Moses (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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what does it mean to have great faith and means confronting adversity with the Word of God it means declaring God's promises even when facing great obstacles it means seeing the promises of God great faith is placing your entire confidence in what God has said let this be a year of great faith [Music] praise and worship Allah element demoting see Lord Kannan a no well he's here in Amman it's just that the awareness of his presence experienced new but elegant appearances Lord Nandita Hanina I mean just the song singing a scene song para Samanya is really more of him and less of us I think that's the key to Christianity it's not about us it's more of him and the more we think less of ourselves the more God becomes bigger in us and I'm pastor Jeff thank you for joining us this afternoon for those of you joining us for the first time I know I receive texts canina some people are joining us for the first time thank you Paul and Anjali my special number no because first I'm finna pecan tan I mean DITA we have Delma Mike Moore Mike Solomon up one young fan Tom Amaya alright so in the Kilohana first time to eat okay so you may run the low Brucella called papasano in a Manhattan but seriously in the earth none of that thank you for joining us this afternoon I wasn't here last week I didn't preach last week but so John did a fantastic job because mint Castle the following day I officiated 19 couples grab it's gonna survive I okay it's a renewal of our game it's a renewal of out of this 19 couples and it's really a great time to minister to them these are part of small group analogy c+ along mock join and poor romanum married couple na kasama ko and we celebrated a man our daughter's birthday in one of the hotels did Rose Boulevard and we met this fantastic couple they're both doctors in Chicago and they're friends of our friends or the first time I met Sheila sonic went to Holland come in well if you're with Kapil namaha well-accomplished Sabina SEEC people only his eel cardiologist Suffolk oh it so happened Parramatta I'm also occurred geologies Nagila pair of animal adjoining car okay so if I tell Joel oh Jesus are you faster okay and then in wife now it's also a family doctor so they're based in Chicago and see only Melissa and sit banditos and but the one thing that's really interesting about them is they're gonna celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year so that's very real Tino nowadays in this world the disposable of marriage so and EEMA so so it's a because I mean imagine bein and more for 50 years so he's having them alone a villain yeah but anyway so sorry cause and of course if you're with that kind of person accomplished person relationally speedy Samaritan or you ask much their secret right meet the person you're but coming now or let them speak I pick up pick their brain so I was talking about Circle T to unbury secret muscle marriage more something you know what pandora is a longing I've always believed we believe in let's talk less trouble okay I'm listening Sabina hanyu I realize the more not the modern decor no talk no trouble so i'm keiko let me shut your mouth okay you know so many up in a practice colony on Saavik okay grace bilaval thaat every formerly at application cover i mean i mean for 50 years I mean this guy must have been really very expert in marriage but then Sabina it's all about being faithful to your wife I mean the states the culture and or it's really it's really all about loyalty everybody say loyalty so they were going talk about loyalty and it's something I'm very watered down nowadays and when we hear of the word loyalty and I'm an ignitable loyalty program now one of our companies persuading you to stick to their products when you talk to him and I'm among hotels and anybody bond companies that's really doing their best effort marketing wise Panama King lawyer Elektra I want a man I'd work for eight years selling oils engine oils and that explains why I'm sorry find but English that your own pillow to Matawa are you telling about your looks go you know a guy English Amanda not away ok so I I'm a marketing guy for eight years I've been selling engine oils and today this is not part of the biblical teaching conversion but for the sake land among a gente eight or 9 V Maha benta I'll I'll reveal to you the secret compartment been huh okay ba indeed okusama stop preaching go better I won't allow a macaque what a first wall of ambient adjuster unit is a surrender maybe jacket and and deep for piece of marketing get your pencil ready get your pen ready these are the four piece of marketing please please please please please please okay there you have it the secret to selling products the four piece please please please please please all right but don't worry royalty today Bali and when it's when you hear the word loyalty it means a strong feeling of support or Allegiance everybody say allegiance when you say you're loyal to someone it drives the way you behave your behavior is dependent on who you're loyal to in fact your loyalty drives your decision whether it's a shampoo lawyer as a shampoo Nepal it drives your buying behavior now there are none consequential now this loyalty more must be nearly me some product let the over