$2 PHO vs $100 PHO - Northern VS Southern Pho! (Có phụ đề Tiếng Việt)

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[Music] $100 fought and it's all right here [Music] my name is Sonny and it is my mission to travel throughout Vietnam demystifying its diverse cuisines [Music] from the Mekong Delta style cooking in the south to the rare cuisine of Viet Nam's mountain people in the north here we have our beautiful giant rainbow snowball a sticky rice please food is better when you share it together with one trip tours I am discovering every delicious destination this country has to offer and I'm sharing all the amazing yumminess with you guys today we are about to dive into a classic Vietnamese staple and right now we are in Saigon and the whole notha and I can't have any more honey yeah you know that spy isn't for the Saigon right Oh where's it from it's from the north okay crazy idea instead of going to the restaurant could you just go to the airport directly hey you serious man so right now we are headed to the birthplace of thought northern Vietnam let's go dude I can't just just drive to the airport [Music] you can find the best original plot you have to literally fly to annoy Authority twin life bar maybe Viet Nam's most internationally recognized dish but even within Vietnam there's an ongoing debate between those who say the more authentic northern style of VAW is king and those who think the true champion is the more beefed up southern style today we'll try both and finally put this debate to rest we'll also check out a local restaurant that's introduced a new twist to some classic Vietnamese laws staples fried butt and at first I was like yo where are the noodles right here and finally we'll meet the masterpiece itself the hundred dollar Fogg created by Michelin trained chef Peter Franklin but first we start off this special foodie mission in Hanoi what you know about traveling 700 miles just or like 1,100 kilometers just for a bowl of noodles we are in Hanoi the capital of Vietnam and we are on a foodie mission let's go how's that right now we are standing in front of one of the longest standing fought establishments in Illinois this place has been here for over 70 years making a basically a Museum of soup but what's cool about this museum is you get to eat the artifacts let's go crazy busy massive line here oh my god look at this this is crazy I think we picked the right spot this restaurant is one of the longest standing Foss stablishment in Hanoi for over 60 years they've maintained their traditional Fogg recipe and their traditional serving style meaning if you want a hot bowl of YUM you're gonna have to wait in line like everyone else you've eaten here before and to come up here whenever I recommend me this is kind of the quintessential annoyance ah definitely do it do you have the credentials to even say something like that white guy lady here it's different cuts of meats this is the noodle bro and then this is the Bronfman and they have a couple of giant steaming call hands of brah ask anyone and they will tell you broth is the heart and soul of thought the broth that's kind of like the heart and soul of particularly the northern version which they pay a lot of attention to the broth is generally made by simmering beef bones charred onion charred ginger and spices though ingredients vary depending on the region and vendor I thought that day I got it there we go Wow thanks for treating me you made me feel like it special lady you're gonna find a few of the cocktail like and then if there's any three of things on the menu here today our northern style bowl of thought will be served with a slightly thicker fog noodle a flavor packed bone broth beef brisket and rare beef that's been blanched in piping hot broth Lance it in the broth real quick so start that raw yeah I just kind of conquer the block is so hot in a seconds oh no that's on ours then chop with scallions pepper and a light smattering of fresh herbs Wow this looks amazing I'm so hungry so is this a pretty common breakfast Oh give me people yes are you even Vietnamese let me ask the camera guy hi is this a common breakfast yes okay we have confirmation all the best spots you'll find the ones that the locals eat the religious establishments that Hall breakfast only we're essentially saying this place is going to be our symbol of the north and then we'll find a place that'll be the symbol for the south in the south you've got a huge basket of herbs on the table and here they're like we're not gonna mess around with that we'll just put them in there for you yeah which I like actually I'm so gung-ho about like getting the food and eating it immediately here they've just like made it simple for you much less of them build your own adventure than Saigon there's not even in me lion-o the meat looks absolutely delicious so I've read a lot about upon the north and I thought there would be less meat mmm there's a lot of meats and the noodles are flats but not super wide or anything like that there's a lot of things that if people will say well look that's quintessentially in annoyance been essentially like a nice spa but there's definitely overlap there's no way that we don't piss off somebody in this video so