Extreme vs. Original Products Test (Axe Throwing Game)

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- Can we tell which product is axe-ually the extreme one? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. It's our 10-year celebration week! - Woo-hoo! Can you do me a favor? - Can I know what the favor is first? - Listen, after 10 years of doing this show, 37 years of friendship, can you just- - Okay! Yes, I will do the favor. - Will you please hand me my axe? - All right. - Can you do me another favor? - Yeah? - Can you call me the God of Thunder? (crew laughing) But you see it, right? - It's time for "Axe-treme Products Extreme Edition." (heavy rock music) Welcome back to Axe Alley. And reminder, at the end of this episode, we got a special 10-year celebration segment that we have not seen yet. - We have not seen it yet. But right now, we have made a very important discovery. Not only is the marketplace flooded with snacks that call themselves extreme, but there are aisles full of allegedly extreme non-food products out there as well. - Of course there are. - This discovery was extremely worth exploring. - Yeah, so we're gonna be presented with several lineups of products, some marketed as extreme, some not, and then we're gonna be competing to guess which product is extreme by testing them all and then flinging our axes at that target. The one that represents the stump that we're choosing as extreme. I'm calling these stumps. - Okay. - I mean- - They kinda is. - That's a tall fricking stump- - Yeah. - but it is a stump. If we impale the correct target, we get the amount of points that we landed on. If we land on the wrong target, we lose that many points. And if we land in the neutral zone, we are penalized two points, but also get a single re-throw. - Can we say penalized? - Penalized, sure. - Okay. We've also got new extreme obstacles at our disposal to deploy and obstruct our opponent's throw whenever we so choose. Those obstacles represented via Chase the Lumbersnack. This is why Chase has been standing here the whole time. (crew laughing) (Chase laughs) Our "whichever way the wind blows," whichever that... (Chase inhaling) Mm, okay. Are you just, is that what it's gonna be? You're gonna blow on people? Or is it- - No, that's just the representation. - Oh, you're representing it. Okay, so it'll be something else. And "a finger full of rejection." Ah, whatever that means. If the obstacles are impeding enough to force a miss, that's another two points down the drain. - Whoever wins will have the honor of carving their initials into the "Golden Log," maybe for the first time. (heavy rock music) What do we have here? - [Stevie] Gentlemen, before you is a lineup of odor-eliminating products, but only one claims to be "extreme!" To determine which product that is, you may test them all on a basket of Mythical Chef Josh's dirty gym clothes. - Oh, crap. Well, first of all, that's a bucket, not a basket. Second of all, hey, Davante. - Why is Davante so protected? (laughs) - Let's see what's in there. - [Davante] It's pretty toxic. - Should we be- - You'll be fine. (Rhett laughs) (crew laughing) - [Rhett] Okay. - I love the fact this is Davante's first appearance on the show in physical form and we can't see any of you (Rhett laughing) except your eyes. That's underwear. And I'm told they're Josh's? They stinky, stinky? Let me give it a Febreze. - They smell like Doritos. (Rhett laughs) (crew laughs) They only smell like Doritos. (Febreze spritzing) Okay, that was four sprays. - Oh. - That's pretty nice. - That's pretty good. I know it's a green Febreze. - Just gonna set those there. - This color is not the most extreme color. Okay, we got a stinky sock. - It's a Dickies. - I don't know what this is. (Link groans) - This one smells like Funyuns. (Link laughs) (spray spritzing) - Four of those. - Oh, that's, oh, you know what? - That really helped. - This is more like a neutralizing thing- - I have no clue what this is. - It's not covering it up, you know? - What else we got? - Wow. - T-shirt? He doesn't wear a lot of t-shirts these days. He's usually shirtless or in a tank. - Oh, (coughs) that's the worst. - Oh, okay, he used that one. - He definitely did. - Yeah. - All right, this is Axe. (Rhett groans) One, two, three, four. - That just smells like Axe body spray. - Yeah, but it's