Reacting To Crazy Smart Home Hacks

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I have not watched GMM in like five years that might have to change

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ratedpending 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Can a smart home be too smart? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good mythical summer. - And please welcome YouTube commentator extraordinaire and member of our Mythical Creator Accelerator-- - Ooh. - Jarvis Johnson! - Yeah. (crew applauds) Give us one of these. - Double tap. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Glad to finally get you in here, man. - Yeah, happy to be here. - Yeah, and we're gonna be talking about smart tech. What is the smartest piece of technology you got in your home? - I have, I have one of those lights that you can control with an app in my living room. So like, if I wanna watch a scary movie, maybe I'll make it red. (Rhett laughs) - Oh. - You know, the color of blood. (Rhett laughs) - That's cutting edge. - That's the scariest color. - That's very smart. - There's some of those that I can see, you can put behind your television. - I have that too. - You got that too? - Same app, same app. Everything's connected. - Oh! - Everything's pretty smart-- - I almost got one of those, and then I forgot (crew laughs) to follow through and get it. - If I'm being honest, the LED strip, it started falling off of my TV. So it was behind the TV, and now it's kinda just like a little red light-- - In the corner? - Dangling in the corner. - Dangling in the back, which is extra scary, actually. - Okay. - I still think it's still smarter than our homes as far as I know. But there is this trend on TikTok where people are showing off tons of smart tech and accessories in their homes. So we thought we could take a look at this high-tech stuff and decide if it's really necessary or just dumb TikTok fuel. You game? - Oh, absolutely. - Me, absolutely as well. (crew laughs) It's time for Smart Home Tech is Crazy! I Want It! I Need It! Does That Robot Goldfish Need to be Feeded? - Okay, I've got a video that I'm gonna show you guys. - Mm-hmm. - This is from a TikTok account called My Korean Home. It's not my Korean home. That's just the name of the, the TikTok channel. - This isn't your account. - Right, and we actually don't know if it's actually-- - Do you have a Korean home? - Not that I know of. (Jarvis laughs) - Okay. - I'm making lots of investments though. Now, I don't-- - Well. - I don't know, we don't know exactly whose home this is 'cause they basically just aggregate a bunch of different videos, so-- - Right. - This is someone's Korean home, okay? - All right. - Let's see if we think any of this stuff is useful or not. Here we go. - [TikTok Narrator] Tell me you love technology without telling me you love technology. - You got little dogs. - Wet dogs. - She's drying herself. That's just a dryer. Now, don't be afraid. - What, what, what? - Okay, I'm gonna go back a couple, I'm gonna go back a frame here. - You gonna cook the dogs? - Now, that-- - No. - That looks super scary, but this is fake, guys. - It's not a fire? - It's not real fire. It's just steam and light. No heat. - [Link] What? - No actual fire. - So the benefit is that it kind of looks like fire. - (chuckles) Yeah. (Jarvis laughs) If that's a benefit to you. - Okay, yeah. - (chuckles) Something looks like fire. - I was looking for an expensive way to display a fake fire. - (laughs) Well, how expensive is it? (Jarvis laughs) - Well, we couldn't find this exact one but we found one, a similar steam fireplace for $710! - (laughs) Wait, what a steal. - Yeah. - (laughs) Where do I sign? - There's no heat that comes from it? - The dogs don't know the difference though. They're dumb. Okay, let's keep going. - [Jarvis] Wait. - [Link] Cute puppies. - Look at this thing. This is a washing machine for smaller apartments that don't have washing machines. And you know what? I'm going a step further. I got one! - What? - Congratulations, Rhett. (crew laughs) - [Rhett] So I brought my dirty-- - [Link] So it goes down? - Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then-- - Oh, that's violent. (laughs) - So it's just that size, and then you just (grunts) pull it up like this. (grunts) - So everything's-- - Then you take your dirty socks. - Collapsible, so it takes up less-- - And my dirty tank top that you saw me in