have a feeling you aren't calling just to say hi I'm under the cob Parkway bridge and I can't talk you're going to want to get here as soon as you can okay [Music] start talking precin calls me at 3:00 in the morning I get here find the fire department trying to put out a Whopper of a car fire that flew off the bridge and took a dirt nap just short of the river along with its driver I assume that's why I called you car was registered to Dewey Stone Dewey there's no way he was out in the middle of the night in his condition wow he's dead isn't he not just dead [Music] vaporized should I wake up my brother and my father this couldn't wait I'm sorry sir but hey have you seen dad cuz he's not in his room his car is not in the driveway I don't know how to tell you this [Music] hey this is detective Cheryl Montgomery I go by Monty mine it is an honor to finally meet you oh well the honor is mine please call me Haley I didn't know you two were no it's only temporary Monty Works homicide they sent her up here to work this with me they're all set up in room a you're welcome to listen in if You' like I will take you up on that [Music] can I talk to Amanda when you're done sure as long as I'm in the room I meant privately I know what you meant I need to be there no you don't yes I do because if you're alone with her and she confesses then confesses to what you can't believe them dying 4 days apart from other than natural causes is a coincidence of course I don't well neither do we that's why we brought them in that's why Monty's here from homicide them you think they both could be involved in this Amanda and Aaron are not murderers they have a whole lot to gain with both their parents dead money does not make them Killers like will and the guy who shot him over a few bucks money makes plenty of people killers and victims you and I should know that better than anyone dad said he needed to get out of the house so he's going to the office to check in take care of a few things did you hear from him after he left no I tried calling him once or twice but he just went straight to voicemail I figured he'd turned the thing off is there anything pressing at the office he'd need to deal with not that I know of he seemed okay I actually thought Focus seeing on something else might do him some good had he taken anything to calm him down maybe had a drink one scotch about an hour before he left I asked if he was okay to drive he said he was fine fine being a relative term under the circumstances none of us have been ourselves lately but especially him he wasn't eating sleeping I actually I suggested that he talked to Haley but he was so stubborn sorry I didn't mean to no it's okay being angry is part of grieving and you need to grief I just I can't believe he would do this to you think he killed himself he loved my mom so much he was a strong guy but she was his Rock I don't think he could take the thought of living without her he's been an empty shell since the funeral like the man I knew growing up was gone but he said nothing to make you suspect that he meant to do himself harm no he just walked out like he always did not even a goodbye nothing maybe he decided on the spur of the moment I think he decided the night he heard my mom died he wanted to make sure she was put safely to rest before he joined her I never should have let him go alone [Music] dad didn't approve a boyfriend not Stone family material got Mom on board too they didn't support her relationship and she wished they were both dead [Music] [Music] [Music] you really need to get a life tell me something I don't know you also need to get dressed before your patients show up oh I canceled them all but one Amanda Stone I was going through my notes she came to me last year because of a bad breakup with a boyfriend she blamed her parents for driving a wedge between them and she told me that she wished they were dead you would have called the police if you thought she meant it but what if I missed something you're instincts are too good to have missed something like that and unless you think she's going to hurt herself with someone now no I don't you're right I should I should just let it go that's my girl oh and I need to go I oh gosh okay I got to go Al I remember when you were pushing carps into prison instead of paper be drinking heads for a living don't knock it till you try it so how's my girl I'm fine I'm just pretty exhausted oh night on the town no I fell asleep in my office you need to get a life why do I keep hearing that so I'm feeling like you didn't just stop by to say hi after visiting a sick friend or relative nope I came here just to see you and ask for a huge favor uh I should make you get a warrant Al I'm not a DA anymore this is my hide on the line here don't worry it's just between us ever any trouble with either Laura or Amanda Stone Laura Stone walked on water as far as this Hospital's concerned and for good reason and Amanda's just following in her footsteps never any threats stalkers no nothing like that welcome all right well 15 years working homicide tells me this is all just a horrible tragedy what are we looking for specifically I'll know when I see it well one of the features of the pharmacy software is the red flags any dog who self-prescribed even an Aspirin because we've had some abuse show me a hospital that hasn't Laura Stone has no Flags this is her record uh this is the pharmacy record of olfield