Hot Pot From Hell!! The Bizarre Diet of Vietnam's Black Thai People!! | TRIBAL VIETNAM EP4

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[Music] this is the final boss andrew this is the hair is this really what you would traditionally do our tribal food mission continues in vietnam's isolated northwestern highlands last time andrew and i bit off a little bit more than we could jewel okay give us a mid-bite review now we're at it again andrew tonight you are going to be dining on [Music] my arm learning how and what oh i mean look at those legs the most bizarre traditional thai recipes are still around today [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now we are on our way to so far we've had the chance to see a lot of the traditions and people's homes the way they live personally but the northwest of vietnam is also really famous for its markets have you ever even heard of an inside market an insect market wow there's a guy who has to get around us hold on enjoy we're back so i've had most bugs that you can imagine but this place has a crapload of bugs i have never seen before i'm not feeling that open-minded anymore what insects have you eaten already i haven't eaten a bug with you before okay so it's going to be like that times 10. you excited [Music] sunlight is a mountainous province located in the heart of northwestern vietnam this area has been populated by the thai people for hundreds of years over time they've managed to preserve their way of life their culture and food food that most people where i grew up wouldn't give a second glance this is the tiniest fried frog i've ever seen cheers it's a weird breakfast that's not an insect sonny this is the buy-in to the market if you can't get past this level honestly there's no point in even going huh right now we're warming up with a table full of creepy cuisine traditional delicacies that have been around in this area since forever here and eggs actually i think antiques are really good ants can be used as a seasoning they can have this really amazing kind of lime citrusy taste to them boil the ant eggs in water and stir-fry with beetle leaves shallots and fish sauce [Music] okay i'm glad i brought you on this trip you got to get up under there that's great the eggs are kind of chalky almost like an egg yolk that's been hard-boiled yeah it's kind of like a pate you'd never know what that was if you weren't told i think there's a scale with bucks there's easier and there's harder for sure and eggs are like a one yeah crickets grasshoppers it's like a two or three here these are stink bugs i would say stink bugs are like a three really they smell like us man when have you ever smelled a stink bug's ass these stink bugs are fried in hot oil then seasoned with fish sauce msg lemongrass lime leaves and chilies [Music] dude there's some like weird aftertaste i just can't handle it it's not a bitter taste it's got like that silky feel in your mouth wash it down oh cheers cheers the good thing is they fry it so much that you can crunch right through it there's a little bit of a gush i think it's not that bad andrew yeah you've done it you passed the test on to level two let's go all right let's go um but you should i don't want to be rude can you like take those with you oh yeah yeah around the world several cultures still maintain a bug-eating tradition to this day but in many western countries creepy crawlers have gone from a serious source of protein to a bizarre snack for the brave few um to be fair we're here to document the cooking process there's no way in this village and in this house bugs aren't just an optional side dish they're a way of life and there's no one better at wielding and dealing bags of bugs than this woman big or small or fanged and ferocious folks around here know her as the queen of bugs hi this is home one of the most productive vendors at her local market you'll learn her secret soon why did you choose this as a side job at gary v would say a side hustle yeah right do you watch gary vee yeah t.i our vietnamese translator and food enthusiasts the thai people like to eat the book but gradually there's more and more people want to try it she think that it is a good way to earn money for the family do you get high on your own supply well no every day fantastic yeah right here we have a bag of stag beetles oh god they're crawling out the insurrection they're coming over the capitol walls her business here goes on year round but every season there's a new hot item stag beetles stink bugs crickets or grasshoppers on a good day she can make up to 15 how much would this whole bag cost this probably weighs close to two pounds it's about six or seven dollars that seems like an incredible value right i would say these are kind of intimidating these are maybe more like a five out of ten we're looking for something like a ten out of ten do you wanna see it oh it's right there that's convenient here in a giant pot these are tarantulas these two are in the defensive position they have like four of their legs up oh she made them fight in here so people eat these tarantulas yes how much does the tarantula sell for fifty thousand fifty dollars oh that's way better business so about two dollars for a spider yeah although that's a lot harder to catch you want to know how i know how can you pick one up real quick i'm telling you this is why they're expensive there's not one of you picked up huh oh there's a big furry mfr right here that is so fuzzy how do you see it have a really big yeah i'm kidding i'm getting the heavy genies man you're landing on me i'm freaking out are these venomous till we cannot oh i should have never been the queen of bird cannot be bited by us so right now you're getting ready to go to market can you tell us how your day-to-day bug selling works when i would do it this one go out at night to collect it and bring it to the market at 10 or 11. does she usually sell out at the market yes i want to comment on your hair you have striking hair it stands out it's just the most giant bun i've ever seen yeah is this a recent trend it seems like it's probably going on for a while the thai people have sub tribes most commonly