Paco (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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it's a message and they want to bring it as well a workplace i'm so uh encouraged lampo yesterday i was in campagnaldo i was invited to speak to because of that and hopefully my blog posts a small group you see that's the power known gospel it transcends a a places like church yum gospel pope outside church okay if you're here and your your thought is just to bring people to church no you are the church you bring the message of the gospel to wherever god has called you so talking about semana santa is actually two things it's his death and of course in the complete holy week resurrection it's mission accomplished and he said it is finished it's done so now we have no choice but to celebrate power sunday today okay so well saturday so but not be nothing palm sunday okay tomorrow the holy week papa somehow people are have this understanding for holy week it's a particular season of the year it's a particular week of the year so for one week and somehow we have this idea i have to be holy this week and then another 51 weeks but it don't particularly know one week for the year at all i'll be holy i'll be better person i'll try to forgive i'll try not to open human pornographic materials go and we all we all do those sacrifices that's why this week do we're going to talk about okay when i was working back in diamond hotel again what they have in mind holy week olympic season we have this remember and to them it's like a sacrifice for them and of course station of the cross and um but demonstration of the cross and carrying those cross and and traditions are not bad because it always leads to what we need to remember see jesus for himself as traditions where it should lead us to india and now which which really intrigues me why the need for sacrifice during holy week season i i was trying to study this and i i've watched a lot of interviews but i believe it boils down to what we call our innate sense of justice us we feel that all sin is like a death that we need to pay when you hurt someone the how can i make it up to you it's innate in us and i believe god placed that in our heart and for us our way of paying off our debt is what we call a sacrifice and you see god is just okay and and and see grant important important justice he got imported yes he's loving he doesn't want us to go to hell but then there's this attribute of god this character that he is also just and he demands payment for our sin so here you are 51 weeks of the year and you're going to do things you're going to sacrifice for god that's why when when you have this mentality now i want to pay god this works mentality i want to somehow by doing something good and sacrificing for god this holy week season we feel we're paying god we're doing god a favor it's like this and somehow you're thinking i'm going to be good this holy week be kind to others somehow somehow they're thinking they can repay god's goodness i'm gonna i'm gonna do this penitential here because i'm thinking i'm repaying back the goodness of god somehow for the rest of my life but some of you here are also works oriented or performance oriented we tend to do good things because we're thinking at least i can pay off see god so whether you're a catholic you're doing a lot of performance before god and the motivation is somehow god at least i can repay you of your goodness the reality is we we does it really count can we really do something to lighten the scene that we have nothing i said this is indebted we're sitting against god and by doing this good works giving more young smoking 20 and you're thinking god i'm doing you a favor that's why today if you're that person you're thinking the true performance you can somehow through the message of the world today i i just recall i know there was this one person when we were under the the japanese and all of a sudden your money has no worth and value in fact it's scattered everywhere and it's useless imagine for a moment now you've been doing a lot of good things thinking you can earn god's love and approval only to find out at the end well i'll implement bearing imagine for a moment you're facing god that's and only to find out it's worthless it's useless because we have been liberated from the hands of the japanese so that's my hope and prayer for you today if it's money okay lange but what if the consequence involves your eternal uh destination and then it's worthwhile listening to this message then you have a problem and that's what the hebrew people are encountering does the impun writing and hebrews we don't know who wrote hebrews but it's a good uh book but it's a great book actually the letter was addressed primarily to jewish converts manga jupiter born again who were familiar so familiar actually with the old testament and practices now since born again now some people were tempting them to revert to judaism people around them that they need to still adhere to the old testament practices is this it talks about the absolute supremacy and sufficiency of jesus christ as as a revealer and as a meditative mediator of god's grace because pakistani old testament law old testament sacrificial system offered among animals just to appease god during those times and through the offering of animals somehow in isip nila it's still applicable to the new commander to the new covenant but but seriously before we jump buddhists are hebrews there's a need for sacrifice god demands payment for sin because god is just but then as i've said last week he is not just he is also loving because of your sin so god is faced with the dilemma i don't want to overlook those sins because imagine for a moment a judge who will just overlook you is a guilty