Most Watched Catfish Clips Of 2020 👀 Catfish: The TV Show

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- Here's the plan, Gemini, you're gonna hang here with me and Kamie. You guys will be in here. Obviously, you know, we're close, so try not to make any noise. You don't want to give away your position. After Gemini and Ashley get a chance to talk a minute, I'll come in with her. We'll see how that goes. All right? So, hang tight. We'll be right outside. Oh, she texted me. (text chiming) She's here. All right. - [Kamie] How you feeling? - My stomach is like... I don't know. (tense music) - Hello again. - Hey y'all. - Hey, Miranda. - Well, Gemini, here she is. Miranda, AKA... - Danielle. - Danielle and Ashley. - Hi. - Thanks for coming. - Yeah. - We're really just here to give you an opportunity to get some closure to this whole thing. - Why did you do it in the first place? Like, what was you looking for? - Nothing from you. - The hell? - Well, did you have feelings for him? - No, he's a great guy, but he's just got, you know, issues. - What you think you got? - No, I'm just saying, like, you're a great guy, you're a great friend. It happened, it was a joke. - How the hell it was a joke? Seven years. Ain't nobody find it funny but you. - She can't even answer this stuff. - I only came here today because I wanted to make amends. I've done that, so can I go now? - No, I think he had questions. - Okay, and I'm not answering him, because right now it's gonna get heated between us. - I'm out. Like, I don't even care anymore. You selfish. You don't care about nobody but yourself. - He's upset, obviously, and I think it's justified. - He always gets upset. We both done, that's a wrap. - Let me quickly just talk to Gemini. I'm gonna take him inside the room for a second. - Please do. - And cool him off, and then we'll come back out. - I'm not doing this this time. If we gonna do this, then I will go back to the crib. - Ashley, I don't know what you're expecting. - We got as much from that conversation as we're gonna get. You guys can just be here. You all right, man? - Yeah, I'm good. I just want to get this over with. I don't care no more. - All right, I'm gonna go get her and I'll bring her in. I'll be right back. All right, he's in there. He's calmed down. Why don't we go in there and we can try this again. - Oh, Lord. (dramatic music) Oh, damn. Why the (beep) did you bring them here? - Come on in. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - [Kamie] They love you and care about you. - As you can see, we've brought some people here from your life. - Mm-hm, this an intervention. - Yes. - Kind of. - You set me up. - Well-- - that's how interventions work. - Yeah. Let's have a seat. So, look, call it whatever you want, I care about you as a person who exists right now. Obviously you need to stop catfishing, but maybe before you can do that you need to realize that there are people, specifically these two who you've known a long time, who want you to be happy, and be honest, and live a life that's fulfilling and rewarding. We're here and we want to know how you feel, and we want to be helpful if you can. - I love you, but I'm not finna sit here and applaud your bull(beep), 'cause I know you're better than this. The whole point of being on this show is for these people to get their answers, not for you to come in here and make this a joke and act like this isn't hurting them, and like you're just completely deep down okay with what you're doing to these people. What about your real life, not this person you're pretending to be? All this effort you're putting in to all these lies, you could put it into finding yourself a real husband, not one that you got to lie about. Yeah, the smile's gone now, isn't it? And that's coming from me, your big sister, who actually loves you and cares about the real you, not this person you're pretending to be, because it's not okay. - This is crazy. All I'm gonna ask you is why. Why you couldn't be yourself? - That's one question. He's just asking one. - This was a joke. I'm bad and I'm sorry, but it is what it is. - That's not a joke. You wasted seven years of this young man's life. - I'm not doing this. I'm doing this. I'm not doing this. - Ashley. - I'm not doing this. - Wait. