ep 109 - Learn Sketchup Lesson 2 Roubo Woodworking Bench, Best Tutorial Ever??

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[Music] hi everyone my name is James welcome to King's fine woodworking today we're gonna do a Sketchup tutorial we've done one in the past let me show you here several months back we did learn Sketchup in 20 minutes it's complete Sketchup tutorial of a coffee table and this was a pretty big success everybody seemed to like it and had asked for some more Sketchup videos so we decided to do that and this is today's gonna be step two in the process but we're gonna go a little bit more in depth today I think then we did then if you haven't seen this video it might be a good idea to watch it because in this video I show you how to go and get Sketchup directly from Sketchup itself and download it and put a copy of it on your computer should I show you exactly where to click where to research or you know what it were to type in to get that and so I'm maybe gonna you to see this first but if you're already familiar with it you have it under computer that wouldn't be necessary but I will put a link to this video down in the description I want to talk a little bit about a company who I personally asked if they would sponsor us the company is mags which I've been approached a hundred times in the last two years from tool companies trying to get me to take on a sponsorship I've declined them all because their tools were mostly just mediocre max which takes tools to a whole new level they make your work faster they make it more accurately and most importantly they make it safer there's a link in the description below that gets you 10% off and you'll be helping support our channel and these things are awesome times too when you discover you could store them literally anywhere alright we're gonna start by opening Sketchup I do have two copies of Sketchup like my computer I have the SketchUp Pro which we pay for since we make and actually sell plans you need to buy the licensed version if you're gonna do that but if you're just building something for yourself then just use the free version of Sketchup and that's Sketchup 2017 which is the one I have and we'll just click there to start using it and we're going to do basically the same thing in this video that I did in my first video so I've been an educator for a long time I teach organic chemistry I've taught for many years probably almost 10 years at the university level and I started out tutoring and then ended up teaching and quite a few different types of chemistry but I focused mainly on organic and so I definitely have a firm belief in one particular teaching method and that is to jump right in and start so I mentioned in the earlier video that I could go through and I could tell you what each of these tools means and that would just be a lot of data for you to remember and it probably wouldn't stick and probably wouldn't go to your long-term memory the best way to learn what each of these things do is to just start building something and I'm gonna do that for you I'm just gonna start building something and I'm gonna tell you each time I do something I don't tell you how to do it and you're gonna see it now the first time you see me do it you're not gonna be able to commit that to your long-term memory and that's okay but as time goes on even over the course of this video you'll see me do it 10 times 15 times 20 times and then it's gonna make sense it's gonna become second nature because you're gonna learn by repetition yeah it's gonna be a lot more fun because you're just jumping right into a project as opposed to spending time learning all these individual things which almost have no meaning to you yet at this point and another thing that I want to point out and this is critical and I'll pause the key is if you have the video to talk to you I'm gonna be entering measurements a lot and I want you to focus on right here hopefully you can see my cursor moving around there it says measurements and when I enter measurements they're gonna appear over here in this window you're gonna see me entering measurements and my pieces are just gonna spontaneously change shape but if you look down here and I'm gonna point it to this a number of times throughout the video you can see where and how I enter the measurements I'm gonna type them in and it'll appear down here and that's good to know because if I want something that's 36 inches wide I'll click on it I'll type 36 in turn as I'm typing 36 the numbers appearing down here I do have this set up in inches for woodworking if you want to use a metric system you can use that too yo set up that way you might type in millimeters for example but basically this is a good area to keep a focus on and I'll talk about this frequently and when I do use some of these tools I'll probably do the shortcut if I want to move something I could come up here to the move tool and I could grab it and I could do a move or I can just simply click m4 move tool that turns into the move tool and I'll show you that it looks like that so that'll kind of make things a little bit easier as you go along and help out your learning process okay so we're just gonna jump right into it today I'm gonna build a workbench this is going to be a two-by-four workbench workbench it's got a 2x4 top and the legs will make them out of four by fours this is basic material that you can go and pick up from your local big-box store something like a Lowe's or a Home Depot or whatever you might have in your area and it's a really inexpensive way to build a good-quality workbench and a woodworking bench is kind of you know essential to to doing a lot of types of woodworking so I figured this would be a good project that maybe a lot of you are interested in and it contains a lot of building techniques that are important to have so we're gonna start with that okay so the first thing I need to do is probably to draw the legs so let's take a look at the at the field here I could probably were to click the hold down the scroll wheel I can kind of move this around this is called the orbit tool so we can kind of get an orbital view of what's going on but what we need to do is start with a leg so I'm going to put a square down here or a rectangle so we're gonna click our 4 rectangle tool and you can see there's a shape of a box there and it looks like that tool right there so I'm going to click in the corner you can see if I hover right to the corner of it at some point that you can see the word origin pops up that's how I know I'm in that corner in the corner so I'll do a left click once with the mouse and I'll just pull it out this way now I'm gonna use a 4 by 4 for the leg so now is that time I want you to go down look at the dimensions box you see these dimensions are huge but I want my leg to be a 4 by 4 leg which as we know is three and a half by three and a half so much type in 3.5 you see that pop up down there and then comma because it's 3.5 in one dimension and then 3.5 again because it's 3.5 in the other dimension and then hit enter and there it is now I'm still in the rectangle tool which I don't want to be in the rectangle tool so I'm gonna press spacebar to get out of it now I'm going to zoom in by scrolling the mouse wheel forward and that is the footprint of our 4x4 now let's say I want my workbench to be 34 inches tall maybe I want the leg to come right to the top of it so in a click there and I can stretch this thing up the way to do that is to use the push/pull tool so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click P for push-pull and you see how the tool appeared and look it looks just like that tool and if you hover over it you can see that's what pops up push-pull alright so with that tool active I'll click here just once and let go just a left click it's not a click and drag just click and let go and I'm gonna move this upward well I want it to be a specific height now if you look down in the measurement box you can see as I'm going down the measurements getting smaller as I go up the measurements getting bigger I can just stop there for a minute and I'll type in the number 34 and then if I hit enter it makes it 34 inches tall now I'm still in the push-pull tool so I need to get out of that tool so I'll press spacebar now I'm gonna scroll out with my mouse so I can look at the whole leg okay so now we've done is we've drawn all the dimensions that are required for this to be a leg but it's not yet a leg it's not yet a component meaning if I were to draw another line somewhere else anywhere else it would actually think them trying to attach it or that it's a part of this leg and so it would interfere so once I draw a piece no matter what that piece is once I'm done drawing a piece I have to make that piece a component the way to do that is to use put your mouse over it and triple click one two three that's a triple click and now I can do a right click and I have a menu that pops up and I see make component I'll click that that makes it a component if I wanted you can see I can even give