4 Catfish Who Got Catfished Themselves | MTV Ranked

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So this is nice. So it was a former catfish who's now not catfishing, but thinks she might be getting catfished. So that's interesting. I don't know if it's a guy or a girl. It's true. Everything was perfect until I started noticing he was doing some of the things that I used to do as a catfish. Karma is a bitch. Okay, email time. Hey Nev and Max, my name is Jasmine and I need your help. It's not for me though. It's for my best friend. Life has been tough for him and he's been in some toxic relationships. Why doesn't her friend have a name yet? She's keeping it a secret. He recently started to turn his life around and seemed really happy, but then he met Jay. They were talking online and getting really serious. I was suspicious from the beginning. Jay would never video chat and his profile photos didn't seem right. About two weeks ago, Jay disappeared. My friend is devastated, but he still thinks they have a chance to be together. The reason I need your help is because I know my friend will listen to you guys. You've helped him before. We've helped him before? Wait, maybe she didn't say his name for a reason. Maybe if he finds out what happened to this mystery guy, he can move on. Please call me. Jasmine. Oh man, wait. We've helped him before. Do you think that's just because we've helped him from watching the show or- It's got to be someone from a previous- Well why isn't she saying his name? In almost a hundred episodes of making this show, there are a lot of people we've helped. It could be anyone. Very mysterious. All right, let's find out. Let's see what Jasmine's got to say. Oh, hey. How are you guys? What's up guys? I assume this is Jasmine. Yes. Hi. I'm Ellae. LA like the city? -Yeah. Wait, are you the friend that she's trying to help? No. -No. Well, we're very curious about this. First of all, where are you? In Hartford, Connecticut. Hartford. Jose. It could only be Jose. We've never been to Hartford- But only that once. All right, Jasmine, out with it. It's Jose. It's Jose. It is Jose. Oh my God. You guys remember Jose? This is Jose. Jose has been Rosa. Yup. Yeah, he catfished a guy named Danny in Orlando as a woman named Rosa. Can we hear the Rosa voice? I don't know what's going on. You know, a lot of things been changing in my life. Wow. How did I forget? All right. Tell us the story. So it's Jose. Jose, after he left that show, he was doing good. You know, he has his plays, he was working, he was hanging out, he was doing what he liked to do. But then he met somebody on Facebook two months ago and he got really serious. They was talking, he was falling for him and just wouldn't video chat him. I personally felt like it was a fake profile. The pictures just, no, not having it. I try to tell Jose that I felt like he was not who he was saying he was. I mean, if anybody should know they're being catfished, it's Jose. The guy was a catfish. He was. He doesn't believe that he might be getting catfished. Were they in love? Yeah. They talk about marriage, talk about moving in with each other, everything. And the guy just disappeared. So does Jose know that you guys have reached out to us? Yeah. He's just scared that you might say no to him. He's afraid that we're going to say "No way, Jose." That's it. That's all we got to tell him. Someone's coming, someone's coming, right now. Coming this way. One person, right? -Yeah. Oh no. Wait a second. You know this guy? You know who that is? No, but obviously he's walking this way. Oh (bleep). -Hello. Hello. What's up man? -What's up? Nev. -Jose. Jose? -Yeah. Same first name. Yeah. -All right. Max. You're Jay, right? Yeah. All right. Did you just fly here? Yeah, I just got here not so long ago. Did you really fly here? Yeah. -From? Buffalo. -How old are you? I'm 20. Okay. So why did you disappear for three weeks? What would you say? It got too serious. It got too real. I didn't want to do all this. You didn't want to do all this? No. Okay. So you just disappear for three weeks. I would like as in- You couldn't just told me that you were okay. You couldn't just tell me that you, you know, I was worried thinking that something happened to you. Okay. So you couldn't just told me that you were okay. You didn't have to disappear for three (bleep) weeks. This is not what I wanted to do, you know. It kind of went too far. You know, I'm not homosexual, I'm a straight guy. I have a girlfriend. So your feelings were never there. They wasn't real. Perfect. So wait. So why did you talk to Jose at all? Well, okay, so the thing was that, I made a profile way back. I was in a dark place. I was depressed. I was drinking every single night. I was going through a lot of bull (bleep). I was like, "Yo, let me be someone else for a day or two." I got addicted to it, so I stayed on that profile. I was getting a lot of attention. People were writing me, they "Hey, good morning." I was bored. I wanted to be somebody else. My real profile wasn't getting all that stuff. There was one girl we talked to that said that Jay invited her to move to California. It was, it was just fun and games because I wanted to feel like, I wanted to feel important. Then I ended