prescriptions here's her prescription log there's a yellow flag what what does that mean um she ordered a prescription from a terminal other than her usual ones which are for Laura her office cardiac ICU and the surgical units where her patients are and where was this one from nurses station OBGYN unit it's where Amanda Works what's the date 5 days ago day before she died and the drug just what you said zulm but it must have been cancelled how would you know cuz her name didn't come up on the master prescription list going into the video surveillance system for the pharmacy uh OB unit day and time the prescription was entered [Music] and oh no I'll be that's not Laura Stone nope it's her [Music] daughter what's going on here M Stone we have a warrant to search the premises including all electronic devices I'll need your cell phone please what are they looking for just cooperate with them why do you want my cell phone Amanda please do they think I murdered my mother nobody's jumping to any conclusions that's not what's written on this warrant and your face Amanda what is all this m St what is this it's my mother's username and password for the hospital's Pharmacy system why do you have my sister's phone we're going to need you to come down to the precinct what no no don't say a word to either of them until I call a lawyer this is you at the terminal at your nurses station yes that's where I work you have your own username and password for the system of course I do but on this day you used your mother's username and password yes I did can you tell us why mom came to the unit to talk to me she had him in sleeping well did she tell you why I couldn't get her too she hadn't been herself for a few days how do you mean uh you know bothered agitated I even said if there was something wrong that she should tell me but if there was she wouldn't so you got her the Sleep mans I told her she should take a half dose of Z with them um but she was afraid that uh it would make her too drowsy to operate so we decided that she should try it over the weekend she was going to put the information into the system when she got paged by cardiac ICU so I uh did it for her look Amanda you see we have a video video here but that's not all we have we're asking you questions we already know the answers to so the only way to help yourself is by being honest with us your mother came to see you hours before you logged in using her identity she couldn't function she wouldn't listen to me I just wanted to help her I thought if I could get the meds then she would try them why did you just say that because of how it looks lying looks a lot worse I was only doing it for her why did you cancel the order because I realized that she could get in trouble too if anyone knew that I had her login information then where did the zadam that she took come from I uh ordered it from mau's Pharmacy in Buckhead using her prescription codes which is perfectly legal nurses do it for doctors all the time Sarah we're in the middle of an interview here not anymore you're not I'm Sarah long Mr Stone hired me to represent you have you even given her Miranda rights of course we have and she has agreed to the interview I don't need an attorney okay you do listen not another word with her unless I'm in the room present Sarah Hy Mr Stone told me you might be behind all of this I have an interest yeah you do a gaping conflict of interest that's what you've got I haven't broken any confidentiality well that remains to be seen doesn't it but for right now I want to work with my client alone and Danny can you cut up all these recording devices in this room every single one of them sure would they really do this I mean are they even capable of it either way they have enough money to pay someone who is if Amanda is guilty of anything more than what she admits to she's too smart not to lawyer up or she knows it was Aaron's play and doesn't want to rout him out look I know you both are just doing your job and I am trying really hard to stay objective but I just don't see either of them as killers still you understand why we have to go down this road right thing is we can't charge either Aaron or Amanda with murder or anything else until we get a manner of death from the medical examiner Dr mclenon this is a restricted area can we talk for a moment it's about Laura and Dewey Stone I am kind of busy at the moment got it um I was just wondering if you know whether they died accidentally or intentionally are you a family member because I can't talk to just anyone no I I'm not but I'm actually helping the family through this my name is Haley Dean you shouldn't be in here wait a second I know that voice and those eyes Jonas hi hi I did say I'm a doctor you also said that you examined skin and apparently everything else yeah I'm sorry you had to see that oh I've seen my sh of autopsies can I buy you lunch I'm unfortunately still working through the rest of the day so got it can I just ask you one question you're not with the DA's office anymore right no I'm not but I am sort of working with Danny Morgan with your background you should know I can't talk about an ongoing investigation I understand um I just want a little information look until the toxicology report comes in lur Stone's death is officially inconclusive some physical evidence would help too as for Mr Stone all I have is a pile of ashes and Bone fragments so badly burned my lab can't