Mary's Song (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Laughter] [Music] we're starting a brand new series entitled the promise fulfilled we've been seeing christmas songs and it reminded us but are you aware that the most popular song of all time christmas song of all time uh time magazine did this survey but angling it's digitalized but i prepress most screen mo and and you can see it called young most uh requested the most played songs uh the christmas song this was in 2014. silent like i don't know because there are words songs are powerful imagine a play divana long songs i mean words yeah it's powerful i mean there's something about songs that words can just express or fully communicate and today we're going to look at different songs for the next four weeks we ended this series if again if you're with us for quite some time we just finished a series about malachi the last book of the old testament and now we're going to open the new testament and we said from that series that the malachi prophecies will be the last prophecies old testament after that god will be silent for the next four hundred years prophets he will not send anyone to either validate or claim because that there's so much prophecies about jesus christ coming and we can see from what we learned last series and upon promises about the messiah that will come so malachi ended it with the promised making god and we're going to open the scriptures in the new testament and we can see that this jesus god is not just a promise making god he's also a promise keeping god he he kept his promises and we're going to look at the different songs and first this week we're going to talk about the magnificat that's mary's song okay there's something about song when when a promise was fulfilled they burst out there they exploded in a song this week we're going to talk about mary's song next week don't miss out we're going to talk about benedictos wow big words we're going to talk about zechariah's song that talks about the celebration of god's promise okay mary is going to talk about we're going to talk about celebrating god's power or greatness and the next we're going to talk about god's promise your next song on the list of spotify not in a playlist will be gloria now the president the gloria angel song okay in the in burger the song of the angels they exploded the angel the heavens exploded in a song and we're going to talk about god's presence and last week last week of december we're going to talk about the mitis okay we're going to talk about simeon's song so today we're gonna talk about the first song that was uttered out of uh a revelation from god and we're just gonna pray that through these different songs god will really minister to us the real reason for the season because nowadays natabuna puta legacy jesus christ if you go to the mall if you ask a kid what do they like about christmas it has been about santa claus and reindeer jesus christ jesus christ it's all about gifts and and 13 months and we lose sight of jesus are you aware that we can be so busy and still miss out on jesus i mean mary and joseph did that they're so busy doing the religious thing and then they miss out on their baby jesus now what else gives us so we can be very busy in church we can be very busy this christmas season and miss out on jesus which is incidentally he's the only reason for the season and yes he santa claus massive which is the real reason for the season so we're just going to pray today for this series that will really impact our lives and will overflow from us to other people because during this time reunions and parties that we can really capitalize on through the message of these songs let's bow down our heads father we live up to you this series father we know that these people who sang this song this poetry lord god was uttered through an overflowing joy of of of your coming capacion may we lord may we not lose sight of the real reason for the season may we not get too stuck it's a business on christmas and shopping and traffic and all and we'll lose sight of jesus lord remind me lord god real reason for christmas which is jesus christ so father help us today to recalibrate our mindset because sometimes we're so inundated with a lot of things to do today we'll start with mary's song help us to to really understand this fully and use me holy spirit to speak to your people today in jesus name amen magnificat which is mary's song they use they used to memorize this they used to uh sing this song in church expo in the early times we no longer sing this song or or memorize this song but today we're going to read this all aloud and hopefully it will minister to us are you ready we're going to start with verse 46 ready get set go and mary said everybody my soul magnifies the lord spirit rejoices in god my savior for behold we call me blessed for he who is mighty and holy is his name and his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation he has shown strength with his arm he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts and exalted those of humble state he has filled the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent away empty he has helped his servant israel in remembrance of his mercy as he spoke forever versus covert canada for the you should practice reading the word of god aloud when you're tempted and you're faced with challenges do it likewise anyway we're gonna have three segments of the preaching today we're gonna look at the story we're going to look at the song that that happened because of that story and we're going to look at the significance nowadays details out there so we're going to look at the story the background characters and we're going to look at the song or the content an imposter and and eventually we're going to look at the significance let's jump to the story every story that led to mary singing that song when we all know this story and problem but we know the story of mary is a poor uh a peasant girl from fr and from magdala at chapel i according to study shaboy around 14 to 15 years old and and she's a virgin and she's