Solver (2017) | Full Movie | Mystery | Adventure

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(insects buzzing) (footsteps clomping) (Ralph coughing) (phone alerting) (tense, somber music) (fire crackling) (tense, somber music) (Ralph coughing) (groaning softly) (tense, somber music) - You know what I'm here for. Now take me to it. (man spitting) (tense, somber music) (boat motor rumbling) - Last year, over 200 new venture capital firms raised a total of $4 billion. So how do we win in this war? Analysis. We can't win with brawn, so we've gotta win with brains. These are the earnings for the top 10 companies in the sectors we cover. There are patterns in the data sets. The numbers are a puzzle. Solve the puzzle, and we'll succeed. Got it? Okay, let's get to it. - Not you, Mitch. What the hell is this? - I-- - Mitch, that report does not reflect your abilities. - I triple-checked every number. - The numbers might be correct, but it's all data and no position. - You need to take a stand, and own it. - I'm sorry. - I want a revised draft by the end of the day. - Okay. - Thank you, Mitch. (sighing) - We need to fire him. - He's smart as hell and works hard. Let's give him another chance. - Why don't we start deducting what his chances are costing us from your share of the management fees? - Well there wouldn't be much left. - Yeah, no kidding, Luke. I partnered with you on this fund because I thought your investment model was the future. - It is, I mean the best funds in the business got hammered this year. - And we got hammered worse. Look, I know you staked a long-term bet on SatGen's success, but we're losing money every day. We need to sell now. - All my algorithms say we have to hold SatGen. That bet is gonna make us. - He's here. - Who's here? - [Harriet] Demien. - Harriet, so very nice to see you. - My partner, Luke Williams. - It's an honor to meet you, Mr. LeBlanc. - Demien, and the pleasure's mine. I've heard so many great things about you, Mr. Williams. - Call me Luke, and if I knew you were coming I would've worn my power tie. (Demien laughing) - I like this one. - Why don't we sit, Demien. - Sure. Well I'm sorry to burst in like this. But I wanted to congratulate you on what a wonderful bid you made in SatGen. I'm very impressed. And as you know, we've also started building a satellite division ourselves. - Well if the numbers are right, we're both taking a strong position. - Sounds like I have to make you a sizable offer then. - I didn't realize there was one on the table. (Demien laughing) - [Harriet] Luke. Luke. - Noise-canceling headphones. - You weren't just ignoring me? - I made a few modifications so I can block out whatever I want, traffic, the subway, partners who schedule meetings without consulting me first. - It was too big an opportunity to pass up. - Well, I did find out that the world's leading tech CEO wears gloves all the time, weird. - We do this deal, our year is made. - All right, I will agree to run the numbers on what it looks like if we sell. But, if it doesn't add up, it's not happening. - We're lucky someone like Demien LeBlanc even has us on his radar. - Yeah, that's great but the-- (knocking at door) - Luke, you have a call from some sheriff's office. - I told you those parking tickets would catch up with you. (phone beeping) - Luke Williams. - [Hank] Luke, Hank Riley with the Honeoye Falls Sheriff's Department. - Hank, been a long time, what can I do for you? - [Hank] I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Your grandfather was in a terrible accident. - What do you mean, is he all right? - [Hank] No, I'm afraid, I'm afraid he's dead, son. (solemn piano music) - [Susan] Oh, the mechanic called about your car, and don't forget your mail, I think one's from your grandfather. - [Luke] If anyone calls, I'm traveling. - Here you go, here's an updated draft. - I'll email you my comments, Mitch. - Thanks. - Listen, Luke, we'll run all the SatGen analysis here, you don't have to do the work. - Thank you but uh, I can handle it. It's my responsibility. - Take care. (slow, solemn piano music) - Dr. Sheffield, I'm Nadine Simms with the FBI. Recently, some information has been leaked about a top-secret intelligence project that you were involved with called MKUltra. - M, MK. (medical equipment beeping) - MKUltra, you were part of the scientific intelligence division of the CIA from 1952 to 1970. You worked with an engineer named Ralph Williams. - Williams. - He's recently gone missing. Is there anything you can tell me about the location of the base where you were operating? - Who did you say you were again? I, you know you're uh, really a lovely young lady. (inhaling) I, I do so love lovely young ladies. - Thank you for your time, Dr. Sheffield. - Come again. (car humming) - We managed to pull the car out last night. We had a hard rain, so your grandfather's body probably washed a good ways downstream by now. (birds chirping) - Well, if you haven't found a