a definition or a name to this component I don't really care will let it be called component one then I'll click create now this leg is its own unique component and that's what's really important the leg is its own unique component now I can go ahead and draw something else but I do have one leg but of course a table needs four so if this leg is here missing maybe my workbench is about six feet long this way and maybe it's about two feet wide this way and you know 34 inches tall this way so this leg is here I know I'm I need a leg over here so the best way to do that don't pay attention to that that wasn't my phone dinging all right so the best way to do that is for me to copy this leg over to there so to copy and put it over there I'm gonna have to move it over there so I'm gonna click click m4 move just type the letter m and look what comes up that shape is what we talked about the beginning and look it kind of it's that shape right there and if I hover over that shape you can see that's the move tool so that's just a shortcut I could come up here and I could click that and be in the move tool or I can just remember some of these shortcuts M is remove so now I'm gonna go over to my my piece here I'm just gonna click it once that's selected it I'm not gonna click and drag just click and select it and I'm gonna start moving it now I want to move it straight down this line do you see this is the green axis of our grid here but it's hard to get it exactly straight do you see how I like to go all over the place but I want this thing to move exactly oh I don't know if I want it to be 24 inches down and my piece is three and a half inches thick 24 - three and a half means I got to move it down by 20 and a half inches but I want to get it exactly along here I don't want my leg to be over here I want this thing to be square so check this out I have these arrow keys right so if I press the left arrow key that holds it on the green axis it only goes so even if my mouse is closed it stays on the green axis if a mouse is over here it stays on the green axis if a mouse is over here it stays on the green axis that's pretty cool if I press the up arrow key this should make sense to you it's only going to go up and down that's the blue axis if I press the right arrow key it's only going to go this way that's the red axis that's the way to keep a piece going straight on the axis that you want so I'm gonna go back to the left arrow because that's the green axis the way I want it now I know I've got to move it down 20 and a half inches I just did that math but I don't just move it two and a half and stop because then all I will have succeeded in doing is moving the leg I want to copy the leg so what I do is as I start moving the leg down there before I but before I get it to where I want it I'm gonna press the control key the control key makes a copy and there it is there's our copy cool so now I want to get this in position and now I want you to go but down and look in the measurement box it says distance now this gives asking me what distance that I want this away from the first leg and we've calculated 20 point five so I'm going to type in to zero point five gives did you see that appear in the lower right hand box distance twenty point five and then hit enter and there it is it moved it exactly 20 point five inches over which keeps these two pieces 24 inches apart now I'm in the move tool and I don't want to be in the move tool remember to get out of a tool I press the spacebar and now I want to do one more operation I'll perform one more operation on this because what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put a mortise in here and a mortise on the side also here our mortise there and a mortise there these mortises need to face each other and these two outer mortises need to face down the table this way so I but I really only want to take the time to put the mortise in one leg so these legs are kind of intertwined they whatever I do to one leg is gonna do to the other because it's a copy of this one so ideally I would want to put make this as the mirror image of that so here's how you do that you right-click on that leg and then you're going to say flip along and I'm gonna say components green so I'm flipping this leg upon the green axis now you don't see anything happen yet but what it did is it made this leg as the mirror image of this one so now if I were to put a mortise on this face a mortise would appear on this face as well or if I were to put a mortise on this face one would appear on the opposing face over here because we've created the mirror image don't forget that when we move a component we want to right-click it like this and then flip it along whatever axis we moved it along in this case we know we moved it on the green axis so we want to flip it on the green axis all right hopefully that makes sense I'm gonna zoom out here now I've got these two legs and now I want a pair of legs over here so guess what I'm gonna move them as a pair over here and then I'm gonna flip them along the red axis so let's see how we're going to move them first thing I have to do is select them let's talk about the Select tool for just a quick second if I'm over here for if I do if I click and drag from left to right I'm sorry from right to left I just barely have to grab a piece of what's happening and it actually grabs the whole thing on the other hand if I click and drag from left to right if I just grab a piece nothing happens I've got to grab the whole thing so look at this this would be a way for me to isolate and grab just one leg so you see here I fully grabbed the leg on the left but not the one on the right so if I let go only the leg on the left is selected in the future that will become important but for now let's just know that we want to grab both legs because we want to copy them both down here so I'm just going to do this now they're selected now the first step was to move do you remember that and you remember how to get the move tool we type em in for move and it appears the move tool then we want to click on it and that moves it just click and let go and we can see see it moves it and we want it to come this way right we want to come right along the red axis it's hard to me to pull it straight on the red axis because my mouse tends to wander and you know it could go any which way remember if we want it to go down just one specific axis if we can't remember what's what it's okay because you can keep pressing those arrow keys and get to where you want so the left arrow key moves it on the green axis the up is the most obvious because that moves it up and down on the blue axis and the right arrow key moves it on the red axis which is down here to the right like we want so I'm gonna take it partway down to where I want but remember if I take it all the way to where I want and then type in my numbers all we will have succeeded in is moving it but I want to copy it so as I start going that way I want to press the control key like that and that copies it and now as I'm working my way down here maybe I decide I want them 48 inches apart so I get some distance towards the way I want I'll type in the number 48 look in the lower right hand box again I'm gonna type it in the box says distance and I'm gonna type it in now for 8 so I want 48 inches away and I'm gonna hit the enter key Enter there it is now it's 48 inches away so I'm still in the Move tool I want to get out of the move tool so I'm gonna press the spacebar I'm out of the move tool remember the last thing we have to do is you have to flip the orientation to make these guys the mirror image of these let's think about this if I didn't if I put a mortise here you know for the rail that goes across that mortise would appear here but that's not in the right spot we want the mortises to face each other so I have to flip this okay so the way to flip it is with them selected they're still selected right click on it and we'll click flip along there it is the red direction because I moved it on the red direction so flip along the right direction and it's done so there it is so we've built the legs for our table and that's it's real straightforward it can take a look at them this is the orbit tool that I'm in and I'm getting this by holding down the scroll wheel see the scroll wheel Scrolls in and out and if I press the scroll wheel down I can orbit you know like like I'm a satellite orbiting around the planet table so I'm orbiting around and I'm looking at it from from space from some spatial dimension up above that looks pretty good so the next thing we're going to do is we're gonna put in rails okay so for the rails I think I'm gonna use a 4x4 I've got four hundred four legs and 4x4 rails would look good they'll give the bench stout look it'll add a little bit of extra weight to it and so I think we're gonna do that it'll also be bigger a little bit meteor so be easier for us to put Tenon's into it all right so what we're gonna do is first thing we're gonna do is we so we got to get a rail from here to here and of course