The Hebrew Believers (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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what does it mean to have great faith it means confronting adversity with the word of god it means declaring god's promises even when facing great obstacles [Music] it means seeing the promises of god great faith is placing your entire confidence in what god has said let this be a year of great faith [Laughter] well among you here you join us in our prayer and fasting come on now [Applause] come on great faith and we've been um having this topic since uh last week about having really great faith and uh today officially is the start of our brand new series and let me have a recap long last week as a part of primary lung to start our series uh last week you talked about how do we stay on courses 2019 because we've been saying every january excited god right there's something about january that you're so excited and then it dwindles normally second week long january third week next year that's all so we've been saying we said last week now we have to release some stuff and we talk about the guy who is a runner full of those stuff now indeed i received a message from netflix like 50 million and an odd because not promote but anyway also we want to resolve to run and finish the race and the key is to really refocus uh our attention or ourselves now apart from christ the author and perfecter of our faith that's why today for the next six weeks of great faith and um i'm an introduction about faith but for now let's just simply have another faith i mean we always hear the word faith about my faith but come to think of it our christian work starts christ and and from now from this time on your current realities and you're believing god for his promises to be fulfilled everything in between is by faith all right finances and you're believing god for a lot of stuff maybe temporal stuff there's nothing wrong with that you're believing god for a boyfriend girlfriend young capital right you're believing god for a husband 10 years ago you're believing so everything in between really is a work of faith and then the bible says faith is the confidence everybody say confidence you know your confidence nothing in what we hope for in god's promises and also not just confidence to some of description in some translation rather it's the substance and here it's the assurance about something we do not see to know that there are people in front of me faith is really something that you do not see and it's important because as christians we walk by faith and not by sight and ultimately our goal is not to please ourselves not to please our wives our goal is to please god and let me tell you and warn you and remind you without faith it's impossible to please our god so that's why from here till till the time we receive god's promises it's a walk of faith the righteous shall live by faith in fact i think it's a misnomer it's been indeed that's and then the good news about faith you cannot manufacture it because it comes from god and for the next six weeks hopefully you faith not and made you a go grow your faith not thank you you're believing god for something i hope your faith will grow and eventually will turn into something it's a great faith so let me just start by praying for our series that hopefully god will minister to us for the next six weeks that we're gonna attend this series god will open our hearts and and really grow our faith amen let's just bow down our heads lord we live up to you lord god our wonderful series that that that's your word the book of hebrews lord god that we study for the next six weeks we're going to be studying people or god men and women of faith lord that faith is their lifestyle and hopefully lord we're gonna pray that our lives as well we will develop a faith-filled life and as we learn about enoch and noah and moses and abraham and those people lord god in the bible that's cheering us we pray lord that we're going to experience the same level of faith in jesus name amen all right great faith first things agenda we're going to look at this group of people in the book of hebrews again you disciple nepal but nevertheless it's the word of god and interestingly as we read the book of hebrews the writer is encouraging the believers to have great faith not to have material things hindi has been a writer have great faith or have great fake parasite marriage and there's nothing wrong with that let me just balance it on hebrews primarily on having great faiths a healing you know what the hebrew writer is teaching his reader to have faith to hold on to keep believing not to let go of jesus because they have this newfound faith and jews believe nila and now that they've embraced this he's talking to the christian hebrew the hebrew writers talking to the christian jews there's so much persecution going on christian well this is a christian national advantage not an indignant experience now persecution at best i know some people now uh timmy wallace because he or she became born again they know at best experiential persecution was born again yes indeed he like imposed most of facebook the daily brand right tapos of those kinds of persecution we're talking of persecution of persecution that the hebrew uh the christian back then are facing somewhere you endured a hard struggle with safiri no and if you look at this suffering this is not the type of suffering not self-inflicted because i suffer it's because you did it to yourself that's causing us suffering and struggle right it's self-inflicted because of our disobedience to the word of god we're now suffering we're not talking about self-inflictedness suffering we're talking of these are people listen to this very important these are people that are born again primarily jews the synagogue it's the central dc it's the center of life when they go to the agora market the romans was in control yeti cadet because there's only the uh uh uh to the border again there's only one god and problema the romans see caesar