body, how can you be certain he's dead? - Luke, we searched. - [Luke] I just don't know how you can declare him dead-- - Yeah, if you would've seen the wreckage. (Luke sighing) I know death can be a hard thing to accept. Put the word out to the county and we'll find your grandfather's body in due course, I promise you that. - Thanks. - Your grandpa was a good man. You be stayin' in town long? - I don't know, probably not. - Well, you need anything at all, you don't hesitate, hm. Sorry for your loss. (birds chirping) (slow, somber music) (car engine humming) (bike clicking) (insects chirping) - Mr. Williams. I'm sorry for your loss. My name's Diego Gonzalez. I used to do odd jobs for your grandpa. He was a good friend. Um, looks like you're locked out. - Yeah, yeah, never had to worry about that before. - I could pick it for you. - [Luke] That something you do often? - No. (zipper scratching) But I'm learning. - Okay just, uh, hold on. Same place as when I was a kid. - That's cheating. Uh, we should record the scene before you touch anything. - This isn't a documentary. This is my grandfather's home. - Yeah well, he always told me to use the scientific method, so. - Well now is not the time or the place. (camera clicking) Appreciate you being helpful, Diego. I really wanna be alone right now. - Okay. - Okay. - Hey, did Sheriff Riley tell you about the car they found down the road? - No. - Well the plates were faker than the moon landing. Might've just been stolen, but I think it's connected somehow. - Oh, hey, Diego, we're havin' a memorial service on Monday if you wanna come. - Count on it. (Luke sighing) (slow, solemn piano music) (Luke sighing) (slow, solemn piano music) - F F A. (slow, solemn piano music) One, one, no, no, no. Let's say A is one. A, B, C. Helps a little. The whole puzzle. If the Ks are. Come on. Dammit. (car engine knocking and sputtering) Hello? Hi, there is somethin' wrong with my car. - [Alex] Hang on. (sighing) (sniffling) - [Luke] Think you could take a look? - (sighing) Sure. You don't remember me, do you? - Uh, no. - Alexandra Derringer, went by Alex. - Ah. - I was a freshman when you were a senior. Used to think you were pretty cool. - Thanks. - I remember you started that massive cafeteria food fight. (Luke laughing) Yeah well, you threw a chocolate cupcake all over my only good dress. Couldn't get it clean and my dad couldn't afford a new one. (tool clunking) - At least you got over it. - Ooh yeah, you can't drive that. You either blew a gasket or cracked a cylinder head. - How soon can you have it ready? - (sighing) That's tough to say. Gonna be hard to find the right parts around here. Maybe four, five days. - I gotta be back in New York by Monday night. I mean, whatever you have to do, just fix it. Get it running. - Well Luke, see I can't just snap my fingers and make it happen. - So, you're saying you can't get it done in time. - I'm saying you need to be realistic. - Well if you realistically can't get it done in time, I will call someone from the next town over to get it done. - (sighing) I will get it done. I will, I will get it done. - Thank you. (insects chirping) (Luke sighing) (insects buzzing) (Luke sighing) (birds chirping) What, what's this? (chuckling) No keys, nothin'. (birds chirping) I'm really impressed you're able to find a buyer so quickly, Mrs. Riley. - Oh please, call me Mary Beth. I mean, I knew it would sell as soon as it hit the market. Beautiful stretch of land up there, I'm just surprised you're letting it go. - Well, I would love to keep it but it's just too far away. So, how uh, how soon can we close? - Oh, I'm sure it'll be very quick. There's not a lot of transaction volume around here. It really just depends on when Sue, the town clerk, gets around to recording the transfer of title. - DLB Holdings, who's that? - Sometimes a buyer prefer their name be kept confidential so they use a business entity. But, they did show proof of funds, and that's worth its weight in gold around here. - Where do I sign? (Demien chuckling) - The system is going to be revolutionary. We're going to open the world's eyes. What is it, Simmons? - I think you've promised too much this time. - You told me the simulations for integrating the SatGen network check out. - They do. - Okay, and the chip technology has never been an issue. The operating system works flawlessly. - The veterans' program trials haven't gone well. We're close, it's just-- - Simmons, I hope you're fully aware that I staked everything on this, my reputation. Your reputation. - I'm fully aware of what's at stake here. - Are you? Do you know how many wounded Marines are out there waiting for the day when they can control their synthetic limbs with a thought? Tell me, how long must they continue to wait before you can figure out how to connect our software to a human brain? You're doing important work here, Simmons. I need more from you. Whatever's necessary, additional staff, more funding, consider