they're there and the other side the other side it's cuz rails are gonna go all the way around so I've got to make a decision on how high up I want the rails also so to start with I think the most logical thing to do would be to draw a rectangle here which would be a square of course and then just pull it all the way over to be flush with this edge so if you could remember how we do a rectangle we're going to type the letter R that's the rectangle tool I'll start at this corner I'll click the button once and then we'll drag it out like that I don't really know what size that is but you can look down in the dimensions and you can actually see down in the dimensions the size is right it says three and a half comma three and a half if it weren't right I would just type it in like this three point five comma three point five I can also do three and three and a half comma three and a half it's the same thing I'll hit enter and that solidifies it there as our rectangle now I've got to pull it from there to here I can't do it with this tool so I can get out of this tool or I could go directly to the tool that I need in which case I'll do that so I'm going to do P for push that's the push-pull tool I will click that surface and I will drag it over to here now I'm gonna zoom in so you can see what's happening here so I'm dragging this over here I want it to be perfect with that edge watch what happens as my tool gets right to this corner it you see that there's a little purple dot there it says on the edge in component that sort of snaps it to that corner if I were to go this way I can do the same thing I could snap it to that corner so we can see how it snaps to that corner just perfectly for us so we'll do that we'll click the button again and there it is that locks it in place now let's get rid of the push-pull tool remember to do that you want to press the spacebar okay so now we have just drawn a new component but it's not yet identified as a component so to identify it as a component we have to triple click so I'll do that that's a triple click and then I can do a right click on it and I can go down to make a component but maybe I don't want to do that maybe I'll do a triple click whoops triple click and press the letter G that's a shortcut to making a component I could go over here and I could click create but creates already highlighted so I could just hit the enter key so that's a fast way to make a component triple click the letter G and enter and that's just a really quick way to do it all right so now we have a component now let's take a look at that guy looks good to me but it's not in the right location we want out let's say I want these rails to be 12 inches up from the top of the rail twelve inches up off of the bottom here so here's how I would do that I need to move it up obviously so for the tool to move I'm going to press M for the move tool I will click it once I'm gonna click on the edge here click it once and then I'm just gonna raise and lower now I'm not I didn't do a click and drag I just did a click and let go and I raise it up but see look what's happening I can put it any way I want we don't want that remember well see what happens if I push the left arrow key the left arrow key is moving it that way we knew that and the up arrow key that's the one we want that's the one that's going to keep it on the blue axis so we're gonna go up so I'm just going to move it up to some amount I'm just going to type in 12 and enter and that moves the piece up 12 inches exactly which is what we're looking for alright so in looking at this piece what does it look like I've done this if this is 34 does that look like that's up about 12 inches sometimes you're not sure if you typed in the right number or if I've clicked it up in just the right spot in order to move it but here's a quick way to check it let me zoom in here and if we look up at the top we see this tool here that's a tape measure tool I can also press T to get that tape measure tool so if I click down here at this edge and it goes straight up I can see that right there is 12 inches and I actually wanted that to be the top all the way up here it's actually at whoops right there fifteen and a half inches so the piece is actually too high I did move it up too high I moved up by twelve and it looks like that moved it from the bottom to the bottom which is which is twelve so I would suggest that occasionally if you're not sure if your measurement worked use the tape measure tool and see if that works and if not it's really no problem to move it so let's get out of the tape measure tool we're gonna press the spacebar and we want to move this back down now we do know how much we want to move it down by we want to move it back down by three and a half inches so I'll click the move tool I'll click it and now it's going to be moving up and down I'll use the up arrow key so that I can lock it in to this axis and I'm gonna start downward and I'm gonna do three point five enter and I believe that moved it back down exactly the mount that I wanted it to but here again let's just check and make sure so I need to get out of the move tool so I'm gonna press the spacebar and I need to use the tape measure tool I can click here or I can just type T and we'll click there at the corner and I'll bring it to here and there it is it is 12 inches so now it is just the way we want it so that's great so let's get out of the tape measure tool and now what we need to do we have this rail done we need to copy this rail over to there so this is something we've done before we take a piece we start moving it and we copy it over let's see if you can remember the steps as we go through it here the first thing we'll do is we'll start to move it so we're going to click M for the move tool and we're going to click here to start moving it and I need to make sure that I move it in this direction and remember this isn't a click drag I just clicked it and let go of the mouse so I want to move it in this direction so I want to lock it into that axis so let's try the left arrow key if we can remember the left arrow key is the green axis that's exactly where we want it now we're going to end up wanting it over here if that makes sense and that should be about 20 and a half inches over which is the same way that we did with the first one but let's start getting it over there now I don't want to just put it 20 and a half and and type it in and click it there because all I will have done is moved it remember we're trying to copy it so we're gonna go part way I'm gonna hit the ctrl key and that copies it then we're going to go ahead and move it over get it real close to where we think it needs to go and then I'm gonna type in a number so look in the lower right hand corner again where it says distance I'm gonna type 20 point 5 and that just so happens to be the same amount that I moved the legs over hit enter and there it is we can see it's lined up just right so 20 point five okay so now if you can remember what we have to do is we have to flip this component we want to do that because whatever I do to this one I want to make sure it happens to that one so if I were to put a tenon in this I remember this is gonna have to have probably a tenon or something to connect here I want the tenon to be the same here if I were to offset this tenon to the left then I would want this tenon to be offset to the right so we have some sort of symmetry all right so let's get out of the move tool that space bar let's click this tool I'm sorry click this this component we're gonna right-click we're going to go down to flip along and we're gonna flip this along the green axis so just get used to that flipping whenever you create something on one side and you move it to make a copy of it make sure you flip it along that axis that way whatever you do to one it does to the other okay so that's done now let's take a look at the side rails the ones that go from here to here so it's always good to take and be comfortable with moving your piece around using the orbit tool zoom in and out you know get it just where you want it and once you're comfortable with that yeah you know you always orient your piece in such a way that you can really see and get a feel for what's going on you're working in three-dimensional space but of course your perspective is just on a flat two-dimensional screen so it's something you kind of have to get used to it doesn't take long it becomes intuitive pretty quickly and it's not too tough alright so I'm just gonna orient this about right there and that's a good place for me to see for me to draw a rectangle here and then pull it over to here alright so let's start with that we're gonna need the rectangle tool which is our butt start right in that corner and I will start pulling it out to this way and I'm going to type in my dimension 3 point 5 comma 3.5 enter there it is now I need to pull it over to here so I'm going to switch to the push-pull tool by typing P I don't have to get out of the previous tool first if I don't want to now I'll click here