Zechariah's Song (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] let's see this plane that the promise fulfilled and this is our Christmas series this is our second week actually will be done about different songs have you ever experienced that you Nauticus at the walk remember it honest in a good Konami Lily Gravano in a pan Takata was and of course behind in you emotion a Papa can't occur in the apakah benrique animal Eva McCullen Googler mahogany Rivera we owe every songs can express words the Hindi my express by mere but on mere conversation or mere words it sounds are powerful if it can really bring so much emotion to composition of words and that's what we've been talking about this different songs that was a sang it's a poem actually and it turned out to be a song and cannot intervene Pinilla and we last week we talked about the Magnificat which is in a fantasy marry after poorni reveals occasional holy spirit you moon as a silly popular is actually the the Son of God Jesus Christ and we have a great time Papa company Magnificat in this week naman we're gonna talk about the Benedictus which is the son of Zechariah okay forget the puja quaint little Zechariah and next week don't miss this out there and talk about the song of a Gloria Macapagal Gloria and their angels fell out okay the angel song among angels hair noodles you on ok and on the last week we're gonna talk about Simeon song on the first week we've talked about God's power and greatness that's through the song we it encapsulate God's power and in greatness today we're gonna talk about God's promise God's fulfillment of a covenant and next week don't miss that the angel songs can talk about God's presence and on the last week we're gonna talk about God's plan of salvation for all so we'll jump straight to Benedictus which is Zacharias song and as always Netanyahu young segment of this topic we are going to talk about the story behind before the song was sung and we're gonna talk about the actual song and what's a significant spot no content the modern day so we're gonna look at the story of this very alkalis can I say this mile maganda character to see Zechariah very interesting Pacifica Raya and let's jump to Luke chapter 1 verse 5 if you have your Bible with you beside in porn a pintung brook pune pani look talking about zechariah it says in the days of Herod king of Judea you know when people will tell a stallion bible Catan EC planner these are back up by people and this actual time this is history nobody can refute it because it really happened okay I'm telling you look elegant elegant italia in the days or around down in the in the nights like daniel elegant and at all very detailed okay in the days of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah of the division of Abijah and he had a wife from the daughters of Iran Wow big-time thought and her name was Elizabeth so both of them really are from priestly descendants like an ant in the Puna though when you talk about high caliber and young buck holy and all talking about a member of a priestly division of Abijah pertaining them of daughters of Iran so you see Lisa Metallica Naja pallida say zechariah hamburger it's a human egg on gusto - I wanna carry on because of the breed and it was elisavet religious leanings for all the way back to Iran so from the first High Priest supporting a relative perfect not a jackpot gladly Majora's Makka pakka by Yamaha package Alito Nikita more hey tell em will you husband motility remarkably mrs. MA Sammy more because the second is a fallaway okay well I would say I know you God living y'all now but Dean of a perfect couple but here's the problem they have no child episode no problemo well I'm gonna leave Ellen Gusto's okay Hindi children are considered blessings so being barren because she's barren and that only she's violent they're both old I'm not saying you're gonna see its end ito bad nah nah I'm point Pune thought they were considered cursed the time where children were considered blessing but become a Kanak they already assumed IndyCar mechanic probably almost likely you're cursed by God in fact it can be a ground for divorce for husbands so what did what the people were thinking alumina become a cannot see guru curse car leave about Nick every mechanic in town of a Misawa so I love me but my party iron a luminosity about 10 years assailant pasa in the ornamental excuse possibly submit and they enjoy England I mean you're gigging and honeymooners a penny years not honeymoon per incoming honeymoon stage 20 years diva but island even him up on the soap and if I'm RT percent intercept money am i will let me buy a lot about macaca Anna they were think maybe not mama bar we gonna pack my llama in a Honda Mozilla go Tito Costas oh no no que sigue so boom oppa home I surrender but anyway they felt not having a child that they were disfavored and disapproved by God so they were perfect couple elegant bang bang boom bang bang magazine Cielo NASA Esquire magazine yamaha yama Kesava that about they had no child and they were really malukas allah i'm gonna fast-forward this story see zechariah poor was chosen you know the story nama coffer through casting a flood was a Holy of Holies which a priest will do once a year for vinegar wire and thousands of priests for are taking that shot now once in your lifetime Mallika Sona politia okay and when he entered the Holy of Holies and angel appeared and then the angel appeared as always eatin a new standard fresh religion among angels do not be afraid okay cousin like a packet Elega you angel do not be afraid Zechariah for your prayer has been heard I was just thinking remember they were all denied by this time they're old advanced filling up Manila in DC Lamech are not they accepted the fact now maybe they were disfavored and disapproved by God and we just imagine when the angel spores from the on that moment Zechariah your prayers has been heard maybe some mind is a Calliope nothing any God I'm a prayer token inna moola hand I'll so bring in it not weeping a break or a rockabilly come in embattled Carmel I say made you put put me on book no time in LA me you made you Milan book or come stretched a Colombo and a bit of paper I don't know what it's praying recently because Indian peanut rep range recently unseen