Demonstration (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Music] thank you for joining us this afternoon once again pastor jeff i'm one of the pastors here thank you for your presence here so again if you're joining us for the first time we are starting a brand new series okay and this is gonna be a very short series in fact it's a two-week series and uh primarily this will be for christians for uh jesus follower so if you're joining us then invite kalang and uh you're not yet sure if you really want to dive into this christian thing good news this message is not for you okay so application mama yeah okay long period it's going to be a self-examination type of preaching or series because we're going to talk about the gospel and the two weeks long the word live to tell it and the the first week when you talk about living as elegant you faithful you're living it out so we're going to talk about the gospel demonstration the way you live your life is it evident [Music] in the next week we're going to talk about gospel okay the proclamation among next week so leave to tell so again this is a disclaimer if you're joining us for the first time uh you haven't really felt not elegant lift hotel okay i have a very important question who are you living for um i'm gonna make your background [Music] who or what are you living for you know you want this the very reason of your existence definitely my purpose and we are actually living for something now indeed in my sister because the moment you're born and you've heard me preach this once or last year but the moment you're born you're geared towards being groomed for something right and there's nothing wrong with that young parents that's great and there's nothing wrong with that but here's the the thing here your whole life is defined by this phrase so that you can make it in life you're geared towards success and again i want to balance this there's nothing wrong with that whatever so that you can make it in life and here's the thing right there those two letter words that they're the it so that they will assess you hi doctor i'm happy for you you made it it's very important because something that's not defined and the world will just define it the the more money you have the closer to that it the higher the the the the what is the ladder of success the higher closer to the it then you're closer to that thing that you're geared towards to the moment you're born and again there's nothing wrong with that but the question is when it becomes the ultimate is being a doctor is being a lawyer is being an engineer you're it how would you know you've made it right now most of us will pursue that now here's my question for those of you that have not made me young when you look back is it worth it knowing we only want have one life to live because there are people now they're thinking they're climbing this it only to find out there's no one there thinks oh my gosh there's no one here sacrifice family at the altar of success and we've seen people like that billionaires committing suicide rockstar they have the fame and the fortune only to find out the sense of emptiness the sense of purposelessness here's my question with regards to living our life is it worth pursuing you want a new person because i mean i just read an article i'm no longer happy being so rich i mean this dude is the richest chinese in the whole wide world and yet i'm no longer happy being so rich and most of us there will come a point in time you'll feel that emptiness and my open prayer is that we're not gonna climb that ladder only to find out it's empty because if the ladder is leaning on the wrong wall every step you take just gets you faster in the wrong place now i'm in purpose not existence well i'll give you the reason for our existence it says here in isaiah 43 7 everyone who is called by my name whom i created is talking about people senorito can you get it okay i mean we are all created by god agree okay now if you have been created by god that's what you believe whom i created here's the only reason for your existence the only reason why god created you and me is so that he will be glorified for my glory god is speaking whom i formed and made living for god's glory is the only reason for our existence not to be rich if you're my young man for god's glory great you're doing just fine doctor forgot lori great lawyer forgot perfect johnny turca for god's glory better much perfect engineering for god's glory great teacher for god's glory great because at the end of the day the only fulfillment you're gonna get living in this world is if we are giving glory to god we were never designed to live for our own glory we were never designed to be worshipped we were never designed to receive glory only to find out indeed and then they're gonna commit suicide and that's what this series is all about because we can only find a reason for living if we're living it for jesus and we're going to look at the story in luke chapter 9 and then we're going to jump to luke chapter 10. and there's this bunch of dudes knocking also jesus finally after hearing jesus and they try to follow jesus and they approached him and managed to ask some questions because now fulfill nina there's emptiness and if you look at chapter 9 verses 57 58 as they were going along the road someone said to him i will follow you wherever you go so negative i'm going to live for your glory so if you're not jesus foxes have holes birds of the air have nest but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head so jesus was saying i have nothing to offer you if you're going to follow me we're going to build a kingdom that's a different kingdom and this kingdom is totally different it's more of giving not getting and oftentimes we follow people because you want to get something right so somebody jesus i have nothing to offer you