it done. - Thank you, Mr. LeBlanc, we'll get back to work full force. We won't disappoint you. - I hope not. (gentle, mysterious music) (decoder clicking) (gentle, mysterious music) (knocking at door) - Mr. Williams? - [Luke] Uh, yes. - Nadine Simms, FBI. - Alex. Alex. Three months. - I know, I'm behind on the rent. - Enough is enough. - What do you want me to do, huh? Business has been slow, I've barely got half of the customers, and the ones I've got can't always pay. - I'm genuinely sorry, honey, I am but, if you don't have the rent by next week, I've going to have to start the eviction proceedings on behalf of the landlord. - (scoffing) Unbelievable. - I am extending you a professional courtesy. Don't act like you own this place. - My father built this place. I will get you the money. - Yeah, well you'll need to, or you're out. (exasperated sighing) (birds chirping) - Look, I know it's gotta be upsetting for you. You want results and no one's got answers. I can tell your grandfather meant a lot to you, Luke. Please believe me when I say that I will leave no stone unturned until we get this thing figured out. - Thank you, Agent Simms. - It's Nadine. - Thank you, Nadine. Oh, and, if you do find out anything-- - You'll be the first to know. And you have my number, so if you need anything, just call me. We'll figure it out together. (birds chirping) (decoder clicking) (pen scratching) (haunting music) (door rattling) - Luke. Hey. - [Luke] Hey. - Uh, so, about your car. I found the heads but they weren't cheap. I had to set 'em, reinstall the valves, plus new gaskets, so. - Ouch, hope you take credit cards. (keys jingling) - I can knock off a hundred if you can pay cash. - Um. (money shuffling) I can get you the rest first thing tomorrow. - Hey, don't sweat it. What're you gonna do, skip out on your grandpa's funeral? (keys jingling) (Alex clearing throat) So, you wanna give me a ride back to the shop? - Let me get your opinion on somethin' first. Get over here. - Whoa, look at this thing. '44 Willys Jeep. (laughing) I didn't know he had one of these. - That's not what I wanted to show you. (metal clanking) Take a look at this. (Alex laughing) Crazy, right? - I have never seen anything like it. Your grandpa built this? - I think so. Only question is, what is it? - Well, it's a motor. - [Luke] Mm-hmm. - Of some sort, but, the transformer control unit's missing. - What's that mean? - Well, without stepping down the voltage from the battery array, this thing won't run. - Well, you got one of those at the shop we could use? - (laughing) That's not the way things work. - Way things. (gentle, mysterious music) (Luke breathing heavily) - [Alex] A book? - Yeah, the title was in a letter my grandfather sent me but it's stuck. (clicking) (wrapper crumpling) - Okay, what is going on here? - He who controls others is powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. Lao Tzu. - (chuckling) That's kinda weird. - [Luke] Yeah. (slow, mysterious music) Lao Tzu. (slow, mysterious music) (object clunking) - Hey, there's somethin' in this. - It's a puzzle box. Uh, let's see how it works. There's usually something, see that? - Uh. - [Luke] There's a piece, there we go. - Let me try. Okay. (slow, mysterious music) - [Luke] There. (Alex chuckling) What? - The transformer control unit. (slow, mysterious music) All right, try it now. (motor whirring) - Come on. (drawer creaking) Hold it, we don't know what that thing just did. (drawer slamming shut) - Holy crap, the whole place is rigged. Grandpa had pretty refined taste. - He always said if somethin' was worth doin', it was worth doin' right. - All right, so this matchbox came from some joint called Northeast Woods Distillery. - Which doesn't appear to exist when I search for it. - And it only has one match. - One match. One thing to burn, maybe. - Looks like some stuff's been burned in here. (gentle, tense music) Okay, all I can make out is M, K, ultra engineering report. - Doesn't ring any bells. Let's see. Project MKUltra, often referred to as the CIA's mind-control program, was the code name given to an illegal series of experiments on human subjects undertaken by the CIA during the '50s, '60s, and '70s. - Well you think he was involved? - (laughing) No way. No, no, no, Grandpa Ralph, he was an electrical engineer for an appliance company for 40 years. He worked on microwaves, not mind control. He was probably reading a magazine or somethin'. (telephone ringing) Excuse me. Harriet. - Luke, I got your message about the funeral tomorrow morning, I'm so sorry. - Thanks. What's the, what's the story on SatGen? - Listen, I don't want you to worry about this right now. The sale agreement from LeBlanc's counsel's totally vanilla. I've got Mitch and Susan working the numbers and I'll review everything. - I haven't lost my ability to run numbers just because my grandfather passed away. - You've been knocking yourself out lately. Cut yourself some slack. - Okay, you know, I