Minivan Run and Gun, with The Reaper!!!

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yeah ice cream I got a got strawberry we got cookie blast never heard of them I'm good man I'm hopefully don't want to ice cream I'm lactose I got chocolate mint Magnum I'm fine I appreciate it though thank Oh 45 flavors our nine ounces of watermelon flavor I'm really good there I sell guns rum I'm so good trucks for guns how'd you follow me out here I just I know where the clientele isn't my business experience what is this feast your eyes whatever you want to make you a deal to be honest man I'm I kind of an ice cream now yeah we don't got any of that well the manipulation race before we get to do this video I want to say thanks to our sponsor simply safe simply safe is incredibly reliable and effective home security that keeps your home safe you order it online or on the phone it is shipped directly to your door and you install it by yourself in under an hour but man I'm just an old grandma how am I supposed to install this without a crew coming to my oh it's just got stinky tape and you put it wherever you want it it's so easy every one of these devices either installs with sticky tape or a screwdriver smart door locks freeze sensors window and door sensors panic buttons motion detectors glass break sensors water detectors video doorbells this is your key fob smoke detectors this is your keypad you have video cameras and your home base whether you are in a tiny little one-bedroom apartment or a giant warehouse simply safe can adapt to your situation we are actually about to install a simply safe system in my commercial warehouse we have a 15,000 square feet that was pretty tricky super easy to test everything and make sure it works this is an entry sensor it works this is a panic button that works simply safe will of course alert the police if there is any break-in or any event that happens but also has some really thoughtful features like if you just leave a door open or window open it will alert you and let you know hey you left your friend door open please visit simply save calm / demo ranch to learn more thank you simply safe for being a longtime sponsor of demolition ranch and thank you simply safe for protecting the future of my warehouse you guys want to see a little video with the reaper GD up welcome to demolition ranch I'm back here with Nick Irving the Reaper what's up dude a little umbrella we are this actually next first time together at the range you like I do I do we're about to about to send it as Nick might say and we're gonna do a little bit of competition I was just telling Nick about this it's kind of like in Call of Duty the gun game and in Call of Duty what you do is you get a gun and once you get a kill with that gun it switches you to the next gun immediately and the goal is to run through all the guns as fast as possible so we're gonna do something similar with these targets we're gonna take one gun hit the first target as soon as you hit it put the gun over here grab the next gun go to the next target until we clear all these targets we've got a fox over there we have the Texas star we've got bowling pins those all need to be knocked down we gotta hit the red on that one and then hit that little target with our outdoor and then we have two hostages we need to hit the flappers flip them around and then you stop the time after you've unloaded your guns pretty good singing time that was it you down yeah alright if you want to go first you and me go first to be honest I'd rather you go first all right let's do it here we go I'm gonna start the timer and start target safe on come down a little bit I'm already behind schedule you're good you're good [Music] Jim all right got the all tour here which is very hard to load under pressure all right again got a nine in my pocket got several nine time minute 41 dang it that's actually pretty fast oh man man I was hoping for way faster than that what would you expect him I don't know I was hoping for like 60 I stumbled on what was it oh that one to start the 44 I couldn't get me three shots you crush the star though crush sister I actually thought you were gonna do the bowling pins mm-hmm one at a time oh now you changed up my entire gameplay thought about it and I was like I got a full mag and I was like but then that one I hit it like four times I wouldn't fall that's what's going through it I don't know how I run this then now I'm gonna go okay I'm gonna go my way we're gonna set up all the targets and reload all the guns we'll be right back Oh like an operator it's so small you can't tell what you got this one took me two shots what totally slowed me down I'm confused I'm confused here we go right daddy daddy oh that was too low did not callo this gun is so slow to reload don't shoot yourself Nick you got it you got it hello Eddie I got a Wailord this is insane we forgot ah here's the deal he's already at 156 though but my bad that was actually me I let him test shoot that one so you know it worked and then I forgot to load it back up okay yeah pause reload we'll be right back you ready Nick going rock one in and action - ten seconds but I messed up give him the gun kid alright Adam by thirty second I have a feeling I'd be better at this because I've practiced this kind of stuff more but we have one more round that I think you could be better at that is hard to master for and I've shot a lot through that thing so I was definitely kind of cheating I even this though with it it's it's tricky I mean they say seven feet is what you're supposed to that so we're shooting it like three or four times the distance you're supposed to shoot that at you're supposed to go yeah like shoot from the hip just like you don't really you're not supposed to aim on this thing but you need to do tech on that we actually put a red dot you're kidding well you can see there was some glue up there but the first time shot is full so I need to like screw