a been an angel anybody here you've been praying for a prayer that you've been praying fervently before Baro that fervently when you Lily but malicious I'm enough forgotten prayers because the prayer that the angel was pertaining to is this your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you shall call his name John he doubted the angel as we all know rightly saw me aunt and on Anila dina Scylla infamy that was battling for the many many years they've tried in detail like a mechanic if your second Riya what police say to the Angels Nampa may even be seen I was at work little token a trabajar burrito now young bana when you move Papa Canyon player go untangle moon again silent God he mean I get a gun misfire and I spun him back up grow from errands and the Tholian age any at the moment be looking gun you've been silent in all these years name upon bebop Asahi and you see mean Sun God silence doesn't mean his absence God's silence he being silent doesn't mean his he doesn't care doesn't mean his upset if he is silence in a silent in some areas of a prayer life more it doesn't mean he's upset and sometimes we assure indigenous about--nah God saguru hindi neha Mahalo and tackle name like a boyfriend in Allahabad school elementary alum bin abdul-allah independent career right so you assume that God is silent maybe his absence it's a second rise as the angel how can I be sure of this I'm gonna be how can i panoho macaca sagrado detour I am old man in deal of 30% and discount was a senior citizen coangelo help restock o me additional 15 afore Libre was a synonym ulama haughty encompassing okay lahat make a cup up in birthday corn Oba neva pakka me Pasha here well well angel Moroni will still deliver illness area but it is completely Sabbath mama yeah well like it gets me my picture huh Alana McGee here I'm gonna syllabus T so Delta Lucilla Lisa bacon c'mon tell hot in a burglar I am an old man and my wife is well along in years Wow now you Kappa do my thing hula Cana it's it's way passive make a capability love snack or maybe it's not a child that you're believing God for now Alana hon poon our neighbors as a bee macaca financial breakthrough Oh God well are not loose coupling branches kulhanek Sara and you're gonna tell me macaca ah who Nicole hello well Anna Mae you possess a B McAllister come in Mikasa wanna - Yuna and and Ameen means Sun gah hit not believe in moon I'm even having them down mean anybody here with your own limited capability you're thinking it's way too late now listen up look up here this is very important for you to comprehend and to really but an easy pen can it can it be that our own voice of limitation is louder than the voice of God is it possible that our own limitations our own balance a capability limits us from the limitless capability of God because we're hearing too much voices release out of the voice of God is it possible you peanut ringing male on hinders you from hearing really the voice of God is it too much to assume the sobre donna moonda basa sovereign donkey Tamala baaga impossibly Margaret no and here's the goddess say kya hua and your God Jessica isn't dung of his fate Konoha rana sanga your opinion because of this and now you can tell me Kayaba you see Zacharias present reality limits God's infinite ability and I'd like to challenge every one of us yes we know God yes we believe in him better when rubber meets the road when you're tempted to real look on your own shortcomings and your own capability undergraduate Lana Hawaii in the Malaysian graduate Namanga Naga rendang school how can I even beat them so on palpable more you're hearing too much voices of your own limitations and I hope we're not gonna be like Zechariah despite being a priest doing all the works of God as I've always said you can be too very busy doing Church ministry and still miss out on God I mean Mary and Joseph loose Jesus nah evil analyst he has loose Nevada doing all the religious Duty and see Jesus monopolist ah c'mon Allah Wow it's highly possible that were so busy here in church we're so busy doing the hallelujah praise the Lord we're so busy posting religious daily bread in the on the internet and yet your very life miss out on Jesus it's highly possible and because of that he was rebuked nijem attending rebuked because he's gonna be silent for the next nine months I don't know that the was he goes a least a bit and bought it I might say that he McCallion and in a massive aha and behold you will be silent and I am able to speak until the day that these things take place why because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their time you see whether you believe it or not God will accomplish its purpose it's not dependent whether you believe it or not it remains true some people will say if I'm not convinced that I won't believe it some atheism some agnostics I don't think the Bible is true because I'm not yet convinced I just for you it remains true whether you believe it or not because it's an absolute truth it's not relative it's absolute you see our doubts will definitely silence our faith it cannot coexist when we doubt God the doubt is so high the faith is so low we cannot be equally doubtful and equally faithful or in faith rather I wanna lean while okay God Barrow in the park oh sure huh sabatello gasoline you allah azza shoe polish on seesaw seesaw bug Matteson faith mama bang fear but what doesn't feel mama ban faith pellet cannot coexist either you're in faith k God or you're just in fear and it says here end and there are both righteous before God and blameless so it was email as he see Moishe generality nichelle though in this elevator let's speak to you una Linea Sabini Elizabeth Abbott ahem iike me castle on an Cano so i'ma go subway on Diwali maginot Humala missus Tigana masala taka the mistletoe man GRE Chasa good can lay on my enemies oh Allah okay you it's a Celtic elevator okay go Muhammad Ali could totally cool and Morgan on her leg except that and but Allah God Eva so I could just imagine when Zechariah went home for the first time movie necessar heal country in Judea and let's fast forward for nine months is silent it is really mute the next scene you know those movies right young bloom Abu Nanak blurred and then the next scene I said delivery room now I get the point