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. - If you didn't want to do-- - I'm not doing this bull(beep). - It's not bull(beep). - I'm not doing this. (dramatic music) - [Derek] Ashley. You all right? - [Ashley] I'm fine. - You sure? - [Ashley] I'm fine. - She left 'cause she ain't want to start crying, 'cause that's where she was headed. - Yeah. - But what happened to you that was so bad for you to do all this to people? - You feel like you're being attacked? (Ashley crying) - [Ashley] Yeah, I do. Like, how dare you flip this talking about my marriage and say that bull(beep)? You don't know what the (beep) I been going through. Yeah, I get it, I hurt people. I get that. But don't sit up here and don't talk about, "What about your husband?" Like, don't do that. - [Derek] You know I didn't come here to attack you. It's all about love, baby. - [Ashley] That's the thing, though, they (beep) ambushed me. Y'all don't know what the (beep) I been going through the last three years. - You're all right. - I'ma get this over with 'cause I'm ready to go home. Like, they don't (beep) know. You don't know what (beep) hell this person put me through these last (beep) three years. - Well, tell us. We want to know. - [Ashley] Don't talk to me right now, Nev. Thank you. - Okay. Yeah, that's the house. All right, this is it. There's no turning back. - All right. - So, I think we should do it. - Let's do it. - [Max] Let's go. (tense music) - This is crazy, man. - You guys wait here in the shade. I'll knock on the door. (knocking lightly) - How you feeling? - I'm feeling like this is, like, so weird, bro. This is, like, killing me right now. Like, for real. (tense music) - Hello. - [Jose] Hello. - Hi. - Hey. - [Nev] I'm gonna stick my head in for a second. - What's he doing? - [Nev] I'm sure you must be pretty nervous. - [Jose] I just didn't know that he was standing right there. (Jose crying) - [Nev] It's all right. It's okay. (Jose crying) Take it easy. I'm assuming you're Rosa? - [Jose] Yep. - This is, like, so weird bro. - [Nev] Just be yourself, be honest. Say whatever it is that you feel comfortable saying. Okay? - I'm ready. - Okay. (tense music) - Oh my God, bro. - Say something. I'll start the conversation. This is Jose. As I understand, Jose has been Rosa. - Yep. - This is just crazy, man. What are you doing, man? - I didn't mean for this to happen like this. - Aren't you ashamed of yourself, bro? - I am ashamed of myself. - [Danny] Yeah. - I am, I'm not gonna lie. - What is this, man? Why would you do something like that? - I never meant to hurt nobody else. I was trying to hurt the person in the picture. - The girl in the picture? Why, do you know her? - Yeah. Natalie. - [Nev] So you know Natalie? - [Jose] I went to school with her. - [Nev] In Florida? - I was trying to get her to feel the pain that I felt. I used to be bullied in school, you know, by her and obviously a group of other people. - So you created the account to take revenge on her? - Basically, yeah. - [Max] You made that account in high school? - I was in high school. I was in ninth grade. - And how old are you now? - [Jose] I'm 26 now. - [Nev] That was a long time ago. - That was a long time ago. - Whatever you have against this girl, bro, what does that have to do with me? You don't play with people like that. You don't do that to people. I'm over here making plans. I'm, like, all into this girl. What were you actually planning on getting out of this? Eventually we gonna find out the truth, you know? This is just crazy, man. It's embarrassing actually. You know? - It is embarrassing. You know, and, like, I'm sorry. Like, I am. - You need some help. You need to go to church, you need to get involved, you need to speak to someone. You can't just lock yourself in there and make believe you're a woman. If you like men, holla at a dude that likes men. It's as simple as that, man. What you did was wrong. - And I admit it. - I have nothing to say to you, man. This is an embarrassment for real. I'm done here. (Jose sighs) This dude is sick, bruh. - For him, it might not seem that I care, but I really do. Like, I really do, and I feel bad about myself every single day that I wake up. ♪ I'm not a forest even if I thought I was one with you ♪ - This is (beep) crazy, bro ♪ 'Cause you're not an angel even if you're close ♪ - This is so embarrassing it's not even funny. - I didn't mean to hurt him, you know? But I was going through so much at home, and the only reason that I did continue talking to Danny, like I wanted to stop at first, but he was the type of person that he sat there