just wanna look at the options. - Let me handle the SatGen sale here in New York. We're partners, just trust me on this one. (deep, tense music) I'm taking a lot of risk here. - That was your choice. - You wanna get your hands on SatGen? Five million in my pocket doesn't do it anymore. (Demien sighing) - It seems we see your role in this transaction differently. - You need me to make it happen. - Your fund's operating agreement says otherwise. In fact, if something should ever happen, say if you become incapacitated, full control vests in Luke. So in reality, I only need one of you. I hope I was able to clear any confusion for you. (ice clinking) (Demien sighing) You can leave now. (cabinet banging) - [Luke] There is nothin' to eat here. - There's a Ruck's Pizza in town if you wanna go. - You know what, I got a lotta work to do. Why don't I, why don't I take you back to the shop? - Seriously? Your grandfather's funeral's tomorrow. He left you these insane clues to something, and you wanna do work now. - Yes, I do. Do you know how many rich lawyer's sons and I-banker daughters I had to climb over to, to get a chance? How hard I had to fight to build my business? I am in the middle of a major deal and I can't take my eye off the ball. - (sighing) Or maybe you wanna work so badly because you don't wanna think about what you're feeling now. - I'm not gonna sit here and talk about my feelings when I have important work to do. But maybe you wouldn't understand that because, because you've spent your whole life sheltered here in Honeoye Falls. (insects buzzing) (Alex scoffing) (objects clanking) - Wow. (gentle, somber music) (Alex sighing) I was a wreck for months after my father passed away. Feels like the world's against you when you lose someone you love that much. (gentle, somber music) - He taught me everything I know. Engineering, physics, chemistry. When I got out in the world, things he taught me didn't mesh. The pursuit of knowledge, creating better lives through science. People didn't care about that. People didn't care that I had a PhD in neuroscience. That didn't help me pay my student loans. What the world cares about is money. - So, that's why you went into finance? - They always need quants. (Alex groaning) People who are good at math. - Well, I'm sure he must've been proud of you. - I hope so. - Northeast Wood Distillery. - No this is from uh-- - No, the, the logo. (tense music) Oh, it's empty. Oh! (coughing) Isopropyl alcohol, it's a fuel additive. - So it's flammable? - Yes, highly. Luke, what're you doing? Hey, Luke hey, it could explode. (lighter striking) (whooshing) (tense, mysterious music) - Heartbreak, we got our next clue. - I was able to confirm that Ralph Williams did work on MKUltra. - [Man] As we thought, anything else? - Yeah, his back tax records line up with the shell subsidiaries that the government used to pay their research teams. - [Man] Mm-hm. - Other than that, there's nothing. - [Man] What about contacts? - No, he barely made any phone calls. - [Man] Hm. - The only thing that's weird was that he got a text message right before he disappeared. - [Man] Yeah? - Yeah, it's like some kinda code. I'm running a trace on the number right now. Huh, that clever bastard. It came from Dr. Sheffield, hm. - Let's take a break. - Yeah. (door creaking) (insects buzzing) (Luke sighing) - [Alex] Helps put it all in perspective, huh? - [Luke] Yeah. Can't remember the last time I sat and looked at the night sky. Can't even see the stars in Manhattan because of the lights. - That world seems so artificial. - When people are under stress all the time, the veneer cracks, you see who they really are. - And who are they? - Deep down we're cavemen. We just use economics and lawsuits instead of clubs and spears. Life is a fight. You have to be strong and protect what's yours. - Well life doesn't have to be a battlefield. If you're lookin' for ugliness in this world then you'll find plenty. If you think everyone's out to get you all the time, then yeah, you will be fighting all the time. - So if you think positive then your problems just go away? - No. Of course not. But, life is a lot better when you give people the benefit of the doubt. - Like a guy who accidentally threw a cupcake on your favorite dress. (Alex sighing) (insects buzzing) Here you go. - [Alex] Your grandpa teach you to play guitar? - Little bit, haven't touched one in years though. - Let me guess, too busy workin'. See what you're missing out on? All the good stuff that impresses chicks. (Luke chuckling) Hey, Heartbreak. Oh. (chuckling) Does this song mean anything to you? - [Luke] No. - Well maybe there's a message in the lyrics. - It's just some old country song. Maybe it's in the pattern of the notes. - What do you mean? - Well I don't know, if we play the song then, could be a hidden microphone in here that'll react. Can you read music? - I'm not singing. (guitar strumming lightly) ♪ Your cheatin' heart ♪ ♪ Done did me wrong ♪ ♪ And all I got ♪ ♪ Is this here song ♪ ♪ In my old cabin ♪ ♪ Down by the lake ♪ ♪ I drink alone ♪ ♪ In my heartbreak ♪ - Well that was terrible. (Alex chuckling) - Yeah, you should really look into lessons. (both laughing) (Alex sighing) Maybe we made a mistake somewhere? - Look, drop D tuning. Just uh, (guitar strumming lightly) bring down. (guitar clicking) (light clunking) (object clunking) (object thudding) - Okay, one more puzzle and then I'm outta here, all right? (birds chirping) You got anything to drink? - Not in there. Um. Well, we got more whiskey. (tense, solemn music) - I was thinking more coffee. I got a long day ahead. - Hey, toss me the coin. (coin clattering) (whizzing) (tense, mysterious music) (Luke laughing) - Hey. (Alex chuckling) Okay, whatever that is, is gonna have to wait. (tense, mysterious music) (car engine humming) (keys jingling) - Thanks for your help with everything. - Yeah, good times in puzzle cabin. Oh hey Luke, I'm around later tonight if you wanna grab a drink or anything. - You mean like a date? - No, just talk or whatever. - [Luke] Sounds like a date. (car engine revving) - Hey, it's not a date. (sirens whirring lightly) - [Hank] Morning, Luke. - [Luke] Morning, Sheriff. - [Hank] Step outta the car please. - I wasn't speedin', was I? - No, nothin' like that. We found your grandfather's body this morning. Young kid found him washed up on the riverbank. I know he was your only family and it's a hard blow to take but, take it from me, closure can be a gift. I need to talk to you about somethin' else. What were you and Alex doin' up at your grandfather's property last night? - Nothing, just hangin' out. - I need you to stay away from Alex. - I don't understand, why? - 'Cause that girl's been through a lot, more than you know. - That's not a reason. - Then how 'bout 'cause I say so? (Luke sighing) - Hello, Dr. Sheffield, it's been a long time. - I got nothin' to say to you. - I got somethin' to say to you, and I'm not leaving until you hear it. I spend my whole life trying to get at the truth about MKUltra. Your life's work of failed experiments on innocent people. You tortured people, you destroyed lives. - I did what I did for my country. - You poisoned and murdered human beings, that's what you did for your country. - What do you want? - I want what you and Ralph Williams were working on. Tell me where it is. - Go to hell. - When I die, they'll say I made the world a better place. I wonder what they will say about you. - Williams and I saved your life. - No you didn't, no you didn't save my life! You ruined my life. (Dr. Sheffield panting) Check his belongings and make sure the room's clean before you go. (medical machine beeping) (gentle, somber music) (Dr. Sheffield wincing and groaning) (medical machine flatlining) (gentle, somber music) (slow, gentle piano music) (birds chirping) (Luke exhaling deeply) (slow, gentle piano music) (voices echoing distantly) - Your grandpa was the only person in this town who ever listened to me. - He was good at that. (telephone ringing) Mitch, why do you keep calling? - Luke, I'm sorry about your loss. I hope I'm not interrupting. - Well you are, so what's, what's going on? - Harriet had us working all weekend on SatGen. But, she gave us new numbers today. She said they were revised earnings but they don't make sense and I didn't wanna do anything till I talked with you. - [Luke] Okay well send me the new numbers and I'll call you in 10 minutes. - Okay. - I need wifi. - Okay. This way. So, little known fact about libraries. They keep their wifi on when they're closed. The password's password. There you go. - Yeah Mitch, I'm pulling it up now. You're right, these numbers are wrong. - Maybe someone made a mistake. It makes the sale look like a terrible deal for the buyer. - Or a great deal for the seller. - What should I tell Harriet? She's insisting these numbers are right. - [Luke] Don't tell her anything. - But she's gonna-- - Mitch. - Mitch, trust me on this one. - I told you we need the SatGen writeup done asap. - Uh, sorry Dad, I gotta get back to work. - Deal with your family's green card shit on your own time. - Hey, I've gotta show you this. There was another body. - Why didn't anyone say anything? - I don't know, and look, that guy had a gun holster. No one wears those for decoration. So, what're we gonna do? - You keep an eye out around town, come find me if you see anything. - Count on it. - Diego. Great work. - What? - [Luke] Great work. - I know, I just wanted to hear it again. - [Nadine] You have reached Agent Nadine Simms with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If this is an emergency, hang up and dial 9-1-1. Otherwise, leave a message. - It's Luke Williams, call me as soon as you can. - So, there's one month, plus half of another month rent. So, you and Hank can sleep well tonight. - Alex, next month's rent is due this week. You're not making progress, you're falling further behind. Be honest, you don't have enough paying jobs to collect on in the next three days and your credit's tapped out. You're outta runway, hun, it's over. (first thudding) - I don't know why you don't just come out and say you blame me for what happened to Carl. - You could've made him stay. - No one could have. - He listened to you. - I loved your son more than anyone. - (clearing throat) You have to be out Wednesday. (gentle, mysterious music) (cell phone buzzing) (gentle, mysterious music) - 12, 38. A time. Was it 12:38? 