Monday Grind

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feeding time [Music] it's 50 degrees right now i just look the high is gonna be 87 that's like summer temperatures that's warm so before lunch we're going to try to of course get the chores done and then we're actually going to grind some hay with the roto grind pull that out it's already hooked up to the 7215 so we'll chuck a few bales through there hopefully that goes pretty well move look at all these guys they are pretty excited look at today shiny thing there we go i was getting worried we didn't have a new calf yesterday but we got a new one today things have really been slowing down but we have a lot of calves on the ground cute little fella was it a boy or a girl girl girl did you put it on the board yet nope so that is 65 heifers 71 bowls what's that equal 136 wow a lot of critters hey get back off the highway come on there fella come on what a shiny little cab they got speed they feel the need and the need for speed i guess it's nice we can see him through these clean windows look at that brian did it brian was chasing girls yeah better pete welcome to sunny farms did i ever tell you about the time i was doing this like cole is right now when i was in high school and the cow came and hit me right in the chest rolled me over backwards and ran over the top of me but didn't step on me that's all i got to say about that that sounds terrible i think i might quit after that i don't quit not a quitter skinny [Music] just like that don't poop on me now ah we got the calf goo on my knee we need this suck so that 640 yeah ever since we've had her since she was a calf she always goes um just like that even before she calves she did it right mm-hmm she talks a lot see she goes they got personalities well some of them are nice some of them are all some go you think she's thinking about stuff and she just says is that word intuit it's not intuitive it's uh she's very uh contemplative i don't know she's considering her options before she makes a decision i don't think she's ever made a decision she just always goes she's still thinking about it feeding is done it's got to run town for something here in two hours so that gives us a pretty good amount of time see we got a really small pile of ground hay left so we need to grind today so this 881 right here he's got a pretty big lump on the jaw and so of course no one's gonna want to buy him for a bowl we tried yesterday he ran right by the gate and i tried again and he juked you don't want to go it was looking not good there for a second the heifers that were in this pen brandon right here we got the box scraper hooked up we were planning on scraping and spreading the manure in this bowl lot but it's wet underneath might be a mess all that hoopla got me hot that's a lot of deer [Music] yeehaw oh the wind is just perfect coming straight out of the east we've had it sometimes where that dust hay dust blows right on the tractor starts filling the screens and then it starts throwing errors at it but some days it just goes good not a speck of hay flying this way well just after i say i like the wind direction it switched brian wants to make a little setting change i'd like to see if we can do it a little bit faster you know we haven't sheared any bolts for the first four or five bales so seeing if we can try to speed it up a little bit get to that point where we're fast but we're not shearing bolts on the side here i can make it so the tub spins a little bit faster i think we're going to try that if the wind hopefully makes it so it's not going to fill the cab with hay [Music] spinning a little bit faster [Music] now we'll share hopefully we don't share your bolt right now we are doing a bale about every five minutes so you know it'd be nice if we get four minutes that would we feel really good about four minutes of bail we shared a bolt i mean we made it a while sorry got hay in my underpants so when i was running that wrench i caught my thumb on dad's finger and his finger skin broke my thumbnail a tough son of a gun i assume if you rub a diamond on brian the diamond gets scratched and not brian stuff's getting hot i said charged air vent outlet cooler hot something like that and that told me to stop the engine i said there might be some debris somewhere this doesn't help the engine wasn't getting hot but it was something else i was going pretty decent only sheared one bolt but once that coat started going off and it's yelling at you to stop the engine you know you don't you don't want to burn a john deere engine out too bad we're going to start scraping up that bull lock are you going to stay under the desk all day come on let's go he says but it's cool underneath here [Music] it's still too soft out here we'll just keep going see what we can do but like everywhere i pull up it's wet underneath it is a straight-up mess out here goodness gracious i can't get around very good got wet spots here basically that whole corner oh we're in we're in this pen because it's the worst one and we wanted to clean it up and tomorrow we got a 90 chance of rain which we're happy about we need the moisture just not in this feed lot it's been pretty dry but this really organic rich stuff just holds moisture howdy so i don't know it's not gonna be fun getting a manure spreader in and out of here or picking up this manure and also this wet stuff the wet stuff's always got a stag to it smells like money [Music] i don't really feel good about any of [Music] that i should make getting around that panel a little easier there's some really big ruts in here [Music] that's about all the box scraper i'm doing today i think if i have time at the end of the day which i should probably wash that off it's a little dirty i love it when dad cooks i got this pizza cheaper because it's missing two pieces there's pizza sauce on your face what get the beast going it's nice having two buckets we like to use this one because then we don't have to wash the other one out because we use it to feed don't really want manure and all that bacteria in with the feed also that newer bucket it's heavier built and weighs a little bit more and this wet manure can be pretty heavy sometimes so it's nice having a little bit lighter bucket also we had a generous viewer send us this hitch pin so that pin we shouldn't have to worry about it coming out and dropping the manure spreader again so thank you very much oh what a bloody mess [Music] it's pretty crappy in here ooh i think i i think i got a good