one click and I'll start moving my mouse this direction and you'll see it'll snap to that edge and then I'll click there and that puts it there so it's all set now I have to make it a component don't forget every time you draw a new piece whatever the piece may be I've completed the drawing now I've made it a three-dimensional piece I have to make it a component we're gonna try our shortcut mmm let's get out of this tool I'll press the spacebar and they're going to do triple click we're under G and we're going to do enter now it's a component alright so now I want to move it up 12 inches so I'm gonna do the move tool click it and whoops there we go we're going to go up and down I'm gonna need to use the arrow keys because it's hard for me to keep it constrained in here exactly like I want it so it's the up arrow and that brings it up and down and so I made a mistake before of doing 12 which that moved the bottom of it up 12 so in this case I think I'll just move it up eight and a half so 8.5 enter and that was it that locks it on evenly with that piece so that makes sense okay good so we have this one and now I want to move that over here I want to copy this rail let me get out of this tool by pressing the space where I want to copy this rail over to here so it's gonna be the same procedure that we did over here we're going to use the move tool click it and we're start moving it this direction now I want to make sure I can stay in this direction so let's try the arrow keys left arrow key that's not the right way we know up-and-downs not the right way right arrow key finally we're doing something with the right arrow key there moving something in the red axis so we're going to move it over to here so as I get partway I'm going to need to click control that copies it and I want to take it all the way over here which should be 48 inches away 48 enter and there it is alright so it's one last thing to do let me press the spacebar to get to that tool last thing to do is to right-click on it and flip it along the red axis and there we go so there's the rails I haven't put in the Tenon's on the end of the rails and I haven't put in the mortises in the legs yet we will come back and do that but let's take a look at what we've got so that looks pretty good it's starting to look like a table there okay so let's tackle those mortise and Tenon's next well zoom in here what we're gonna need to do is I'm gonna need to highlight some stuffs that I can still see it and I'm gonna need to block other things all right so I'm gonna go to view and I am going to go to component edit this is going to allow me to edit just one component it makes it really easy and in order to do this I want to have the hide rest of model feature clicked so now if I go into a component let's go take a look I'll show you what happened is you see now it's clicked it's got a check marked by it which is what we want all right so now if I go into a component to do work on it it's going to hide or kind of fade out the rest of the rest of the model sort or we can't see it and the way to get into a component is to double click it so let's look take a look at this this rail for example I want to start by putting a tenon on the end of this rail all right so to get into the component to put a tin on it I double click it so here it is so I've double clicked it as soon as I double clicked it you notice it hid the rest of the model you might also notice that it didn't necessarily hide this piece but it grade it out that's because these two pieces are connected it's like Einstein's spooky action at a distance there huh they're they're intertwined somehow whatever I do to this one it's also going to happen to this one whatever happens here this guy knows about it same thing happens it's kind of cool but it makes it makes our work easier because then I'm not gonna have to put on four Tenon's I just kind of put one on this side it appears here I'll put one on that side and it'll appear there ok so we're gonna do some new tools so let me zoom in just a little bit here so I think I want to have a tenon that's somewhere in the middle here we'll just make it real easy for us we're gonna maybe come three quarters of an inch in from each edge and have the tenon comes straight out to us like that so I'm going to use the offset tool so I'm gonna if you can follow my cursor up here this is the offset tool so up I'm hovering over it and you can see it says offset so the the letter the shortcut for offset is f so offset F I know that seems silly but that's what it is so I can click this tool to do it and there's what it looks like and as I hover over here you can see it knows I'm gonna do something here I haven't pushed anybody I'm just hovering and so it knows I'm gonna do something with this edge and you can see that I'm it's kind of walking the the dot around the edge so I'll just start somewhere here I'm gonna click my left mouse button once I'm gonna start moving in and this is going to be my tenon but I want this to come a certain distance in this is where the offset tool comes in handy what I'm doing is I'm drawing a rect Ingle a square in this case which is offset from that outer edge by a certain amount and I want to type in that amount now so I'm going to start it in here and look at the lower right-hand corner of that box down there where it says distance I'm gonna do 0.75 that's three quarters of an inch and enter now I have created a square within the bigger square there this is 0.75 an inch or 3/4 of an inch in from each edge and that's pretty straightforward so I'm gonna click the spacebar to get out of that tool whoops so what I did is accidentally clicked off of the component which took me out of it that's not a big deal at all watch I'm just gonna double click that puts me right back into the component no big deal all right so I want to pull this out to me so remember that's just P the push-pull tool I grabbed it and I want to pull it out now how big do I want that tenon to be probably this big right no I don't think so so we're gonna pull this out two inches I hit type the number two and enter and look what happened it put a 10 in here and it put a 10 in here so that's fantastic that's exactly what I was looking for now let's do the same to the other side I'm gonna gather this tool here and we're gonna flip this around to the other side is how it this is why it might help to get comfortable with this tool so I'm still in this component so I'm not gonna put the tenon over here do you know how I know I'm still in this component is because this is the one that has the grid around it so I might as well just keep working here because whatever I do here it'll happen over here I could put it here and of course it'll happen over here but I'm already in this component but let's say I make a mistake and I click somewhere other than this component like here I click up it's taking me out of the component no big deal remember to get back into a component you double click on the component so double click that puts me back into the component so that works great okay so we're gonna do the same thing let me get a little closer here and we'll take a look at this so I want the offset tool because I want now I could just draw a rectangle in here and so I keep saying rectangle what you do need to know that every square is in fact a wreck it has four right angles but not every rectangles the square so I can use the word rectangle for square so just I'm hoping that doesn't confuse anybody out there I don't know how many of you guys don't like that so sorry all right so I could just draw a rectangle in here if I wanted to but then I have to get a position just right you know 3/4 inch down from here 3/4 of an inch over 3/4 of an inch up that might be a little tedious that's why we use the offset tool it makes it really easy it's a way to put like a smaller rectangle inside of a bigger one you know or small square inside of a bigger one but have it uniformly distanced all the way around from the edges so that's the reason for it so f4 offset tool and we'll click my left mouse click button once it'll start moving it in and you can see that and I'm going to type in 0.75 you can see that happened in the lower right hand corner 0.75 and enter and there it is all right now I'm going to do the push-pull tool P for push-pull and I click there and I must start dragging this out to us I want the tenon to come out the same amount as the other 10 so I'm going to type to enter so the 10 is coming out to inches let me get out of this tool that's spacebar and let's take a look there it is we've got our Tenon's on both sides that was extremely easy to put a tenon on no problem ok so now I'm gonna click over here somewhere to get out of this component just a single click does it alright so we know we have our Tenon's on the long rails now we need to put our Tenon's on the short rails now up here in the view if you take a look of course we're still in the hide the rest of the model for editing a component so we're just gonna stay in it for a few more minutes and