and he listened. He listened and actually gave me advise and never tried to judge me. Obviously he was a good person, you know, very religious, you know, and those words of inspiration that he would tell me, you know, really helped too. Everything that I said that Rosa was going through, I really went through it, you know, as me, as Jose, you know? I told Danny, you know, that Rosa was sexually abused. It happened to me. I was in pain. To this day I'm still in pain. I just tried to find an escape. I tried to find an escape through drugs. I used to do drugs heavy. You know, the only way that I stopped doing drugs, I got locked up. That was the only thing that was helping. I felt like being somebody else, being somebody that you're not, being somebody that you can actually talk to somebody and they can't judge you on your past because they don't know nothing about your past. - All right, well, look, this is a distinctive moment for you. Right now when you look back at your life a lot of it's the stuff that wasn't great. It's getting bullied in high school, it's getting addicted to drugs, it's going to jail. It's not the best past. And while it's not gonna go away, starting now you can do it a little differently. Tomorrow, if you're up for it, hopefully help you start that process of healing, and turn that page, and leave volume one of the life of Jose somewhere else and start, you know, volume two. - Okay. Thank you. - [Max] It was nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you guys. Thank you guys, for real. - [Nev] All right. We'll check in with you later. - Mm-hm. (Nev sighs) - Aw, man. - [Nev] That was probably more than you bargained for. - Uh, yeah. I just feel like I want to disappear from the world for a couple of days. - I know it's not fair, because this is just as much your experience as it is his, but I think it's pretty obvious that this guy has had it pretty rough. - You have every right to be mad and to not want to do anything more for this guy. But if you really wanted to be a hero and go beyond, the one thing you could give him is to let him know this is not something you're gonna hold against him for the rest of your life, and that might lighten his burden a little more. (Danny sighs) - This is crazy. Just send a (beep) text. - This is, like, too immature. (tense music) - Uh-oh. - [Kamie] Is that him? - [Nev] I can't believe it. - Oh my gosh. - [Nev] It's him! Wow. I'm shocked. - Oh my gosh. - What happened? We hadn't heard from you in a couple hours. - Yeah. - Oh my gosh. - A little nervous, for real. Yeah, something new. New experience for me. - [Nev] Okay. - This is crazy. - Jaquan, that's your name? - Yes. - [Kamie] Aaliyah, you want to join us? - Yeah. - [Nev] We're confused, 'cause you did get her texts. - What's been going on? What took you so long today? - I kind of didn't want to do the show, to be honest. I didn't want to meet like this, honestly. That's kind of, like, embarrassing for me. - Okay, fine, but it would have never come to this if you had just even, like, FaceTimed with her. - Yeah. - Right? - Yeah. See, like, it took me a big chance to even get on the phone with her in the first place, 'cause I don't even talk on the phone. - But you haven't sent her any pictures? - Right. - I was skeptical. You know how online dating goes. At first I didn't take it serious, and then she was telling me that she was a virgin. To me, I'm like a good guy, I wouldn't want to take no girl's virginity and not be with the girl. - So you felt like she got serious, and you guys obviously live on other sides of the country, you weren't sure where it was gonna go. But, from what she told us, it seemed like you guys were I a relationship. You said you loved her, she said she loved you. - Right, right. - [Nev] She was willing to get on a flight. I don't get it. - I wanted to meet her, but that was a big step for me. I was kind of nervous. I'm insecure in person. She wanted to see me so bad I would just say, "Yeah," but when it came down to it I would make, like, an excuse or something, like I gotta work or something, or I ain't got the money. - I hear what you're saying. There's just been so much mystery around you. - Why'd you delete your Instagram? - Oh, my brother did that. - So is Park Heights-- - Oh, yeah, that's my brother. - That's your brother. - Mm-hm. - [Nev] And he blocked us because you didn't want to do the show? - Yeah. He was kind of putting stuff