the white thai and the black tie each with their own distinctive customs in vietnam for the black tie women when they get married they have to have this hairstyle to show the other man that they already get married so don't touch her the black thai women believe a woman's bun shows her loyalty and respect for her husband how long is your hair right now below the butt yes wow the bigger the bun the more prosperous the family how do you wear a helmet do you just sort of perk it on top you cut a hole in and how does that work a custom worth doing is worth preserving here thai women have found creative ways to maintain their tradition while also adhering to modern traffic laws [Music] we along with the bug queen have just arrived here at nasi market almost all the vendors here are black tie you can really tell because they have that hairstyle the giant bun wrapped up on top some of them decorate it some have a scarf some accessorize it it's a dead giveaway that you're at a black time market nasi market is a buzz with business between 1 to 6 pm 7 days a week here you can find your usual mundane grocery list items vegetables fresh fruit and meat but when you go a little bit deeper you'll stumble into their more offbeat offerings this is one of the most terrifying insect creations i've ever seen in my life here a dragonfly larva on my insect scale i'm gonna say seven out of ten it's up there dragonfly larvae live and breathe in water after taking a few years to molt and mature they spring forth from the water and soon take on their adult form however they can also be made into a salad just a dragonfly on its own it looks creepy like a little cockroach is this good yeah that smile how could you deny that smile well sunny's inside trying to find something insect related to eat i'm out here trying to find something that is well preferably not insects what this is is a giant pouch filled with grilled fish eggs this nice little package contains carp eggs wrapped in perillium leaves and grilled over hot coals oh man the nut is not what i expected at all maybe i've made the wrong decision here all right this spoonful right here has like eight or ten larva in it here we go find out cheers there's definitely a fishy flavor it's got a real strong garlicky taste and now the spices are kicking in the eggs are really tiny i've got to admit this is the kind of meal i could get down with safe decision not insects okay no i don't know they're they're biting mean or they're just spiky nothing wrong with the flavor the pickle juice that's in there it's a little spicy it's very salty it's more the fact that i'm just chewing on live dragonfly larva that's kind of the main hang-up i have right now this is a lot more bugs than it would usually have they asked me i said i want more protein i'm in bulking season right now in 2014 this market was built for local folks to more safely and comfortably hop their goods including bucks but bug selling here goes way back how long ago was it that you began selling anything this is miss e one of the first vendors to start selling on this street she said that about 30 years ago what was she selling at that time she saw almost everything she can buy like the ants act and some other kind of insect when she started some other people see that it can get a lot of profit from the bug so they follow her and they do like they do these days getting modern farm raised meat is easier and cheaper than ever yet the demand for these insects keeps increasing they've become an indispensable part of the thai diet and now city folks are paying to get their hands on them too thanks to modern technology and an entrepreneurial spirit the queen of buffs is able to advertise her wares well beyond the confines of this market thanks to daily live streaming this way she can show off her inventory all over the country in real time well andrew so many people here are selling insects yeah i think we can help out the market by buying insects i'll buy an insect that you have to eat and you'll buy something that i have to eat all right challenge accepted [Music] [Music] that accent was really thick look sunny he eats extreme food for a living it's so good and i think i found the perfect food to challenge him has he eaten three pounds of worms yellow worms i doubt it i wouldn't want to be eating this that's for damn sure right now andrew is roaming around the market looking for an insect or some kind of crawly creature that's gonna freak me out and i don't think he's gonna be able to top this right here this is something i have never seen before andrew i have silk worm pupa i think i could do this really so you'd be surprised oh i mean what that's crazy andrew tonight you are going to be dining on ah that's on my arm what is that you're going to be dining on cicada cicadas are the loudest insect in the jungle what do you think this is going to be out of 10 good 859 distinguished by their stealth bodies broadheads clear membrane wings and large compound eyes hold it i don't want to hold that no no jesus christ man still alive dude i have no idea how this is going to be prepared we're actually going to head back to the home of the bug queen and whatever she does i'm going to eat it i'm looking for a similar commitment yeah i'm going to eat it yeah yeah should we go let's go all right i'm not going to do the same ending every time yeah yeah dinner is underway and miss home is serving up some authentic black thai recipes first andrew's cute contribution silk works stir fried with garlic wait for the worms to plump up absorbing all the seasoning then add thinly sliced lime leaves yum now my contribution cooked up hot pot style with her own special broth a spicy savory pork bone creation served with enoki mushrooms veggies and live cicadas we're here i'm very excited home did you have a good day at the market today almost everything heck yeah very good here we have the cicadas they made it clean so you just put it into the oh she cleaned them already hold on oh yeah they look fresh ready for the prom oh oh they don't like it nobody they're making some sounds they're vibrating doesn't make it more appetizing though when you see it moving