that product well in Ghana consequence an illogical and I was mocking the value for money no visa and well again no consequences but you see loyalty will drive you to accept some things and to reject some things now come shampoo or heel and mugging disloyal but what if the loyalty possible relationship yeah killing yourself oh yeah a lotta some Hannah Malala macness island time anyway of Allah who loved life socket or say melanoma Oswaldo Sahin say oh hey or a linear hike Malakal applied at 8:00 and ammo that I think young but happiness mr. st. looks cannon I'm Abby Bennett Iranian among a belong memory Tamela Bonner I am being a best friend you class about a Bonaparte net break any Co UN and don't crying shoulder kilala femur Caracas the bangers my Baba eat chaos a boyfriend and class nor a lumpy mature and my boundaries man-made poblanas a mignon whenever he make a Roma a Sangma break okay man seriously if you're disloyal it will bring destructive consequences now it's okay with the shampoo a disloyal goosal loves loved life made you consequential but what if this loyal car to the most important aspect of your life which is your spirituality I'll tell you something in the area of your spirituality who'd worship you cannot afford to be disloyal you cannot afford mama Casa Bella Wong elog you cannot be Christian and not Christian from Monday to Saturday or to Friday and Christian packs and in it with regards to who to worship with regards to loyalty to God with regards to Allegiance and worship to God you cannot afford to be like this dude he be paid in yen young independent holding hands was he Jesus sabado make aji panca salon and para lingo to Friday you know why I'll tell you why in Revelations 3 verse 16 it says there so this is Jesus speaking because you are lukewarm and in lukewarm neither hot or cold Mallika Megan Carr I Dominican Lord o Muhammad Lord para you cannot be look 1 you know why because Jesus will spit you out wow this is the saddest part of every Christians life when you think you Christian because you're attending church every Saturday or maybe you're a Catholic first-timer here you think nah católica católica and you're active in church you're going to church every day and I get that but church attendance won't bring it to heaven hello and if you think you're a born again you come here I shall kind all I hope all the externals yeah maybe that'll keep us externus you're hot Christian but how about the internal your heart because they poo so more because at the end of the day God can see your heart so if you're hot be hot if you're cold hopefully you will become hot but don't be both because there will come a point in time when when this bunch of dudes came to Jesus and if I pass along it's happening is I never knew you and these people are every day they are in church they even cast demon in Jesus's name suddenly Jesus away from me you evildoers you are look 1 I'll spit you out tapas Napoli de Parma some al-hattal about that Jorge now go Jack without my Luke whatever but of course you're not that right we don't want to be look one Christian we're gonna be hot for God and then they were gonna look at the story of Moses and interestingly the allegiance of this man the the the loyalty of this man to God will see his life and hopefully we can we can learn a thing or two about the loyalty of Moses let me see clear to mama another killem samosas are there you go on an ark yes of course ok come on I'll make a salmon Seven Dwarfs Amma good lagravis and I'm Bible she are they are they great we know who Moses and right I mean we're gonna learn a lot from Moses we're gonna see cleaning amino the new hun young loyalty something Anna gets to law Albania and not only now I know you marks of a loyal person because it will be challenged it will be tested you should prove it and not only the marks of this law really we're gonna look at the motivation of his law batmanning lawyer look like garden no one else we're gonna look at these three things he's basel of loyalty the marks of his loyalty and also the most evasion weiss lawyer are you ready well anybody spit out my lord excited Gabbar let me cut up me more more have a look warm young homie leg mapping little or Judaism or I'm gonna seniors dongle Oglala and people now now okay Baba all right belong okay three things about Moses where did he get is cleaning of loyalty one of these marks of this lawyer being his motivation let's bow down the hands and let's pray Lord for excitement excited I got to be hot for you Lord we will never ever hopefully be lukewarm we don't want to be cold Christians we don't want to be a Saturday attendee Christian and non-christian after the church we want to be hot for you for the rest of our lives so that when you come you will receive us with open arms so Lord may we learn from Moses how this man Lord I managed to get it to the Hebrews heroes of faith Lord God help us to be like him Lord in Jesus name Amen now let's look at the model somebody who had on Pegeen lorilynn yeah well bubbly kaio-sama gulong yeah something to do with this parents it says here in next to the store now a man from the house of Levi Union tapping a galley sir the house of Levi and the man in opinio to assist wife I'll leave right woman so I should know killing him on the Levites right lucky tonnage instrument on a dog