EPIC EID FEAST in Oman!!! Middle Eastern Traditional Shuwa Will Change Your Life!!!

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the moment has come we're dropping the shore in the 3-meter schewe pit here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] today is our final date in Oman and we're taking on this country's most legendary culinary tradition sure it's time to hunt we need to hunt it it all starts with a shoe up it this thing is badass each year after Ramadan during the fast-breaking festival of Eid many families will roast up to 10 of these meaty schewe bundles at a time so basically we have it every eat it's like a must for us so the first day of Eid we put in the pit hole and then the third day of Eid we take it out so we leave it there slow cooking for three days the Shuar cooks for three days exactly it today I'm joining my buddy Ahmed at a local home to see exactly how it's made I need just the hands of someone for this honey this place is fully equipped to kick out piles of schewe but only if I don't mess it up first so throw on your dish Dasha and join the fun today we're taking on traditional Omani cuisine in Muscat [Music] oh you can't really take big steps on [Music] we're headed to the house of Ahmed longtime friend together they run official oman travels but today they're showing me a side of Omani culture that few travelers get to witness don't take off my finger please close are these pet camels no they're not pet cameras they're mere for racing and also one of them is for the beauty show hold on I think I can tell which camels are more hot what does someone will look for in a camel when they're judging its beauty the color and the muscle so it's not only beauty show but also its fitness show today we're not actually here for the camels yes we're here for sure it is actually schewe is very slow cooked lamb how slow you're gonna find out what is the significance of schewe in Oman a culture of the taste it gets a smoky taste huh and if we're using sheep it gets very nice and tender and we basically eat it with rice this is homemade schewe prepared the same way it was done since the beginning so here we've got a big old fire pit and you've got like a giant ninja turtle sewer lid over here yeah this thing is badass is there a special word for this pit besides a lambs worst nightmare than north ten order under gun oven the reason we have stones here because the stone keeps the heat and basically the heat cooks the meat not the actual charcoal here have you ever messed this up and like burnt 15 lambs no not really the pit will start heating up for two hours before it receives any meat on the menu today fresh lamb this house has everything it's got a schuup it it has camels and it has like a little barn over here house section we're not putting any cow in the shoe of it today it's time to hunt we need to hunt it during Eid the men start today by selecting the lamb and slaughtering oh wow alright he's pretty good at that it's not his first rodeo well then the Lambs got a phone call oh is that you okay for the guys here the time of slaughtering conjures up memories of camaraderie amongst family and friends more than the act itself this area is meant for slaughtering yeah okay that's how it is slippery now they can let's move big because of the links oh so they see this slippery this is a halal slaughter adhering to the tenants of Islamic traditions of living in the halal way we just faced the body to the Mecca hmm and we say it's just part of saying in Quran this Muhammad in the name of God okay and then he starts fluttering alright bismillah [Music] the lamb is sectioned into eight pieces as a bonus the head and organs will be tossed into oh these are the lungs the lungs and live in the hut so in order to do that we need to clean the blood from the okay so you just cut the heart in quarters quarters yeah and then you're gonna win it and there's one way we need to clean the lungs oh oh how do you do that and then you cut it for you smokers out there every time you smoke a cigarette that's exactly what's happening to your lungs schewe the name this dish shares throughout Oman but that's where the agreements end each family has their own flavorful take on the dish and here is no exception oh I think quite a little sour super salty of course and then it's like chilies in there right yes there is chili flakes and again human it's almost like some kind of spicy sour taco flavor yeah and it has a lot of garlic this is gonna be incredible already I can tell this is just one lamb but keep in mind during Eid they might prepare up to 10 at one time let's just get tons of that on there that stuff is so good we add a little bit more salt and give it a little massage the meat is almost ready for the pigs but first it must be wrapped in a way that allows it to cook without burning this is the sec made of thumb please leave this one mmm and it's damp yeah because if you put it there dry it's gonna burn ah and we have the banana leaves that keeps it from burning also so you don't use aluminum foil no at all just so we're gonna put the banana leaves first as like a coating yeah and then we put the meat inside I have all the pieces inside man this is so interesting it's so much more porous than I expected because the leaves are just kind of loosely on top you can still see the meat and this is also not locked so there's gonna be some American go in and out the liquid can go in and out shake it fold it lock it with wire and now it's ready for the pig [Music] the moment has come this is all fiery hot and ready yes do you want me in toto yeah we give you the owner I'm just gonna yeah drop it from here that's okay here we go five four three two one boom right in the middle yeah job okay so we're putting on the lid sand going on top look at this there's like these little plumes of smoke we want this to be airtight no air getting out here do you guys sing a song will you do this [Laughter] so that's it yeah we come back 24 hours from now we're gonna dig this up and then we're gonna have our delicious and tasty issue I can't wait to try this out [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to Scheuer day - we're about to go back to the gold pit and see what's inside are you guys ready yeah but why not [Music] you gotta get change man change yeah I don't think anyone will do