person and a rape he's a guilty person hi but i'm a loving judge again you can let go you can you can just go just go okay you're free we won't love that judge isn't it because in this just it's the same thing with our god if our god is not just we will not love him if our god is just loving and not just you know overlooking then we will not love him but now god is just at the same time loving people but let's talk about first the the sacrifices that we're doing the futility of all our sacrifices back then and hopefully we can relate up until today we're going to talk about the futility of our sacrifices that we think we're doing god a favor or we're paying off our sin or we're repaying god of his goodness it says here for since the law you put the doctor your old testament law your sacrificial system with the old testament but since the law was but a shadow you know sinners have been known writer for since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form so he was saying old testament is just a shadow that's why it's futile it's futile upon to to remove our sin because it's just a shadow shadow of his life because that's what shadow is and shadopo if you're if you're with me we can discover much about the real thing from the shadow isn't it there's a real thing behind the shadow when you see a shadow a shadow has a similar shape to the real thing a shadow can help us understand how great the real thing is and the shadow could not exist unless the real thing is there it's your shadow it's a real thing so what the writer of hebrew is saying the old testament sacrifices the old testament practices the law is but the shadow of one of a good thing to come instead of the true form of these realities now see that something you old lonnayan it can never by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year make perfect those who draw near so what this verse is simply saying israel that that time the offering of animals the offering scripture they're offering hundreds and thousands of animals season of the year and england those sacrifices are merely a shadow of the reality shadow langsha and kanina i forgot to bring it [Music] he's going to look for the real thing and it's the same thing a shadow is just a shadow it's not the real thing but what this verse is saying it's just a shadow it's futile and next i'll be performing writer than hebrews but in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year not only it's a shadow it's also a reminder it's just reminding you that you are sinful that's why you have to kill an animal you have to share the life you have to you have to bleed an animal to death because it shows just to remind you of a grim reminder that sin always produce death but now people remind her hindi foreign the old testament law the offering of animals these are just reminders now the law is not bad but it's not complete the law is not bad because it leads us to an understanding wow i have to offer you lamb and because of my sins it's just reminding you that the blood needs to be shed because of your sinfulness now when people convince you hebrews verse 4 for it is impossible everybody say impossible impossibly thou for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins the hebrew word for atonement to atone the sin is word kaffar k-o-p-h-a-r which literally means to over animal sacrifices for under the old testament practices could cover sin but could get it could never take away sin the reality boy if we look back here it will never take away sin okay those good things that you're doing seemingly sacrificing your wealth will never amount to anything because nothing we can do for our sin puma lesson you know why let me tell you what sometimes we think the closer we get to god the the the closer to the lesser power sin no our problem our separation with god is not a physical separation sometimes we think if i'll just step into a building sometimes we think the problem with with our god our separation is a physical separation if i can go to these churches i can be closer to god but our problem is never physical some of you know you think your problem with god is an intellectual separation the more long i know about god the more i read the bible and your motivation is to get closer to him with smith knowledge you see our problem is never physical separation it's not intellectual separation it's a moral separation god is holy we are not god is god is sinless we are sinful god is good we are not so problematic not physical not intellectual it's a moral separation and we cannot do anything because last week we've understood that we are dead we are dead in our sin puna animals will never take away sin have you have you are you aware of this hindu worshipers killed 500 000 animals at a festival it's it's actually i believe this is an annual thing it's a nepal and and humana and they're killing around 500 000 animals people i don't know if it's a weekly thing and it'll any motivation is this millions of hindus from all over india and nepal participate in the festival to honor the goddess a hindu deity who devotees believe will grant them wishes if they sacrifice animals and birds and they're thinking the greater the sacrifice the bigger the animal the greater the reward that's why they continue killing and killing those animals it's a 230 years napoleon practice if it's in nepal maybe but all those sacrifices that we're doing all those sacrifices whether you're believing in this or not motivation are then and you're a christian right now and you're still work or performance oriented christian you're thinking the more i do for god the more human in the lord really the more if i can just do god a favor doing good is not bad but what's the motivation do you want to pay god because of your sin again