is god so if you're um you'll memorize hail caesar caesar is god and to the born again indian elephanting sabine because they only worship the one sometimes being publicly exposed to reproach affliction and sometimes being partners with those so treated born again seeing reproach because in the context of community and somebody thought you suffered along with those in prison grabbing up there's this inner joy despite experiencing injustice any criminal case made up in oil confiscation if you're a rich wealthy jew and then the sheran ganila paul nila john and one of the disciples and then you you suddenly have this enlightened man now born again and dammit and they can just confiscate your property so if if we're experiencing persecution now not right we may experience the same faith but it's not a question of uh injustice so here's my question to all of us because trials persecution suffering struggles persecution in all in every areas of our lives emotional physical uh financial animal animal in a struggle this is very important how you're gonna respond sometimes we we respond this way number one we fight head on so without god in the picture we fight so we fight the way we respond to trials and and struggles we fight and there's nothing wrong with nothing and nothing contact but then there's this group of you their option is just how do we fight how do we deal with those struggles do we fight or fly after preaching last saturday i just i i was we were in uh somebody on youtube a messenger message actually uh from from someone and then i've done is this sorry apparently he sent me the picture of the rope he's gonna use to commit suicide on the very hour and then sabine saket i mean because [Music] we will just move there later so you either fight head-on but there will come a point in time your money cannot do anything it's a struggle more right there will come a point in time your mansion can't do anything some problem or you have a mansion there will come a point in time kindly head on more you'll find yourself helpless and hopeless because a stage four counts so either you fight or you fly i have a better option for you because the hebrew writer offered this faith now don't get me wrong you can be a man of faith and then fight in faith and or flight in faith but the point is what if we follow this hebrew writer and offer us a better response in dealing with struggles and pain and suffering okay so three things we need to do and that's what we're going to talk about today right so number one salvinia if you're talking about persecute the first thing that he said if you're going through tough times but recall the former days last week forget the former things but this one is telling the the right the readers recall the former days under your former days nayon after you you were enlightened so first thing we need to do to reach in in response to suffering and trials persecution number one look back okay something tingling you're fighting persecution it's surmounting pressure you are going to encounter the word that was used there is this word they were in the wilderness the pillar of fire that protested them the way to the promised land so the word that was used enlightened them it's a pillar of fire that's in some people writer foreign now you were once in darkness but now you are in this marvelous light we used to be children of darkness we are now children of the light the very purpose of jesus coming here is a bible in matthew chapter 4 verse 16 the people living in darkness and talking about jesus have seen a great light like man you see jesus young and those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned it means divine illumination there's a tendency familiarity bridge complacency we got to familiarize with us being born again sometimes we think that god is only good for salvation and then tayonna living this life no the the gospel is not from from a it's not the abc it's from a to z and an each other and illuminate illuminate on the enlightened these people are the one who tasted the heavenly gift shared in the holy spirit tasted the goodness of the word of god and not only that we're looking forward to something far bigger so if you're struggling today yeah you can fight or you can flight but i'd rather walk in faith lord i am nothing i am no one struggle or temptation or burden at all i know lord the fact that i have a relationship with you we can endure this the word endured okay their endurance is a testament to their relationship with jesus you endured a hard struggle with something because he's not when you endured a heart struggle with suffering there was perseverance over you can endure because you're going back to your first love remember when the uh sort of book of revelation in the rebuilding church of i think ephesus is happening jesus you have forgotten your first love control so readers and since i'm a hebrew writer remember the day you know you were enlightened you suffered along with those in prison and in sin and there's so much compassion in you and that only there's so much compassion in you in love you joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property because you're looking forward to something far better indica attached to some material things before this is my lasting possession third time i'm born again time enlightened ibaput we have the wisdom to know that everything here is temporary we have eternal perspective okay if you're facing trials and difficulties your first agenda is because you'll realize oh my gosh strange as it may seem but one of the primary purposes of being shaken by suffering is to make our faith more unshakable tina test as we learned last week our faith will be tested and the more men are shaking humongous the unshakeable will remain lord la laglaga so i no longer the shaking will produce in me a better me a higher or greater faith look back and then the hebrew writer continues also look forward to talk you're experiencing difficulties you look back and then okay lord my relation come here enlightened