Street Food in Iran!!! AND What People in Iran are Really Like!!!

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Damn, I want that lavashak soooo bad!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Once you try sohan there is no going back. Nothing else compares.

It was nice that the workers didn't let him fully ignite when he insisted on trying to do the bread.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Jintess ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

As a Tehruni who hasnโ€™t been back there for 20 years, this made me wanna go back for a visit so bad! Thanks for sharing!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Fashish ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Lol damn bro he messed up the Persian text, he has it written from left to right.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Naderium ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He really didnโ€™t know a single thing, but it was really great to see all that food. Gotta love the enthusiasm.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/redwoodtree ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This guy is so painfully American.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/avoidingimpossible ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 25 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
do you think you'll let me try to pillow some in there no wonder they tried stopping me I literally singed my eyelashes it was so hot it doesn't matter what country I go to I keep [ __ ] myself up our Iran food tour begins in the capital a city of over 8 million we're the best of each region's cuisine converges this is Tehran as an American stepping foot in Iran for the first time everything is inherently interesting my eyes are glued to the window as we make our way through the city what do they do for fun what do they eat for breakfast what do they think of Americans I've put a call out asking anyone who's willing to kindly take the time to show me around this crawling fast-paced city and that call was answered this is great for sex you know I'm sorry what today Tehran's best and I are hitting the streets these have seeds inside there is a sinking site that's too challenging getting up close and personal with our food if they put it on the edge don't go in too far here we go here we go and diving mouth first into this mysterious city Wow that's a thick shake yeah this is like the Dairy Queen of Iran this is where Tehran goes to relax Dhar bond a mountain just a short drive away from the center of the city lined with restaurants and food stands with walkways so narrow that the only way to transport food and supplies to the top is by donkey balls it this is Mohsen Tehran's most charming food reviewer or as they say in Iran taster he has a love for local food and years of tasting experience thank you for making time I thought you had to take off work as it was a Friday Friday does everyone hate Saturday's here hey yeah yeah can we say that Saturday's donkey and donkey is bad yeah donkeys bad in this case but I like donkeys you like you know yeah I do okay as we're walking up they have all these ink bowls full of colorful fruit yeah what is this it's traditional iranian snack and most of them are sour Iranians love fruit in its many forms fresh dried or even leather oh wow they're together if they're stuck together you have to buy them all love a shack is sold in exotic flavors such as pomegranate sour cherry plum Kiwi barbarian apricots right off [Music] oh my gosh that's tremendous area delicious this is 100% cherry flavored fruit by the foot that I had in my lunchbox our growing up but it's got like a straight thick chewy texture full sour little sweet do you think maybe I could sneak another one the thought really begins when you start mixing the fruit flavors together what this one is this plum plum you know I thought my first experience in Iran would be more intense than eating fruit on a mountain but I'm cool with this what do you do with the sea did you just spit it out these are the people who buy this are they buying this because they're hiking and they want some energy back he says it's good for your blood pressure cholesterol and also it's relaxed I'm sorry it lacks oh it's so I don't like me like crap my pants yeah oh I don't know why this is so popular on a mountain I'm very far from a bathroom right now I'm gonna try this apricot - this one is very tempting try it out nice very sore man usually you might have this or tea right this way I don't know no I love it I think we should find a bathroom and then and check out some more food huh I've come to Tehran in the dead of summer it's hot and dry so dry that many shops attempt to add some moisture back into the air with water misters once your way to survive the heat is by shoveling down something freezing cold where are we we are in a traditional store that's serve a kind of shake origami from several Indians including egg yolks ice cream and so fun pay attention you're gonna lose Wow that's it thick shake yeah this is like the Dairy Queen of Iran [Music] this is Alibaba juice bar people don't just line up for the flavors but to take in the impressive gravity defying theatrics this is milkshake the musical is this your recipe today what do you recommend rich again very rich from Iranian food our days this frozen treat is made with pretty much anything you could imagine milk saffron vanilla ice cream palm sap coffee cocoa cinnamon banana figs coconut powder pistachios rosewater egg yolk cream pineapple and a few things I can't even pronounce [Music] [Applause] [Music] on top I see some pistachios some like coconut shavings I'm gonna give it a try are you ready yeah oh that's your Margaret that coconut just kind of dissolves in your mouth it's so finely shredded it's like a coconut snow I like it the way much me Joe everything I do now I do see number 693 oh I thought something else was happening super sweet refreshing he said after I eat the whole thing it's gonna make me a rich I think it's another word for fat what does he mean the thing you wanted to say strong it is to the rich this is great for sex you know I'm sorry one could you go a little deeper enjoy what you're saying that we can help you have better sex for men in particular yes tonight you are very strong man I can't wait to use that ice cream salmon ah when I'm alone in my hotel room tonight gonna be a real fun night [Music] we're in a bakery yeah a traditional person right the only thing locals love more than bread is fresh bread and bakeries like these can be found all over the city it's not unusual to see people strolling down the street sangguk in hand like they're taking their bread for a walk Moulson is taking me to a tough time bakery this bread accompanies tons of dishes here perhaps making its most famous appearance alongside kebabs Topton is leavened flour bread made with milk yogurt and eggs and baked in a plate and or of it they have a whole assembly line here going from the dough processing and flattening it out then throwing it on this pillow sticking it on the wall and then the master here takes it off the wall torches it on the fire for a second he takes a puff of his cigarette that's important and then he throws it on the pile