because in this kingdom it's all about giving and then another group of another person approached him lord well this is jesus saying follow me oh lord which is meaning means you call the shot when you say lord let me first go and bury my father jesus ah excuse me leave the dead to bury their own dead but as for you and we're gonna let's start proclaiming the kingdom of god so this this this person is saying i want to follow you but indeed what jesus is saying is he needs undivided devotion is he saying disorder me parents not definitely not what he's just saying is lordship can you follow me above all else either we can't have both and then next another another person jesus said i'll follow you but let me first say farewell to my mother-in-law that you're glad okay the dose at my home okay jesus said to him no one puts his hand onto the plow and looks back his feet for the kingdom of god so indeed you're gonna be committed i'm i need your absolute dedication you want to follow me you want to live for me it's an all or nothing deal it's it's lordship 1.0 so you situation and then the following verse this is where we're going to count chapter 10 of luke open your bible let's look at luke chapter 10 he made it clear first what it will cost us if you're again this this preaching is for christians young talagang like by eating jesus you're a jesus follower okay so if you're a christian you're a christ follower it's a mandate not and this is how we ought to live this is a picture of our life so after this the lord appointed 72 others so he didn't pull up in the lowering disciple to jesus many disciples and this 72 disciple jesus and sent them ahead of him two by two hungarian discretionary jesus two by two so that there will be mutual encouragement discouraged so into every town and place where he himself was about to go listen up jesus was about to go to a town and he sent them ahead of him here's our mandate we are ambassadors of christ everybody say ambassador instead of the ambassador ambassador embassy it's the same thing we are representative of christ to live for jesus means to become an ambassador of christ so we count as office guy you're an ambassador of christ obviously you're ambassador of christ's campus we're no longer living for ourselves but no offense was inaudible they can't air their own opinion because whatever comes out of their mouth represent the philippines i mean i was i i was i used to be a bell boy in manila diamond hotel i should know way back um because the showing force united states of america because they represent washington dc and the same thing we are ambassadors of christ you don't just sit at your desk it's a embassy we have work to do in your case saturday service we somehow compartmentalize christianity now your christianity mo is boxed saturday four to five thirty things [Music] like right but here's the thing it's a lifestyle we're ambassador wherever god placed us and he said to them the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are in the pew i think there are a few okay and dummy round on harvest there's a sense of readiness but i'm not in harvest as you know i owned uh i used to own plantation of tomato so anyway when there's a harvest we all know that there's a limited time dama because it's a matter of time so what jesus is saying is there's so much harvest there's there's plenty of harvest but there's few laborers many are the harvests but the laborers are nasa ayotte many are cold but more are frozen okay look you just have to open your eyes a lot of people need the gospel a lot of people kailangan which is jesus christ depression just check their post just you can feel the abundance of the heart the the the the the facebook posts are not sensitive that they are harvest that you are an ambassador we're missing a lot of opportunity to share the gospel are you aware that the philippines around 3.3 million filipinos are suffering from depressive disorders and i'm a town depressing and some people that you know they're hiding in the cloak of materials of facebook but if you really just spend one coffee meeting with them you'll be surprised you'll be surprised i say at the back of those glitters when you spend time with them if you dive into the lives of these people you'll be surprised so sometimes we only see the post and sometimes we feel indeed the harvest is plentiful but we are few now me solutions and therefore everybody say therefore as an ambassador we're called to pray as an ambassador you're not just called to sit here every sunday and often times and i know this we we we pray for your prayer requests every uh tuesday we pray for that the whole staff 99 percent element of prayer you know teach us how to practice i've been i'm a disciple but never see jesus our father in heaven i'll be your name the kingdom come there will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread monthly bread yearly annually every 10 years [Music] i worship you my god guys we should be praying for look at the look up here therefore pray earnestly to the lord of the harvest to send out laborers lord magnum laborers because everywhere god is placed as it's a mission field to the campus at home to the office it's a mission field we are missionaries we're ambassadors spectator and dominance at church commentators [Applause] commentators [Applause] do we have that same burden to reach out and word negative knowing that we have limited time that they're ready for harvest and here we are enjoying the church every saturday enjoying your perfect favorite city and people are dying so often small people are dying it's a campus more and here you are don't get me and here you are enjoying the church it's a picture of this have you seen a football match i mean 22 men on the field desperately needing rest and one billion fans throughout the world need the exercise this is a