i was so compassionate before i'm i'm enduring before and then look forward because there are things to nothing and by faith and then let's move on therefore throw off everything that hinders humongous confidence okay nothing confidence again there's this a greek word na compound words word i'm not a greek expert but just to put a context detail but you know confidence it means all and the word receives community explained on it's a statement coated with resolve but confidence it means a confidence that speaks it conveys deep conviction that shows itself in bold candid speaking you're someone ready and willing to make uh their conviction known to public repercussion you're you're you're compelled your faith is lived out imagine a born again you foreign this confidence speaks out you know during brain fasting we receive a lot of testimony answered prayer i just want to share of course i asked for permission as an accent good morning pastor i have watched almost all your preachings okay and i must say i have this favorite line i have heard from you paul it goes like this god delays doesn't mean it's his refusal and one time i confronted a guy not telling me nothing wrong about premarital sex i replied with your line and guess what he got mad and never contacted me again i said yes we did it before but i'm different now it's against god's will and to my surprise i'm not longing for a man or that sexual intimacy and really fighting the urge it's not going to be easy when you're making a stand it's not going to be easy and i mean after watching your youtube asabi i haven't watched any porn i'm happy that i've changed even my mom says really you're on a dating i said yes mom because i listen to pastor thank you for the enlightenment it's making a stand it's voicing out your faith are you voicing or do you have the confidence to air out of the voice out i am an enlightened person i used to be in darkness but now i'm in the light story but christian community because we're called to be the salt and the light of this world no one lights a lamp and put it under the bed a lump is made to put on a stand can my lump stand you're meant to shine and we are at our brightest when the place is at its darkest the more dilemma lugar the more [Applause] guys don't throw away your confidence the word confidence it means you're voicing it out beyond but if you're you call yourself a born again christian and you're denying god whoever denies me before men i will also deny before my father who is in heaven therefore let's continue do not throw away your confidence because my reward because if there's something to look forward to then it's not sacrifice isn't it if the reward is greater sacrifice you look forward to it's not even a sacrifice there's this book how foolish your bucket have you read the book it's a small one sitting and there's a thing there that it's written by uh donald clifton they studied this uh there's this psychologist who studied this one thousand american power prisoner of wars and north korean camp and he was surprised because uh north korean camp nato most of them go they don't even bother to make that free calls a red cross booth and most of them and it's weird because eastern okay but the doctors called it mirasmus which means there's a lack of resistance a passivity passivity there's this informing so now and then number three breaking loyalty is a nation that's a leadership nakasamahan whether general or or kernel so because of those four strategy human soldiers they don't have the the parang the will to survive they just commit suicide even baglavas they don't want to live why because there's nothing to look forward to but then again just having a writer ibata you are born again there's a reward waiting for us so before you have for you have need of endurance so that when you have done not your will but the will of god you're going to receive something it's something that was promised it's something by faith but for now persecution there was this martyr his direct disciple of apostle john so you know john okay right the book of john see polly harp see polly carpo is 86 years old so nahulisha in fact according to history the very people who's going to kill him and 167 a.d saint polycarp bishop of smyrna he was murdered you know i'm requesting he's 86 years old he renounced mueller jesus 86 years i have served him and has done me no wrong how can i blaspheme my king and my savior but do we have this to look back my god has been good to me never left me never discouraged me i illa full of hope they're looking forward to something far better this and that's why my hope and prayer is that you're not get too attached to this world nobody at all embrace more maco compromise kind of faithful because this is it eat drink and be merry no we are not living for just the now there's something far better satan and i mean promise look up on the screen yet for a little while and the coming one will come that's the promise the greatest reward is born again christian and my opinion that we will be with our creator we will be with god throughout eternity my opinion pray god type excited in his return and will not delay but my righteous one shall live by faith and if he shrinks back my soul has no pleasure in him this is very important sometimes we're look we're looking for too much reward the greatest reward is to be with our creator throughout eternity the greatest reward is we know that the one who promised will come there's gonna be this um second coming of christ there's gonna be once and for all the new heavens and the new earth will come there's gonna be a point in time young cancer my body is wasting away we got it all wrong the greatest reward is not temporal but eternal blessing from god in fact yes louis said this if you read history you'll find that the christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next in other words let your earthly activities be worthy of your heavenly position i was counseling one a man the other day how can you add value to somebody else's life uh