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in the daytime I'm a dumb [Music] [Music] hi sister [Music] she's a runner she's a track star it might not be the best idea the hamster named what are you talking about you're not sitting next to Adrian your seat's over there hello darkness my old friend at the back why what's going on well since she's got a hearing issue there's no way she could sit at the back of the class right which means that she needed a place up in the front so to make it works besides so now we get to spend more time together who is this she good morning students I'm sure you've all heard by now but Lila's home from her trip to Achu and she is back in school with us again everyone oh a seat in the front row you all remembered my hearing issue you're such sweethearts all of you Mom I have a hearing problem Lila yes I suffer from tinnitus a constant raining in my left ear boy if you don't have it ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my eardrum on the runway when I was saving Jagged Stone's lost kitten isn't Jack and Stone's pet a crocodile [Music] class and you too you can sit up front I don't mind my return is causing so much trouble maybe I should have just stayed on the other side of the world that's a great idea [Music] well then I should be the one to go and sit in the back so pick me choose me love me please me [Music] being separated from your friends becoming isolated just what devastating anger is made of fly away and evil eyes this angry high school girl [Music] thank you you're so sweet yes your appetizer Lila and I've got your main course I'll bet your dessert oh uh well there's no real easy way to say this but uh look you're simp I'm sorry I'm sorry my own tray it's almost impossible with a sprained wrist sorry mine was totally lying she made a bat hole tonight a story just so she could sit next to age is completely bogus too I don't get it Marinette you barely know why actually no ladybug ah well I am I oh okay you want proof she's lying hey Lila you forgot your nap see that it's obvious she doesn't have a sprained wrist oh Marinette oh are you crying are you blind no I'm not hey Lila we'll have to figure out when you're going to help me catch up on all the super creamers I also heard you play piano my uncle's a great pianist joke for her Chuck she wanted to teach me when I was little but I had to stop playing because of arthritis but when my wrist gets better I'd love for you to give me some lessons Lila I'm perfectly happy being friends with you and I'll gladly help you catch up on your schoolwork but please don't lie to me like you did last time with ladybug I can't stand those super goody two shoes foreign I know you want to destroy ladybug I'm so tired yeah I remember you with pleasure I have some new powers for you chameleon to apologize for what just happened I've thought about it and you're right I want us to be friends so I'll never tell another lie again Nino I have something to tell you you don't deserve my friendship or your girlfriend or your cap hey you should see your faces don't miss my performance at the ice I'm out of here [Music] look oh no nowhere to run now Lee I don't intend to thank you a t-shirt made me dress like you my second time such horrible [Music] really look like chameleon you'll see it's an old acquaintance [Music] butterfly Bentley bye bye little butterfly oh what an interesting artifact [Music] thanks ladybug I'd be honored to call you my friend yeah I'm happy to hear that okay some advice you don't have to lie and pretend to be something you're not people will like you just for being yourself you have my word ladybug stop the cat bye this you this you foreign
Channel: Volpiina
Views: 5,618,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BWT5wG0TkCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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