I mean right here we have so many I'm gonna try to take the next one can I have that can I have that one fine it's okay no it's first of all I want you to know that we Persians like the bread to be hot and fresh this is super hot oh look at this you can see where I fumbled up it's crispy on the edges try it out nice break for a curry please like a saltine cracker without the salt but the bread itself is great do you think you'll let me try to pillow some in there here we go here we go I thought I was fast but not fast enough you're shaking Wow I've been through a traumatic experience Farm hair my fading head hair even my eyelashes weren't spared on all these guys do it I guess they don't have eyelashes it doesn't matter what country I go to I keep myself up bread baking is serious business and best left to the real professional oh that's my bread oh he just put it down instantly come on [Music] right now we are deep in the alleyways of Tehran and behind me a place you would never expect to find one of the best desserts in this city let's check it out okay Iran day two still coping with my recent fiery hair loss and looking to find comfort in food anyway are we right now very Nassau one factory that which makes Iranian desert heady a a student studying dentistry and a fan of the show has offered to show me around today do you feel some conflict being here this is like the enemy that's created to hurt teeth yes a horse but okay you can brush your teeth afterwards all right well that probably sounds pretty quick how do you say the name of this road again it's so hot so hot so hot is a unique traditional Persian sweet it's buttery brittle studded with pistachios and flavored heavily with saffron it smells amazing in here what am i smelling mostly because of saffron if you suffer a lot of our food the making of sohan is beautiful it starts with egg yolks flour saffron sugar and vegetable oil all mixed by Machine this vessel is just mixing but here it's heated up it's gonna kind of slowly cook a bit enough to get thick after mixing in a heated vessel for 20 minutes it starts to become thick now the real action it looks like the purpose overall is they let it cool down a little bit but then they like shatter it no they're not shattering it they're just messy and then he pours aside shoes and all those on top and then here he's gonna cut it into little squares basically [Music] how come they let these plane they may plane ones - yes oh we have the pin tell one control of Saoirse so there's pistachios on there oh I think if pistachio on butter let's try it out hmm oh that's really good I feel the oil and butter squeezing out of it it's very sweet that's why you should eat it 18 good point you have an ET on you the more I eat it the more I want to eat it it's very delicious the texture is very crumbly and the pistachios it doesn't have a strong flavor but it all just adds to this general confectionary sweetness it's like the crack of Iranian desserts do you really enjoy him yes Stella get it close up please I see the yummy face I'm skeptical we are in the kitchen we're here for one of the most famous food of Iran the kebab what satay is to Indonesia or kebab is to Iran no matter the protein it is the preferred method of preparation simply grilled meat on a skewer it can be cubed minced maybe even with the vegetable thrown in today I'm here for the kebab koobideh sir are you up for the coup bday challenge alright he's like whatever what I make a hundred of these a night what are you talking about the kebab Kobe day here is made from minced lamb and mixed with salt garlic powder black pepper celery powder grated onion and egg yolk oh nice where it has these little ridges made with his fingers how long did it take you to get this movement down one year I didn't know what there's like a special training school they're like we're gonna give you some play-doh and after one year you can use real meat or maybe not there it is perfectly formed its plant on one side and then ridged on the other side it's going to create these perfect bite sized sections that we get to sink our teeth into a pretty darn soon grow and now see [Music] so we have everything here a mountain of kebabs all the rice and then this is do it's a yogurt drink do good guy yogurt it's got some herbs a little bit everything in there sweet or sour that's pretty good too bit sour I like it okay it's getting cold we gotta move quick what I love about this is just super quickly and easily with his hands with his fingers he's created perfect bite-sized portions I'm gonna take that one off right there oh I mean look how succulent that looks juicy roasted on the outside a little bit tomato some buttery rice that's a perfect bite [Music] oh my gosh some hearty how do you mean because they add a little bit of fats and they're making this give up well the tomato kind of comes in just to lighten it up a bit absolutely delicious they also prepare freshly made bread you can put it what is this bread called top to top food that's what burn me burn your eyelashes yeah and I don't know if you can tell my hair right here oh you're really on it when you're making like a little sandwich yes it's called Luqman here you are oh that's for me that's me why feel better I have this huge of Iranian kebab sandwich what do you have it's considered impolite when you have a guest who make advantage for yourself first oh there's make it for the guests oh it should I make you one no no definitely not I got this I love that me too crispy bread same delicious meat the herbs here men it's vibrant just fireworks of flavor in my mail will also experience their kebab Megan D which means jewel kebab minced lamb with chicken think of the lamb as a ring and think of the chicken as diamonds get it chicken breast can be dry and herring without fattiness from the lamb that's a great combination my first impressions of Iran damn people here are really nice after putting the call out dozens of locals reached out to me offering to show me around the city or recommending food that I absolutely must try see the media thinks that the Iranian people hates the foreigners but it's not like that I love to see the new people it's putting our culture to be warm and kind to our guests this is the side of Iran that really needs to be seen people are not their governments people are people and we have a lot more in common than we think [Music] from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10-person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and A's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's ok too we're just happy you're here guys thank you so much for watching we have so much more in store here from Iran I will see you next time of peace alright [Music] we [Music] and be sure to check out our second channel more best-ever full review show her walk clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show [Music] Oh
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 5,499,433
Rating: 4.9080787 out of 5
Keywords: iran, iran food, tehran food, where to eat tehran, best food tehran, taftun, best ever food review show, middle eastern food, sonny side, majoon, iran street food
Id: pSOwMuU4WfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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