so I wouldn t star like a shot so let's look at the fast-forward version of this story now the time came for Elizabeth to give birth so old age Baron gave birth 9 month by the name of John the Baptist as we all know Hey and she bore a son and their neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown great mercy to her because her neighbors and relatives thought she was cursed indie communicator enough you're cursed by God you must have done something wrong Baraka or whatever but you're a curse a woman and now the curse was lifted out from her the Lord has shown great mercy to her and they rejoiced with remotely the same thickness of vanilla in a misogynist articles are you so so that grenade and on the eighth day the cost in customary practice nila on the eighth day the boy will be circumcised and that's the name giving a Napoleon ceremony so it'll not be beginning a Pangolin on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child and they would have called him Zechariah after his father so in the appendix a selita's is Sakura at this time by a McMansion so be beginning a magnum panel and normally it's that the father will give names but his mother answer no no no no no don't name him Zechariah oh no second is a good cabal over Lao okay so I've almost a lot he shall be called John but but actually it's it's it's Zechariah who told Zack Elizabeth to give the name John Puma Lebanon Oman Oman the penis of Manila look at the monitors of Manila other than LS have been more relative why are you gonna call him Zechariah none of your relatives is called by this name and they made signs to his father inquiring what what he wanted him to be called so new hindi my beginning resolution because Elizabeth one's name him John h'mong Patel America Madonna Zechariah Sona Kadampa of all things you know mr. John Sameera or hey I see Elizabeth LA the rest Zachariah and then he is what happened he no one he and and Zechariah asks for this iPad yeah my tablet man okay he asked for his iPad and roti his name is John maybe Shang Abner in drawing whiteboard Unabomber smoking the whiteboard lab Sarah his name is John and they all wondered and immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed now imagine with me for a moment for nine months you have been rebuked by being silent and mute what would be the first word la la paseo quicker Yan and higher young la la bus in the world hello mic mic test Mack my my got the talking about oh hello hello eyo I mean I mean instead of voicing frustration or anger at God because of the review he was actually the Messiah's for nine months but he spoke blessing God he spoke praising God I mean imagine if I seen a black man had been Akihiko for nine months and that's what happened he praised God he gave the name John John in Greek word its johanan which means gracious so for nine months of being knew it his first words is about praising blessing God John Piper wrote it this way Zechariah had had nine months of silence to brood ponder and pray and meditate on his Bible of course all testamental and the time his silence miss may have been a divine rebuke for his unbelief but God always turns his rebukes into rewards for those who keep faith remember that you will right now suffer from the scars of past sins if there's anybody here you're suffering from the past seen Oscar so passive if you keep faith now God will turn the marks of sin listen up God will turn that marks of seen to a memorial of grace some of you have been rebuked by God and some of you may have turned away my marquee like I own the pakery beauty God may be in a backslide my mahayana rebuked me god and then suddenly you receive it in a negative way back at the hagen on because i'm and i'm another christian we're doing the same thing back it's an engineered i don't know how you took that rebuke but weak we can model it with zechariah she's a guy a poor after nine months and began to rebuke sonya he was just silent and mute but after nap angle you can young rebuke now he started praising God and his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied saying now there's the song little appetizer song there is a story how the song not Nana bra it was from a man who doubted God because of limited capability and then was silent for the next nine months and they're not even a fulfillment Nana promised me God indeed I forgot pregnant and bore a son and then name him John and then all of a sudden is dis exploding and sang a hymn that gives us this four beautiful pictures of the coming of Christ there's only one purpose why Christ came and we're gonna learn that and there are also three implications having that purposely God but you see before I jump to the song because the song really focuses on Christ the coming Messiah anybody in accomplishing I'm like am I getting on the - to - to do this to redeem us to say my Michael McKean going on but come to think of it every time Christmas comes and the poor NASA is if not then something about of course Santa Claus and reindeer liver Valon Behrami invitamos kill allah see Santa Claus Casa de Jesus whereas Jesus is the reason for the season and yet it's easy for us to lose sight of Jesus which is the only reason why we have Christmas in the first place masculine Apanui behind economic analysis no man well animal power yellow did no mimic Hillel upon Nutcracker cause in the manner much Mohammed Paganica displaying a Christmas tree and there's nothing wrong with that okay let me just put this up front there's nothing wrong with this with this Christmas whatever masculine upon our young balikbayan box there's been much in return you must excite accept 13 Marcus I Jesus signal attending renewal as a Pascal per Augusto monitoring man I'm in Shangai bizarre der everywhere and because of the busyness that Christmas brings this is one of the celebration for Christians nom Adelita you must way from the original reason why we have Christmas in the first place we can easily get caught up or semana reunions again there's nothing wrong with that Oh Martin Connelly you in your caliber Canon great but was Jesus mentioned during the reunion a pastor knew not pray no no no food Jesus thank you for the food amen that's enough I don't know games nah a bucket James Nam in a trip to Jerusalem ot a lame I'm a bastard