Telling the Truth (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Applause] [Music] we've been going through the series if you're joining us for the first time we're having the series redefined and it will be talking about the Sermon on the Mount it's a three chapters in Matthew the covers Matthew chapter five six and seven and we've been talking about the Jesus was redefining their faulty mindset about the kingdom of God they got so used to the kingdom of Rome which is they they're enslaved to and Jesus was promoting this kingdom that's about to come and it's a different kind of Kingdom in this kingdom where might power has no use here the poor are the blessed okay the the the one who's morning are blessed and it's counterintuitive it's countercultural so what Jesus was teaching them is a recalibration of those mindsets that in this kingdom he's redefining the function of the people at et Rodina and also the purpose of the kingdom also redefining our roles and if you want to be part of this kingdom there's a conduct that you have to live out try up or Mahela bro and we've been talking about this part of the series that talks about relationships last week when I'm in keaneally Agnes in the Kapiti Rita last week well I now live at Ellen Church okay okay okay if I'm now a bundle conductor but anyway we talk about relationship in terms of romantic relationship last week if they're about marriage and singles and stuff like that when today we're going to talk about in in building relationship okay being truthful is very important and I hope you're not reinforcing it by a swear mama diamond or over my dead body or over my mother's grave and and and we're gonna learn today that Jesus thought there's something new that in this kingdom that's not what we need to do okay book some porn up in an attic Monopoly Allah Allah Karim Allah Allah made you Kaiba Sabir see Colo seen correct Matteo Telecinco versicolor peplum pot that long hey mr. McGarrigle okay okay nari mcbean Vasa okay naina Guinea no Cena be saying young man anew no work can sue zumba nano Lanka Kohana Holly Cooper in Morrison pumpin artists a pagina on Iike tantalum put a pot mullet in LaSalle because a new okay human on paka paka in an aqua work minions as a being sexy kala he supplicated it rollin and jaws that limpet Lima oh hey exec sequin lupus epicatechin tone - man what demons are being sexy come here o celebs apocatip a longshot and Aquila Hari was moving in pandemonium Oh loss of agony some books are you all know in the more I am partying or fight him in that lump Pepito Sabine moon Alana oh oh I think the come in a separate anonymous company director Depot I boo hot Summer Sun man Wow I'm sellin is a fact a guy look I know so be in Aleppo or go in the Hindi because we're gonna talk about really building relationships and in any relationship the very foundation is the world everybody say trust without trance there's no relationship right that's why you don't marry the girl you just met last night are you listening because there's no there's no trust at all because it takes time it takes a lot of hard work to build the trust and mind you it takes only one foolish thing to destroy the trust imagine a broken glass anybody here in the hockey puck and an algorithm glasses we were in a restaurant last week begin on a minion bar so Mohammed Shaikh oh I am in Lama Tim Basu more and then finally time a llama : not design okay you boo boo back Lahaina booty something that was a boob okay but here is the thing you want this glass won't last it's it's it's good for nothing and it's just a matter of time one cold or hot water pour into it it's gonna craft and it will rendered useless it will be rendered useless and some of you here your relationship with someone my damnit now it's okay couse i mucked up a hotmail amat relationship Oh Kailyn well and I say oh okay so I'll be more sad been taking it oh but be the game of a lotta are you're gonna say oh it's easy to just this of those I know among a new classic relationship but what if a relationship such as parents to a child because of too much promises named Dina I began because of too much and unparent Milan ultra say oh there's no longer there's no relationship at all you're just merely existing imagine a husband and a wife was existing in one roof and there's no trust at all another board there and any board they're negligent plant they're not yeah maybe in papers your husband and wife but without trust there's nothing anybody here human but a car you promise you promise you promise so the very core of any relationship is trust and broken relationship is a trust is it it's a trust problem broken trust leads to broken relationship you know why because stress ultimately is the glue that holds people together the reason why you in your company is because somebody's trust still trusting you the moment they don't trust you because you've taken home the seraphs machine ok ok ok so anybody here if your boss have not trusted you you're gonna be kicked out of that office because Trust is the only reason why you're still in your office Trust is the only reason why this marriage is still going on without class we have nothing and any form of relationship who wants to grow and