( Fusion 360 ) How to Convert A Photo to a Cnc File using Fusions Canvas Tool. (Langmuir Systems)

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welcome back guys today I want to show you how to draw a cuttable or machinable file based off of a photograph so before you get settled in make sure to hit that subscribe and like button and we'll see if we can't get you cutting sparks so we're gonna show you a really cool function that fusion 360 has called the canvas function and what this allows us to do is turn a average photograph that you can take out with your cell phone or camera into a cuttable or machinable drawing with some pretty good accuracy so the first thing you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to take a photograph of whatever it is that you want to cut out and the best thing to do is make sure it's on a contrasting background I had the customer lay it down on a white piece of paper to do that and you want to take that photo as square on as possible now the great thing about this too is the customer did this and sent it to me so this customer is in a different County now this really opens up some opportunities for you is not foolproof but it allows you to not have to go to the customer's house and take measurements in every case be able to do a lot of your drawing work from right off your couch with your family instead of having to go out in the field as much so let's get started we'll show you how this works okay so the first thing you're going to want to do is make sure that photograph is in a place where you can find it so I always like to make a file right on my desktop that's for pictures like this so we can see that our proper photo is right there in that file so we know where that's at next thing we're going to want to do is open up fusion 360 and for the linear systems we want to make sure that our axes are with the z axis pointing towards us our Y axis in the north-south and our X in the east-west orientation so just like this with the cube facing frontwards next thing we're going to want to do is go over to our left upper side over here and hit create sketch double click on that and then go down to your plane and double click on your plane and this will open up your sketch you can see over on your right side that your sketch template is here you can have that closed up though just so it's out of the way next thing we're going to want to do is go up to our upper right hand side to the insert drop down and we're gonna click on that and scroll down to the canvas function now we're gonna double click on our canvas function and this is going to bring up this window here and we want to go on the lower left hand side to this insert from my computer this is gonna allow you to bring that file in from your desktop so right click on that and then we're gonna scroll up I'm gonna find my desktop click on that and then here's my pictures file so we'll select the picture of this gasket that we had here now the photo is over here on the right side or the drop down for the photo I should say the next thing that wants you to do is to select a face and what that basically means is just select this point you want to go over to what this is called there your origin of your drawing and you can see that change color and we want to double click on that and there is our photo right there in the drop down now you want to come over you don't want to select any values in this yet and we're gonna come over and slick the ok button so we have our photo sitting here and we can scroll into it you know it's kind of an opaque color so this is gonna allow us to draw overtop of it so the next thing we want to do is we want to make sure that this photograph is to scale so we have an accurate representation of what we're drawing over so how we're gonna do that is we're going to go into our upper left hand corner and we're gonna hit the arrow drop down for our canvas and that'll drop down and this little window right here is going to be our sketch so we're going to right click on that and scroll down to this window to the calibrate now I inquired with the customer and they said that the small holes are 3/8 of an inch in diameter so we're going to zoom into our 3/8 of an inch hole and we're going to take our cursor here you can see the little X it's kinda hard to see and we're gonna try to hit as close to we can on the edge of that hole and click it once you can see it left a marker there and then we're going to drop down to the opposing side of that hole and click again now currently it shows us what our scale is and right now that hole is 70,000 switches were way too small so where you're gonna put the correct diameter of that hole so 3/8 of an inch equals 0.375 thousand point 375 and hit the enter now it made it much bigger so we're gonna scroll out and now our drawing should be to scale a quick way to confirm this is we can start to draw overtop of it so we're gonna make a circle so the quick key for your circle is the C key so you can hit the C key and then I'm going to zoom in on this guy I'm gonna try to guess the center of that circle click it and then draw it out and I'm gonna input 3/8 an inch so point 3 7 5 click and there you go so you can see that that circle is pretty close to the diameter so I think we're pretty accurate there and we can continue so obviously you have your canvas here and we can keep on drawing over it so I'm gonna hit circle input again I come over to this guy and I'm going to make another 3/8 circle because I know that this hole is 3 inches so 0.375 enter and there we go now we can just use the rest of it to work off of so we can take our circle again hit C for a quick go into the center and we're gonna drive this out until it hits our outline right there there we go that's pretty close so we're gonna enter our circle in here and let's I'm gonna see if I can kind of construct what's broken out of this as well there's no sense drawing a broken thing here so we're gonna take and I'm going to assume that this is a 3/8 of an inch circle here as well there we go now we have all of our main components drawn out so now I'm going to go and try to match this radius here so I'm gonna hit my c4 circle again and bring out a larger circle and kind of try to match that lower radius right there which I like that and then we're gonna come over here and hit a circle here and try to match this radius till it meets up there with the edge of that upper right hand part so that's pretty close right in there now I think we can hit L for our quick key to make a line and we're going to come up here click that drag across until we get straight up you can see the indicator right there till we're straight clocks and input that line and then I'm going to take go from up here at our bend with another line we're gonna draw down until the intersect with that circle again and put that line and so on and so forth so watch for a second as we get this all constructed [Music] [Music] okay so we got everything done but these last two things and I want to show you a quick another function here is a three-point arc that's super useful in drawing over things like this and it's going to be in our upper left hand corner in the create strap down we're gonna go to arc and hit three-point arc and what we can do here is we can click on two points that we are intersecting between there and there and then once those two are established you can kind of have this little guy to drag around I just kind of make that arc whatever you want it to be there so this doesn't have to be right on because obviously this gas gets kind of tattered so that worked for that arc there and I'm gonna make this just one continuous arc right here as well so we're gonna come up here drop that and sweep that into there so it's a nice clean line so now that we've got everything drawn out we're gonna go through and clean up these lines that we don't want so we're gonna hit the T key which is our quick key for trim function or your race function so hit your T and then go over it tilt highlight it and click on it and just erase all these other lines that we are not gonna use so these were just kind of build lines go through and get those erased and looky here we said we're gonna we're gonna cancel out of our trim function now that we're done with it and looky here we have a sketch over this gasket that we've drawn up so the last thing we want to do before we start writing a tool path on this guy is you definitely want to extrude it it'll make writing your tool path for a few for laying your systems so much easier and so right click on that hit press Pole we're gonna cut this out of quarter-inch so this is 0.25 as the values we're gonna put in there enter and we have our part so you can see it right there and then you can come over here to your left side and hit this eyeball and get rid of the canvas and just look at the part leave you guys so thanks for watching guys hopefully this is helpful I've been able to use this in several applications one important thing to note is your accuracy is gonna depend on your photographs so what I mean by that is when you take a photograph you are gonna get a force perspective so the closer you are able to be to that part and the straighter on the less that perspective is going to be forced so it's going to give you a lot more accurate representation so for example that gasket he was able to get really close in there and we were able to get within like 1/32 of an inch on those maybe even a little tighter whereas I've used this function for drying up in actual trust and I can get behind the vehicle squat down and take a photo of that axle and then import it in and draw the entire trust based off that photo around it and I didn't have to sit there and measure it I could just draw right around it but being so I had to be further back to be able to take that photograph I had more of a forced perspective and in my tolerances were more like within 1/8 of an inch versus 1/16 of an inch or less so take that into account when you are taking your photographs so hopefully this was helpful if it was please leave a like and subscribe for more videos down the road make sure to leave a comment if there's anything that you are having trouble with and I'll do my best to answer those questions and maybe put a video out for so take care guys and go build something [Music]
Channel: AM Custom fab
Views: 180,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, AutoCAD, canvas function, langmuir systems, how to draw a CNC file, how to make a photograph into a cup file
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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