The New Gator

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hi guys this is our new 835 m john deere gator it's brand new to the ranch and before we get started in today today's video about this gator let me preface it with this this is the most used tool on the ranch more than my pickup more than any tractor this thing gets the most work of anything on the ranch and we didn't go buy this thing all willy-nilly like we talked to our banker we talked to john deere dealerships we looked at used ones we looked at new ones and we looked at the payments which are ridiculous if you ask me and we decided that this was the best choice for our family and the best choice for the channel and the best choice for you because now you can come right along on our wyoming life hi guys welcome back to the 30 and 30. that's 30 videos in 30 days in the month of april all the way through calving and i got to tell you it's a super uh super duper stressful time here on the ranch and it has been for the past well 17 days 18 days in case you haven't really been keeping up i'm going to catch you up here really quick the calving season started out with the gator breaking what had happened was that the frame where the a arms on the suspension actually broke so that pretty much put the the gator out of commission and we weren't sure what we were going to do we went out we took off and and started using the four-wheelers for calving and we've done that up until yesterday in the meantime we were trying to figure out a way to make calving not only safer but better for the cows and for us and of course that is you know using gators gators are something that even going all the way back to gilbert's time on the ranch my father-in-law he loved his gator and so gators have always been associated with the ranch and not having one really did feel like we were missing kind of like missing your left leg so we decided to break down and buy one and that's what we're going to talk about today this brand new gator actually is not brand new it now has 18 miles on it already holy smokes we put 18 miles on the gator already uh we're hanging out with grace and lincoln because if there's one thing that runs rampant on the ranch it is jealousy and because mckenzie got a video yesterday these guys decided they want to be in the video today so we are sitting in our brand new 18 miles 33 hours on this thing so far uh john deere gator it's an 835 m is is the model what do you think of the gator so far gracie it's good what are you lincoln what about you good yes oh there's cows here there's always cows here i tell you what let's go cruise around we're gonna check the cows here in the brand new gator and then we're going to go and talk about a little bit and show some folks around okay and then how about this a little bit later do you want to show us your favorite place on the ranch yeah okay cool let's do that first of all let's go check the cows lincoln you better sit down turn around buddy let's go check some cows huh so the new gator i guess i can kind of show you some things uh while we're while we're out here driving around uh has definitely a different type of window system grace calls these old-fashioned windows but they are rolly yuppy downy windows pretty cool right yeah makes it a lot easier uh when you are checking cows and and you have to shine a flashlight out the window or a spotlight or anything like that so we are how's daddy what what's wrong with the cow it had a baby okay let's go check it out now we're rolling up here on a cow that i think this cow had his calf a little while ago but her after birth is still uh coming out along with the placenta and all that kind of good stuff well the cow is number five green the calf what number is the calf the calf is number one 29. just a little while ago yeah what's the next number of calf that we have there 30. so this one was born this was the last calf to be born pretty cool stuff this cow's coming over to see what you're doing look grace okay have a seat let's keep on cruising around oh you can't see it lincoln lincoln can't see it from his side okay here let me spin you around so you can see okay link so one of the differences between this gator and the old gator is and we'll get a chance to look at this when we kind of stop out here but it has solid doors whereas uh we had more windows i think in the old gator there you are linky can you see can you see the baby out there bambi's coming yeah here comes bambi oh the mom's coming to see you all right should we go look for some more calves yeah you can open your window if you want to lincoln the cow's gonna get you maybe all right i think the cows are very happy to see a gator uh back out here other than the four-wheeler and one of the things that really does matter when when we're using the four-wheelers is a lot of times we use the four-wheelers when it's time to move cows and for them i think when they see the four-wheelers that's what they think it means that they think it means it's time to move or something something bad is happening or a change of some sort or i'm gonna get sorted off and chased around so the gator is almost like a peaceful thing to the cows [Music] what did you do you turned on the windshield wiper there you go good job you turned it off oh you turn it back on turn it off nope nope on off good job it's not dead it's just sleeping see now everybody's waking it up one of the uh i know there's lots of cows all around us uh obviously the the gator uh a lot qui we're gonna turn off the windshield wiper a gate the gator a lot quieter uh than a four-wheeler out here running around and i think that makes a a huge difference uh when working with the cows and and uh and making sure that everybody's happy and healthy and safe so i i am very thankful to have uh gator back in our repertoire and a running gator back in our repertoire and being able to use it so we're gonna check a few more cows and then i'll give you the