More Of The Worst Pranks (Troom Troom Reaction part 2)

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what's up Greg it's me Danny back with another episode of oh god no stop it please stop please no more please stop guys I don't want to alarm you but trim trim still exists I know I already made a video about them and to be honest it was a little bit savage you know on this channel sometimes I just like to get a little bit Savage and I completely destroyed trim trim Torm to shreds but for some how they still exist usually when I make a video about a youtuber or something they they delete their channel because I was so goddamn savage but for some reason trim trim still exists and in fact they have like two million more subscribers than they did last time I looked at them they have 5.2 million subscribers now what the [ __ ] the last time I talked about trim trim it was a video about couples doing pranks on each other they make other types of videos too they make crafting videos fun DIY life hack videos but where I think the cream of the crop really lies are the pranks so this is another video of their pranks but this time it's a little bit it's got a theme to it it's called eight ultimate spy hacks they're sort of like spy themed pranks that you can play on your friends we all need some good spy pranks every now and again we need to learn how to spy on people this video is perfect if you're a stalker or know just yeah just if you're a stalker so without further ado let's get into this video and figure out what exactly trim Toombs up to now [Music] [Applause] one of my favorite things about Truman Truman videos is the way they start their videos with this topaz house music I'd love to just get turnt as hell before I start doing some DIY crafts so this is really great a new enrollment in despy school is about to start how to disguise a walkie-talkie how to detect you've been tracked using a mirror ring watch these and other spy tricks in our new ultimate video I've plan to throw an amazing party sweets are ready cups are served but something is still missing guests of course where are my friends dude say if this isn't relatable I don't know what is I can't tell you how many times I have set up a whole party with a bunch of sweets spent hours preparing it sat down ready for the party and remembered oh [ __ ] I forgot to invite all my friends and also I don't have any friends a lonely party is a failed party I have eaten all the sweets and my friends are still nowhere to be seen whoa whoa whoa cool it with the sweets you don't want to get fat and ugly I'm calling my friends it turns out that they'd forgotten about my party I like how this girl had to make one phone call to reach all of her friends does she just have one friend or are they all hanging out together without her she's like hey Bethany um I'm having a party today you were who you with are you with your Stephanie and Rachel and Michaela and Jessica and Brittney why don't you guys at my party and crystal and Kristen and Kirsten okay then I'll show them how to ignore me it's time to transform into a spy and snoop on my forgetful gasps okay yeah that's like a reasonable escalation of things right you you plan a party your friends don't come you have to train to become a secret agent go undercover infiltrate the friend group find out what the [ __ ] they're up to and why they didn't come to my party write me I'll start snooping on my friends in the park I'm going to find out what they've given up my party for look they have such a nice chat and they've totally forgotten about me I'm going to sneak a bug into one of my friends pockets this chick looks insane [Laughter] I don't know why this shot is so funny if her just sort of like scampering across the trees there she looks insane I'm going to sneak a bug into one of my friends pockets so that I can follow them in this way I will always know where they are okay so she's got some kind of tracking device she's gonna use to follow them I'm really curious to see how you're gonna die why a secret agent tracking device paint an old electron tube black an old electron tube something everyone has lying around I don't even know what that is an old electron tube that sounds like something that would be in a really really old computer like you know how when you hear about old computers and they're like it used to take up the size of this room for what you've got in your pocket nowadays I feel like an electron tube is like a part in one of those computers so since everyone has one of those lying around just paint that black right GPS tracker on it attach to red sequins as eyes as eyes everybody knows everybody knows that GPS trackers have eyes that's how they can see where you are blondie finds a tracking device in her pocket it's strange how did it happen to get in here the FBI must be following me okay now I'm really confused is this supposed to be a real GPS tracker you can't just paint the letters GPS onto something and all of a sudden it's a tracking device or is this just is this just to freak your friend out and make them think they're being followed like oh you didn't come to my so now I'm gonna plan a GPS device on you to make you think you're being watched for the rest of your life I want you to be paranoid that someone is following you and they are I will always be two steps behind you because you didn't come to my sweets party the FBI must be