pledged to be married now back then when you're pledged to be married more or less your future is set at least to be a single woman it's it's you're as good as dead if you're a widow because people are just fending for themselves so here's mary full of hope see mary is pledged to be married to this good looking carpenter by the name of joseph okay everything is said the future is okay not taste test as a food tasting food tasting completely individual angels are so big so the angel appeared to him by the name of angel gabriel and we know the story he gave this message the promised messiah now bear in mind they've been singing this coming messiah they've been waiting for this messiah has they're longing for this coming and the the messenger of god said mary you're highly favored because you've been a good sampan for thousands of years will happen in your generation not just in your generation i call you magdala no baby but wait how can it be i'm a virgin but then the the messenger said the holy spirit will be upon you because he's going to be sinless to carry this baby now after that of course mary's such an obedient i believe she's a godly woman and this your will be done but he she has a lot of problems number one in pregnancy before the wedding day she's going to be stoned to death so that's what that's what's waiting for her the people around you can can just put you sagittanasa plaza and you're going to be stoned to death and and it's legal and then i'm pending by he's go she's going to be divorced nakayam fiance at no questions never happened before never happened again so this is kind of unique so imagine the thoughts of batang baba inator whose pledge should be married whose hopes are so set the future is clear and bright like and yet she's now faced with stoning to death divorce ridicule by the way they're in a place like the magandang neighborhood top 35 sad heartbeat songs playlist on spotify you're all set and all of a sudden you're gonna carry this child and no one will believe you nobody's that best describes mary's situation how about you what song best describes your current situation today what will be your song if you explode today through a song what would be the lyrics you know what happened to mary because the the angel of course as she all knows elisabeth she's pregnant what she did immediately comedy stations are baha'i she's going to be stoned to death so she run immediately don't cry elizabeth and let's look at the story now at the time mary got ready and herod he she hurried to a town in the hill country of judea because the angel told her elizabeth and by the way she's old and she's barren hindi but just married so you know not empowering god nothing is impossible with god she's pregnant and mary ran and entered into the house of zegoria and greeted elizabeth and when elizabeth heard the greeting of mary the baby lived in her womb during that time she's already six month pregnancy john the baptist all right look at the story and elizabeth was filled with the holy spirit and here here's what she said she exclaimed with a loud cry but that loud cry was driven by the holy spirit because she's filled with the holy spirit blessed are you among women not because she's good but because god chose her not because mary was special no he became blessed because god initiated the process of choosing her and blessed is the fruit of your womb and why is this granted to me that the mother of my lord look at the verse the mother of my lord testifying i mean she's filled with the holy spirit the mother's habitat the mother of my lord well i was in a sabbath mary about her being pregnant and yet through the holy spirit elizabeth already prophesied and proclaimed privilege so that the mother of my lord the word lord by the way the gynamidon indian lord the lord long no the lord there means curios the possessor a disposer of a thing it means the master the lord for behold in sabine elizabeth when when the sound of your greeting came to my ears the baby in my womb lived for joy and then she ended the conversation by saying mary blessed is she who believed past tense that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the lord sinabilen vinali daitlan because mary never doubted so be it i will be stoned to death i'll be divorced by my fear and say your will be done i like the attitude of mary because next we're going to talk about another guy major young initial response capacity but mary sabina you do it as you please i'm your servant and then after this mary exploded with a song and that's what we're going to talk about today the first stanza of this song it's a poem it's it's it's a song that just came out of her mouth sabina my soul magnifies the lord this is mary said my soul magnifies the lord the word magnify to make big it means mega luna that's the original greek word the word mega that's where we get the word mega star mega mega mega dump megan it means you magnify it's already big see god is big taiyoung illuminating perspective same thing with god it's already big sometimes in perspective so mary said my soul magnifies the lord to make great to extol to esteem highly to lord to celebrate so mary is just saying you just validate that you should not be an angel and my soul magnifies the lord and my spirit rejoices in god you see when you magnify god it's a joyful experience it's just a glimpse of heaven imagine that when we're in heaven we're just going to worship we're not going to be in the presence of god uninterrupted so what this verse is saying mary said my spirit rejoices when we magnify god we experience real joy you see we're not happiness is different happiness is based on happenings you're happy because you bought your iphone x now who looked at basa you're no longer happy because of what just happened are you getting the point this is not happiness joy is different joy is from within it's not affected by external circumstances you can have stage four cancer cancer and be joyful you can be single everybody in the house and still be happy but never joyful because joy is different joy is not dictated by external circumstances