a chore like this wait I have an idea oh that's pretty good right are you sure I can wear it as some white guy from the US without being highly controversial and also offensive this is a traditional mining just - yeah everyone here where is it I'm the culture welcomes you to where any time did you guys get that in the comments it's totally fine if I wear it and not offensive yes cool let's go eat some goat for sure [Music] yoshua has been in the pit for over 24 hours it is probably cooked at this point or not honestly I won't know until I dig it up but if all else fails we'll still ensure that we at least have some darn good rice to eat it's rice important in Oman generally imported man you don't have rice for lunch it's like he never had lunch add ghee to a fiery cooking vessel along with cumin seeds cardamom cinnamon cardamom powder black pepper and water a had rice and let it cook for about 1 hour now it's finally time to check the shoe gentlemen the moment has finally come it has been literally 24 hours since we visited this pot there's a lamb within this hole we're gonna find out if it's just perfectly cooked soaking dripping boiling in its own juices or if it's raw and the whole thing was a failure it's gonna fall over the bones yeah you think so yeah oh my god I'm getting hungry just thinking about it but we still got a lot of work to do let's go alright this I'm really building up a hunger at this point still quite warm yeah alright how do we take this lid off so slowly really just make sure we don't do it yeah one two three how come the same I don't fall okay right away it's just as amazing like a lamb sauna yeah I don't really smell the meat yet but there's like all this moisture inside mix with the charcoal just really smoky kind of sour flavor inside and then this is the oats for grabbing it right yeah yeah why is it so short you know oh I'm not being modest anymore don't look at my legs dude this is crazy oh I got it oh yeah you're good job all right [Applause] [Music] oh my man it looks incredible just looking at it now can you tell if it's done or not it is done can't see them eat these throw clean my god Wow did you want to try I do this big piece of meat okay I want to share it with you guys so here I'll just hand out pieces of lamb fat all right you ready let's go for it Oh ma'am not incredible there's a deep rich smokiness yeah no give me this not at all very clean one soft and melts also because it's slow cooking for hours yeah and usually you would keep it in there even longer even longer yeah you want to keep it warm yeah from you're gonna take this we're gonna throw it on the rice and then sit down to eat properly all right all right let's do it [Music] I'm at my men Thank You Sony our final meal here absolutely you've outdone yourself sir thank you I don't know why I'm shaking everyone's head but it seems like the right formal thing to do on camera oh my god did you see that it's still got a pink on the inside but obviously cooked all the way through this is like the Tenderloin right here oh are you guys tasting this are you considered greedy if you only focus on the meat yes who will hate you what does this give me no organy a livery flavor almost a bit like bouncy texture to it guys take a look these are the ribs it's coming right off mmm I can already feel with my fingers how delicious it is ya know what I mean let's try it out [Music] me oh sorry about that that was [ __ ] amazing sorry can there's okay my swear fluting amazing it would be better was polluting amazing so enough of these delicious choice cuts of meat here we have like all the organs together we have the lungs heart liver what parties and most delicious unit in Gulliver oh yeah I'm super solid a bit of our yeah I try to rip off a piece of that they're so good it was good gave me a little bit no no no game twice good bro you got more game than this lamb I'll tell you that oh yeah you had a dot what do you think and kind of crumbles in your mouth use it just not gave me at all well part usually gets left to the end don't see the head in the eyes yeah I mean also there's a tongue yeah oh my god I'm gonna rip the tongue out of this lamb skull oh dude are you proud of me yeah I think there's a bone in there the other is you gotta take out this outside part you don't want to eat this part dude then it's like you're straight-up making out with it that tongue really becomes like a pair it's real soft Oh super smoky that's crazy from here you're gonna show me how to get into the brain [Music] oh my god what just happened it's like its head just gave birth on my hand oh this is much bigger brain than I expected gentlemen it has been an immense pleasure being here in Oman with you learning about the Omani people the culture the food and finally building up to this moment eating the brain of a lamb with you all to that to that I say Cheers thank you oh that's some creamy smoky bread you like it no is he gonna be okay I don't know maybe his best I'm trying the brain Oh for me it's very nice and tasty like a neat one case yet yes there is you know I think he's running to the bathroom hamed invited me to Oman with promises of Internet breaking YouTube content he did not disappoint now I'm happy to call Ahmed my bro beyond that he's right more people should visit Oman it's hard to know a place after just a few days the food was great even better meeting the people behind the food and witnessing the twinkle of pride in their eyes as they served up almonds best if you are interested in coming to Oman look up official Oman travels for tours with Ahmed also for you guys if you're thinking about heading to Vietnam anytime soon I highly suggest a company called one trip one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including Hanoi nishang Da Nang poeme and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time of peace all right man I got a little bit of brain left for you do you want it sure yeah let's go [Music] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 5,931,727
Rating: 4.8491549 out of 5
Keywords: oman, oman food, oman street food, ramadan food, eid, eid food, eid feast, shuwaa, omani shuwa, shuwa, muscat, oman travel, omani food, omani street food, eid festival, eid oman
Id: WNWjXj1C3ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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