strong, though. - Okay, thank you, Davante. - It's strong. - I probably should put those back, but we'll worry about that later. - All right. You won last time, so you're gonna throw first. - Okay. Wow. All right. - Do you have an answer? - I'm gonna go with the only clue that I have which is the fact that the Febreze is in a black bottle. And so I'm going with the blue. - [Link] Stump. - Going for the blue. - Upper left. (axe thumps) Dang! All right, so that's four points if you're correct because you- - I'm in the four. - That's the closest number you got. - [Rhett] Right. - I'm tempted to go with Axe because it already sounds, I mean, Axe-treme. - Yeah, right. - I am going for the Axe body spray in the green stump. C'mon baby, be right. (axe thumps) Ope, I went high. - [Rhett] You're in the green for two. - If blue is correct, I still get one point. I've hedged my bets, unintentionally, is what I'm tellin' you. I get one point if it's green or blue. - This is a situation that we've never run into. - Well, that's why that's there in the Venn diagram of it all. - Yeah, but you didn't hit it intentionally, but you are in it. I think you're in it. - [Link] I am in it! - [Rhett] Well, we'll inspect. - [Link] Stevie? - [Stevie] One of these products promises to snuff out the most extreme odors and that's the Sweat X Sport Extreme Odor Spray on the red podium. - Oh, it was extreme! - Oh, we were both wrong! - The others are- - It was extreme! - Febreze Odor-Eliminating Fabric Refresher on the blue podium and Axe Musk Deodorant Spray on the green podium. - Okay, so- - Gets the funk out! - Just to clarify, this little black triangle in the middle where all the ones meet- - [Link] Whoa, whoa, whoa! That's the axe hole! - It's the axe hole. - Did I hit the axe hole? - You did not hit the axe hole. The axe is completely off of the board there. - Yeah. - If you do hit that, it's a guaranteed one point because it's all the ones coming together, but you didn't hit it. You hit the one right here, which actually is not one of them. - Right, we're both wrong. You're in the two and the four, but we're gonna penalize you the least. So, negative two points for you. I'm in the one, just the one, so I get negative one point. - Yes. (heavy rock music) What do we have naxt? Get it? - Okay guys, you now have a lineup of products best viewed in the dark. Can we please bring down the lights? - Oh no, yo, you gotta warn a guy. (sexy music) Oh, it's that kinda dimly lit. - Twinkie Fingies- - Not a scary. - [Stevie] We do not need the music, the personal, your own collection, music. Thank you. (crew laughing) - Okay. - How do I look? - Oh! Pretty bright, my friend. - I actually saw one of these in- - Ope! - somewhere- - Ope! - and wanted to get it because it's like, you using are camping and you're cold and you got your head lantern. - You turned it off. - That's what you want. - Is it off? - No, it's on. - Okay. And this is a lighter. - Light... (lighter clicks) Whoa! That thing's got some butane. - Stick your tongue out. (lighter clicking) (fire blazing) - I'm a little scared. (Rhett laughing) And then we've got- - [Rhett] That's how you test if a lighter works. - We've got a whole bunch of these. What are these called? - Glow sticks. - Rave suppositories, I think. (crew laughing) - Uh-huh, right. Yeah, you gotta put at least three in at the beginning of the night and then one more every hour. (laughs) (crew laughing) - They're long and thin. - Or else, you'll get dehydrated. This is so you don't have to stay hydrated at a rave through the mouth. You can do it through the anus. - It's not dim enough to know if these are extreme. I'm gonna turn this off. Womp. And I'm gonna, oh, I'm gonna hit you with this. (lighter clicks) (fire blazing) (Rhett laughs) (Link laughs) - Okay. - All right, guys. - Lights, please! - [Stevie] Let's bring the lights back up. - You're in the lead, so you go first. - Hmm. I think it's gotta be that lighter. That thing's small, packs a visual wallop, and some heat! So, I am going for red number six. (axe thumps) Yeah, baby! Butane! (crew laughing) - Dang. (Link laughs) Man, I'm upset about that because I was gonna go for red. (Link knocking) Now you're thing's in the way. - Ah, hold on, buddy! I'm gonna make you more upset 'cause I'm about to deploy the finger of rejection or whatever it was called. - Finger