we're gonna take it by you at the same time because I learned that that's what you're supposed to do so that people can see two different yummy faces at the same time I got a nice helping of both cuts of meat here let's do it that's really good yeah this talk instead of being really sweet it's really beefy yeah it's super beefy as well as sweetness to it as very noticeable one of the things that distinguishes southern is the sweetness and we just have west herbs going on so you know we don't have a lot basil adding in flavor and it solely for this it's just more of a you know one direction it's a pun synthetic thing actually I really like the meaty flavor yeah oh I find this really fascinating and I'm happy because I don't think you'll be such a variation there's a lot less salt but there's still plenty of flavor it's almost like a completely different different it really is not a damn you know I thought I could come out of this easily saying okay North is better or South is better but they just feel a lot different I kind of like the non sweeter wrong I just it's really meaty it's beefy there's a lot of fat in this product I might be leaning towards north oh man don't do it you're are you so I think I am I think I'm a South thigh mmm little bit of meat a little bit of nudes a tremendous now that we've had BA in the North we're gonna fly to Saigon to figure out what far in this south is all about the far that many Westerners have come to know in love is actually be fuh known as ba ba but really the word fog just refers to the white rice noodle in fact ba has many incarnations throughout Vietnam northwestern Viet Nam's Lao Cai province is home to the red noodle pho getting its color from the special rice used in its creation from here I can see it looks like the traditional fall noodle but it's kind of pink or red there's a big black sausage here let's try it with that yeah buddy look at this this is probably the most unique fall I've ever seen it is Mountain foie it has the red noodle it's a little bit more of a pink noodle but you know what we can call it red and we're gonna mix that up a bit so nice so let's get a bite with the sausage and the nudes together oh yeah buddy hmm that is hands down one of the best bowls and noodles I've ever tried the broth is so rich I mean it's just like the typical fog noodle super soft and then the sausage is just outstanding when you put it all together dynamite fog can be fried or it could even be roll and not just with beet either chicken pho is hugely popular in the north in Hanoi you can even get a dry noodle chicken fought with no bra I thought if I had to have a bra I'll have that brought this one does not have wrong go beyond a separate Bowl that's what I like about dry noodle they're like look we're not gonna leave you hanging here's a side bowl of some broth but instead of beet they've got chicken I'm gonna figure this out in my mouth that's how I deal with confusing situations okay I chew on it that's good to learn more about this dynamic dish I headed to all along in Saigon to talk to head chef and founder Peter Franklin along has a modern take on classic Vietnamese dishes and later today we'll get Peters take on his $100 farm the debate rages on between northern and southern fun which is the most authentic between these two and what are the differences so today I've come to along to interview Peter the founder and head chef of this restaurant Peter what do you think distinguishes northern far from southern falls the northern which is more influenced by a Chinese cooking so it's more subtle more delicate a lot of things has to be made by hand you will find fur being cooked by chaco the fire noodle will still made by hand cut by hand whereas in the South now it's bit more modernized and they tend to put everything in whatever ingredient they have they will dump it in so it's bigger more colorful more flavor and so they're completely different products to me but this meat that we're doing it with a cocktail so what better way to do that with 22a Paquito so we're taking a mojito classic mojito and you're pouring in soup broth so instead super up we got alcohol okay oh thank god along Vahid Oh draws inspiration from the classic mojito but instead of using mint they're infusing flavor with several herbs and spices you would expect to see around any good southern fall creation cinnamon steinitz sauce and coriander and the Asian basil kind of like basically making a broth instead of using the pho broth we're using alcohol as it turns out my favorite type of broth is actually alcohol so I couldn't wait to try his new creation is that we haven't opened this way now much of a lead oh yeah we don't want to really shock you but okay so all right let's try it out okay oh that is nice dang it really it does capture that essence somehow yeah and it's not just through the taste and through the smell because I can smell like the cinnamon you don't have to taste fuss sometimes when you just walk around the air where they're making fun you can smell the beef combined with the cinnamon that mine is the peach sauce and all the herbs so you just kind of follow your nose and you know we're at the photo shop is gonna be from there I followed my nose to the