uh the grand tour on this thing why is there a chicken out here i think that chicken is lost is that your friend is that chicken your friend i don't know what's up with that chicken all right so we don't have any new calves it doesn't look like daddy that one it does have a big gutter yeah it sure does yeah that's the mastitis cow yeah all right so we are going to head over by the old gator so we can park them side by side take a look at uh the differences and some of the good and the bad between both of them why don't we do that okay all right [Music] alrighty so now we get a really good chance to put these two gators side by side and look at the differences in the pluses and the minuses on both of them alrighty grace lincoln what is the biggest difference that you see between the two gators um that one's bigger than the other that one is bigger than the other you're right one does look a lot bigger i tell you what let's try and experiment let's all get in that in the big in the little gator and we're gonna see how squished together we are and then we're gonna all get in the big one okay we're all gonna climb in all right so go and close your door grace there we go we're all in the gator it's not horrible you know it's we're not too squished or anything right all right let's try the other one let's mouth with the door buddy there we go all right well i feel like uh we could fit like two or three more people in here yeah like kenzie and mommy yeah there's a lot of room in here you got lots of room over there bean could probably fit in here too yeah lots of room lots of room in the skater okay let's jump out and look at some more differences okay okay so we were talking about it earlier but one of the obvious big differences here is the doors uh what do you notice about the doors grace how about like there's no window down here so you can't see anything but you have a bigger window up here let's compare it to the other one i know it's a sneaky window right right so both of these gators obviously a lot of plastic but i think that i do feel like the the front end is a little bit more robust on this one on the older one it feels like it could take a little bit more of a hit from a cow than this one this front end seems a little bit this one has like more stuff around it so it can stay on it yeah that's true that's true now the back end is pretty much exactly the same right but overall the boxes are still the same both of them are power lift boxes which basically you know the power dump so that hopefully grace isn't sitting on it we can actually dump out whatever we need to the other one is the same with the same kind of box the engine itself looks to be the exact same engine between the two should we lift up your dump box grace yeah okay so we can take a look at that engine yet you want to get in there you think they're a little bit different for the engine let's see it's a dohc 12 valve inline three cylinder engine this one on this side appears to be the exact same the biggest differences as far as i can tell are in the interior and obviously this is where you spend a lot of your time in the gator so it makes sense that they put a lot of time and effort and money into making the gator more comfortable and and easier to drive and all that kind of good stuff i have lincoln's toy here lincoln where do you want me to put this in the gator okay there are lots of cubby holes to stash stuff including drink holders seem to be everywhere i'm not sure how many drinks these people expect us to drink but you got a drink holder there drink holder there one in that door down there and then three up here so that's four five six you can literally hold a six pack while driving down the road the other kind of interesting thing is that um underneath the passenger seat is a cooler or somewhat of a cooler inside here actually has a drain so you could technically put ice in this and toodle around with the beverages in here as well not that it would really stay very cold but kind of an interesting thing i'm using it to stash stuff i've got my thermal imager in there as well as the spotlight that we use and a gopro camera clamp doohickey so that uh the interior itself obviously like i said a lot different um the shifter we go from a shifter down here in the old one to a shifter up on the dash which is pretty nice uh the heating and air conditioning system which okay i have to tell you this to break this down for you when we started looking at gators uh we decided that we were probably gonna end up having to get a new one the old one uh may not be fixable or it just may not be fixed one or the other so uh one of the we started looking at different gators we started looking at used gators and one of the problems that we had with used gators is that you can get a used gator that's not much less expensive than a brand new one but has 12 000 miles on it apparently they hold their value very well so we were talking to our local john deere dealership that's cnb operations over and shared in wyoming and we're talking to our sales person over there and you know we said well you know the problem is that we don't want anything fancy i don't need heating and air conditioning i don't need um you know rear-view mirrors and all this other stuff that that i don't really need i'm just here on the ranch so he said well let me look around and see what we can find and you can't find just a plain jane gator anymore i guess i mean finding finding a gator without heating and air conditioning is is next to impossible at least in our area so we broke down and we said okay well let's just find us what you can find us and he actually ended up finding this gator uh sitting in idaho and uh we were able to purchase it from from there uh through him and they got it and brought it to us and and it was great uh the obviously we paid for it erin and i not the ranch and it's a payment that we're gonna we're gonna have to take in it's it's expensive uh gators