mature must maintain distrust and nothing breaks trust faster than being untruthful and reliable and also unaccountable so those three things are what we're going to talk about today I like what of this famous Christian professor I often hear listen to his podcast about preaching had an Robinson is also a well-known author Sabina talking about the commentary on the Sermon on the Mount if anger was the real issue of murder because we've been talking about these three things in the past three weeks last the real issue of adultery selfishness the real issue of divorce here's what we'll talk about this week then deceit is the real issue of Oates deceit people don't trust you that's why you have to reinforce it with so much Oates with so much vow you're reinforcing and we're gonna jump right to the verse that we've been talking about things in the past or at six weeks or five weeks and let's jump to verse 33 of Matthew chapter 5 this time it's English okay it says again you have heard that it was said to those of old so again just like this past what two weeks that we've been talking about relationship Jesus will always say you have heard in the past you have heard from the prophets and end up from the law that was given to you by my father you have heard that it was said of long ago you shall not swear falsely okay do not swear but that the just do not swear it Smith do not swear falsely okay the word swear has a lot of balasinor names do not play to the promise do not make an oath do not make a vow and a vow is a specific kind of both in which you empower you're making us a vow solemnly you're swearing to pay something to God in return of the favor you're asking remember how another mother of Samwell she saying this gave me a baby okay and my vow I'm gonna give him back to you he's gonna serve you so in people mysamma you vow it's not bad to make a vow before God the problem here is when we make a vow or we swear falsely made openly some problema when when you're making a vow some vow are frivolous I'm gonna be free Baloo's my running Libre yeah okay you frivolous simply means you're not having serious purpose or value okay something that's frivolous well that well on purpose there's no certain sense of value and and in the Bible there are a lot of people who make a free bonus vow before God remember jephta Jeff that was in a war and he asked God just this give me victory and the first person to meet me I will offer him to you or her to you so she couldn't know any expected because as a Lube sugandha I saw or the BIOS Athenian diba better learn behold the first person who met him was his own daughter so he had to sacrifice his own daughter that's a free Buddhist vow because in the first place God doesn't want child offering another frivolous vow is this drunken here on the remember King here on the my salami dance and they said half of my kingdom I will give to you anything you ask of me I will give to you and then he asked for the head of John the Baptist so often such frivolous ODEs and also another ode is the false vow this type of sub bow okay it's it's really self-centered they want that these people who's making this vow want it to look good in front of other people like the case of King Herod and this is a dinner table and he wants to look big time half of my half of my kingdom he began to say oh so this type of vows before God don't rush into this vow and instead that's in people more someone bow before God I really thought if you make a vow so it's not seen to make a vow before God if you make a vow to the Lord your God you shall not delay that's a problem when we make a vow anybody here seen a beam on Lord became elantra ba home of the tights knock off anything you Rita pester home on trabajo I'm Lila healers Alto a tea towel son God Nadja Libby Lam crew ahoy okay button got me junior here app on the Atari together eighty thousand you know almost well door so may you know problema more Lord Panda but on the kingdoms well do Lord Mohan do high among tides so something trabajo que trabaja para in the kendama Kappa blameless of Allah we rushed into committing God vows and God says you shall not be late fulfilling your vow before God you know why for the Lord your God will surely everybody say surely the words surely from its original Hebrew word it means surely so we should natural talaga there's no way around it okay surely okay surely God will require it of you and you will be guilty of sin Wow so the Bible does not prohibit all kind of oats and Valhalla he just he just made part of prohibition don't make Russ Val don't make frivolous vowel Adam acquaintance kind of vow Lord a mullah Lang multi-sim bajo look an old battle I mean God swore to Abraham God made a vow that he will bless Abraham and David but of course there's no one higher than him he swore to himself and some of you have made a vow anybody here you're married married people into her the house that's a foul Passarella awaiting them in Joplin Iranian that's why I find for annulment or divorce Wow your vow we've learned about this last week I don't have to go through it over again just listen to the podcast last week it's sacred before God God was there in that garden when God was there in the church in that