Papa Schadt Alba shop where they put parlor games and there's nothing wrong with that but they did you ever take the time to talk to someone why we're having this season for some of you it's not it's not that you lose Jesus to some of us because we're so focused on the beylin Jesus remained a baby little baby we have this Antoninus and all para see Jesus in Dina luma care and that's why I'm Amos melaka con states for cancer but the Jesus baby class as well as a young cancer cases and Jesus go to some of you Jesus in the Nutella condo market to some of us demanda make your Christian you you really refer to Jesus as a savior pill you'd it's just a savior I don't want to go to hell I accepted him is that true of course tell is that all there is nope some of us doubt come upon us along it so we look at Jesus as a savior period I'm waiting for heaven to come or I'm waiting my metallic or and then Jesus I'll see you in ever better from here I'm getting the back of my map I see Jesus gentlemen as a backstage not lordship Savior I love you as a savior better Lord of my life in Barbara in the money finances score in girlfriend co-op okay lemon we relationship now Papa real Emma we look at Jesus as a parent police pop economy pin a panade kusa Netflix and nobody on Jesus John Morrison even in time another call Sybilla Jesus sure kadhi talk abou Ponte behind the wind Jesus often hang got more so here's the reason why Zechariah burst in a song and we're gonna look at this now but I see it's a you don't here's the first word that came out of his mouth blessed said there's the word Benedictus in Latin blessed said be the Lord God of Israel now imagine for a moment for nine months in this epic saliba for nine months now I don't know the north or Matthew crucially say in and out-out coward I'm blaming it just more and yet he stayed he pondered he meditated on the Word of God and the first phrase the first sentence that came out of his mouth blessed be the Lord blessed be the Lord my God for he for he visited and redeemed his people now he's making a declaration he's looking forward remember back upon an economy I see Mary was just pregnant three months okay indie pop up in a panic see Jesus during this time and he said this word visit them blessed be to the Lord our God of Israel for he has visited you know the word visit that it's something personal beliefs Ataka it means you are important anybody hear me mark a big and Campanella blob of attacking me there's a behind MOA and Panama baguette kappa Ponte because it must be important to me Papa dilemma but then Melissa messengerís a grub grub expressed him immoral and 200 Lang little poppin taco John I'll make sure that a comedy deliver so when you say visited it's something that God took this personally and not only visit that I like the word redeemed the word redeemed means to set free by paying a price a pastor names being set free in them along no no the word redeemed God knew we are imprisoned and in bondage to sin it can refer to the releasing of a prisoner or liberating of a slave Naraku long or is a from a slave the impatient that God came personally in incarnation rather God becoming man Jesus Christ came to earth to bring deliverance to the captives salvation to people in bondage to sin and death so point number one what's a that's what's the meaning of Christmas what's the reason why Jesus came to personally redeem us - personally redeem us he leaning a Tousignant angel available barrel he saved an animal a pat on a trip come in same and as I said last week why in the world God is concerned at anybody pinning a meal Kogan allocating universe you black hole you constellation come an Illuminati discover panel array on through the Hubble telescope and lived on earth as in al-kabun entire at this alyc about my own and Ummah at this a Filipina Somali Somali at the celica book landing in barangay mo a chimp barangay jnana Alec Ibaka and onion behind your item by my own and okasan cuarto it's a cartoon I own and don't Casa Cornell a conscientious a oh wow in the Cabana amazed see God concerns a welfare more I mean he's running the whole universe and yet he's concerned to us Christmas is all about a God becoming man to redeem us para by Allah may you Tonka come on Tasha I'm a buyer but anybody angel advisors in there I want to make sure Matata Poussin trabajan at all and it says here and he raised up a horn of salvation a horn is a metaphor for power might and he says here for us in the house of his servant David and he's prophesying that the Messiah will come in the lineage of David the Horn of salvation is a figure that refers to the power of the Messiah and his ability to protect kahtoola poonam horn protecting / young young young Selena as the whole refers to what the animal used to attack and defend so bacilli from horn of salvation he is mighty to save and some of us are gonna say Jeff why do I need saving and free the missus have any personal but always a safe I'm free in imagine I have freedom I can do whatever I want to do so in the whole India who enslaved Jeff really you see freedom it's not the right to do whatever we want I can have sex with whoever I want to have sex with free ah ha pay there go man with a limp and I can either wear them on this pipe and a pair that's not freedom freedom is not the right to do whatever we want but it's the power to do what is right to only think or see you senorita Alamo you end up at going you know the right thing to do that's how my allama adama bowel movement Okaloosa gamble again telling the mom Ogawa apostle paul the thing I want to do I cannot do the thing I hate that's the thing I do in Tagalog Annie on gusto Hmong boomer ad parody minagawa boom you want to do good where you end up doing the bad you don't want the bad things better you end up doing it so para that's not freedom because we're enslaved to sin Salaamu like malacca but the very thing the McDonald s I use impair no is the very thing you're doing that's why we're not free Kalam willing frico it's not the freedom to do whatever you feel like doing it's the freedom it's the power to do the right thing that's what freedom means and apart from Christ we will never have the power to do what's right the Bible says we are sinful by Nature we will never choose the right thing so