Burnt Combine Cleanup 😁

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how's it going guys it is uh march 26 today it's kind of a drizzly slash trying to snow it's currently only two degrees it doesn't feel like spring but uh we're actually quite dry um we welcome some moisture if we can get anything i don't think this is gonna amount to too much but anyway we're waiting on our uh there's a tracker coming i do believe it's a draco of some sort we're gonna get this uh fent combine all cleaned up the burnt one i think he's right i think he's right there yep so we actually have to lead him to the combine all right let's rock and roll i gotta clean my ear you can't see out of it but i slowed down because there's a bunch of humps in the road and i didn't want him to lose his track oh mud and water coming off of my mirror here it's actually kicking up a little bit off my tires see apparently it's coming in my uh my cab and there's the combine here comes the truck let's see if i can park out of the way here all right so that's his unit all right let's wander over this is john and he's gonna be the operator here and uh he's gonna tear this uh combine apart and try and get it in this trailer you're gonna try and get it in this trailer that's right yeah so you were just kind of telling me about these axles you think that they're gonna be too wide obviously to get in the trailer so you think you might have to cut them off so you would just cut them right off flush right there that's what i think yeah just kind of right there and then because you want to try and that header you're going to try to cut that header off somehow yeah okay so uh stay tuned it's going to get it's going to get awfully fun around here all right oh it just fits in there like just so did you build this john uh my fellow mother built ways and then he finished some of it okay because this is just a regular flatbed and then you kind of chain this thing down 10 foot six six yeah okay cool looks awesome all right hello i'm gonna let him do his thing here oh he's got an led light bar on there actually all of his lights are led that looks pretty awesome all right he's just gonna walk that thing right off [Music] don't mind me you can just whack me if you need to i'll get out of the way after i get hit oh i see what he's doing here nice oh yeah so that there that's his magnet [Music] i actually don't know his game plan but uh so i'm going to talk to you a little bit real quick here this is a fent ideal nine it did burn on us last year okay oh yeah i like where we're going with this yeah he's laughing in there at me uh this is yeah fentanyl nine it did burn up due to the right-hand gearbox um i do have a video on this combine actually burning to the ground you can go check it out if you would like to you have to scroll down a lot of videos but this this is what this is what fun is made out of you guys this is what's fun i just kind of hope he ripped that auger off oh yeah so i should also note that this is not john's first uh combine that he's uh had to do this is his first pen combine but uh he is actually in the scrap metal recovery business so uh just fy1 fyi on that i don't wanna see him take this auger okay good job those bolts are on there pretty good buddy that is impressive [Music] i don't know why i was so worried about putting an extension on the end of that armor that thing ain't coming off without some motivation this is this isn't supposed to be fun john it's not supposed to be fun oh it's clearly a lot of fun i thought he was actually going to swing that thing right around wasn't ready if i should start running [Music] or oh this is awesome you guys it's probably my most fun fun funnest english isn't my first language sad part it is i don't want that step on there anyway wow okay john must be like me he loves his job he most definitely loves his job wow yeah that is some heavy i don't know why i was so worried about putting an extension on that auger because i thought it was going to fall off you know because it's really long last year you couldn't hardly rip it off the combine yeah that's pretty solid [Music] hey john is there a method to your madness other than just having a heck of a lot of fun like are you trying to pick off some of the loose stuff or uh are you just trying to see what will come off and then cut the axles and try and pick the whole combine up and set it inside your trailer what's your plan yeah the plan is to get as much off as i can to get lighter okay trying to get the combine lighter yeah and then i will lift it up and put it in i might have to lift it up at the back okay and then back under okay push it off and then we think you're gonna have to you think you're gonna be able to tear that header off of it there or yeah okay well this is awesome i i my phone is down to 50 already and i'm like oh boy that's not good i'll let you get at it [Music] oh yeah so anyway guys as he's chewing on that thing um yeah as you know combine burnt down on chickpeas um the problem was is the right tank gearbox the fire started right here and uh i was hoping to have an echo update for you guys but i kind of forgot to actually go for an update and john's here now so it is what it is i guess so this combine mike what are you gonna do with this combine it's about to get recycled well mike uh so after he takes this combine wow that is sorry guys i'm slightly just slightly distracted right now back up here a little bit i don't remember what i'm talking about i gotta stop