International Kit Kat Taste Test ft. Post Malone

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- Today we go postal on some international Kit Kats. - Let's talk about that. (bright music) - Goooood mythical morning. - Guess who's back? It's friend of the show and my best friend in the entire world, Post Malone. - What up? Give me one of these. Yeah. - Oh. - What are these? Oh, we were talking about dabs before the show. Let's start if off with one. - Okay, okay. Why are you making me dab? You're making us dab on our own show. - Are you bringing that back? - You're cool points just went crazy right now. - Okay. - Kids love dabbing with you, man. - I actually thought- - I don't know if I believe you. - That he was my best friend in the entire world. That's what you've been telling me. I don't know what you been telling him. - Whoa, whoa, what? We're all friends, we're all friends. - Right, but how many best friends can one person have? - I only have one. - Me, too. - That's the thing- - It's Post Malone. - You know, I get a, I get a pass. I can have, you guys, can share. - Okay, fine, okay, you're in between us. - Okay. - You like perforated candy, my man? - Very much so. - Uh-huh. - I am like perforated candy. - Yeah. I like a good perforated, how do you open this? - Well, this is just a regular Kit Kat. You might be familiar with this. We're gonna be getting to know some Kit Kats that you might not be familiar with today. - Sure. - That seemed harder than anyone- - Yeah. - Like that was a harder time getting into a Kit Kat than anyone has ever had. - This is a test. - And the normal way to eat this. - Yeah. - Is this. - Don't you dare. - Oh, gosh. You just upset a lot of people. - That's like the normal thing to do. - Yeah, you're the, yeah, you fit right in here. - So it turns out that Kit Kats have proliferated and periforated all over the globe. So let's find out what we're missing out on. It's time for Where in the World Do These International Kit Kats Come From? - All right, so we're gonna try some Kit Kats, not a sponsor. - Right, not a sponsor. - From all around the world and, of course, we're gonna throw our darts, ooh, you got the golden dart. - I do have the golden dart. Just kind of came. - Look at that. - All right, we're gonna be tasting the Kit Kats and then indicating our accurate guess by throwing them at that map where kitty cat cartographer Chase. - [Post] Hi, Chase. - Hi, sorry for my appearance. I just came back from a musical theater audition and just didn't have time to change. - Yeah, it's hard to take the mask off. - You don't have to play it down, Chase. - You look great. - You look great, man. - [Chase] Oh, thanks. - I saw him before and I said, "One of us is gonna have to change," 'cause I was gonna wear the same thing. (Rhett laughs) - I feel bad, yeah, you couldn't wear your first choice. - [Post] That's all right. - I think there was only one of those shirts in the world and Chase has it. (Post laughs) - Great crop on it. - Oh, thank you. - [Post] Thank you for sharing. - Of course, any time. (crew laughs) - I'd love to see photos later. - So, we're gonna, we're playing by normal rules in that you measure how far you are from the accurate, from the actual country and then the lowest score at the end wins, but because we've got three people, we've never done this before. And because you're here, instead of the previous loser getting the cheat dart, which is in this case is the Kit splat dart, which is just melted Kit Kat that we throw at the board. Whoever's in last place in the last round gets to throw the melted Kit Kat. - Okay, all right. - Probably Link. - Hey, I didn't say it. My best friend said it. - That is what I'm thinking. - Me Rhett's best friend. - But the winner gets a picture with Post. - Oh, nice. - What if I win. A selfie? - You get a picture with Post. - Okay. - It's a selfie. - Yeah, it's a deal, let's do it. - Good deal. (upbeat music) - Ooh, we got a big 'un. - Yeah, that's a thick 'ums. - [Link] Look at this. - [Rhett] Take your own here. - [Post] Sure. - Never- - Wow. - So it's perforated in a different way. It's perforated in the middle and they're individual. Is this what like a king size Kit Kat looks like? - I