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good morning everybody today we're going to be taking the straw packs out of the corrals so we hopped in the case loader tractor's warming up right now we put the solvent air spreader on there and we're just heading out to the curls right now me and dad already moved the cows over i always want to put the loader in the grill before i come and grab the manure spreader otherwise the spreader is going to block off the corral and i won't be able to get in there so always starting out with the loader and we already took all the slop out of these corels so they're all pretty dry and we can get straight to working on that straw pack usually i got to muck around in these corels but we don't have to do that this year so it's pretty nice i'm just gonna start by cleaning up this little darker area here it's still a little bit mucky there i guess and that's where i want to park the manure wagon when i clean these corels out the straw packs i always want to back the wagon in it's just a lot easier loading and we also gonna try and stay out of the way of the feed wagon it's always feeding in the morning and it's got to drive through the feedlot here so we don't want to get in his way [Music] just dug into the straw pack and you still see some snow hopefully there's not gonna be too much frost and having it give us trouble i think we'll be pretty good though usually the straw packs they don't freeze up too solid even in the winter time so let's grab that wagon pulling up to our corel here let's see how well i can back in now i'm pretty good you can see there's still plenty of room for the feed wagon to drive by i got the heaters maxed in the tractor and the loader as well it's a pretty cold morning i think we're at like minus three it's crazy how quickly your perception adjusts i guess from two months ago minus three would have been like the warmest day and now it's freezing but let's get this first load loaded up head out to the field [Music] first wagon's loaded up i'll always try to load the front higher than the back just because this door only opens up so far and if you try to push really tall manure through the door in the beginning it doesn't flow through so well and sometimes it'll actually get hung up on the door and won't be pushed through so just to try and avoid that hassle we try and stack the front a lot higher than the back another thing we did a week ago or so i switched these knives or these teeth around you can see the inside is kind of dull that should be pointy i think it's actually supposed to be like that pointy it's just completely rounded out they're double-sided so we just switch them around new nuts and bolts now we've got some sharper teeth again so i think it's going to spread a lot finer over the field it was starting to get a little bit uh chunkier like larger lumps in the fields and we don't really like that we like to seed straight through this manure we don't want to harrow it at all after we put it on the field so it's got to be spread as fine as we possibly can get it so we kind of think that's going to do a better job of spreading this stuff over the field so we're at the field that we want to spread on this is 145 acres of land that's never had manure again it's pretty far field from our farm but it's never had manure it could really use it and we'll get the most bang for our buck out of the manure like this so i'm just going to start the spreader out model all the way down turn the pto on there she goes so with the straw pack manure i'll just open the door on the spreader all the way wide open right away because it's not gonna flop all out like that slop would with the slop i'm slowly opening the doors a little bit more and a little bit more but you don't need to do that with the straw pack and then right away you got to turn that floor chain on with the slop it kind of flows out and then after once it's kind of all flown out you got to spin the rest out with the floor chain so you can see in the tree row here there's still a bit of snow and that's all the snow that's left out here just in these carrigan rows where there was some big snow drifts otherwise all the snow pretty much is gone and uh you know what we might even be pulling the cedar through those banks there next week because it takes forever for those things to melt but uh everything else all the snow pretty much gone so that's the first load you can see the door there the gate only opens up so far and now that's what i was saying we don't want to heap it too far right in front of that door because it's just not going to be pushed underneath and it did a really good job spreading it out to super fine so this is just a chunk of ice but for the rest like if this is the biggest little pile of straw that's not bad at all no it's definitely doing a really fine job of spreading it out so that's load number two and we use the case loader to scoop up the straw packs it does not have a grapple but we're actually able to scoop up the straw pack really well and that's because we use our bed buster to bed these corels in the winter time and that thing shreds up those straw bales really fine and there's no really long strains of straw in there which makes it a lot easier to scoop up so if we were just to shake out all the bedding always throughout the winter in these corrals with the new holland wheel loader and the grapple the straw would be a lot longer and it kind of ties together a lot tighter and it's way more difficult to scoop up without a grapple bucket so awesome enough we're able to get away with scooping all these straw packs out of the corrals with the case loader and it works perfectly fine for us except this year i think we are going to use the new holland with the grapple to clean out these shelters here we just have the three crows with shelters two there and then the one across there it's a lot easier to kind of pull the bedding out from underneath those shelters with the grapple and this thing