would you rather well this pole over here is helping me out a little bit cleaning off the mud from the manure spreader look at them they just really care about cleanliness they're just working on that thing dakota gold pro pellets for both of you move some pretty rich stuff high quality poop we're pretty dang low on fuel we're in the red [Music] it smells like 70 bowls have been pooping in here for months that's what it smells like not good how do you like my scrape job it's horrible thank you so i got your would you rather all right all right he says well here it is would you rather have to go back to cultivating instead of spraying or would you rather calve 500 cows every year how much colorating do you have to be that's what makes it fun i'm not going to cultivate again i'll cap 500 okay you better build me a nice building [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey never mind it was actually corn stalks back to the soupy poo village it's got word that the new sunny farms slappies have been sent to farm focus so they're probably not on the website just yet but you wait one or two weeks and they will be up and ready if you've been wanting a sunny farm slappy and you can make it into your own half slappy if you cut half the flag off whatever you like a lot of people were saying they wanted a that's all i gotta say about that shirt done you can order that right now if you want and a lot of people have been saying sunny farm slappies well that's gonna be available here really shortly all you got to do scroll down into the description farm focus sunny farms merch right there hit that link and you'll be on your way that is some of the rankest manure i've ever smelt i like it he's really getting into it it's a spicy 88 degrees outside right now 88 and looking at the forecast we got rain starting tomorrow 11 a.m we are done with the box scraper for today so i'll go unhook that bring the 75 20 back up and we'll give her a little spritzer so [Applause] we got some more doings in the heat of the day heat of the day doings that's what they call those so you tried burning down my 98 chevy huh pretty rude fan was left on high from the last time we used it and i started the pickup and i started driving it and the cab started filling with electrical smoke it smelled like burnage and i thought i think i'll shut that off and then i quit smoking in here it was getting intense over here over there i guess he could have left it and we could have collected insurance money doubt it like that's liability on this oh we might have to take skid loader off and push oh my atlanta i think we got to trade this thing off i hope a fire doesn't start and damage this because this is my money maker oh yeah yeah people think of sunny farms it's like a brian's good look the money maker doing tillage already [Music] he just needs a tune-up well i guess we're here don't forget we got a skid loader oh but what if you put it in low but does that matter at all it's in low it's in low i did that okay i'm gonna need you to get out and push so we did some ditching this last fall and of course the machine wasn't going to go through the fence so dad ditched it up as far as he could now i'm just gonna dig it out so when we get this big two-incher it'll [Music] flow [Music] so when the township put this culvert in for me to put this driveway in they used the dirt right through here for phil and it actually pushed this up and made a ridge you can see on the other side too where they cut this out which was fine for dirt but it actually made a ridge in the fence line so we're just cutting that out because uh you can see maybe you can see that big slew up there it drains real easy through here but that ridge has been holding up the water that's all i got to say about that i think if we had a bottle of moonshine putting the gas tank that fixed right up fixed me right up climbed right up out of there pump had a chance to cool off now it's running better another day another nickel so i had my knees on the ground there knees and they got cold and it reminds me of a story how to tell when you can it's time to plant corn or not you pull your pants down you set your bare butt on the ground and if it's cold it's too cold to plant corn remember seeing you i've never seen it done so you're gonna have to do a demonstration when we get closer to that time so the people can learn because we're pretty educational i'm gonna have to get a speedo i still smell that burning smell that's how you know it's still alive an electrical fire it's not a little linger with you in a while it smells like a dewalt tool yeah we're up to 16 mile an hour i better get off to the side of the road because it's dying i don't think we can coast the last four of my own well what's jeff doing we both got area outside today shirts must be a sign yeah you should also uh hit the link below you can get 10 off your purchase at ariat i recommend it hey jeff are you around we're saving gas now by the time we get home would be planting season our savior is here further i did that again but now the battery's dead because i was just running off the starter okay no you put feed in the back for traction that's a good idea you saved us we save each other we do yep so on thursdays in a couple days dad's gonna be selling his heifers at home those ones in the middle feed lot and then also these steers and so we're having three semi four loads here oh three here three here and one pot load at our home farm and so we'll be taking video loading up a bunch of pot loads a couple hundred critters almost 300 almost 300 critters yep and hopefully we make a dolla or two otherwise i'm gonna not be feeding my 5.50 corn to them so once i sell the kettle then the corn can go down kick my butt both ways hope you enjoyed today's video be looking for that next video where we're loading up some of them yeah i did interrupts me well i wanted to know if we had to go this homer that way we'll see you next time have a good one [Music] the first part to fill to here and spill over into here and give us another inch about an inch 70 please you can handle that much in 70 please if it comes slow all right you say please too say it please
Channel: Sonne Farms
Views: 88,936
Rating: 4.9894776 out of 5
Keywords: sonne farms, john deere, grind, monday, farm, ranch, cow, cattle, calves, baby, manure, spreading manure, grinding hay, machines, machinery
Id: 7XU_qzf-39U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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