talking i just want to walk we're gonna go to the other side so uh i don't blend in with this combine i'm trying to blend in you know i don't want to get uh i don't know dodge oh look at that he can just pick up cables this is not his first rodeo oh it keeps that separate oh interesting hey john do you want to like i have a question uh do you try and keep some of the steel separated because you're recycling do you want some of the aluminums over here if possible or cables over here if possible or just the copper just the copper okay okay cool thanks john is awesome and off goes the header i missed it i was just putting hammy my mic on sorry about the cable here i'll try to get that out of the way so this is a 50-foot honeybee header or it used to be a 50-foot honeybee [Music] header oh i thought we're gonna play jump the header here kinda like skip rope [Music] and just like that i guess [Music] like no big deal nah now you're just showing off and just like that he peeled the roof off or actually the whole cab actually i actually took the phone call i had to miss the cab actually i think the combine would tear apart so hard we need the big steel scissors notice that he does have uh steel bars in front of his windows there in case a big hunk of steel does spring out of [Music] there oh i'm just joking [Music] compound right down to the bare frame that engine used to be an man i really actually like the emmy so used to be some chickpeas in the hopper because when the combine burns down it actually has three quarters of a hopper worth of chickpeas also known as gabanzo [Music] beans [Music] so so uh more on this gearbox so let's just go into that engine and yes he is engine is well mounted to the combine like he's like practically hello [Music] he's trying to break the mounts off that engine that's what he's trying to do we're safe to go over here so on the back of the gearboxes right here i think we're safe here boom sorry whoa there's the gearbox to your left about this kind of a news there we go so they uh the insurance company they came and took those two gearboxes off because they are not still on here i don't even know if anybody's actually been able to pull those gearboxes apart and take a look at them but it was pretty obvious if you go back to my last video with the gearbox it was pretty obvious and there goes the engine i want to see this engine come off or him crawl up the combine one of the other it's like a teeter-totter hey that's gonna happen here oh yeah there we go [Music] i think some stuff hit his truck over there but it's all good sad to see if we get another angle here flywheel don't need that all right engine is off brought us the engine also nice thank you he knew i was on this thing up [Music] wow gives me something i can stand on here i can see better thank you i gotta i can i can see better yeah i thought i showed you the engine yeah i was really i was watching you take this thing off i was pretty excited about you pull that engine off let me tell you this is an man engine where it used to be man yeah m-a-n it's actually a really good engine i really like it well it used to be anyway it didn't do very well in the heat but you know how it is i gotta watch for flying debris every now and then it's like pieces are flying all over the place i like john oh now he's trying to grab the duals [Music] i don't know if he's going to be able to rip those off or not say what i'm going to try to do you can [Music] no i think you might be able to fold that puppy around okay sounds good it's a little dusty here probably not the best thing to be breathing in i made a little more solid so he has his track up against the front of the combine right there using it as support and then he's trying to pull in the engine on these try break them over [Music] we're doing the ideal uh axle test right now so far they're passing these are the updated axles though i should mention that i wonder if they do this at their assembling now remember you guys that this steel has been uh heated up so it's actually heated uh this is not like normal steel normal steel would be a lot harder than this or i should also say uh uh since it's been overheated it will crack easily maybe it won't work you know what it was a good plan here's a good plan so we're gonna try cut them yeah oh it's gonna be awesome i guess before we cut him he's gonna move the combine to a better location [Music] maybe we'll tip the combine right over first yeah [Music] so that is an upside down combine there is no doubt about that i got a little teeter-totter going up there again this used to be the aluminum from the radiator oh i asked i should pay attention here so all right so what's your plan here again no i'll just climb up there yeah and we'll cut them in see if that will you're gonna cut on the frame there yeah and see if we can't uh you know what might work the other way better but i will give it a try to just caught a man okay okay sounds good stuff that is leaking it's oil probably out of the pub i'm guessing okay i'm going to stand up here too can i stand up there too or okay hold on okay the flames are going to come this way all right so i should probably come on this side got it again what he's doing here a little it [Music] [Music] um this is a lot of fun probably one of my most fun videos [Music] so think that would be enough to snap it over there now it's important to note that the last combine i was just talking john that he put in this trailer was a case combine so this isn't this