up seeing his episode, you know. He'd been through some things when he was younger, so have I. I contacted him. I was like, "Hey, how are you?" We were talking and stuff like that. You know, the thing that he's been through is what I've been through. I've been abused or whatever you want to call it. We have a connection. I've been through it as well. So I kind of related to him. Me and him, we could probably be friends. Right. And you guys made a connection. Yeah. Then he made a profile called, you know, Rosa Catfish. That pissed me off, you know. Hold on. You saw that he made another profile called- Rosa Seafish. When people saw the episode, you know, they liked the voice. I mean I don't know what's going on. You know, so they started asking me, you know, make funny videos, make skits. Yes, yes. I'm excited that you guys are here. He was wearing wigs and stuff. It's like, damn, that really bothered me. It hurt me because I'm like, yo, there's people who really been abused when they were younger. You want to go on TV and make a joke about it? You know. That pissed me off. You didn't like that- -I don't like that. He was having fun and goofing around. It's all about having fun, but I was like, you're taking it as a joke man. Well he makes a big scene about I was abused when I was a child or whatever he'd been through, which I understand because I know, we have a connection. I've been through it as well. What happened that was real, he wants to come and just make it as a joke. That's wrong to me. It's a character. Yeah. But why is he doing that? So you decided the friendship that you were building- That's it, it's done. It's done. It's over. It was done. So you continued to talk to him because you wanted, what was the intention? It was just to troll him, to bother him. For the stupid (bleep) he did. That's all fake man. It's all fake. It's all bull crap. To talk to someone for two months, were your feelings ever more than that? No, just no, nothing, never, no. Hey, Max and Nev, this is really strange, but there's no one else I can think to ask for help. Normally this is the part where I would tell you who I am, but I'm afraid if I do, you'll close the email. The thing is, you've caught me catfishing in the past. A catfish repeat offender. Who is it? Who could this be? Three years ago I met Adam on Facebook. He's fricking hot, he's really kind and is incredibly sweet to me. Who says fricking? That girl, Heather. Heather. From Pensacola. With the tall guy. Big Mike. You're cool as crap. -Right. I thought you were cool as crap. It could be her. Over the years, Adam and I have been on and off, but now he's my boyfriend. Adam lights up my day and has made me feel things I've never felt before. I used to get the same kind of attention from boys, but only when I pretended to be someone else. But Adam knows all about me and still loves me. So this is nice, so it was a former catfish who's now not catfishing, but thinks she might be getting catfished. So that's interesting. I don't know if this is a guy or a girl. That's true. Everything was perfect until I started noticing he was doing some of the things that I used to do as a catfish. Karma is a bitch. He refuses to meet and while it's been three years, we've never video chatted. It's heartbreaking and embarrassing to think I'm being catfished by the guy I love. I know I probably don't deserve your help. But I'm asking for it anyways. #Desperate You should just write back "Who dis?" Let's just say, "Hey anonymous. We want to help. Let's video chat." Who can this be? Hey, Mary. It's me. Holy (bleep). What's up? Hi. This is Mary/Ali. This is Dylan. We just saw you, this year. The second time it was about Darion. This is deja vu. What is it going to take for you to stop catfishing? I don't know. We all tried to beg you to stop catfishing. Are you still? -No. I don't believe it. I am not. I am not. And I'm so proud of myself. It's been a few months. Being on the show, I got dragged in mud pretty hard on all my social media. I'm very sorry that that happened. I knew going on the show what was going to happen. Didn't expect the extent, but I understood. That was karma, and it hurts. But I deserve it. I started going to therapy. It's a real eye opener. Congratulations on going to therapy and working all that stuff out. I want to believe you. I'm excited for you that you're growing up and finding your self confidence and that's awesome. So we're going to help you. Thank you, Nev. So tell us how you met Adam, under what circumstances. We met three years ago. Wait a second. So while you were being a catfish, you were having a wonderful relationship as yourself with this other guy? No, no, no. So our relationship was on and off. When Adam would get in a relationship back home, he would dump me and just go back catfishing. Did you ever say, "Hey, what the (beep)? I saw you on catfish?" Yeah, but he was like, "I don't want to talk about that because that's a burden for you and you don't want to talk about it, so let's not talk about it." Convenient. Yeah. Okay. So give us the whole thing. We met online. On my people you may know, as Mary, as Adam. Well, as Cameron, actually. Adam is his old account, so he doesn't use it. But I met him as his picture. He had