in my head too, 'cause he was more skeptical at first. - Skeptical of her? - Yeah, pretty much. - We found a Facebook page that you use I guess, and she didn't know you had a Facebook page. But on the Facebook page you're very flirtatious. - Mm-hm. - You were definitely talking to girls on Facebook. - I was just doing it for fun, basically. - You were, like, sexual, and then what we seen was, like, recent, you know? - Jaquan in real life is supposed to be in a relationship with Aaliyah. When you're out and about and somebody were to ask you, "Do you have a girlfriend," do you say yes? - Would I say yes if somebody were to ask me if I had a girlfriend? Uh... - If you got to think about it, it's fine. - Yes. I really do love the girl. Don't get me wrong. I really don't show my feelings until I know, like, it's genuine. I'm scared to get my heart broken, if that makes sense. When I wanted to meet her, I can't do that on my own. That was a big step for me. I was kinda nervous. I'm insecure in person. I can't do that. - He's, like, shy. It's cute. - But, okay, Aaliyah, talk to me. Come on, girlfriend. - It's hard, like, when you see somebody for the first time, you know? It's hard not to give in. - So you're into it? - Yeah, I am. - Just from knowing you for the past few days, you do a lot to make other people feel loved. You want to give, give, give, give, give. But, like, how much love are you getting? You're giving all of it, but what are you getting back? I personally don't think hat he would have ever actually met up with you if it wasn't for-- - Me either. For this. - For this. - Mm-hm. But, I don't know, I can see, like, the more he was talking, like, this was hard for him. I don't know. Like, I love him, so it's, like, more than that. I don't know, it's crazy. - From the conversations you guys have had you talked about wanting to move to California and to, you know, be with her. - Yeah, I talked about moving to LA. - Right, but you didn't imagine moving to LA to, like, be in a relationship with her? - No, but-- - Fair. - It's like 50/50. - How serious are you? - I'm serious, right? I mean, I love the girl. I got feelings for her, a lot. I can see myself moving out here with her. But I want to make sure-- - so you want to try and make this work? - Exactly. - All right. All right, let me just check in with them. I'll bring her over. I've been talking to him, and it sounds to me like he has things he wants to say to you. So, why don't we just let them talk and we'll just kind of leave you guys for a minute? - [Kamie] I wanna hear. - [Aaliyah] Nervous? - Heck yeah, I'm nervous. What you want to do, for real? Do you want to be with me? I want to be with you, obviously. - I do, I just don't want to look dumb. I don't know, it's just, like, trust is kind of (beep) up. So, what are you willing to do for this relationship? - I'm trying to be with you. - But, like, what are you willing to do? - Whatever you ask me to do. That's what I'm saying. That's why I asked you, like, what do you want me to do? - Show your actions, so I don't get hurt. I can show my actions. - I like it. - So you don't get hurt, you know? - I like it. - Would you want to move with me to LA? - I feel like I'd be okay with that. - Yeah, we can live together. - Nev. They're talking about living together. - Yeah, good. - No, it's not good. - So do you love me? - I want a hug. Yes, I love you. Come here, give me a hug. ♪ Can't believe I get to ♪ - I can trust you? - You know you can trust me. - I don't want it to look like I was eavesdropping. - You were. - You're so cute. - You think I am? - All right you two. - No, you're cute. No, you're cute. - Let's sit over here for a second so we can all sit together. You understand, like, she is serious. - Right. - And she doesn't (beep) around. And when she's with someone, she's really with them and it means a lot. From what you're saying, you feel very much the same way. So, like, there's definitely grounds here for some sort of future thing. - Right. - But you're gonna have to prove it. - [Jaquan] Right. - I think that you guys, because you are so young, you can both come here, and make moves, and do exactly what it is that you want to do, and be in a relationship with each other but still have your own path. - Okay. - Yeah. - Don't move in together for Christ's sake. Please. I have to say that before I leave. - So that's it. All right. In an un... You know. (Kamie