it actually dictates it's not based on external circumstances so declaring him great brings joy in the heart of a fallen man there seems to be a contradiction are glorifying god and i'm going to enjoy samantha bharajan at the club john you're not enjoying and i'm going to enjoy you can just do whatever you want to do and just enjoy it i don't think so [Applause] what they thought was happiness may aid snail what do they thought they can do whatever they want to do and be happy again man's chief end is to glorify god and to enjoy him forever he'll be man's chief end is to enjoy a bar and drugs and alcohol and and envy and no no that's not man's chief end because the bible says we were created for his glory the only purpose of your existence listen up is to give glory to god that's what the bible says these people whom i created for my glory so every time a person absorbs the glory that's a start of his destruction because you'll never design that way every time a person huma bank building this is the start of his destruction because what the bible says pride comes before destruction but when you honor god i'm deflect monday yes it's for god's glory because joy is found in glorifying god it's found in glorifying god christmas can be most distracting celebration for christians your christmas paul i mean not easter not other events on christianity young christmas can be the most distracting for most christians our hearts are drawn by many temporary sparkles many temporary parang lujo a midnight sale i don't know that 13 months a bonus and all and there's nothing wrong with that but lest we make the mistake that it's all about bonus and parties and iphone x we will never find joy because joy is found when you magnify god magnify magnifice [Music] foreign to say once mary magnified god she continued to explode in a song and then let's continue for he has looked on the humble state of his servant for behold from now on all generations will call me blessed okay so we talk about this the story now here's the song mary highlights her personal experience of grace sabinya he has looked on the humble estate of his servant alamyanna she's sinful alamyanna she is headed to hell alamyanna she's also hopeless that's why sabina my soul rejoices to the lord my savior the word my means so if you were taught before nasty mary is sinless that mary has this immaculate conception that mary uh uh when he when nunchineria she got some she's always she's also not tainted by sin first of all that's unbiblical because mary said to the lord my savior mary herself needed a savior look at this verse it's very important and the bible has so many verses that mention only jesus is sinless none in the bible that says there's another one only jesus sanctuary verses about jesus being the only person in a sinless sabbath mary for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant for behold from now on latin generations will call me blessed so first thing mary god is mindful of his people he's mindful and didn't put there's nothing to do with the stage it's a personal relationship with god god is mindful as it washes god knows and let's continue for he who is mighty has done great things for me very personal this verse also reminds us to reflect on how great god relates to us this thought must fill our hearts with joy and i see god he he who is mighty marvelous and yet he's done things for me and holy is his name can you just look of to averse says yours oh lord first chronicles 29 11 to 12. yours oh lord is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty for all that is in the heavens and the earth is yours the bible says yours is the kingdom o lord you are exalted as head above all both riches and honor come from you you rule over all in your hand our power and my in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all that's the god that we're serving how would you respond to this god how we respond to the greatness it's interesting it's it's it's human nature okay someone who's great young young humanistic expression not into someone who's uh so excelsior craft whether a musician an artist or michael jordan let me imagine someone who's good in their crafts restaurant okay [Music] the response goes far greater look up here when this great people or person event touches us on a personal level autograph young jos or whatever with my position then i i've met great people there hey yeah so one time i met uh elvis presley so sabine how are you i need you ayo i'm tipitsu i just talked to my friend mj so i talked to them so i've been with great men also better i'm the greatest person in nakazama of course he spiderman but seriously from an autograph from a known author or a selfie with a famous actor or actress this personal experience will greatly affect us deeply [Applause] seriously think with me for a moment imagine the most busy person in the philippines apec let's say president duterte amidst the all the meetings and then took the time to call you oh oh the most important person in the philippines took the time to call me now think with me for a moment think how great this god is and think how he relates to you he knows you by name he cares about you he is concerns a day-to-day moment of your life he loves you and worse at your worst kite think with me for a moment david comprehend what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you care for him hindi comprehend and yet you're concerned and you are a great and yet you're concerned of me what should be a response you've been asking in first chronicle here's the response when you encounter such god and now we thank you that he's such a great awesome marvelous magnificent god to stoop down and offer a relationship and we thank you our god and we praise your glorious name your response will just be because that's what grace is god has given you what you don't deserve i will not comprehend god but i'm just gonna thank you and praise you that's it to some of you here and i indicated god for who he is i'm thinking about malaysia he doesn't want to have a relationship with you you feel condemned when you sin