the real picture. Why the fake name? His mom and him are not in each other's lives, so he doesn't want his mom to try to connect him on Facebook. He said he didn't want his mom to find him, so he uses an account with the name Cameron. Why is he so anti-mom? Because his mom has issues. He has joint custody of his little sister with his grandparents. So you're crushing on him, he flirts back with you. We start talking all the time, but video chatting is not a thing. When I would ask him, he was like, "I'm having an ugly day." I'm like, okay, everybody has an ugly day. I toTalli understand that. Every day. Where dose Adam live? Alabama. And you're in? Oklahoma. -Oklahoma. I have asked him, "Hey, let me come see you." And he's like, "I'm embarrassed for you to meet my family," or "I don't want you to come into my little sister's life." But do you believe that? I feel like I don't have any reason not to believe him. If it turns out that Adam is not the guy in the pictures, will that matter? No. I am still going to love him no matter what. No matter what he looks like? If he is old, I don't know if I can pursue that. What's old? I'm going to say 40, over 40. Fair. I want to believe he's not a catfish, but at the same time, I don't know. Oh, someone's coming. Hey. Hey. Come on down. Is that him? That's definitely the boy in the pictures. Holy moly. I can't believe it. What's your name? Adam. -You're Adam? Yeah. -Wow. Thanks for showing up. I'm just happy to be here. Glad to finally meet you. We're here because something isn't lining up. We don't know what that is, but you know what that is. Mary has a lot of deep feelings for you and she needs to get an explanation. Well, you love me, right? Yeah. Well, I just wanted to ask before I opened up more about something. I am a female and a male transgender. Okay. I was scared to tell you because you post everything on Facebook. I don't really want to broadcast it, like you do everything else. You're worried about Mary's discretion? Yeah. Well, then, you could be like, "Hey, I haven't fully came out to everyone, so I don't want you to do it for me." I mean, I don't care that you're going into transition. It's not an issue for me. Are you out to your family? -I am. But I don't exactly get respect for it. I understand what it feels like to be on the other side and be embarrassed of who you are. It's not necessarily embarrassment. This is Alabama. Yeah. -Right. People don't say that stuff lightly. Yeah. I know. I understand. And we get that. Coming on the show, it's a big deal. A lot of people are going to know about your situation, which takes a lot of courage. This is not easy. We all appreciate that. Do you plan on staying here? No. I plan on getting out eventually. Where to? Anywhere. Where people like me are more socially acceptable. But I basically have some custody of my little sister and it's a huge responsibility, considering that I am only 20 and I basically live alone. Okay. Do you have mouth cancer? I do. I dip chewing tobacco and it caused me to have pre-cancerous cells in my mouth. That's awful. Have you stopped? I haven't stopped yet, but I've cut down a lot on it. We also spoke to Skyler. You seemed to also be in a relationship with her. You're supposed to meet her on December 11th. That was hurtful for Mary to find out. The thing is, Skyler and I are really just close friends. So it's not very serious with her. She thinks it is. Yeah. Kind of makes me feel like I'm not as important as you tried to make it seem. I know this is tough and you're kind of dancing around it, but we came all this way. Do you want to be in a relationship with Mary? I do want to be in a relationship with you, but I live here, you live there. Is there really any future if we're not moving from it? I mean, you just said that you want to move away from Alabama, and I would move for you in a heartbeat. Just really the thing about it is, it's like we just have to slow down on it. I have a lot of stuff that I have to take care of before any of that can happen and even then, I feel if I want to date someone here, I should be able to do that. But I wouldn't have a problem with you doing that either. Can we go now? Do you want to go to the car for a second? Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yo. -Hey, how you doing? Le'Vonte. What's up? You grew up in St. Louis? Yes. How old are you? -17. And you live with your mom? Yeah. And now your mom is dating this guy? Yeah. Talli. Talli? She been talking to him for a long time, but she's never seen him or met him though. She's never seen him? She's seen a picture of him, but they've never video chatted or anything. I see. What do you know about Talli? I guess he's from this area, but he supposedly moved to Texas. That's all I know. She don't tell me a lot. She be telling me to get out of her business and stuff. It sounds like your mom is keeping a lot of secrets from you. Basically. So you did what any good son would do when your mom tells her to stay out of your business, you emailed the two guys from Catfish. To put your mom's business on television. Because my mom's been in a lot of bad relationships, so I just want to see her happy. That's it. Le'Vonte, who are you talking to? Who is that? It's my mom. What