i go on a weekly monthly daily basis or we're trying to repay him oh lord but he called but not take a sacrifice for me i love you jesus jesus don't worry i'll try to repay i'll try to pay you back so what the hebrew author is saying those animal sacrifices and it won't make a dent it's a symbol if those things are futile the futility of those sacrifices now entitled to offer a sacrifice and we can see that in verse 5 consequently when christ came into the i love that phrase when christ came to the world in deepu not in shaping indeed because left to ourselves indeed nothing google's doing see god when christ came to the world he said finally sacrifices and offerings you have not desired so allam denis jesus because he is one with the father your father hindi gusto sacrifices an offering it's just needed because in the fullness of time for you for me but for now i'm gonna go african god is not desiring it but the body of you prepared for me in verse example in burn offerings and seen offerings you have taken no pleasure so jesus was saying my father in heaven is not taking pleasure sacrifices no and how many of us here today you're thinking about your good works you can earn a cookie point oh god it means i mean i'm one of those people but feeling cooper come in and yet we are works oriented we are performance oriented christians as well feeling more you're not doing well enough for god that's why you keep on quiet time fasting and all and because you feel god will love you more but god is saying he's i have no pleasure in offering and and burnt offering and seeing offerings and then jesus said in verse nine here's where i want you to focus then he added behold i have come talking about the incarnation that jesus god [Music] behold i have come to do your will and my will and father when he created adam and eve he wants a relationship with this with human being i mean god is perfect father son and holy spirit they're they're in harmony they can they can exist without us but he loves us so much in his he created us in his own image and likeness imagine for a moment [Laughter] when he when god created us he longs to have a relationship he was walking in the cool light of the day with adam and eve he longs to have a relationship with us but then again because man sinned hindi will now allow you willingly god that one day we're gonna be with him throughout eternity he is patient not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance so god is just we all deserve hell we all deserve because of our sin that but we are eternally stopped separated from god and yet he is loving and that is his will for you and me that one day i'm looking for the day adama because that's his will that we will be with him throughout eternity see jesus had to come and that's what the bible says in 2nd corinthians 5 21 god made him talking about jesus who had no sin because he's the only one qualified it's like it's like a scene in a court election and then all of us said you're going to have your day in court joshi this is a matter of time nicholas in because he's the only one qualified because he's the only one who lived this earth without no sin without sin rather god made jesus who had no sin to be seen for us my gospel your salvation mo it's free but it cost the giver everything he's you're not aware of the cost that you're enjoying it caused god his one and only son it says here to be not to be sin for us why so that in him we might become the righteousness of god what happened at the cross two thousand years ago it's a carpentry word it's a carpentry term that's enough nothing more to fix it's done nothing more to add it's finished nothing more to fix it's done you don't have to perform because in the eyes of god it's as if we never sinned colossians says we are hidden in christ when god because you have put your faith in my son not because of what you did because all your righteous act are like filthy rugs that's how i say appointed if you're thinking you're good hello remember the rich man who approached jesus good teachers happening jesus no one is good i know and i'm good sometimes we think we're good because we were comparing ourselves to other bad people of course teresa that's why it's relative i'm a good person jesus's submission to god's will young father's will had its ultimate fulfillment in his obedience to the cross so confusing good works sacrifices more it's what jesus did for you on the cross it's so potent it's so complete you have been made perfect you have been made righteous only if you put your faith in christ this is not for all you so because of what he did an opponent implication you know what the implication means i'm just going to browse through it because of the lack of time it says here and by that will you know we have been sanctified everybody say sanctified and meaningful sanctified we have been set apart we have been made holy now let me just make this clear our being set apart to god is founded on the will of jesus not our own will sanctify god it's founded of the on the offering of jesus's body his own body not our own offering or sacrifices for god and by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of jesus christ and i like again this phrase last week we talked about this once for all no need for sacrifices that's why you manga hebrews again the author was saying you no longer have to do it because been a practice but in illinois what are you doing it's done you don't have to do it because in the eyes of god you have been sanctified so sanctification was offered to us our sins are removed our conscience are cleared it's cleared already and we are made holy so we can approach god and worship him and not only the the implication is our sanctification look at another verse and the holy spirit