in fact some of you here you think that god is against you because feeling more is a great god at galicias he's not like that god god loves you and your default i'm just going to thank you and praise you kai just do it we had a great time here last thursday yeah it's holiday but we have a volunteer appreciation anybody here you're a volunteer or a victory group leader raise your hands [Applause] we are averaging around 17 000 members here including the youth 18 000 we cannot do it on our own we're like what it doesn't pastor him mohammed if we're going to do all the job of discipling and volunteering the reason why because there are 3 000 plus volunteers and victory group leaders who stood up to the challenge us okay once a year we take the time to thank them okay so but we we really took the time last year we were in the enchanted kingdom okay and then there's a program here for an hour program why because these people they know it's just out of a grateful heart they're not volunteering saddam some music no no not to earn god's love we will never earn god's love we cannot you have no idea of his righteous standard requirement we will never even meet kaiju minimum default among volunteers we just want to thank god by volunteering here this is out of a grateful heart indeed and that's the reason why they're here [Applause] because design and here you are okay but god is mindful of his people number two god is mighty the content of mary's song she realizes god you are mindful of us i'm just a peasant girl and you chose me to carry the privilege of care to have the privilege of carrying your only begotten son i hope you don't get default then humility humility we're going to be joyful guide at the extent of you're going to be stoned to death your will be done now god is mightiest reflected by his works so he has shown strength with his arm he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts is showing god's power at this time that he is mighty mary uses this anthropomorphic instrument humanistic language to describe his greatness it doesn't mean my arms to god but his strength he opposes the proud and he gives grace my wife he gives grace to the humble what is saying he opposes the proud so if you feel you are entitled to something we're not entitled to anything except hell that's what our sin deserves so on default god may you be glorified may you be honored lord thank you i want to praise you this is i want to praise you this is talina on a video your default is just to thank him and praise him here's what's the ending of these people he will scatter the proud in the thoughts of their hearts he will brought down the mighty from their thrones god god opposes the proud he he puts kings he deposes them god is so powerful as god favored the humble state of mary he exalted the humble but then against haberito he has brought down the mighty from their thrones if you think you're the king of the world you're not there's only one king sitting on the throne default you will be exalted as you humble yourself and that's what mary is singing the content of mary you are mighty to default to depose you mahamayaba but your mighty also to elevate the humble if you remain humble god will honor you i mean that's a facebook but that was facebook i love my new watch is it to really have this identity and security el foreign but seriously are you posting those things i i i get that you're blessed better be very careful of the people in the baba salinas because not all blessings just be humble for nothing will be impossible for nothing will be impossible we got you know before mary left in elizabeth god assured her nothing will be impossible with god you can be stoned to death you can be you can be divorced and all don't worry nothing will be impossible to god i mean god can accomplish it i mean he could have chosen another young virgin it's not about marriage about the purposes of god will always prevail that's how powerful our god is he can he he can accomplish his will because he's he's not just mindful he's also mighty and lastly let's finish this god is merciful to those who seek him when she bursts in a song anthony declaring a god is mindful of me and god is mighty and also god is merciful and his mercy is habitus in verse 15 is for those who fear him from generation to generation you know mary's jubilation continues we see that her joy is not only because of her personal experience but it will continue to generation to generation to generation in fact two thousand years ago i thought we still are impacted by by mary's jubilation hindi landsand i'm carrying the savior of the world and mercenary will continue from generation to generation and he has filled the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent away empty these lines in the magnificat calls our attention to regard your regard to the regard of god nabini biganya marginalized samantha poor and weak he filled the hungry with good things wednesday it's a huge fire okay last wednesday and they are two there are 200 families that are not displaced and as we speak we're giving away 400 hygiene kids immediately immediately from the holy mayor the mayor of the gig attends our church the vice mayor as well so we have the city councilor who approached us and asked for help in the easily they repacked 400 hygiene kits at pina miguey nepal because that's what church is it's not just the concern it's only when you remove the focus on yourself and focus on other people's concerns you will see how blessed you are i don't know the most general the most joyful people are the generous people selfish the most generous people they're the happiest people in the planet he has helped his servant israel as we end in remembrance of his mercy and he spoke to our fathers to abraham into his offspring the word he is forever you see god's faithfulness he promised it to abraham thousands of years ago and then the book in malachi the people in malachi made you know stressed out we talked about that for four weeks i mean the congress the babylonians and now the and they've been asking and asking in hebrew it says in