extract any DNA I can't even say that is Dewey Stone now is there anything else no you've made yourself perfectly clear haly are you trying to get me fired I'm I'm sorry I just I had to know well so you ditched me and tried to Haley the good doctor just two weeks on the job into seeing things your way maybe I I'm sorry but some people like the doctor are a little more intense at work than they are socially yeah don't I know it where you been lucking up my life as usual care to share I just made a big mistake with a guy I kind of like so you've been holding out on me I it was nothing just a beer but thanks for making it about you we're going to talk later but you have a patient waiting no I don't know this week oh he says it's Sergent hi hey um can I say I am sorry I get a bit intense while I'm working me too and I shouldn't have tried bluffing my way in not that it worked I would very much like to make it up to you same here I know just the place h see I told you they're almost as good as the ones you get in Philly you are right Haley Dean and for some reason I believe you are really wrong and it's made with real sliced American oh so you are a cheese steak connoisseur spent a lot of time in Philadelphia my wife and I went to college there you're married was Christina and I moved to New York after college so I could go to med school we got married there do the same work up there too mhm seven years with the New York City medical examiner's office until you needed to be near family so you moved home nobody told me you were a mind reader well I just had a feeling that maybe you needed some support when you and Christina split up actually um oh no breast cancer I'm sorry well it's it's okay was uh 5 years ago no I'm I'm sorry actually U I had no plans to make our first date so morbid oh it's okay my fiance was killed we were mugged and he gave the guy his wallet but he still got shot what was his name well I'm sorry you has to have my moments you must too it was a long time ago that's what I always say I have to take this Danny make it fast oh no I'll be right there what is it someone made Dewey and Laura Stone's personal Fortune disappear and they're taking Danny off the case the accounts were emptied at 4:35 a.m. one day before dwey went off the bridge for how much 8 million in change and the bank has no idea where the money went no sir all they said was untraceable wired to unknown locations they've called in the FBI directly and we can't tie any of this to Amanda or Aaron Stone as far as we can tell Aaron is clean and other than using her mother's information to fill that sleeping pill prescription so is Amanda 8 million in cash and control of dey's multi-million dollar business there's a lot of motive for them to kill their parents except it's the reason they didn't if they had the sophistication to rip off their parents and make $8 million disappear they wouldn't need to kill anyone who let you in here your boss I explained everything to him and he agreed went over my head again in fact Captain Quinn if dwey knew that he was flat broke he would have reason to drive off that bridge don't get me wrong I did not want to believe Aaron or Amanda were in on this but I had to consider the possibility and now that the money's gone it doesn't make any sense would you excuse us for a moment please sir Danny Morgan deserves to stay on this case so we can feed you information no because he's worked his tail off he knows it inside out you're not a DA anymore meaning you're not on the team even when you weren't on the team you never were a team player well it depends on whose team you were on doesn't it you wanted to clear a case I wanted the truth I'm just trying to help her oh please had enough of your help to last me several lifetimes you do know that living in your past is holding you back right that's funny because I was sure you're messing in my business is what's holding me back the Carl murder you had the wrong guy I found the right one do you know how many times I been passed over for promotion because of that case so many times that your own troops call you captain forever how do you know that instead of owning your own mistake you're Shifting the blame to the one person who saved your bacon from being fired taking it out on him my mother calls that cutting off your nose despite your face meaning punishing him is punishing yourself nobody knows more about this case than Danny then I'll make you a deal you stay away from him he stays with us you spite Me by sticking your nose in my business I will ban him from homicide for as long as I'm here which as you've pointed out could be forever bye-bye okay so what's like your dream part hey what happened oh I'm sorry Danny I got to run something wrong uh just a patient emergency I'll catch up with you when I can good luck you just walk away I have to to and you need to walk away from me until this is all over I owe you big for the stones Bank info I'll just put it on your tab which I seem to keep running up ah nothing a good steak dinner won't settle when this is done oh it's done according to Quinn well he's not the boss of you Danny Morgan's wanted to work homicide since the day will was murdered Quinn is holding his career over my head unless I back off look Quinn's paranoia is not unknown in these parts and you saved him from a false arrest lawsuit why he has a burn his behind why it doesn't matter Danny's future is more