a Jesus there is the nachshoni imprisoned or and take the captives free he opened the door he loses the chain then Ossipon happen but the some of us the door is already open but we still want to stay inside God has already set you free there must be nipply not indeed us elope in aluminium not away Oh Tina la la la basura detour glingo paso hana Lunas nobody talking alone you're already free regardless already set you free para column when you freedom is only for salvations I have n or in the past thirteen and of course I have in the makita it's the power to do what's right here on earth because for the next three points call you on an implication of being freed by God that's what we need to do that's that's the result of being redeemed by God so you next three points gormogon de casi checking me sorry anymore am I really free now India Metallica that I I was redeemed because you know you know the study of those people in the meta colossal optical lumen right there was a study done and everywhere it's it's human nature but can tackle any lesson Aluna and they were part dawned on a Lionel in Silla they don't want to go out I don't need us a lesson I subway syllabus parent that was a Hulu and cap politically means he but no pelvis but I go Elega parabolic layoffs an opera a little loom Abbas they got so used to the priests on sale you needed him Bowie Neil I'm telling you God didn't create and us to be in prison he wants us to if the son sets you free you are free indeed that's what the Bible says so if you're the person who still hook in drugs and yet you call yourself born again we're still hook in alcohol behind the mullah allah miyan package neshama indeed Elisha for heavens or possess in the inertia for eternal life for process it's also for this life's purposes he has given you the grace to say no to sin so if you feel that you already receive Jesus actually struggle is still the same you can actually say shut up last I command you to stop bugging me in the name of Jesus Christ becoming as a pornographer no groupie cycle in the name of Jesus Christ from now on the coppa italia serie a me laptop Mugi I'm William garlotte yeah you will see that God is giving your power say say a logical until Aloha for free free kappa john i worship worship couple folks are today Abbas Abbas a couple more words Nygaard bubbly Corinne sock in say mean Deena Messiah deeply Lord and then moving on something that we that that we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all who hate us to show the mercy promise I like the word promised to our fathers and to remember his holy Covenant you see listen up from from the time Adam and Eve sinned God already declared this said through your offspring Sam is a woman through your offspring lovely Sam I admitted it as a serpent but he will just kind of pound your head he will crush your head yeah you're gonna you're gonna beat this here but you're he's gonna crush your head talking about Jesus Christ uh destroying the enemy once and for all so you plot Evangelion and genesis 3:15 all the way pass was given to Abraham through your offspring I will bless you many nations will be blessed through you and it'll missions have been just like I promised at noon on your hey Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kalahari mutiny on because God is a promise keeping God last month the Somalia hi made you the Holly mother Celeste a promise but God fulfilled his promise the Bible says in the fullness of time God fulfill this promise by sending his son to rescue us from the hand of our enemies or I ternopil implication look up here if you really feel celebrating this Christmas season it's the birth of Christ the coming of Christ and the purpose of crisis to redeem us to liberate us to free us now it's a poem Kumba implication into your consequence of being free it says here to rescue us talking about redeeming us from the hand of our enemies and to enable us to serve him without fear the implication of Christ's Redemption number one we are an area and abled to serve him freely significantly god para is served muchas Hindi cassini para lang McGinty salami at goons Kappa M sinister operation Satan God saved you God rescued you so that we can serve Him freely I like the world without fear because some people are drawn to serving God out of compulsion up of fear behind the Gaussian behind the one Thessalonica in pokey points in the kimono manga good works coke I got nepata salami so they're serving kind of like the human Pharisees that time they thought they're serving God but that's what they're serving themselves but God is saying hey I came so that you may be rescued so you can worship Me you can serve me freely well done well I can't condemnation that's my point maka homily bang Christian Omega cos Allah but Allah of course / Baba entirely bubbly caitanya hindi time AHA condemn care I like what you said canina said John 3:17 he came not to condemn us in this moment Alito about began and grace in a castle on and more anon great one Commission on the canal a peace Amata dandy on a long high school can ignore Okanagan or in the second on I remember your sins no more mama Harlan Kenya a cow overwhelming you love Nehemiah kamikaze Allah Obama Gulen again and you saw Brahm by it that's game coming oh goodness allah so mariam Akula mcanally Sobran babe you are selfless Isuzu boon Alanya if he became Paseo develop a package and offend younger nagamma Gulen Taba you Palin if you hurt your parents parent Ala Moana ah gonna see God malinka 1 million times by the way your parents love you so Brandon mama Harlan and when you say you can go back to him and then when you're thinking of sinning I will offend my god Bob melon I'll get to the point it's not your being good so you can earn the slab Malay he loves you so much mahi yarmulkes Allah that Sabrina mineral-y basura me Nahal kenya denim denim Eaton Kenya Indian backpack andhaka Munna Bhai Tom Holland Lin town glass satire use Amazon Yahoo and yet bina kasih Lanka me Niharika that's why we will be able to serve him freely because it compels as the Bible says you love compels us hindi you you you're my fear compels me to serve you in another your love compels me so Brenda macaca he Hong Mikasa Allah Paseo and let's move on so that in holiness and righteousness