the (beep)? These are the people from Catfish? Oh, my (beep) God. I told her, but she didn't believe me. Is he always sticking his nose in your business? He's always. We're in your business now. There it is. You can't date someone on the internet without us knowing about it. Well, what's the deal with Talli? That's my boyfriend. No, it's not. He's my guy. We dating and we together. How long have you been talking to him? I met him about a year ago. Where did you meet him? I met him online, actually. But we do more talking on the phone. That's how I know it's real because most guys text you, but he actually wants to hear my voice. And do you love him? Yeah. You see me just... I blush when I talk about him. I get bumps. Do you have any doubts that Talli is who he says he is? I mean, why would I? I don't think he would do that to me because just from... I tell him everything about me and he going to tell me everything about him. In a relationship, you got to have trust. You've got to have trust. If you don't have trust, then you don't got nothing. So why doubt a person that you want to be with, that you love that say they love you. Why doubt a person? Can I talk to you for a minute in the kitchen? Okay. Sure. Yeah. Uh oh. So what do you think they're talking about? I figure you've heard everything. No? Do you worry about your mom? Yeah. Too trusting. She makes bad decisions. I don't know what's wrong with her. So you feel kind of responsible for keeping her in check a little bit? Well, I do. Man of the house. Okay. I know this is crazy. But I wasn't really honest with Talli in the first place. I was kind of texting him from a fake profile. Sheklia. Crazy. I know. I know. I know. This definitely changes things. So this whole time, you haven't really been trying that hard to meet him because... Right. Oh, man. Yeah. I made the fake profile to spy on my ex and Talli just texted me and... Oh my goodness. -Yeah. Le'Vonte really has no idea? He has no idea. Well, we got to tell him. Oh my God. Oh boy. All right. Got a little bit of a curve ball here. I got something that I need to tell you. Me and Talli haven't met and we haven't Facetimed each other because I've been talking to him from a fake profile. So you catfishing him? Kind of sort of. I mean, pretty much. Yeah. Pretty much. Oh my- I mean pretty much. Yeah, pretty much. Oh my God. What? What are the pictures that you've been using? I just Googled "Black girl", and this picture popped up. That's all you've shown him the whole time? Yes. He thinks I'm this girl named Carrie Taylor. That's messed up. Does Carrie speak any differently? Yeah. -What does she sound like? Hello. Hi, baby. Wow! Come on out here. What? This is Carrie. Oh my (beep) God! Are you serious? Wait, wait, wait. Really, Terrance? I didn't know it was you. You know this guy? -Yeah! Man, this is crazy. How do you know this guy? We dated like 10, 11 years ago. What? This is crazy! This ain't right. That's what it is. It's not right. You catfished me? Well, you catfished him, too. Yeah, but still, though. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You had a fake profile? Yes. And messaged her fake profile, and it just so happened that you guys actually used to date? Man, that was a long time ago. It was so long ago. Are you serious, man? Oh my God! So you... Wait, time out. You used to live in St. Louis. I used to live with my mother in St. Louis. Okay. I mean, this is a first. Oh my (beep)! This is crazy! This was you the whole time? You guys, this is destiny. Uh-uh (negative). No. No. It was a bad, bad relationship. It was a bad relationship? Yes, it was really bad. While we were together, he had three kids on me. You told me you don't even have any kids. You have a lot of kids. How many kids do you have? I got four. He had all those kids on me. Really? Yes! He was just a H-O-E. That's all he was. Talli-ho. Talli-ho. There you go. No! I (beep) knew it! I (beep) knew it! I said that! What are you doing here? I need your help. So who are you? My name is Johnny. I didn't mean to catfish you. I'm not out to my family, and I've never dated a guy up until this year. Okay, Jonathan. I can't believe it's you. It's crazy. I don't think we've ever known you as Jonathan. You were Johnny. Yeah. I wasn't sure if you would help me, being as though I was a previous catfish, so I wrote in as Jonathan instead. So I take it things didn't work out with Andrew. I think, based on what we both need, we should be good friends for one another. See, that's more important right now. We just weren't each other's match. Wait a second. How does a catfish- Get catfished. ...fall for a catfish? You know all the things. That's right. I don't know if it's a catfish. It could actually the person who they say they are. This is now a sequel. That's true. We need a new pickup line that's funnier than "Meat my balls." His opening line, after they matched was, "Are you spaghetti cuz I want you to meat my balls". What I messaged Connor was, "Are you a racehorse? Because when I ride, you always finish first." There it is. All right, Johnny, we just read your email. For five months, you've been talking to this new guy, Connor. Tell us kind of how it went. So we matched on Tinder. We talked for a few months on