The Best Of The Internet (2022)

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hello everyone this is your yearly dose of Internet [Music] would you still love me if I was fat [Laughter] together I can't do it my tummy hurts [Music] [Music] this guy over inflated a basketball okay [Applause] [Music] what's your craziest college experience [Applause] this YouTuber was told that it would cost twenty three thousand dollars to replace the battery in his eight-year-old Tesla so instead he decided to blow it up with dynamite foreign all right all right I know it's been a while have you ever seen a cow that looks like the Rock this museum has a screener to see if you'd be able to vote in the United States back in 1870 foreign [Music] this twitch streamer is proof that you shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet I will quickly show you why I have a green screen today I am not making my bet today uh we're gonna swing by pick up some coffee holy cow oh my God oh my God these students were playing musical chairs when one student thought of a big brain move [Applause] all right boys [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are those pants the police came to arrest this guy hiding in a hotel room but he had other plans instead you just keep putting your don't tense up man don't don't touch it Excuse Me Miss do you by any chance work at a library that's so crazy because just like a book I'm checking you out [Applause] [Music] hi hi would you choose money or happiness sleep depressed brake pedal to start okay you are a failure nobody loves you die I got covered up yeah yeah scientists found this weird uncoordinated frog species that can jump but almost never lands on their feet would you rather marry someone right now that your parents picked out or be single for the rest of your life I [Music] Duncan Duncan Duncan Duncan these people threw some money into a wishing well would you wish for what do you feel like I wished for excuse me can I record you what's the coolest thing you found here best thing yeah what's the best thing excuse me [Music] okay he's like a 10 but his eyebrows are just like little dots on his head mashallah the cars in front of you next to you you can even detect this pedestrian here check it out and it even can detect the difference between a sedan and a pickup truck [Applause] I'm hungry I'm not gonna lie what is that bro is that a Dunkin Donut [Music] sitting down here do not care about my appearance no issues I love you regardless I'm talking to you this poor guy is the only person that doesn't know what the magician did with the ball oh go away he just flung cat litter out of the box he's probably gonna do it again oh my God I didn't know you had brown hair when you were younger oh no that that's my brother oh dude Bella changed a lot this dog was blown away by this magic trick [Music] [Music] come back in the house [Music] a raccoon chased this woman and her dog inside the house [Music] this guy wanted to see what would happen if he screamed while his dogs were playing what's this our project okay I like it Picasso yeah that week [Laughter] this guy went to a celebrity meet and greet and tried to sneak a video when no cell phones were allowed [Music] [Applause] you can do it snowball you can do it you can do it he's like oh there's a camera two this person had a construction crew working on something in her yard when they got a little too close these guys made a cool animation using grass clippings foreign BMW made a car that can change colors foreign I feel like a lot of people associate bad video quality with a potato but honestly I feel like the quality isn't that bad I mean it's not like great but it's not horrible allow me [Applause] so why couldn't this automatic faucet detect his hand but it could detect this paper towel foreign close-up of a wire getting cut this person was waiting in her car when someone tried to break in the car had tinted windows so the guy didn't know she was inside excuse you please do not attempt as this is a professional this is what happens when you put liquid nitrogen in a plastic bottle foreign what is your New Year's resolution I don't have any to live another year oh I hope hopefully not I found a gym bro that has mastered physics [Music] people inside this house were watching a scary movie and totally forgot that they ordered some food delivery this is what happens when you drop a cup on the floor in a military cafeteria [Applause] this truck had absolutely no respect for this tent that was using the crosswalk stop shut up one rubber you can do it [Music] these two delivery guys race each other to the front door [Applause] for some reason a bat latched onto the collar of this cat [Music] oh hey Dad you were supposed to buy Swiss cheese [Applause] [Music] your body um great enough that you watch T-man Smart TV no crap that's why I'm freaking stealing it go on the cops she was on her way inside when a sudden wind blew up her dress which distracted this driver and he ended up crashing his car [Laughter] foreign [Music] these guys found a really bouncy glass bottle that's what I say [Laughter] foreign [Music] this is probably the most dramatic video you'll see today I got split run ready one of my subscribers recorded a video of someone playing Tetris on the side of a building foreign [Music] this tortoise was upside down so this other tortoise went over to help out no Save The Tortoise oh no foreign [Applause] [Music] this guy wanted to test out the automatic parallel parking feature on his car hey it's going too fast [Music] I had no idea flying fish could stay in the air for this long I'm going shopping yeah what's up thank you sorry to bother you is it okay if you can just hold these have a lovely day [Music] I think I found the perfect device for people who went to game and snack at the same time [Music] this photographer used a stabilized camera to capture Earth's rotation besties I just got off work so don't look up here [Music] these were the best videos of 2022 as chosen by you the viewers thank you so much for watching and I'll see you again in the next episode later
Channel: Daily Dose Of Internet
Views: 37,434,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Internet, Internet videos, Daily Dose, Animals, TikTok, Science, TikTok Compilation, Compilation, Daily Dose Of Internet, Best Of The Internet, 2022
Id: NVH79ehGfY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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