before him all our days we can we can freely worship Him not out of fear but out of relationship out of love when he made us holy and righteous we cannot access him hey stop it o priest right you wanna please you cannot come into the presence of God go make a salon Anka Mohammed eike on the spot that's why they have to atone for their seen that to offer animals and then now we can enter the presence of God and God is saying you can come to me all access every moment of your life because the coming of my son SJS given you the right to become my child now you can access anacott ah you know does that famous picture of JFK dmattia Landis I allowed him them a desk as a White House the Oval Office that's a picture the heart my pop appointment at JFK u.s. president Perry young son they just bang on the door because he's a son no appointment needed that's our access to God you cannot you don't have to be good you don't have to be but holy than a holy khana righteous car because of the blood of Christ now we can access him and it says here let's move on Jesus left the synagogue and went to Simon's house remember the story of Peters mother-in-law my favorite story Simon's mother-in-law was very sick really sorry she had the high fever now they asked Jesus to do something to help her Hindi quality was a mercy Peters and asking Jesus not buckling in the mother-in-law in DC now being kasama see Peter better they ask ok pinnacle in unanimity Peter he stood up very closely to her and ordered assist the sickness to go away come see Jesus I know dengue it's a common name back sha in Deepa la maestra dengue ok goodness AXA Kyle great we look at the total oh my okay so well anyway he ordered the sickness to go away now the sickness left her what happened normally noon on any Peter it's there became pattern and the pastor tell me but Sakai okay she got up and began serving them when she is healed first agenda how can I serve you Hindi thank you Alice Nicole then got up serve Jesus Wow I believe some of us were sick before because of our sin and now that were healed are we serving God some of you relationally speaking you're sick you're a wicked relationally now that we're healed are you serving God some of you are into so much sin God healed you and now you stayed Saturday service attendee are you even a volunteer not anymore Asha gotta pay yo BB cream I hope oh honey you keep stretch that's a baba in allahu allah ma well i'ma England Ito didn't design a propaganda model arrow to deny sign mangamma Papa's they're serving God you're my Victor Lee group leaders not and they're spending once a week fine talent pressure to serve God but it's not out of compulsion it's actually out of love I love serving God they considered the privilege now is my question after you got healed from your sin have you remained the Saturday attendees or I don't know maybe personal mission Sunday attending a Minako Narae let's see and your child will be called the prophet of the Most High now he shifted gears and talk to his son John the Baptist for you will go before the Lord to prepare his ways and that's the role of his son now look up here because this is a second point once you are redeemed by God here's another implication to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sin we are now entrusted to spread the gospel truthfully we are now am able to serve worship and now because of the implication of God releasing us Jesus saving us now we are interested to spread the gospel bucket ikaw in a panic God McKiernan gospel question young in the entry question bucket because you're one satisfied customer isn't it Kazuko personal mana experience McGehee bulimic asawa known by my era ho you mrs. ko Nunnally one away come in Monsieur I'm limboing army like Sugoi atomic mattandnicole Lamonica hlalanami seen Lord 700 club nanaka me in the historic Camilla ha ha blah blah imagine me Makka pakka went to burn on the way mechanic went Oh echoing I experienced no name I can use it's a preaching better no one can explain it more personally than you clerical in her experience but I begin again with me got an angel to spread the gospel when a Catahoula lucky you go one two one Katara I'll heat up the bar oh my gosh I don't ever tell you in jail a little celebration do not be afraid again when a passive do not be afraid do not be afraid but in beginner commit an angel mug propagate man gospel well for one they have an experience the saving grace of God they don't need saving because they're also sinless Susilo uh metal even see the pelo the unagi muscle on and solely and become explainer eternal and serial elements yourself Alana to new era value young we were one satisfied customers at valuable and effectively can share the gospel who else it was don't need a limit on the saying goes al abbas nothing gasps Felicia Chevron very let's drink to that allah miyan communion ah Coulomb did a gamete new lava Jamaat a clunky spa communion a llama pakka alcoholic polemic a communion the god of the katashi a burrito a let's drink to them bask in the wall Australia ma na muumuu lute and it was a church Bambi here a little ant are tied Lehman Oscar party need era but seriously we're interested to spread the gospel guys in querido this Christmas season Mohammed reunions right parties quaver senior Mikoto bow what reunion is aqua coral in a Cabana normally Muhammad Allah Hassan let Joseph damn a la boule de Luna PITA I'm bigger than enigma nicob anakata and the journal Suffolk John man up in my single out William comma kind of macabre yeah Manuel enjoys vamoose teleport normally my back was a pure panic away blended too big Quentin Quentin will on testimony your your life before Christ meeting Christ after Muhammad see Christ and in boy him oil testimony Cassie Siri she didn't expect my pastor more like the reunion you poppin tank o Jahnavi did job in inaho Caillou yong-ki began upon an episode on the engage couldn't grasp el perro Solana da da la la manga known gamma bar but engage casa gospel care made you wanna peel a palo de la pornos another copy needed to get kudamon so hot plant a lagina panade co-captain and passed on another man we engaged lost people but we have border lines we will not commit sin otherwise you're one you'll like them a no difference more well lack of moral