Zero, first, second, and third conditional (if, would) | Canguro English

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hello and welcome to kangaroo English I'm Christian I am Raquel and today we are going to be studying conditionals how do you feel about condition very bad really you don't like them they're horrible well hopefully today um I can help you to feel totally comfortable with conditionals it's not that difficult how are you fine yes yeah tell me do you have any hobbies yeah I like photography and music I play the guitar and beyond okay and what what type of things do you play on the guitar yeah things that I can't because I am I am trying to play better and do you have a good voice oh I think she says I think she's being modest I think in the shower yeah me too but I have I don't have a good voice well um let's go and study some conditionals and I think that when we finish you'll feel really good okay okay we're going to study conditional you're a little bit nervous I think maybe it's horrible yes yes but I think um when when we finish you will feel really confident I trust you so we're going to talk about four types today of conditionals okay so we have the zero conditional the first the second and the third conditional can you tell me the when we use the the four conditionals yeah okay this is your conditioner a I use it when there is an habit for sure for example okay a something that I I I do all the time okay yeah yeah but what is that what is the the idea the concept of this a something that I I do now yeah but it's not always about things you do so we could say but you're right but we could say in general the zero conditional are things that are true okay um what about the first conditional it's a consequence or a future action nah so I don't remember okay no problems no problems things that are probable and the second and third conditional are things that are imaginary okay and the only difference between this and this is this is imaginary in general and this is imaginary in the past in the past very good in the past now we need to look closely at the the grammatical structure okay okay so all all conditionals the the idea is it's to talk about consequences so if this then that you know this happens and then this happens this is all the conditionals are let's let's look at the zero conditional so what's the grammatical rule for the zero conditional a both types are in present very good very good so we have if plus present and then the present vessel and with conditionals you can put these in any order so you can have the if at the beginning or the if at the end it doesn't matter so give me an example an example sentence with the zero conditional so something that is true something that is a fact if I am hungry good I eat good if I am hungry I eat perfect she's nothing so you can see here we have present simple and Present simple also you could use the imperative in English the imperative is like orders yes so for example you could say if you are hungry go to McDonald's no don't go to McDonald's go to algas rest are go to a good restaurant exactly so yes present and present first conditional earths conditional so what is the rule for the first conditional it's one part there's one part impressive goods and the other one is in future very good plus the future and again you can put these in any order ok ok so the first conditional is for things that are probable predictions are also things that are true so it's similar to the zero conditional so give me an example please if I am hungry good will it good exactly so this is this is the same this is correct like the zero conditional but there's not really much of a difference okay because they're both they're both true this is something probable it's fine or what if we what if we change the order how can you say this sentence as well I will use an umbrella if weights very good I will use an umbrella if it rains fantastic yes so here we have the future before the if and perfect no problems then we have the second conditional on ditional so what's the rule for the second conditional there is a part in part in the past good so we have if plus past and the other part is with good very good and then we have the conditional conditional with woods in English the conditional is easy now it's so easy because it's wood and the verb there's no no conjugations there's no irregular verbs it's wood and verb super easy I think so remember the second conditional is something imaginary but something imaginary in general so give me an example a if I arrived a long time okay I bought go to the supermarket very good go to the supermarket so if I arrived on time I would go to the supermarket so this is like something imaginary it could be improbable or you're not sure of the result you know you're not sure ok very good also we could say we could put these round we could say I would go to the supermarket if I arrived on time very good fantastic now the most complicated like it the third conditional so what's the rule for the third conditional the first part it's a is past perfect very goods past perfect the second part is conditional perfect very good and then conditional perfect conditional perfect exactly so the past perfect also I think is easy because it is had yeah plus the past participle so again we have no conjugations one conjugation had and past participle so this is easy and then conditional perfect again only one conjugation so this is how this is words have plus past participle okay so again this is one conjugation and this one so really this part is fixed so it's very easy so the third conditional is for imaginary situations but in the past only in the past so give me an example if I had a study lock oh okay if I had studied law I put had being a lawyer very good perfect I would have been a lawyer that's true but if you had studied law and you had been a lawyer everybody would hate you yeah one final thing is that with all of the conditionals okay we can substitute the second part for a modal instead so if we had for example like the the second conditional okay if I won the lottery mm-hmm I would buy a Ferrari I think capital F is a very important car so in this case here here we can substitute this for a modal so we could substitute this for goods should must might etc and you can do this with all of the conditionals okay okay conditionals how do you feel about conditionals now better yes yeah okay good well let's go and practice play a little game I don't see if you can get your conditionals coming perfectly so now we are going to practice our conditionals with a little game okay so this game is very simple okay so I downloaded a list of situations from the internet you can just google conditionals game and you'll find this game it's a list of different situations so you have to decide is it probable okay is it imaginary is it imaginary in the past and I can to tell me the correct conditional okay so for example no you're not looking so if you if you have a headache what user if I hope I have a headache I will take a pin mm-hmm okay very good so first mmm-hmm you could use the first order zero yeah yeah depends because they're both probable they're both true okay so very good that was the first conditional if plus present and then the future yeah okay very good very good very good okay next one is what will you do if it rains tomorrow if it rains tomorrow I will take an umbrella okay very good very good so she used the first conditional here because it raining tomorrow is probable yeah okay we're in Spain in Galicia yes sir um okay what would you do if I told you this Saturday you have to organize a big party if you told me that I have to organize a big party I would excellent very good I would have a headache and then yeah I will take yeah very good so this was the second conditional because it was probably no generally yes imaginary because this Saturday I don't think you will have to organize a party no okay very good so um if you could play any musical into play musical chairs no imaginary what would you do if tonight when you go home there is a dog outside your house a little puppy dog mmm if tonight a it's a dog in front of my house I would I would go with men with sorry with it good very good a - maybe to the police oh okay yeah or in English you know the place the place where you have all the dogs it's got a pound okay a power like the life long like the money the same a pound here what would you do if yesterday you won the lottery if yesterday I had won the lottery I bought half bring us a boat a big house very good SIG's issues the third conditional it was an imaginary situation but in the past perfect Raquel thank you on I certify you a conditionals experts now the second type of game you can play is like a role play like an imaginary situation so we are going to pretend okay that we're driving a car okay and that we are lost mm-hmm so now we have to use our conditionals to imagine some different scenarios okay okay so I'll start sorry yeah dammit Rocco were lost ah if you if you had a boat no hmm no if you had they taken brought bring bring brought hey I'm up mm-hmm hey we wouldn't have lost no baby lost yeah very good very good well if you had brought the GPS we wouldn't be lost yeah if if we are lost we won't go to the party yes exactly if we're lost we won't go get get to the party yes and what about the invitation if they hadn't invited what about this one huh if they hadn't invited us and invited us and we we wouldn't be here exactly you mean love nothing exactly that was very good that looks pretty good so these are a couple of ways that you can practice your your conditionals at home and you know with Raquel it's a pleasure to poke so that was the class about conditionals so how do you feel now about conditionals it's fine it's fine there's still not 100% but o22 for the conditionals to come naturally you do practice a lot because the structures are complicated if you would like to see any more videos about Grandma pronunciation of vocabulary or if you would like to see more of echo then subscribe to kangaroo English thank you very much Rick oh thank you and we'll see you in the next class
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 308,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learning english, english grammar, conditionals, first conditional, second conditional, third conditional, canguro, zero conditional, 1st conditional, 2nd conditional, 3rd conditional
Id: HLXogTgZv-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2015
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