a coffee shop owner in other words lagging he said how can i advance god's kingdom in a day-to-day moment of my life i mean well on purpose i'm born under me because your spiritual life nabak's the lamp saturday our christianity is best practice outside this place as i always tell you that's where it comes to play your christianity paul nan don salabas dapat in a practice in dilandito so something to look forward to all right and then lastly so look back palikamin that you were enlightened you got born again you received christ you endured so much suffering because you're so in love with god and then while you're walking look forward one day young jesus my body will be resurrected i'm going to have my glorified body so you're looking forward to this but for now yes as i end i have to look inside do you have what it takes if you're a christian enlightened christian i love what these verses say when i was meditating on this when i was reading this and studying this bossy scope along [Music] we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed enlightenment the lord but of those who have faith and are saved this is who you are no no no we're gonna look back we're gonna look forward but for now we're gonna stand and then make us stand because we are those who have faith and are saved i know it's hard that's why we're studying this and susuno dalingo this is just an introduction of the series so lingo we're gonna go into a deeper character study of these men and women who had faith but for now let's just have this assurance lord you know the the guy who texted me so we're lining up uh uh having this an antagonism and a half hour department as a servant and then i received this test thank you for the word pastor jeff honestly i want to give up my life and then he sent me the the rope is about to use something oh wow so i go praise god for his time me lord bro because i didn't know that basis so okay but anyway i have to assure him we're all broken by valentine and brokenness before encountering just like you it's a picture of a waiter like my dirty wine glasses the whole log human wine glass had done but everything is broken somebody straight crap they're full of bitterness you're broken apart from christ we're all broken well if you if you feel you're better than other people yeah we're all sinful so i just have to assure him lord malcolm lord and then that was like an honest just woke up in the middle of the night that's 2 47 here the lord was begging me to pray for you and to remind you that he loves you just pray for you bro just prayed for you bro good night my preaching populated because that's sunday morning okay good okay stragel faith is not praying mawlana the lord yes sometimes you have to pray mawlana isla but what if indeed this great faith be in the gates answer i think we got it all wrong when we think that every prayer or not then should suit our preferences that's not faith you can be in the midst of a storm but still sleep like a baby like jesus because you know that the maker of the store the creator of the heavens and earth have the universe in the palm of his hands it's not the absence of the storm it's who you're with in the midst of the storm that's faith and i get that but one is for sure the james said last week it's not if you will ever encounter trials no no no consider it pure joy whenever you're going to face trial this is a fallen world whether you like it or not they're going to be triumphs this is a fallen word while you're this in this place there's going to be trials temptation tribulation but the bible says greater is he who is in you than he was in the world come on so as we start the year jeff current realities problem with you cannot manufacture faith because as we said last week jesus is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith just simply be there lebron because jesus will give you the faith sabidor he is the pioneer and not only the pioneer he'll make sure he'll he'll carry us to completion do you believe that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you should verbalize it i'm a christian i can do this stop no more there are things you need to stop and the things you need to start doing by faith amen let's all stand as we end this grab is the lord somebody once said now interior [Music] there are things in this world but only for a line to the will of god that we can really enjoy life thank you lord and one day my hope and prayer is that god will say well done good and faithful servant you've managed to finish the race and not just finish the race finish strong in the race let's just bow down ahead lord as we start this year and dami punaming [Music] it will be challenged we will be blinded at times only to find out the end of the year must be worse a relationship we've been we've been blind so lord help us lord god as we go through lord god is here and for the more years to come help us lord god to look back that you initiated that relationship that enlightenment you came so that we may be enlightened and help us to look forward lord god to the days that we're longing for your second coming that one day we will be with you throughout eternity lord god knowing that if we look within we are not of those who shrink back we are more than conquerors you said in your word so look at me knowing that this is not our battle this is your battle as you said lord god's a word mohamed joshua the battle is the lord's we just have to show up so lord today help us to have the different kind of perspective when we face the challenge lord god face to face but lord we are just driven by so much grace only lord god by faith we can accomplish things lord god you are the author you are the finisher that's why though we will hang on lord god we will draw closer to you in jesus mighty name amen amen amen you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 34,500
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: Q203fMwwhGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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