important than me playing detective wants me to stay away I'll stay away from the case can't keep you away from your [Music] patience Amanda they just let me off suspension you can't be here we need to talk please [Music] I knew getting the drugs from my mother and how I did it was stupid you wanted to help her I get it then you don't think I murdered my mother I didn't want to think it ever but I had to know and there's no way you or Aaron were involved I knew you'd come around but why so here's the bad news $8 million of your parents' money has disappeared into cyers space from their personal accounts when the day of your mother's funeral so to answer your question if you or Aaron were involved if you killed them I mean he'd be on a beach in Brazil or some country we couldn't exodite you from what we got to tell the police we already know but they're not convinced you and Aaron are innocent and I'm Persona Ang grada with them now and what do we do now we're going to need your brother's help what do you mean you don't know it's your bank this is not a good time for you to be here did something happen yeah our CFO is telling me there's some discrepancy with the bank you may want to sit down for this I already know about the missing money Miss Dean here told us how would she know the bank didn't even know till they saw the transaction this morning this morning no that money went missing the day before Dewey died are we talking about the same money here cuz Haley's talking about our parents' personal accounts I don't have access to those I'm talking about the corporation's Capital account how much 11 million gone plus the eight our parents had how does $19 million just disappear the only thing that matters is that you had nothing to do with it which you need to tell the police right away [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] hey I'm okay you need to get out of here before someone tells Quinn Quinn's the one who sent me he and I made a deal which I'm breaking on behalf of both of you I told him nobody's going to tell me who I can talk to and if you don't no go back to him apologize and tell him that I am keeping my end of the bargain no that's over too after what happened here you're in this thing whether he likes it or not okay it was a white van lights off I was too busy diving out of the way I didn't get a make or a tag I'm sorry me too you were right about Amanda and Aaron haly let him through she's okay oh really you call my parents oh don't be be harsh with him your neighbor called us your neighbor across the street Mrs coning say k needs to mind her own business and you need to come home with us until this all blows over no I'm not bringing this to your doorstep M oh anything you can do I'm pretty sure my boss will authorize a cruiser parked outside no the last thing this city needs is two police officers sitting outside my house wasting their time don't worry I'm ignoring her Daniel Morgan excuse me I should get a statement from Mrs oh my gosh he has some nerve he's just looking out for you well I am perfectly capable of protecting myself of course you are dear and we're just here to make sure that you do that I didn't ask for tea you didn't have to you guys really need to get home and hit that hay dad's got work tomorrow and he's staying here tonight I love you guys to death but you really don't need to Baby me it doesn't matter as long as we're still breathing you are still our baby mom and it'll always be our job to look after you and it's a job we like a lot and there's nothing you can do to stop us so siip your tea mom and deal with it I just do what she says you're no help for [Music] it's about time I don't need protection not my first choice you better dust the cobwebs off that thing give me a little credit for taking it out of the safe when's the last time you even fired that thing well long enough ago I actually booked time at the firing range to reacquaint myself I'm going to go walk to my car now make no mistake I will cuff you if you don't cooperate all right well if I'm stuck with you then at least badge me into the crime lab what's the occasion I've been invited to view the remains of Dewey Stone's car and I'm going to take you as my guest The Odd Couple Rides Again who' to think it [Music] finer yeah the car yeah it's a little stinky yeah I know do you have a burrito don't worry about that honestly I've never seen a car burn this bad yeah or a body burn as bad as dewys so correct me if I'm wrong but an explosion alone is not enough to do this to a car or reduce Dewey to Ash and Bone fragments well would have killed them for sure but other than that yeah you're spot on even with the blast the hottest of gas fire in a car would get maybe, 1500° cremating a body takes at least 2,000 de or sustained burn for 12 hours at a lower temperature and we know the fire was put out long before that yeah sounds like you're leaning towards some kind of super accelerant so how did the fire department know there was a carf fire out there bunch of calls to 911 all Anonymous all but one from cell phones and the one that wasn't from cell phone made from a pay phone outside a market near the bridge this side of the river who even uses payones anymore somebody wants to be in [Music] visible something I can help you find yes as a matter of fact do you know if your surveillance cameras work I sure hope so are you police no uh but there was an accident up