the fullness of time god sent his son and now it happened sabirito as he spoke to our fathers to abraham into his offspring forever you see god is faithful to his promises and then the promise was fulfilled and as we end what's the significance and insignificance on the heart at all you see the story as we said there's this woman pledged to be married big glambuntes can be stoned to death in the divorce forever but then again because of the revelation of the holy spirit through elizabeth and mary's song the magnificence the magnificat actually sings of god's greatness the god of israel mighty magnificent merciful and yet he wants to have a relationship with us indiana gets your idea and an incarnation and a young god became man illustration it's it's like you being a dog we have yeah i can't remember imagine god my gigging man i mean imagine the conversations i have in my anger oh my gosh this is the time baba see jesus jesus are you sure because god will become man god who is being adored and honored and worships a heaven glory glory glory and yes because that's what christmas is christmas is an expression of god's greatness greatness of what it's a display of his great power and yet his great mercy comprehends grace there's no word to describe god's grace you don't deserve it justice we get what we deserve which is hell for the wages of our sin is death mercy you won't get hell okay you won't get what you deserve but he leveled up next level grace i'm gonna give you what you don't deserve which is my one and only son you don't deserve him but i'm gonna give him anyway so that you will be with me throughout eternity in heaven that's not what we deserve but that's exactly what christmas is it's a celebration of salvation god can i when you say the promise fulfilled it's really a great time to reflect this christmas yesterday as i end the story it's our day of yesterday it's friday because of a whole day event noon holiday but we chose to go to pampanga with some friends we have a couple friends coming we went to pampanga and and we uh did some errands and then we drop by to a to a friend remember nathan's victory san fernando bambanga and that guy his name is dong and malu their couple that on the far end this is a supposed to be a program that they're going to speak into they're going to have a marriage seminar and they're going to speak about in sickness and in health satan he was brought to icu near death experience i see my mom my problems has a heart he's supposed to be dead 15 years ago so by the grace of god boy okay so but he also have diabetes diabetes so to make the stories of sugar and he's supposed to die that the other day he was in icu at your wife nasa mississigo it's only through the grace of god i was there to minister to them i ended up ministered to the blessing but all of us were just crying and crying why we're crying it's because of the goodness of god i texted her this morning what kept you i mean but i am shouting in the outside but i am come inside i just know that i know he was with us emmanuel god with us that he was in control total surrender he made me realize wala coming magagawa shalom it is his call his decision i can trust him how i wish okay come on let's give god praise how you know what [Music] i was telling her how i wish i have the same faith as yours when rubber meets the road i hope and pray that you can have that same trust your will be done why because he is trusting he's a great god and yet he's a merciful god and not just he's a merciful god this god is with us immanuel he's not in heaven looking at the cctv what's happening there no no he's with you and me in the midst of the storm how about that for a god that's the joy that we can have let's all stand on our feet today like to end in this verse because i love this verse if you have a printer in the house you print this out and when you're when you're doubting him antagon god my encouragement to you let us hold unswervingly to the hope we're proclaiming we're professing every saturday every day with the hope of proclaiming why here's the reason why because he was promised he's faithful hindi mahal and it's a faithful promise keeping god if you're believing god for something and it's not yet happening bow down your heads all of us if that's you and you're believing god for something i believe this christmas season god wants you to give a gift god wants to honor your faith whatever impossible things you're believing god for as your pastor i'm gonna pray with you i don't know if it will happen or not but i believe god will honor your faith can we do that if that's you today you are believing god for something impossible beyond your comprehension beyond your means beyond your capability raise your hand today whatever it is it may be healing maybe relational dysfunction don't miss on his blessing don't doubt him he's there waiting for you extending his hands to you in the midst of a dark room is there and saying i am with you father in the name of jesus thank you because you're a promise keeping god you're not just a promise making god you keep your promise and we can hold unswervingly to you we're just gonna hold on to you because you will promise is faithful lord it might not seem right nyon it doesn't show lord god impossible [Music] that's why today we're going to remove the fear and doubt because we're going to trust you all the way without missing an eyelash we're going to trust you lord help us today give us the grace to trust you all the way we honor you lord god through the song of mary thank you for her life thank you for her humility thank you that you use her lord god the way you can use us if we humble ourselves today lord we're gonna do mighty things we may be ordinary like mary but we have an extraordinary god in jesus name amen amen amen you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 18,391
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: B3Zy00fsEa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 12sec (3672 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2017
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