garden in the hotel room when you got married so God honors that vow and so should you and also if you make if you're making an oath America a court hearing this these are these are vow so there's no problem with when God said it was said of long ago and people were just saying aye aye aye we know that don't make a vow don't don't just don't delay yeah but then God Jesus said but wait there's more that's always and by this time they know the pattern already right it's the third time that Jesus was saying do not murder yeah yeah we got that do not murder but Jesus said but wait if you're angry you're on the same boat as murderer so this is the third time so more or less they kind of you know they know the flow already so that the people listening wait make a channel as always okay but I say to you do not take an oath at all Jesus I mean you said didn't make do not make a vow but we have we can make a vow but just commit it commit to it and work what we want false vow but you're saying do not make do not take an oath at all either by heaven for it is the throne of God or by the earth for it is his footstool or by Jerusalem for is the city of the Great King apparently the Jews found a way around the system by listening because if they invoke the name of God they're so committed to it for example sin a banana can you lend me one thousand denarii I'm gonna pay you by the end of the month in the name of God they're committed to God already are you listening better what they did him Allah they don't use the name of God at all they use terms like in the name of heaven or in the name of Earth Sun Moon or the stars in the sky I swear okay so so father they're making even Jerusalem I swear I'm gonna come back here I swear I'm gonna go to your party I swear I'm gonna go there in the name of Jerusalem so they found a way to the system were not invoking the name of God but within swearing and taking oath and they have no intention of fulfilling it at all and they even use their own head and do not make an oath by your head apparently Sal in a big deal you see a little look whoa okay well animal abandon so anyway on 3 May brainian slightly you saw an only on you never buy a taco in the name of my head ok doesn't mean sense to us now but it makes so much sense back then secondly laughs hey apparently if you make an oath saying in the name of my head my head my nose my soul for you cannot make one here appear a Lolita HIV okay so here is vanishing via for you cannot make one hair white or black so what God is saying that don't use anything whether heaven or earth or your head or Jerusalem and Jesus said if you make a vow to the Lord it won't say this and this not Jesus this in Deuteronomy maybe the uses they use this verse to get around the system they were thinking it says here if you make a vow to the Lord your God you shall not delay fulfilling it as we've said Kenny nage for the Lord your God will surely require of you there's another verse after this in verse 22 but if you refrain from vowing you will not be guilty of sin I believe this is the verse that they're using uh uh we refrain from vowing using the name of God so we're not guilty we use heaven earth okay we use his head we use my English head I use my whatever so under thing bust our glunk a god just don't use this name Yahweh just don't use the name this grab and you're free from any accountability they have manipulated the law and it becomes the norm that's the norm in their in their Deus but they're so used to cheapening words anybody here you're part of a group native words are so cheap yeah but that was a party mom I'll keep the pile to go papa I'll try go better let move in there let smoke that takes in traffic hello some traffic no no hey anybody here you're using your word so cheap you just making promises left and right without the intention of of little feeling in me talk about killing get on well that's a gimmick mia well it certainly was a Khurana right NASA liquid Moya and pray it was that was Jesus what was addressing at this time yeah you're not using the name of God in vain seemingly because you're not making any both invoking the name of God but here's what you've been doing you be snoozing heaven and earth and in Jerusalem your head what they look up here they're just they just focuses on the letter of the law not the heart behind it they have this external conformity we're not using the name of God but the internal condition of their hearts are all rotten they have no intention at all are you following so this is what Jesus is redefining the half under such chaos seemingly some other commitments no at punahou in your because you didn't use the name of God well guess what you've been guilty of sin as well and this here's what Jesus had to say you want to build a trust here's what you need to do verse 37 let what you say be simply yes or no are you going to the party no I can you know simply go by a cabinet or town secret or he who loved it just say yes or no basically anything Jesus telling that we can make the choice to lie to steal to break our vows and may promises we never intend of keeping and we are doing the work of the devil anything more than this comes from the devil you see Jesus wasn't addressing whether