gasps) - Wow. - [Aaliyah] Kamie's all like... (Kamie laughs) - Why don't we let you guys have some time? Good to meet you. Good luck. - Good luck. - Thank you. It was a blessing to meet you. ♪ Is this what they call real love ♪ - I have to make sure she's okay. Gotta keep my eyes on him at all times. - I've got butterflies in my stomach, real talk. - Are you serious? - Yes. - Still? Just me and you. You ever had butterflies with a female? ♪ Is this what they call real love ♪ - I guess it's this little apartment complex. - This one? - We're here. Oh, it's a hotel. Weird. Does she live here? - This is weird. - Yeah, right? This is pretty shady. - I'm nervous again, guys. - Okay, let's see, we're here. Are you in one of the rooms? - I don't like this. - Me either. - I guess let me just... You guys hang out here. Let me snoop around. - No problem. - See what I can figure out. (ominous music) She could be in one of these rooms. Maybe she works here. I don't know. (text chimes) Oh. - Oh, great. - 106, all right. Oh, it's right there. All right, hold on, let me see. - Come on. Let's go. (tense music) (knocking on door) (tense music) - [Jesus] Who's that? - Hi. - Hi. - Alexis? - Yeah. - Or Nicole? - Yeah. - What should we call you? - Nicole. - Nicole? - Yeah. - All right. Well, glad you're here. Obviously Jesus is here. He wants to meet you. We have some questions too. So, if you're ready, why don't you come outside? - I'm ready. - [Kamie] Oh my God. - Who's that? - [Kamie] Oh, wow. - Why don't we come over here? - That's Alexis? - So, Nicole? - Mm-hm. - This is Jesus. You are the person he's been talking to, is that right? - Mm-hm. - Okay. So, what's been going on here? Because we got a whole story from Amanda. Clearly you're not the girl in the pictures. - No, Amanda made the profile. - Wait, Amanda made the profile? - Amanda made the profile years ago. She was doing this and that. She used to be my best friend. She's not anymore. - Hold on, so you're saying that when Jesus started talking to Alexis he was actually talking to Amanda? - He was talking to her, and then I took over. - [Nev] How long have you been the profile? - I was talking to him a little over a year. - [Nev] So pretty much the whole time. - Yeah, yeah. - [Nev] And it was you in the video chat, right? - It was me. - [Nev] Okay, so you are the Catfish. Who's the girl in the Alexis profile? - That's my cousin. Those are her pictures. - Oh, you used pictures of your cousin? - Yes, that's "Alexis." - And she knew you were using her pictures, or not? - No, Amanda didn't tell her nothing. Amanda, we friended her like a friend, you know, "Hey, let's do this together." I said, "Okay." You know, I agreed to it. - And what about this Nicole person? - [Nicole] That's my daughter, Nikki. - [Nev] You use pictures of your daughter? - Yeah. - Does your daughter know that you're using her pictures? - No. - [Nev] What about your other daughter, Alyssa, that you told Jesus about? - Yeah, who's Alyssa? - That's Amanda's daughter. - You said it was your daughter. - Yeah, but don't yell at me. That's Amanda's daughter. - All right. Amanda said you guys got into a big fight because you sent pictures of her kids to some guy in prison. - First of all, she's the one that gave me the pictures to send to him. Second of all, Amanda was-- - So you did send pictures of her daughter to someone in prison? - To nobody in prison. She was in this the whole time. I don't know what she's talking about. - The bottom line is Alexis is not real. You're talking for a year plus to this young man, and the idea was to make a fake profile to talk to guys to see if you could get them to give you money? - Yeah. Amanda's being a total bitch and I hate her right now. - Enough about Amanda. You're the one here who's telling me that you have been scamming lots of guys pretending to be Alexis. And you're the catfish. - I'm not innocent. I'm far from innocent. But don't make me look like a (beep) bad person on (beep) national TV, 'cause I can easily just get up and walk away real quick and I won't care. - So you don't care about him at all? - I care for him as a friend. - You guys were saying, "I love you." - As a friend. You can't tell a friend you love him? - Well, right, but you knew that he was more in love than just, like, a friend. - Yeah, but it was just, like, I wanted a friendship. - You have to care about him. A year is a long time to talk to anybody. - Really, I have