How to ask questions | Learn English | Canguro English

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[Music] hello and welcome to Kangaroo English I'm Christian hello I'm Fatima and today we are going to be learning about how to ask questions um and maybe maybe you think that this is a very um simple topic you know asking questions is easy but actually there are there are lots of different ways to ask questions um some some are easy and some are more complicated um but today we are going to learn about all of the different types of asking questions how are you I'm fine thank you and you good thank you so where are you from I'm from Morocco okay yeah and um how long have you have you lived here in Spain uh fifth mon fif years proxim approximately yeah yes okay okay so a long time yeah a long long time yeah no but before I live in t 3 years also okay yeah and now you're here in Galia yes and very cold but no problem okay well um let's let's go to the board and let's study questions [Music] okay so today the class is all about asking different types of questions okay okay so we are going to to start with the most simple questions okay okay so here we have um a normal a normal sentence okay you have seen Maria yeah okay and this is the um present perfect okay you have seen Maria okay now if if we want to ask a question in English mm what we do is we we invert our okay okay uhhuh we invert the subject of the sentence yeah and the auxiliary verb okay like this okay have you seen Maria very good okay so to make a question exactly we say have you seen Maria with a question mark yeah so that's perfect okay so let's let's look at another one okay you will eat pizza okay okay you can see here we have the auxiliary will for the future mhm so we invert this yeah and the question is will you eat pizza very good [Applause] yeah okay okay sometimes in English yeah we can have more than one auxiliary for example okay you could have eaten pizza so here we have two auxiliaries yeah and then the verb okay okay but when we make a question always the first okay so it's the same okay could you have eight Pizza exactly so could you have eaten Pizza okay perfect easy now we can we can use this for all of the verbal tenses in English except present simple okay and past simple okay so let's let's have a look at at present simple and past simple so uh present simple for example um you like pizza yeah okay um but in the present simple yeah we cannot say like you Pizza no we have to use an auxiliary verb ah okay we have to use do or does do you like pizza very good okay MH okay and it's the same uh if this was the past simple okay so if we had you liked pizza here we use the auxiliary in the past did did you like pza okay okay so in in the present simple and the past simple we cannot use inversion okay we have to use the auxiliary okay one technique that we use when we ask questions in English which is really important is we use the w words okay or the question words ah okay do you know what they are like who what when where where why then no no so we have who uhhuh what where exactly ah when when mhm and why why yeah okay and also we have some other ones like how for example but um most of them start with wh so they're called so we can we can we can start a question with this okay like who are you what is your name okay when where where do you live okay uh [Music] when when our good okay yes when or um when is the film starting okay and why uh why why now it's cold yes yes why exactly very good so so these words are really important okay and we always put these as the first word okay so we have this okay and and then we have the inversion okay oops or we have the auxiliary okay okay there is one thing which is very important okay about when we use the auxiliary do or does or did okay okay we only use do or does or did to replace the object okay so here you can see we have the subject of the sentence Fatima and then we have the verb okay and then here we have the object M okay so if we want to replace the object yeah okay perfect we can say what [Applause] did Fatima eat ah okay so this this here is replacing the object okay so here we use the auxiliary verb okay okay but if we want to talk about the subject yeah no auxiliary for example Fatima Fatima at eight what what ah we don't say Fatima did eat what no only if it's the object of the sentence okay okay okay so now we are going to start to look at other types of questions NE so the first were simple questions okay with the inversion and and with who what when Etc but this is some something a little bit different a negative question okay like for [Music] example didn't so we're starting with a negative okay didn't you like the pizza ah okay okay so with with with this type of question yeah okay okay I am I am asking for confirmation okay didn't you like the pizza yeah so um this is just another way okay another way for you to ask a question okay or um with no auxiliary maybe for example um haven't you been to Morocco uh-huh haven't you been to Morocco one thing that is very um interesting about this okay is the reply okay so I could say I could say yes or no okay but this is a negative question so if I say haven't you been to Morocco yes is positive exactly so yes means yes I have been to Morocco H okay and so they cancel each other okay but no no means yes no no I haven't been to Morocco okay okay so it's like a [Music] strange now I'm going to to show you about short replies M short replies are many questions okay many questions and they're very useful in English conversation okay okay because you can show boredom or anger or surprise uhhuh okay but in a very short way okay so if you're having a conversation it's really really practical um so let's let's start with um a a normal sentence for example I um have been to Paris for example okay okay now if if we were going to make a question mhm we use remember we use the auxiliary yeah do do no that because we use the auxiliary this okay okay okay and we can we can use the auxilary to make a short reply okay okay so we use this and we say have you [Applause] you okay because it's I so I could say I have been to Paris yeah have you been to Paris exactly very good but but here we don't need to say been to Paris we say have you have you have you okay so we're using the auxiliary to make a a short reply uhhuh yeah or maybe really have you yeah and also so this is this is like a substitute for really okay yeah so now the the person says I like Paris yeah okay now to make this a question uhhuh inversion no because this is present simple yeah so we use the auxiliary no do do do you like pares but like Paris not necessary do you like we just know do you do you ah so no