or not we should take an oath that's not the point here look appear a lot of Christians they taking this literally a new phenomenon possible what now what and all you don't get did get the point he was talking about whether or not we are truthful we don't tell the truth because we have taken an oath to appear we tell the truth because we are truthful you don't need the reinforcement than oath to force you to tell the truth just say it as it is yes or no well um maybe can you come no can you yes are you gonna pay yes mamma Limbach oh yes forever anarkali what they old or poor substitute for integrity because you're thinking be na hoona over my dead body cross my heart and hope to die it's just it's a poor substitute for integrity this is it saying yes or no is enough you just simply say yes or no don't go don't go beating around the bush repellent alum or pink or anything in my body thinking go okay because some people have never seen an alternative truth some people wanna sell an absolute truth anybody can define truth nowadays so that when we when we check the word of god that is the absolute truth so here's the key to building this relationship so how can we build trust these things and we're gonna end how do we build trust if Jesus is saying what cannon Minako no no don't don't don't make promises they simply said yes or no period that's it so how can we build trust in the in relating with other people number one be truthful and by say truthful now allows you to enjoy the Marcus is a school okay absent you teach if do that denial or school as a Baha'i so Sabrina up all the chairmen and determine ah the bottom absent car somebody did you know no matter who can arrange bucket it's a big anima take a right now I did a gates now my ass a Jeep okay so just be truthful look up here being truthful it's not having a good image it's all about being truthful or being this word ever say sincere you see if you want have integrity you want to build trust having integrity of building trans means you have nothing to hide more intact more importantly being truthful is resilience having the courage to just really simply say what's in your heart being sincere you know the word sincere it came from the s theology of sincere I'll give you something to tweet about the Latino words first in see I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right in the Dominican Latinas you know I'm half German half Shepherd so since Sarah hey since Sarah whatever anybody can guess what do you mean by Cena Sarah and Syunik on drumset not birthday you Ebert Obama yeah you like a floral of being okay the world Sylla Sarah means judged in the sunlight and I'll get to that how in the world truthfulness or being sincere has something to do with judge in the sunlight well apparently in the olden days before the camera was invented you want to immortalize your your image for the future generation you're gonna ask the Scout or okay everybody here have you seen a scatter so he's gonna scrap you Mihama hey you want to immortalize this is your great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather so what what the sculptor will do if there's an order he will get a slab of rock and he's going to start doing that painstakingly using different sizes of tools to carve the face of a person in a stone but unfortunately sometimes you use a bigger tool or or amylum Paulo it's so strong strong strong it so hard okay the tip of your nose or you'll take on a tangle unfortunately you cannot undo just like what we have we do know in computers what they're gonna do the sculptor they're gonna go back again from scratch and what if you met Anna let me Monica go in Malaga nakata to you Matadi bahia de Rebecca you know what they're gonna do they're gonna go back again from square one from from from from fresh start but some Scott door are very Anna Todd how did the resourceful she could open we thought okay what they're gonna do they're not gonna do it again they're gonna put a wax on the part that momentum problem they're gonna put a wok shape like a nose and they're gonna put on top manga pull Burrell on among us and and all from from the outside it's it's it's okay complaint though but what the customer will do before he paid for the half in balance what is gonna do nobody will get a sculpture in the morning or evening they will get it broad daylight 12 noon time halinka path because what they're gonna do before they pay they're gonna bring it out under the sunlight you know why because the sunlight will melt the wax so you if you have a sculptor like you have you're holding a sword and then the Laguna and then you know slow-mo Hula's then you're gonna say this is a scam there's a walks in it because the light will expose the walks so integrity means living a life that can stand judgment under the light that's what integrity is you're not afraid to be called by your supervisor or boss looking to blame me well up a salon I'm whipping up a dog walk along a shelf on Mona he wants a table yeah anybody you're afraid when your mom and I power can eat dad say anybody hear you're afraid when someone is calling your attention you know what instead with me if you have nothing to hide you're not afraid indicative of people