full of rejection. - Well, get a load of it. (wood creaking) (axes thumping) Ah, ah, ah! - Oh, I've been a naughty boy. (Link laughs) (crew laughs) I feel like I'm about to break rules. I'm a rule follower, this is difficult for me. Okay- - So, you were saying- - It's gotta be that lighter. - that you're agreeing with me that it's this lighter. - I saw this on the shelf. I saw the beanie on a shelf at a place and it's extremely cool. It's not extreme. And like you said, those are just extremely small. It's gotta be the lighter. - [Link] I love this because that index finger is- - [Rhett] It's covering it almost the entire time, like- - The red circle. - There is a very small window so I've gotta miss the finger full of rejection and then kinda land on the left side of the bullseye so as to not hit your axe. This is a precision throw, my friend, and I've gotta really time it with that finger wagging. (Rhett exhales) (axe thumps) - Ah! - Oh, wow! Cross throw that. - Okay, so I got four, not six. - [Stevie] One of these products promises to brighten your day with extreme lighting and that is the Adofect Extreme Bright Rechargeable LED Beanie on the blue podium. - Oh, dang! - Seriously? - I saw that thing and I didn't see that ad. - [Stevie] On the red podium, we have a Topkay Triple Jet Flame Torch Lighter and on the- - I broke it, Stevie! - green podium, we have Joyin Mini Glow Sticks. - Suppositories. Okay, that actually means that you were more wrong than me 'cause you were more right in your bad guess. - Dang it, holmes! - But since we always do the most gracious interpretation of the score, you're actually in four and I'm actually in two, so it's negative four for you, negative two for me. - We're not doing great. - Hm-mm. (heavy rock music) - Here's a fun question, if you were to die tomorrow, what's the last meal that you would want to eat? Well, we're very excited about a new series over on the Mythical Kitchen where Josh is inviting people to ponder life, death, and existential crises as he serves them their final feast. - Yes, and I got the opportunity to be the very first guest on "Last Meals." - Congratulations! - And let's just say the conversation took some very dark turns. - I like it. - The food was great, though! And to find out what my final meal would be, visit the Mythical Kitchen channel to watch it. - What we got here? - [Stevie] These products are all about softness. So, you're trying to find the one that delivers the most extreme softness. - Okay, so we got some handcuffs. Whoop! - You know, handcuffs are getting softer these days, you know? (crew laughing) It's just, you know? That's what they're doing these days. - For the potential criminals- - Yeah, right- - or maybe other applications. - Right, they just wanna make sure that they don't hurt- - As long as you're restrained- - your little wristies. Don't hurt your wristies. - As long as you're restrained. And then, which one do you want? It seems that we have toothbrushes, toothbrushi. - Oh, that's extremely soft. - Oh, is it? - [Rhett] Use your left hand. - It is soft. - I mean, use your right hand. - 'Cause that would be funnier. Oh, this is so funny. - Do you brush with your left hand? (crew laughing) - I brush with my right hand- - Okay, good. - until it gets tired and then I switch because you know I brush that hard. - You switch in the middle of brushing? - My question is what is this hole in the middle of the brush? - It's the flex hole. And then finally, oh, these are extremely heavy. What is going on? Are they magnets? (crew laughs) - It's just a slipper. - Okay. I actually, in that last round, took the lead, Link, by a point, so I'm going first. - Hey, go for it 'cause I don't know what the most extreme is here. - Those toothbrushes, man. What's toothbrushes in plural? - Toothbrushi. - Toothbrushi are so soft, I think that they're extremely soft and they've got the little neon coloring on there. - Yeah. - So, I'm going with red! I'm trying to get the six! (axe thumps) - Oh! You did hit, did you hit the six? - No, I'm in the four. - Thank goodness. - I'm not in the six, I'm in the four. - Okay. Hmm. If you're right on red, it has to be the toothbrushes. Yeah, I gotta hit the bullseye on six. - But you know what you also gotta do? You have to get through the obstacle that I'm about to deploy on you called "whichever way the wind blows." (wood creaking) (axes thumping) - What's that noise? Okay, what do you call these things? The annoying keeps popping up in front of my target thingy? - The reason I don't go to used car dealerships. 