earlier. And boy, my chalky underwear from all my, all the street art I've been doing lately. - You gotta stop doing that in your underwear. (laughs) - Is that what that is? - And then you just take your carafe of water that you got lying around. - I mean, I got so many people living at my house that like our laundry loads are huge. - Detergent strip. Yeah, so it actually is dissolving that detergent. And then eventually, there's like a spin cycle where you put this thing in. But yeah, so far, I'm on team I don't think I need this. Even if I lived in a small place, I think that, I just think I could use a bucket and a spoon just as effectively. - [Jarvis] Yeah. - Once you wash something, you gotta dry it, right? Well, as you can see in the video, they've taken care of that as well. - [Link] Okay. - [Rhett] You think that's a suitcase for a nice little trip. Nope, it is actually-- - [Link] Whoa. - [Rhett] A dryer. - They cut to this magnificent device and then immediately away to something else. - Well, you know what? No worries, I have it here. - Oh. - So it's like a, it's a travel suit, okay. - [Jarvis] I'm gonna have to get up. - Go back there. A travel suitcase. - Now, as you can see, I put my, the shirts that I've been doing all my sweaty business in. (crew laughs) - [Jarvis] You do your chalk art in a button up and your underwear. (laughs) - Well, 'cause I wanna look refined. - Right. - Just business up top, party on the bottom. And then you just zip that right up. Again, this thing, it started as a suitcase. Where's the button? - A suitcase that holds what? The stuff-- - Nothing. - The stuff to make it into a dryer. - If you take this on a trip, you are basically just taking a suitcase that you can't put anything else in on your trip. - Right. - Just, but just for this moment when you might need to get your shirts going. So there you go. You can see that the dryer has started. - So that says 30. You can go 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes? - I believe so. I don't know if there's heat settings because I don't understand the language that the instructions are in. - Now, what would be the ideal situation where you would use this? (laughs) - You're on your way to your room. You fall in the pool. - Yup. - But you've got a nice engagement in just 30, 60, or 90 minutes. - Yeah. You don't have a lot, you don't have enough time to air dry. - Nope. - And you don't have a hair dryer that you can use. - Nope. - But you do have enough time to set this up. (laughs) - Yeah, how long does this take to set up? - Well, 'cause the thing is-- - We weren't willing to do it. - I've got some little vents here in the back that I can stick my finger in. - Is it getting hot? - I feel like if I just put a hair dryer in a closet, in a hotel and just hung my clothes up, the exact same thing would happen. - There's gotta be a device too where you just-- (Link screams) Okay, so it's pretty hot. - It's not hot at all. - Oh. (laughs) - [Rhett] I'm gonna stick my head in. - Yeah. You could get like what, a perm? - [Rhett] It's no warmer inside here than it is outside here. - See, if you go to Jarvis's channel, channels, go to any of 'em, you'll see there's a level of class and contemplation. He doesn't have to resort to this type of stuff, going head first into dumb products. - It does seem kind of fun though so I have to try this for myself. - He's got like elevated opinions on things. - Okay, just because I don't wanna leave you waiting, I will let you see the rest of this video, the other things that happen. There's a toothpaste machine. There's a soap dispenser! There's a glasses cleaner next to the bed. - [Link] Ooh. - [Jarvis] Okay, well-- - [Rhett] And there's a little, look at that. - [Link] A phone charger. - [Jarvis] Like a wireless charger-- (upbeat music) - [Rhett] And then you hit your music and you go to sleep. - Also a Bluetooth speaker, question mark? - Okay, so is there anything in that video that you think is worth the investment? - Two cute puppies in rain gear. - Absolutely not, nothing. - All right, I got one to show you. So this is like a day in the life. Wedding anniversary, make her enjoy her day like a queen. - Oh, that was an automatic door? - Yeah, that's pretty cool. - And that, I don't know what these things are that's going into this blender, but check this out. - All of a sudden, yes, the freaking blender, did you hear that there was nothing to hear? Once