the road a few nights ago up by the river yeah things been getting a little crazy around here Denise you need something I'm fine Henry don't mind me she seem nervous to you well it's not like her to leave her Cola and chip so she's a regular yes ma'am you said your clock to her here you go thanks excuse me ma'am Henry said that you would want this Henry should mind his own business and I didn't pay for it I'm sorry I I don't mean to make you uncomfortable I saw you on the TV news you're the special prosecutor I was I I haven't worked in the DA's office in a couple of years Henry said your name was Denise is it okay if I call you that there's no need to be afraid Denise I promise can we talk for a few minutes for your time as prosecutor my husband was stabbed on his way home from work he died before the ambulance arrived I'm so sorry my fiance was murdered by a Mugger right in front of me oh I'm sorry did did the police find him no that's why I became a prosecutor bunch of people saw what happened to my husband but they wouldn't tell the police why'd you stop being a prosecutor it was time I help people a different way now that's why you're here about the accident I knew the man who was killed did he have family two grown kids and they were just devastated because they lost both parents in the same week both parents yeah they were about to become grandparents their daughter-in-law was pregnant oh I work uh the night shift at 24-hour cleaners over at vings clock out at 1:45 every morning come back here to the market get my Cola go home that night I was going over the bridge and this car was coming right at me it went over the guard rail and and down towards the river I I stopped my car and got out I looked back at the car and it was on fire I mean not any kind of fire we ever seen it was it was sputtering white Flames like fireworks and then it blew up I I knew if anybody was still in that car they couldn't have survived that I don't have a cell phone so I I drove here to the market called the police on the pay phone and I went home why were you afraid of me in the store cuz of what the man said what man he called me at my house yesterday morning warned me not to talk to police or something would happen I would uh i' wind up like the dead man in that car [Music] good news your witness's description completely explains what consumed Dewey Stone and his car meaning this wasn't your garden variety gas explosion no this is iron slack now it's not indigenous to the banks of the chattah huchi nor is it the end product of a gas explosion what it is is the end product of the sputtering white flames of a thermite reaction is that some kind of explosive well it's not an explosive exactly it's used commercially for welding mostly how it works is it exposes small areas to scorching temperatures piece by piece how scorching as much as 4,000 de that's about three times harder than molten lava from volcano so it's pretty hot hot enough to fuse glass from Sand vaporize pavement melt just about anything including a human body yes in a closed confined space in a car I doubt it would have gotten much hotter than 2500 and why not these screws good question these were found on scene but as far as I know they have nothing to do with that car so anybody can do this pretty much all you need is aluminum powder which you can buy in any hardware store and iron oxide which is basically just yes I got Haz in chemistry did you know that no no so how much of this stuff would it have taken to do in Dewey well a lot more than what these guys had that's for sure um it's used mostly for welding heavy Steel this all makes perfect sense to me does it at all influence your scientific opinion Jonas well indeed it does I'm comfortable ruining the manner of death the remains found in the car is homicide and Laura Stone's death as well the toxicology report she had more than 200 milligrams of zulum in her system when she died literally more than enough to kill a horse that sounds like suicide to me problem is there's 190 milligrams unaccounted for except there was only one 10 migr pill out of the 30 missing from the bottle I found you could have mentioned that little factoid about the missing pill I thought you knew the only way I'd know was you telling me well unlike you most of us are mere mortals you know in perfect forgetful I'm sorry you know I get this way usually when something's racking your brain right now it's who would hate dewy enough to go to all that trouble obviously someone works for a company that makes thermite or uses it or moves it how did you know she always knows what if we got this is last week at our Depot in Anderson South Carolina H those containers have thermite in them yeah they're kits they're used to weld rail road tracks together the night before Dewey died why are we just seeing this now because we didn't know until this morning until the driver of that load came up two containers short your security didn't catch it no there was no sign someone broke in or cut our f so it was an inside job or planned with help from someone on the inside can we see the other video surveillance from that night that threatening call to Denise was made from a pay phone in a strip mall up an Alpharetta no prints and no Witnesses who can can you write it back what' you see that is the same van that tried to run me down outside my house are you sure I'm positive can you get a tag yeah [Music] where's this