topsis in our door mm-hmm also Congress will have a double book entry so BIR as an accountant more but the material be I am still doing Pamela Bosma you have nothing to hide that's what being truthful means and that's why in Ephesians four it says therefore each of you for born-again Christians must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor and say we shall name or your your the people around you for we are all members of one body Delphine's a villain wife Nancy Alan Josie honey tell the truth am I pretty or ugly any husband in the house it's a trick question don't answer that am I pretty or ugly any answer will will bring death to you okay but when Delphine is so bright Sabina honey actually you're both what do you mean both you're pretty ugly okay so that's that's not that's not an okay well okay so some of you are telling lies I don't like saying elast if I'm on a lie you know every time I got oh let go young belly Metallica anyone laughing Guapo I see normally generally these are different types of life the half truth you tell the truth but not all the truth you never see was this guy Abram when the king of Egypt asked him is this your wife know is she's my sister half truth hey next see the second little white lie anybody here white lie yeah these are the innocent lies that don't hurt anyone you call in sick the work when you're ready you're actually well I mean white like Nevada signaling exaggeration type of life is stretching the truth to make yourself look better or to evoke sympathy for your course over three weeks now in the coma car in which a camel okay the silent lie well there's a silent lie the other person assumes something flattering about you that is clearly false I don't get moving on mainland the medulla consistent okay so I'm here more the apparent someone finna go Ala Moana McGinty to Tom again the wigglin so it's a lie but you don't speak up to hurricane anybody here you're being praised and the monk and an idea more that's a great idea but you knew fully well it's not your idea everybody here and you didn't correct the pressure actually it's not my idea it's my office mates idea but but since you love the process of people anybody here you have the cover apply you hide your own wrongdoing with the rationalization that it would hurt the other person too much to find out the real truth hmm I stole a whole army Moroccan Lima lamp oh okay Nagappa okay maraming classing lie and anybody here you've been lying and then the verse rather speak the truth in love something it's hard to speak the truth but you have to do it in love among a Pinoy Filipinos are not confrontational it's a problem with us my mood Abajo wala bhutta for me rule Habibullah parlor in the mood AMPA know anything about haloho Donna out of love was a beamer any Lord Umbria the man amoeba suicide no indeed allow Chris America we speak the truth in love in love okay sandwich principal you know the Sun is changeable right you know the Sun is visible in addressing people yeah sandwich more gay place them in the past achievement Allah you've been here for quite some time Allah mom Kelly Metallica I remember there was an incident damn you're great however address the pressure issue here's your problem right now Melinda no amo okay and then future past present future cast a vision but you know I'm looking for then you're gonna own your own company I'm looking for a day you're gonna be a future boss in this company that's how you address issues sandwich principle but speak the truth in love what gets a beginner I'm pounding anymore that in a little ego hey there Ramona Hollywood care that one day I'll go up over Rachel I don't know how you address it just just do it okay walk a jump a so major tangle it a garden it's just cast vision that's the way to address people okay so be truthful next be reliable episode reliable bill be reliable means don't over promise and under deliver because empty promises breed unbelief if you've been promising a lot of stuff to someone and you're not meeting those promises eventually indicator panini Milan as an employee as a parent especially anybody here Mata he Machpelah you anak more once you get up in Disneyland Suginami mio they gonna be really nothing boom hyper mark okay you might be he makrand there buddy - Mangin on you missus yo Mata Hema Kapaa como something would really move and daya much anyway Abraha the club but I was yeah I there didn't die among Gianni you Mata Hema clan de ba janma not gonna be mr. know you might die he McCallum OC can I see her Lyla besides a lingo the baddest anybody mo got going boom are you Baba anybody reliability in the workplace I'm gonna tell you something look up on the screen whether you eat or drink whatever it is whatever whatever you do anything in between and eating and drinking whatever you're doing do it all for the glory of God you want to be reliable employee in the workplace do it as if you're doing it for God not for your boss not for promotion but for God believe me you're gonna be great in the workplace anybody here you're you're bad at punctuality late collage such church late gaseous in the Hindi well Cavalia diary toe by Joe in Austin by by Palin Church okay we can mangu mahapanthaka agony too you