don't, I don't think so. - This is a "Game of Thrones" Kit Kat. - Oh. - True. - That smells like a horchata almost. - Oh, that's a hint. - [Post Voiceover] Oh, crap. I just kicked Rhett's foot with my foot. This is awkward. What do I do now? Act cool Post Malone. Act cool. - Uh. (crew laughs) You know what, you seem so cool. - Thank you. - No matter what you do, you seem cool. I want you to know that. - I'm not acting. This is just how I am. - Yeah, yeah, and it's just cool. - Would you have known this tasted like horchata if I hadn't of said anything? - [Link] Do you think it tastes like horchata? - [Rhett] I taste cinnamon. - Look, watching at home, you're like they gotta get this, there's no way. But there's really no way to tell. - Right, tell 'em. - It's impossible. - It's hard, man. - Yeah, it's impossible. - All right. - This is a hard job. - Slide, slide on back. - I'm like what are these guys doing? - Give him some room. - Okay. - And I will point out, like except for Australia, we got some little, little countries this time. - [Rhett] Yeah, Honduras might make sense because it's close to a country where I know that they enjoy horchata, which would be Mexico. I don't know if they enjoy it in Honduras. Is this, I'm just helping you get, this is how we do this. - Okay, fair enough. Continue. - Yeah. - As long as he wants to talk, I'm just gonna listen. - Should I be, should I be following that instinct or is that just like a red herring that they came up with? They, being the writers. - I'm trying to decide if I like it, though. - Yeah, it's- - I don't like it. - [Link] It's not the best. - [Rhett] I'm not a huge fan of that cinnamon. - The portions are all off because it's so log like. - I kind of like, it looks like it's been soaking in water. Then they say it's expanded. - (laughs) Right. - It's like we're gonna turn into a dinosaur at some point? Okay, I'm going for Portugal because I don't feel confident enough to get all the way to Honduras. - [Link] Oh, that's close. - [Post] That's a good one. - All right, we're gonna give you the advantage of going last in the first round. - Okay, easy enough. - I'm gonna go with Honduras because at least there's some rationale. I do taste a little bit of cinnamon. - Okay. - In here. - [Post] Bold move, Cog. - All right. - [Post Voiceover] Link sure talks a lot. (crew laughs) - Yeah, I don't know if I like it. - I- - Yeah. - I said half as many things as Rhett just said. - What? - What? - What? - I didn't say, I talk- - What happened? - Just tell me if you think I'm- - [Post] I would, I would. - You would? - Yeah, he would. - If he thought it, he would say it. - If I thought it, if I was thinking it, I would. - You would tell me? - Yes, sir. - [Post Voiceover] Yeah, boy. - [Link] Honduras. (Post laughs) Oh, yeah. - [Post] That's a good toss. - Now it's your turn to dart, man. - Let me put away this thing, I don't, now I got Kit Kat fingers. - What kind of a darter are you 'cause I mean this is not Magic the Gathering. - That's true. This is a very dexterous, thank you, Chase. - [Chase] Of course. - This is a very dexteratous- - Are you a darter? - No, sir. I have not thrown a dart since September '08. - Why do you remember that? - It's like that was quick. That was quick. - Where were you on September '08? I was throwing darts. - You remember the dart times. - You guys- - Oh, my God. - You remember the dart times in September of '08. - We had some dark dart times out there, man. Thank you. - Okay, well, if you feel, if you want a Mulligan, like if you don't feel good about your first throw, since it's been since '08, you know what, maybe you get a Mulligan. I'm willing to throw a Mulligan out there. - No special treatment. - He is my best friend. - No special, thanks Link. - Where did you sit, there? - I mean, just move into whatever you're comfortable. - Yeah- - Yo, someone's gonna die today. (Rhett laughs) Y'all thought Link was scary. Chase, you're not in the splash zone. - That's good. - I think you're good. I'm gonna go, I'm just gonna go to the right. I don't now why. Turkey's calling my name. - [Rhett] Oh, okay, yeah, sometimes that happens. - But this angle here. Rhett has taken such an assertive board state. God, yo, so