on there maybe next time the gold minivan everyone loves gold minivan we also got some gold seats in the back back here and the next part of this competition Nick we're going to be sitting in the back of the gold minivan one at a time shooting a gold ak-47 a lot of drip man will be so dripping all right we're gonna be sitting in here while it's moving and there will be targets popping up on both sides of us and you get one point for every target that you hit all the steel has fresh paint so we will know if you hit it there's also balloons there steel their steel their balloons their balloons there's also some shaving cream some fire extinguishers some steals the balloons some two liters slow down right here that's a hostage so the the yellow balloons there are good guys the red balloon is bad guy if you can decide to shoot out that if you want so that one's actually worth ten points for that red balloon but if you hit a yellow balloon - ten points oh so you want to go as many points you can a lot of plates a lot of shaving cream man we're going fast yeah a lot of balloons plates just it just keeps going there's about 50 targets and we're going to be driving through here with 60 rounds in an 8k so 2 mags 2 full mags you can hit the dueling tree there you can hit the pig there you can hit the orange man there and then we come through here we have the star and the bowling pins and the bowling pins and that's it this is we're out of targets there whew time to get out Knicks up first this is not a time thing because the Vans just rolling as fast as it goes it goes you have 60 runs you got your other mag got your spare oh wow this is hot they're coming right after this there they go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wow it's hard and targets normally but when you're in a bouncing car it makes it so were you totally dry dude I am all the way driving great chamber sweet all right man we're gonna go count targets we'll see where he's at and the balloon was like dodging him every tough leavin man here's 12 right here I noticed you went for the hostage dude you killed the hostage then you kill the bad guy I was right on it something happened a bump or something so that was well I got to now so you actually you killed one hostage and killed bad guy that's plus 10 minus 10 so that's that equals out that was good ii got in there I didn't know there's one of these over 13 this is your fire extinguisher that was oh yeah 15 right here there it is in the woods [Music] I did not hit any balloons overall in this song we started from right here yeah that's it hit that first thing so how was that 18:18 dude it's tall it's tough they're going so fast all right such a rush man that was fun we're gonna set them on backup get the same amount of targets for me and we're gonna run it again your targets are set we're heading out I just grabbed this barrel over here still very warm thanks to make Irving over here how's it good you don't get a chance to do that the army let alone this as a civilian yeah and yeah it's not everyone who has a awesome gold minivan that you can run and gun in so here we go all right get down to the end oh look look oh okay well we're going that fast I'm not gonna hit anything I'm going black Mack first so I don't have to throw my golden on the ground mmm wide stance here I got wide all right let's go Oh hot burner targets doors coming up nice [Music] there you go reload reload reload reload your mags the power comes from nice you got you got the tree coming up there you go [Music] it's dude I got probably like eight torii you gotta grow up in the hood man that's what it is like way harder than I thought it would be bro yes okay let's go count him two three four five six seven eight nine that balloon right there ten eleven yeah I just had a fire extinguisher so this was down my hostage guy I was down on the ground so I didn't even get a chance to take a shot of him missed all these I missed counting that plate right there so that's 12 I missed that one this was Nick's oh wait did I yep that's a no count still at 12 man I never even saw that red one I was trying yeah so there's my fire extinguisher I hit at 13 this is 14 stuff and I hit that first target to hit start and I hit nothing else so there's 15 right there yeah so you won second round I won the first round I think there's one way we can settle this for sure it's actually a competition with guns it's made to have two guys go head-to-head so we're gonna do this one the same time it's the dueling tree okay we each have 20 rounds he's shooting it out of the terran glock that's a Glock 17 l it's a all raced out ported and everything I'm shooting out of the the STI it's also a race gun it's the 2011 heads or tails tails tails you gets picked you and shoot first I'll go first all right so he just is gonna get the first shot and as soon as he fires I get to start shooting so we are ready to go the deal with the dueling tree I want to get all mine on that side he wants to get all his on this side if either one either one of us gets them on the other side we win and also we only have 20 rounds so if we run out then that's the end obviously and we're doing this all in 30 seconds dang I know what I called in that's just vet magic bro there's no greater man we're just we're both uptime [ __ ] that was our timer I didn't think we didn't totally even we can't leave this on a tie indefinitely so we're gonna have to get you back out here soon too easy name what kind of competition do you like to see Nick and I do next in the comments below thank you as always for coming out Nick always man good to see you and where can they find you on Instagram and Instagram that's the best place [Music] Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,727,172
Rating: 4.9586759 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: OuIcwlnt28g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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