know punctuality when you say I'll be there in five o'clock are you are you there ten minutes for five o'clock Filipino time is all you need don't use the excuse Filipinos it are you it when I'm officiating a wedding I always ask the bride or groom we because you recall that invitation so I get on program starts four pm I'm gonna ask the bride Auriga we really gonna start 4p and because that's not in the invitation Filipino time seppuku McGee start coming with or without you I had a coming away dressed door subbu I'm only Tomatina a las cuatro Hannah chameleon bride waiting coordinate or waitress because the point is we've been condoning that Filipino mentality excuse if you're doing it for God I better not be late have you seen our enough time I mean we don't we don't condone deeper human passiveness and and mediocrity we start on time we have a five minute countdown so I'm going to you now a boot on your logically later right we have a five minute countdown here 355 a five minute countdown is winding down why because we're communicating to you we value your time we're gonna start on time I'm gonna promise we're gonna finish on time okay and hopefully we're gonna finish on time okay so back left commit that I think I could John make sure you're gonna be there coming demon mugshot because a head of time I saw Lulu go and they're gonna karate so don't make promises NIC animal pala tute hola so a be reliable person in the workplace US company times you or as the company you see with righteousness okay go in one and Palma go in more don't use company spine for other purposes that's moonlighting don't use companies resources for other meals or for personal means unigram it we internet promoting in product Mona nabilla bentham online mmm excellence net if you're a Christian we should work excellently because we're doing it for God people trust products that are excellent Rolex anybody here you trust Rolex because it's it's reliable yeah I have 18 of these in green hills okay Moodle at the 1000 per piece-- okay Joel extra element of fake neuro legs but nabis animal noise it was O'Brien fake McCallum limb belong no it's not Sabra sensitive it is a moist but wholly lean excites the more moist on a limb limp along dekappa Ghana Baba Sai but seriously people put their trust on the products that are excellent we're talking about iPhone or Samsung will say this man's why because they're excellent they can command the price so guys be reliable but some of you are so reliable you have no question about this well reliable company reliable some workplace are you reliable at home NASA in Allah best employee of demand less employee of the quarter this employee of the medial best employee of the year best employee of the century Ghana economy jacket car you're so good at your work you're reliable in the workplace but you're losing the battle at home angling mucho trabajo Syrah familia de la me trabajan baja anybody hear me as I work on Union siku England's so long but we nurture chicken an email but awareness a check on Facebook but Wynnum bhai you've been out for ten hours two hours commuting twelve hours and Purdue women behind it's as if you're busy you're still checking emails I'm gonna tell you something you know what you're committing communicating to your loved ones work is more important than you that's what you're communicating but the workaholics in the house yeah workaholic here see nobody in there because it's as if you have to meet every core task it's as if you have to answer every email I'm gonna tell you something your role as a husband and as a father are so distinct no man can ever replace you look up here there can be a thousand CEO to replace you there can be a hundred men to replace you in your work in fact that company will still run without you but the moment you resign as a father to your children the moment you resign as a husband to your wife no other man can replace you not the low-low Neda Lola not the uncles in the ants no other man can replace you to be the husband and the father to your children that's distinct and some of you look up here you're so good in the workplace but you're bad as a parent unless AHA saman why I'm gonna tell you why I know it i Garlin aha Jana because you'll have the praises of people you love when your office when says good job boss calling masseur I'm googling let's begin was a bahai and you can appreciate anybody here in 8b and dad your children will come to you for money that's it that's your role you're an ATM dad because there's no relationship at all anybody any relationship is a p.m. okay nice mooning you come to an 80 and because you need the money and some of you your role has been like that your children will come to your your wife will come to you because they need something you can be winning battles left and right in the workplace but you're losing the battle at home I'm gonna tell you something it's not I'd rather lose the battle in church you see at best at the best you're on my fourth or fifth my relationship with God is the number one my relationship with my wife is the second my children third at the very least Church guy open up at Lanka you're so Brahma hell good are you don't want a pod that's just that's just who you