6:21, 6:21. Or, June 21st. June 21st, does that mean anything? June 21st, the summer solstice. At 12:38 p.m. (gentle, mysterious music) (haunting, tense music) Okay. And with the summer solstice, it would be higher in the sky. (mysterious music) The old fallout shelter. Wait a second. The fallout shelter. (brush crunching) (birds chirping) (door banging) (Luke sighing) (telephone ringing) (slow country music) ♪ Till my head turns to stone ♪ ♪ I wish I'd have known ♪ (telephone ringing) - Mr. Williams, I've got some exciting news for you. - [Luke] Yeah, what is it? - Everything's in order, and the sale will officially be recorded as of tomorrow. - So I gotta be out by tomorrow? - [Mary Beth] Well, officially by midnight tonight. - [Luke] Well, can I get an extension? - Well, I'm afraid the transaction's already been completed. I, I thought you'd be excited. Hello? Hello? (tires squealing) (door rattling) (tires squealing) (mellow country music) (patrons chattering) - Alex, I need to talk to you. - So, talk. - I think I found where all the puzzles lead to. - I don't wanna play any more of these stupid games. Ron, can you give me-- - Alex, I need to talk to you-- - Why don't you-- - For one second. - Get your hands off of me. - All right, son, you just crossed the line. - Want us to soften him up for you a little, Hank? - It's fine, it's fine, come here. - [Luke] Have a nice night, gentlemen. - I'm gonna lose the shop. - What do you mean? - I mean, when my dad died, there were debts I had to pay. So, I sold the shop to some slum lord from Syracuse. I've been leasing ever since. - Well how much do you need? I can loan you the money. - I'd never be able to pay you back. Be the same story six months from now. - So you're just givin' up? (sighing) - What do you want me to do? I'm gettin' another drink. - Alex, look please, no, no, no, hey. Please, I'm asking you to help me. (brush crunching) (insects buzzing) - I was engaged to the Rileys' son, Carl. He died in Afghanistan two years ago. - Alex, I didn't know, I'm sorry. - That's why Hank's been giving you such a hard time. He tries to protect me. Mary Beth blames me for it. Anyway, I probably should've said something sooner. - I'm glad you told me. Hey, you don't have to do this if you don't want to. - I know. But you said you needed my help. And if Luke Williams says he needs help, the situation must be pretty dire. - Here it is. Look, bunch of names. - These names are people from town. Hank Riley. - Um-hm. - Dana Lancer. These are older people your grandfather knew. James Derringer. - Who's that? - My father. (banging) (door creaking) (car engine roaring) (cups clattering) - He ordered an espresso. - It's okay. People have good intentions, they're just not able to execute them. That's horrible. - LeBlanc Industries today announced a new method for keeping their vast array of smart appliances and consumer technology up to date. Here's CEO, Demien LeBlanc. - We know that billions of people depend on our products. So we have adopted a new system that automatically updates all electronic devices, and we're doin' this for free. We're also very excited to announce an imminent acquisition of a satellite network company that will allow us to broadcast these updates to over 97% of the population. We're making technology available for everybody. - Tech investors called LeBlanc's announcement the way of the future, and the stock rose 17%. - Well, I'd say that went well. - What're you doin'? - No-nothing, that's a cool car, sorry. (Demien chuckling) - He was up to something. - Ah, he's just a kid. - 50 tin cans. Four slots for cans. Question is-- - [Both] Which four? - Um, hey this one has an expiration date on it. - [Alex] What do you mean? - [Luke] Look. These other ones don't. - [Alex] Here's one. - Okay. - Here's another one. - Oh, here we go, 1945. 