miss trunchbull being chaotic to children for 10 minutes

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[Music] [Music] you detention [Music] grow up quicker [ __ ] this [ __ ] i'm out the transport makes a weekly visit to every classroom to show the teachers a thing or two about handling kids and julius ratwinkle ate two m ms during her lesson and she caught him of course it's better than being put in the chokie choking yeah the chokie it's a tall narrow hole in a wall behind a door you have to stand in a drippy pipe with jagged edges and the walls have broken glass and nails together inside your festering ball of ass she puts kids in there i've been in twice sometimes she leaves you in there all day 60 lines after school i must obey myself ah fresh meat [Applause] no god please no amanda thrip yes mrs trunchbull what are those what's what miss trenchbull hanging down by your ears you mean my pigtails are you a pig amanda no miss transport my mommy thinks they're sweet your mommy is a twit you'll chop those off before school tomorrow or i will come around i'll give you butt sit bruce [ __ ] would little brucy come up here please this boy bruce bog trotter is none other than a vicious sneak thief you're a disgusting criminal aren't you i don't know what you're talking about cake chocolate cake you slithered like a serpent into the school kitchen and ate my personal snack do you deny it confess well it's hard for me to remember a specific cake this one was mine and it was the most scrumptious cake in the entire world my mom's is better it is is it how can you be sure unless you have another piece sit down fog here we go smells eh now eat it [Music] i don't want any thank you eat it seriously [Music] you look like you enjoyed that brucy you must have some more no thanks but you'll hurt cook's feelings huh cookie she made this cake just for you to have on your very own her sweat and blood went into this cake and you will not leave this platform until you have consumed the entire confection entire confection see you at lunch thank you cookie kids you wanted cake you got cake now eat it [Music] give up [Applause] oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] sit my idea of a perfect school is one in which there are no children at all do you agree miss honey now you front of the class a few moments later this could be the most interesting thing you've ever done but you've got to be crazy sit down you squirming wormer vomit get up can you spell miss honey taught us how to spell a long word yesterday we can spell difficulty you couldn't spell difficulty if your life depended on it she taught us with a poem a poem how sweet what poem would that be why are all these women married mrs d misses i you're supposed to be teaching spelling not poetry can't for cheers life of me understand why small children take so long to grow up i think they do it deliberately just to annoy me [Music] what's funny hmm come on spit it out it's a snake this is me one of you tried to poison me matilda it's newt what did you say it's a nuke miss trench ball stand up you fill in a sack of gold slime you did this did you act alone or did you have accomplices you didn't like the chokey did you thought you'd pay me back didn't you well i'll pay you back young lady for what miss trenchburg for this new cup i'm telling you i didn't do it besides even if you didn't do it i'm gonna punish you because i'm big and you're small and i'm right and you're wrong and there's nothing you can do about it you're a liar and a scoundrel i'm never wrong in this school i am [Music] [Music] god how could she possibly have done it when she was sitting way over here i'll be watching you each and every one when you turn the corner when you go to your little cubbies to get your smelly little coats when you skip merrily to lunch i'll be watching you all of you and especially you form a line across the room quickly run run run don't keep me waiting fill this gap i expect you're wondering what i'm talking about yes a child a child came to my house i don't know how i don't know when i don't know why christmas i shall personally see to it that the demented drooling slime breath little little putin who owns this disgusting ribbon will never see the light of day again [Music] you
Channel: clown energy
Views: 15,870,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oMCYqOOn1bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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