also bears the author is continuing verse 15 and the holy spirit also bears witness to us for after saying this is the covenant wow all of a sudden we call them this is the covenant i will make with them after those days declares the lord i will put my laws now on their hearts and now i'm gonna write them on their minds the new covenant that jesus introduces us has to do with the inner transformation god changes the heart of man and he writes his law into our hearts now all of a sudden because of what jesus did for us on the cross we have now entered into a covenant a covenant is a sacred contract with god allah it always involves two parties most likely the stronger party party if you're a weaker nation you're going to make a covenant with a stronger person and and you're you're just going to do what they want because you strengthen strength so now in this case god is making a covenant with us but you see remember when when when god made a covenant with abraham do you remember the story that's the way they do it in cutting a covenant the word is cut let's cut the covenant they're going to buy they're going to bring bulls they're going to bring goats they're going to bring birds and they're going to cut it into half and then haha because it's a picture but it counts now normally the weakest the weaker party are you getting the picture the lack of your weaker party in the stronger party if you break the covenant remember when abraham when god wants to cut a covenant with abraham he fell asleep god pinatu and while he was sleeping god crossed in the middle and it's never been done before that the stronger party will do the walking and the stronger part is saying to say something that's why if you're here today you're saying the covenant god gave us a new covenant but jesus had to die okay if you're here today and you're saying i love the old covenant when i have to perform and do good for god you have no idea what the new covenant offers the new covenant has to do with the inner transformation he does away with the first that's the old covenant in order to establish the second now i know some of you are checking out on me please here's the old covenant the old covenant of god men upon relationship that you know offers a god in this nation called israel but it was not a close relationship his people can pray but they're not allowed to enter okay and they're just outside the temple now the people were required to bring gifts but then again it's only the priest can offer the gifts now the priests can offer a different discipline to promote the holy of holies only the high priest can enter god's most holy place once a year and without doubt mention blood it's it's a relationship you can pray to me but you're just outside the court you can bring sacrifices to me but through my manga through my priest and even the priest the high priest is allowed to enter the most holy place once a year so the old covenant was like that now the new covenant jesus established a new covenant but between god and his people and under this new covenant nothing separates god to his people his law is written in our hearts it's in our mind that's why if you're here today god offered us a new covenant and you have you can you you you can be in the covenant by faith because god did everything for us so sanctification covenant and lastly the full access i like this last implication of what jesus did for us because we're going to go back now the futility of all our sacrifices way back in the olden times they're sacrificing an old few times but because jesus offered this body he became sin for us he became cursed for us paramount in righteousness in the eyes of god it brought us sanctification we are now made holy back to beginning when god looks at you because you have now put your faith in my son you are now hidden with him you are now hidden in him you are now righteous in my sight wow that's why you don't have to perform and now he offers us this new coffin a genuine close personal deeper relationship kind of covenant indiana and then lastly he offers us full access as well as we end hebrews 10 19 therefore brothers since we have confidence to enter remember before they cannot enter the holy place it's only through a priest only through a priest and the priests had to stand there day in day out that's why we sent you therefore brothers since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of jesus now we have now full access you can be in the mrt and you can call in the name of jesus some of you hear you're depressed some of you here because of the financial difficulties i mean if if you want an appointment to the u.s president it might take weeks or months but set an appointment but because he's a son he can just barge on the gaton oval office and he can play there why because he's a son and i'm telling you we are the daughter and son of the living god we can barge into the gates of heaven and say lord jesus may promise qasan never will you leave me nor forsake me we can watch the gates of heaven through prayer and and claim those promises because he will promise his faithful that's why if you're here and i'm feeling good just like the prodigal son open arms regardless of what you've done in the past regardless feeling more i cannot go back to the father if you have that mentality like the prodigal son i just want to be one of your hired slaves no you're my son you've always been my son you've always been my daughter so that's an encouragement for all of us here today we have full confidence on our knees every morning lord please help me my presence comes and says that's why in hebrews 10 verse 21 it says and since we have a great priest over the house of god because that's the role of jesus i i read in one commentaries during the time of of