around that's what you're worried about i thought you're worried about them they're worried about you yeah while this is cooking can we try out these worms just scrape it in here thai people they often eat the warm with the sticky rice that looks great a little bit of a rice bite a little bit of a chopped one bite one they're so creamy and peanut buttery at first it's like jiffy peanut butter andrew too gushy bro she cooked it she's right here i know okay but it has this kind of very earthy dank sour flavor to it yeah you were pretty spot on with the peanut butter as well because it is a 10 out of 10 gosh but it doesn't have a face it doesn't have wings it doesn't have legs it's a good entry bug the cicadas are in here they're still boiling away and they've become more dark in color oh god you know what gets me is the eyes yeah tell me the right way do i just raw dog sorry do i just go just straight 100 or do we mix it with a mushroom or rice [Music] this lady's a real deal yeah badass absolutely cheers [Music] a lot of little legs and stuff chewy just stuff hanging off it antenna how many antennae does this thing have is the wings that's fingernail material right there oh my god yeah keep chewing this is just soaked up the flavor of the broth it doesn't really have any flavor of its own no but the texture's just kind of rough it almost just feels like an empty vessel like nothing's inside it looks way more intimidating once you put in your mouth not that big of a deal not so bad that's the end of mine and andrew's insect offerings but definitely not the end of this meal bro remember those spiders from earlier or should i say tarantulas this is the final boss this is not what i'm looking forward to we have to go for it there's four tarantulas four people i mean what do you think yes i want to try to pretty confident yeah [Music] oh my god it is done for its legs just kind of curl up i gotta say this is either the high point or the low point of my life i can't figure out which one but it's very exciting [Laughter] okay [Music] they're so gushy dude there's like a week's worth of spider webs in that butt it's not like liquidy gosh it's kind of meaty if i'm being honest the flavor is kind of good it's almost like a shrimp or something but the texture i'm picturing like a ball full of webbing in there and that's hard to wrap my head around yeah now if we were done now i'd be ecstatic show us the next step what you just literally eat the rest i thought it should break it down more if they can do it we can do it it's food of mother nature it's here for us to eat let's enjoy it let's go cheers [Applause] [Music] there's no doubt that this way of life is likely very different from your own legs lots of legs the legs are hard almost a little bony similar to the cicada and then it's a lot of work to eat right the first bite was the best because it's a gush but then you get it over with what is crunchy what am i crunching i think maybe the fans the fangs i think so too before you criticize the traditions here the butt is the part to eat you might want to reflect on your own values andrew we didn't we're still here and we're better for it oh my god i'm still gone if you value nature reduce consumption and living sustainably well you won't find anyone around the globe living much more sustainably than this [Music] i'm starting to see why you eat this way i mean it's free it's available it's provided by nature it's very sustainable i don't want to hear any of those people who are going psycho about climate change to talk about this being disgusting right this is the definition of sustainability it's more the visuals isn't it yes it's all about the visuals but the reality is once you get through one i could eat another one and it would be ten times easier [Music] being an influencer doesn't require millions of fans all you need is this t-shirt entertain and inspire at your own pace don't be an influencer be a micro influencer get your shirt now this is a restaurant they're big into uh serving huge pictures of fresh beer fresh beer i've really turned asian [Laughter] no one says fresh beer in the u.s show what the other person must eat can i see what you have i have silk worm pupil pupils these are your students [Laughter] you can use this now are the chickens attacking yes have they formed a union perhaps or they're going to throw in some rao yup i think you're not doing it right andrew we don't have stink bugs in minnesota no no yes we've got stink bugs in australia you have them down under i don't know it's the same kind of stink bugs are they down you just really under down under no you won't do it down on though oh it's so satisfying do you have like a smartphone like this have you ever dropped your phone through the cracks of your floor yes i knew it that is the problem with being in essentially a tree house i don't know who would eat that much ever no no you need to crank through a lot of beer what would your crap look like after you ate that man i think can you imagine the nightmare that would be a huge thank you to my dude andrew over here thank you you can follow andrew right here on his youtube channel please go check out what he's up to that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time a piece all right another one in the bag i could really go for a cheeseburger did i say this joke last time yeah why don't we go with pasta we've got all the food yeah i could really go for mexican food mexican do you think they've ever had tacos out here big macs
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 5,298,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, befrs, sonny side, vietnam, asian country, asia, south east asia, north west vietnam trip, adventure, Andrew, exotic food, Son La province, ethnic people food, Tai people, Tai unique food, Tai traditional cuisine, travelling in vietnam, Tai dam food, tarantulas, eating spider, eating cicadas, insect market, DRAGONFLY LARVAE SALAD, june bugs, SAUTEED SILKWORMS, Black thai people, traditional food, Insect hotpot, ant eggs, stink bugs
Id: zjxFQI4kHkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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