'Cause I'm afraid of 'em. - Yeah, I gotta go for the six. - If you get the bullseye and you're right, you win. If you get the bullseye and you're wrong, you lose. - I gotta go for it because I can't hedge it. All right, let me see if I can time it. (axe thumps) Yes! - Oh! (heavy rock music) - And I killed him. - Oh, that was amazing! - Okay. Yes! - I hope you're wrong. - Oh my gosh. - [Stevie] One of these products promises the comfort of extreme softness and that is the Xlent Dental Activated Charcoal- - Yes! - Xtreme Soft Toothbrush on the red podium. - You did it, Link! You won! You get to carve your name in the "Golden Log!" - Where is it? Where is it? Oh, I only get to see this. - Oh, man. - There's my log! - My streak is over, I'm sad. I'm gonna take myself home and handcuff myself to the bed. - Your streak is over. - And wait for my wife. - Yeah, I don't wanna have anything to do with that, but the episode's not over because we're about to celebrate 10 years of GMM! To the desk! - All right. - Oh, right. Now, we wanna celebrate what are absolutely the most important pieces of the Mythical puzzle and that's you, the Mythical Beasts. - Yeah, so we asked you to, because this has been a long time we've been doing this show, 10 years, we asked you to submit a picture of yourself when you started watching the show and then a picture of yourself now. So, how it started and how it's going. And now we're gonna take a look at some of those. - And we haven't seen 'em, so- - Okay, guys. - Stevie, walk us through it. - [Stevie] First up, we have Natasha Savinki and I'm gonna apologize in advance if I mess up anybody's name, but I think that's it. They wrote, "When I first started watching GMM, I was the most shy kid in my entire school. I never wanted to talk to anyone. Through watching the show, Rhett, Link, and the crew have shown me how far a little openness and vulnerability can go. Eight years ago, I met my now best friend and college dorm roommate all because I tried to be as friendly and open as Rhett and Link were and still are. I'd say it was a great success." And here are their photos. On the left- - Oh! - [Link] Wow! - Wow, people grow up, man! - is Natasha at eight and on the right, is Natasha at 18. - Natasha, you've done it, you've adulted! - Wow and we've just been these two dudes at the desk the whole time. I mean, things have changed about us, but we have not changed that much, Natasha. (Link laughing) - Well, maybe we have. (both laughing) - Oh, congratulations on being a Bears fan and also a graduate. - [Stevie] Okay, next up, we have Khalil O'Lakey. - Okay, Khalil. - They wrote, "When I started watching back in late 2013, I was this weird kid," I'm starting to see a pattern here, "I was this weird kid starting my first year of high school, fast-forward to the present, now I'm at my last month in medical school, which is crazy to say the least. Medical school is hard and studying abroad is even harder, but GMM made it easier every day. Back then, I was looking for YouTube channels to watch so I could improve my English, which is a second language for me, by the way, but once I started watching GMM, I realized that I'm diving into this Mythical world with two guys, that at this point, I consider my friends/dads even though I never met them." And here are their photos. On the left is from 2013 and the right is this year. And Khalil writes, "Thanks, Rhett, for teaching me the way to trick people into thinking I have a chin." - Yes, you learned well. - Working that beard. - You learned well, my son. - And the smolder. I like that look too. Hey, we taught this dude English and how to be a doctor. - Yeah, we can take credit for that. He's probably going around saying things like, "Golly!" (Link laughs) Like, that's the problem if you learn English from us. We're sorry. - [Stevie] Okay, next is Carter Seinhorst. - They wrote- - Carter. - "We found GMM while my wife was pregnant with our daughter, Grace, in 2016. We then watched hundreds of episodes the first few weeks after she was born. We have been fans ever since and have gone back to watch every single episode. Now