and now Yuma Levite they are the chosen tribe eventually when they're about to conquer and possess the promised land the Levites were consecrated by God they were set apart by God to take care of all the ceremonial all the temple seeing now we're gonna they're gonna do they set apart the Levites Oh Malik emmagan dumping had been a grueling at all Moses natal and then the woman conceived the Bundy Stoughton baba and bore a son unanimously George jochebed in Tennessee Amram if I'm not mistaken and then the woman the mom she saw something about the child the word saw the original Hebrew word that was used it's not just seeing physically typically it expressed seeing beyond the mere physical there's an inner spiritual seeing involved and not only he she saw that that the child is something she was he was rather a fine child parents look up here I'm a ghoulish economical indeed oh good enough Magoo lejana sabapathy ha okay Baddeley st. the head subset or how do we see our children parents do we see our child or do you see our children the way God sees them remember children our reward from God some of you thought like a like Zumba eco I well I'm not gonna lie man see God Depot blasting untimed Angkor moving on Nanako mangu Niko Labonte Sonico Louis aho Bangla bindle Ivana ahoy in the open land No and some of you are thinking a window open la no not a plane an echo and welcome purpose no no no no no no you may you may have they may have not planned you but God plans you you have a plan and purpose from God now here's my question what kind of parents are you a new class of Italian mccool and they're different kind of parents and of a goose upon a veil and some parents are performance driven parent you know those performance driven type of parents my perform kheh having it on my excel car b-billy katana Grinnell and their parents will put this false burden into their children's lives McGinn first owner Copa Brito h'mong under cleaned in a pepper form wind energy excel academically in deep a burrito means animal Atlanta uni going dinner pepper from you enough India helix of sports they don't they don't look them with the with favor are you the performance type of parents a new class for think that I do we look at them now my purpose divas in Lord another type of parents is the passive type don't possibly it's a manual unpacking I love hearing just add water and you needed you Nikita Nikita Sinha Diana mootai eighteen years can a call center type Unga because Omega as a school ho Nikita Samia kitchen Nikita Hotel are we read the type of parent a passive lemon lemon yes provide Milani on my blood doesn't tell two years hospital hi hello nurse aha God with appetite the alumnus to you enough do you see how do you see her children a mechanic a counseling or bizarre Jana who is acting like a monkey I'm most likely mean I eat and go Relenza bhai is Allison you know means is small but you see the parents of Moses is different they're not performance driven parents there are not passive type of parents they are Purpose Driven type of parents they knew that their child might purpose Chancellor I don't know perhaps their parents were aware that Israel's four hundred year of captivity will about to end do you know them in the story ok they've been a slave for 400 years but the prior to that in Genesis 15 K Abraham Palin was prophesized young among generations no in the future they will become a slave for 400 years at la la la la' Basilan and slavery I don't know maybe the parents of Moses and so eager and excited is this a matter of time we're gonna go out bahattin in gamete and we don't know but they knew may purpose it Gaddy thought because just in case of my individual personal Bible got to learn on May 7 dwarfs nunca Nina no Peter gonna see Moses was the time when every male baby when every baby boy should be killed bad repute a row do madam human Israelites so sinabi none Pharaoh lahat nom bunty's la cornere so Nagiko jomama guard become a bull is minimal Canyon bhai my bootys DITA a began mother who isn't much you all began tandem with or banana because forgetting a National Monument comma drawn an Egyptian but Niketan Baba a boo-boo high in but little lucky because a Guardia Sachs second in front of them but the parents of Moses is different I don't know maybe didn't ago yep ago condition yeah maybe nine months nah me in the corner palace Sally could Bashar dummy to belittle the midnight I don't know who but I did one teacher hope and pray I don't know D column Penelope Nanosuit on I mean nine months inhibit are going on at noon uma Percy Moses Nikita nila the lucky you know what they did they were not afraid of the king's ending they saw that the child was beautiful the word beautiful in DeLand go up on the maganda no Marin purpose eager detour God's favor is in her child and what they did they were not afraid of the king's edict and the king's edict public and papa is surrendering your otherwise a lie private I am so they were not afraid so talking about loyalty his parents is loyal to God they defy the king and as for uniindia Basilan Bible this is feral animal Queen even Alice a fatal he's the most powerful person in the planet he commands vast army Sheila you technologically-advanced see like advance of farming she like advanced a lahar mikata you say LM pyramid there the United States