verb okay okay only only the auxiliary which is which is here so we say do you do you but if if you're having a conversation uhhuh I can say this in lots of different ways okay if if I'm bored I can be like oh do you ah okay or I'm surprised do you yeah is is better can you put right um as a right do you like paries or do you like yeah but do you like no no okay because in English if we have if we have a verb like like yeah we need the object okay do you so this is a very short so it's a very short reply do you okay let's try one more I am I am crazy and the qu and the the reply you are no are you very good okay are you are you really are you very good now we are going to learn about something which is very English Okay called question tags okay question tags are a a mini question at the end of the sentence so similar to similar to the previous thing but different okay so for example um we need to begin with identifying the the verb in the sentence for example um you like pizza MH so to make to make a question what what do we what do we use here like do you like pizza very good very good mhm um but with a question tag okay we put the question at the end with a comma we say you like pizza ah don't you oh okay okay and here you can see that if we have a positive sentence yeah positive yeah then here we have negative question and the opposite so for example if we have this don't like pizza and then here we have positive question tag uh do you okay now this type of question okay is really really common in English ah yeah yeah and if you if you listen to Native people speak or if you listen to uh watch television you will hear questions like this a lot yeah yeah um yeah and it's it's an interesting type of question because this part here yeah is not a question okay okay this this is like uh a a statement okay you like pizza don't you okay yeah so so it's it's a strange it's not not a true question yeah okay it's like my opinion oh yeah and then I want confirmation ah okay yeah and you don't like pizza here do you don't you don't yeah exactly you're not you're not sure sure and here you exactly exactly so you want you want confirmation want confirmation for if he like pizza exactly okay but but I think I think this is true I think I'm 50% and 50% not exactly exactly um let's let's look at one in the future so you will go to Madrid so here similar similar to a normal question okay we this is the first auxiliary so we put this at the end but in the negative positive negative so won't you you so won't is the negative of will will okay or if we have the opposite you won't go to Madrid okay and then at the end uh one two so negative positive okay positive will you very [Applause] good okay excellent excellent very good yeah so the these question tags are really um really good in English to to a different type of question okay more flexible sometimes in English when when we ask a question M we use a question prefix for example do you think or are you sure yeah okay so the the problem is that if we use a question prefix then at the end yeah we don't use inversion or the auxiliary okay okay we have to leave it like normal normal so for example do you think oops uh do you think I like pizza okay okay so here you can see I like pizza okay we don't say do you like pizza exactly do you think do I like pizza M okay okay no because really truly this is the question yeah and this part is not the question it's the the statement after okay so if if you use a question prefix be careful okay this is another type of question in English a declarative question yeah and with a declarative question we use our expression our voice to make a question okay but we don't use inversion or in auxiliary okay for example um you are happy okay okay so this is a normal a normal sentence yeah you are happy yeah but I can I can change my voice okay and make a question okay and this type of question is to show surprise ah okay for for example like this I can say you're happy okay and I'm only I'm only using my voice to make the question but different yeah it's different but I don't grammatically identical okay yeah we didn't change nothing just a Precision of yourself yeah you are you are a be you are a be yeah ex like that yeah exactly okay you you are Australian okay I thought you were English for example okay so so this is um another interesting type of question you can [Music] use so this um this this final type of question is is my favorite type of question uh rhetorical question okay because really it's not a true question because I don't want an answer okay okay I'm I'm asking the question for for myself exactly for you okay so yourself how could I be so stupid yeah yes or or for example why am I always late okay you know it's a question a question for yourself yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so you can see um that we we use inversion okay okay but it's a question for us or for your mother or for your mother [Music] in English this is a very common phrase there's no such thing as a stupid question yes okay okay so it's something for you to remember and um I'm going to read um a little quote from the scientist K Sean he said there are naive questions yeah tedious questions ill- phrased questions questions put after inadequate self-criticism but every question is a cry to understand the world there is no such thing as a dumb question okay okay very good so something to remember keep asking questions always ask questions okay well that was the class about asking questions so hopefully now you feel totally confident with all of the different types of questions yes do you feel good feel good yeah it's very good it's it's a little bit complex but it's very good okay excellent excellent well if you would like to see any more classes about grammar vocabulary pronunciation or if you would like to see more classes with Fatima then don't forget to subscribe to Kangaroo English thank you very much Fatima thank you thank you very much and I'll see you in class bye bye bye [Music] he [Music]
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 70,363
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Keywords: kangaroo, canguro, how to learn english, learn english speaking, learn english conversation, conversation, learn english grammar learn english, learn english free, learn english online, learn english online free, learning english, learning english online, learning english online free, language acquisition, english grammar, learning, learn, lessons, teacher, school, english, grammar, lesson, education, teachers, language, free, questions
Id: BZCyd3k26Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2016
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