she is five and starting school. We try to watch each new episode daily, but she still doesn't quite understand why you eat the things that you do." - Yeah, we don't either. - Yup. - [Stevie] "Thank you for always being there and making us laugh." And here are Carter's photos. On the left is a picture of his family right after his daughter, Grace, was born. And on the right is a current-day photo of them as a family of four. - Wow, I mean, there's been two, there's been a whole nother human added to that picture since then. - We're making babies, dude. - Yeah, we're making babies! - Yeah! - Creatin' doctors, teachin' English, and procreating, all while sitting here. Congratulations. - [Stevie] Okay, next is Evan Bradley, who wrote, "I've graduated high school and I'm currently a junior in college. You guys have literally been the highlight of my early-morning routine. Whether it's post workouts with college football or just cooking, GMM has helped keep me positive and enjoy life one Mythical morning at a time. Love you guys." - We love you too. - And here are Evan's photos. Photo on the left shows Evan in his junior year of high school. And on the right is him now as a junior in college. - Dang! - Evan put on some muscle and some hair. - Yeah, he did. And he went from being sponsored by Under Armour to sponsored by Nike. (crew laughing) Which, I mean, in the sports world, that's an upgrade. - Is it? - I mean, Sorry, Steph Curry. - As long as we get a cut, I don't care. Do we get a residge? (Rhett laughs) - Well, you know, we'll take whatever we can get. - Man, and I don't know if it's just this particular photo, but like, I'd like to think that we helped him become that much more intimidating- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - as a football player. - Yeah, oh, yeah. Those workouts, GMM, and those football workouts, some combination of those. (Link laughs) - So, then we have- - That's crazy. - Bo Burnett, who wrote, "I went through a lot of rough spots." - Hold on, so, okay. Bo Burnett- - This is Bo Burnham's secret identity. - Okay. - Right, yeah, yeah. - Went through some rough spots, go ahead. - Made a whole Netflix special about it. - Yeah. (laughs) (Rhett laughs) - [Stevie] "I went through a lot of rough spots, but every time I would feel down, I always knew there were two men behind a microphone ready to make me laugh. Sure enough, GMM has helped me come out as trans and learn to be grateful with what I've got." And here are Bo's photos. On the left is Bo from 2014. And on the right is a recent photo of Bo. - [Link] Bo's teeth got a lot shorter. (crew laughing) - [Rhett] But Bo got a microphone and is now doing Ted Talks. Is that what that... I mean- - Yeah. - That's the Ted Talk microphone. Congratulations. Send us a link to your Ted Talk. - Is that what's happening? - Well, it's either a Garth Brooks singalong 'cause Garth likes to use that mic- - Okay. - Or it's a Ted Talk. Those are the only two places that you can get away with that microphone. - Wow. - And guys, we had over 1400 submissions, so we're gonna go through some more Mythical Beasts in "Good Mythical More," but thank you all so much for sending us your photos- - Yeah. - and stories. - Thank you, all of you. This is a special week. - Very special week! - And it continues. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is! - Peekaboo. D'Arcy Carden here. I am sending Rhett and Link and all the Little Beasties a huge congratulations on 10 years of GMM. And now, it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Ha! - D'Arcy! - She originated the whole "Little Beasties" thing- - That's right. - for those of you who don't know. Thank you for doing that, D'Arcy. (Link laughing) Click the top link if you wanna see some more Mythical Beasts' photos and also hear and see, hear about and see my new tattoo! What?! - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land! - It's funny, even when I look at pictures of good memories, I get this uncomfortable- - You got a little cream- - Oh, thank you. - in your beard. - That happens, that happens. Thank you, I'll pay you back later.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,590,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: rqcPYt_OO1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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