you put the cover over it, it was like a freaking sound dampening blender. - Stealth blender? - Yes. - That's useful. - I'm telling you, I mean, I'm the first one up. I gotta make my smoothie. I'm waking up everybody with our (whirs). It just goes away. - Can you put one of those over yourself? (Jarvis chuckles) - Jarvis. - You're just like, just, I mean, that would be-- - Let him have it, man. - Just if he-- (Jarvis laughs) - Come on, man. - I mean-- - Right over the head, woof. - What's it like to be just like a solo YouTuber, you don't have to put up with stuff like that? - Yeah, it's kinda great, actually. (Rhett laughs) - I know. - It's great. - Now that I'm seeing this, I'm like-- - See? Don't. - Yeah, now that you're seeing it up close. (Jarvis laughs) All right, so see, sound dampening. And then this is some drawer thing with egg bites in it or something. (Rhett laughs) Check this out. I have it here. - What? - Is that a microphone? - It's a karaoke machine. - Hello, checking. - (laughs) Yeah. - Now this is a-- - A Beat Pill, a (chuckles)-- - It's not a Beats Pill. - It's in a Bluetooth speaker. - It's an $80 cleaner/sanitizer for food. - Okay. - It utilizes "high energy hydroxyl ion purification technology "to degrade harmful substances "like residual pesticides and germs." First of all, I'm not one to like clean my carrots. Whenever I wanna eat a carrot-- - That's a bit of a self-report. You don't have to tell on yourself like that. (chuckles) - As much as I like to clean things, I'm just like strawberries, do I really need to rinse these things again? - Yeah, yeah, you do. - You don't wanna be known as a man who doesn't clean his carrot, (Jarvis laughs) clean his carrot on a regular basis. Guys, clean your carrots. - All right, so I'm gonna turn this thing on and then you just throw it in there. - How are we supposed to see that the vegetables get cleaner? The worst thing about this is that like, you just have to take them at their word. - Yeah. Link's just, he just threw in both tomatoes by the way. - Right. - (chuckles) That's not a feature of the device. - I just, it, yeah, if it would just like make tomatoes disappear, I would love it. - How long do you have to leave it in there? - I don't know. (crew laughs) Until it looks clean. - And then you like have to turn your pepper in order to-- - [Link] Yeah. - [Rhett] I mean, that one side of the pepper wasn't getting cleaned. - Yeah, so instead of washing the pepper, which would take, I don't know, 15 seconds (laughs)-- - (laughs) Yeah, right. - You have to like watch this pool. - It's not even nearly as exciting here in person as it is in the video. Look at that. I think they sped it up. - Yeah. - So I don't know. - They might have sped it up. They're speeding through things pretty quick. - It's a bit of a letdown. - Yeah, I'm not too impressed so far. - And then there's no way to really know if it's working. Now, that's some sort of air freshener for your fridge. And then you got this stackable steamy thing. - Okay, what's happening here? - Oh, this is the milking aid. - He's getting everything ready for his wife on the anniversary. - Right, she wakes up in a few hours. - Yeah, she ain't awake yet. - So that is like a, it's like a heated place setting. And look, nine o'clock, wife finally woke up. - Finally! - Finally! (laughs) - Come on! - Throwing her under the bus. And then, oh, she's got her own tech. She begins her slimming exercise. - Slimming? Oh, come on, dude. - Meanwhile, I'm over here-- - Can we just call it exercise? - Yeah, I don't know why it has to be like that. - Yeah, slimming exercise. (Jarvis chuckles) Meanwhile, dude's over here vacuuming her spot in the bed. Like, I don't know what-- - She finally moved and I was able to-- - What she left behind. - To clean out and clean up after her. - And check that out. Look at all the junk he sucked out of her side of the bed. - This is all over my wife's body-- - Yeah. - Because of her slimming exercise. - I have this, the Morphy Richards furniture vacuum. - [Rhett] Whoa. - You know, I take my vacuum at home and I'll put it up on top of the couch. - Yeah. Yeah, that's normal. - You relate to this? - Good. - I do. - Okay, thank you. - Because here's the thing, these devices are so hyper specific. You know what I mean? Like, most of us just have a vacuum. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. - But you can have a vacuum for your vegetables. You can have a vacuum for your mattress. - (laughs) Yeah, - Really, everything's kind of a vacuum if you think about it. - Right. - I'm gonna turn it on. And it's got a UV light. Like, I'm gonna tilt it up. See how there's a UV light? If I go too far, it'll blind you! Nope, it turns off. - Oh, safety feature. - So it has this UV sterilization that's happening while it's sucking up stuff. You can take it up a notch. - Can you rub it directly on your wife? - Oh. So it's got, it's just a vacuuming cleaner. Let's be real. - See, the thing about the UV light promise is-- - I've got one of this. - I'm, does it actually do, I wanna see a report on like whether or not that-- - Yeah, a before and after. - Yeah, yeah. - I can tell that it's visibly picking things up. If you need peace of mind about bed bugs or moths-- - You seem to be really having a good time and enjoying yourself. - (chuckles) Yeah. - Do you wanna take that thing home? - I love to vacuum, man, yeah. - Yeah. - I'm definitely taking this home. - So it's very therapeutic. - Let's open this puppy up, take a look inside just like he did. - [Jarvis] Yeah. - None of that was planted ahead of time. - [Jarvis] Oh, and now it's dirty again. - Your wife's gray hair just came right off her body. (Jarvis laughs) Now suck it right back up. Inception. - And then Link just does this on repeat for the rest of his life. - I'm in a loop! (Jarvis laughs) I'm in a vacuum loop! And I think that one's blowing away. - So now, you're just kinda blowing the-- - Yeah, I think it may have gone in the, oh, there it is. - Oh, are you all right? (Jarvis laughs) - I just got sucked into the vacuum. Help, let me out! - Jarvis is gone. I mean, I've seen it happen to other crew members here. - Countless others. - Eh. - It's a vacuum. It's a tiny vacuum too. - What else we got here? He makes up the bed. - Oh, he washes the mirror. - Squeegees the mirror. - You've got a little satisfaction. - Oh, what? Hold on. What's happening in the toilet? - He's depositing-- - (chuckles) Why do you have to use that word? - Is he like preparing for his slimming wife to come take a dooky? (Jarvis chuckles) He's like, "Oh, she's gonna love this." - Everyone knows the real slimming exercise is taking a dump. (Jarvis and Rhett laugh) - True. This is the Sincoff toilet gel stamp, this air freshener for your toilet, 17 bucks on Amazon. And it looks cool, and it gives like your kids something to aim at? - I need to put that in my boys' bathroom, no lie. I'm telling you right now, they never hit the toilet. This gives them a little target. - Right. And then, of course, he wraps things up by being exhausted because he's served his wife one day out of the year! - Yeah. - Come on, man. - Three hours of work. He's like, "Wow, this is tough." (Rhett laughs) - I'm kind of getting exhausted with technology. But at the same time, I'm hungry for more. - And I've got just that. It just so happens that my video comes from My Korean Home account as well. But it's not-- - Oh. - It's not-- - Okay. - It's a different home. - It's a different Korean home. - It's a different-- - Okay. - Or, you know, they put together a lot of different homes. - Not necessarily Korean, we don't know. - That are ostensibly in Korea, though we don't know. It's just the name of the account, just so we're clear. - Yeah. - Okay. - And just to set the stage here, you ever get drunk? - Never. - Yeah, yeah. - Not, definitely not on the internet. - Well, our protagonist today comes home drunk and they walk into their highly technological mansion, their very smart home. (chuckles) - Okay, all right. - I'm intrigued. - Yeah, let's start. - [TikTok Narrator] I came back home a little drunk last night. - Whoa, trouble. - Stumble. - Okay. - Kicking off the shoes. - Wow, that's a door. - Oh. - Wow, did you see-- - Okay. - Did you see the floor at that entrance? - Yeah, it's just a little bit of tile. (Rhett and Jarvis laugh) Like, it cuts off. (laughs) - [Rhett] Yeah, yeah. - [Link] Just enough tile. - Okay, so we open up our gigantic doors and then we spray ourselves. And all we know is that it emits a nice blue light and something else. - Right. - It's got a tank, and it's also right here. - (laughs) Oh, wow. - Yes! (Rhett grunts) - No, no! No! - I really felt like I was vaporizing you. (Rhett laughs) - Morgan, can you make us disappear in post? (Jarvis laughs) - Yeah, do that. Add that in. - So, okay. - So this is the nano spray