get this other work done so I'm gonna double click here now that puts us in this component real simple there's this short rail and there's his counterpart over there and this is the one that we know we're working on because this is the one with the grid around it hopefully you can see that grid there all right so we're gonna come over here same procedure f4 offset get close click the button move it in 0.75 enter there it is push pull tool I'll grab the center part pull it out two inches enter real simple look at that then we hit the spacebar to gather tool almost spin this around there we go and remember I'm still in this component has a swing of the grid so let's just put the other tenant over here f4 offset get there click move it in 0.75 enter that puts it there p4 the push-pull tool and I'll look at that I made a mistake didn't I I need to push push pull this part there we go so push pull this part to enter and there it is and then hit spacebar to get out of that tool and there it is now those guys are done so that was pretty quick pretty cool huh alright now I'm gonna click out of the component so now our Tenon's are done all the way around that's pretty neat so now we have to put our mortises in so let's see how we'll do that what I'm gonna do is I think I'll start on this leg right here and I'm gonna get into this leg to work on it so whenever you have a component already done to go and do work on just that you have to double click to get into the component since we still have that hide the component or hide the rest of the model feature checked I just go right into this component and there it is we're into the component now the problem is is I don't really know where the mortises do I well let's think about it I probably do know where the mortise is because I know my rail is 12 inches up at the top so let's see if we can figure this out we're gonna put some guidelines in to help us out ok so the guidelines are going to use this tape measure tool so let's type T for tape measure tool I'm gonna go to the bottom click and I'm going to move up and I'm gonna go up to up 12 inches here and I'm just gonna type it in so if you look in the lower right hand corner in that box I'm gonna type 12 enter that puts a guideline at 12 inches pretty cool now I know my 4x4 is three and a half inches wide so I'm going to click here and I'll move up I made a mistake there hang on let me get it okay click on there and I'll move another guideline up eight and a half 8.5 enter so that puts my second guideline right there now let's zoom in just a little bit closer to what's happening here okay so these two this guideline here and this guideline here that's like the top and bottom of my rail now I do know that my tenon comes down three quarters of an inch from here and comes up three quarters of an inch from here so let's put a second set of guidelines in so I'll start here and you see if I am right on the point a little red dot appears and it says online so I'll click there I'll go down three quarters of an inch that's 0.75 enter and let's put one here going up click it move it up point seven five enter so this is going to define the top in the bottom of my mortise now I know that the rail is just exactly the same width here right so the tenon comes in three quarters of an inch from this edge and three quarters of an inch from this edge that's what the offset tool did for us on the tenon so the same will be for the mortise I'll click this edge I'll move it in 0.75 enter I'll do the same thing here I'll click it there move it in point seven five enter cool alright so that's it this inner area here is what's going to be our mortise alright so I have to draw a rectangle so let me give you our for the rectangle tool and I'll come up to this corner and it says intersection so wherever else I am there's nothing popping up but when I get right to the corner it tells me that I'm at the intersection so I'll click there and I'll move it out to this corner and click again and there I've drawn a rectangle now let's push do the push-pull tool and I'm clicking it now mortises go in they don't come out so I want to push them or to start pushing it inward and then I have to decide how much I want it in remember the tenon came out two inches so I'm gonna push the mortise in by two inches to enter there it is that mortise is done and look at this it did a mortise here and it did a mortise here and there in the both in the right spot because we took the time to flip this to get the mirror image of that alright let me get out of this tool by hitting the spacebar and now all these guidelines are gonna be confusing because I'm gonna have to go and do the side ones so let's get rid of these guides if I can do edit and delete guides or I could have pushed control II but delete guides I can't remember all the shortcuts so alright so I'm gonna use my orbit tool I'm gonna come out to this side now and I need to get a little closer to here okay so I need to put my same set of guides in here because I need my other mortise on this side because the bat mortise has to go between these two guys okay all right so let's do t4 tape measure we'll start down here we'll go up 12 inches 12 enter and we'll do another one that goes up eight and a half well let's say I didn't I couldn't do the math - from 12 see how far down this came that's no problem I could just start here and go down 3.5 they'd do the same as going up so there's that one and there's that one okay now we have those set now I need to do my ones for my mortise itself that's up by 0.75 there it is and here we come down by 0.75 enter there we go let's go a little closer and we'll go there and move over 0.75 trying to I get to get too confused with all the lines that are popping up it's looking confusing because we do have a grid around this around this box you see this this dotted line here is the grid around the around this run this component telling us that we're in this component so hopefully you can stay focused just in this area alright now here on the edge click it and move that over by 0.75 enter alright there's going to be our little box right there for our mortise I'm going to need to use the rectangle tool so I typed are gonna grab here we're gonna pull down and click there all right now the push-pull tool will click it and we'll push that in by 2 inches and enter alright so now I do have let me get out of this tool and let me get edit delete the guides so we can see what's happening now I have mortises on the sides and I have mortises in the fronts and backs we do have to clean up this mortise and I'll show you how to do that ok so what we're going to do is clean up this mortise and what happened when this mortise here got pushed in let's zoom in and we'll take a look well that was too far let me zoom back out here alright so what it did is it created an artifact by pushing in it kind of pushed this film over to here which doesn't really belong you see we should be able to clearly see through this mortise and out the other one because they both kind of overlap each other just a little bit and I'm gonna show you how we fix that what we need to do is so there isn't a line here doesn't really exist because this got pushed in and the same thing over here the line right here doesn't really exist because that got pushed in so I'm just gonna draw those two lines and then we're gonna delete this stuff and it'll make sense I know this seems awkward but you'll get used to it as you do mortises if your mortises overlap like these do you have to get rid of the artifact of the stuff that's kind of in between if your mortises don't overlap it's not a problem in fact a lot of times when you do things you don't really want your mortises to overlap but for a big bench like this with big mortises with big rails and I wanted them centered they're gonna overlap alright so let's do that so we're just gonna do click L L is actually going to draw a line for us and I'm gonna come right here to this point and that's the end point I'm going to click a line and come straight down to there and click and that put a line there for us and I'm gonna do the same thing over here let me zoom in click there and I'm gonna come straight down and click there so that's the line alright we get out of that tool and I'm going to click this piece and I'm going to delete it and we'll click this piece and delete it and I'm going to click this piece and delete it and then I have to delete these extra lines which were part of the artifact from that mortise getting pushed through it's gonna make sense in just a second here I hope let's move to this side and take a look yep good ok so this line delete it or that that wall sorry there we go and there we go and there we go and then there's some lines on the top that don't belong let's take a look at those I'll click those and remember these are just artifacts from pushing that mortise in and having an overlap okay so let's see if this is making any more sense now that I've done that so this might seem confusing but if you follow what I just did and you