picture of most church we turn into a pastor or a leader to be spiritual giants and superheroes and we are just here sitting and celebrating and i know i know some of you here you feel that only the pastor can share the gospel in fact i know that [Applause] how come there's no sense of urgency if we truly believe that only through christ that per the the relative of yours so [Music] and here you are there's no sense of urgency look up at the screen there's no such thing as unemployed christian it's a misnomer there's no such word not unemployed christians we are laborers we are workers there's so much work to be done the harvests are plentiful okay wanna we should always be busy always engaging always demonstrating always seeking for an opportunity because the days are evil there will come a point in time malaccan and chance mcshare this is the only thing we cannot do in heaven as a christian sharing the gospel christianity this message is for you that if you're a christian there's no such thing as unemployed question there's so much work to be done let's continue go your way behold i'm sending you out so we are being sent it's not a suggestion when the bible says go and make disciples it's not a suggestion try to go and make disciples it didn't say go and attend sunday service you didn't say go and give your tights love no no go and make disciples we are on a mission everywhere you go it's a mission filled but then again look up here we should be peace-loving people go out aslam but let me tell you something you're gonna go to a very dangerous mission because they're going to be wolves they're going to be opposition it's not going to be a walk in the park but it's not gonna be a walk in the park it takes wisdom it takes hard work it takes a lot of a building of relationship and there are wolves out there who wants jesus out of the picture anybody in the states from from the from from great britain to america to australia they all want jesus out of the picture it's funny virginia school bands all song mentioning jesus at annual christmas concert but oh my god christmas well on christ i'm weird and they're trying to put jesus out but will not pray america and look at what's happening in the nation of america so if you think that it's going to be a walk in the park no but be a peace loving person and then it says here carry no money bag no knapsack no lvs no sandals what jesus is saying you will be totally dependent on me and again this 72 this is a short mission to see jesus jerusalem so go ahead of me prepare me to share the gospel because i'm coming there and we can glean some principle here that if you're a christian don't depend on those things because only when we realize we are helpless are we likely to truly depend on god when we realize we are talagang we're defenseless are we likely to truly depend on pakis god will provide hope and pray that we are truly dependent on god that when you walk into that office you know that you are sent number one you're sent i have a mission i'm sent by god this is not my own doing i'm sent by god i'm an ambassador and they couldn't earn the office at one they're going to earn talk i'm sent by god and now truly depend on god and says here and greet no one on the road enemies opinion greet no one on the road well just to give you a some cultural background here ceremonies in ancient times a salutation covered a wide range of social practices there's going to be distractions and be focused on the work at hand you know what we're going to be distracted i know some of you and i know that because i talked to you before men come hard to share the gospels of this monta but then again for 10 years distractions i was in toyota about the other day last week because the gm there is part of our church in zambia amazon i'm a new gm here galileo manila bay and and we've been praying for a small group can you help us so i was there to jump start but icao satan used business it doesn't mean bad nobody can talk it's not inherently bad but you're just too busy accomplishing a lot of things temporal things of this world and then i will lose sight god the only reason for your existence in that office in that campus in that home is to bring god glory and picture none to advance god's kingdom engineering how can i advance god's kingdom to where god has placed me because this is a mission field and let's move on and whatever house you enter first say peace be to this house and remain in that same house okay and you're gonna go to house you're gonna knock on houses and stay on that house and stay in the same house what can you see somebody jesus you know you build relationship you're an ambassador with a great message we are messenger of this message just start building relationship and then eating and drinking what they provide what can you see identify with the people you're reaching out to be accommodating be adaptable again just just just just stay with that person do not be weary of doing good the bible says because in the proper time you'll reap the harvest of righteousness just keep building relationships you you build relationship sometimes we think in zilna then for god given the new zealand only reach out now then doesn't necessarily mean again it's it's really hard work against [Music] foreign [Music] we have to build relationship and it says here tonight but you're building relationship to these people somebody heal the sick in it i love this because we're called to not just stay in the house but eventually be a minister to them from being a messenger now to ministers heal the sick anomaly address their felt need whatever sickness guys we have the power god has given us the power the authority over sickness just just pray for the person and when once you heal the sicks and say to them the kingdom of god now after saying after addressing the felt need administer to them