takes quite a long time to clean it out because you got to be really careful around all the support beams underneath those shelters but first six girls out here with no shelters that thing's perfectly fine so this is a pretty awesome comparison this is where we've been spreading this morning third loads right there and i actually spread a bunch of solid straw pack here last fall so we can really see the comparison with those teeth switched around on the beaters of the spreader so it's really easy to see if there was any impact switching the teeth around and there definitely is barely any chunks here and this is where i spread last fall and you can see look at these lumps here even these there's not a single one as big as this on that side of the tree row made a big impact switching those teeth around and i guess we probably could have done it a lot sooner they're getting pretty dull already last spring you never really think it's going to make that much of a difference but it does make a difference so we'll be on top of that next time switch them over sooner [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] yeah i think i'm gonna win this game of chicken [Music] it is about what are we 10 38 it was going so good this morning we just blew a hydraulic line it was just oozing oil out like there's no tomorrow on the spreader and uh that's gonna stop us here for a bit so somewhere in here you can see it's all soaked in oil i'm gonna bring it back to the yard and then someone can watch and see exactly where it's starting to leak as i run this floor chain so it is the hydraulic line for the floor chain which is really unfortunate it can't spread without that so i'm going to run that line now my dad's there he's going to watch where it comes out so this is the hose right here it just broke right off of a fitting which is right here and that just snapped right off annoying thing is this goes up through the frame all the way to the back of the murderer spreader so we're going to tie a wire through this and then we'll pull it out from the back end that way we have a rope or a wire going through and then we grab the new hose from the city tie it on there pull it back through and that's how we'll get it back in so so this was connected like that she just came loose son of a bad luck just make sure it's good see that thing in a bit we're gonna rip out to saskatoon grab some new hoses got the old ones in the box means we can get a nice double double how can i help you hey can i get two large double doubles please two large double doubles for you oh that's everything that's everything you can do thank you thanks look what i got for you thank you hey that's how you're supposed to do it yeah you're telling me yeah we got our new hoses i had the um shop label them the exact same as these the one line is a little bit longer so we got to make sure they're going in the right spot and we also labeled which one goes where over there and then we're going to hook both of them up to this rope and hopefully we can pull them nice and easily all the way back through to the front and get these things rehooked up so we got our new hoses coming from back through the frame and right to our drive for the floor chain which is right here there's a bit of fluid leak in there that's just from the manure that's in the wagon still i already checked it it's not oil so 600 worth of hoses about five hours of lost time and two double doubles later we're ready to hit the field again start hauling loads out let's get back at it so she's still spinning here those are looking pretty good yeah there's no leaks there either here you guys can see the floor chain that's how it pushes all of the manure back through these beaters here finally back for another load i totally turned the payloader off before i went to the city so it didn't run the entire time i was gone for like three hours don't tell greta i thought i was done with the snow today but i guess not i'm probably gonna get a few people commenting uh why are you taking the straw out of the corrals don't the cows need to lay on that and if you check this out given the choice more cows will actually prefer dry ground versus a straw pack this grill still has it and they're all laying in the front except for one cow so if it's dry they'll rather lay on dry dirt so yeah so i guess this is a pretty accurate way to describe saskatchewan there's snow right now sun shining typical so that's cool when i was on the field dad hopped in the wheel loader and started cleaning up the edges of the corel it's always really easy to grab a nice full bucket when you first start cleaning out the corel because there's so much straw pack but towards the end you always got to clean up right along the wooden fence and that's the thing it's wooden you got to be really careful otherwise you'll just push that fence over so it's a tedious little job trying to clean all of the manure right off of those wind breaks so it's always awesome when my dad hops in the loader and does that for me when i'm out in the field really speeds things up [Music] you guys can see it's starting to get dark outside we're gonna call it a night didn't get as much done today as we wanted to but that's just how it goes sometimes hopefully tomorrow's gonna be a better day and uh yeah we'll get back at it tomorrow so thank you guys for watching if you enjoyed be sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below check out the instagram sask dutch kid and i hope to see you guys in the next video
Channel: SaskDutch Kid
Views: 107,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dairy farming, dairy cattle, farming in canada, canadian dairy farm, dairy, farm, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog channel, farming selfie, holstein, holstein cow, holstein farm, cow farm, farming milk cows, tractor, seeder, combine, crop farmer, land farmer
Id: aC3h67w98go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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