do it yourself a couple of times it will make sense all right so there it is now you can see this mortise pushes into here okay and this mortise push this into here so the tenon actually comes to here and that tenon comes to there so these two Tenon's are kind of overlapping on each other space right so we don't really like that but we can fix that let me get back out here alright sometimes if you zoom in too close when you're into the piece it messes up okay so there it is so we've put those in and see but the magic of creating these individual legs and moving over here and then flipping them on the green axis and then moving the pair over here and flipping on the red axis means that we have by putting the mortises in one on the two sides it has put them in all of the legs so you should be able to see that the mortises are in all of them now officialy alright so what I'm going to do is I'm going to click here and that puts those back in place and we'll see if we can take a look at one I'll move one of the rails out of the way so you can see I'll click the move tool and I'll click this I'll move it in the red direction and you can see that tenon fits right into the mortise that's exactly what we're looking for right all right good okay so now what we're gonna have to do is we're going to have to fix those Tenon's and I'll show you what I'm talking about here I want to get to the point where I get rid of our component edit I want to uncheck that all right and then I want to just look at the rails I don't want to have those I want to hide the legs for example so to hide a component any component you want you can click on the component to select it then right click and then click hide and that hides the component as you can see but I want to hide all four legs so I can do that so I'm gonna i'm gonna click there right click and click hide and i'll hide that one and i'll hide that one and i'll hide that one and then i want to kind of look from a top view and see what's happening here let's see if this makes sense to us all right so let me move this rail out of the way now and you can take a look at it so i'll click the move tool i'll move this and we'll click the right arrow and you see if you can look there you can see how those guys are overlapping right so that's not going to work i can't cut - i can't cut two mortises and have them overlap inside that's not possible so what we need to do is we need to cut 45 champers on the edge of these mortises so when they're inside of that leg they fit together I'll show you how to do that here all right so we're going to zoom in so I have to pick a component we want to go into maybe we'll go into this component first so double click to get into the component yeah it was even a little bit here so I'm going to draw a line and I'm gonna create a line where there isn't one from here to here there we go now I would do P for the push-pull tool I'm gonna click that now I want this to go down out of the way and I want to go down to this edge you see how it says on edge outside it back to very little red dot showed up so I've clicked that so that's cool that's out of the way now click this and I'm going to show you that that's out of the way I'm gonna click outside here I'm gonna click the move tool I'll click that and I've moved that you see how I cut that edge off there so the edge of that one's cut off all right now I want to do the same thing with the other side I have to go into this component to do it so double-click it to go in to the component to do it and then I'm going to click L for the line tool I'm gonna draw our same line from there to there and then I do the push-pull tool I'll click that and I'm gonna push that down to that edge right there BAM and then we hit the spacebar to get out of that tool and click out here together there and let me click that piece let me move it actually I'll click it and then you can see as I moved out of the way now that that's fixed so now when these two pieces go together inside of the legs the mortises won't overlap each other so that should be pretty straightforward how we do that okay and so these pieces there's a lot of symmetry here so when I did this site here it did that site there and when I did this site here it did that site there so the way to have them all for done is I go here and I go diagonally to the other side and repeat the process and that gets all four of them done so let's rotate this guy around to the opposite corner which is right here let's zoom in just a little bit and then we're going to start maybe on this leg double click here I got to draw a line put the line right across that corner I'll do the push-pull tool I'll click that and I'll push it down to that edge there and I'll get out of that tool get out of that component then I'll double-click that component to get into it I'll click line I'll draw a line from there to there and then I want to push this triangle down so P push-pull tool click that triangle and I'll push that triangle down to this edge right here and spacebar to get out of the tool and click there to get out of the component and it should be done so if we click this we move this I mean we can do this and we can see that's done so that's pretty cool let's take a look if if it worked with all of them now to verify let me see if I can make this a little bit easier for you to see I'll click this guy and I'll move him out too there you go look at that so all four of those are done and then put them back together and then we'll go up here to file and we'll go to or sorry edit and will unhide everything unhide all and there's the legs now there's another tool that we can use to kind of look at these structures here and that's called view and face style and x-ray so you kind of get an x-ray view of how this goes together and you can see down in there that's pretty cool huh these this tenon goes into this mortise and these guys fit so we can tell that we've done the job accurately if we look at the x-ray tool pretty neat okay so what's left here is to put a table top on our piece let me get out of the x-ray tool now it's time to put the top of this roubo workbench on and I told you we're going to make it a two by fours and four by fours we've made the legs and the rails out of four by fours and we'll make the top out of two by fours we'll turn them on edge so that they have more strength a roubo is a pretty big stout bench so I'm going to start by drawing one 2x4 across here then of course we'll just copy it moving across so I'll need the rectangle tool so our four rectangle tool I'm just gonna start at the corner here and we're gonna kind of draw it see the the the drawing gets kind of confused until you get it on a flat plane like the site here so you can see now we're kind of in the right plane the right pattern but now I have to size this thing so I want you to see the grid that I have here or see what the green shape looks like that rectangle I've made so that's basically where I want to put it but if we look down in the dimensions box we've got 51 and a half long by five and one eighth of an inch tall well that means the long length is the first length is the long length and I want this to be 72 inches long so I make a six-foot tabletop so 72 and then comma and I know a 2x4 is 3.5 inches tall so 3.5 enter and that's what it looks like now this is just the start of it of course this is a two dimensional part of the 2x4 we of course have to make it three dimensional so I'm going to press the space bar to get out of this tool I'm gonna kind of flip around to the other side because normally I would take the push-pull tool and I would just grab this and I would pull it out to give it the thickness that we need but in this case I'm actually gonna pull the thickness out the other way because with a robo bench the edge of the tabletop should be flush with the edge of the leg this would allow us to put on a leg vise and allow us to clamp pieces of wood vertically along the edge of the table here so I'm gonna pull it this direction so I'm gonna do P for the push-pull tool and I will pull it this way so you might might have thought I was going to do this way but but I'm not I'm gonna pull it this way so 1.5 inches that's how thick a 2x4 is and enter now I know what's happening here let me get out of this tool spacebar I realize that I have now this board and this board occupying the same space but we'll get it what we're gonna handle that soon now I've already made this a thing here and this is of course now a new component let's not forget so let's make it a component officially so triple click and then the letter G makes it a component and then enter satisfies it it's now a component now I don't want it the tabletop to just hang off a hundred percent from that side that would look goofy but robos typically have more hanging off from one side than the other because that allows us to put tail vices or wagon vices on the side and we put a leg vise for example on this side so I'm just gonna move this over so it gets about a six inch overhang so I'm gonna type m4 