of America during the time they have the force no one operating tomorrow and now defying the king graviton P an example we see a child like that yesterday us in this business of venture of his it's a member not and they officiated their business they started the business or the dedication mother so it's a business dedication of this company so I was there and talking to people and then counter this one guy one of their staff and then dice Mario whom taga Jensen Cassie group Amelia Rita because he's a DJ DJ said my FM station love radio she catches a Mindanao okay so it makes everything I said I can pause this BJA so every I say I said you when you talk to people ask their story somebody'll tell me your story oh you know what passed or getting him forces near yeah see like it okay boy anymore seven or six years old when his parents found out he has leukemia the kasuga shine him to go if I own a curved Clubman do go and butter there's something wrong yoga Molina sugah and get national prevention in Davao and then be Nisha all the way from bronzer lip lip Nalu carry on to the Davao City and the chin X and the doctor said your son has leukemia cancer of the blood and English about a girl named another maybe 10 to 15 years worst a number in 20 years organic no but you don't want your mama is a past or a story and any studies a council or disapproving janila but they speak live in the peril oh so TV will happen corriente but belonging away McCool and the condom a key and a Bible story and city enough nearly enough see Moses see chillin in the Hat and their parents just keep on saying he come on a tie his family's just keep on telling him you're gonna be healed and throw and have nothing to nobody that Nana because I six that we go where so I go yeah 30cm was not indeed autonomous I wanted 21 years old because God is alive God hears our prayers if you're a parent here how do we see our children do we see them as beautiful and and do are we making a stand before our children talking about loyalty to God his parents took the stand listen up if you're a parent here now the kita Buster in your normal I'm knockin know that they were making a stand or so in your velocity Simula and Sabiha Velasco and you know a la roche no not jealousy me an axle beam or eight years old Colin that maybe got in a how it is a customer happy big happy one one pp well in the American Association Artie are you okay you called time six brutal man okay run over you you you John are we making a stand before our children I'm not saying perfect parents but let it get up a tire with integrity and we honest with our dealings because as a villain and a block a impart a co-worker on the whole day because the gig in Thomaston amor and in Agawam Emily Casa Vega gonna look at Timothy the prodigy of Paul I am reminded of your sincere faith Timothy you faint most famously dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and NASA Nam a marine see you nice and I'm sure NASA Iranian Gabino Maxim you LaSalle lohanya sanam anymore cousin thought anything would be indeed you Indy believer but then again de mom and the Lola transferred the faith up to third generation and some of your singing episode CMOS is making a hole again iam a gulong I hope it's not one of my Gulen and a hockey tohsaka and beautiful have a purpose if I'm a ghoul of abandoned or sorry NASA man yeah I get that but here's a verse for you the Bible says I'm the father to the fatherless I'm a defender of widows so if you grew up without a mom or a dad look for spiritual mentors that way we're posting you join a victory blue join the victory group we have a lot to say NC canina we have a lot of students who grew up without a father without a mom better they're now fully functioning godly husbands and godly fathers because we're among a spiritual mentor Silla so it's not an excuse area same assessment and again your topic on the saying go I get that you know album boy girl along in young now look for help look for spiritual mentor we're here to help you we can drag you to a spiritual father that can mentor you so that's this model now look at the marks I said when you're saying you're loyal it's not automatic that's a young you know I trained a child in the way you should go I get that but you yourself you have to really face those challenges as well it will be challenge that's why we can see the marks of this guy's loyalty to God so look up at the screen by faith Moses when he was grown up look at the world I love this world normally in a shine by the way again you think I should not aware not when the Nemo says you know the story you know a night in a bookshop for three months I've been dealing am an otaku because I see Alan thorn are you meeting the handset of possible in a pampers this our seats on a minion didn't meet Jim Nanak large snare indeed element I go buddy I'm building a none gardeners Georgia read me for three much indeed my Agha samosas and eating any moves Malala monitamon Allah he they made the straw a little tote and then some vanilla Levine has disapproving tapas a business a capitaine Miriam Telemachus on a boot in your capital more suddenly into big inaudible okay now let's even say the most detail is a duvet and then of course you know the story in a Polish and Princesa I'm telling that on capital Ababa it's a big your your highness a new