offering in the old end times the priests always stands they never see it they keep on standing every day but then jesus when he offered when he when his body was offered he's now sitting the word sit is a picture of rest now jesus is sitting in the right hand of the father our priest our great priest jesus christ himself is interceding for us he no longer have to stand like the priest in the old testament that needed to be every single moment of their lives because of the offering in the ginagon but jesus is now sitting you know why because it is finished his sacrifice is already done it's finished that's why if you're here today you're saying jeff that's my dilemma i need to perform i need to work for god i need to somehow go i need to please god through my good works that's gonna work god is already pleased with you in fact he demonstrated his love for us in this when we were still sinners he died for you and me so now the application is verse 22. here's what we need to do after those implications after those results that we have access we have a new covenant and that this god loves us so much many times access okay god the application now is this let us draw near to god don't shy away from god don't come together guilty or condemn let us draw near to god with what with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith that's my prayer for you this this this holy week season we're going to have a is but try some more provision that we can have this assurance i am a child of god i am a daughter of god i am a son of god i can have full confidence i can draw near to him because i know he has given me access so church is the end here's what i want you to take home the full understanding that jesus is the ultimate sacrifice for our sins once and for all you don't have to repeat it daily you don't have to do it over and over again you just have to leave it by faith and just be thankful let's all stand on our feet today as we end you see jeff so up until so jeff when we receive god's offer of salvation and as you mentioned sanctification sacrifice that but go in well actually it's towards the end of hebrew hebrews chapter 13 okay and he was mentioning about the sacrifice boy and sacrifice jeff i'm gonna go because as i was flipping towards the pages of hebrews towards the end of hebrews there's this command for us to sacrifice sacrifice in hebrews chapter 13 okay uh typographical error that's chapter 13 verse 14 sabina for here we have no lasting cities so but since i've been authored on hebrew here in this earth we have no lasting city but we seek the city that is to come we're looking for that place that eventually we will be with god forever and in verse 15 there's the sacrifice that he's demanding for us through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice but the sacrifice is different what is demanding us a kind of sacrifice is different it's a sacrifice of praise to god that is what the fruit of beliefs that acknowledge his name that whenever you are wherever you are however however you're living this life it's acknowledging that lord everything that i do is for your glory and for your praise whatever sir comes and says i'm into right now i may be battling cancer but i can offer these lips as a sacrifice of praise to you and when you situation financially i can live this life saying that lord all praises and honor belongs to you that's the sacrifice that the hebrew author is demanding from us let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to god you know why because to worship and suck and just give praise to this god but practice and then happiness what this verse is simply saying acknowledging in your lips through your lips god everything i do is for your praise and glory let's bow down our heads father we thank you for those times lord god that we tend to perform either way we think we can pay you back for your goodness or we're trying to pay the pardon that we want from our sin lord either way we're both losing because no amount of sacrifice on our end no amount of good works we really like god balance the scale so father we thank you we thank you lord god because what we cannot do you did it for us thank you jesus because it's very clear you came we didn't ask for you you came intentionally wholeheartedly you came for us to save us rescued us redeemed us because we were slaves to sin we have no right we have no power to overcome it so thank you jesus our role right now is just to offer up the sacrifice of praise to you acknowledging in our lips that you alone are god everything we do is for your honor and for your praise alone so whatever we're doing lord help us to be constantly reminded is a works mentality lord lord it reminds me it is finished the tell us time it is done it is finished so father we thank you to understand this fully every moment of our lives that our good works is just a fruit of gratitude that we're doing good works to other people because we know we're already saved you've taken away the sin now it's a different ballgame we no longer have to perform to earn your goodness to earn your gratitude logan we just have to do it by faith because we love you thank you that's all we can do so lord thank you for these people lord god as we enter holy week season remind them lord of your goodness that only through your son jesus there's redemption of sin we honor you we thank you jesus in jesus name we pray amen and amen and amen come on let's give god praise our god is good
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 8,012
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
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Length: 54min 7sec (3247 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2015
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