there. We would just talk every day, and then he just disappeared. For how long? About a month. All right. Did he have an excuse for what happened? Well, he said he lost his phone, or he deleted... Yeah, he lost his phone. Come on! This guy is... Come on. Johnny. How can you fall for this, Johnny? Johnny, come on. This guy is full of (beep). You're a catfish. It's a possibility he's full of (beep), but I don't want to believe it. So wait a minute. How many pictures have you seen of this guy? After he disappeared on Tinder, he actually reached out to me on Instagram. I looked up his pictures, and I didn't find anything. I don't have a last name, so I can't look for his social media, like his Facebook or his Twitter or anything. All I have is his Instagram. I gave him my number on Instagram, and then he finally reached out to me and texted me. Are you guys texting now? Yeah, now we've started texting. Yeah. Did you try calling him? I tried calling him. He doesn't answer. I tell him to call me, and he won't call me. How serious is this relationship? It's pretty serious. We have plans for the future already. Really? Yeah, no, I love him. You love him? You love him? Yeah. -And does he love you? I hope so, yeah. Of course. He sends me the kissing emojis. He has to. But he won't say it to your ear? No. That's why I really want to hear him say it. Wait, here's someone on foot. -Is it foot or on a bike? Through the hedges. It's a girl. Do you know this girl? Yes. Who is she? Oh my God! Hi. -Hi. How you doing? Good. I'm Nev. Hey. -What's your name? Shana. Shana. Hello. This is Max. Hi. -Hi. There's Johnny. Are you Connor? Yes. Oh my God. Who is Shana? Just some girl. Just some girl? How do you know Johnny? Why have you created Connor? Me and him had like a thing going on. What kind of thing? Like we went on dates. We kissed, and... You hooked up? Yeah. Like I fell for him. When? Between August and September. Just last year. So over the course of a couple of weeks? Yes. I thought he was gay. I thought he was straight. This is so embarrassing. According to what you've told us, it sounded like you were only interested in men. You didn't know that. No, because we had a thing going on. So I feel like if you were gay, why didn't you just tell me? And did you develop feelings for him? Yeah, a lot. Then what happened? Then on the show, he comes out as, you know, liking men, and I'm like... What the hell? I wasn't talking to her at the time when the episode aired. Were you dating or talking before it did? Yeah. How did things end with you guys? He just like, you know, just stopped talking to me, just dropped me. You at least could let me know. You don't just leave me hanging. You could have just been up front, and like, "You know what, this isn't going anywhere?" But it never did. -Right. It sounds very familiar, yeah. Then, how did the Connor profile come to be? I saw the show, and I feel like, "What could I do to kind of like get back at him a little bit?" You made Connor. You matched on Tinder. How did you know all that stuff about Cameron? Mutual friends. He used to talk about his ex a lot. Johnny, I mean... Johnny, we'll get to Johnny in a second. Do you still have feelings for Johnny? Yeah, I do. This is a very poetic situation, isn't it? Do I need to point out the irony here? This is (beep) me up. This is so (beep) up. I have a defense. So let's hear it. Let's hear it. I can't wait. What she said was true. We did have a thing going on, but in my defense, we would only talk through Snapchat or Facebook or whatever. Then you met in person multiple times? Yeah, but you don't tell somebody- Yeah, but you had a way to communicate. Yeah, but I don't want to break somebody's heart. No, but you could have- You could have told me. It was going to be better if you had told me right now and direct. Oh, oh, oh. Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. Let's do this. Okay. Okay? Why did you stop the hanging out with Shana? I don't want this to come off as I was just using you or exploring my sexuality because I did like what we had, but I just wasn't interested. But you should have said that. Why didn't you say it? You had plenty of time to say it, right in my face, just like now. You have plenty of time to say it. It's just amazing to me how you spent all day yesterday whining. "Cameron didn't give me clear signals." Meanwhile, you did the exact same thing to Shana. Yes, while what Shana did, pretending to be Connor and drawing you out into this thing is (beep) up, it's a wash. This is karma. Thank you. You're welcome. You got plenty of time to tell me. Yeah, I know. I get that now. I really don't think you get it, whatsoever. I don't know what to say. This whole thing is embarrassing. How do you think I felt? Jesus, I can't believe this (beep) played out this way.
Channel: MTV
Views: 6,715,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MTV, catfish full episodes, MTV Ranked, catfish slow clap, catfish, catfish moments, catfish excuses, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, reveal, catfish season 7, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality
Id: pGIb5F1DrEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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