rooftop where a couple on long dishes we're waiting for me this video is all about the complete Vietnamese fall experience and Peter has treated me to this special meal and what's so great about it is the camera guy asked me who else is joining me for this scene hahahahaha this is all for me here a taco who knew over here we have the bus out it is fried foot and at first I was like yo where are the noodles right here they've actually taken the sheet of steamed rice cake put two layers together and fried it they fuse together and become crispy like this that looks amazing we've got piles of beefs herbs we've got bean sprouts we have some bell pepper I'm gonna put some of the lime on top this time second camera this is a big moment for you is he nailing it is he nailing it oh god it's a lot of pressure second camera right there oh he's got it he's nailing it we're doing it we're doing it we're making a show so we have applied the lime the star of the dish right here mmm oh listen to this crunch parent shut up we're doing a crunch test on see really crunchy anyways Peter a few seconds please sorry I told Peter you can be up here while I was eating so that I could give an honest review it's really just because I'm an idiot okay it is crunchy but it has some kind of Machinist to it too almost like a piece of fried bread would have and we're gonna mix that with some meat some different types of plant matter and let's try it all together Wow most people might say that you could not call this flood and I disagree so that's a pretty bold statement let's see if anyone's brave enough to comments in the comments about that bold statement to me this is also fun I love the blend not only flavors but the texture is too really rich meat crunchy fried rice cake tons of fresh herbs in there it's always awesome to try the different fusion discoveries Peter comes up with here but we are back in Saigon for a reason and that is to discover what is the quintessential thaw of the south let's go do that right now and stop you can stop shooting now can you why are you still shooting we're gonna go we're doing a food adventure you've not this isn't fun anymore where we make fun food videos guys right now we are back in Saigon headed to an amazing fall restaurant where they have been killing it for over 50 years and my - Andrew how did you find this place hi oh it's like it's why where you live one of the best ways to find the best fall restaurant in your city is to start by your house bong now is famous among locals for serving what they call their endless beef bowl piled high with succulent cuts right here this is not really a building this is an alleyway that has been kind of commandeered they've turned it into a restaurant essentially they put tarps on the top this is the cool thing about Saigon Street food you can just come into your in alleyway yeah the people roll out of their houses and they're literally five meters oh yeah people are driving through the restaurant to get to their house it's brilliant this is the fatty economical of Nam it's a Northcutt and they make it completely delicious it's not tough at all it's completely flaky this one is the tendon when we were in Hanoi they didn't have the beef tendon it is so good it like melts in your mouth this is the classic this is the Nam which is the raw meat go Coco soon as we put in the ball because it's just gonna be so hot it's just the fat much fatty and much sweeter down here they're just gonna put it back yeah just straight rendered fat love it here they've got tables you just sit down you order from the table so that's what we're gonna do right now we even have tables off and we even have table box this place it might be outside it might be in an alley but that doesn't mean that's not fancy is today our fog will start out with some blanched fog noodles top that with white and green onions then some cuts of brisket tendon and cartilage followed by freshly blanched rare beef and a splash of rendered beef fat and a little pepper and wham-o you are ready to take a ride down to flavor City let's just do a quick table tour because we have some differences in the south from the north we've got the bean sprouts here they did not have that in the north we have a bowl of limes and the biggest thing is it got a giant basket of herbs and what herbs are in here Andrew so lead we've got basil we've got whatever the hell this thing is I'm always really disappointed when I don't get my giant heaping bowl of herbs and I am NOT disappointed I actually like that in the north the bowl comes ready to eat there's no more assembly required all right so let's jump into it start by putting in some bean sprouts we'll put in a squeeze of lime then it go few basil leaves and slowly let's do some weird one today do you don't know what that we're doing is oh yeah okay cool hey hey producer Eleanor right now Andrews asking someone off camera what herb this is I thought it was a professional expert right now he doesn't even know what it is oh did you figure out what it is this is Rome and we have no idea what it is all right so let's put some of that in our soup we're gonna mix it up this looks absolutely delicious fat slick on the top like any good like oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean it's just like that like little rainbows forming on the broth and that is the tendon right there big juicy white kind of translucent no it's chewing it kind of melts in your mouth a little bit great touch term big bite I got that fatty beef in there let's go horn oh it's so good and to me some white guy from central Minnesota you know local Asia /bo expert here to me the most important thing in this concoction is the broth this way more going on its phos WETA especially here yeah in the north which is just more of a a straight beef stock just in general was far more complexity nice big bite right here mmm my the mean sprouts are nice yes it's already kind of this like carb overload you have tons of noodles to break it up with some texture a little bit of that veg is nice as much as I like southern flock it's a little sweet for me if I'm getting very picky I would say the northern is better ha I mean man I don't know what it is I I would completely disagree I don't even think it's that subjective this is my show what you disagree hold on get back to it what how do you disagree I mean I yeah I don't think it's that subjective I think this you say it's not subjective my god I can't have this objectively better right this is like the math of food like we could just calculate this down what about the fact that it this is where it was created like the origin do you look at pizza that eventually like has pineapple and ham on it and you're like that's just better its evolution southern ba has evolved and using this great creations a symbol of Vietnamese food and it's just better I want to know what you guys think in the comments what kind of fog do you think is the best between northern or southern thought and right now we're gonna head to I long for a clickbait moment of redemption you saw the thumbnail $100 for how is it possible that is what you're wondering that's what I'm wondering too we are back and along I am with Peter once again head chef and founder of this restaurant for the hundred dollar pot and last time I came here I asked for the hundred dollar bond me I had this little challenge some might call it brilliant seventeen people said it was stupid but you killed it you scaled up the bond me to Heights that no one had ever seen before Oh baby this is ridiculous what is the thought process and the philosophy going into this we start with bad asking today's the question fuss what is to how do we make the best boat possible since people take this dish so seriously we want to do this with kind of respect of the tradition of the dish and still maintain the heart and soul that is as we making change the friend of reunion banker dish we start with the broth first that's the most important that's kind of like the heart and soul of fun step 1 - broth peter cooked his bone broth the day before for 12 hours today he'll make a consomme broth adding flavor and removing impurities at the same time adding fresh raw beef egg white and then onion ginger just to add more the aromatic flavor so you're doing two things when you're clarifying your stock and you are so intensifying the flavor for people-watching what is the benefit of doing a consomme over just the normal broth the custom a essentially is gonna amp it up to the next level in terms of concentration of flavor and clarity of flavor and you can see how clean that is like teeth beautiful golden color I can't wait to put that in my mouth once the broth has been strained twice we're ready for step two can ignored me normally you have two kinds rabi and cookie normally brisket what we're done is we kind of amped up the experience a little bit so we have seven tons a beef all right okay Peter's seven lucky cuts include beef balls thinly sliced beef tendon beef tongue become pretty nasty when it comes to us but after cooking for about 4-5 hours and cleaning and a slicing it comes out - it's a beautiful product it looks great yeah you would never think that was tongue yeah beef brisket and beef Shin the shin is beautiful because has very good Sun culture for all the another cut yeah and then falooda bonus need a little marrow inside here when we put in cetera then rare Black Angus ribeye that's been spanked with ginger and pepper finely torched beef belly to add more smoky flavor to the broth and there's something mysterious about using a torch it makes people feel better about you know whatever they're paying for their meal that night step 3 noodles it says component humming buffs the new pinellas oven puff is the best often steel Hancock handmade it had this beautiful velvety texture it soaks up the broth better the time has finally arrived peter has prepared two stone balls first he adds the broth then each of the meats except our rare angus which will cook later in the broth [Music] the noodles will be served on the side so they don't become mushy we'll have a tender poached egg in broth topped with black truffle paste and lastly a tray of herbs sauce and more black truffle paste the time has come for $100 fall [Music] [Music] $100 for and it's all right here that's gonna be like that clickbait in the beginning day we both decided that but around Vietnam is amazing and so we wanted to try this something