1989. And then this one-- - 2016. - The same year. - February. - All right. (loud buzzing) (Alex gasping) (door clanging) - [Alex] We're locked in. - [Luke] What is that? (both coughing) - [Alex] Oh my gosh, it's the gas. (both coughing) - [Luke] Okay, okay, okay, I got it. Jacket, jacket. - [Alex] Here. (coughing) - [Luke] Another jacket. - [Alex] (coughing) Oh! - (coughing) Hold on. Uh, Spanish olives, Italian Diamante-- - [Alex] Alpha, alphabetical order. - Okay, alphabetical, so it would be (mumbling quietly). (coughing) Nothin', I don't have nothin'. Wait, wait, wait, wait, Italian, okay, in Europe they put the date before the month so that would be, there, there. (cans clattering) - [Alex] It's open. - [Luke] Yeah, yeah, go. - Yeah, oh. - [Luke] I got ya. (coughing) Come on, hurry. - [Alex] Why? - [Luke] I lose the cabin at midnight. - Mr. Williams, it is now 12:03 on May 20th, the sale of this property has been officially recorded. You need to vacate the premises. - No, no, no, I just need a little more time. (door clicking open) - I'm afraid that will not be possible, Mr. Williams. - Demien. What the hell are you doin' here? - It's been a pleasure doing business with you. Sheriff, would you please get them off my property. - You can't do this. - Luke, it's a lawful transaction. Let's keep it peaceful. - Fine, I'll get my things and we'll go. (tense, serious music) I was so damn impatient to sell the place. I blew it. - Come on, you said I couldn't give up. - Alex, without access to the cabin, our chances of solving this thing are basically zero. - Well sometimes it's not about the odds, Luke, it's about doing what's right. Your grandfather was counting on you and I know he'd trust you to do the right thing. - Why's that? - Because I do. (slow, serious music) - They exited the northeast side of the property when we first saw them. Did you notice their shoes? - Mud. There's a creek that runs along the northeastern third of the property. - Huh. I think we should have a look. (gentle, solemn music) (Luke sighing) - I know this will come as a surprise to all of you, but effective today, Luke Williams is no longer a manager at this company. Do not contact him or share any information. We'll still be moving ahead with the SatGen sale. Mitch and Susan, I need you to prepare any relevant documents and have them ready to go this afternoon for closing. That's all. (slow, somber music) - [Luke] Come on. - Good morning. What you doin'? - (sighing) I gotta head back to the city. I uh, can't connect with my phone and I'm locked out of my email. - What, you can't leave now, we still have clues. - My hedge fund is about to close a major deal, and I'm pretty sure my business partner is screwing me over. So if I don't go back and take care of this, I might lose my company. - If you do go, this Demien guy might get his hands on whatever your grandfather left behind. What's more important to you? Oh, wow. It was weighted to make it feel like it was full. - Why have a blueprint on a transparency? Have no fear to take my place. - There was an old overhead projector at your grandfather's place. (tense music) - So this LeBlanc guy's a tech billionaire? - He's huge. His company makes operating systems for everything from cell phones to nuclear reactors. - Well, what's he want with a cabin? - [Luke] I don't know. (tense music) (car engine roaring) (tense music) - Hold it. - You got this, Diego. - [Diego] Okay, let's go. (tense music) - You got it? - [Alex] Yeah, plug it in. (car engine roaring) (brakes squealing) (device beeping) - Change of plans. We have house guests. (car engine roaring) - The entrance has to be right here in the cabin. (car doors slamming) - They're here. - Out the front. (tense music) - Hello, Luke. So, it was here all along. (slow, tense music) - You're wasting your time, there's nothing down here. - There's got to be something down here. There's gotta be a way in somehow. (slow, tense music) (suspenseful music) - Drop it. (hatchet thudding) - Do you wanna swing that? Take it. Take it. Swing it on the wall. Swing it on the wall. - Get moving. (Diego grunting) (static electricity buzzing) (Diego crying out) - [Alex] Oh my god, Diego! - [Nadine] Get back. - You know, he could die. - Yes, he could. - Your turn. - No, I'll go. - What a gentleman. (slow, tense music) - [Nadine] What're you doing? (slow, tense music) - What is that? - Let me figure it out. (slow, tense music) Have no fear to take my place. (dramatic swooshing) - What? (Luke grunting) (electronic buzzing) - Uh! - Oh my gosh, Luke. Are you okay? - Yeah, I think so. - [Nadine] Let's go. (light, suspenseful music) - MKUltra, the most horrific experiments in America's history. The CIA wanted a way into interrogating Communist spies and brainwashing them into becoming double agents, by whatever means necessary. Your grandfather was a part of all this, Luke. - [Luke] My grandfather wouldn't have done those things. - Well I'm sorry, but he wasn't always the man you believe he was. - [Alex] How do you know about this place? - I was born here. (deep, suspenseful music) This way. (deep, suspenseful music) - [Alex] Luke. (all grunting and groaning) - Try it again and she dies. (Alex gasping) (Demien breathing heavily) - Next time just shoot her in the head. - My pleasure. (slow, tense music) - What is that? What is that? What is this? (deep, mysterious music) - [Ralph] Dear Luke, locked inside the vault in this room is a brainwave transmission machine I refined after decades of work. My magnum opus. It is capable of preventing the release of weapons of mass destruction