taken Anderson South Carolina well I guess I got to call the police up there too two you've already called the police here the car's 3 days overdue we report him lost or stolen after 24 hours no contact from the renter rented with a dewy Freight corporate credit card by Raymond cutner 51 of Al Paso Texas he's our boy you know of all the people I would have thought could pull something like this off Ray cutner wouldn't be anywhere on that list so you do know him yeah I met him once years ago my dad had to go to the El Paso Hub so he took me with him Cutter's wife thinks he's out of town on company business well if he was I'd know about it for sure he has no reason to be in Atlanta Ray runs ran our West Texas operation sounds like a big job Regional Hub Chief highest middle management position the company maybe he wanted something more and your dad wouldn't go for it no it's the opposite of that my dad offered him an executive job here he turned it down he didn't want to move his family I'm telling you this doesn't make any sense except what our computer system Hub Chief would have administrator access probably how he knew he'd find the thermite up in South Carolina could he have emptied the capital account with his level of access I don't know my it guys would though I'll get them on it well cutner tried to run me down if he's got it in for you and Amanda you guys could be in danger we're not taking any chances here we're getting you your family and your sister 24-hour protection until we lock this guy up thank you you know what else I remember about cutner he seemed like a nice guy I'm sure he did they always do okay I'll see you back at the office any luck Monty showed Cutter's mug around if he was here no one should talk to S security folks you going to check their surveillance video see if he pops we need to check cutner for Alias is and a police record you mean Monty and I need to check she's the supervising detective yeah that's what I meant I just get a little stuck on the weat thing good now go do something that has nothing to do with this case as a matter of fact I have a date really mhm yo if this is your idea of a date you need to get a life and I'm done wondering why you single what's your excuse I can't find anybody who understands you the way I do you got to stop doing that oh I speak only the truth sometimes that is the problem what are we looking for exactly I'll know when I find it and you brought me along for comic relief well you don't trust a crime scene folks anymore no of course I do I just have a uh feeling you're having one of those feelings aren't you that's something important it looks like the one Trey showed me in the lab what what were you saying you know how many times I heard you say I'm just having one of those feelings Finch whoa is that a water moccasin oh you are such a city person yeah through and through I don't like snakes Haley not a screw this time what does this look like to you it's 50 yards away from the scene haly it's charred car exploding could have blown it this far it's certainly light enough that's thin but okay how are we going to know if it's something important well you know what they say if the screw fits wow that was funny no that was come on I made one [Music] joke well it works except the screw is too long looks like it's supposed to attach to something may I ask what possessed you because every piece of metal you found there was either melted or twisted except for these screws and this thing whatever it is well I'll run some tests on the metal maybe I'll guess some answers kick kick Ki Ki Oh oh good punch oh that ninja got me okay you got it oh shoot my guy died pizza's on you keep playing okay you still got guys and Haley's going to take a break okay so who's this doctor I keep hearing about Dad overheard you on the phone you dropped you mean it's called private life for a reason I mean seriously where did she get the energy from oh I tried living with one I couldn't stand it you know what playing arcade games oh staying home the whole house frown routine what do you mean no adult contact conversation feel like my brain was slowly dissolving I love her to death but I hated not working till he went back to work and now I hate not being home for her never said anything to you or anyone I thinking It embarrasses me well keeping it in is no good either says the expert I am very very good at what I do being a therapist or keeping it in cuz you Excel it both have you ever known me not to speak my mind you haven't answered my question the doctor we met at a party we hit it off mhm end of story that's always end of story for you doesn't have to be maybe that's the way I want it it's not how do you know you said maybe look I stayed home after Parker was born because I thought it was what Sam wanted I but it was all in my messed up postpartum head what I'm trying to say you please don't take this as an insult will was murdered more than a decade ago and you don't need to keep looking for his approval that's not what I'm doing isn't it you're running around trying to solve a murder and you're not even a DA anymore who are you even doing this for oh you've taken care of me Mom and Dad all of your life and then your victims and their families and now your patients when you going to stop living everyone else's life and start living one of your own mommy come play with me all right sorry I will be right back well I can already