new and look this is nothing against what we tried already yeah whether it was northern or southern thought they were both absolutely delicious and amazing experiences immersive experiences that really made you feel the energy of Vietnam all around you but we just wanted to try something new here and Peter's outdone himself with $100 fun we've been talking long enough that they get into it the heart the true essence the consomme broth let's try it out it's super hot dude that is packed with flavor that is crazy it's got a clean beefy taste it's almost it's like super beefy but without being overly fatty but it still has a lot of that essence that's ruder than him in flavor the star anis or and it is blazing a hot in the stone oh my gosh I've ever seen the chunk of meat that big we need a knife no you just use your teeth camera tool you're good you got a nice beef shot camera one good okay so here this is the beef belly let's give it a try you ready let's do this and have the fattiness to it that you usually do get in the fall like it's a fatty a cut yeah but it's just a heavier taste in general load it up this is my kind of buff the people go oh yeah there's too many things in your soup it's like there's too much of meat and your soup oh this is a chin dude like a bison application well oh my god you've got a giant piece of bone marrow right here sorry all right anyways look the liquid is super hot it's gonna burn off any germs it burn my tongue already so I get why he got such a big chin but whatever it's cool our leader Shin time hmm it's all apart Belen apart while on the finance reticulata falling apart we've got an attendant he hasn't cut super thick mm-hmm it has all that essence of the fat but it's still got some firmness to it this stands out over time we've got the raw Angus beef ISA you kind of just put the beef in the broth a hot broth to do a little shabu shabu a hotpot action and boil it it's cooked and look at that it's already turned brown this broth is nothing to eff with it is crazy hot mmm the ginger and the pepper on there yeah oh I've never had it quite like that should we try some put some nudes in or do you want to do the poached egg house what's pouching for you poach eggs but do not poach like an elephant for example right you can take a quick close look at camera two you can see black truffle paste okaying the nectar of the super-rich always it's just a one slipper whoa truffle is heavy oh wow especially that broth black truffle it makes everything better it has a slightly kind of astringent quality to it it's a pure meat feast right now let's add in some of these noodles oh look at these I thought they would be all clumped together these are beautiful know that oh yeah we're gonna dump that in here let it soak up a bit of the broth oh I'll have what she's having those noodles are fantastic way more firm but I'm a fan of a more el dente kind of firm noodle it's amazing to try all the meat alone but obviously it's a lot better balance with the pond doodle in there it's not really fun without the noodle oh dude and so look at this you can see here that's what he's talking about with machine-made versus handmade and handmade has imperfections that okay but there are the kind of imperfections you want yeah like like my face for example look at these hot imperfections oh my god I think I just found the best possible by the flame torch pork belly with some steaming noodles it's beef though it might be beef belly what I say fork yeah yeah I meant the other animal the beef 100g flavor and that smoking is kind of blended into the broth as well if you said try mixing in this black truffle fest we're gonna load a lot up I don't know I guess throw in some of these herbs basil nice bean sprouts onion and mix that all together I'm gonna try another spoonful that broth oh right there truffle just always feels elegant so no matter what I feel like it must be doing something good not really a practical breakfast look how far it's just a whole experience for dinner and just variety and any fun with friends a hundred percent 10 out of 10 love it I want to say thank you to Peter and um so much for making this happen and creating this extravagant beautiful display with just insane flavors and and just something fun and you need to try out hopefully you know we roast the internet with this one son thank you to one trip for making all this traveling possible one trip is a company putting on tours in Saigon go in and to Ming I'm talking food tours in Saigon adventure tours Gucci tunnel tour the Mekong Delta it's really the best way to experience the real Vietnam for more information on one trip check out the info box down below I will see you guys next time a piece [Music] you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 7,972,705
Rating: 4.8621001 out of 5
Keywords: pho, best pho, pho in vietnam, pho saigon, pho ho chi minh city, pho hanoi, red noodle pho, chicken pho, best ever food review show, worth it, vietnamese food, onetrip, vietnam food, beef pho, Phở Gia Truyền, Phở Ngọc, anan saigon, anan, Phở Bát Đàn, north south pho, pho north vs south
Id: ftsQYS1fkOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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