like this you can look at them on john deere's website they start at about 28 thousand dollars which is ridiculous uh we ended up paying actually less than that thankfully i'm not sure if they had purchased this in an earlier round or how that works but we ended up saving about three or four grand on that hi gracie you want to go on the roof you can't go on the roof because the roof is plastic and that's what we're going to get to next boy you're good at this segway thing all right we talked we talked a little bit earlier can i dump you can i put you guys down now okay get in it okay ready to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys are silly so we talked about earlier about metal versus plastic and there's there's a few other big changes on these gators that that really do stand out number one uh the fuel tank what's up oh you need help i can help you you want to what okay i'll get over there in a second let me talk about the fuel tank fuel tank is outside of the gator amazingly enough and the other one it was inside weird uh that's nice having a fuel tank outside and it's really nice to have a fuel gauge that works now over here on this gator you want me to put you guys down okay let me uh lower the dump bed really quick in this gator you actually had to open the door and refuel it right here a little bit different and like i showed you earlier gear shift is here on the on the floor uh as compared to on the dash windshield wipe replacement switch placement that kind of stuff a little bit different but not uh not anything that's gonna make your life a whole lot easier what's different um this one has speakers in it and that one doesn't well there is no speakers there but there's holes for speakers in case we decided to put in a radio yeah but this one doesn't it does not you are correct can we get you down yeah okay there's more dirt on this one that's true too alrighty so obviously uh the old gator here has given us a lot of years and miles it's on its second engine already we love this gator don't get me wrong this gator is amazing not only what's up um how did this break um we don't know they're just old yeah lots of sagebrush okay not only do we love this gator because of the years that we've managed to get out of it but the fact that rita who aaron's mom bought this this gator for gilbert uh for his birthday and a few years before he passed away so we were able to take this and continue it on the ranch just like we try to do with pretty much everything around here and and a lot of things become a symbol but i can tell you gators are something that has taken the ranch from the very first time i ever set foot on this ranch probably one of the first things i ever saw was a gator and that was gilbert's uh little gator and it makes sense that we're able to move up through the years and uh and through the different models and and technology and all that kind of good stuff and see the difference between the two i also told these guys hey i also told you that you get to show us you're one of your favorite places on the ranch right now and do you want to go you want to go check it out what is it the hay bales why do you like the hay bale so um daddy made a part out of it yeah i did i did i made it forward okay let's go check it out [Music] here's your guys's fort guys you guys gonna go out and play yeah [Music] may you always find your way to higher ground [Music] may you always keep your head held up high pretty little thing you're a diamond in the rough shining from within i can tell that you're tough just the side of you when i'm at my weakest point makes a world of difference so you make me strong pretty little things you're a diamond in a rough shining from within i can tell that you're tough ordering a cup of love feel it rising up and above you will always keep my heart and soul strong plant your seeds and watch them grow the light will always know where to go you will always keep my heart at soul [Music] strong [Music] you're the first thing in the morning and the last baby you're my future and you are my past [Music] you see look at that even even lincoln has a gator guys i don't know it's just something for me that it almost makes you feel like you're at home when you're in the gator you're on the ranch you're checking cows you're hanging out with kids it's it's something like this it's it's it's a mode of transportation it's silly right it's just silly but like i cannot i can't share the ranch with the kids on a four-wheeler especially in the storm or when we're trying to do something difficult it's impossible but the gator gives us a way to do that it gives us a way to share the ranch with anybody who wants to come along it may only be a three seater but we can fit thousands in this little machine thanks for hanging out with me guys i really do appreciate it you've got just a few hours left to go and vote for the name of our new bottle calf you can do it on facebook our on facebook and give a vote i think as far as i remember i think cole right now is in the in the lead but you can go and vote for the top four names from our video where we introduced our new bottle calf and during our live stream tonight we will be announcing the winning name so you can come on over to our live streams on the beyond the ranch channel starts at 6 p.m tonight and i hope to be able to see you guys there guys i am extremely proud of both erin and i to be able to buy a gator not only for us but for the ranch and for everybody involved thanks have a great night and we'll see you tomorrow as we continue the 30 and 30 right here on our wyoming life
Channel: Our Wyoming Life
Views: 38,657
Rating: 4.9666018 out of 5
Keywords: Ranch, cow, cows, horses, cowboy, gardening, farmers market, Wyoming, our Wyoming life, animals, animal videos, peacock, farming, planting, cattle, ranching
Id: DK9DUE08Ozc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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