much dad. - That's when you feel it, when you get it up, when you lock and load it, that's when you know, okay, all right. - This is power, so much power. You guys gave me the good grip, too, on these ones. - Yeah, that's a good dart. Way! - I mean, your dart did something weird once it hit the board. - It's dangling. - [Rhett] But, I mean, it's a little bit right of Turkey. - [Link] You got a dangle dart. - Like I said, it's been a long, long time, '08. - It's like a dingleberry. (Post laughs) - [Stevie] Okay, guys. - Everything I do's a dingleberry. Sorry, Stevie. - [Stevie] You just had chunky Cinnabon-flavored Kit Kats, an extra thick Kit Kat filled with Cinnabon's cream cheese and Makara cinnamon filling. Although these are available in several Middle Eastern countries, they debuted in the United Arab Emirates. (all cheering) - Whoa! - Where did these- - Where did that come from? - Oh, here's one. - Here's one. - Where did that come from? - Yo, I did it. - [Link] Did you make that just now? Did that come out of your pocket? - Yeah, I made this. So it's chunky. So it's like chunky. It's like Campbell Soup. They've got a chunky thing with Kit Kat. - The UAE. - Yeah, you did really good, Post. Rhett, you had 16, Post 11, Link 36. - Early lead. - Early lead. - All right. (upbeat music) - We got some little whities. - Mm-hmm, little whities. - Okay. - Ooh. - That's not vanilla. - I like the smell of it though. - What is that? - Like bubblegum? What is that? - Is it floral? - [Post Voiceover] Man, it kind of stinks up in here. And it's making me horny. (crew laughs) - You having a good time? - Huh? - You having a good time? - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, it's great. Yeah, thanks for having me again, guys. - I mean I'm, I'm a little bit worried because I didn't shower last night, but I thought you might, I thought you might appreciate that. - I didn't notice, I didn't notice. - Okay. - But, yeah, something's awesome. That's, I wake up every day, something's awesome. - But, I mean, if something, I mean if something stunk, you would tell us, especially if stink made you horny. - Yo. - Right. - Yeah. - You would tell us. - Yeah, I would, I would. - If Stink was making you horny. - Honestly, I would. And you talk just the right amount. I don't know, like- - Yeah, this- - You keep bringing these weird things up. - The perfect amount. - All right so- - Anybody got any idea what this tastes like? - No clue. - But you're going first now 'cause you're winning. You know what it smells like? It smells like a strawberry like- - [Rhett] Yes. - What are those things, wafer, like- - Has a fakey strawberry flavor. - [Link] Strawberry shortcake skin. - Flesh. Strawberry shortcake flesh. - I'm talking about the doll. Like if you sniff the doll. - Oh, yeah, sick. - Okay, well- - Sick, but not like creepy. - Because you won the first round, you actually, you get to throw first this round. - Okay. It tastes dental. (crew laughs) Right, like this is something you'd get at the dentist's office. - Oh, like that polish, zz, zz. - That's what- - Like at the end. - Yeah, that's, it's terrible. I'd have to say Iceland in that I feel like it's a very Icelandic profession. (crew laughs) Dentistry - Right. - I'm gonna go right side of the board. I'm gonna say Vietnam, let's have some fun. Why not? - [Link] Oh, hey, whoa, you're a little right of Turkey again. - I'm voting Turkey every time. - I think you're literally hitting the same spot every time. - I think it went in the same hole. - [Link] Okay. - [Post] That's never been done before. - See, you reentered a hole on the board. Okay. I actually think that when you were talking Vietnam, you were talking, we talked about them having a lot of weird flavors of Kit Kats in the eastern part of the world. This one is like trying to emulate something strawberry-ish, but not going a great job for the what I would say is the American palate. I think I'm going all the way east. I'm going all the way to Japan. - Okay. - All right, yeah. I'd go east of Japan. Oh, yeah. - Oh. - [Link] I like that. - That was not a safe throw. I wasn't actually aiming for right of Japan. - [Link] All right, I'm kind of hurtin' here. But I'm original. So I'm going