machine. It's meant to clean various surfaces, none of which are actually shown in these videos. They're always spraying their own clothes with them. (machine whirs) - Watch yourself. - But it could also be used for furniture, cars-- - But it's just-- - Wash your car just with this little device. - What? Then the blue light doesn't do anything. - It looks nice. - The blue light doesn't do anything. They also say that you can spray it and then walk away without wiping. (machine whirs) That's (chuckles)-- - It's just water. - Not been approved by the FDA, but that is water. - Well, I, you know what? I actually, I use like a fine mister on my hair. That's one of my secrets. - Oh. (chuckles) - So. (machine whirs) - The blue light lets you see the mist. - Yeah. - This is a great way if you got-- - That way, you know it's doing something. - If you got curly hair that has a tenden, whoa, how do you cut it off? (laughs) (crew laughs) - Yeah. (laughs) - Has the tendency to get straight again, you just do a little bit of this. - And how much is this? - So this retails for about $20 on Amazon. - Okay. - And not sponsored. I have to say that it's meant to, you know, you spray things and then walk away. But it's just water, so it operates on the assumption that you can just mist a little bit of water on something and then it's clean. - Spray it and forget it. (Jarvis chuckles) - Wouldn't that be nice? But I think that if you're drunk, you just don't, you don't wanna have to do a bunch of this. - Yeah, you hit it once. - Right, 'cause like the whole thing is that you're drunk and you don't wanna do a lot of work. So let's watch our protagonist continue to do a lot of things after they go home. (Rhett and Link laugh) - Oh, watch cleaner. - You got a dirty watch? - I mean-- - Well, I've got just a thing for that. (Rhett laughs) - Okay! - Introducing the-- - If you got a dirty something, whoop, you broke it. - (chuckles) Introducing the comfy glasses cleaner. So this device is, it's very special. It uses ultrasonic something to shake the water really fast to like agitate the dirty oils and things on your glasses to clean them. - May I? - Oh, you may. - Is this like legit? I mean, it's gotta be legit tech. I mean, it's-- - Well, it's $30.99 on Amazon so I'm gonna go ahead and say it's legit. (Rhett laughs) - So you put, he was washing his watch. - Right. - But we saw earlier you can wash your glasses. - Yeah. - Which if you look at, I mean, my glasses are dirty. - They're in need of a wash. - I don't know if you can tell-- - [Rhett] Well, I'm surprised by that. - I see like hairs and-- - You're usually pretty on top of that. - I need a wash. - Well, today's your lucky day. - We're just gonna throw 'em in here gingerly. - [Jarvis] And-- - And then-- - And then is there a button we press? (clears throat) - I think you just hope for the best. (crew laughs) (machine whirs) - Ah! - Oh, there it is. - [Rhett] So even a drunk person can figure it out. - [Jarvis] Oh, yeah, look at it shake. Oh, wow, look at that. - [Link] Oh. - [Rhett] Oh, my gosh! - What is it, it's just the brown stuff. - There's so much stuff coming off of your glasses! - [Jarvis] It's a lot. - [Link] Oh, my god. I can't see any of it. - [Rhett] Oh, my god! - [Link] What's happening, guys? I can't see. - [Rhett] And all this, the part that was touching your nose, it's got like human oils on it. - Yeah. - Unbelievable! This is the coolest thing this happened today! - I mean, this is pretty cool, and it seems pretty practical. - Oh, watch out, Link. You're blocking the view for everybody. - What? Can you see that, guys? Can you see it, mom? (Jarvis chuckles) - Hold on. Before it all goes away, look at that. You had a bunch of stuff on your glasses, man. - I, you know, I get it. I didn't wear my glasses today 'cause they were too dirty. - Right. You didn't know you'd be running into a glasses cleaning machine. - [Jarvis] Yeah. - What if I reached in here and as I pulled it out, it just disintegrated entirely. - [Rhett] All right, see-- - [Link] It looks like it's-- - It looks like it's, it made the water very cloudy compared to what it was. - Right. - But it's not shaking anything off of your glasses anymore. - All right, so let's see if these are actually cleaner. - (grunts) Look at everything that came off of your glasses. - It is cloudy. - It looks like milk almost. - Uh. - Hmm. - There's still a, there's stuff that came off of the