following me curly sue doesn't look worried she likes being the center of attention of course she does she's a [ __ ] brat curly sue we all know about curly sue she loves attention curly sue shows frightened blondie her own auntie spying gadget to calm her down are these the nicknames they gave each other curly sue curly Susan nice nickname it's just like hey you're my friend you've got curly hair you're a cute little curly sue and curly sue is like hmm you're a frightened blondie because you're always uh y'all scared it's a mirror ring break the pin off the badge and cover it with chrome spray paint this paint can reflect objects well um no it can't it can't reflect objects well I mean the narration is in direct contradiction with what I'm looking at right now it cannot reflect objects well look at that foggy ass reflection don't lie to my face I could I have I can see it are you gonna be able to make out the image of someone like fifty feet behind you with that no we can definitely notice the spy with a ring like this we can definitely notice a spy with a ring like this yeah that sounds that sounds like they're being truthful and not not suspicious at all we can definitely notice a spy with this ring yeah we swear we're not lying you just have to look in it like in a mirror and you will see what's happening behind your back but no matter how long the girls are looking in the mirror they can see only trees they can see only trees yeah they can probably believe just see like blurry green behind them um this isn't very sneaky I guess it's a valid attempt but if you were spying on someone and you saw them with one of the hold on like okay this is an actually good mirror if you were spying on someone and you just saw it like that person and their friend going like this is that suspicious can you tell the girls decide to go to a cafe to settle their nerves but blondie still feels that someone is spying on them it's either a mental disorder or a spy sneaking somewhere close by yeah that's one of the to see they're a mental disorder or a spy good old frighten blondie we'll never know if there's a spy following her or if she has a crippling mental disorder oh well classic frighten blondie am i right the main task of a real spy is a good disguise so I hide my walkie-talkie in a sandwich trace a walkie talkie on a piece of foam rubber sheet make allowances and round the corners knead soft clay attach the clay iron on top pull them up with your fingers hate to make them look cut a triangular piece of cheese for awesome out fasten the lettuce hot glue the cheese add the slices and attach it for the bun have you ever considered that this is why your friends don't want to hang out with you look at you like look how much effort you're putting into spying on your friends just because they didn't want to hang out with you one day you're making a fake sandwich which by the way you can just stick a walkie-talkie in a real sandwich just cut out that just scoop out the bread if you have a small enough walkie-talkie just put it in there you don't have to you don't have to fashion a fake sandwich out of clay this is why no one wants to hang out with you Rebecca Wow and look at it it looks just like a real sandwich that neon green lettuce the poppy seeds glued to the top of the bun the rubbery red looking salami a perfect sandwich when the girls are distracted for a moment a mysterious sandwich appears on their table we haven't ordered any sandwiches that's how you're gonna spy on them you're gonna put it on their table like hide it behind them or something it's not very inconspicuous if you set at a like a sandwich they didn't order on their table especially what it looks like that all of a sudden it starts hissing I just imagine like a cat hissing imagine a sandwich it gets set down at your table and you're like I didn't order this did you order it no son it's just like what is it is salami talking to us it's a walkie talkie hidden in the sand we can make out some kind of a code a mysterious voice gives us a location I try to figure out where the instructions will lead us and my friend has brought two cups of coffee it's not the best time for a coffee break but curly sue has got something on her mind it's not a hot drink at all this is a spying invention we will need plastic filled glasses cut them out with a heated knife okay now the other girls are getting in on the the crafting action they're like okay we're clearly being spied on we need to fight back we need to find this [ __ ] and take him down so we're gonna make binoculars out of coffee cups why wouldn't you just use the binoculars binoculars don't look weird in public like people birdwatch and stuff how does it why do you need to hide the binoculars cut out a hole and insert the spy field glass into each cup hot glue the first rule of using coffee binoculars is not to forget taking off the caps prior to spying now I can clearly see the entire picture Wow and you look so normal look at her no one will suspect a thing okay so let's pretend for a second that you can't clearly see the binoculars in the coffee cups like it you can definitely tell that she's just looking through binoculars let's pretend you couldn't see the binoculars this still isn't a normal thing to be doing like you're not hiding the suspicious thing with a less suspicious thing because this holding two coffee cups like this isn't a thing that people