person you just Samata I'm putting in a long time I'll tell you do not come capitaine yeah you're acting a your highness Magnum batter me many different also you yeah the best Oh 2 pi Blanc among the goggle you princess impediment mm my day of the dellamonte allow 70 minutes a day per day a llama to unit 11 million you naughty nice meter bhajana one pipe mokuba 1.15 a model or DITA that was always a medium tell valium baby in prison serving them happy relax may one people a gamble at all did come in a processor ending lagoon on is Amelia we don't know up to 12 13 years old we don't know but one thing is for sure Dave a download that the the name of God the fear of the Lord came Moses not we know Malkina Simone says look up here when he was grown up in any closer Princesa I don't know Indy color the Bible didn't say call it done but for sure well enough Parimal inculcate Sonya and knockin on doors you're a Jew you're you're an Israelite and may faint Moses when he grow up here used to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter Alemany reject Nia the world stature here's a mark of a loyal person to God a spatula means the importance of reputation gained by ability or achievement Perisher de nieve apnea begin Prince of Egypt because she's never been prince or princess imagine you buddy Moses a fuchsia not a BMW now in the 7 Series the coupe alien and Indian when the caller called in yokubou una larga she'll answer English me out if I did not know Carmela soccer bio high-tension Toma and voila you Skyway Preity Zinta man unleashes among a bars finish among all access a lot arrest or because he is the Queen's sunako-sama Dimas says this our world stature I am a prince a Pahang failure and building upon Reno but then again he refused everybody refused panino simon says in acts 7 verse 22 Moses was educated in all the wisdom of Egyptian Shah and una estudiante 9ue University of Egypt okay may you in anon and he was powerful and speech and action look at the world wisdom of the Egyptians I believe though these are the Harvard of those days and yet he was never influenced because the shaping influence of his parents are so ingrained that's why the Bible says train up a child in the way they should go when they grow up they will not depart from it among a parents Cinnabon cinnamon a pepper in sanik new iPad Cyrano pepper is unlocking your spongebob Jennifer Panasonic new Netflix children of the parents are not napping HB o Baba Rama he McCallum be given an iPad but in a fair and sure enough Mohawk philippic high school they will have the so much fear of the Lord and a little schooling they honor among of kaibacorp nests in Assam a great school now knock one on the nude photos of their classmates out of peer pressure were talking of elementary students great and great seventh grade a male nude photo of their classmates Wow any one year old fella be like one in an iPad Papa I'll talk about Sunday lagana Mannion just add water I hope and pray when your daughter was offered by her boyfriend to have sex before marriage chasuble an animal you better wait because I am a princess I am worth the wait boom can I make another because some of you are so passive in our parenting thinking button as a Christian school Christian school hello do the math as I'm a million ro ro you are the major influencer of your children here's Moses and also UE and yet refuse to be known as a Pharaoh's daughter son how do we think oil tea when when the world is pressing us into its mold how can we maintain loyalty how can we be in pain loyalty to God when the world is saying well get well yellow again yesterday basically speaking yesterday also I was in st. looks I was talking to these hundreds of students mana man employee and the medical students a man at all so another hundred of them majority are medical students the doctor my first-year college and they were telling the suicide rate are so high of those medical student medical school student you know why because of the false burden that was impressed by their parents high expectation first-year college and Thomas and a bottle Paco Moreno provincia anion dr. Levine that fair simple and percent pollen bakumaru no mucuna so Denis declare as a boomerang guy who is not born imagining impressions about the tapas that fail there was one incident that they say human feel second jana managed to jump a gusto Yasu New Guinean cuarto so he brought the gasoline him dealership in a possible in guarujá but in the particular day he militia freedom of door and Okinawa be no second one and then killed himself yeah because of the false birth and a parent to India doctor well island women now who need early engineer where did you get that idea that the first word before your name defines you someone idea of metal a prefix and name or European a person than the rest of us Co organ in Ghana attorny Gonzaga doctoral I get that but your profession should not define you gossip ignoble and canon el trabajo then you're nothing but began a CEO or president of the company you are now reduced to nothing I'll tell you something our words and value is determined by our create or God himself you are valuable in God's eyes come on let's give Him praise Nakano quote when I was talking to these students he's looking around you burden was not first year college belong to me Mandy Nanami gosh