outside, I think. - Yeah. - But the lenses themselves are not that clean, I don't think. - I feel like the fact that you're already going to a paper towel-- - Paper towel, you just-- - That is not a good sign for the product. - You just ruined anything that just happened. - Well, I, you know, you gotta dry it off. - I'm, no, I'm with you there. - So I'm just drying it. I'm not trying to-- - But if anything comes off while drying it, then that's just a bonus. - Yeah, look at how dirty they still are. - Yeah, they're still pretty dirty. - They're still completely-- - Well, what was it that came off? - I don't know if you can tell but I think-- - You know what it did change? The outside of your glasses. Like, there was some like deposits on the sides. - [Jarvis and Link] Yeah. - We did see, we were talking earlier about the deposits. - Yeah, yeah. (crew laughs) - It feels a lot-- - I didn't wanna say anything. - (laughs) Yeah. - Yeah, I haven't cleaned the frame in years. - Yeah. - Well, you have now, you have now. - So it did do something. And for how much? - [Rhett and Jarvis] $31. - $31. I think I'm-- - What if I just kept raising it? And for only $750. (Rhett laughs) - I think I wanna keep this in our little place over there and I will pay you. - Our little place, our secret place. (Jarvis laughs) - Our secret cleaning place. - We'll never tell you where it is. - That's the best thing, man. - It is at least cool. Like, it gives a fun visual. - What else does he do? - I don't know. Let's find out. - Hey, look at how drunk he is. - Whoa. - He's getting some strawberries. - He has a pretty stacked fridge. Can we just say? - Yeah, that's a lotta-- - That's a lot of Coke. (chuckles) - What is this? Another one of those things. - Another thing to clean. - You can't-- - And then he went upstairs. - Oh, and to get his knives. - He's still drunk? How is it-- - To get his colorful knives. - There's no way that you eat like this. - Yeah, don't operate knives when you're drunk. - Like, yes. - Yeah, what? No way. Oh. - And don't touch that toothpick dispenser. - A toothpick dispenser? Yeah. - You don't wanna touch all of them to get your one toothpick, I guess. - These people have so many devices. I don't have this many devices. - I mean, listen, the TikTok of me coming home drunk would be like really boring. It would be like, "Ah, are we gonna have, "no, wait, let's not have sex. "Let's wait until tomorrow night." (crew laughs) - Cool story, man. - Yeah, yeah. (Jarvis laughs) That's basically all it would be. - Okay. Yeah, you just fall off. (crew laughs) Well, Jarvis-- - Thanks for letting me show you my home. - Your Korean home. - Yeah. - That was you, dude? - That was me. (Rhett laughs) - Oh! - I get pretty drunk, guys, and I wanted to share some of my nighttime routine with you all. - I mean, oh! - Oh, it's back. - This is the ticket right here. This is the thing that I'm intrigued about. I'm gonna continue to test it. - I feel like this is QVC now when I'm like, and you can get this for the low, low price of $450. - I think you had the most useful products, to be honest with you. - I'm gonna have to agree with you. - We're gonna think of you every morning when we use this crap. - (chuckles) Yeah. - And not the way it's intended. - Yeah. - Oh, it feels so good. - Jarvis, thanks for hanging out, man. - Even though it's just water, I'm still worried that that's not safe, which is maybe not the best thing for this product. - Jarvis, thanks for hanging out. Check out Jarvis's channel. It's called Jarvis Johnson. - That's me. - Yeah, keeping it simple. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. Now you say, "You know what time it is." - You know what, you know what time it is. - Yep. - Good Mythical Morning. My name's Alexander, and I come from Tampa, Florida, and it's time to spend the Wheel of Mythicality. (drum music) - Wow, I didn't know what that was until he did that. - Okay, okay, yeah. We agree. - Click the top link to watch us figure out what some wacky AI-generated photos are in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] Need Mythical merch in a hurry? Try for grooming, logo wear, and reissued designs delivered with lightning fast Prime ship.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,199,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: bAUJwz21Zwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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