are because they can be a hundred pastors to preach here but they can never be another man to be Grace husband in a LaGuardia there could be lethally back so that's my point but seriously there can never be another man to replace you as a husband as a father so don't make the trade thinking the more stuff you have the more secure you're gonna be it's it's it's a myth I can overlook him bank account more it will never give you that sense of fulfillment being a father in us a husband otherwise well I know Miami may poble massasauga hello otherwise well and I'm on a million Arianna me problemas an app that's is this thing and to the mom look up here cannula so capable assign going here any mom here if you're a working mom great I salute you hundred percent making both ends meet nowadays I salute you if you're a working mom great but make sure when you reach home turn off that phone turn off that Wi-Fi Google hang on and spend time with your children you know why I'm gonna tell you why look appear wife who II think I'll tell you why because your daughter will never be three-year-old again your son will never be five-year-old again Tom bacon and time by salmon Amiga Mona Papa gondola Kanagawa this one a casino in Sabah hi I'm grilling masala bass because you're being applauded and praised Instagram left and right Zumba left and right and you're losing the bottle at home there can be a hundred women to run the business but there can never be another woman to replace Osama as their mom that's distinct no spare parts none replaceable so you better make the choice in fact some of you here again killer like an animal it's because you value her here more than your family that's a cardinal enema no career male on like what miss Murray will always testify the testimony name is Mary Bonifacio the husband a pastor Joey I mean she's a brilliant woman you pick graduate but I go and my company but she decided take care of their three boys I'm not saying do this okay just this - that's to clarify she took it of her three boys and one time there was this reunion like 2025 years from Boveda and all the women in the went on about their career left and right and but then again yeah she's just happy with her children and then most of those who career women have broken families multiple husbands now left and right anymore enough it's a decor and all I'm not saying if you're working that's gonna happen to you I'm just saying no the balance strike the balance but we wanna bar I spend time with your children become imaginary friend imagine that four-year-old girl mommy mommy look at my drawing economía BC with your Facebook and YouTube ah it's so cute enough mom look at me doing you have no dinosaur Samia no more dinosaur mom didn't ruin keep a now in the circadian we honor our commitments because we are committed people we're committed so number one be truthful number two be reliable lastly let's make this I'm overtime let's make this fast be accountable people will put their trust in you because they know you and you are accountable to someone let me ask you this question who knows you see the hi London boo-hiney more member votes man lumbus are you are you part of a community you know what people you will gain people's trust if a lot of people can vouch for you in fact that's what they're asking Paganica up like a right commendation if you can even get one commendation Wow that's what is important we build community here that's why pushing you to be part of a small girl for a victory group because no man can live alone by himself as iron sharpens iron so that's one man sharpens another be accountable we just had our recently held 'no no anybody hear you're from unashamed come on now unashamed 33,000 students re 13,000 students from 33 different nations around the world gathered in more arena for three days just building community just just honoring God well I'm sick artsy like I see God like a saccade and different speaker seven of them and like to honor our campus mission Alice ilaria different speaker just just really raising the level of commitment to God so II buddy-buddies to John Ted you can see here from Ateneo from LaSalle from FeO joining hands grab a you can just feel the spirit and we're pushing them you're a world changer as young as you are don't let anyone look down on you and they're accountable to God come on let's give God praise 13,000 students when they're praising and you can just feel it coming maintenant and the lamb is really cold cuz it either dry better sharpen economy but they're like we can see the students their heart for God their unfiled going back to their campuses they're unashamed to share the gospel because ultimately we're gonna be accountable to God and I hope and pray you know this it says in Matthew 12:36 I tell you on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak Humabon boobala more your position willing more human upon Papa ask some more for by your words you will be justified and also with it you will be condemned how I hope you know the gravity of this verse but you can just promise flippantly yeah going beyond to get a posting Rihanna and they're gonna do Facebook enumerable data Busan you're gonna give an account one day to every careless word the