iron in so when I spoke about God's lab they were teary-eyed and they were crying do not do not conform to the pattern of this world the Bible says this world has a pattern marrow moldy come on do not owe pana eat children more Pandorica young man made moldy door and it's always against god's mold have you ever been to Japan not even in a billion square watermelons a Japan it's it's funny and we want I mean even see grace up and I Oh so I brought her to Japan where by SIA it's where my brother lives okay so we were given the chance to go to Japan so nothing is amiss in Japan I don't live up another gig Aquarion huh Dalila gamelon amoled amoled belong the path of Manila was asked where na nanana tempered-glass neon ha maluma Lakeisha Nagini square measure two things but you know I was craving among upon number one easier sparking modeling if up a patent Pato he delivered a puppy dog cackling space from Halawa palace I'm gonna rest until I'm at fitness in the late 90s Malay so - a young squirrel in my predicament melia quiray so cookies puso hugi see square man wants my point imagine hundred dollars it's a young this world is a pattern the moment you're born you're geared towards the worldly pattern Billiton Guapo little maganda must famous maganda ma'buta maganda my own you won't do you on see locate an Akula Mohinder hey Lord guy toppika Guapo hey Lord six back to that example a big musical company Lotito believe in Mulan but the malevolent okay great Iranian Moraga when Daria do the pattern of this world but be transformed everybody transformed by the renewing of your mind this world has a pattern and so God also he wants to transform us from the inside out God is saying I love you for who you are period it's a dependent on what you can do it's a dependent will you serve you know I love you at your worst in fact the Bible says he died when we were still sinners you cannot serve both God and money that's what the Bible says talking about loyalty here you cannot be both you cannot have a front no Christian hallelujah or Kapali ever gonna lead you more tapas say let's jump a pop up a moon Kalaeloa check-in young I'm being cos you're lucky I was finna papadum you mine Indiana because of the last for power for / fortune for fame and God is saying I think you're mislead you know my jaws maha-mantra my front caliper glyn gonna do scan and golly say I'm gonna spit you your church attendance won't bring you here hello it stems from within we're gonna be transformed from the inside out from the heart it's gonna flow from there come in a bag gorilla jump oh so he moves all because anthem is nothing new so Cristiano born again above the cricketer bicep or sumo you seem rather to be mistreated look up here the words the world's a stature and incest here choosing rather to be mistreated me the people of God than to enjoy the free thing everybody say flipping the fleeting pleasures of seeing he rejected the world's flasher and I was an Egypt there's no last that will go unmet in Egypt Egypt in the Bible has always been equated to sin they've excavated leisure this is very funny they've excavated during the time of this Pharaoh porn tablets and weird it's a three thousand plus year old tablet non-porn imagina manga manga table and maiming of paintings a porn porn a syllable components back then and the world will offer you world's flesh sure and program as a world splash sure it's only for a moment Masada plans are similar when an addict nap in an aqua wonder the more try moto marijuana manaka-san animu he will ekadasi one more buggy Ginjo looks kimitaka no longer known and pequeno carbohydrate electronic I select not operate so own Ellen myself beyond the hotline Miami be surely breezy una is something whole is a junkie some boss or their epic Akana scene will take you further than you want to go it will cost you more than you want to pay and you can't have both you can't have God and seen ID and then we can be godly at the same time sinful I think you're reading a different rival we get the boss loyalty it's either glad or not at all in the forbidden God plus something no God is saying it's either a Hong God more or walking along don't worry hilarious among a small little guidebook God D TOCOM my Perla my drugs my sex may I know better got gud keepo joke along stick a lot he's not a god at all okay I'm on control and hobbies of my ball is stolen bread tastes sweet but soon your mouth is full of gravel Belinelli and lung masala plaster una we tried to downplay you Castle an enduring green among affair lung - we try to downplay sin but sin is sin let's continue Sri asana Heba he considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasure of Alamo pioneering Jania world stress sure the world considered means care full consideration its mean it means careful judging in D dimension people are gonna make imprints no no no no no in Altoona Moses winning among a consequences man in Depot carefree decision the word the word considered means to engage in intellectual process to think to consider it signifies an accounting a balancing up so for cinema Simone says in detail I wanna make imprints no no no no he considered everything and then decided I'm gonna reject the world's treasure what good for a man the Bible says to gain the whole world you have the world in the palm of your hands and we've