move I'll click here I'll start moving it this way and to make sure I stay on the right plane I'm gonna press the arrow which is the right arrow for the red axis maybe that'll help are right for red so in the red axis I'm gonna go over about you know wherever we're just gonna type six I want six inches overhang and that's that's that's what it looks like to me that looks pretty good so I'm gonna click the space bar to get out of the tool and we'll take a look I think that's gonna look good that's the right amount of overhang on the right I just want it bigger than what's on the left okay so now we have this we have a new component and it's all in place that we orbit around don't forget how to use the orbit tool we have to depress the the mouse our scroll wheel and and use the orbit in that way so what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to keep copy this and pulling it this way and that's going to give me my entire tabletop so I'm gonna click it here and you should remember how to copy and move so I'm gonna click in for move and I'm going to start bringing it this way now I needed to go along the green axis you can kind of see that faint dotted line green there that's one way to kind of help you remember that that's the green axis and let me do one more thing if you look down here you can see this green axis that's how you know you want to move it that way so let me get back to the move tool I'll click it I'll start moving it this way so if I can see that I'm on the green axis it's fine if I'm not sure I might just push the arrow key which that's the left arrow key in this case to keep it on the green axis so I'll start moving it over and remember in order to copy it I have to press ctrl that copies it and how far do I want it over well I want it an inch and a half over because it's an inch and a half thick so 1.5 enter and there it is so I have doubled up my top now I could just keep adding these one at a time that wouldn't be a problem I'm gonna press spacebar to get out of this tool and I could keep adding those one at a time and I would eventually get it done but what I might do now which would speed it up is I might select two of these guys and then I'll move them as a pair so I'll click the move tool I'll click there I'll move them this way and in the green plane I'll get to move some distance I'll press ctrl to copy that and I know I want these guys moved over about three inches now because it's two of them so three I'm typing that in you can see it in the lower right hand corner where it says distance three and then enter and there we have it we've just copied that many so I'm gonna press the spacebar to get out of the tool again I'm gonna click over here to deselect those guys now I think I'm just going to go ahead and copy four at once so when I grab this for copy I want to make sure I'm not accidentally grabbing the leg so or sorry when I'm grabbing to select so the leg didn't get selected but what if I went too far like this you can see suddenly that this legs selected because it's blue so when grabbing and pulling from the right to the left remember you just have to get a portion of it and it'll select the whole thing so if having a hard time getting just what you want you might want to orient this maybe more this way that will allow you to grab it safely and stay away from the leg does that make sense okay so I've got those highlighted I'm gonna select em for move I'm gonna click it once and I will start pulling in this direction I know I need to use the left arrow key that's gonna keep it in this plane I'll move it down some I'll press ctrl to copy that there and I have four boards there an inch and a half wide each so that makes six inches so I'll type in six you'll see it appear in the lower right hand side six and enter and there you have it yeah so now our tabletop is halfway done I would take spacebar to get out and now I've got to grab the whole lot of them to copy them all alright so I'm gonna do it actually do it this way well I did it but I'll do it there I'll make sure I'm not encroaching on that leg just on these boards there we go they're all selected and I can see the leg is not selected and someone's quick move I'm gonna start I'm gonna click on that I'm gonna start moving them in the right direction I'm gonna quit the click the green arrow so I know I'm going the right way and then I'm gonna click control which is going to copy them and so now we have 12 inches worth of boards of 12 enter and bam there it is let me click space to deselect the tool and click over here in the empty space to deselect those so there you have it that's the Rube oh look at that now a roo bow is a bench that typically goes flush where the bench top goes flush with the edge of the leg that we can put a leg vise here and clamp it so that's a pretty cool looking bench but we have some problems right we've got to deal with this overlap and I'm going to show you how to do that's not too hard what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna basically take this leg and I'm going to turn this leg at the top into sort of a mortise to push up or into a tenon I'm sorry to push up through the top so I'm going to go into the component of the leg watch see if you can follow what I'm doing here I'm going double clicking some in the component of the leg so anything I do anything I draw is now attached to the it's not attached anywhere else now this line right here I'm gonna draw a line over there so l4 line I'm gonna click right there and move it over to right there then I'm gonna do P for the push-pull tool and I've clicked it there and I'm gonna push this leg down I've just pushed this portion where I do the line now I wanted to I could keep pushing forever but we don't we don't really want that we want it to stop right there so I can be way over here even and see it says on edge outside active so I'm on the edge right there that gets it flush with that edge which is exactly what one and I'll click it and there it is I'm gonna press spacebar to get out of the tool and I'm gonna show you what we did I'm gonna click move to grab this guy and move it down and you can you can see what we've done there we've actually created a bit of a tenon on that leg that's pretty neat huh okay so it's not done yet of course because we have we saw some more fixing to do up here so I'm going to go back into the leg go back into the component by double clicking and we rotate over here I won't do the same thing I want to push this piece back here down to so line I'm a draw a line from there to there and then we click the P for the push tool I'll grab it and I want to push this down so all the way down and I want it to line up with this guy I'll click it and it sign up with this guy so now I'm gonna press spacebar to get out of the tool I'll click over here to get out of the component and let's see if we can take a look at that leg we just made I'm gonna move it down and I'm gonna just move it to right here and let's take a look at that look at that so we've sort of created a 10 in there that tenon is gonna push up through this this is kind of an easy way to build a mortise and tenon we're just basically cut these shoulders off here cut the cheeks off and we have a built in tenon and we'll have to fix the board up here that it goes into so let's do that also since we made all four of these legs at once we copied them move them and then rotated them or flip them about these axes just by doing one all four are done so that's pretty convenient alright so now let's take a look at what's left here the tenon part of this leg and this particular 2x4 are still occupying the same space we can't have that so I've got to put a hole here putting a hole here is gonna give me an artifact like you did with the mortise down below so we're not gonna do that what we're gonna do instead is I'll show you now I want to take this particular 2x4 and I want to push it back maybe to the other side of the tenon but I have to do that over here to push this back to that side tenant and but if I do that it's gonna move all these at once because all these are attached so watch I'm gonna have this one selected I'm going to hold down the shift key and select this one as well now these two guys I want them to be different than the other boards that make up the tabletop so if I right click on it then I could say make unique and now those are unique they're unique to each other and they're unique as in separate from the rest of the tabletop so if I were to do a push-pull on these it's not gonna push the other boards on the tabletop let's take a look I'm gonna select that guy I'm gonna hit my push-pull tool I'll click what I'm sorry I made a mistake there I have to go into the component first right so double click to get into the component then push grab this edge or just touch it really and then move over and I don't want it there I want it there on that side and we don't want it too far but if we get to this edge it'll just snap right there and click it and that's it let's zoom back out and I'm gonna hit the