to? When nobody give a (beep) about you you don't got to care about nobody. You don't know my life story. You don't know what I've been through. I've been through a lot of (beep). I've been in the foster care, I've been adopted. - I have too. - I've been in and out of jail since I was 11 years old. Okay? I've gone through a lot of (beep), okay? I've been through a lot. - I have too. - I've had my ass dragged from one end to the other, okay? You don't want to talk to me at the end of the (beep) day, oh well, so be it. I'm still gonna be me, I'm still gonna move on, I'm gonna do me and my kids, and that's the bottom (beep) line to it. And if you believe Amanda, then you're (beep) dumber than I thought. - [Kamie] Oh my God. - But you lied. - I honestly don't believe anything that you're saying. - I mean, what you did is not okay. Take some (beep) responsibility for yourself. You realize what you're doing is really (beep) up. - I'm done. I'm done with this situation. I'm done. I'm gonna walk away, 'cause I'm about to cuss your ass out real quick. So I'm done with the... I don't want to talk about it. Thank you. Okay, I'm already done. - Just let her be. Just let her be, guys. - She's obviously in a lot of pain, but so are a lot of people and it's not an excuse. - I just want to go home already. - [Nev] Here's a car pulling in. - Wait. Someone's getting out. - Oh my God. This some bull(beep). Oh my. - Hello. - Hi. - Hi, Ashley. - Hi. - [Nev] How are you? - I'm good. - Nice to meet you. Nev. - Kamie. It is Ashley? - Yeah. - Right. How'd it go getting in? - Good. - [Nev] Had you been to LA before? - No. - Never been to LA? - I said no. - I thought you were just here doing hair for work. - Okay, I'ma talk to you. Okay. - Oh, well, (beep) me then. (laughs) That's fine. - Sorry, I was just trying to make some small talk 'cause I'm assuming you're nervous. Anyway, we figured out that a lot of the profiles that Red has been talking to for the past six years are fake. - Mm-hm. - We're assuming you're behind most or all of them. - Mm-hm. - [Nev] No one else is involved? - No. - Okay, so Shekinah, Tamar-- - Me, me, me, me, me, me, me. - [Nev] Right, I just to make sure I know who all of... How many... Are there some that we don't even know about? - Well, yeah. - And are you doing this to anybody else? - Of course. - Oh my God. I just want to know why. Like, why? What was the purpose? - It just started. - [Red] Why? - You hopped in my inbox first. - Who, Jalissa's? 'Cause I don't even know you. - [Nev] Well, wait, who when you say-- - And I didn't hop in nobody's inbox. - You did though. - [Red] As Jalissa? Was it Jalissa? - No, you hopped in Shekinah's inbox first. - Oh, see, you're not Shekinah. - You skippity skip skip skip hopped. - But why? - You did the bunny rabbit and you hopped. You hopped your ass in there. - Okay. - Really? - Really? - Don't flip this on me, 'cause you did this. - What is the attitude? - I'ma talk to you, 'cause he the host. You the help. - Wow. - You are the one who is impersonating other people on the internet. - Okay, I'ma talk to him. This his show, not yours. - But I'm talking to you. - Hey, hey, hey, it's our show. - And therefore-- - [Ashley] Okay, well, I'm talking to him. - You are here on our show, with our cameras-- - (Sighs) This bitch. - If you call me a bitch one more time we're gonna have a serious problem, so let's be respectful. - Yeah. - Jesus. - Look, if you keep speaking to her that way then you won't get the chance to speak to any of us. - Okay. - [Kamie] Do you have kids? - [Ashley] No. - Are you married? - No. - We just happened to notice on your Facebook page that we found that it says you are married. - I was married. - Okay. We're just trying to find out more about you. - We're trying to figure out the truth. - Okay, Nev. - Just tell us who you are so we know what is real and what isn't. - I'm just me. - [Nev] How old are you? - 24. - 24, okay. And you live in Texas? - Yes, I do. - So, if you're 24 now, that means you started these when you were like... When did you first start? - Like, 12 years old. - What? - So your first fake profile when you were 12? - Yeah. - Whoa, okay. How did you come across Jalissa? - Jalissa. - 'Cause she's a real person. - Instagram. - Okay. She's not really famous. - No, we're just friends on Instagram. - You know her personally? - I do, yeah. - You have met her in person? - Oh my God. No, we know... - Okay. - we