seen people like that they think they controlled the world with all the money that I have they think they can move people around but God is in heaven and just watching and still about a minute I own a dog didn't mean creation you earth is like a speck of dust this is earth peril accessibility mundo para Maharal AKO casa de aquila you earth no moon go compared to its vast creation and boom universe I've known Sam home gonna yawn Nandu ha pick on and on out of the 7 billion plus people in the planet you brain more goo Magana 10% and you think my spittle in oh my god and god was saying they never learn what good for you to gain the whole world when you die you'll bring nothing i've officiate weddings funerals of rich people and poor people rich people and poor people it's just the same you'll be downgraded into a box you know whether billionaire yoga or squat Erica only began see you at all Yamato you got double casting like in an ultra possibility no meghamala at all yah yah Mon I'm here appealable entirely Murray we discuss a box faith transforms our values it shapes our choices let's finish this so Moses has marks of loyalty to God refused the world stature rejected the world's pleasure turn down the world's trash sure that's a mark let's have a careful inventory how can I take loyal oh my god follow me my issue power those Aryan the environment fluid to lumen more go because I'm gonna preach this in their areas in my life that God is talking to me Jeff the open airy reject on partner when do you open at the turn down to Magneton and I'm telling you it's a daily walk of faith my hope and prayer look up here that all of us one day will be marked by loyalty I know some of your first time just going but umbilical Asaf Avidan Bosco in burrito I know a1 and Tony goes over I'm not talking about one minute costume or I'm talking about embrace God and he'll do the rest God will give you the grace to say no to see what we need if I'm gonna behave your panettone one animal and poor Bob no Indian thought it went in being more a change of affection but mean halwa see God Madalena left on behavior you know Melissa man a born-again mean Sonny Elliman eagerly a bargain buddha bar wall-e to roam upon Omaha Lindsey Lord because if Amina hollows in Lord but in a more integral Union so problem husband just go so broccoli oil in people Karina and do make a dealing did about it my porn Mancusi Lord male I'm even born again poro poro since away now Alma foreign power gain is no power she could apocalypse kaity eagle but Natalie cook a gradually tuned because he didn't change the heart change the heart will change the behavior so on key to ruin one time a colossal Lord Cebu high more an open a family Lord to Omaha Lindsey Lord Paquita mo panel Gannicus Arab Mamu Heike Lord Ghanaian the best marriage pegasi Lord Kazama at my India marques a mama crabby car I'm certain American Misawa like I seen I need to see Lord only through him a bunch of do's and dont's that's really John this is relationship let's finish this mother the marks I don't really motivational - oh really Casey finally it give up we begin Prince he give up mu you tell Adam 240-horsepower your battery cause it 200 for the horse is he guru in denim BMW he give up mom unconditional affection but here's the problem with sacrifice sacrifice slump igloo because our only but the sacrifice is all is not a sacrifice if you know what you're trading it for can you have a diamond give the sacrifice cos energy give us a LMO after 6 month Papa yep across India sacrifice in fact it's a delight but I break them Jimoh Jimoh IFI cuz he bucket opposition six months sacrifice you find the light and same thing with Moses he was looking forward look up in the screen he was looking to the reward everybody say reward Moses made the right faith-filled decisions because he was looking forward to reward since Moses made the right decisions and choices he did indeed receive the reward from God the fulfillment of his calling my hope and prayer is that all of us will find our calling the greatest calling the the best life lived is to live for his glory to be used by God a bastard Alabama papa no no no you can be a businessman for the glory of God you can get a journey tour for the glory of God you can be a single mom for the glory of God and Lebanon how can I find my purpose in God because he Moses look up at Moses let's end this by faith he left Egypt finally he left Egypt not being afraid of the anger of the King Garissa Melissa no president al-amin peanut anymore session is some Egyptians because he's trying to save his fellow citizen the Israelites aluminium one day Melilla britannica salmon or well he did it his way peanut is an Egyptian in a banana and in the following day Naboo King Shah Philip I'm Egyptian caja porn but I gotcha pero this versus a international shocking he endured as seeing him who is invisible you know what d'amato him but then he said shocking kanesha like manna sama gulang yu Mabul anya i stood before the king in danila in Manila listen anak potala done such a big line King and says here seeing him with invisible our greatest reward is really finding fulfillment in the presence of God being used by God for His glory regardless of your riches regardless of your time and talent and treasure the question is are you being used by God and the