spacebar to get out of the tool and I'm gonna click out here to get out of that and we'll take a look at what we've got so that worked perfectly now we're gonna need to do that on the other side so let's get over here and do that now these two boards of course are already unique so we just simply have to push them back so I got to get into the component I can get into this one or into this one because they are connected so I'll go into this component I'll click P for the push/pull tool and I'll click that and I'll start pushing it back now I'm not holding down that left click button remember all you have to just click it once and now I'm just moving the mouse so I can scroll while I'm moving the mouse and I want to move it all way back to this side of the to way for I hope that makes sense right there and then click it and that puts it there now I'll press the spacebar to get out of the tool and click out here to get out of the component and that parts done now we have to do is add four short boards in these four spaces and our table is done okay so let's get this oriented so that we can see what we're doing and I'll zoom in here and we're gonna basically draw a rectangle here and then we're just going to pull it out to this edge now it might look confusing at first as to where the rectangle goes but if we spend a minute to look at this I can see that this is a straight line coming down here and then I can see there's an angle change as this comes forward so I know that the board that I'm gonna draw in here is gonna stop down here and even if I ever rotated like that so that I can see the whole thing I can still see this angle change so you just kind of have to orient yourself get used to what you're looking at and you'll be okay with it all right so we're gonna start we're gonna do our 4 rectangle and I can start right down here and you can see it says endpoint I'll click that and I'll move it up to this corner and I'll click that so now I have a two-dimensional rectangle and I'm going to do P for the push-pull tool I'll grab that and I'm gonna bring that out that's gonna create that board now I want to make sure I bring it right flush to the ones that are next to it and a Sketchup makes it easy we just hover over something that we want it to come flush to and that does it we could do this side or this side doesn't matter and we'll click and there it is that was pretty straightforward okay so we're going to do the spacebar to get out of the tool and remember this is not yet a component so triple click oops triple click type G and then enter now it's a component all right let's see if we can do the same thing over here take a look at this guy zoom in just a little bit there we go and then I'll do our four rectangle and I'll click there and we'll move it up to this corner and click there that's our two-dimensional surface I'll click P for the push-pull I'll drag it out and I'll put my mouse over here my cursor here and click there so it's flush to that edge I'll press spacebar to get out of the tool I'll triple click I'll type G to make it a component and enter see if you guys are sitting here with me then I would let you do the next one so that way I know you know what we're doing here but you're not so I'll keep doing them all right same thing here are for rectangle we'll start here and we'll go to here that's the two-dimensional version P for push-pull I'll pull it out flush with that edge spacebar to get out of the tool trip triple click type g-e-t make it a component and enter and there's just one left and that's this guy get a good view of what's happening all right r4 the rectangle tool will click there drag it up here click again P for push pull and pull it out to the edge right there get out of a tool triple click G and enter all right let's take a look at that pretty cool let's see what it looks like when I move a leg I'll click in for move and I'm gonna move this leg down to oh I don't know about there and get out of the tool and let's use the orbit and look around look at that so we actually have a mortise there up here and we actually have our tenon here and this is a pretty easy project to make we've actually built this whole thing so that it's simple to make you would probably just glue all of these interior two-by-fours together and maybe just glue this one on then you'll cut these put it up in place then you can glue this one on then you can glue the outer went on and you don't actually have to go through the trouble of cutting a mortise so this is a pretty cool way to make a mortise in a tabletop all right and I'm I don't know if I I've been going back I've been moving things and going back without telling you but control-z returns things to where they were it's the same as it works with any program that you have control-z undos your last action so what I did is I click the move tool and I move this maybe I could click the move tool again and I can move this so I've done two things so ctrl Z once puts that back control Z a second time puts that back so that's just a way to put things back in place that you that you've done kind of undoes your last action there okay so this looks really good you know what I think though I think what I might like to do is have a flat surface here now normally we'll we would do the rectangle tool to outline our perimeter but I've got to work this I want to put a shelf here I've got to work out around these edges so in this case instead of doing the rectangle tool I'll probably just do use the line tool and watch what I'm doing here so I'm going to click l4 line and I'm just going to start here and I'll move that to here and I'll come up to this point here now the lines still active I'm going to rotate around I'll click here I'll click here I'll click here now rotate around again I'll click here and here and here and here and we'll orbit around a little bit more I'll click here and here and here and there and look at that what that's done is kind of giving me a two-dimensional surface of a shelf I'll click the push-pull tool I'll grab it and I'll just drag it up I think we want this shelf probably to be made out of plywood which is 0.75 you see on the right side of type that in inches thick and then enter and there it is so we have a plywood shelf and press the spacebar to get out of that tool and once again we've made a new component so triple click type G to make it a component and enter and that's it so let's take a look at it since what we did is we basically walked our drawing around all of these corners because if you put a shelf here obviously you can't have the shelf occupy the same space as this so it's like each of the corners has to be notched but let's to look at it and I'll move it out here and you can see that it is in fact notched pretty cool control-z puts it back in place the spacebar takes it out of the tool and so that's it so there's your roubo this project is we're gonna consider this project done basically these up here are just different views you could look at the project in some different perspective views like a head on view a top view and then you know the perspective view that's a good view I like that one but so this project is all complete I'm not going to take the time to show you how to put the skin on like to make it what green or anything I did that in the first video maybe go back and have a look at it this video is already really pretty long so that's it I hope you guys enjoyed the project I hope you learned from it if you would like to learn some more if you'd like to see some more sketch ups just let me know in the comments down below if you have specific questions ask him in the comments sometimes there's other Sketchup experts in here and they might even be able to help and answer them before I can get back around to them and I do need to say thank you to my daughter sigh she's my youngest daughter she's 15 and she is actually the person who learned Sketchup two years ago she's the one in the family who has mastered it and she does all of our plans and for this particular project I actually had her quickly teach me how to do this before I made the video to show you guys so that's that's how we get everything done here when it comes to Sketchup we give it to her so that's it have a good day thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Kings Fine Woodworking
Views: 94,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, wood, how to, diy, make, maker, build, sketchup, sketch up, for beginners, designing, model, modeling, table, coffee table, thesketchupessentials, the sketchup essentials, sketchup tutorials, sketchup lessons, sketchup modeling, architecture, sketchup 2017, sketchup tutorial, sketchup for woodworkers, sketchup woodworking, sketchup tutorial for beginners, sketchup woodworking tutorial, sketchup woodworking joints, sketchup for woodworkers tutorial, matthias wandel, jay bates
Id: MNSsOOyz0To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 2sec (4382 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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