for Vietnam. (all laugh) Because I was thinking that. - Me, too. - When you were talking only about Iceland, I was thinking about Vietnam. - You were hot on my trail the whole time. - Okay. Vietnam. Yeah! - Nice. - [Link] Split your difference, guys. - There you go, okay, we're all in the same general area. - You spake it into existence. - Come on, come on, Stevie. - [Stevie] You just had sparkling wine with strawberry Kit Kats. They're coated in white chocolate, infused with sparkling wine powder and they have a strawberry-flavored creme filling. This Kit Kat, which contains only .1% alcohol was released in the winter of 2020 to celebrate the holiday season in Japan. - Oh, yeah. - That was a good- - Yeah. - That was a good one. - [Link] So it's a alcoholic Kit Kat. - Yeah, I was feeling a little bit wavy, I'm not gonna lie. - Yeah. - Get that. - Sparkling wine. - Yeah, I don't know. You were, you were dead on, though. - Well, if I could have seen the package, I would have definitely know that, look at that. - [Link] Because of the Japanese on it? (Post laughs) - Rhett, almost purr-fect. With 6, Post 23 and Link 11. (bell rings) - Okay, okay. (upbeat music) - Look at this. - Whoa. - [Rhett] Have you ever seen so many Kit Kats in one place? - Yeah, it looks like a pan flute. - Oh, yeah. - Looks like, should I- - Give it a little blow. (crew laughs) - I brought actually- - That was very convincing. - I actually brought mine from home. - I mean- - You travel with a- - With the right note, you would be like that could be a pan flute. - Hold on, Post just said he brought one from home. You travel with a pan flute? - Yes, sir, everywhere I go. - Okay. - Since November '08. - Okay. - Right, right after the dart phase, you moved to the pan flute phase. - 2008 was awesome. I was trying new things every day. - So now that we're doing darts- - One thing at a time. - Are you gonna have to give up the pan flute is the problem, 'cause you know they kind of cancel each other out. - Well, you saw my throw, so I definitely gave up darts for pan flute. - But check out the- - Do normal Kit Kats have a perforation in the middle? - Sorry. - No, it's okay. - Well, it doesn't work right. - Hold on, but normal Kit Kats don't have another perforation. - Yes, this is for sharing. - It's a longer one. - It's a longer one. - This is from a place where they share a lot. - Hey. - [Post Voiceover] You know, it'd be really cool if I was on Jimmy Fallon right now. (crew laughs) - You know, it's really cool to have you back since, you know, I get the idea, really you give off the impression that you really wanna be part of this. - Happy to be back. I love this show. I watch it every night. - Now, I like this by the way. - [Post] This is nice. - This is the first good tasting one. - What is that taste? Okay, so Rhett, you're winning, you still have to go first. - So, yeah, this is, I think this is like Whoppers. Like because the other one was Cinnabon. I think they do these cross brand things. I think it's a collab and it feels like Whoppers would be something that would be big in Australia. I'm kind of protecting a lead here, so I can't fully commit to Australia, so I'm just gonna commit to like India. - Yeah, I think you're wrong on Australia. Definitely. That's a good throw. - Well, you're going second, 'cause I am losing. - [Post Voiceover] I am so late to my aerial silk class it's not even funny. (crew laughs) - You into any hobbies- - I'm going Portugal. - Hobbies these day. - What happened? - Are you into any like hobbies? - Yeah, uh- - What are you enjoying these days? - Reading, writing. (crew laughs) - No fine art type of stuff like- - Creating, I love making music. - What about aerial silks? - What's that? What is that? - Exa-, I don't know. - I don't know either. - Aerial silks. - I'm going Portugal, boys, all the way. - Okay. - [Rhett] Hey, hey, first of all- - You lied, but I like it. Shoot, I think it's Australia. - You do? - But it's such a risk. - But it's not, Link. - It's such a freakin' risk. And people hate it when I do go with my gut. - Yeah. - But then I will be so far behind that, like, I won't even be, I won't even be a part of the conversation. - But this might be- - They might even