sinner be more then Eli it Monta or let me Nora more now you look down on people every careless word will be dealt with so how do we build trust be truthful be reliable and also be accountable a I'm gonna end here okay yes it's it's like a it's it's like in a fantasy world Nigeria will always be truthful and reliable and accountable and we're meant every aiming perfection of course not we're aiming progression we're gonna be perfect when Jesus comes in return okay anybody here you've failed on those areas you've lied you've made broken promises may white like a-- may blue my black like a diamond lie it's it's time now to be set free from lying knowing your identity before God that you don't have to lie to boost your identity you don't have to lie to boost your whatever is in you and a part of me : i'ma tell you something Peter like big time you know Peter I didn't see Peter I mean Peter heard his preaching I mean he heard this he was there in front and yet few years after that you making an oath I mean he lied big time he denied Jesus Christ three times look up on the screen when Jesus was being arrested there's this little girl who saw him and said to Peter this fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth and see Peter's happily Peter he denied it again because there's a second time and this time with an oath I don't know the man with an oath I don't know what Peter did I maybe Sabina I swear in the temple I swear by heavens and earth I don't know that man he swore and then another instance same thing and after a little while the standing read there went up to Peter and said surely there is that word again Greek no man lay on the Greek word for surely surely hey so he broken indifference agree you are one of the man of them your accent gives you away ksama han mater and he should be the second villain the killers in the language knows a burrito then he began to call down curses and he swore that I don't know the man have you failed in this area how long this from the bright new have you failed God can redeem you because he didn't Peter when he rose from the dead after dying for three days and rose from the dead that's his agenda to restore Peter because Peter wept bitterly compared to Judas who denied Jesus as well but you know what happened to Judas he hanged himself but Peter was restored he was asked three times by Jesus do you love me you love me do you love me you know in order to be truthful receive the truth have to be accountable reliable how to be truthful receive the truth first receive Jesus rose that's my point and if you're here you're having a hard time Jesus said let's all stand I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me guys the only way for us to be accountable being truthful at all times being comfortable and being reliable accept Jesus Christ and in let's just be in faith and as I end it says here if we confess our sins if we humble before God the garden be quiet or I will always fail I will always be bad accountable or I don't want reliability I don't want to be reliable and and some of you are so good in some areas of your life but you're not good to some areas that's that's not trust that you cannot build trust in that way because integrity is an all-encompassing thing so jesus said if you confess with your saying Jesus is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and that's what we're gonna do today we're just gonna repent before God we're just gonna ask the gun lord help me cleanse me of my lying lips cleanse me among her words and available sake are unclean nanaho on and you could monkey noir Maccabiah 490 naman po po o Imam bargah hora in the nominal sure para cenar be : get it okay / I have no intention of fulfilling it it has to end today because in this kingdom we cannot do that let's bow our heads if that's you you want to repent before God and confess that sin I believe God will give us the grace raise your hand if that's you if if come on all of us Lord will raising up our hands to you as a sign of surrender Lord marring in the community New Orleans asawa precision malinka miss attacks the casino malinka means of office me versus in America me mrs. edlin remain medicinal income is enough not Papa na who come in my bargain indeed Minami telega to to param Maha Hema clan McCullen dominum gusto nama so lord help us to be truthful to be reliable to be accountable Lord it's hard it's impossible apart from you but thank you because you're a God of impossibilities what is impossible with man is impossible with you that's why not - they helped us a Hampton Lord Ananda talk they might believe entity non-political all human bargain psilocybin I may have to help us - just plainly tell the truth yuuma bargainable invent melamine Lord in an advertised Amandine umbrella that'll help us to just rely on you because ultimately you are our provider solar help us to be truthful to rely on you not driven by fear but by faith we honor you the day Lord everybody say Amen amen amen
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 26,483
Rating: 4.7293234 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: _RnHw0p08iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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