same imposter guy hello as a businessman as a teacher are you being used by God at your present situation then let's all stand on our feet as I end don't go yet were not yet done he's looking forward to reward Sabina he's looking forward to someone who's invisible and this invisible God finally met Paquita Sonia you know the story he finally encountered the invisible God through the burning bush what would be greater than to be used by God to accomplish his purpose Amma and it was around 40 years old Shinobu Malaysian Egyptians Egyptian and he was hunted by the Kings tough by Pharaoh he left Egypt and stayed in Midian in the Regina ball and he stayed here for 40 years so a champion Nastasha but God is not yet done with him because he's gonna live another 40 years to accomplish God's purpose you know what happened here in this burning bush experience God revealed himself and Samina Moses it was 40 years Gambino for these of being a shepherd and now the cry of the East oil X Moses has to reach me and I've seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing my people and here's the greatness Palin that I knew is that Moses will ever receive Moses now go go I'm sending you it's time to use you let's imagine I'm a be here for no go because you're gonna accomplish my purpose why I gave you life in the first place the reason why your mom saw you you're beautiful is because for this you're gonna be used by me and through an app I could just imagine the ending part of this story you Picaro carranza Pharaoh let my people call the confidence I am used by God I am being used by that you should have that confidence that's the greatest reward to be used by God so here's my question as weekend boy about loyalty who are you loyal to are you marked by loyalty to God or are we look one in some areas the pleasure and the treasure and you know this world will push us to its mold I'm gonna pray for two things this afternoon and my hope and prayer is that we will not leave this room condemned but we will find grace but Lord because the first prayer is repentance and hurt I think I'm not loyal to you I think my life is not marked by loyalty the Bible says he'll give grace to the humble repentance means you're humbling yourself I'm surrendering Lord I cannot do this help me feels a reality you cannot do those marks of loyalty you can't God will give you the grace to do that repentance and some of you is doing this already you're loyal to God I'm gonna pray for guidance that God will continue to guide you let's bow our heads and close our eyes if that's you this afternoon you need to repent before God Allah more pastor phenomenal pastor occupy Allah if you need grace you need to repent before God today and say lord help me not to be lukewarm so if that's you raise your hand we don't want looking around just about on your heads close your eyes well I put a cutting end regardless go first time America it doesn't matter God sees your heart I love me Lord you compromising up in Agawam oh and right now the Lord wants to give you grace a knock in the mejia an echo okay lamb and more I'll do it for you Lord to see these hands as a sign of surrender as a sign of Lord humility Lord we cannot do it I cannot do it Mahatma landlord Balika Vadhu bollocks a salon and the Lord God I've been loyal to your backside and a disloyal for the rest of the week in the name of Jesus Christ give these people grace knowing longer that once we have you greater is He Who is in us than he was in the world in the name of Jesus Christ we rebuke any temptation Lord God that will overpower them right now Lord strengthen these people showered them with your grace Lord in the name of Jesus tomorrow or after this service I know they're gonna be bombarded with lies from the enemy we are going to be bombarded with temptation once again they're gonna be damn tempted without you in the name of Jesus Christ overshadowed them by your presence in Jesus name Amen put on your heads if there's anybody you need guidance from God you need continued guidance raise your hands I believe all of us we need that Lord we declare Laurie God we are humbly asking Lord God for your grace lord help us not to be lukewarm we don't want at the end of our life Lord God such a low booming I mean cabeza Lonnie the Sabino I never knew you away from me you evil do it all we don't want to hear that what we want to hear from you well done good and faithful servant you have been faithful as a janitor you have been faithful as a teacher you have been faithful as a businessman you have been faithful as a pastor you have been faithful as a housewife come share your masters joy no that's what we want to hear from you we don't want to be lukewarm could help us when the world pushed us late small helped us to be given the grace to say Lord I want to be that red-hot coal for you one thing your presence every second of my life nor give these people including myself give us all the grace to be faithful and loyal to you in Jesus name we pray amen amen come on let's give it break come on God is good right give it praise praise God you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 21,283
Rating: 4.775281 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: GYfapF1kpRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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