the real need from being a messenger now you are a minister and oftentimes this is where christian lose it you really need a god i'm sure there are times like that but it doesn't mean no no no no no no you just have to build relationship you just have to address the felt need of the people because i don't know how christians conquered rome how i recently conquered your rome by might don't you just wish to see jesus christ army roman soldiers in d by compassion in 300 years span romans no way but to embrace christianity in the times of uh uh uh roman empire known 300 years after jesus left tillage born again that time all day long this is jesus a great historian some of them talking about the christians during the time tended to the dying because i'm going to roman in the greek town or city they're going to leave the place self-preservation lilipas say [Applause] all day long some of them the christians tended to the dying to their burial countless numbers with no one to care for them others gathered together from all parts of the city a multitude of those withered from famine and distributed bread to them all so awaken elaine among christians these are the it so enticing to be a christian is it so inviting to be born again nakikita but the way you live your life the way you treat your spouse the way you raise your children again to the rest of the world they take care of the sick enemies these are the very people these are the very people these are the very people and then gladiator nila and this very people are taking care of the city and then another guy by the name of emperor julian the apostate when it came about the poor were neglected and overlooked by the pagan priest the among romance then i think the impious galileans talking about the christians observed this fact and devoted themselves to philanthropy they support not only their poor but ours as well gabino all men see that our people lack aid from us young difference because these christians knew he addressed what you felt need now when you introduce jesus madalina lang and how many times is a church because you're concerned first of their felt need is a church in church should be the most generous people in the planet because recipient and generosity so are you do you have that kind of mindset one of my friends he's a businessman and i know a lot of your business and business and all and oftentimes when they ask me you have a platform it's hard at times but then there's a way to do it my friend that was here's how it goes last thursday i know there is jeff we have two staffers done with one to one so here's a small company in this amiga i mean one to one that's a discipleship manual now then we have two staff who's done with one to one and willing to go to taglish victory week and dismay other than registering are there any other requirements please advise so i tell him how to go to the process and this is an owner of the company yes ownership accompanied by this year where are we in dakota it's all about money money money it's all about figure figure figure and if you're an owner of company i'll tell you something god cares more elena are born again while you are heading that company if you're a supervisor or a manager eleni lord through your influence because at the end of the day there's a scoreboard in heaven that flips only every time a sinner repents nobody's a bible the angels are rejoicing when a sinner turns to god and oftentimes as christian we only look at let you church no you should be christian morse office more more than christian people hear the gospel when we practice what we preach office a campus then people see not just hear they see it in action okay i just wanna really encourage you it's it's gonna be hard if you're really gonna live out your christianity we're called to be the salt and the light of this world hindi private christian because it will neglect and candle and light and lamp should be placed in a stand so that a lot of people will see naked people on foreign you know why if you're truly a a jesus follower you you will not reinvent that it will just come out in you young you just have to come out so if you're a true blooded christian you don't have to be salty you don't have to be to to shine you already the salt and the light of this world shaken and be the salt in [Applause] because we are christ ambassador we're not just sunday saturday attended here in church we are therefore christ's ambassador he has committed to us the message of reconciliation as though god were making his appeal through us we implore you sabine paul on christ's behalf be reconciled to god it's such a great privilege born again as christians god is using us to breach the gap between the lost killed the night at human lost children the gigging bridge he literally saved thailand preach yeah guys as i end this we're ambassadors of christ we pray for more laborers we go to the mission field we build relationships we minister to their felt need and eventually boom administer the real need which is the gospel of we are ambassadors we have such a powerful message to share and let me resolve let's end this then they submitted to return it they go from one city to another and then jesus jesus they were filled with joy what you're expecting is since dehydrated you'll give reports and here it says with with great joy and then even the demons submit to us in your name hindi sila sikat and secret see jesus okay and he said to them somebody jesus i saw satan fall like lightning and from heaven behold i've given you authority to thread on serpents somebody jesus don't worry the the the mission continues i've given you authority to tread on serpent the bible says the gates of haiti will not overcome his is his we have the power to make an offense to advance his kingdom the bible says and faithful men lay hold of it and then only offensive power