follow each other. - Yes. - We know some of the same people. - Uh-huh. - That's it. - If you break it down a little slower I might be able to understand you even better. - Okay. - You seem upset. - I'm a blunt person. This is my personality. This is how I am. - This is not being blunt. - There's a difference between being blunt and being respectful, and you're being very disrespectful. - [Ashley] I'm being respectful. - No you're not. - No you're not. - You're being very disrespect. - You're really not. - You came up here disrespectful. - How? - Look how you talkin' to her. - This bird wanna hop in this conversation. - Why she gotta be a bird? - Well bock bock, bitch. Here I am. - Why she gotta be a bird? - Bock, bitch. - Yes. - 'Cause she callin' you on your (beep). - Okay, you have any more questions, Nev? I'm not talking to these two right now. - There's a side of your personality that is different than this, because you've talked to Jalissa in a different-- - I mean, yeah, I can be sweet. - Right. - I can be sweet. - Did you know that she was dating someone? - [Ashley] I mean, yeah, I knew. - Didn't you ever think, like, "I should probably leave her alone"? - I mean, yeah, and I did. I got married, and then I got bored. - We got the impression from Red, and maybe you have a different take on it, that there was a lot of talk, romantic conversation about being together. - I didn't mean it. - Getting married. - [Ashley] I didn't mean it. - You may not have meant it, but-- - Hell no. - I hope you didn't. - I'm not gay. - Well, I'm gay as (beep). Like, I'm gay-gay. - Okay, enjoy that. Anyway. - Red, you look like you got a lot on your mind. You want to go talk in the car? - Sure, come on. - We'll leave you two to it. - She's hella rude. - She is gonna look like the asshole because she is a (beep) asshole. - I know. I want to knock the (beep) out of her. Like, she's hella disrespectful. - Let's get in the AC. We don't have to burn because of this bitch. - Do you feel better now than you did? - I mean, yeah, I guess. I mean, of course she's gonna be mad or whatever, but I don't know what else to say. - [Kamie] Are you buying what she's selling? Are you buying this whole, "I was just bored"? - No. - Now, everybody has to come out on their own time. I'm sure you have your own journey with that. But it's a front. I know people like that. - She's never been that way with me. - People like that, because they're so insecure and unhappy, will have that boisterous, just rude, like, defense mechanism because it's a front. But I don't even know if she's open enough to explain her true self to tell us. - What do you want to do now? - I mean, like, whenever she cool down I'd be open to talk to her, but I'm not gonna talk to her right now. - Let me regroup with them. - Okay, that's fine. - I'll let them know that you're willing to sit down and talk a little bit more. And then, as soon as everybody has calmed down, maybe we can meet somewhere nearby. - Okay. - You came in a little hot, especially on Kamie. We got off to a bit more-- - Yeah, we did. - Rough start than we needed to. - We did. - Take some time to really think is this how you want things to end between you and Red. - Thank you so much. - Okay, I'll talk to you in a little bit. - Okay. ♪ See you're just trying to get under my ♪ ♪ Under my skin I guess ♪ - Did she leave? - Yeah. Probably best if we all just take a breather. I see her, and I see the way she's acting, and hear the things she's saying, and, like, I just want to give her an opportunity to try and, like, think a little bit more deeply about, like, what she's done and how she feels, because if we don't try to help her she'll just keep making people unhappy around her forever.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 1,278,152
Rating: 4.8975515 out of 5
Keywords: most watched, happy endings, victims revealed, nev and kamie, coldeset catfish, kaden, adriana, catfish moments, catfish excuses, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, hilarious, best moments, online dating, real life, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, pretend, nec schulman, nev, relationship, honest, reality, love, catfish, Catfish, Catfish: The TV Show, best of catfish, catfish the tv show, catfish mtv, catfish sneak peek, catfish highlight, catfish reveal, reveal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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