do in real life that's like being like HM I can't let anyone know that I'm taking sneaking pictures of them in public so I'm gonna hide my camera in a boot and then I'm gonna put the boot on my head like people normally do and now no one will be able to tell that I'm really sneaking pics and I'll be completely inconspicuous it seems that they've solved my riddle I need to come back home as soon as possible to be ahead of them saddle up my Bucephalus will bring me home faster than the wind okay I'm sorry is that a spy hack ride a horse is that supposed to be a spy hack why is this in here this seems totally like a just a random plot point and also she's got a horse just so you know we know we didn't mention it earlier but she does have a horse I will prepare my spy house first of all I will cover my tracks with special wolf paws how is that covering your tracks with wolf paws are you deep were you walking on the counter and you need to cover your tracks on the counter just don't walk up there they're coming it's time to set a trap with a projector paint a small cardboard box black cut a handle off a magnifying glass and trace the glass on the side of the box make a hole and attach the glass into it put a phone on the foam plastic stand the picture should be flipped over as the magnifying glass projects the picture upside down I do a dangerous somersault oh [ __ ] that was dangerous don't do that at home that was too dangerous I can't afford for any of you to get hurt she could have she could have died so now this crazed friend who's at the end of her rope has finally lured these two poor girls back to her house and she's got she's getting the house all set up she's laying her traps so let's see what happens when her friends walk through the door we find Wolf's paw prints all over the kitchen is our friend really a werewolf it makes sense mmm there's our friend a werewolf it makes sense we've known her for years and never suspected her being a werewolf but there are paint paw prints on the counter maybe maybe she just has a cat or this is another one of her stupid pranks don't be an idiot our friend is a werewolf it makes sense you go further and get into a dark room but our photos are projected here on the wall it's so strange that will absolutely not work there's no way that that works what you can just put an iPhone in a box with a magnifying glass lens and it's a projector there's no way that that's true I'm sorry I refuse to believe that that works can someone try this and show me if it works or not because I don't want to try it but I I really want to know if that works now it's time for the final act I use my villain remote control cover an old remote control with silver spray paint make three more buttons of different sizes and shapes right evil on the rectangular button under the demon smiling face draw an explosion image on the big round button and add boom on top right trap on the last button cover the remote control with clear polish when the paint is dry so now our evil remote is ready with three buttons for maximum evil you can choose between trap boom or evil I press the most villainous button the light turns on and Donette falls on to the girls how did that work what that was not explained are you tell you see you're telling me if I just write trap on a button on one of my remotes I'll have us a net trap ready to go why didn't you explain how to do the net thing also this is creepy she just like trapped her friends I've caught you my darlings now you won't be able to escape look at their friends are like oh it's just it's this [ __ ] oh I thought this is gonna be something cool or we were gonna get murdered or something it's just it's just this loser oh we didn't want to hang out with you my friends are here and we can throw the party at last did you like our spy hacks and that's the end of the video so um so I guess the moral of the story is if your friends don't want to hang out with you you just gotta trap them all you need is a remote that says trap on it just press that baby and a net will be deployed immediately alright guys well that's gonna be your little dose of truth room for this time I really liked rooms rooms videos I feel like they're sort of just like an endless supply of just the weird weird parts of YouTube like you can go to trim tomb you know what you're gonna get it's just going to be a weird bad DIY project and that's why I really like them hopefully you guys like this video I've never really doubled up on a subject before and done a second video about it I guess except for Paul Zimmer and Michael Gilligan when I met them but I had gotten a lot of requests to do trim trim again and they just keep putting out videos like this so you know how can I not anyways guys if you're not Greg already make sure you hit the subscribe button Greg is my family on YouTube it's my fans but it's more than just fans to me I feel like my fans are a family and we are we're all blood related so just hit that subscribe button and turn on my note [Music] [Music]
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 7,810,839
Rating: 4.9572439 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, h3h3, commentary, troom troom, pranks, reaction, troom, ultimate, spy, hacks, hilarious, comedy, humor, react, reacting, cringe, cringey, cringy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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