isn't uh oh you know fin combines bad case combines bad john deere combines bad they all burn down uh they all have their reasons for burning down and then hopefully they learn from that and we keep going sometimes it can be static electricity sometimes it can be power lines other times it could be chaff it could be overheating the engine there's lots of options lots of reasons why a combine can burn down and it's always unfortunate when the compound does burn down always always a sad day doing that let's wander out here making sure this isn't going to fall off or anything [Music] i guess i probably shouldn't shake the combine on them okay so this is what he did he's cut that thing he's just trying to weaken it if i get a lot closer here see that just snap them off you can just do the other side frank just showed up oh we're just a bunch of kids around here you guys we love what we do whether it be chopping up the first combine soil sampling working outside we love what we do oh that's good sir we flipping upside down we cut these axles off that's john he's awesome that's frank he's also awesome we're all awesome so uh this is like a the old school teeter-totter here if you want to come a little bit on this side [Music] whoa okay went over a little farther than i thought i was going to now we're on the back axle see if we can't get down here well that held me that's pretty good awesome what's too much it's snowing like crazy out here oh that's not cutting easy oh what have you cut the bolts off of it and then pulled it out of its axle did it if you just grabbed it and yanked it right out of there i don't know frank and i think that uh we should actually keep this engine and we'll use it as a paperweight reboot or rebuild it uh we've got a lot of rebuilding to do here but what if we there's got to be something we can use this thing for like like some sort of a monument or headstone headstone we could use it as a headstone [Music] so i was walking and i was like what's that a bone just just just a piece of human bone nowhere no i'm joking no no human died in this combine that we know of no actually i think it's a hunk of uh the hunk of melted plastic uncomfortable oh calm down it's all good all good [Music] mike i've got a bunch of questions i kind of figured you would um so when you get all this cleaned up are you going to run a magnet over it yes so we're going to run a magnet over it clean up any hunks of steel or anything and then all this little hunks of plastic and stuff that kind of blew off uh we'll walk this ground and we will literally rake it and try and find everything we can and dispose of it properly and well mike what are you gonna do with all the soil here what are you gonna do all this i'm not sure yet we might dig some of it up and then just haul it away and throw it somewhere no big deal and then just bring some nice fresh top coil back and throw it on top if we get around to that it is hopefully we do if we don't we'll i'm sure the crop will be reduced right here this is this is a very good fertilizer you're all done here i can here i can i think part ways anyways you want me to grab that thing right there there you go all right here's the test better that comes out harder than what we think everything else has i have to actually cut it right off so yeah grab it from the outside there we go oh boy [Music] what a great job so [Music] we have to do more cutting or just hit it really hard that's probably what i would do too yeah it's like a bean bag oh for the win for the win that's awesome what do you think frank awesome here i'll go give it a push real quick maybe not yeah i was gonna i was gonna go help him push it too did it come off i don't think it so that's awesome round two he's putting his track up against the beater house he gives him some pulling power it's probably healthy for us i don't think we got a word [Music] from this side are we going to recut start recutting yeah maybe we'll cause this like oh yeah start cutting on this side it might be made of steel i feel pretty safe i've been told that my head's made of stone so i feel pretty safe around this magnet [Music] doing that look at the size of this auger like there is some there is some steel and this is cast but there is some steel in this thing [Music] is it snowing or is it snowing out here i feel like it's snowing so my phone is down to 13 you guys so this is going to be very quick here pretty soon here's a quick little look inside the combine not much left here's the concave places for the filler plates uh those are the sieves there was a big plastic pan in here but obviously that melted there's also another big plastic pan right back here of that melted [Music] this is where he cut it cut a little bit more right here that's where your fan was for your wind uh we got uh chest spreaders here and chopper in there jumper blades i am down to five percent battery so you guys have yourself a good one adios sorry that you can't see the rest he's just gonna snap those wheels off pick this thing up plunk it inside the trailer okay guys
Channel: Mike Mitchell
Views: 190,665
Rating: 4.9246597 out of 5
Keywords: Mike, Mike Mitchell, Faith Hope Farms, Saskatchewan, Canada, Spring 2021, Fendt, Fendt Ideal, Burnt combine, Burnt fendt, Burnt fendt combine, Burnt Ideal, Not Ideal, Combine Salvage, Scrap steel, Let's tear this combine apart, Combine cleanup
Id: BmJw3xi9ksc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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