ascendancy a lasting Cabana Michelle and Eva in a drugs current Panama Sharapova is a bug so Sansa can be tripped Lila there al among patty cow sorry bro I have to go home never say be dinner coming back I saw I saw but I can't get that so we are interested to spread the gospel and let me end this for I'm not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God that brings salvation Callie no doubt so everyone know Mimi liebe see God no I bring you good news of great joy for all so what come a prejudge a tamil are you but oh my god am ia bank pedido no no just share the gospel it's not you it's the power of God the Bible says my word will not return to me void it will accomplish its purpose wife was sent for it everywhere dignity now go back or I'll have a wedding tomorrow and next week LaShonda have two weddings everywhere thing that I ate I always share the gospel some union part I always take the time not because I'm a pastor but stock ID Paco pastor I always take the time but can we copy Cena Oh God I just shared the gospel Allah o Bernal a second was a boom boom on Assemblyman gospel I have a friend seen as a gentleman uber and ominous is a chemical you betcha that's an uber from here to market market to ours demands so kainalu Collin berry in two hours from here to serve and remember born-again una camisa de fátima pange a boy in the in destination change destination cool Yamanaka limited I was a bhai Bali kayo America where this our salon and wallah knows it I'm going to get to my bank of korea magnetizable metro manila but seriously if your conveyance that apart from your relatives and loved ones and friends hearing the gospel they will go to to hell a bucket in the canoe conveyance imagine if every day you have this pill that cure cancer at marrokal 10 pills a day in a bad job in the government Optima cancer I commit 10 pills pills a day none cancer bikini no miraculously mobilize States for cancer I never agreed more that was Freeman ah hoo hoo ha that was econo-mode Canoga botany on Kara convinced in the uber I mean PGX and get back boom oh they must live in our sleep Kayla Comet I booked us in the Minamoto see the polyatomic cancer a cow in Ramada you know Biba that's excited kombucha with some political kebab ah a cancer Lonnie on what we have is the cure to eternal problem which is seen and how come the booboo looks at a new message turn Gaza how come in testimony Morgan sayin along but Northshire going shy like acquaintance a man according to John Maxwell's book the leadership within you the most introverted person can influence 10,000 people in his lifetime will influence rather so in deterring introvert qey sample leave empower my influence more in your lifetime you love him a born-again you sampled abouna lon now imagine cacao Ines a showbiz mana politician you have a platform man much is given much is required what are you doing to the platform that God has given you knowing that apart from the gospel in pier Naga knowing apart from the gospel in the map of Odessa language Imana malmö sabor what are we waiting for that's a good question the daffodil is seep in pakka we know Congress fella solution Parma pata salon ito mohammed abu hi a bucket bag reunion porosus mission coming barley brianna were too busy were losing on Jesus we're losing Jesus rather pastor Christian was in Taguig City Kalina to bless the Taguig City fire people or came a fireman subtly remember you know you molybdenite know or this is part of it my street sweeper real-life scholars nothing so any impart thermal a donation you're okay about 130 were distributed by resummon of fire men and five women attend okay so the gig city okay vallabha ROTC Lord but then it's not just that box of I know goods Casa de Calma nochebuena la época k9 la la la bas de la mulana right better throw that Paschal Christian were able to share the gospel and then people started to know the gospel felt need the opportunity may give aways administer the real need which is the gospel Lynn Britannica pay their mechanicus a one-to-one core liberal dinner where you will want to walk in a people dinner Amelie libera Musa he does epitome see spit on Wheatstone one-to-one corrugated a point and God will bless you with more now what are you doing with the resources that God has given you internal internal core mechanic editor in town born again Dylan was am I in my sippy Molli melongena Elin a dilemma hi Lloyd I know on the Delanie Burkhard the coil in a dilemma decir que lord eleven dilemmas of victory weekend this year hey Lloyd Wow complaint of attendance is hammered uh did I believe Lord now go and attend a Saturday service is that this command I it's not in my Bible sorry seen everybody Jesus Tom Parker - ah go and attend Sunday service go and listen to Hillsong and victory is that what he commanded us to do I don't think so it's not in my Bible cool and this a Bible in your please let me know go and what go and make disciples teaching them to obey three were entrusted we are now commanded to share the gospel so guys Christianity is not just going to heaven what am I gonna take a director on Mossad now until my Metallica what are we doing with the gospel that was entrusted to us and you're a satisfied customer you're the only one who can share so as we end we are unable to serve him freely we are entrusted to spread the gospel truthfully and lastly we are empowered to bring hope to many but if you're born again people will see that these friends right bah bah bah the people closest to you as I've said weeks before it's easy to impress from afar or my post Musa Instagram angling the boss and going me bores Kamata in celibacy boys Kazami me sees you can impress people from afar but the people closest to you man those are the people you impact those are the people you influence you Malaya like superficially and are the people closest to you are you giving hope to them because of the life you're living you might imply add them or you made more come on Stanley made a nothing inside your maldita batygin say Oh Patricia Christian capybara gotta monitor it made more the people closest to you should be the people who are inspired to know your God he says here because of the pendant merciful God whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high talking about