by controlling the very thoughts of an enemy leader. Guard it with your life, for in the wrong hands it seals the very doom I would seek to prevent. When you've understood the puzzle I left, you will know how to access the machine and what to do with it. But be warned, do not attempt to solve it if you are unprepared. You'll only get one chance. Remember Luke, the key is always in your own mind. - If you think I'm gonna help you destroy the planet, or whatever you're planning, you're out of your mind. - (laughing) Destroying the planet. (laughing) I don't think humanity needs any help with that. Pesticides causing cancer, exhaust fumes driving global warming, water supplies contaminated by fracking, overpopulation driving starvation all over the world. I have developed a system for the perfect society, and it will work. All that remains, it's that machine. In taking decision-making out of the hands of human beings for good. A winning formula. - There is no way some mind control machine that fits inside that safe can make people halfway around the world do what you or your little computer program tell them to. - That's true. That machine only works at a short range on a single subject. Which is why I need to take over the world's airwaves. - The SatGen sale. - Look who's figuring it out. Open the safe. - Open the safe. (gentle, somber music) (whizzing) (hourglass jiggling) - Electricity, voltage. Electricity voltage. (deep swooshing) The Jeep. Jeep. (buttons clicking) (hourglass jingling) - If we help you, are we getting outta this place alive? - No harm needs to come to anyone. (dramatic swishing) - Heartbreak could mean 40. That's the average beats per minute during a heart, uh, during a heart attack. That's what my father died of. (buttons clicking) (hourglass jingling) (whirring) (jingling) - The sun, summer solstice. (dramatic swishing) 12:38, that's when, that's when the summer solstice happens. (numbers clicking) (hourglass jingling) (dramatic swishing) Gotta be the fallout shelter. - Um, hit the tomato can, it didn't work. (crashing) - Tin cans, there were 50. The atomic number of tin. (numbers clicking) (hourglass jingling) - Quickly. (whirring and clicking) - There was no fifth puzzle. - Luke. (tense, somber music) - Wait. You better be sure of what you're doing. - Alpha, delta, beta, gamma. The numbers double as brainwave frequencies. There's a formula in the numbers, and solving it gives you 7.5 hertz of theta frequency. (numbers clicking) (hourglass jiggling) (vault clicking) (tense, somber music) - We have everything to control the mind. - You have what you want. Now let us go. - Wait. (electronic beeping) (tense music) Let's have some fun. - [Luke] Alex, run. (gunshots popping) (tense, thudding music) (gunshot popping) (Alex breathing heavily) (footsteps clicking) (Alex breathing heavily) - Luke. (squeaking) Luke! (Nadine crying out) (gunshots popping) (Luke groaning) (slow, tense music) Luke! Luke. - Alex? (Luke groaning) Alex. Alex? (Luke grunting) (Alex and Luke grunting) - She's a lot stronger than you imagine her to be, is she not? Even the weakest person is capable of extraordinary things in the right mental state. (Demien sighing) Kill him. (Luke groaning and coughing) - [Luke] Sorry. (Alex grunting) (gate clattering) - Open the gate. - No. - I said, open the gate. - I won't do it. - Fine. I will direct you. Now, tell me how to open the gate. - There's a button. (deep, tense music) (deep swooshing) - No, how is that possible? - Once I knew the frequency to jam was 7.5, I was able to neutralize your signal. - No. (crying) All I wanna do is to make the world a better place. (Luke grunting) Oh! (Demien thudding) - Well there's a start. Alex. Alex. (gentle music) - Oh, what happened? (sirens blaring) - [Hank] Luke, put the weapon down. Alex, Luke, you okay? - We've seen better days. - Hey guys. - We thought you were dead. - Nah, just some bad burns. Sorry to shock you. - We're glad you're all right. - That's one tough kid, biked all the way to town to get help. Guys. Careful. - Susan? Susan, where are the SatGen closing documents I told you to print? - [Mitch] I told her not to bother. - What? - Harriet Wilson? - Yes. - You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. (gentle music) - I guess I earned that date. - I still don't get how you convinced my landlord to sell the shop so cheap. - Little negotiating trick I learned from Grandpa Ralph. (gentle music) (laughing) (gentle music) (haunting music) (car engine roaring) (tense, suspenseful music) (deep, bouncy synth music)
Channel: Indie Rights Movies For Free
Views: 285,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, free movie, adventure movie, adventure, mystery, mystery movie, science fiction, sci-fi, action, action movie, RMf&x%
Id: b2oCFdB1OBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 23sec (5303 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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