cut me out of the edit. - This might be the, is that a possibility? - You know what I'm gonna do it. - [Post] Yeah. - I'm gonna do it. - Yeah, you're gonna do it. - I'm gonna go with my gut. - Watch yourself now, there's a sharp object in your hand. - And I'm not, I'm not even gonna hedge. - No hedging. - See? See what I'm doing? I'm my own man with my own intuition. - Right. - You know what? My shot is gonna be sure. Australia, here we go. Down under. - [Rhett] Yeah, right under it. (all laughing) - Down under Australia. - Right under it. Yeah, you shouldn't have done the little impression there. - I think- - That's your downfall. - I was a really good shot. - It's fine. It's fine. - It was really good. - It's fine. - [Stevie] These were honeycomb smash Kit Kats made with layers of crisp wafers, honeycomb pieces and milk chocolate. While you can find these Kit Kats in nearby New Zealand, they hail from Australia. - Let's go. - All right, man. (Link laughing) - You see. - You could have gotten a zero, man. - I coulda, listen, I did great. Look at that. - Honeycomb. - Honeycomb smash. - But it's not like the Honeycomb, the brand like the cereal. It's just honeycomb, actual honeycomb. - All right, Rhett, you had 25. Post 44. And, Link, you were the cat's pajamas with 11. - Yes. I got 11. - Did you just take it? (upbeat music) - Ooh, we got a swirly guys. - [Rhett] This is purty. - [Link] Oh, yeah. - Oh, but look, the swirly is only on one side. I thought we were gonna get swirly on the back. - Nope. - We've been bamboozled. - No swirly on the back. - [Post] This looks like snakeskin. - [Rhett] This has the exact same form factor, correct me if I'm wrong, of an American Kit Kat. There's no perforation in the middle. Isn't this the size of a normal Kit Kat? - It's regulation. - Yep. - Yeah, that's a regulation. - So they're using the same mold that they're using in Amurica. ♪ I like the way you throw that dart ♪ ♪ I'm about to sneak a fart ♪ - [Post Voiceover] That's pretty good. Write that one down. (crew laughs) - How do you come up with your, how do you come up with your lyrics, like, are they constantly going in your head? - Mm, all the time. I'm always thinking of new songs. - Oh, yeah, you thinking of something like right now? - Could be. - Okay. - It could be. - All right. And what about, what about gas? Do you have to fart right now? - No, sir. - Okay. - Why? - Do you, do you have to fart. - [Post Voiceover] Yeah, boy. - I'm always holding in a fart. - [Post] Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay, before you guys dart in this round, I did wanna remind you it's our mystery round, so the country you're looking for is not listed on the map, so it could be any country on the board. - [Post] It's dark chocolate, right? - [Link] Yeah, well, I'm not getting a lot of information here. - How big of a mind explosion would it be if it was the old US of A? - I'd feel betrayed, - That you didn't know. - I'd feel very upset if they did that to us. - But- - Chase, what do you know? - [Chase] I know- - Have you ever asked Chase for a hint on this? - I didn't know we could do that. - Oh, could we? - Chase, yeah, you got any, any insight? - Hold on, we can talk to Chase? - You can totally talk to me, yeah. And I am a professional cartographer. - That's true. - I know a lot about these different countries. - He's got the shirt. - Man, we haven't asked Chase for his opinion since September '08. - I remember. I remember that episode. - I feel horrible. - The fact that they use the same machine as they do in America does lend some credence to it being the United States. Also, it feels like it's like a special edition that was like celebrating something like the anniversary of Jimi Hendrix's death or something like that, right? 