gloomy dark nights nothing about the darkness of the night when the Bible says a land of several Lord and it have seen a great light a new light has dawned Lester that's a picture of Jesus to give light there's a word to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace guys let me encourage if you're a Christian we should be the salt in the light of this world we're not the only thing at the dark in the mood were the one bringing hope Khayyam Wien I was once like that Cayenne we Alex pray about in endemic evil in the coming they copied lamprey pie or my fasting guy or rangin hwadam a prayer fasting tire habit lon you see in the time your mother negatron the moon dona thought i am a passive we have the peace of god you know the word peace nothing is broken nothing is missing we have so much peace in the midst of stage four cancer I can abyss and people will be drawn to you how come ibaka per element I imply I do it was a small opposition was a bit pal I mean dick and a moo-moo blame as a para because I have a God we should spur hope to this hopeless and helpless people around us well congregate homes our helplessness and hopelessness nella Pingu our Laden pegasion were Christians we are the most hopeful and peaceful people because we have the light Jesus Christ to give light but Sao Paolo posted this in his a Facebook post last Monday somebody shut out the world into his one of our members he's the president and CEO of coffee bean who organized 13 Christmas services for all their 1,500 employees from their 120 stores to remind all of us of the reason why we celebrate this season thank you for allowing us to be part of it because come upon a personal victory in England too long from our tegus afford and and because independent pulled out to 1500 natal meaning meatless office nila I did like five services and then we share it's a different Christmas party because there is a pastor who preach the gospel and then alcohol people just crying and crying Wow and the column not gonna pull you your reason for the season so we have we have message in Christmas message and around I mean on the average 90 percent of the people attending gave their lives to Christ we don't know what happened what will happen after that but at least this man is doing something guys whether your a/c over janitor it doesn't matter Simon Simon Lando napping hard Alero let go 1 2 1 hey Ana Madiba we have a co-own and Agri one-to-one so and of basica much must be season big occasion we have a government official here was running the D&B de Baca BC tell me web students here the great school never one to one hiya Reba we're so busy with the affairs of this world but what good for a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul isn't it I just have to recalibrate our priorities my friend a really Kingdom thinker or sobre selfish I drink on iphone X you mean Lincoln granya bro a cow a cow a cow a cow people are dying because of the RPN more around you are dying you might be the only working Bible that that person will ever encounter in his life and here you are in the easy for your next iPhone ability more we have to do our part my friend because it's only through the power of the gospel these people will be saved and the reason why God placed them in your past Caminada copied behind camera again Cadore main camera Deacon business partner Heda palace on your capital on four kingdoms sake I hardly rescue to serve Him yeah honey rescue to share the gospel careful they'll ask you to spur hope well I had a nice cuppa you mama I mean la mama de la solana the end that's why guys I think we I think this Christmas season we have to count recalibrate I speaking to the Christian sir Chaminda Christian you but the bankruptcy Lord the war in the in the oppressor dito okay good thank you Pastor melanoma pero Christian can you receive Christ we have a mandate this is not a suggestion this is a command to speak the Word of God to share the gospel to propagate his kingdom and once we delight in him he'll give us a decisive hour high let's all stand on our feet today I know it is supposed to be a Christmas message look up arrow I just felt I know what I was doing this guy it took me a while to finish this because I was with the pastor downstairs when we were doing the ending part I think it's high time for us to really do our part Machado wannabe baby means and stop agin Christian or anyone attend attend a Salafist all hallelujah praise the Lord and if I ask you for 2018 he let you plan a multi-link I learned a long code but I know you're doing your part but to some of you who just stayed as a Christian Saturday Christian I guess we have to adhere to this mandate he saved us to serve Him that was his kingdom to spur hope to these people father we thank you we know law regarding song of Zechariah is really a song of declaration of your plan of redemption which already happened capelin on kameena in retrospect I said 2,000 years ago not only are a must a becoming convinced gone because you've done your part compared to those people and upon a little before pleasure they're so in faith but not much Matt attack on having faith Lord God because it already happened Cal Lord I know it's Christmas we're gonna be busy Christmas parties left and right weddings reunions lord help us not to lose sight of you help us Lord not to lose you there in the midst of busyness na Sanka Nichkhun a polynomial a walk tell Lord Jesus - Luna Muhammad to recalibrate our ways of thinking whether you're a student a businessman a housewife whatever you're doing there's only one agenda go and make disciples teaching them to obey everything I have taught you so Lord salamat PO we're gonna celebrate Christmas with a different perspective help us to recalibrate our mindset and thinking father we honor you in Jesus name Amen amen all right before you leave savvy music oughtta be more a millennium alkali past or Malcolm a nickel et al away all right god bless you and I'll see you next week
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 16,852
Rating: 4.752809 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: DueLdz4KUBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 30sec (4050 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2017
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