tell something's different so who wants to start I okay you start okay uh well we got home that night after we saw you and she asks me what I want for dinner and he said he wanted steak potatoes and green beans but she says she's in the mood for for some pasta something or other so I just turn around and walk out to cut the lawn and I'm all Angry like coming here to see you just didn't mean a thing and I was mad because he just walked away from me but I come back after the lawn's all cut and there it is on the table steak baked potato green beans and a Pasta Prima Vera with a little pesto and sunri tomato wow well that sounds like real progress what did you guys talk about over dinner why we weren't talking before she means like really talking so you guys have been married what 8 months nine almost and I'll bet the first few months were amazing until you got to the point where you had to come here yeah that's exactly what happened and you know why because everyone thinks something m magical happens when you take those vows but the real magic is in learning how not just to be married to each other but to be part of a marriage if you're going to be partners you have to love who the other person is and see the good in them always arguments bad things are going to happen but what's going to keep you together is learning how to work through the bad stuff let it go and then move on that's what you told them too much you almost made me cry I will take that as a compliment well I couldn't help it do you know what the hardest thing is about our profession staying cool in the face of insanity practicing what we preach does my mom or sister have you on retainer I'm just saying you have a gift for this work give yourself the gift of your own insight my office mate told me that I needed to practice what I preach so I thought I'd see a doctor you might want to think about seeing someone with a different medical specialty if I were here about your medical specialty we would not be having this conversation I was talking with Danny Morgan he worships the ground you walk on Danny is a good man he is and a good friend it sounds like you've been through a lot it's okay if you're not ready I understand I I don't think you do understand I I really like you Jonas I like you too thank you for putting up with me you're welcome you may be very glad to know I am a patient man you don't have to be [Music] patient I should get that but I really don't want to no no it's it's okay you don't have to uh justify it they found Ray cutner you sure it's cutner desk cleron News Junkie saw a photo of cutner we released to the media and called it in how long's he been here he checked in 2 days ago paid cash told the manager no calls no housekeeping do not disturb I'm sure the used to request like that anybody get a read on his transpo yeah beat up 20-year-old Taurus and it's not here all that bank and he drives a beater and holds up in a place like this makes him invisible we've got swad and the Cavalry on standby we going to hang out here till he gets back that sounds like fun I've got plans you don't have plans see she never wants to do the Dirty Work why you got to be that way Daniel oh Daniel I told you not to Daniel me sorry byebye bye okay see you [Music] whoa feds are in the house yeah masters of the low profile special agent in charge Ganon please ay Dean yeah I'm calling about Raymond cutner I don't need a babysitter oh did I miss a phone call from Danny saying that cutting is in cups no then it ain't over go on enjoy your evening all right I'll call you if I hear anything right back at you you do Mr Hunt don't you sometimes Daniel you've got company yeah inde we do standing here with us thanks to you naturally they can't tell me why or they'd have to kill themselves before their boss beat them to it according to their boss cutner has been running his own importing business using dy's El Paso Depot he's running drugs across the the border from harez using Dewey's trucks for legit runs oh no wonder the feds want him hey I thought you had a family dinner tonight I do I just came to get my car Fincher Dro me off I don't need protection save it just pretend it's not there I know you meanwhile believe it or not I'm not the one to thank Captain Quinn insisted I think he's taking a shine to you I certainly hope not hello Haley hey it's uh Trey at the lap I need to ask you a question shoot uh this metal rod you brought in where exactly did you find it about 50 yard north of the crash site why well it has traces of gasoline on it so most likely it was in dey's car but why didn't the thermite reaction bend it it's good question you're you're getting you're getting really good at this well it's titanium the one metal that all but the hottest thermite reaction can't destroy probably why they build tanks with it well I don't remember seeing any tank tracks at the crash site do you think that Dewey's Cadillac could have had titanium Parts yeah it's possible but they'd have to be custom it's pretty unusual um I'll keep looking tomorrow okay keep me posted thanks [Music] [Music] m some of us actually sleep yeah not me you can positively identify Dewey now and did you find new evidence that Rod I found at the crash site the lab says it's titanium so I searched titanium rod and it looks like a rod used to fix a broken leg a tial edul Roger you're sure yes I knew you would know exactly what I was talking about H if