'Cause it's got like this swirly nature of it, but it doesn't taste, it just, it doesn't taste weird. So it's for Americans. That, that seems like a really good answer. - Thank you. - Because my instinct is just to go to the eastern part of the world because they do a lot of strange Kit Kats over there and there's a lot of countries over there. Throw it close and hope you get lucky. I'm gonna go with my initial instinct. I'm not gonna let the fact that Post is here overly influenced me. If he wants to go US, he can go US. I'm still going to the eastern side of the map. Oh. - Whoa, whoa. - He's taking a big risk. - I did not mean to go that far. - [Post Voiceover] Why aren't they guessing Acapulco. I love it there. - You know what? I'm going to Acapulco. - Okay. - 'Cause I mean, it's just a vanilla chocolate swirl. - Sure. - Just like, just like the ocean mixing with the Caribbean Sea. - Yeah, which are two different things. - Here I go, Acapulco. - The ocean and the Caribbean Sea. - [Link] Whoa, that's not bad right? - [Post] You nailed it. - All right, so you're going last because we've already gone 'cause you're losing. - I know. Pretty terribly. - But you get the fun thing- - Okay. - Of throwing the Kit splat. (bells ringing) Now, it's melted and I'm gonna, you can stand up. - You can stand up. - You can get as much surface area as you want. - Oh, it's so hot and warm. - And whatever happens, however it falls down the map, you can step on up. - How close can I step up? - Kind of there. - Don't go past the end of the desk. - Okay, okay. - That's your barrier. - Okay. - Now how, what are you thinking? - Canada. - Ooh. - That's risky. - Yeah. - Actually, you know what, I'd be better if I just put it in the middle of the board. There's now way I'm gonna win anyway. You guys have set me up. You gave me this hot ass Kit Kat. (all laughing) - You know there's a lot of countries in the middle of the board. - Dude, I'm so scared. - [Together] Oh! - [Rhett] Look at that placement. - [Link] Wow. - [Rhett] Dey. - Doo doo feces. - [Rhett] That's the middle of the board, man. - [Link] Look at the tracks, - [Post] Yeah, Kit Kat tracks. - [Link] That was very satisfying. - [Stevie] You guys just had a zebra Kit Kat, hence the black and white striped pattern. Thankfully no zebras were harmed in the making of this chocolate bar, but you can find this swirl of dark and white chocolate in the United Kingdom. - United Kingdom. - [Link] You were halfway there. - That's the zed. - Oh, yes. - [Post] Zebra starts with a zed. - [Link] The UK. So you're the closest. - All right, Rhett, you had 47. - Oh. - [Chase] Post, 7. - Cool. - Oh. - But I'm not sure if you won right now and, Link, you had 19. - And somehow that means that I win. (bell rings) - Let's go. Let's go. - And actually with that throw, you ended up getting second place, so I ended up getting last place, which means Link wins and he wins- - I get a picture with Post. - A picture with Post. - All right, let me turn it on. - You are my best friend. - Yes! - I can take it. I can take it for you. - Oh, actually it's a picture with the post, not the- - I can't do, I can't do, uh, I can't do pictures. - Seriously? You wanna get in there. - No, he doesn't, no, if that's not what I won. - Just a little bit. There we go. - Nice. - I do the UFC fighter. Have you ever taken a picture with a UFC fighter? Everybody has to do it once in their life. - Okay. - I haven't done it. (camera whirs) - All right. - This is cool technology. - It's very cool. - Post, thanks so much for coming in, for coming back on the show. - Thanks for having me. - Be sure to check out his new album "Twelve Carat Toothache." - Yes, sir, and thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. Now you say you know what time it is. - You know what time it is. - I'm Nate, this is Way. - And we're here at the Zugspitze, the highest point in Germany. - [Together] And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - I thought they were going to be Icelandic dentists. - Me, too. - That place looks crazy. - Click the top link to watch us guess some crazy Japanese Kit Kat flavors on "Good Mythical Morning." - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality's gonna land. - You could even have a podium that's in the corner while your kids and family, while you're family is eating. It's like Dad doesn't eat. Dad preaches to eat. - I'm the dinner proctor. - Dad preaches to you guys while you eat.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 5,530,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: gwkqL8PhCXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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