something and nothing shall help shall hurt you we have defensive power as well hindi indica magalao nandimonio because you're a child of god one of those schools nana mentions this this a high school graduate he's giving his salutatorian speech and the school demanded young speech now and three times in the revised schooling speech i said this is a full blooded born again christian and school you know my word that jesus and prayer and and god and about jesus what's in his heart so he started speaking about jesus a salutatorian speech last month this happened in 2014 18 year old brook zambia made national headline when he committed an act of civil disobedience how by thanking jesus civil disobedience america when you speak about jesus in your salutatorian address school administrators had redacted references to jesus and the creation of faith in three previous versions of speech i was really surprised the school would deny my speech not once twice but three times i just wanted to say a few nice words and allow people to see the good news which is the gospel do we have a stand like this kid now potentially mako long and yet made a stand i'm gonna share the gospel i'm gonna i can't help it but demonstrate my life or are we just hiding as a christianist manga words and post notice of facebook and yet our lifestyle is not backing it up as i am it says here nevertheless do not rejoice in this that the spirit are subject to you this is jesus speaking but rejoice that your names are written in heaven look up here if you're a christian yes i get that a certain feeling when when when when spirit are subjected to you but jesus saying the ultimate basis of your joy is not the power to cast out demons but it's because your name is written in heaven you know the word written there it's used oftentimes in legal terms in marriage document peace treaty and the perfect tense in the greek word means it stands written indepeding tangalani depending when you say your names are written in heaven god is so sure and so assured us that there's rejoicing in heaven because we're going to be with our father throughout eternity and jesus ended this in the same hour we rejoice in the holy spirit and say thank you i thank you father lord of heaven this jesus speaking that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children yes father for such was your glorious will the highest joy is not found in service and also salvation but being submitted to the sovereign will of the father and if you're a christian as i said my hope and pray that gospel is demonstrated in our lives even if you're not opening your mouth you you countenance exactly and as i end here let me go back to my verse kanina the only reason for our existence the only purpose why you can have a purpose-driven life the only reason why you're gonna have fulfillment and not emptiness in this life is if we leave it for other for god's glory amen let's all stand as we end [Music] we're just gonna pray okay this is the application part tomorrow it's still sunday but uh tomorrow some of you are going back to your offices some of you are going back to your homes today right after this some of you are going back to wherever you came from number one let's have us really a sudden shift of mindset wherever you are it's a mission field it's it's a non-negotiable thing for god it's a mission field mean to say you are a missionary in that place you're called to share eventually the gospel live your life as if you're living it for others for god indeed for your own glory indeed leave it for others start really living for god it start demonstrating gospel okay and this is a mission field this is a mission field i'm going to look for opportunity to share the gospel one day i'm going to share the gospel but for the meantime demonstrate the gospel in the way you live your life some of what's taking you so long so some of you need to really go for it hopefully next week you're going to bring somebody here in church but not just bring someone here in church disciple that person share the gospel it's your uh a responsibility you might be the only walking bible that that person will ever encounter in his or her whole life so when you go back to your campus have that mindset i'm a missionary here this is a mission field i'm called to live to tell the story of jesus amen let's just pray father we thank you for the privilege of being called your sons and daughters it comes with it a mandate that we are sent that we are missionaries we are ambassadors of christ capping on help us to recalibrate malign panel now christianity is all about just attending a saturday service or a church the christianity is just giving a tithe or offering that christianity is just being good lord christianity is about doing it for your glory doing everything lord god what you have commanded us to do to go and make disciples as we go running our business as we go going to this school as we go being a child of our parents lord we should have that mindset campaign on the burden coming lord god [Music] and gospel we're not living our lives for your glory lord not concerns of this world that's important but that's not the ultimate so lord help us to see beyond the temporal things of this world and to go for eternal things of this world which are souls lord god precious souls being entrusted to us we may be planting the seed but doesn't matter lord god maybe someone will harvest it but we should do our part father give us that inner sense of urgency to share your word in jesus name we pray amen amen amen you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 26,105
Rating: 4.7912087 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: BYyRw15Q0-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 26sec (3686 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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