you're you're right that Rod can't be wait hold on Cutter's on the news Hy listen to me that Rod can't be dewi he never broke his leg why didn't I see it let see what cutter without his beard he looks like dey's twin de's not dead what Hy he's still breathing and if you behave yourself so will you hi it's Haley leave a message Haley is Jonas you just called me can you call me back when you get this what did you do to him nothing that I won't do to you cutter your Escape Plan and now it's you get in the car go hi it's Haley leave a message Haley it's Monty call us when you get this try again Jonas can I can I call you back we're kind of busy right now Danny I've been trying to get a hold of you I was on the phone with Haley and there was a lot of noise and the line went dead like it ran out of juice no no no there there was a um commotion and then nothing I tried calling her back but it went straight to voicemail we've got a cop in a cruiser outside of our house Danny listen to me dewy stone is alive dewy Stone were you crazy that Rod Haley found out by the bridge is a surgical nail used to repair broken legs Dewey Stone never broke his leg he wasn't in the car the rod was cut okay stand by we're sending police to Haley's 4110 signal 63 possible 21 at Wesley Drive Northwest you're quite the actor it was a Beautiful Eulogy you gave for your wife you had us all fooled man every word it was a love of my life I couldn't take any chances she found out that you were using your trucks to run drugs out of Mexico through El Paso didn't she DEA was already on me she overheard me on the phone started asking questions she got so upset that she couldn't sleep and she needed medication and that's how you killed her cut 's only crime was that he looked like you that's why he was perfect but you didn't count on the rod in his leg an oversight my bad so cutner takes the fall for murdering you and your wife you take his identity and fly off to Brazil you're going to rot for this not just for him but for your wife and that poor [Music] officer heard the 21 on the radio how bad he's seeing stars but he'll be okay where's Haley's car Dey Stone got her Dey Stone's dead no Ray Cut's dead Dewey's very much alive it's a long story okay well can you track haly's phone dog's not going to hunt but I think I know one that will you shot him in the head didn't you I didn't shoot him just give him a love tap nothing fatal how are you going to get to Brazil well thanks to your persistence I had to drop 50 Grand on a private jet 8 hours in change we'll be in San Pao there is no Wii and I'm not getting on any plane I'd rather not have to kill you the other more palatable option is you get on the plane we fly to Brazil I send you back home first class with a little extra spending money you have my word that's reassuring what the hell is this whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down stop stop unbelievable that's more [Music] reassuring lower your weapon we're not going to risk kidding her your cell phone is dead mine died at the cutner you took his identity they tracked his phone guess he figured it out maybe you should rethink your options not yet get out of the car not that way this way if they make it to the tree line we're going to lose them no we won't let's move in nobody needs to get hurt here let her go do we okay just stay back no need to get dramatic here drop the gun and hit the dirt okay I'm making a deal you let me go to Brazil and I let her live he said stay back haly how did you know Jonas called okay someone take this from me please thank don't do that to me oh my gosh please I I never meant to hurt you you're going to try to justify what you [Music] did all I have everything the business it's yours you killed Mom I hope you never get out let's go I know that was hard not as hard as I thought I don't even know how to thank you you just did you guys come talk to me anytime okay okay okay thank you oh I'm so glad you're here I'm sorry I haven't called you no no no you've been through the ringer I'm just glad you're okay I'm very okay now all right listen up everybody I uh I think they're going to start all right hey first of all thanks for coming now detective Daniel Morgan was fresh out of Zone 2 the stone murder landed in his lap it's as complex a case as in it and yet with no homicide experience he cleared in a little over a week had a lot of help yes with some help with some help so tonight we are B in the noodles and bouncing Danny's transfer effective immediately to [Music] homicide and and to present him with this sacred right of passage for putting down his first murder I'm going to bring up Haley Dean yeah come on all right all right this hat represents your initiation into the elite of Atlanta's finest it also represents your colleague salvation from having to witness your 2 a.m. bed head on those inevitable overnight murder investigations [Applause] [Music] congratulations we would be so proud of you wish she could be here to see this well he's looking down on us and I know he's proud of [Music] you thanks Cheers [Applause] [Music] Cheers we have a and place where we can go we have all [Music]
Channel: @HallmarkMoviesNow
Views: 98,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pc5SzhAinS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 37sec (5137 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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